Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

G12B. Cultivated plants are a gift from a star .

Cultivated plants are a gift from a male star or a female star.

Kayan, Trio, Quechua (Cuzco District), Tapirape, Karaja, Kayapo, Apinaye, Crajo, Ramcocamecra, Xavante, Caduveo, Matako, Chorote, Toba.

Malaysia-Indonesia. Kayan [daughter of the Palai constellation (Pegasus) fell in love with Lafaang, brought him to heaven; to her horror, he eats with his hands rather than picking up food with a needle; began to cut down trees on the plot instead of putting them an ax of the tree, after which it will fall; one tree fell, his arm was torn off; his wife was pregnant, L. decided to return to the ground; the wife took bananas and sugar cane with her, began to lower L. on the vine; when she heard the newborn's cry, L. asked to go back, but his wife continued to let down; ordered the plants to be thrown to the ground, but L. planted them; therefore, bananas and sugarcane obtained by humans are worse heavenly]: Hose 1912:140-141.

Guiana. The trio [Star Squirrel descends the vine to earth, tells Yalavale (the future Orion) that he can rise to heaven; he is afraid, offers to others; the vine breaks, people fall, break limbs, since then people have movable joints; Squirrel gives Y. seeds, teaches me how to grow corn; I. makes holes too deep, so corn is low; I. rises to heaven, then descends]: Magañ a 1987, No. 77:148; 1988b, No. 5 [=1987]: 580

The Central Andes. Quechua (highland shepherds of the Ausangate massif south of Cusco) [a shepherd sees female stars go swimming in the lake; hides one of them's shining clothes; the Star has only one eye; shepherd gives her a poncho, leads her home, the others fly away; the wife gives birth to two children; when they are young, the father shows them shining clothes, tells them not to tell their mother, goes to the valley; the children show their clothes, the mother flies to heaven; the returning shepherd scolds the children, makes a flute, the flute advises to give the cow a vulture to heaven; on Holy Saturday, the vulture leaves the shepherd in the sky in front of the gate churches; says that all the Stars are the same, one-eyed, the wife will be the last to come out; when she goes out, the wife turns to the shepherd herself, promises to return tomorrow, sends her home with a canyua (Chenopodium pallidicaule Aellen; at an altitude of about 5000 m, the main culture); a shepherd descends on another condor; lives with children, their canyua supply never ends (apparently, we are talking about the first canyua, his heavenly origin; it doesn't say the Star is back)]: Lanata 2004:260-261.

Araguaia. A male star descends, bringing cultivated plants; returns to heaven. Tapirape [taking a son born on earth]: Baldus 1970:357-359; Wagley 1977 [Apuvenona came down from heaven, married Anuntero; she had a son, Imanavungo; brought along cassava, corn, yam, peanuts, cotton and other cultivated plants; people did not know how to grow them; A. told heron, wild goose, parrots and other birds to help in the field; his wife taught how to spin cotton, hammocks and bracelets out of it; when old, A. took his son and rose to heaven; both can be seen among the stars (A., possibly Venus, and his son Vega); his wife was carried away by water, some believe that she turned into a freshwater dolphin]: 178; carage: Gutenberg 1975 [the daughter of a woman and a deity admires the Morning Star; the star husband returns to heaven because his wife violates the ban on watching him works in the garden, changing from an old man to a young man; his wife becomes a small star herself]: 20-22; Krause 1911 [returns because one of his children steals corn from him]: 346- 347.

Eastern Brazil. If not otherwise: a man wants a star for his wife; she goes down to him; he hides it in a calebass, others find it. Kayapo: Wilbert 1978, No. 76 [Metraux 1960:17-18; the thunderdog Bepkororoti married Dozhd, they had a daughter, Na-Kra ("rain" means "child"); her mother quarreled with her, beat her, and she went down to the ground The young man Ngodyure hid her in calebass, took her home; took her out at night to sleep with her; her mother-in-law opened the calebasa, shaved her daughter-in-law's head, painted her genipa and uruku; NC gave birth to a boy who is always hungry ; people ate rotten trees and fruits; NC climbed a palm tree into the sky, brought sweet potatoes and bananas from the sky; her father told her son-in-law that NK would stay with him if he did not beat her; husband and wife planted cultural plants], 77 [Banner 1957:40-41; there was no fruit or fire, people ate rotten wood, lizards; rain rain came down from the sky, the young man saw her, she said her parents offended her; the young man hid his wife in closed basket; her mother found, shaved the top of her head, painted her genipa and uruku, she was named Nhokpôkti; she ordered to clear the area, brought bananas, cassava, sweet potatoes, yams from the sky; when her son grew up, returned to heaven forever], 78 [Lukesh 1978:221-223; during the migration, the young man found Rain's daughter, NGObog-ti ("great light"); hid it in calebas, the mother found the girl, shaved, painted it like a kayapo woman ; brought various cultivated plants and manioc cakes from the sky (the husband bent the tree to send his wife to heaven, it straightened up, she took off); then the girl's father, Bebgoroti's mother and sisters, brought everything else]: 217-219, 219-220, 221-223; Wilbert, Simoneau 1984a, No. 53 (shikrin) [the young man looks at Venus, wants her as his wife, the star goes down to him, he hides her in the calebass; his sister opens it, her mother paints it; her husband throws her into the sky with a stick, she brings bananas, pumpkins, yams, yams, sweet potatoes, cassava, people received cultivated plants], 54 (pau d'arco) [Nimuendaju, MS; two brothers sleep on the street, one wants a star as his wife, she is next to him, he hides her in a calebass; the boy's mother finds her, the Star stays with him; invites her husband to visit the sky, he is afraid; bends down a tree, throwing her wife into the sky; she brings yams, sweet potatoes, cassava from there; once she quarreled with her husband, returned to heaven, the plants remained; a caterpillar climbed to the young man's brother, and also became a girl stayed with him; his mother tried to crush her, but she came to life, her mother recognized her as her daughter-in-law]: 181-182, 183-184; Apinaye: Wilbert 1978, No. 74 [the young man's wife died; he cried looking at the sky; the star disappeared and I was next to him on the plaza; after the fifth night, the young man agreed to marry her; hides his wife in a calebass, his sister finds it, he announces his new marriage; people ate rotten wood, leaves, game and coconuts ; The star ordered to prepare the site, brought yams, bananas, sweet potatoes, corn, rice, beans, peanuts, etc. from the sky, taught me how to cook it all, as well as weave mats and baskets; finding her husband with an earthly girl, returned to heaven; if this hadn't happened, the Star would have brought other valuables from heaven], 75 [the young man's wife is dead; he looks at the sky, dreams of a star coming down to him; a frog jumps towards him, he she throws her off, falls asleep; when she wakes up, a girl is next to her, she was a star and a frog; the next night she brought yams and yams, people ate rotten wood at that time; he hides it in a calebass; he finds her his younger brother, she is ashamed; after that, the young man lives openly with her; she goes with her husband's mother, jumps on her shoulder three times in the form of a possum; explains that he wants to point to the tree on which everyone grows corn varieties so that people would no longer feed on rotten wood; men cut down wood when they left, cut down the thicket; boys were sent for better axes, they killed and ate the opossum along the way, turned into old people; the shaman poured water on them and restored their youth; people cut down a tree, the Star showed how to grow corn; after her husband's death, she returned to heaven]: 212-214, 215-216; crash: Wilbert 1978, No. 70 [Schultz 1950:75-79; humans had fire and meat but no cassava, and ate rotten wood with meat; female star Katxeré decided to go down to a lonely young man, give people food; turned into a frog, the young man threw it away, she appeared as a girl, told her to hide it in a calebass in the morning; in calebass she was a frog, opened it as a girl; the young man's sister opened it, after which he did not hide his wife; she showed a tree by the water, on which all varieties of corn, cobs fell into the water; people were afraid to eat, K. taught; others saw a piece of cake from the boy, cut down the tree; K. showed the wild edible fruits; while her husband was hunting, another man raped K.; she made a drink from bark, brought it to the plaza, everyone drank and died; K. returned to heaven, the cultivated plants remained], 71 [Schultz 1950 : 80-83; boys aged 15-16 spend the night in the plaza; only one without a wife; he was with a Star Girl; in the morning she became young, he hid her in a calebass; his five-year-old sister opened it, then the young man stopped hide his wife; people ate rotten wood and termite nests; they planted corn but did not know it was edible; the star collected the cobs, made tortillas; brought cassava, watermelons, rice, sweet potatoes, yams, peanuts from the sky, planted everything; gave birth to a son; taught me how to harvest and cook], 72 [Schultz 1950:85-86; one young man is single, sleeping in the plaza; wiped off a frog, she became a girl, was a star descending from the sky; in the morning he hides his wife in a calebass; her little sister opened her, the young man declared that he was married; his wife told her to take her to swim in the river; there she saw a tree with corn growing; told him to cut him down, collect his cobs, sow; at night she brought yams, bananas, cassava and peanuts from the sky; taught her how to plant; while her husband was away, five young men raped her; she spat in their mouths, they died; returned to heaven to her parents]: 194-200, 201-205 , 206-208; frame camera [there were no edible plants, rotten wood was eating meat; the ugly young man Túkti looked at the star, a frog jumped at him, he brushed it off, it came back, turned into a girl; during the day he began to hide his wife in calabass, his younger brother opened it, his lovers stopped hiding; his wife asked her to be brought to the water, showed corn by the river, people did not know what to eat it, she baked cakes; decided to clear the plot, the boy was sent for an ax, he saw the old man baking an opossum, tried it, became an old man himself; the star would have told other secrets, but T. insisted on copulation; she went to the square and sang, then went to heaven with her husband]: Wilbert 1978, No. 73:209-211; xavante [Giaccaria, Heide 1991, No. 2:32-39; two boys sleep outside; one wishes to be married one of the stars; when he wakes up, he sees her next to him; the young man and his wife climb a palm tree, the young man tells his younger brother to hit the trunk with a club, the palm tree grows to the sky; in the sky the young man sees yams, sweet potatoes and others cultivated plants; vultures also live there; a young man goes down to earth to inform his father about his marriage, brings cultivated plants; returns to heaven to his wife in the same way]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1984a, No. 52:175-180.

Chaco. Caduveo [star man brings corn, cassava, etc.]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1990a, No. 26 [Díeu-nái woman looks at the sky, wants the Pleiades as her husband; he goes down to her at night; hers the mother advises to ask him to arrange a vegetable garden; ripe corn, beans, pumpkins immediately appear in the garden; a small amount is enough to fill the cooking pot, its contents are renewed; people took the plants home, the Pleiades saw a dropped cob, again turned the huge into a forest, returned to heaven; there was only one plant left, a jaguar under it; D. went to the garden, did not find a husband, the Jaguar called her to wife, she gave birth to a son, he was taken to raise him by a frog male; the dove tells the young man not to shoot him, promises to take him to his mother; she warns her son that two Jaguars who snatched one of her will now return eye; young man kills Jaguars with arrows; son and D. come to her mother; she warns that there is a cannibal in the forest; D. tells his son to hear, otherwise his pleiades father will take him away], 27 [a woman looks at the sky, wants to Nibetád husbands; at night he goes down to her; arranges a vegetable garden, corn and cassava are ripe the next morning; their two sons became shamans; Venus in the morning is called Nibetád-Lalé (decoration from Nibetad feathers)], 28 [women talk, one wants Nibetád (Pleiades) to be her husband; at night he comes to her; arranges a vegetable garden, in the morning there are mature corn, cassava; their two sons became shamans; one (Nõ mileka) could not cure the snake bitten, another (Gawé-txéheg) decided to kill him; hid the live fish in hot cassava porridge, it jumped, burned N.'s face; both were fishing, the hawk flew by, Tore off G.'s head, who replaced it with a termite nest; G. went to look for his head, saw him in a shaman's house, died; N. became a sorcerer, he was finally killed]: 46-48, 49, 50-52; matako [female star brings pumpkin seeds and other crops from the sky]: Alvarsson 1995, No. 218:65; chorote: Wilbert, Simoneau 1985, No. 136 [], 137 [a descending star revives dried corn, pumpkins, melons, beans]: 254- 256, 257-259; toba: Wilbert, Simoneau 1982b, No. 10 and 11 [female star revives dried corn, beans, pumpkins]: 51-58; 1989a, No. 119 [a man looks at the sky, wants a star for his wife; a star she goes down, sleeps with him at night, turns into a ray of light during the day, he hides it in his pocket; his star wife plants seeds, which grow corn, beans, pumpkins; she teaches people agriculture]: 176.