F9E. Mice in the vagina .41.61.
There are small mammals with sharp teeth in the woman's vagina.
Kuchin, Khan, Upper Tanana, Tagish, Helmet, Yellowknife, Beaver, Chipewayyan, Sekoya.
Subarctic. Kuchin: McGary 1984 [Ch'iteehaakwaii and Wolverine spend the night in the woods, leave their pants to dry by the fire; Ch. quietly swaps their pants and Wolverine's pants; spies, sees Wolverine throws her pants into the fire, thinking he is throwing off his pants Ch.; Ch. leaves in the morning; Wolverine promises to go too when she makes herself new pants; Ch. comes to the Lynx woman, she feeds him; passes by, swims away Wolverine; Ch. meets them and his family; swims on; a woman invites him to her place, gives him a man, he does not eat; sees that she is an Otter; tells her to eat fish from now on; he throws something at her then again, a mink jumps out of her ass, then a caress; (in many versions they lived in a woman's vagina, killed men during copulation); Ch. tells caress to eat mice]: 396-407; McKennan 1965 [ An otter woman invites Giateaquoynt to copulate; he puts a stick in her vagina, the stick is bitten; at night she breaks the Otter's head with a log (otters have had a flat head since then); throws his body into the fire; from Laska and Mink pop up vaginas; they were the ones who bit off men's penises]: 115-116; Petitot 1886, No. 5 [the older brother has two wives; he ties his younger brother, lowers the deck into the sea; the young man asks the seagull to swim in front of him, the sea calms down, brings the deck ashore; the white wolf tries to gnaw through the fetters, the marten succeeds; the young man comes to a village where there are only dogs; there is meat there, but because of the smell of a dog, it is impossible yes; he enters the dark passage, sees the eagle's feathered skin hanging, puts it on, flies into the village; children recognize eagle skin, pierce it; adults invite him to live with them; these people are dogs below belts; a young man stays in a house where a girl marries her, feeds him with mouse legs, mice are deer for them; local people do not know what sleep means; the young man falls asleep, others think he is dead; When he wakes up, he says that he has learned the secret of sleep in a dream; he throws a hare's eyes into the fire, others fall asleep; these people hunt polar owls, ask him to catch owls; he shot one, she fell into a house where his wife scratched it to death; the harvested mouse fell into the fire and burned; the dogs believe that the young man is to blame, tell him to leave; he comes to a deer hunter who has second eyes on the back of the head, and the skis are bent at both ends to go both ways; with his sword he killed all dog dogs; the young man puts on eagle plumage again, flies over the sea, and, if desired, creates an island to relax; He flies to his brother, who promises him one of his wives, but the young man grabs him by the hair, picks him up, throws him into the river, he drowns; the young man comes to his two wives, one has parasites caresses, the other has mice; he cleansed women from them, slept with both; pierced his chest with one eagle feather, she gave birth to a boy; one day he went hunting, grabbed him by the heel, dragged him into the water and drowned by a huge pike; it was his older brother]: 56 -67; Khan [An otter woman invites Beaver to copulate; he sees biting animals in her vagina; Beaver first inserts a stick, it is cleared, then sticks a hot stone, the woman dies; the Beaver kills weasels, minks, mice]: Rooth 1971:271; upper tanana [Mink girl bites off men's penises with her toothy vagina, devours the dead; Tsaosha (Beaver) introduces sleeping Mink into the bosom green shoot; it is immediately chewed; pokes burning smut; Mink dies; Beaver cuts her belly, weasels and minks pop up]: McKennan 1959:184-185; Tagish: McClelland 2007, No. 74c [Beaver ( Smart Beaver) sees a beaver woman making human skin; she suggests lying with her; he puts a branch in her vagina, the branch is eaten; then a hot stone, killing creatures in her vagina; she dies; then comes to life, says everyone is killed]: 376-377; Norman 1990 [like a khan; a mink woman; weasels, minks, mice jump out; a woman comes to life; becoming a mink, she sails behind a Beaver boat; he escapes her]: 106-107; helmet [The beaver comes to the Otter; she has biting animals in her genitals, so she kills men; the Beaver sends her to bring drinking water, sails away in the boat; she comes to him parking lot, lies down undressed with his legs apart; Beaver kills her by putting a hot stone in her vagina; a weasel and a ferret pop up from there, Beaver kills them]: Teit 1917a, No. 1:435; beaver [Tumashal comes to the beaver dam; there is a girl crying; says that a giant beaver can only be pacified by people who give it to him, now they have given her; T. kills Beaver with an arrow, cuts into small pieces, of which current beavers appear; T. puts a trap, the Sun falls into it; it gets dark; T. cannot approach because of the heat; other animals fail either, only the Mouse gnaws through the fetters; T. meets an old man, he eats lynx meat, they spend the night in the forest; T. replaces moccasins drying by the fire in advance; the old man throws his own into the fire instead of T.; in the morning T. gives him one moccasin from his pair; the old man gives him an arrow; T. shoots, follows her, finds himself in the sky; an old woman lowers him on a rope; he thinks he has reached the ground, gives a signal, the rope falls; in fact, he is in a big nest; kills two chicks; a third replies that the father will arrive with hail, the mother with the rain; T. kills adult birds, turns the chick into an ordinary bird, teaches how to fish; T. comes to a woman, she says that inside her three daughters are bad creatures that kill men; T. destroys these creatures (without details), marries girls; father-in-law consistently orders to bring various materials for making arrows, the old woman warns each time about dangers; 1) bring saskatoons (probably reeds) to make poles (there are snakes, T. puts on stone moccasins, brings reeds); 2) get a grinding stone; on the edge of the cliff, a male elk throws down those who come, his wife kills them; T. throws off the Moose himself, the wife takes the fall for a stranger; T. kills her with a stick, brings a stone; 3) bring feathers for arrows; T. kills huge eagles, brings feathers; 4) bring the tendons of a huge bison; he has two snipes sitting on his horns, warning people of approaching; T. turns into a rodent, digs passages in different directions, gnaws hair from the bison's chest (shoulder), pierces it in this place, brings tendons; 5) bring resin, it's between two collapsing trees; T. puts on stone mittens, brings resin; 6) hunt bears; father-in-law turns his daughters into bears, T. kills them; chases his father-in-law, who jumps into the water; T. tells the pelican to drink the lake; father-in-law drowns; T. meets an old man, who turns out to be his youngest brother, they tell each other about their adventures]: Goddard 1916:232-237; Yellowknife: Petitot 1886, No. 3 [the giant gives two brothers male and female arrows that hunt males and females; tells you not to pick them up, they come back on their own; the youngest shoots a squirrel, climbs a tree for an arrow, she takes him to heaven; he comes to the old woman; in the vagina of her eldest daughter there is a caress, the youngest is a mouse; the old woman stains his face with soot, but in the morning he washes and his sisters ask him to lie between them; he fails; the wolf digs a way, helps him get back; the young man tries to kill his younger sister, but she is immortal; mice, rats, moles, snakes, worms, death, hunger, cold, illness come out of her vagina; the old woman lowers the young man on her belt from the sky, he finds himself in the nest of cannibal eagles; the chick hides him under her wing; replies that the father will bring the day, the mother the night; lets the feathers go down], 4 [starts as in (3); the young man falls down; the sisters go to look for their guest, meet a monster with one eye, one hand, mouth off ear to ear; this is Eziel is death; he promises to spare the young man if one of his sisters marries him - E.; E. is carried away by an eagle; sisters take the arrows given by the old man to the young man, carried to the lower world; Thunderbird brings them to the seashore; their mother predicts that two brothers will marry them; Thunderbird brings a young man to the ground; giants help sisters; both brothers and sisters get together]: 352-370; Chipewayan: Birket-Smith 1930 [two brothers sail to giants; when hunting, a giant wears them in his mittens; sends them home, tells them not to climb a tree for an arrow if it gets stuck; the elder climbs, the tree grows, the youngest cries below, turns into a wolf; the eldest wakes up on the ground; comes to the old woman, her two daughters Ermine and Mouse laugh forever; the old woman smears the young man's face with soot; when it is washed, girls stop laughing; he sleeps with the Ermine; in the morning the old woman and the Mouse make it fall into the ground; women leave; Wolves dig him up; he comes to women, sleeps with the Mouse; wolves Ermine eats; he tears his clothes Mouse, mice jump out; he sews up his clothes, the Mouse becomes his real wife]: 92-95; Lowie 1912 [Cree kill everyone, two brothers remain; come to the giants, those they give two arrows, tell them not to go after one of them if she gets stuck in a tree; one of the brothers breaks the ban, climbs a tree, goes to heaven; it's winter there; the old woman gives her two daughters for him; one in the mouse's vagina, the other has an ermine; he sticks his hand, is bitten; falls into the ground, his wives dig him up; wolves tear the girl with the ermines, tear off the clothes from the one in which the mice are wearing; the mice come out of her; mother-in-law lowers the young man in the basket through a hole in the sky; he falls into an eagle's nest; the eagle says that his mother will fly like a cloud, his father will make a noise like the wind; gives the young man feathers, he flies to the ground; the big eagle brings it back to the nest, but the eagles release it again]: 189-193.
Western Amazon. See F9B motif. Sekoya [while the two wives of the Month are sleeping, he takes what bites from their genitals, releases them into the forest; now they are vampire bats]: Cipolletti 1988, No. 3c: 46.