G17. A gift from a reptile.
.19.24. (.30.) .
Cultivated (or important edible semi-wild) plant species owe their origin to a snake (moray eel in Oceania) or a crocodile/caiman.
Admiralty Islands, Vedau Islands, San Cristobal, Yap, River Dayaks of North and Central Borneo, Athoni, (Persians), Mississippi Culture (Spyro Mound?) , caddo, shikuani, piaroa, sanema, yanomam, yanomami, taruma, lokono, trio, kabiyari, barasana, yukuna, desana, bara, tatuyo, macuna, bora, maue, spike, juruna, Obelisk Tello, vaura, kamayura, kalapalo, umotina, kayapo.
Melanesia. Admiralty Islands: Meier 1907, No. 8 (Uarwei) [The snake invited the man to cook; he began to bake fish in the sun; the Snake told him to get what was there from her stomach; he took out fire , tarot, sugarcane, baked tarot; The snake went to sea to another island], 9 (Manus) [The serpent told the girl to get together with him, she gave birth to a son and a daughter; the serpent told his son to cook fish, who tried to bake fish for in the sun; The serpent told his son to get into his stomach, get fire, tarot, bananas, sugarcane, yams, coconuts; began to cook on fire; brother and sister met; the serpent said it was bad, sailed to another island; brother and sister planted plants received from the Snake, the plants bred], 10 (Papitalaí) [the Morau and Morer brothers did not have fire and cultivated plants, they baked in the sun tree bark; the serpent opened its mouth, Morer took tarot, bananas, sugar cane, clay vessels, fire from his belly; the brothers cooked tarot in a pot on fire; when Morau climbed, he took tarot, sago, but also the tree that was the bones of the Serpent's tail; the serpent said it would sail to another island]: 653-654, 654-656, 656-659; vedau [the men fried the snake, the girl asked for a piece, she liked it, ate everything; gave birth to a snake; ran away from it, asked the men to chop it to pieces; they did it, an old woman buried some pieces, of which a tarot grew (tarot origin)]: Ker 1910:116-118; San Cristobal (Solomon Islands): Fox, Drew 1915:140 [The snake Aguana had a human brother; he told him to prepare the site, brought yams on his head; no matter how much yams were cut off, he did not become exhausted; they grew up all types of yams, bananas, coconuts and all fruits; A. taught how to make fire by friction, bake fruits; baked fruits became cultivated, burned inedible, raw ones wild; A. also gave teslo to make wooden vessels; gave birth to a boy and a girl - human ancestors], 142 [the Karamunagau snake sailed to the island, ordered a large plot to be prepared, and a yam grew on it if she wished].
Micronesia-Polynesia. Yap [a woman gave birth to an eel, her father cut it to pieces; the head turned to coconut, her neck to a breadfruit, her torso to a banana, and a tail to a tarot]: Müller 1918:314.
Malaysia-Indonesia. "Puntén and the river dayaks of northern and central Borneo" [the crocodile god is a source of fertility; his daughter Mba Kuy refused to marry a man, pulled out her uterus, left her on the shore, on this rice and fruit trees grew in the place]: Mallinkrodt 1829:76-90 in Kroef 1952:54; Athoni [in a pond connected by an underground channel to the sea lived "Mr. Scorpio Fish", his father was a crocodile; he He felt sorry for people, ordered him to be killed, buried; a pumpkin grew out of his head, corn from bones, rice from flesh]: Mabuchi 1969:65.
(Wed. Iran - Central Asia. The Persians [the serpent ordered him to enter the palace; the sage guessed to call the artisans; the serpent pulled the carpenter's caftan and brought him to his wife, who had goat horns stuck in her mouth; the carpenter drank them off, the snake she swallowed the goat; the serpent gave seeds, the carpenter took them to the king, melons grew out of them; the melon was given to a donkey and a goat for testing, they ate them with pleasure; then they gave them to the condemned to death, who was also happy; the new fruit was named" goat donkey"]: Romaskevich 1934a, No. 68:381-383).
Southeast USA. A Mississippi bauxite figurine from the Cahokia area (possibly made in Spyro Mound) [squatting women put her left hand on the snake's head; in the right hoe she used hits (as if digging up a field?) the snake's back; the snake's body splits at its tail, turning into pumpkin vines]: Prentice 1986, fig.1; caddo [The Snake woman owns cultivated plants; her two sons help her carry them; she gives seeds to everyone; seeds that are not yet ripe belong to her; she sends a snake to bite those (especially children) who touch unripe seeds]: Dorsey 1905, No. 7:18.
Llanos. Sicuani [Ortiz 1982:146-148; the woodpecker owned the fire, the others ate raw food; the fish baked on rocks in the sun; the man sent the Pigeon to steal the fire; the Dove took the coal, but the Woodpecker caused rain. he spent 10 days, the fire went out again; the man dreams of a water snake (obviously an anaconda}; contrary to his wife's advice, he goes to the lake; reeds and cassava come out of the water; Anaconda falls from the tree, calls brother-in-law, asks him to be brought to the shore; warns that his sisters stink, but the aroma must be praised; Anaconda father is happy, teaches him to make fire by friction, gives reeds for arrows, bananas, cassava, tells us to plant it all, not to give it to others; but others stole what Anaconda brought; he gave it a few more times, then stopped giving it]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1992, No. 42:188-189.
Southern Venezuela. Piaroa: Boglar 1977, No. 30 [Vahari Kwoimoi's father-in-law (p.259: descended from snakes, the poisonous snake himself) saw V. preparing the drug yopo; began to demand it and, went crazy, raped his daughter Kwawañamu; she gave birth hard, because when copulating, K. uttered the names of sacred tracts; gave birth to a snake son; Kwoimoi thought that her daughter had given birth to V.; brother V. Buoka was the snake daughter of Wwawawaraju; these two snakes copulated in the depths of the earth, they had a cassava daughter; all cassava varieties grew in the fields of Quoimoi]: 287-289; Overing, Kaplan 1988 [Anaconda is the father of cultivated plants; Vahari (put the sun in the sky) is married to his corn daughter]: 398; sanema [only the water monster Lagigi has cultivated plants; Omao marries his daughter ; she tells O. to kill the tapir, calls his father; O. hides in fear, turning into a cricket, his brother Soave into a stick; L. leaves cassava, yams, xanthosome (Xanthosoma cajacu on the shore as payment for meat ), corn, bananas]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1990b, No. 199:400-401; yanomam [Omamyo marries the daughter of the water monster Chöboryoshikyo; T. goes ashore, leaves a bag of seeds, with tubers and shoots of papaya, pumpkin, sugar cane, sweet potato, taro, tobacco, arrow cane, palm trees; teaches his daughter how to cultivate plants; at this time O. hides as a digging stick, and his brother Joasi becoming an ax]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1990b, No. 198:398-399; Yanomami: Wilbert, Simoneau 1990b, No. 192-194:378-390.
Guiana. Taruma [brothers (older Ajijeko, younger Duid) eat only nuts and fruits; they notice fish bones and scales on the rock by the river; they take turns guarding, they do not notice anything; the frog watchman falls asleep, the Owl said that the Otter left traces; the brothers caught the Otter, forced him to tell him how to catch a woman; the brothers take turns fishing for women's things, from a wearable basket to a hammock; when A. fell asleep, D. fished a woman, hid it from his brother; one night A. taught that his brother had four legs and four arms; D. again denied everything, but began to make children's toys (balls); once D. admitted that he had a wife Chakukantu and that the fish in her bosom bit him; A. poisoned the fish in the vagina with poison; since then, sex has been safe, but the male organ has remained bitten; people are descendants of D. and this woman; the woman baked on the fire she kept in vagina; A. threatened her with rape, forced her to spread her legs, took the fire; she tells him to call her anaconda father; son-in-law is afraid to ask her father-in-law for plants; daughter cuts off her father's tail, from there the seeds and shoots of all cultivated plants fall]: Farabee 1918:143-149; curl [a fisherman is fishing for a woman; his mother violates the prohibition to say who her daughter-in-law is; a woman rushes with her husband into the river; sends people a jar of manioc beer and sweet potatoes; after the festival, the vessel turns into catfish, sweet potato peel into small fish]: Roth 1915, No. 184:245-246; trio: Koelewijn, Riviere 1987, No. 1 [poor The old son of Përëpëräwa caught sugar cane cake on the hook first, then yam peel, then Waraku fish, then Waraku fish, she became a Waraku woman ; brought all the cultivated plants, knives, and an ax from the water; her Cayman father also brought plants that were better than those brought by his daughter, but P. was afraid of Cayman, did not take it; V. refused to copulate during the day; the sun it was always at its zenith; at V.'s request, the monkey pulled the sun west with a rope, the first night began; P. and V. met; cassava tubers hung on branches, P. did not collect them, since then the tubers were in the ground; while P. was hunting, the spirit woman Kaikë asked her to say all the words she said to her husband, learned them, ate V. and her baby, pulled her skin over her, and the baby's skin over the block; P. felt a different voice and a bad smell, at night found that the imaginary wife did not have a vagina; when the imaginary wife went to the garden, P. cooked her child, let her eat broth and pepper; there was no water around, the woman was thirsty, P. finished her off with a club; P. is alone again; returning home, finds food cooked; he has a parrot, rabbit and toad at home; P. saw that a vulture woman descends from the sky, P. catches her; when she throws her clothes into the fire, the wife is offended, returns to her father; Father V. covered all the water; P. turned into a frog to hear the voice of another frog (where the frog is water); Makitiri (the grandfather of waterfowl makitiri) him found; P. "dived" into imitation birds, but only fell; Father V. came to find out where his daughter was; tied P., dragged him with him; where he dragged through the mountains, river valleys formed, so all rivers were created; brought P. to the sky]: 15-21; Magaña 1987, No. 6 [a man marries fish, the daughter of Cayman; she brings him cultivated plants, teaches him how to build a house, weave baskets, etc.; it was not night, they could not make love; she gets the night from his father; Kaikyo's evil spirit devours her and her son, takes her form, turns a toad into a son; the husband understands deception; gives the meat of an imaginary son to his imaginary wife under the guise of sloth meat; lives alone finds food cooked; finds a vulture woman, throws her feather clothes into the fire; she leaves; he looks for water, Father-Cayman drags him into the lake; then lets him go]: 132; Riviere 1969 [ Perepereva (now in the country of entuhtao, the "root of heaven", where the souls of the dead and unborn) hooked waraku fish, like trout, behind his back; she became a woman; he showed her his village - it's just a reed, her food is the core of the reed; she took P. to her father (a caiman or a huge snake); he has cassava, bananas, yams, sweet potatoes, corn, etc.; cassava was in the tail of a caiman (trio) cassava is called "caiman tail"); my wife taught me how to clear the area, process bitter cassava]: 259-261.
NW Amazon. Desana: Kumu, Kenhiri 1980 [Gain pañan is the ancestor of Parrots (but human); someone steals crops from the garden; first the girls with baskets ran away, the next night he caught one; she is pregnant; replies that he eats worms and insects; he inserted a leaf into her vagina, it is all chewed, there are piranhas; the woman is the daughter of the main Water Serpent, Piranha children are in her stomach; G. washed her vagina with fish poison, married ; decided to visit his father-in-law; emptied insect baskets into the water, ate the fish but did not touch it; the father-in-law killed the old servant (fish), gave his son-in-law to eat; there was a peach palm under the water, on which all four varieties ripened fruits; G. swallowed the seeds while they were searching, took it out of the crap on the shore; the palm tree grew, again all varieties on the same tree]: 151-158; Reichel-Dolmatoff 1968 [Trout's daughter came out of the river, became a wife human; the stones left the imprint of her buttocks; brought corn and other cultivated plants with her; people come from this marriage; she invented spells to be cast after childbirth; giving birth , was afraid to swim because there are many poisonous creatures in the water; the child's father saw trouts in the water, started shooting them with a bow; the wife shouted that it was her family and returned to the river]: 22 (=1971:30-32); yukuna: Herrera Ángel 1975a: 394-402; Barasana [Yeba was the first man, the son of a Jaguar and Sun woman (Yeba Haku, Pimal Sun); Yeb's mother did not tell him who his father was, the Sun himself said; he created Yeb in Calebase, which was the whole world; the animals offered Yeb wives, but refused; blew on the clay, poppy appeared, offered a wife, but Yeba refused again, because the Maku Indians are not real people; Yeba saw that someone was eating the fruits of the Pouteria ucuqui tree; made the Morpho butterfly admit that they were fish women; J. hung on a tree in the form of a fruit (the fruit looks like testicles); one of the women, Yawira, picked it up; Y. hers grabbed; she was an anaconda, many fish came out of her body; J. brought her home; his penis was high on his stomach like a jaguar; I shed one skin, became a boa constrictor, threw off the other, became a woman; J. brought her jacunda fish, Y. said it was her father's penis; the other fish turned out to be her brothers, grandparents, father's cigar, etc., she refused to eat them; J. asked Y. to bring "cassava" (wild fruit) from him" vegetable garden" (i.e. from the forest); the same with "bananas"; The squirrel gave Y. rubber fruit, she took it to her father Wai Hino ("Fish Anaconda"); he gave Y. all the cultivated plants; Belka was told to wait at that time but he began to dive, fearing that I had drowned, almost drowned myself; I went to the site to plant cassava with brother J. Nyake, came together with him, he turned into coca bushes; I gave birth to a son from N., he is the ancestor of one of the families; she cut off the umbilical cord, it grew into a pumpkin, another genus comes from pumpkin; I planted cassava with my own sisters, told J. not to look, he saw sisters Wakuo and Widio (weeds) rushed to the center of the site, now weeds are growing everywhere; sisters Meneryo and Hatio (varieties of cultivated cassava) ran away; their chatter became birds singing, which accompanies the women's work on the site; I hit Y. with a lump of manioc flour, his penis moved to where it is now; I split the head of the penis in two, then it did not hurt to copulate; his father-in-law gave J. a cigar, it looked like a fish, his father-in-law ordered not to eat it, he ate it, he had diarrhea, tobacco grew out of his bowel movements; J. shot his people (birds and animals), gave his father-in-law; he shed his skin, it became a bag for squeezing the juice from the cassava mass, the father-in-law himself took on a human form; J. ordered the Spider to make colored dance aprons out of bast cloth; J. hit the Spider tough, for he first brought a small bundle, and when J. opened it, the aprons split; the Spider, in revenge, made aprons and jewelry part of funeral rituals; all animals and birds gathered for the festival, the birds colored; sang (their song is the sound of the sacred flutes he); after the festival, the Y. brothers attacked, avenging the killing of fish; the animals ran away, but some remained in the water ( capybara, etc.)]: S.Hugh-Jones 1979, No. 7A-7I: 295-299; Bara [Anaconda's daughter is married to a man; brought Banesteriopsis tobacco and drug with her]: Jackson 983:122; tatuyo [Dyeba jaguar - Son of the Sun, more human than animal; rejects animal women, poppy women because she is wild; climbs a tree above the river, his testicles hang like the fruits of Pouteria ucuqui; fish (they are women) fall off; he falls in the form of a fruit and, with the help of various vines he has created, catches Dyawira (D.), the daughter of the Wai Pino anaconda (wai - "fish", pinō - "anaconda", i.e. Anaconda-Fish); other fish warned D. that it not just a fruit, but she did not listen; Dieba's penis is like a jaguar, he cannot get along with D.; she solders him drunk, corrects his penis; the monkey helps D. collect wild fruits; D. takes them to his river father, receives cassava, tobacco and other cultivated plants in return; D. forbids watching her and her sisters plant plants; Dieba watches, D. sisters turn into weeds; the name Dyawira also means the genus a fern that grows like a weed; Dieba does not smoke by mistake, but eats tobacco, thinking it is a fish; suffers from his stomach; he visits his father-in-law with his wife; he is first angry, then arranges a party; every time returning from the field, D. cheats on Diebe with the son of an anaconda; the bird reports this to Diebe, who kills his lover, makes his wife eat his cock; people and fish fight for a long time; Diavira is seduced by vultures, take to heaven; Dieba covers himself with ulcers, enters the land of vultures, returns his wife, vultures and little eagles chase him; Dieba finds honey, D. rushes to suck it, suffocates, turns into a tree frog - "mother of feathers"]: Bidou 1972:82-95; macuna [Yiba looked like a deer or tapir; son of the Jotajido anaconda; went for wild fruits, saw four daughters The anacondas are Ide Jźno, the eldest is Yawira; he liked the next oldest; together with his younger brother, he set a trap on the trail; Yavira got her hair entangled, the others jumped into the water , sailed away in the guise of an anacondas; Yib Yavire's house was bad, his people were birds and animals in her eyes, she could not stand the smell of wild fruits; she recovered by eating fruits that squirrels had dropped; told to throw them into the water for her brothers (they are fish); Yiba offered her cakes, but they were not from cassava, but from poisonous fruits; I brought real cassava from my father; then I brought a peach palm, umarí, coca, tobacco, etc.; at first Yib's penis is not suitable for copulation, I made it normal; I told Yiba not to watch her sisters plant cassava in the area he had cleared; immersing fingers in the ground, Y. created cassava, which ripened on the same day, had no peel; Yiba began to spy, cassava plants were slaughtered into the forest, weeds grew in their place; these weeds were sisters Yavira; a few cassava stalks remain only in the center of the site; now it is in the center of cassava that ripens best; under coca, Yiba cleared not a long area, but a short area; when Father Y. came to plant koku, the rows were crooked, this is the case now; father-in-law gave tobacco leaves, Yiba began to tear them up, tobacco grew in these places; Yiba cleared too small an area for a peach palm; sons came father-in-law to plant palm trees, for Yib they were parrots; the ones that were supposed to plant the largest palm trees did not find a place, so the peach palm was small; his father-in-law told him to bring him game, these are birds - Yiba's sisters; he shot them, baked them, brought them, but stubbornly called their father-in-law not father-in-law, but grandfather; therefore, Yib's and Yavira's marriage was not happy; in Yib's eyes, his father-in-law was an anaconda, and in Yib's father-in-law's eyes a deer]: Å rhem et al. 2004:495-500; kabiyari [Kua wives - Chicken and Woodpecker, ate wild tubers; coca, peach palm, cassava, tavena, bore, tobacco had tobacco; he had two daughters, the eldest is Manuena; Kua threw the fruit, M. picked it up, Kua grabbed her hair, she turned into a pineapple; Kua and her grandfather brought her home; she was used to eating cassava, her grandmother Pitia brought her him; M. first became a woman above the waist, continued to fabric anklets, became entirely a woman; brought cultivated plants from under the water from her father; Kua's penis was long, plugged into the waist; M. cut it off, threw a piece into the forest, now the "Kua penis" plant grows there; there were piranhas inside M., Kua washed his vagina with fish poison; first Brother Ka met M. and died because the last little one remained piranha; after that, sex is safe; Cua brought game to Testa Anaconda; became a heron; Piranha is the eldest among Anaconda's people; M. and his sisters planted cultivated plants, coca]: Correa 1989, No. 5:81-91; bora [Heron, he has a good ax, he came to his grandfather Serpent for coca and instructions; he sent him to the site for a coca; there are many women, daughters of the Serpent, undressed alone, put her genitals out, said it was coca; the Heron put it in the basket, put the eagle, which turned out to be made of leaves; in the field of Zméi and his wife, all cultivated plants; for which the Dog Master came, but had sex with a girl on the field, came back, said he had not found a coca; the serpent went to the field, saw that his coca was dented; the serpent gave him a coca and a daughter on the road; the Dog owner became pregnant and gave birth to dogs]: Razon 1992 : 154-156; whitoto [Diihoma is a great leader; while bathing, a snake skin came off him and another person touched it (? se percate de ello), turned into a snake; D.'s most beautiful daughter fed her manioc starch balls; the snake grew up, swallowed the girl; D. let him swallow himself; the snake swims into the sea, then returns; D. came out of his side; all nations were named after parts of the snake's body; D. plants cassava, the cuttings of which he extracted from the snake's womb; decided to take revenge on his unfaithful wife, turning into a harpy eagle, learning to fly from a dove; a giant tree grew out of planted cassava, an eagle's nest on its branches; the eagle fed his wife's lover to its chicks, then carries other people; the eagle was killed, from members of his body made ritual supplies]: (muinane) Urbina 1991, No. 1:19-20.
Central Amazon. Maue: Pereira 1954 [A young toad kills his jaguar father-in-law; throws a corpse into a river, it turns into a caiman; Toad's wife goes to the river, dances with her father's brothers (fish); they kill her turn her into cassava, the baby in her womb into manioc flour]: 109 (=1980 (2): 723); Ugge 1991, No. 3 [the person gets lost, spends the night in the forest; The boa constrictor invites him into his hollow; blows the wind; the man answers that it smells nice; the man leaves, climbs the tree where the macaw parrot nest; in the morning Boa constrictor climbs a tree for the chicks; the man taught them to shout Ha-Han; mother Ara flew in, shouted Ha-Han, the Boa receded , fell on the sharp leaves of a palm tree, cut into pieces; the tail turned into a large sloth, the head into a red inambu (bird), two veins into two varieties of plants for weaving tipiti bags; Boa's son is a man turned into sweet potato]: 147-156.
Eastern Amazon. Spiking [there were no cultivated plants, people ate rotten wood; hunters see a snake in the forest; touch it, showing where each piece sticks; the snake crawls with them into the river, people they eat piranhas; those who remain in the village find a snake in the forest, burn them; cassava, corn, sweet potatoes, etc. grow from the ashes.]: Nimuendaju 1920:1033-1034; juruna [people catch anaconda, sit on it rest, stick; it crawls into the river, swallows the adhering ones; others burn it when it crawls into the area cleared in the forest; cassava, sweet potatoes, corn, yams, pumpkins, peppers grow from the ashes; the bird explains how to grow and prepare crops]: Villas Boas, Villas Boas 1973:243-245.
The Central Andes. Peru's northern mountains, Chavin de Huantar, relief image on the Tello Obelisk [a pair of Amazon caimans (or Pacific crocodiles, Lumbreras 1993:145) with plants protruding from the lower half of their bodies (penis, hind legs): peppers, pumpkins, cassava, possibly peanuts, etc. (but not corn)]: Lathrap 1973, figs. 1-8.
Southern Amazon. Women usually take Cayman as lovers; men kill him; this is where the semi-wild Peki fruit tree (Caryocar butyrosum) grows. Vaura [Yakaskumã water monster is the lover of Litjilákumã's three wives; they bring him bread and a cassava drink; when L. wants to shoot Paku, she reveals the truth to him; he kills I. with an arrow, hits his wives; wives burn the corpse, pepper and Caryocar butyrosum and pepper grow from the ashes; L.'s son comes to his mother, who gives him only peka peel; he hides the fruit in his flute, brings men; women go home]: Schultz, Chiara 1971:128-133; mehinaku [Iripyulakuma and her younger sister take Yakajakuma (Great Cayman Spirit; when a caiman pops up, his skin bursts, handsome comes out); one person hears them calling him to make love, bring manioc cakes; all men go to call him, kill him with arrows and clubs; husbands beat him unfaithful wives; they buried their lover; a peki tree grew out of his penis (Cariocar butyrosum; fruits resemble avocados, rich in fat and vitamin B, ripen in autumn)]: Gregor 1985:78-79; kalapalo [five sisters marry Igwanegi (a tinamu bird); take Cayman as lovers, have sex with him on a manioc field; Agouti watches them; the husband calls Cayman in the same words as his wife, kills with an arrow; a peki tree grows out of a corpse; the youngest wife inserts a straw into her vagina, then into the peki fruit; therefore, ripe peki have a characteristic smell]: Basso 1987:185-188; kamayura: Agostinho 1974, no. 7 [The hunter's two wives become Cayman's mistresses, feed him manioc cakes; the husband watches, kills Cayman with an arrow, hits his wives with a stick; they burn Cayman's corpse; the ashes grow a peki tree (Caryocar butyrosum); on its four branches, fruits of four colors: north blue, east white, south green, west yellow; the parrot brings peki to Murenayat (owner of the village of Murena); he comes to the Spider, falls into his trap; The spider wants to eat him, M., asks for his thread; M. ties the thread to the parrot's leg, finds a tree on it; touches the fruit of the pecki's vaginas since then, the bakes are fragrant, and vaginas get the smell that the fruit had; makes everything pecky yellow]: 186-189; Münzel 1973 [the man is married to two sisters who copulate with Cayman, feed his lover fish and manioc broth; Cayman wears necklaces, decorated with feathers; predicts that the women's husband will kill him; then tells him to bury his corpse, to grow caryocar butyrosum and corn; the women's husband hunts coati, he tells him about his wife's infidelity; his husband kills Cayman with an arrow, hits his wives with a stick; women burn Cayman's corpse, bury ashes, and a peka tree with fruits of four flowers grows out of it; the parrot brings them Sun Mureynatu (owner of the village of Murena); Quat (Sun) and Yau (Month) come to women, touch their genitals with peki; since then, the peks have been fragrant, and vaginas have been acquired the smell that the fruit had; they tell the fruits to ripen only once a year; women celebrate the first peki festival, play the sacred flutes, and Quat and Yau say that from now on Only men will play the flutes; Quat creates Khurivuri's whistle (a forest monster in the form of a fish or a snake), frightens women with it, they hide in their homes]: 162-169; Umotina: Oberg 1953 [a woman finds anaconda eggs in the forest, puts them in a basket, carries it behind her back, the liquid from the burst egg enters her vagina; she conceives a snake son; he comes out of her womb, climbs a palm tree to collect for her nuts return to the bosom; a woman's two sons chop it into pieces; a woman buries him in a cleared area; it grows the first corn]: 108; Schultz 1962, No. g [people suppress fish with timbo poison; a woman picks up an anaconda egg with the fish, takes a mutum for an egg, puts it in a basket; the liquid from the burst egg enters her vagina; she conceives an anaconda son; he comes out of her womb, climbs a palm tree to collect nuts for her, returns; a woman's two sons chop it into pieces; before his death, an anaconda son asks him to bury it in the cleared area; he grows the first corn]: 236- 237; bororo: Wilbert, Simoneau 1983, No. 71 [the monstrous snake Butoríku devours a woman, hangs her necklace above the entrance to his cave; her son Pari Jura trains strength, leaves her on the trail obstacles; B. gets stuck under a fallen tree, PD kills him with a club; every woman gets a piece of meat; Aturuaródo does not cover her genitals with leaves, a snake conceived of blood; son comes out of her wombs, climbs a tree for fruit for his mother, returns to the womb; A. informs men about this, provokes his son to go out again; he is killed, burned; uruku, tobacco, cotton grow from ash], 72 [ Colbacchini 1925:190-192; Atuaroddo meets husband who killed an anaconda (ğure); gets pregnant from blood flowing from a snake's body; a snake son crawls out of her womb to a tree for fruit for his mother, returns into the womb; A. tells his brothers about this; they kill, burn a snake; uruku, tobacco, corn, cotton grow in this place]: 138-141, 142-144.
Eastern Brazil. Kayapo [Metraux 1960:14-16; there was no corn, people ate wild fruits, avocados, wood and lizards; there was no fire, they dried the meat in the sun; after learning that his wife had a lover, the husband decided not to be with him to fight, and took his wife to two mountains; cleared the plot, planted corn, cassava, yams, bananas; turned into a snake with a man's head; from hunting brought tapir, bakers, battleship; a lover came, his wife hid him under the roof; returning to the village, he told him what he saw; he also came to see, but answered the snake's question, who was there, the serpent ate it; the men killed the snake with arrows, burned down the house, took away the cultural plants; the snake's wife gave birth to snakes twice; people born in the village killed, those born in the forest crept away; the mother told them to bite people since they killed their father]: Wilbert 1978, No. 127:314-316.