Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

G10. The tree is suspended from the sky .

A tree with a broken trunk remains hanging, as it is held from above.

Monumbo, Muria, Semangi, Kuna, Embera, Kogi, Yaruro, Guayabero, Cuiva, Shikuani, Piaroa, Makiritare, Sanema, Yanomami, Yanomam, Arecuna, Carinha, Hishkaryana, Koreguahe, Siona, Maihuna , kofan, napo, waorani, piapoko, ufaina, makuna, yukuna, andoke, uitoto, okaina, chikuna, yagua.

Melanesia. Monumbo [Kain ("snake") turned into a snake, lay down on the path; Daria walked along it, brought the snake to her; gave birth to a son with a human head and the body of a snake; while K. was fishing, D. killed and cooked a son, she broke her husband's weapon, crashed the boat, ran away; in different villages, many men offered themselves to her as husbands, but she went to Kamadonga; to stop her pursuers, she wrote, drew a line - a river appeared; Kam. did not have cultivated plants, D. cooked bananas and tarot for him; he did not have genitals, she made them for him from pepper tree fruit and betel nuts; let him see her genitals, met him; went to Lubou on an island near the island. Manam also gave him genitals; walked along the shore, turned the stones into fish, became a fish between the stones herself; Ngapem shot her, surprised that the arrow that pierced the fish was smeared in tarot; he brought the fish home; while N. was gone, D. (in the form of a human being) removed fire from her genitals, regurgitated bananas and tarot, baked and fed her husband; N.'s children also ate and slept; and N.'s younger brother's children cried from hunger; N. told his brother to go ashore; If he sees Daria fish, he should not converge with it; but he got together; became a Pakei tree; bananas, yams, tarot grew on it; fell and rotted; two brothers sailed in a boat with a dog; the dog jumped out, I ate by the tree, came back; they tied a rope to the dog, found a tree; they brought it home, gave it to the old woman, she became young; people sharpened their axes, began to cut the trunk, it remained intact; they broke off the sliver was burned; and so on, the trunk was cut, the tree continued to hang on the vine; this vine was the hand of a character; they sent a boy upstairs, the tree told him to call his mother to meet her; the boy's father was told to call his wife; the men left; another came with two wives; hid the beautiful one, let the tree meet with the ugly one, the tree fell; the man from Dagoi came when all the cultivated plants dismantled; Daria advised him to make tops out of vines and exchange them for bananas; people in this village do so]: Höltker 1965, No. 2:72-77.

South Asia. Muria [at first, the clouds were close to the ground like husband to wife; people were small, plowing rats, knocking their heads against the clouds; Lingo and his brothers pushed the clouds away; there was no sun and moon; when the Huppe Piyer tree was blooming, it was the day when it dried up - night; 12 Lingo brothers and 13 Bhimul brothers cut it down, could sleep and cook in the felling; they almost cut it down, but the tree did not fall because it was upstairs the bird was held by Gara-surial-pite; Kosa Kana killed it with an ax, the tree collapsed; the local Rajas sent warriors to kill the loggers, but L. killed them, blood nourished the tree; the brothers carved two discs from the wood, the lower for the sun, upper for the moon; L. went up to heaven, stole Mahapurub's little son, killed him, revived his stars with blood; the Man Sun drank a lot, blushed; Moon woman - little, remained pale; seeing Sun, Mahapurub was pleased]: Elwin 1949, No. 8:62-64.

Malaysia-Indonesia. Semangs [in the center of the earth is the Batu Rib'm stone pillar; on it there is a tree trunk with rankel (related to Malay rangkai: bunch, bundle, chain), a rotating disk from which bunches of buds hang fruit tree flowers; as it rotates, various fruits ripen on the ground (Schebesta 1957:38); same in Evans 1937:189, instead of rankel, lambong; some of the groups including Schebesta collected data: the top of the Batu Rib'm pillar has rotted and hala hold the rankel for the rotan vine (Schebesta 1957:41); the Jahai group: the tree trunk is gone, but its top remains and extends across everything sky (Schebesta 1957:43)]: Endicott 1979:46-48.

Honduras vs Panama. Kuna [woman carries fish, sings about Palu-huala (salt tree); Ibelele Olovaipilele (Sun) spends the night at the surba (a special section in a house where initiations are celebrated girls), finds out where this tree is located; on it and in it all cultivated plants, fresh and salt water, fish, game; Wild pigs (Dicotyles torquatus, D. labiatus) and Coati (Nasua sociales) are nephews I.; he tells them to cut down a tree; in the morning the trunk is intact; Jaguars, Snakes, the leader of the Frogs licked the felling at night; I. sends his brother Equaquinialilele (Venus) to guard the tree; he kills Jaguar, Snake, Frog; people cut down a tree; chips fall into the pond, turn into inedible fish; the top is entangled in bunches of clouds; I.'s servants only reached half of the trunk; Little Squirrel reached only half of the trunk; Little Squirrel reached clouds, cut off bunches; I. caught salt water in the net that formed the sea; people received fish, tree seeds, bananas, cassava, and other cultivated plants]: Nordenskiöld 1938:175-178.

The Northern Andes. Ambera: Arango Bueno 1963 [vine holds the tree from above; toucan, parrot can't, another parrot (guacamayo) cuts the vine]: 185; Isacsson 1993 [Microsciurus sp. cuts a vine; sloth , another squirrel can't]: 53; Rochereau 1929:8 and Torres de Arauz 1963 (katio) [a woman keeps all the water in a cave; Caragabí cut a woman in half, turning her into a narrow-waisted black ant; an ant hid the water in the hollow trunk of the Genené tree (sacred to katio); K. and his men began to cut down the tree, cutting down the old ant woman first overgrown the felling; when cut down, the trunk remained hanging on the vine; monkeys, squirrels fail, another squirrel cuts the vine, the tree fell, the water flooded the ground; K. and his people escaped on the rock; K. sent the Heron, the Duck, the Raven - they did not return, they were fishing; K. created the Pigeon, he returned when he found land; the trunk formed the sea, the branches formed rivers, the buds formed streams and swamps; the Genené trunk and the Monpahuará rock are still somewhere, surrounded by four lights; someday the mountain will open , a fiery river will flood the earth; then K. and his descendants will live on earth forever]: 25-26; Pinto García 1978 [the tree catches on the vines; only the smallest squirrel cuts them off]: 158-160; Wassen 1933, No. 3 [The ant Conga had all the water; he refused to give water to God; he made him open his mouth, stretching his waist, which became narrow; the water was in the tree; God gathered everyone to cut it down; in the evening, when the others if they rested, the Toad asked the ax to work, but with each blow, the felling did not deepen, but overgrown; God watched, stepped on the Toad, which became a toad; four days later the trunk was cut, the tree remained hang on the vine; all the bird people tried to cut it, the toucan, the parrot and others could not; the guacamayo cut it, the tree fell, the trunk became the sea, the branches became rivers; God told the Devil to throw salt into the sea, that He threw it, but the water was still fresh; God threw it himself, became salty]: 109; when [Niuálue came down from the sky, began to fish with poison, went downstream, and when he returned, he saw that he was already Taimú ate the picked up catfish; he ate them raw, with his mouth and back, and (S. 85) he had a second pair of eyes on the back of his head; N. climbed one of the four trees nearby; T. asked the fish where N., those they were silent, he ate them; finally, one looked at the tree; T. began to gnaw on the trees, a day later he knocked down two out of four, butterflies flew out of the trunk, worms crawled out, T. ate them; he could no longer gnaw, broke his teeth; called squirrels, mice, hedgehogs and other animals, they knocked down the third tree; N. tied the last tree with nine threads; when the trunk was gnawed, it did not fall; asked the eagle for help, he carried it to watch out for the chicks; the tree, meanwhile, fell, T. ate butterflies and worms that fell with it, thought N. was eating; N. decided that the eagles smelled bad, threw them on the ground, went down and ran away; the eagle asked his sister Saumá (a female forest demon, crazy) to catch N.; she put T. in her bag, N. began to play with her twice; the third time she carried the bag, but put it down and walked away; N. tore his bag and ran away]: Preuss 1926, No. 9:194-201.

Llanos. Yaruro [tree roots or branches in the sky, woodpecker cuts them]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1990c, No. 40 [branches], 41 [roots], 45 [woodpecker finds a tree on which yams, bananas, cassava, etc. ripen; only the Mouse came to eat these fruits; people were watching the Mouse, finding a tree; they cut down all day, returned in the morning, cutting down the thicket; they cut the trunk, but the branch was entangled in the sky; the woodpecker cut it, turned into a bird; the tree fell towards the Meta River, where all kinds of cultivated plants are now abundant]: 67, 69, 73-74; guayabero [a man ate a fruit in the water, became pregnant; his stomach was cut, The boy Naxén came out; he taught people how to farm, there were no cultivated plants before; N. had a sparkling rainbow head; the Sun wanted one for himself; they started fighting; N. left, took everything with him cultivated plants, famine came; N. went to the island at sea, turned into a giant tree with cassava, sweet potato, peach palm and other plants (but not corn); told the Forest Dog that he could eat, but forbid giving it to the Sun; the Sun noticed papaya residues in his excrement; saw the way, sent the Rat, which did not catch up with the Forest Dog, but Lapa (aguti?) I found a tree; they began to cut the trunk with stone axes, the felling overgrown overnight; two months later they asked ants to carry away the chips, now they are white pebbles in the mountains; the trunk was cut, but the tree was cut down behind the vine suspended from the sky, the vine led to N.'s heart; the squirrel cut off the vine; when the tree fell, the tree hit the Squirrel; the tree fell into the sea; the tapirs collected fruits]: Schindler 1977a: 226-228; cuiva [vine to the sky, many they try to cut it off, the squirrel cuts it off]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1991b, No. 113, 114:167-169, 172-173; sicuani [vine to the sky; mockingbird, toucan, oropendole fails, squirrel cuts or gnaws it ]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1992, No. 44-48, 49, 51, 52:196, 210, 214, 217, 223, 228, 230; Yépez 1984 (guajibo) [at the beginning of the world, 4 men (Tsamani, Livirnei, etc.), they ate only wild fruits; in their All animal people came to the village; the opossum found the Kalivirnai tree (a fruit tree); a vine departed from it, along which it moved to the other side of the Sipalo River (a tributary of the Orinoco); this is where the tree grew; under it I found tubers and fruits of cassava, peach palm, sweet potato, mapei (Lilium sp.); paka traced, swam across the river, found pineapple peel; dropped one whole opossum pineapple, paka brought it and gave it to everyone try; Paka and the opossum began to fight, burned each other with hot coals; C. and L. gathered people to cut wood; some had bad axes, but the felling made with good axes was overgrown by morning; then they asked the ants to carry the chips; they threw them into Orinoco, so rapids formed; for this they told themselves the right to eat cassava leaves and other cultivated plants; the tree still did not fall, from above it was held by a vine; the mochilero and piapoco birds tried to cut it; the juice was the first to splash into the eyes, since then they were green; the squirrel cut the vine; when the tree collapsed, they collected all kinds of seeds and shoots; Each branch had its own plant species; a branch with a peach palm fell into the water; each group of cutters picked up its own branch, so ethnic differences (cuiba, piapoco, etc.) appeared; the turtle picked up only pepper, and the tapir took the last branch that fell into the water; C. told everyone to plant what they had picked up, but the tapir wanted to keep everything for himself, fished his bunch out of the water and hid it; but while he was climbing for the second bunch, C. stole the seed from the first one; this is how all the cultivated plants were extracted; they held a festival, took the drug yopo; there were no people then; the tree fell east, below the mouth of Vichada; the fallen parts became mountains, In clear weather, you can see; if the tree fell otherwise, it would block Orinoco; the houses where the holidays were held were also petrified]: 8-11, 16-17.

Southern Venezuela. Piaroa [Los waikuni worked, wanted to drink; there were no rivers yet, they asked Vahari for water; he replied that only women drink water at work, and men drink yopo and caapi drugs; V. asked the women where they got the water, they showed V. went there, but the Vaikuni magically mixed V.'s thoughts, he wandered through the forest for several years; tied the branches of a tree with a rope on which all the edible fruits were edible to it could not be cut down; one animal climbed a tree, gnawed a rope; people came and took the fruit; when V. came, there was only one bump left; Buoka (brother V.) put the disease in it; V. ate a bump, he had teeth and head hurt]: Boglar 1977, No. 29:285-287;; makiritare [there were no birds, Wanadi turned sticks into birds {i.e. bird people, first ancestors}; bird leader Semenia taught how to cultivate the land; Jaguar and Tapir did not work together with others, collected fallen fruits, hid them; S. sent them to bring water in baskets; the rest, under S.'s leadership, began to cut down the Marahuaca tree with all the cultivated plants on the branches; Toucan's axe is broken (so his beak now has a crooked beak), the Woodpeckers continue to cut; they go to rest, felling overgrows by morning; they cut down alternating without interruption; the trunk is cut, but the tree hangs, entangled in the sky (the top of the tree faces the ground); this is reported by the Squirrel climbing up; S. gives him an ax, the Squirrel cuts off the heavenly roots, M. fell, from the chopped roots to heavenly waters poured in the earth, rain, forming rivers; the earth became green with vegetation; the trunk fragments turned into mountains; everyone is happy]: Civrieux 1960:132-139; Sanema [(Colchster 1981:78-86); Samonamaniapada (samonala ola: sweet honey) works well on the site, speaks Makiritare, Opossum does not work well, does not know the language; two partridge girls (Odontophorus gujanensis) came and saw Kashtali hammock (a little inedible mouse), began to poke him in the eye with a lit knot; he ran to his older brother Opossum; Opossum dressed up, came home, lay down in a hammock; the girls try with him play, but repelled because of the stench; Honey came, all the girls surrounded him; Opossum went to the Lizards, took their witchcraft grass, blew on Honey, he died; the girls mourn; the possum only pretends; Snakes understood this, chased him, he climbed a tall tree; all the bird people and woodworms began to cut it, everyone's axes broke; all the animals came; Ant (his name means wide-ass little aguti) climbed a tree, killed the Possum with an ax, killed him, blood flowed; the trunk was cut, the tree remained hanging on the sunny vine; Little Sloth, then the Big, White Monkey, Squirrels, Ocelot, Puma, Jaguar tried to cut it, but not completely, tried to descend quickly; the squirrel cut, crushed the Little Sloth; the birds painted with the blood of Opossum, regained their current color]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1990b, No. 132:240-246; Yanomami: Wilbert, Simoneau 1990b, No. 131 [(Cocco 1972:221-224); girls rejected Naro's opossum because of its stench; Bee and N. were at a festival in another village; N. rejected everything, the girl followed the Bee; when she came, N. was the first to see her, but she rejected him, came to the Bee; N. prepared witchcraft grass, shot grass at the Bee with a wind gun; When he returned home, he died; N. went and shot at guaricongo, but he woke up, said at home that N. had also killed Meda; N. ran away, began to turn into an opossum; the boys were sent to watch him, who became birds; N. hides in a tree, the Ant climbs after him, then turns into an ant; everyone began to cut down the tree, broke off the axes, so these birds have short beaks; finally, they cut the trunk, but the tree hangs on the vine; Little Sloth cut it, fell down, N. crashed; birds and animals painted with blood, brain, possum crap, acquired their current color, became birds and animals], 133 [(Lizot MS); Opossum was in a neighboring village, left a love remedy there, two girls followed him, he met one on the road; returned, met with the second, her name was Medovaya; both came to his house; his mother Smelly Mushroom cut the meat off her thighs, gave them tapir under the guise of meat; the sisters went from the Possum to Honey; the Opossum made a witchcraft from rodent hair and vegetable fibers, sent it to Meda; also to the Lizard , but he survived, said that the Opossum was only pretending to grieve, he was the murderer; the Opossum fled, the Woodpecker saw him in a recess on the rock; the Earthworm was sent to cover the Possum with a stone; people became cut down the rock; many axes (= beaks) broke; the rock began to fall, but it was held by a vine; The Sloth cut it, the Opossum was crushed; birds and animals colored with its blood, excrement, brain, turn into hekura perfume; Smelly Mushroom became a mushroom; ash from burned Honey became bees], 134 [(Lizot MS); two girls came to marry a handsome man, entered the house; sat to the right of the entrance where Opossum and his mother lived Smelly Mushroom; Opossum came back from being lucky (pretending to work), dressed up, cut off a piece of meat from his thigh, gave the girls tapir under the guise of tapir meat; they saw Honey, went over to him; at night, the Opossum hears them laughter; makes a witchcraft, tries on the Lizard, he survived; Honey is sick, dead; Opossum lies as if his "younger brother" bequeathed wives to him; The lizard tells the truth, the Opossum is running, the Woodpecker notices him on rock; the Earthworm climbed, covered the recess where the Possum took refuge with a stove; the birds began to cut the rock, the axes (i.e. beaks) became dull, bent; the rock began to fall, hung on the vine; the Sloth cut it, The opossum crashed, the birds, the sloth painted his blood, brain, became hekura spirits]: 235-239, 247-256, 257-262; Yanomam [(Albert MS); two dove sisters reject the smelly Possum, want to go out for Honey; their brother tells them that Mead's house will have mako feathers; Opossum puts on Honey's jewelry, throws mako feathers around himself; Honey works on the site, Opossum only pretends to cut trees; girls see mako feathers, hang hammocks in the Opossum section; he cuts off a piece of meat from his thigh, gives it to them under the guise of tapir meat; Honey demands its mako feathers back, Opossum has to hang motmot feathers; Honey takes his wives; Opossum burns his hair from his armpits, makes a code remedy, kills Honey with it in his hammock, the girls also died; Opossum ran, hid in a hollow in a tree; two Ants got up, crushed it with a stone; bird-people cut down the tree, the axes became dull, but it still fell; birds and animals painted with blood, bile, and the brain of the Possum]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1990, No. 130:229-234.

Guiana. The vine keeps the tree from falling; see motif G5. Arekuna [vines are held on top of the tree; Makunaima sends Kali the squirrel to cut them; he is bitten by wasps, his eyelids have swollen ever since]: Koch-Grünberg 1924, No. 1:33-36; carinha (Guyana) [monkeys fail, squirrel cuts a vine]: Gillin 1936, No. 1:189-190; hishkaryana [zap. 1961; cassava was on an inaccessible top of a rocky island; there are also bananas, yams, sweet potatoes and other cultural plants; The squirrel cut off the vine that held them (the informant corrected himself: no, the Squirrel got scared, cut off the Hummingbird); people planted the plants]: Derbyshire 1965:15.

Western Amazon. Koreguahe [there was no water, people squeezed it out of the vines; the man saw the battleship chew through the root, water poured out of there; this man used water alone; others watched and found the tree from which this root was; the Parrot axes were dull; Parrots of another species are finishing their work; falling chips turn into water; the sky was low, the top of the tree was entangled in it; the squirrel rose, They cut off the branch, now it's raining; the tree turned into the sea, the branches into rivers; the water kept on rising, it was necessary to cross the sea by log; the menstruating woman was to go last but it went in the middle; when it stepped on a log, it sank into the water with those who did not have time to reach the opposite bank; so there were few Indians; at the core of that tree was an anaconda]: Jimenez 1989, No. 16:33- 35; Zion: Chaves 1958:138 [Only the Turtle owns water; knocks on the trunk, the water is pouring, the Turtle is swimming; people ask for water, the Turtle invites them to cut down a tree; Woodpeckers, then the Big Squirrels break their axes; Little Squirrels cut down the trunk; tree branches are entangled in the clouds; Little Squirrel climbs up, cuts off branches, stays in the sky; the tree falls; the trunk turns into the sea, branches into rivers, leaves in lakes; rivers also form in the sky], 139 [people do not give food to the turtle woman; she hides water; a stingy man hides fire, corn, peach palm; people find a tree with a top to the sky; Parrots, Woodpeckers cut it with axes for a long time; the branches are entangled in the clouds (the episode with the Squirrel as in p.138); the turtle steals seeds of cultivated plants from the stingy, gives it to people]; mayhuna [toucans cut down a tree, which contains water; a squirrel rises to the top and cuts down there {obviously the tree is tied to the sky by vines}; the tree falls, its trunk turns into Napo and the Amazon, its branches into tributaries]: Bellier 1991b, No. 4C: 195-196; kofan: Borman, Criollo 1990, No. 3 [After that, the young men went to cut down a tree with fish; they went to bed in the evening, and by morning the felling was overgrown; the same the next night; then they brought torches and they worked until morning; but the felled trunk hung in the sky; the woodpecker, toucan, and other birds tried to cut the vine, but became birds, their axes became beaks; the squirrel also failed, returned; the little Tiriri squirrel for a long time refused, finally climbed into heaven, received peanuts and another nut from God, cut down what held the tree; when it fell, it twisted its jaw; people took peanuts, and the other nut left T. - this is his "bananas"; a tree fell into the river, chips of different sizes became different types of fish; a tree stump is in the upper reaches of the river, it's like a rock]: 47-58; Calífano, Gonzalo 1995, No. 112 [the shaman owns a tree with fish; Parrots cut it, by morning the felling overgrows; then they cut it all night, the little Parrot has the best ax (beak), by morning they cut the trunk; the tree is suspended by the vine to the sky; The squirrel cuts the vine, is killed a falling tree; chips and leaves fall into rivers, turning into fish; tree remains are rocks], 113 [cutting wood as in (112)]: 165-170; napo [Apustulu alone uses a tree with fish in the trunk; the wasp boy helps him fish; the Jaguar and others pull the Wasp's belt with a rope; he reports a tree; they can't catch fish, they cut down the trunk; the felling overgrows as soon as they don't look at it; they work without interruption, burn chips; the tree still does not fall; the bird sees that it is tied to the sky by a vine; the squirrel climbs up, cuts off the vine; the tree falls, turns into rivers, leaves into fish ; A. in anger throws his feather fan and belt into the water; they turn into a poisonous stingray, an eel; turns the remaining chips into fish and aquatic animals; makes rapids to prevent fish from going up the river; Turns squirrel into punishment]: Mercier 1979:69-80; waorani [like Napo]: Rival 1996:115.

NW Amazon. Piapoko [after eating the fetus, a person becomes pregnant, is allowed without pain as a boy; when the grandmother bathes him, the trough is filled with manioc flour; the boy asks to cut off his fingers, sows phalanges, from them cassava grows; the father does not love his son, so he leaves, taking away all the crops and placing them on the same tree; the tree is found by a night monkey; agouti picks up the pineapple she has dropped and brings them to people; they cut down the trunk day and night, but Cayman swallows the fire; in the morning it turns out that the felling is overgrown; Cayman is killed, fire is taken out of his belly, the trunk is cut; the tree remains hanging behind the Barbasco vine ( fish venom) attached to the sky; The squirrel cuts it, falls with the tree; the branch with all the fruits falls into the water; the tapira is sent to dive; as he gets the fruits, people hide them; he discovers deception, hides some of the fruits; current cultivated plants come from those taken away by people]: Wavrin 1937:604-606; ufaina [four Imarikacana brothers come to To the sun; a huge tree remains uncut on its site, he asks him to cut down; the brothers cut down half, go to rest; at night, the daughter of the Sun puts chips back; the next day Imarica Kayafiks throw them into the water, they turn into fish; the daughter of the Sun ties a tree to the sky with vines; IR turns into a squirrel, climbs up, cuts off vines; a tree falls west, breaks its spine daughters of the Sun, turns into the Apaporis River]]: Hildebrand 1975, No. IX: 343-345; macuna [the water was owned by Rômikmu (female shaman), the water was inside the tree; four Ayawa brothers decided it cut down; at night, R. put chips back to the trunk, the tree remained intact; then they began to cut down day and night; the water that spilled out of the core of the trunk formed rivers; fish came out of the same tree; R. tied the top of the tree to the sky; two of A. turned into squirrels, cut off the vine; the tree fell, one managed to descend, the other remained in the sky]: Århem et al. 2004:454; yukuna [four orphans Karipulakena lived with her grandfather Jeechú; he tries to destroy them; tells them to swim to become strong; tells them to cut down the vegetation on the site, ignoring that there is a huge tree; his daughter Mananiyo laughs at K. - they will not be able to knock down a tree; K.: when we cut down, you will wet yourself out of fear; at night M. puts chips back and the felling overgrows; when Lamuchí found out what was going on, he threw chips into water, they became piranhas; then J. tied the tree to the sky with vines; L. became a little squirrel, got up, cut the vines; the tree leaned east, then west, and fell into the Apaporis River; J. Pegajosos peed herself in fear and a tree with sticky (pegajosos) leaves grew on this site]: Hammen 1992:89; andoque [Heron of the Estuary (Tsu lived with the daughter of the Sun; she warned that her father sends everyone new son-in-law cut down a taice tree (a large tree that remains uncut down after burning), fruit falls from the tree, kills; shelter must be taken; TSU hid, cut down the tree, but it was tied {to the sky?} ; Tsu sent a monkey to cut off the fetters that kept the tree in the center, and the gadflies to bite those who held the vines; the tree fell; the TSU went swimming; the Sun came, saw a termite mound that was on the tree and was crushed when he fell; thought it was his son-in-law, ate him; Tsu came back, brought fish, let his wife cook]: Pineda 1975:452-453; uitoto: Rodríguez de Montes, No. 19 [evil father-in-law holds a tree; a gadfly sent by his son-in-law bites him, he lets go of the tree]: 153; Yépez 1982 [Aime Huram has a daughter; Jusido Bunaima came to chew coca, asked her to marry; AH, his wife and daughter went to the site; when came back, XM became a bird, the daughter asked her to catch it, kept it in the basket; when they came again, the bird was gone, and HM was a human; they decided that he took the bird; the next night AH and HB again they chewed coca; HB: you have to endure; but AH still went out to urinate; HS: if you don't want coca, tobacco, you can't stand it, you'll eat soil, dry wood; AH Monayaterisai's daughter was sitting on a mat; HB made his way to her from below, in the form of a worm, conceived a son, Housitofe (cassava); the mother sent M. to bring water to a sieve to sift manioc flour, found a worm, filled it with boiling water; HB in a dream told M. to put the child she was she will give birth, in a pot, cover it with a leaf, make a cake out of the foam that has risen, do not show it to her parents; they saw an ant running with a piece of cassava, found out that her daughter had cassava; M. told them not to sleep, watch over the child; the child grew a manioc tree, pineapples, caimo, aguacate and other fruits on the branches; a lake grew along with the tree, the fruits fell into the water; they were taken out by the Old Rat; Father AH became look for an ax; a woodpecker axe, a bird axe with a hard beak, an ordinary ax, a toad axe, a piranha axe were not good; he hardly woke up his fox uncle; he took a knife, cut off the vine for which the tree was tied to the sky; when a tree fell, the fox injured his throat, the sons of AH smeared the wound with yellow medicine, since then the foxes have a yellow throat; foxes are allowed to eat fruits in the gardens as a reward; AH collected oil from water, brought, planted, grew cassava; from the same lake and tree ritual songs and accessories]: 63-69; ocaina [(western 1980); Gotátzika has a daughter, her suitors (these are people Ñamrako:Ma:ndio, Morning Star) disappear; then her son marries her; father-in-law 1) gets up at night to kill him with a club, but the son-in-law only pretends to be asleep, jumps up; 2) tells you to get the game out of the trap, the son-in-law does not fall into it; the son-in-law finds the skulls of previous sons-in-law; 3) does not fall into the trap when sent to get fish out of it; 4) G. orders to cut down the tree, quietly puts the chips back; the son-in-law asks the father for help, he sends rodents, they carry the chips to the river, throw them into the water, they turn into all kinds of fish; the chopped trunk continues to hang, it is held on top by a sloth, this is the spirit of G. himself; the son-in-law's father sent various biting insects, the sloth let go of the tree, it collapsed, the ground trembled (the origin of earthquakes); 5) burn the vegetation on the site; around the fire sent by the young man's father, the iguana, carried him out of the fire; now the son-in-law left his father-in-law in the burning area, which burned down; the daughter found her father's bones; his son-in-law revived him with tobacco, told him to be good; they went to ñ., the father-in-law swallowed the fish, his son-in-law extracted him alive]: Blixen 1999 , No. 9:205-238; chikuna [a sloth holds a tree on top but people think it's a vine; a squirrel throws burning ants or peppers at a sloth, it releases a tree]: Nimuendaju 1952 [the tree covered the sky ; Dioy shoots through the foliage with a slingshot, star holes appear; together with Brother Epi and ants and termites, cuts the trunk, the tree remains hanging; D. promises sister E. to whoever cuts a vine holding a tree; Big Squirrel cannot, Malaya discovers that it is not a vine, but a Sloth; The squirrel poured ants on it, he let go of the tree; when it falls, it hit Squirrel on the tail, now it is bent]: 123-124; Rodríguez de Montes 1981, No. 12A [pepper; ducks also keep the tree]: 114-115; Pereira 1980 (2) [the vine is tied to the sky; no details]: 470; Yépez 1982 [Aime Huram has a daughter; Jusido Bunaima came to chew coca, asked her to be his wife; AH, his wife and daughter went to the site; when they returned, HM became a bird, the daughter asked her to catch it, kept it in the basket; when they came again, the bird was gone, and XM is human; they decided that he took the bird; the next night AH and HB chewed coca again; HB: you have to endure; but AH still went out to urinate; HS: if you don't want coca, tobacco, you can't stand it, you'll eat earth, dry wood; AH Monayaterisai's daughter was sitting on a mat; HB made his way to her from below in the form of a worm, conceived a son Housitofe (cassava); her mother sent M. to bring water in a sieve to sift manioc flour, found a worm, filled it with boiling water; HB in a dream told M. to put the child she would give birth in a pot, cover it with a leaf, make a cake out of the foam that had risen, not show it to her parents; they saw an ant running with with a piece of cassava, we found out that their daughter had cassava; M. told them not to sleep, look after the child; the child grew a manioc tree, pineapples, caimo, aguacate and other fruits on the branches; along with the tree The lake grew, the fruits fell into the water; they were taken out by the Old Rat; Father AH began to look for an ax; a woodpecker axe, a bird axe with a hard beak, an ordinary ax, a toad axe, a piranha axe were not suitable; it was difficult to wake them up his fox uncle; he took a knife, cut off the vine for which the tree was tied to the sky; when the tree fell, the fox injured his throat, the sons of AH smeared the wound with yellow medicine, and since then the foxes have had a yellow throat; foxes as a reward, it is allowed to eat fruits in vegetable gardens; AH collected oil from the water, brought, planted, grew cassava; ritual songs and accessories from the same lake and tree]: 63-69; yagua [the water was owned by an old man Krora, she was inside the lupuna tree, he gave the twins drop by drop; the youngest, who arose from the older placenta, turned into a hummingbird, swam; the brothers began to cut down the tree; by morning the felling was overgrown; when cut down, the tree continued to hang, it was held on top by a vine, held by the old man himself; the younger brother turned into a scorpion, bit the old man in the leg, the tree bent down; then into a big scorpion, bit harder, the tree fell, becoming Amazon and tributaries]: Chaumeil 1983:155; Chaumeil, Chaumeil 1978, No. 2:169-170; Payne 1992:207-208; Powlison 1972a [the twin grandfather owns water hidden in the trunk trees; brothers call all birds and rodents to knock down a tree; felling overgrows at night; the younger one watches his grandfather, finds out a secret; they cut down a tree; it turns into the Amazon, rivers into tributaries, chips and leaves in fish, worms in Europeans, Negroes and non-Yagua Indians]: 76; Rodríguez de Montes 1981, No. 12B: 116.