Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

G13B. Mushrooms as defective food.


Before cultivated plants appeared, people ate mushrooms. Creatures of inhuman nature feed on fungi. Mushrooms are imaginary, defective food.

Bulu, Keva, Lakher, Khmer, Sinhalese, Bidayu, Arapahoe, Sheyen, Catawba, Huichol, Lacandons, Shikuani, Yanomami, Pemon, Lokono, Aguaruna, Whitoto, Munduruku, Rickbacza.

Bantu-speaking Africa. Bulu [a young man chases a monkey, ends up in a forest village of thin people; they do not know fire and eat only mushrooms; two dare to go with a young man, come to his village, they have been fed with normal food, they got fat; but the rest refused to go to people, they were afraid they would be eaten themselves]: Schwab 1914, No. 5:268-269.

Melanesia. Keva [her husband was killed; he comes to his wife bloody, leaves; she realizes that she has seen the dead, goes to look for him; she goes down a rope into the abyss; finds her husband, returns with him to the world of the living; he should only eat mushrooms that grow on rotten trunks; her baby, conceived from a dead man, cries continuously; she tells him that his father in the world of the dead ate crap, and his son is now cries; the husband hears this, leaves; var.: the wife eats the mushrooms grown on the trunk herself; replies to her husband that he ate crap in the world of the dead; the offended husband leaves; if the wife did not offend her husband, the dead would return]: LeRoy 1985, No. 45:146-150.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Lakher [for the spirits of the dead in Athikhi, bamboo leaves are fish, large hairy caterpillars are bears, their fishing net is the big athipaso mushroom; the best mushroom is called phungsahmim ("perfume bag"]: Parry 1932:395.

Burma - Indochina. Khmers [above Mount Sumeru is the heavenly world of beautiful long-lived creatures - tevoda; they decided to punish the people living on earth for their sins; first, the earth was burned by seven suns, then everything was flooded by the flood; when the waters began to fall, eight creatures were sent from the sky - próm; they began to eat sea foam, then earth, then plants (when they appeared); according to another version, they ate mushrooms first, then the fruits of the vine , then rice; rice filled their bellies with excrement, they made two holes, P. split into men and women, gave birth to new people]: Chesnov 1982a: 340.

South Asia. Sinhalese [at first people ate mushrooms that looked like boiled milk spilled on the ground; then rice came, it did not have husks and grew on its own; but because of human depravity, husks and rice appeared now we have to grow]: Perera 1917:5.

Malaysia-Indonesia. Bidayu ("dayaki sushi", western Sarawak) [people ate fruits and mushrooms that grew on rotten trees; Si Jura and his companions went to sea; saw a tree with roots in the sky, and branches hang into the water; SJ climbed the tree into the sky; the satellites were tired of waiting and sailed away; when he reached the roots, SJ found himself in the Pleiades country; Si Kira invited him to the house, treated him to boiled rice, which SJ first took behind the larvae; looking into a large jug, SJ saw his father's house, brothers and sisters below; SK gave him seeds of three varieties of rice, taught him how to process full rice, lowered him back to the ground on a rope; about the time of the field The works are judged by the position of the Pleiades]: St. John 1863:213-214 (very similar text in Ling Roth 1896:307-308; recorded at Sentah in the far west of Sarawak).

Plains. Arapaho [boy and chief quarrel over a slain bison; young man beats the chief, hides; bisons leave with him; people eat mushrooms; young man makes amulet arrows, chiefs gather and sing, bison come back]: Voth 1912, No. 8:46; Shayens [like arpahoes; young man kills chief; turns bison manure into bison]: Grinnell 1908:274-277

Southeast U.S. Catawba [dwarfs in the forest eat acorns, tree roots, mushrooms around trees, smelly turtles, tadpoles; kidnap children]: Speck 1934, No. 32:27.

NW Mexico. Huichol [the cosmological painting, made of colored threads tied to plywood, depicts the products that the Indians ate before agriculture: an iguana, an edible worm, wild fruits; in itself A mushroom is placed in the center]: Negrin 1979, the first color insert pattern.

Mesoamerica Northern lacandons [The Mole Hunter (OK) found that he killed all the moles and had nothing else to eat; climbed the Byrsonima crassifolia tree for fruit; saw how from a crack in the ground the girl came out, took off her head, combed her hair, then put her head in place; he threw fruit seeds at her, but she did not raise her head; pulled the bump, the passage opened and she went down; OK found He followed this bump; it's evening on the ground, and the sun rises below; OK comes to the house, in which Sukunkyuma's wife calls him son: he has not changed his skin and is alive; she hid him in a large pot so that Kissin would not found it by smell; sprinkles roasted peppers on the pot; K.'s son sniffs, suffers from pepper, leaves; the same with his second son K.; Sukunkyum returned, he put the sun on the eastern edge of the sky; so that OK would not smell As a living man, S. gave him his old cloak; wearing a cloak, OK turned into a hummingbird; old K. and his sons, everyone wants to shoot a bird to eat; K. hit it with an arrow, but his daughter picked it up and took him away; put it with her for the night, he became human again; old K. and his wife called him son-in-law; OK does not eat what Kisins eat, S. warned him (beans are larvae, tortillas are tree mushrooms , salt is cadaveric fluid; OK comes to S. to eat; The sun is a person, but without legs, so S. wears it on his shoulders; OK sees what is happening to the soul of the deceased - to the one who changed his skin; wife S. puts the person on the bench, feeds her; Kysina's young want to take her to fry; finally, they grab their soul and alternately throw it into the fire of Metlan and into the cold water; K. tells the soul which ones The misdemeanors committed during his lifetime torment him; before that, K. killed monkeys; the dead are the monkeys he killed; the firewood that K. burns is the bones of the dead; S. showed OK the pillars supporting the ground; Then tells people to tell people everything he saw underground; when leaving the underworld, OK wanted to take his wife with him, but she hesitated to sweep the house; OK went out, the exit to the ground closed and the wife stayed downstairs; OK told people everything]: Cook 2019:133-190; southern lacandons [the owner of the underworld and his people eat wood mushrooms instead of cakes, fly larvae instead of beans, drink cadaveric fluid]: Boremanse 1986: 27, 86, 98, 297; 1989:77.

Llanos. Sicuani [see motif I1; people ate only wild fruits and tree mushrooms; Kinkaju found a tree on which all cultivated plants grew; people cut it down and got plants; mushrooms are mentioned on p.211)]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1992, No. 46:211-215.

Southern Venezuela. Yanomami [Smelly Mushroom is the mother of a possum man; gives daughters-in-law his own flesh instead of tapir meat]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1990b, No. 133:247-248.

Guiana. Pemon [for Piaimá forest people, wood mushrooms are cassava]: Armellada 1988, No. 33:94; lokono [the forest spirit calls cassava tough mushrooms that grow on fallen trees]: Roth 1915, No. 123:193.

Western Amazon. Aguaruna: Akutz Nugkai et al. 1977 (2) [the first jaguars hunt mushrooms, not game]: 184; Chumap Lucía, García-Rendueles 1979, No. 39 [returning from hunting, Tsuna (tree with malodorous leaves) brings edible mushrooms instead of game], 46 [first the Jaguar eats mushrooms; the fox teaches him to hunt; climbs into the ass of a sleeping tapir, eats the liver, the tapir dies, the fox goes out through his side; A jaguar kills tapirs like jaguars have been doing ever since]: 457, 485-487.

NW Amazon. Uitoto [until there was cassava, humans ate ants and mushrooms]: Rodríguez de Montes 1981:205.

Central Amazon. Munduruku [before farming and hunting, humans ate wild tubers and tree mushrooms]: Kruse 1944-1946, No. 12:619.

Southern Amazon. Rickbacz [first people eat tapir excrement, wood mushrooms (Polyporus sanguineus)]: Pereira 1994, No. 1 [don't know onions and arrows; they also eat cassava], 19 [don't know cultivated tubers and peanuts]: 17, 152-155.