Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

G20. A woman turns into plants. (.12.13.) .19.20.


Edible crops or wild plants arise from the body of an old woman, young woman or girl.

(Mukulu, Sandave), Susure, Baruya, Gilbert Islands, Binjwar, Sinhala, Semangi, Toba Bataki, Sunda, Java, Bali, Flores, Adonare, Alor, Tetum, Ibanas, Dusun, Western Toraja, Alune and Vemale, Kapis (Western Visayas), Miao and Yao of China, Ancient Japan (Kojiki and Nihon-Shoki), Ainu, Nootka, Halkomel, Quileut, Upper Chehalis, Koulitz, Hurons, Seneca, Mohawki, Penobscot, Mikmak, Passamakvoddy, malesit, abenaki, chiroki, natchez, screams, seminoles, koasati, paes, warrau, kariña Guyana, Wapishana, Makushi, Waiwai, Aparai, Oyana, Oyampi, Uitoto, Parintintin, Munduruku, Chayahuita, Konchuko, Kayabi, Suya

(Wed. West Africa. Mukulu [all a woman's children die shortly after birth; she decides to die herself if the baby dies again; she gave birth to a girl who grew up healthy and then died for no apparent reason; woman put her body and all her possessions on the ox, wanted to go; the floor of the hut does not let me in, says she will scream; she threw him a piece of cloth; then the same door, the courtyard, the area in front the yard, various sections along the way and the ground says that she does not eat people, let the woman move on; the woman throws a piece of cloth every time - better quality; finally comes to where she starts fall into the ground; fell with the dead girl and the ox; from the skull of the ox and the girl's body grew calebasses of various kinds; from the woman's body, calebasses of many kinds; each is used for for certain purposes; the smallest is a calebasa spoon; one woman went there, collected calebasses, brought them home; filled a large vat with water to make beer, went to work in the field; the Calebasses came to life, they took out the water and the vat and poured them out; so several times; the ant advised the woman to hide and look; she rushed to the calebasses, beat them to pieces, and the spoon ran into the pond that appeared in the place where Calebasses grew up; there was no way to grab her; the man went into the woman's house, picked up those calebasses that were still intact, brought her home; the spoon appeared there; the man was amazed to see that the Calebasses were alive; wanted hit the big one, it split, the beer poured out of it, flooded the village and all people died]: Jungraithmayr 1981, No. 11:49-58).

(Wed. Sudan - East Africa. {Sandawe were not farmers in the recent past, and the list of cultivars that have arisen consists mainly of plants of American origin}. Sandawa [Xyari refuses men; one turned into a hawk, took her clothes, she ran after him to his village, to his house, where he became human; she gave birth to a son; her husband's relatives told shave the baby with a piece of bark rather than an iron razor; H. did not listen, the child died; she told her husband that she would go visit her parents, did not say about the child's death, did not give it to anyone along the way; her mother buried the baby in the sand by the river; the mother cooked the broth, H. said that she would eat later, went to the grave herself, summoned the child from her, gave her food; the mother called H., the child immediately returned to the grave; so for several days; the mother found out, dug a hole, covered it with something, boiled water; H. stepped, fell into a hole, her mother and her friends filled it with boiling water and covered it with earth; millet, corn, beans grew on this place, peanuts, pumpkins; when they were hungry, people found them, put them in baskets, carried them, but at home they could not tear the baskets off their heads; they took them back and threw them, everything rotted there, and people returned hungry]: Arnold 1984:161-165).

Melanesia. Susure [there were no cultivated plants, people were cooking stones; old Mekue died; her husband found a dead rat in the forest, started making a fire at home, sent two grandchildren to bring meat; instead of a rat, they saw the grandmother (or her spirit); she gave them a tarot, everyone liked it; two sons M. told her grandchildren to spy on her getting tarot; it turned out that she was extracting from her skin; M. ordered to clear the area, kill her, pour blood on the site, put her side closer to home, legs under a tree, put her genitals on a tree branch; after the rain, tarot, yams, bananas and other plants grew in the garden; because he killed her grandmother younger brother (the elder refused), he took twice as much of the garden]: Lehner 1975, No. 2:742-744; baruya [the husband killed his wife, buried the corpse, the shoots of cultivated plants grew out of it; he ate them, his The black ugly body became beautiful, smooth; people began to find out why his skin had changed, he had to bring them to that place; bamboo grew there, knives were made of it]: Godelier 2003:192 ( translated in Godel 2007:157).

Micronesia-Polynesia. Gilbert Islands [Auriaria met her sister Nei Tituabine; she died, a coconut palm grew out of her head, an almond from her navel, a breadtree from her heels]: Maude, Maude 1994, No. 1:55-56.

South Asia. Binjwar [people found a girl under the bush, raised her, named Bamori; one guy decided to marry her, but she got scared and ran into the forest, lived under bamboo; people ate only air and there were no cultivated plants; B. had seeds of all plants (every kind of grain-seeds) in his navel; one day a lame young man came, B. hooked some ground with his left foot and threw it at him, he recovered; they began to live together; she told him to prepare the field, cut her navel with a golden knife and poured out all the seeds; became a young man's wife; the plants spread around the world]: Elwin 1954, No. X.3:157; Sinhalese [the husband died, the widow, older brother, younger brother and older sister remained; one day the children went to help their neighbors, where they treated everyone; the older brother and sister did not think about their mother, and the younger one hid it for their mother rice and curry under her fingernail; at home, the mother told her daughter that because she did not think of her, she would be cooked in hell herself; that is, she herself is rice, or rather one of its varieties, which is different large grains; the youngest son shook off what was hidden under his fingernail and the pot filled over the edge; the mother told the eldest son to move fast, he was the Sun; the youngest was told to become the Month, he was blown cool breeze]: Parker 2010, No. 2:52-53.

Malaysia-Indonesia. Semangs (Kintak Bong, Menig Kaien) [rainbow - two Huyak snakes that crawled to drink water; they were brothers Tak Tahi (elder) and Tak Suyak; TS ripped open the belly of the youngest child (girl, because only women's hair on their heads is rolled into a knot, see below), blood splashed, it turned into rice; the ears turned into sireh vines, the spine into sugar cane, the head turned into coconut, fingers and toes - beans, knot on the head - onions, brain - lime (for chewing tobacco, etc.), hands above the hands - cucumbers, belly - pumpkins, bile - tobacco; Negrito used to have rice, and Malays ate wild roots]: Evans 1937:167-168; Toba-bataki [Batara Guru has a magician son, who has two twin daughters, the eldest Sorbajati; Soripada is BG's brother, he has a son, Endapati, who looked like a chameleon; to him Sorbajati was married, the ransom was paid; the bride comes to the groom's village twice, but does not see him, and even more likes her younger sister; the third time she sees, runs, tries to abandon her brother, but that's it object; then he dances, goes up to the balcony, rushes down, disappears into the ground; this is where a sugar palm grew; hardwood came from Sorbajati's bones, the core from the hair, the bark from the bones of Sorbajati, the core from the hair, the bark from clothes, leaves from hands, sweet juice from tears, etc.; Endapati soon died, his body became bamboo and rattan]: Korn, p. 37-39; sunda [{long text fragment}; Dewi Pohachi died; from the head coconut grew, two types of red and black rice grew from the right eye; other types of rice from the left eye, bamboo thighs, rattan calves, etc.]: Hidding 1929:9-12, 29 in Mabuchi 1969:78; Java [supreme the heavenly god Batara Guru announces the construction of a guest house; his older brother Narada calls to participate in the work; Déwa Anta, who looks like a snake, cries for having no arms and legs; his tears turn into three eggs; he takes them in his mouth, crawls to HD; a bird of prey asks where it is crawling; he is silent because he cannot open his mouth; the bird pecks out his eye in anger, two eggs fall out of them Sang Kala Buwat pig and Budug Basu dog appear; at this time in Tegal Kapapan, a cow licked Sang Idajil's urine, gave birth to a son Sapi Gymarang, he became the lord of animals, including SKB and BB; the third egg YES BG reported that beautiful Déwi Pohaci was born from him, BL and his wife adopted her; fearing that HD would incest her, BG's father (or child) Déwa Wenang gave DP fruit from the Garden of Eden; he was so It is delicious that after him she did not want to eat anything, died; she was buried; various varieties of coconuts grew out of her head; red and white rice from her right eye, red rice from her left eye (different varieties); sticky rice from the heart (red, white and black); from the right thigh, spiny bamboo (Bambusa blumeana); from the left thigh, bamboo (Bambusa vulgaris); from the left caviar, bamboo Gigantochloa apus for making arrows and dressings; on the right - similar bamboo for making flutes; from veins - various creeping plants; from body hair - various herbs; from pubic - Arenga saccharifera sugar palm; BG ordered the plants to be handed over to the ruler Prabu Siliwangi in West Java (Pakuwan Pajajaran); it was no longer necessary to sow wheat, barley and millet, which taste worse than rice; PS had 75 wives, including one goddess Déwi Nawang Sasih; she taught how to get rice without growing, feed one hundred people with one spikelet; BG's brother Semar guarded rice; BG and N. turned rice birds, S. began to drive them away, broke off a palm peduncle, drank juice, so he learned about palm wine; (hereinafter, p.82-89, about how Sapi Gumarang is trying to destroy rice, storms, diseases, mice, etc., and Sulanjana revives rice every race)]: Appel 2001:80-82; Java [{a fragment of a long text}; Guru took possession of Tisnawati by force, she died, the body was buried; a coconut palm grew out of her head, from genital rice, banana from palms, teeth from corn; sugar palm also grew; var.: navel rice, sugar palm from genitals]: Mabuchi 1969:73; sunda [{long text fragment}; Dewi Pohachi died; coconut grew out of the head, two types of red and black rice from the right eye; other types of rice from the left eye, bamboo thighs, rattan calves, etc.]: Hidding 1929:9-12, 29 in Mabuchi 1969:78; Bali [Mngukuhan, a play (lacon) by Balinese theater; god Guru sees radiance in the sea in his palace Marchukaņda; there the hermit Kanekaputra subjects himself to austerities; sent unable to distract him; G. comes to him, says he knows that he wants to be equal to him; it is pointless to strive for this, because only the sun and moon appeared before him, G., and even earlier than them, heaven and earth; only Sang Hyang Wĕ nang is older than him; the hermit laughs and says that SHV is not the oldest; asks what was created first during chaos; G. does not know; showing mercy, K. leads him to heaven, making him in charge of heaven, making him in charge of gods; G. asks K. what he holds in his clenched hand; K. says it is Rthna dumilah's treasure, which makes him insensitive to hunger, thirst, fire and water; warns that if you loosen your grip, it will fly away with an arrow; G. asks to throw it at him, tries to grab it, the treasure flies from heaven to seventh earth, where it is swallowed by the Antaboga serpent; K. asks him back, A. tells him to be transferred to heaven for this; K. says this is impossible, A. is as big as the earth; A. curls up in a ring; the gods penetrate A. through his nose, ears, and mouth, but only start fighting there; they try to raise A. to heaven, but he disappears finds himself at G.'s feet, belching the treasure box, but neither he nor others can open it; G. breaks it, inside a three-year-old girl Ken Tisnawati and her palace; when she is 14 years old, G. wants to make it wife; she demands that he first take out clothes that do not wear out, food that satiates forever, and gamlan ktopyak; G. sends the jester Kalagumarang for them; he mocks the gods, they They want him to become an animal; he chases Dewi Sri, her husband Vishnu shoots him, arrows become vines, entangle his legs, he falls, becomes a boar; G. takes possession of T. by force, she dies; hers they are buried on the ground; a coconut palm grows out of her head, rice from her genitals, a banana from her palms, corn from her teeth; Boar K. continues to pursue Dewi Sri, who has now taken the image of Dewi Tisnawati, ruins rice crops; Vishnu pierces him with an arrow, his blood turns into insects and diseases that harm rice; the spirit enters the bodies of the children of the ascetic Puţut Jantaka; rice crops are ravaged by the god Pritanjala (guardian northeast) in the form of a bird, hides among the inflorescences of the arenga palm tree; these stems are cut off, the juice is collected, this is how palm wine appeared; the children of the PJ ascetic are rat, pig, monkey, buffalo, all wild bulls, deer and other animals; they come to ruin the fields; they are hardly defeated; the monstrous brothers Sngkan and Turunan turn their penises into whips, tame the bull and buffalo with them, and thread them a rope through the nostrils]: Rassers 1959:14-19; Sunda, Javanese [from the tears of the god Antaboga, who did not have limbs, three eggs arose, one of them being the beautiful girl Sri (Javanese) or Asri (in Javanese) Sundanese); after eating the fruit, she died and was buried; rice grew out of her eyes, sticky rice from her stomach, coconut from her head; (apparently, other cultivated plants from other parts of her body)]: Headley 2005b: 164-165; Java , Bali [{detailed retelling of Javanese, Sundanese, and Balinese texts}]: Mabuchi 1969:72-81;; Flores: Arndt 1932:63-65 in Mabuchi 1969 (Central Flores) [1) a woman came out of stone, married a man, gave birth to a daughter; she married Dzeni Lai Lengi, they have a daughter Düa Bobi; DLL ground his servants and slaves into porridge, scattered it across the field, corn and two types of millet grew; daughter cut her leg, rice grew out of a drop of blood; her father killed her, there was a lot of rice; 2) the woman killed the servant, scattered pieces of her body across the field, two types of millet and different tubers grew; killed two daughters; from the body one came up with rice, the other a sugar palm tree]: 67-68; Arndt 1951:69-70 in Mabuchi 1969 (East Flores) [a man came out of the ground, brought fire; a woman lived on the land, ate raw food; they had a son, he got it a wife, they have seven sons and a daughter; the daughter asked the brothers to prepare the field and kill her; the sixth brother killed, cut it to pieces, scattered it across the field, grew rice]: 68; Bunanta 2003 [Koke Tulit came out of the ground, brought fire with him; married Nini Bunga Majo Mae, taught him how to cook on fire; they have seven sons and a daughter, Nogo; she tells her brothers to cut off pieces of her flesh and scatter them across the field; rice rose there; mother The brothers are looking for a daughter, they answer evasively, the mother stabs a knife into a pile of collected rice, the rice begins to spread, the brothers ask their sister to stay in vain, now rice is in all villages; Var.: N. tells the brothers cook only a little rice, they put a lot, she runs away to other villages]: 77-78; Adonare [1) the woman's seven sons have prepared the field, but there is nothing to sow; she put on the best clothes, told her decapitate, blood spread across the field, rice, corn, beans, coconut and sugar palms grew, etc.; 2) the woman's excrement was gold, her hair was a gold chain, his fingernails were made of glass; the man sailed, married her, told seven men to prepare the field; the woman put on the best clothes, told her husband to kill her in the field; he scattered pieces of her body, corn and rice grew]: Arndt 1951:204-206 in Mabuchi 1969: 69-70; Alor [1) (northeast); brother killed two sisters, rice came from one's body, corn from the other; 2) (southwest); an old woman told her sons to kill her in the field; rice grew out of her body, corn from her teeth] : Vatter 239-240 in Mabuchi 1969:70; iban (the upper reaches of Lemanak) [the first man was lying by the aur bamboo; his legs were swollen, a woman came out, the god Petara gave her the name Seti Awa; her husband killed them the first child, buried, grew cucumbers, spinach, rice, various pumpkins; where blood spilled on the undergrowth, the undergrowth turned into ferns, bamboos and other types of edible plants; alternatively, a woman cut into pieces turned into rice, pumpkins, etc.]: Jensen 1974:75; dusun: Evans 1913 [Kemharingan and Munsumundok had a son and daughter; they had nothing to eat, parents killed a daughter; from her coconut appeared from her head, sugar cane from her hands, bananas from her fingers, rice from her blood; all animals also arose from parts of her body]: 478; 1953:15-20, 372-387 in Stöhr, Zoetmulder 1965 (Tempasuk) [ Kinorohingan and Warunsansadon came out of the cliff, created earth and sky, people; they had nothing to eat; they killed their daughter, buried pieces; coconut grew out of their heads, reddish rice from blood, Sirih leaves from their ears, from hands sugar cane, other cultivated plants from other parts]: 43; Western Toraja: Kruyt 1938 (4): 4-5 in Mabuchi 1969:36-37 [the couple told seven daughters to sow rice; they did not know what it was like do, interpreted rice; the mother became angry and punished her daughters; the eldest at night, followed by her all in turn, rolled down the slope of the site for the next six nights, injuring her whole body; the youngest, rolling, disappeared under tree left on the site; this is where: sticky rice from its flesh, ordinary rice from her bones, black rice from her liver, red from blood; corn grew from her teeth, coconut from her head], 37-38 [Pakawa: Bae Bula ("full moon") came out of the rock; Nabi married her, they have two sons and five daughters; one of them (the oldest?) She rolled around the site seven times; then rice grew from her brain, bananas from her fingers, corn from her teeth, from yam muscles, from palm hair, from hair on the tarot head, etc.; To ri Binggi (the westernmost group): Danu woman rode across the field, then the same; Kanggone: Danu and her sister ate rice, which their father Sawerigading ordered them to sow; he kicked them out of the house; D. told his sister to ride on the field (hereinafter referred to as the same); Sigi: the mother killed her son, dragged the body across the field; the hair came off, became rice, teeth fell out, became corn; it is also recorded among the rest of the Western Toraja groups, the victim is the youngest son, fourth out of seven, seventh daughter, buried child; in Koro, not daughter, but mother rode down the slope; Lore: a rich and noble man, out of compassion for people suffering from hunger, started running around the field, disappeared into the ground, grew up various cultivated plants], 38 [Kawatuna: seven children - Pleiades, one of them turned into rice; Sigi: wife turned into rice, husband into Orion Belt; Koro: Pleiades woman told her son to prepare fields for seven hills, began rolling on the slopes, rice grew]; Western Toraja [the first couple came down from the sky; the wife gave birth to a daughter, drops of blood turned into rice; the husband killed his wife, spilled her blood on the ground, blood became rice]: Kruyt in Mabuchi 1969:47; boogie: Kruyt in Mabuchi 1969 [the heavenly gods Patoto' and his wife Datu-Palinge have nine sons; the Gururi-Seleng and Sinau-Toja underground couple have nine daughters ( both couples are related through cross-cousin marriage); it was decided to send Batara Guru (he is the eldest son of a heavenly couple) to marry the eldest daughter of the underground couple We-nyii'li-Timo'; he was placed in bamboo with cultivated plants, lowered from the sky along the rainbow; decided to settle the young on the ground, the groom's father sent seven axes to clear the forest; when everything was ready, the bride left the sea east]: 48; Kruyt to St. öhr, Zoetmulder 1965 [Sangkuruwira is the god of heaven; his younger brother Gurusisileng is the god of the lower world; each has a twin sister; S. and G. are married to each other's sisters; G.'s wife's name is Sinau-Todya ("Living underwater"); S.'s wife's name is Datu-Palinge ("The Creator"); S. and DP send their eldest son Batara Guru to the land that does not yet exist; he is killed by putting land in his hand, placed in bamboo, lowered rainbow into the space between the upper and lower worlds; HD comes to life, throws the land brought, earth emerges; daughter G. and ST Njilitimo (Born from the Foam of the Waves) with five princesses emerge from the sea, BG takes them all as wives; slaves who come with HD from heaven marry princess maids, their children inhabit the earth; the daughter of one of the princesses dies on the seventh day, turns into rice; HD and N. give birth twins, son and daughter; the son and his wife become the new rulers of the lower world, and the daughter and her husband become the new lords of the upper world; the earth's connection with the upper (rainbow) and with the lower world ceases; later, the ancestors of the leaders of YuZ Sulawesi descend from heaven to earth]: 95; Sumba [Umbu Sebu and his sister Rambu Pari Mboka ("virgin fat rice") began to descend from heaven to earth; sister fell, from her jellied rice appeared; there were three brothers and four sisters; three brothers married three sisters, one was left without a husband, died, rice, corn and other plants grew out of her body; in the sky, two brothers took a girl married, she gave birth to a daughter; they began to go down the stairs to the ground, the daughter fell, crashed, dry rice grew out of her eyes; Umbu Sebu had a daughter, jellied rice appeared from her body; in the sky the first couple had 7 sons and 8 daughters; they got married, alone was left without a husband, married a man who turned out to be a mouse; disappeared into a hole; she died of despair; brothers cut her body into anger pieces; jellied rice came from the right side, dry rice from the left side, hair became grass, teeth became corn, etc.; sister gave birth to a dead child from her brother, died herself; brother buried his body, a storm began; Umbu Kadu went up to heaven to find out what was going on; the Great Master ordered the body to be reburied while sitting; various varieties of rice grew from her side; on a pole on the grave, he ordered the heads of birds and animals to be replaced with heads of birds and animals a monkey and a woman's brother; commoners arose from the skin and entrails of a brother, and from the flesh and bones the ancestors of noble families]: Mabuchi 1969:59-61; tetum (West Timor, Naitinu) [woman's body divided; her hands grew sugarcane, pumpkin from her head, yams from her intestines, rice from blood, etc.; corn and coconut came from parts of a man's body]: Mabuchi 1969:62; tetum (Bijeli) [1) Kruyt 1923:473-474; the first man and woman ate grass; the man turned to the Sun Lord (Usif Neno) to help; he ordered his wife to be killed, her bones and flesh crushed, scattered in the wind; arose corn and rice; 2) v. Wouden, p. 43; two men came to heaven, asked Usuf Neno for seeds; he gave them a lump of land; when they returned, they found a girl inside; they quarreled over her; she gave birth to a daughter; UN ordered to kill and bury the girl, rice and other cultivated plants grew; the UN gave the woman to one of the men]: Mabuchi 1969:64-65; aluna, vemale (zap. Seram) [Amete killed the pig that brought the first coconut; planted it, climbed the coconut to cut the leaves, cut his finger, the blood mixed with the juice, the girl Hainuwele appeared; when she was walking out of need, she came out of her Chinese porcelain, corals, gongs came out; during ritual dances, others, out of envy, pushed H. into the prepared grave, fell asleep; A. dug up the corpse, cut it, buried the pieces around the dance hall playgrounds, they became various cultivated tubers; she held her hands to the goddess Mulua Satene; she built a gate in the form of a spiral with 9 curls, told her to run through a spiral; not those who managed to run turned into various animals, birds, fish, and spirits; those who managed to pass to the left or right of the tree on which MC was sitting, she hit them with X.'s left or right hand, they became patalima or patasima; MS then retired to the land of the dead on Mount Salahua]: Jensen, Niggemeyer 1939:59-65 in Stöhr, Zoetmulder 1965:143-144 (same shorter in Jensen, Niggemeyer 1948 : 114-115).

Taiwan - Philippines. Kapis District (Western Visayas) [two brothers are going to kill their sister because they still have nothing to plant on the site; an angel they meet approves this intention and orders her bones to be buried around the edges plot, and head in the middle, put a hut above this place; palay, coconut, sweet potato, sugar cane, gabi grow out of bones; in the hut, the brothers find their sister, lead home; she is weak, asks not to forget her, disappears]: Eugenio 1994, No. 269:437-438.

China - Korea. Miao (SE Hunan) and Yao (northern Guangdong) [during the famine, the goddess of five grains gave people milk from her breast, its drops turned into rice; then blood poured out of her chest - red rice; after that, the goddess died, people honor her on June 6]: Yamada 2014:470; achan [god of heaven Tiagong went south, began to live there with the beautiful goddess of salt Sangmugumi; after killing the monster, he gives the warriors food prepared by S.; after her death, her head became a salt rock, her body became a salt river, her hair became chives (Allium schoenoprasum) and grape onions (Allium ampeloprasum), her hands with garlic and ginger]: Yamada 2014:470.

Japan. See quotes and comments in Matzumura 1998:51-54. Ancient Japan: Kojiki 1994, ch. 13 [Susanoo asks Oo-getsuhime no kami, the Maiden Goddess of Great Food, for food; she brings him mouth-watering things by taking them out of her nose, mouth, ass; S. kills her; silkworms are born in her head, rice in her eyes, millet in her ears, beans in her nose, wheat in her genitals, soy in her ass; Kamimusubi mioya no mioto mikoto), Holy Mother, picks it all up, turns it into seeds]: 58; Nihon Shoki 1996, scroll 1 [Ukemochi no kami turns her head: if he turns towards the country, boiled rice comes out of her mouth; there are different fish towards the sea; different commercial animals towards the mountains; all this food is presented to the gods; the month of Tukuyomi no mikoto sent by the Amatherasu sun is offended by the fact that its fed spewed from the mouth, kills W. with a sword; A. in anger, since then the Month and the Sun have been shining alternately; cows and horses have appeared from W.'s head, millet from his forehead, mulberry cocoons from his eyebrows, millet chie from his eyes , rice from the womb, wheat, beans, beans from the genitals; A. makes seeds from this for people to feed]: 129; Ainu [a little woman and a girl consistently come to villages, asking for them to give them a vessel filled with excrement; everyone refuses to eat it, the women swear and leave; the chief in eastern Hokkaido took the vessel and smelled the aroma, ate the food; the women stayed with him for the night; They were the giant Cardiocrium cordatum var. glehnii lily and Allium victorialis onion; the Ainu have been eating these bulbs ever since]: Yamada 2014:472.

NW coast. Nootka [husband ties his wife to the top of the tree, cuts off branches, leaves; the woman's brothers hear her screams but cannot climb the tree; drops of her sweat turn into strawberries ; the younger brother unties her, but already dead; takes her form, comes to her husband; the husband's mother suspects that the wife is not a woman; at night, the brother of the murdered woman cuts off her husband's head, brings it to his father and brothers]: Sapir, Swadesh 1939, No. 18:77-81

The coast is the Plateau. Halkomel (lower reaches of the Fraser River) [Magpie (Boas has a mistakenly "Swallow") sails in a boat, telling Swan sitting on the shore that his wife is dead and now he is going to the forest for the summer; in fact Magpie's wife tore her bast, met her lover, Magpie put it on the top of the cedar, peeled off the bark from the trunk, so she can't go down; the Swan hears the woman screams; his people take it off, she dies turns into blueberries; the Qäls converter turns Magpie into a swallow]: Boas 1895, No. 1:21-22; (cf. lillouette [the wife takes the Lynx as a lover; her husband tells her to climb a tree, puts her on a sharp top of her head like a stake; the woman's brothers ask animal people for help; only the Snail climbs the slippery trunk, but the woman is already dead; one of the brothers puts on her clothes and wig, goes to bed; cuts her husband's throat at night]: Teit 1912b, No. 33:339-340); Quileut: Andrade 1931, No. 22 [someone leaves the girl on top of the tree; the youngest of her three brothers is the first to hear her screams; her tears turn into red berries; the older brothers can't climb the tree, the youngest climbs; asks her sister how lower her; As you like, even if the vulva is visible; he lowers it; she steps as if she had just been deflorized]: 59-61; Farrand 1902, No. 12 [the girl marries an old man against her will, refuses to sleep with him; he tells her to climb the cedar to tear the bark, ties it to the top of her head, rips off the trunk, making it slippery; her youngest brother (this is the Woodpecker) hears her screams; her tears turn into red berries, Blue Jay eats them; Bear and Squirrel can't, Woodpecker climbs the cedar, lowers his sister; invites her husband to collect shells on a rock in the sea; leaves him, he drowns]: 121-122; Upper Chehalis [the girl promises to marry only the one who will defeat her in the fight; defeats Wolf, Puma, Bear, Owl, Hawk; Xwaips ("mountain eagle") turns a cedar branch into a dwarf, suggests that he fight for him, for the fifth time the dwarf throws the girl on the ground; S. sprinkles ash on the dwarf to make it seem like he hasn't gone anywhere for a long time; the dwarf tells the girl that she was defeated by W .; she goes to bed with S., but knows that he was not the one who fought; every day the wife brings hazel grouse, goose or some other bird, says that the hawk caught for her; S. suspects that his wife has a lover; makes wings for himself, flies like a bird, sees his wife with a hunter; he shoots a bird 5 times, S. hits arrows; hunter: so I'm going to die; S. hunted in wait, hit him with a club, cut off his head, hung it over the bed wives; blood is dripping; in the morning S. took his wife to her parents, killed him on the way, tied it to the top of the cedar, making the trunk smooth and slippery; her blood became strawberries; her relatives came eating berries, she started screaming that it was her blood; no one could climb the trunk, Blue Jay brags that she would climb but fell; only a little bird climbs, lowers her body; a woman has 5 brothers, the eldest dressed as a woman - does not look like; the same is others; only the youngest looks like his sister; comes to S., he believes that his wife has come to life; 4 nights the imaginary wife does not let herself be hugged; on the fifth S. fell asleep himself, the young man cut off his head and put it back; Blue Jay suspects something from the very beginning; after 5 days he decides to see - his master is dead]: Adamson 1934, #54:112-116; Cowlitz [two old maidens they live alone. They do all the work together, but the youngest goes to get water, and the eldest goes for firewood; once they decided to change; the eldest went to get water, slipped, fell, turned into stones; a piece fell on the youngest the bark, which left only scattered blood, turned into red huckleberries bushes and trees {these are not blueberries; rather what looks like cranberries in Alaska but grows on bushes}]: Adamson 1934, No. 41:240-241

Northeast. Hurons [husband throws his pregnant wife to the ground; Loons pick her up in the air, put her on the Turtle's back; she tells animals to dive; Beaver, Muskrat, Dive can't reach the bottom, some they pop up dead; when the Toad pops up, the Turtle finds some clay in her mouth, gives the woman, who puts clay on the Turtle's shell, the earth grows, the Turtle has been supporting the ground ever since; the twins in The woman's womb is arguing how to be born; the good Tijuskeha (Ioskeha of French sources; "good", "savior") is born normally, the evil Tawiskarong ("flint") comes out of the mother's side, killing her; she is buried; a pumpkin has grown from her head, corn from her breasts, beans and other cultivated plants from her arms and legs; makes snakes, predators, huge mosquitoes, a huge toad that has drunk all the water on the ground; good makes harmless and useful animals; the partridge flies to Taviskarong in search of water; Tijuskeha follows her, rips the Toad's belly, the water pours out; he reduces evil creatures in size; the kind says that he can only be killed with a bag of corn and beans; evil - that he can only be killed with a deer horn; the first to hit the evil, but the good comes to life, kills the evil with the horn; he goes west, becomes the master of the dead ; the kind wanted rivers to flow in both directions, the evil one demanded that only one way]: Hale 1888:180-183; seneca [in the sky, a woman is instructed in a dream to dig a tree with the flowers of light; people they dig it up, it falls into the abyss; the chief tells you to leave the woman after him; Loon tells the Osprey to pick her up; rejects the Horned Serpent's offer to take care of the woman; the Turtle is chosen for this role; animals and birds dive to get land, emerge dead; Hell-diver brings some land; it is placed on the Turtle, Beavers and Ducks make the earth big; a woman gives birth to a daughter; she gets pregnant by a person who turns out to be a Turtle; gives birth to twins; the youngest comes out of her armpit, killing her mother; his head is flint; the woman is buried, one of her breasts grows white, the other grows red corn; the older brother makes people; the younger one tries to imitate him, creates monsters; the elder puts them underground; after death, the good go to the older brother, the evil to the younger brother]: Curtin, Hewitt 1918, No. 74:409-415; mohawki [young wife dies, husband soon dies of grief too; first beans grow on his grave and corn on hers]: Rustige 1988:57-59; penobscot [husband finds out that his wife has a lover- snakes; the wife herself asks to kill her with an ax, carry her body between the stumps in the cleared area until the flesh comes off her bones; corn and tobacco grow in this place; in a dream, the wife teaches her husband how to farm]: Speck 1935b, No. 28:75; passamaquoddy, mikmaq [like Penobscot; no details]: Edmonds, Clark 1989:314; malesitis [wife ages, dies; asks her husband to clear the area, drag her body among stumps; corn grows out of its flesh]: Mechling 1914, No. 24:87-88; Abenaki [a man lives alone, does not know fire; a beautiful woman comes, teaches him to make fire by friction; asks him to drag her behind hair at the burn site; corn grows here]: Brown 1890:214 in Edmonds, Clark 1989:330-331.

Southeast USA. Chirokee: Kilpatrick, Kilpatrick 1966, No. 7 [a woman gives her sons corn and beans from her vagina; they decide to kill their mother; she asks them to drag her body through the garden, stay awake until morning; they fall asleep before dawn, so corn doesn't ripen overnight]: 391; Mooney 1900, No. 3 [son of Kana 'ti ("lucky hunting") and his wife Selu ("corn") plays with someone rivers; says that a boy comes out of the water, saying that his cruel mother threw him into the water; S. realizes that he came from blood when she washed meat; parents ask their son to grab Wild, they run up; he can't get used to the house for a long time; Wild turns into a feather, sits on K.'s shoulder, finds out where K. gets arrows, cacon kills deer by pulling them out of a hole in the mountain; brothers they release deer and commercial other animals and birds, Wild hits the last deer, since then the deer's tail has been lifted up; K. breaks vessels with mosquitoes, bugs, fleas, lice, they bit brothers; since then it is difficult to hunt; brothers are watching the mother; she rubs her stomach, corn is pouring in, her armpits are pouring beans; brothers want to kill her mother; she tells her body to be dragged seven times in a circle; corn will grow; they only seven small areas have been cleared, so corn does not grow everywhere; K. sees his wife's head, goes to the Wolves, sends them to "play ball" against the brothers; they lure Wolves inside the palisade, kill with arrows; rolling their hoop at sunrise, the brothers find K.; he warns them of dangers; they are not touched by a cougar; cannibals try to cook them, they destroy them with lightning; the sky beats against the ground; they slip to the ground On the other side, K. and S. find them; they send them west; they are Little People, their voices are a distant thunder]: 242-248; Natchez: Swanton 1929, No. 7 [two twin girls lived with the woman; they saw how in the barn, she sits over a basket, corn is pouring down from her; she refuses to eat it; she tells them to kill and burn her; in the spring, corn, beans, pumpkins grew on this place; the hoes worked themselves; the girls became peek, hoes immediately froze; work has to be done since then]: 230; screams: Swanton 1929, No. 5 [a woman cooks a dish of corn, rinsing her legs and leaching her cuticles; finding out what's behind her peeked, told me to close it in a corn barn for four days; told me how to grow corn; turns into different varieties of corn], 6 [it started raining, the old woman noticed blood in the water, put it in a vessel, a boy has appeared; she feeds him beans and corn, made him a bow and arrow, he hunts larger animals, asking their names every time; she tells him not to go to the mountain in the distance; he is spies on her thighs rubbing, corn and beans falling off them; he refuses to eat; she decorates his hat with live jays and rattlesnakes, gives a flute, birds sing to her play, snakes rattle; tells her to go over the mountain, where she did not tell her to go before; tells her to burn her in the house, come to this place later; marry the first girl she meets; on the way, the Rabbit offers to swim, steals clothes and a flute young men; he comes to the village, marries, his wife finds many turtles in a puddle; the rabbit was detained as a thief; when the young man appeared, silent birds and snakes gave a voice; the rabbit was abandoned to the dogs, but he ran away; after swimming across the river, the young man put the fish to sleep, his wife picks it up; he hits his wife with an ax on the parting, two appear; The rabbit only accidentally crushed one gudgeon; killed his wife with an ax; in the place of the burnt woman, a young man with the wife found all kinds of beans and corn growing], 7 [an old woman came, corn is pouring from her ulcers, filling her bins; blood is dripping from under the roof; the old woman puts a bloody shard under the bed, he turns into a baby; grows up, hunts, spies on his grandmother with whom corn is falling; refuses to eat; the grandmother attaches a jay and a rattlesnake to his hat, gives a flute; tells him to clear the plot, drag it along it, burn it, return in three months; on the way, the Rabbit offers the young man to catch turtles, steals his property; in the village, the jay and the snake shout that the Rabbit is a thief; people return the hat a young man; he marries an old woman's daughter; washes his head in the river, putting fish to sleep; hits his wife with an ax, creating two wives; Rabbit's fish does not die, his wife is killed; at the site of the burning, the young man finds grown up corn and beans]: 9-10, 10-13, 13-15; koasati [people shy away from the dirty, lousy old woman; she stayed in the orphanage; produces corn by rubbing her body; while they slept, the lock is full corn]: Swanton 1929, No. 6:168; Seminoles: Greenlee 1945 [Corn women lived in the forest, were big and fat; their bodies were like a big cob; when they rubbed their feet, corn fell down; alone stole a little boy, raised him to feed him corn; he grew up strong, got married; she gave him four corn seeds; this is how people found corn]: 141; Marriott, Rachlin 1968 [two young men live with their grandmother; they want to try food that is not meat; the grandmother feeds them corn; they spy, they see her rubbing her body, grains fall off it; they refuse to eat it; the grandmother tells them to bury it in fertile land; corn grows on the grave]: 106-111.

The Northern Andes. Paez [old cannibal woman: potatoes, pumpkins]: Nachtigall 1955, No. 21:311-312

Guiana. Warrau [an old frog woman's adopted children see her cooking with starch that protrudes from her neck; burn it]: Wilbert 1970, No. 166:361; Carinha Guyana [old woman: yam, okumo, mapei]: Armellada, Napolitano 1975 in Roe 1982:156; Roth 1915, No. 37:134; vapishana [the Sun's wife lost her husband's trail, went not on the right path, but on the left; came to the old woman's house- Toads; she asks to look in her head, not to bite through the lice; the woman saw through, died; the Toad hid the corpse on the platform under the basket; her sons (or pupils) came - Jaguar, Puma, Ocelot and others; found the corpse was eaten, the old woman was given the twins extracted from the womb (João and Pedro, according to other texts, Duidi and Mauára); they could not be cooked; they jumped out of her mouth, and when swallowed it out of the ass; she thought they were dead, put them to rot in a big vessel; they secretly get out of there, steal food; she waited, said let them live; they hide in mocó; she hid mocó, they stopped hiding, immediately became adult young men; they wanted to kill the bird, which said that it was not her, but the Toad, who killed their mother; the brothers sent the old woman to the site prepared for burning, set it on fire; from her ashes grew sweet potatoes, pumpkins, jerimú, melancias]: Wirth 1950, No. 1:167-168; macushi [see motif J16; The sun is leaving, telling his wife to follow him after a while, from a fork to walk along a narrow right path; a woman walks along the wide left, comes to the old toad; she asks to take out her lice, not the ones on the right side of her head; the woman bites through the louse, dies; the grandchildren of the Jaguar Toad find they eat the corpse; the toad takes two eggs in the woman's womb; tries to cook, the water cools down; she peels them from the shell, the eggs sing; she pours them into the basket; they come from Anike and Inskira, eat deer giblets lying in the next basket; at night, the toad hears a conversation, sees two boys in the morning; while hunting, a paricuara bird tells them about the death of their mother; the brothers try cut off the Toad's head but has a strong neck; lure her to the garden; ask her to name all the cultivated plants (corn, bananas, sugar cane, papaya, sweet potato, jerimu, watermelon, melon, rice, cassava); set fire to the site; the old woman explodes, the hot stones fly to the sides; the brothers hid in advance in the shelter, were not injured; (do the listed plants grow at the site of the burning?)] : Soares Diniz 1971, No. 2, 21 [girl: cassava]: 78-80, 97; waiwai [see J16 motif; a woman dies in a Jaguar house; their grandmother adopts Mawari and Wåshi twins in her womb; she gives they don't like cassava made from her excrement; then they let them burn themselves; then a real cassava emerges from her bones]: Fock 1963:39-46; aparaí: Rauschert 1967, No. 6 [woman bathed , the fish bit her calf, Kujuli was born from the tumor; his opponent and companion Kwaikö (aka Manakaschi) was bitten in the chest by a caterpillar; her chest was swollen, M. could not walk, asked K. to kill himself; K. comes to look at the bones, finds a tall rock, cassava, bananas, peppers and other cultivated plants at its foot; first tastes them raw; the spirit of the victim teaches him agriculture], 7 [old woman defecates with cassava; her son-in-law saw it and did not want to eat it anymore; the old woman taught her daughter how to farm; her son-in-law burned her on the site, all cultivated plants grew in this place]: 182-183, 184; oyana: Magaña 1987, No. 42 [see motive F62; after the flood, Kuyuli comes to the old toad woman, finds out that she keeps the fire with her anus; K. sends two birds, but they fail to steal the fire; sends her jaguar drive it away, steals the fire himself, but the Toad is happy that he loses it; K. turns into fire himself, prepares manioc cakes from the pus of the boils that he has on his body; Sica refuses to eat it; K . asks him to bury himself; this is where a vegetable garden with all the cultivated plants appears], 64 [two friends hear a woman laughing; they come closer, a caterpillar sticks to one's chest; he asks a friend to kill her; a vegetable garden appears on this site], 84 [old woman: all cultivated plants]: 42, 47, 51; oyampi [old woman Alipama's body is covered with boils; squeezing pus out of them, she makes kashiri, gives her son-in-law; one day he sees this, scolds his mother-in-law; she asks her to leave her in a hammock in the middle of the area prepared for fire, to return in three months; from her flesh comes bitter cassava, from the flesh of her hands - bananas, legs - sugar cane, buttocks - sweet cassava, breasts - papaya, half of the head - pineapple, from the other half - large yam, from teeth - peanuts, from the heart - caju (fruits eaten by children), from lungs - uruku, liver - Araceae, bile - pumpkin, thighs - small yam, rectum with excrement - yam, intestines - purple yam, vulva - beans, ash - pepper and tobacco; but there was no corn; father took it out Three seeds per nostril, let the boy plant, corn grew]: Grenada 1980:318-319; 1982, No. 22:182-185.

NW Amazon. Uitoto [(Flornoy, p.124); a young man lives in an old woman's house; she chases him (perseguía con sus maldiciones); to escape, he turns into a woodpecker, pounding trees; she tries to grab him , he turns into a hummingbird, flies to the sky; his body releases liquid that turns into a kind of vine or rope; an old woman climbs it; a young man turns into the Sun, the rope melts, the old woman falls turns into bitter cassava with a poisonous peel]: Girard 1958:78.

Central Amazon. Parintintin [Tabaé (Baira is her grandson) finds an egg; a snake crawls from an egg into her stomach; when she comes to a chestnut tree, she spreads her legs, the snake crawls out, collects fruit for it; people they followed the old woman, killed her and the snake, burned the corpse; at this place there was a vegetable garden with corn, cassava, yams, bananas, etc.; birds taught people how to cook agricultural products; the snake turned into a vine on a chestnut tree]: Pereira 1980 (2): 590-591; munduruku [Karuebö, the son of the old woman Kapirú's sister, asks for food everything that currently grows in the gardens; K. teaches to prepare the plot tells you to bury yourself alive with her arms, legs, fingers spread out; her body spreads all over the site, corn grows out of it, etc.; her fingers are cassava tubers; Karuebö is killed, joins her aunt on vegetable garden]: Kruse 1949, No. 12:619-620; Murphy 1958, No. 23:91-92.

Montagna - Jurua. Chayahuita [husband went hunting; while he was away, the pregnant wife gave birth to a girl; heard a pu'u owl singing in the forest; the woman said that if she were a human being, she could help her bring firewood and make a fire; pu'u came out of the forest in the guise of a woman, gave the woman the firewood she had brought with her; asked her to spend the night; at midnight she put her finger into the little one's eye to the girl, replied that she was crying because she pulled a tick out of her age; when her mother fell asleep, she picked out the little girl's eye, ate it; then from a sleeping woman; the woman's little son climbed under the roof, from there I saw what had happened; heard his father return from hunting; when he went down and told him what had happened; the pu'e woman stayed in the house, put a stone in the hammock, and babysitted him as if it was a child; while going to get water, the man warmed up wax on the fire; asked the woman to let him paint her face to go to the party; tied two boards, told her to stick his nails between the boards, or he afraid of them, they are too long; threw boiling wax on her face, set fire to the house; dying, the pu'u woman said, Yo'uira choka, ma'ma' choka, ascho' choka, uyyouan choka; therefore, from her eyes after death tubers of whitina, sachapapa, sweet potatoes and uyyouan plants grew]: Shlyakhtinsky 2008.

The Central Andes. The upper reaches of Marañon, Conchuco district [synopsis of four versions: A (Pomabamba), B (Chavin de Huantar), C (Marañon upper reaches), D (western tributaries of Marañon); drought and frost destroyed crops ; parents decide to leave their young son and daughter; realize that they heard them, tie their children in a bag, throw them into the abyss; the bag hangs on a thorny plant; The swallow is unable to free the children, Condor brings them to the valley; they dig potatoes in the Achikai field; she feeds the boy potatoes and peppers, the girl with stones and a sucker of dried frogs; the girl sleeps with Oronkai (Mulyu-Valka ) - the daughter of an old woman; the boy is from A.; when the boy gets fat, A. strangles him, devours him; explains that he screamed when she was looking in his head; tells his daughter to push the girl into a boiling water tomorrow cauldron, cook the cauldron, telling the girl to bring water in a broken vessel; the frog turns into a woman, teaches the girl to repair the vessel, push O. herself into the cauldron, put her brother's remains in a bag, run; A. devours her daughter, she answers her from her belly; Condor hides the girl under her wing, hits A.; Skunk hides her in a hole, lets a stream into A.; Fox, Deer also help the girl; Gorlinka promises to revive the boy puts his remains in the basket, does not tell the girl to open it; she sees A. approaching, opens it, the boy turns into a white dog; Vicuna gives the girl a golden rope; the girl and the dog climb on it sky; A. Vicuna gives a rope on which the parrot sits; he cuts off the rope, A. falls down, asks her assistants to spread the blanket; her screams echo, can still be heard; her blood turns into a lake, her body turns into a lake, her body into mountain, flesh into various plants: feet and hands in cacti, blackberry nails, nettle hair, eyes in potatoes and ulyuku, teeth in corn, fingers in tubers in eyes and mashua; (options A and D; B names places where A.'s flesh and blood fell); in the sky, a white dog turns into a Pleiades or the Morning Star; a girl into an Evening Star]: Mejia Xesspe 1952:237-242.

Southern Amazon. Kayabi: Grünberg 1970 [a woman tells her sons to burn her in the field; her teeth have turned to corn, her legs to cassava, her heart to yams; var: peanuts from the brain, black yam from her hands, sweet cassava from hand, white yam from chin, taja from hair, beans from genitals, mangarito from teeth]: 159-160; Pereira 1995, No. 30 [people ate only forest fruits first; widow tells her two sons to prepare plot; tells her to leave her in a hammock in the middle of the plot, set fire to the felled vegetation; sons should not cry for her; corn grew from her teeth, bitter cassava from her left leg, sweet from her right leg cassava, sweet potato from the appendix, peanuts from the knee, another type of peanut from the little finger, beans from the vulva, water cassava from the intestine, and small and large mangarito from the little finger and ring finger; The harvest should be harvested when the Pionus menstruus bird arrives; the sons have harvested the harvest]: 90.

Eastern Brazil. Suya [when defecating, the old woman produces cassava, corn, sweet potato, etc.; asks to clear the area and burn it; cultivated plants grow from the ashes; first they grow themselves; one person cut himself with a corn leaf, decides that plants should be planted]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1984a, No. 48:153.