Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

F9C. The snake in the vagina .20.23.42.-.

A snake (in Oceania, a moray eel) in the vagina; the vagina is the snake's mouth; the snake crawls out of a woman's mouth and bites off the man's penis during copulation; a woman with a toothy womb is associated with a snake.

Palau, Gilbert Islands, Tuamotu (Vahitahi) Islands, Agaria, Gondas, Lohar, Tsimshian, Thompson, Ojibwa Steppe, Seneca, Pawnee, Pomo, Yokutz, Aztecs, Juice, Mixtecs, Cosumalhuapa, Warrau, Shipibo , chacobo, mejinaca, nivacle, chorote, toba.

Micronesia-Polynesia. Palau [the woman has no intention of killing her husband, he extracts a moray eel from her vagina]: Mitchell 1973:260; Gilbert Islands [moray eel variant]: Maude 1963:55 in Mitchell 1973:260; Truk [moray eel variant]: Mitchell 1973:260; Tuamotu (Vahitahi) [Tagaroa sails into the country of a Faumea woman; moray eels are killing men in her vagina; she teaches T. how to extract them; gives birth to him two sons; one of them's wife is Hina; she is kidnapped by a demon octopus; T. and Hina's husband catch an octopus on the hook, kill her, and return the woman]: Beckwith 1970:289.

South Asia. Agaria [Dhoba's 12 sons came to a woman whose husband had a wound on his penis; they advised him to put his penis in boiling oil, he fell off; the woman agrees to go with her brothers if they will be able to satisfy her; at 11, after copulation, the penis is bitten off; the 12th notices a snake crawling out of a woman's mouth, killing her, taking her away; brothers grow new small penises; woman says that her sister's brothers will recover; she has teeth in her vagina, she bites off 11 penises; her younger brother knocks her teeth out with a stick, pushes them into powder, treats her brothers with it (their penises grow back); brothers they kill a woman, cook her meat, breathe in steam from the brew die]: Elwin 1949, No. 3:374-375; gondas: Elwin 1949, No. 29 [a woman sat down at an anthill, a snake climbed into her vagina and began to live in her inside; a merchant at the bazaar noticed a snake's head, told her husband to tie his wife, leaving the rooster next to him; the snake got out to the rooster scream and was killed], 30 [the younger brother meets the elder's wife; quarreled with her, refused to eat; to get him to talk, the old woman blew the winds near his face, he scolded her; agreed to start eating if he found a beautiful woman better than his older brother's wife; this is Bijinakan Kanya; A snake crawled into her vagina, her father drove her out of town thinking she was pregnant; one of her servants tried to rape her, but died from a snake bite in her vagina; the raven brought a young man to her, and sadhus married them; the snake tried to crawl out and bite the young man, he killed her; the girl recovered]: 388, 388-390; Lohar [the blacksmith's daughter sat down to pee; without getting up, she answered the brahmana; he said it was in her vagina there would be death; the blacksmith also answered him rude, the brahmana predicted that he would burn in the forge; the flame from the horn burned the blacksmith and his two wives; the daughter rushed into the furnace, but the flame immediately went out; the snake crawled in her vagina; five of the six brothers tried to get together with the girl, each was bitten off by a snake; the youngest sixth pulled out the snake with ticks; saved her life for healing his brothers; married girl]: Elwin 1949, No. 31:390-391

NW Coast. Tsimshian [22 entries; a young man undergoes many trials; often marries a girl with teeth in her vagina who kills grooms; he knocks out her teeth with a wedge or stone; instead of teeth, maybe rattlesnake head]: Boas 1916:809.

The coast is the Plateau. Thompson [the Quatquetl brothers meet a snake woman who invites passers-by to copulate and bites off their penises with her vagina; one of K. inserts a push-up across her, preventing her from allowing the vagina to close; turns a woman into a stone]: Teit 1917b, No. 3:17.

The Midwest. Steppe ojibwa [a girl marries three times, her husbands die every time; the latter's brother puts a stone into her bosom; snake teeth in her vagina are broken; the girl is killed, a big snake is found inside]: Skinner 1919, No. 6:297-298.

Northeast. Seneca [husband tells his wife not to sleep during the day; she falls asleep; he sees a rattlesnake crawl into her vagina; leaves his wife; several men consistently marry her, die; first husband talks about what she saw; a woman rushes to Niagara in despair; Thunder saves her, extracts the snake with a potion; marries; sends his wife back to her mother; her son becomes Thunder himself, goes to his father]: Curtin, Hewitt 1918, No. 43:228-229.

Plains. Pawnee [The Moon and the Evening Star are women, the Sun and the Morning Star are men; God (Power) puts two rattlesnake teeth in the bosom of the Evening Star; the Sun brings a knife and a hammer to the Morning Star ( in the form of a ball) from obsidian; he knocks out vaginal teeth with a hammer, picks out their roots with a knife, copulates; the Evening Star gives birth to a girl, the Moon from the Sun gives birth to a boy; they are lowered to the ground, from them people happen]: Marriott, Rachlin 1975:16-19.

California. Pomo [see motif K27; Coyote steals fish, is killed; Blue Jay revives him; Coyote removes the arrowhead that hit him from his body, puts it in his wife's body, the tip turns into a young man- Obsidian; goes with Coyote to the four Thunder Brothers; cuts a bear with her hand; withstands the tests; Thunder gives him his daughter, her body is covered with snakes; Obsidian kills them with a potion, sleeps with a girl; winning Thunder, leaves, leaving his daughter]: Barrett 1933, No. 48:210-220; Yokutz (Gashowu) [the hawk woman lived alone; killed deer and immediately ate, leaving only the skin; the wolf and coyote came to her; she She fed them acorn porridge, made food from dried venison and gave them with her; promised to continue to feed them and their children, but they should not tell anyone about it; the magpie was a healer, she found out everything others followed; the eagle chief sent a pigeon to forty; she spoke of a hawk woman; all the men came to her wanting to marry her, but she refused; the coyote pretended to be sick; the wind caused, he began tear off the roof of the house; she had to let the coyote rope secure the roof; the woman did not want to leave him in the house overnight, but had to; did not allow the coyote to take possession of it; at night she put a rattlesnake in her vagina ; the coyote put a wooden cover over his penis, the snake broke his teeth; the woman agreed to take out the snake and they came together; they had a son; he was put in water for three days and grew up; the coyote made many beads and a son became a player; wanted to kill an owl, but he bewitched him into a condor; the coyote shouted: kill the owl before the son finally became a condor, but he only cried; the condor flew away; the wife shoved it again A snake in her vagina, she bit a coyote and he died; the condor hunted people; tried to make his mother a cannibal, but she refused; brought two boys and a girl, told her mother to feed them; she told the boys to kill him, otherwise he would destroy them all; when the condor arrived to drink, the boys fired arrows at him, and their sister would pull them out of the condor's body and bring them back to the brothers; the condor did not have anything I felt it; his mother hid the children in a hole, covered it herself with a stone; the condor almost flew to the top of the sky, but then fell; they burned his body; his eyes flew out of their orbits; they could not be found either Today's condors have emerged; a woman and a girl descended to earth through a hole in the sky on a rope of feathers, and brothers came to where heaven meets earth; there people without mouths feed on smell prepared food; brothers showed how to eat, cut through one person's mouth; he spoke; cut through the mouths of others; everyone could eat and speak; brothers returned home]: Kroeber 1907a, No. 14:205-209.

Mesoamerica Aztecs: Klein 2000:1-3, fig.1a [female demonic being Cicimitl: a figure with skeletal features, clawed arms and legs in a skirt; the head and tail of a rattlesnake can be seen from under the skirt]; Nuttall 1975, folio 76 [see. Klein]; Milbrath 1988 [the goddess Cihuacoatl (Sahagun 1950-1982,6:160) was summoned during childbirth, perhaps because she was considered the first woman to give birth; cihuatl is the "uterus", i.e. the "snake womb" or "womb with snakes"]: 161-162; juice [there is a snake mouth in the vagina of an old woman living in a volcano]: Baez-Jorge 1983:393; misteki [a person falls in love with a beautiful woman; having sex with her , discovers that her vagina is a snake's mouth; dies shortly thereafter]: Monaghan 1995:145; Cozumalhuapa, Guatemalan Coast, Classical Period (Bilbao, Monument 21) [relief on a vast a stone boulder; the scene is framed by a vine that has human heads instead of pumpkins; on the right side of the throne, a female character with rattlesnakes coming out from under his clothes (almost certainly the motif of a toothy womb); she holds two heads in her hands; a male character is standing in front of her, a knife in her right hand, and her left head; behind him is another smaller male character, apparently wearing a doll on his right hand]: Chinchilla Mazariegos 1915, fig. 2 (more detailed drawing), Parsons 1969, frontispiece (less detailed drawing).

Guiana. Warrau [see J16C motif; K27 motif; Nahakoboni (Who eats a lot) makes a daughter out of wood; the Sun marries her, performs father-in-law's tasks; the Sun's wife has no vagina, the bird hollows out hers; father-in-law takes the snake out of her daughter's vagina]: Wilbert 1970, #166:358.

Montagna - Jurua. Shipibo [a girl sits on the ground, making clay pots, copulating with a worm; a mother pours boiling water on it; a daughter goes into the forest; a Jaguar sees worms in her vagina; puts healing leaves in it, expelling spiders, scorpions, snakes, fish, lizards; his wife removes a splinter from his teeth; in pain he turns into a jaguar; his wife and two children return to people; jaguars attack the village; the older brother leaves to the jaguar father; since then, humans and jaguars have lived separately; (in other pano texts on a similar plot, both including and devoid of a bite motif, snakes or insects appear from the womb of a woman)]: Roe 1982, no. 4:53-54.

Bolivia - Guaporé. Chacobo: Balzano 1984 [girl rejects grooms; sits on the floor in her room copulating with a snake crawling into her from below; her mother pours boiling water over the snake's mink, hangs a dead snake in at the door; the girl goes into the forest; the Jaguar copulates with her, is bitten by a rattlesnake in her vagina; takes out the snakes, pouring a potion into her vagina; some crawl away, they come from the current ones]: 27-28; Kelm 1972, No. 17 [the girl refuses all men; in the house she sits on a snake hole, copulates with a snake; the mother swept, saw a snake, poured boiling water, hung the corpse in the doorway; the girl went to the forest, pregnant snakes; a jaguar in the form of a man began to copulate with her, snakes bit his penis; then he brought out snakes with medicine; snakes of all kinds crawled out, the jaguar killed them; the monkey asked her to kill machetes snakes, I missed a few, so now there are snakes; a son was born, all three came to the woman's mother; the husband warned not to give the child in the arms of his grandmother, the mother gave it, the child bit the grandmother, she died; the family returned to the forest; grandma's husband went and killed the jaguar]: 242-243.

Southern Amazon. Mejinacu.

Chaco. Nivacle [Battleship burns a woman, snakes spread around the world]; chorote: Wilbert, Simoneau 1985, No. 105 [a woman named Vampire has a period, she touches snakeskin with her genitals; the Joisá hawk sticks a piece of wood, snakes bite her; he leads the woman into the bush, people set them on fire; he sees snake heads in her vagina; she runs, she throws a rattlesnake at him, but he dodges; she burns, snakes too, but some of them have crawled away, they are the current ones], 106 [a woman has her period, snakeskin accidentally enters her vagina; there are now many snakes in her womb; skin with menstrual blood has given rise to poison; The men who converge with her die; Ahóusa puts a reed on his penis, feels that snakes are biting it; he takes the woman to where the men have set fire to the vegetation; he jumps out, only slightly burned, Now the feathers on the back of this bird of prey's head are short; the woman burned down, all the snakes crawled out of her; A. raked up the ash, there was a worm, he became a blood-sucking vampire; some snakes A. pulled out poisonous teeth, they are now harmless]: 203-204, 205-208; toba [a woman with teeth in her bosom maims men; an old man kills her by sticking a stick into her vagina and piercing her heart; cuts her stomach and kills snakes]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1989a, No. 396:548.