G23. Multiple objects from the same creature. .11.-.14.16.19.-.27.30.33.-.41.44.-.47.49.-.
The origin of different (more than two) creatures or objects is due to the metamorphosis of a living being or part of its body. {Only etiological texts are taken into account. For statistical calculations, the P23 motive also includes all texts with motifs G23A and G23B}.
Tumbwe [cultivated plants], yoruba [rivers, gods], mamprusi [birds; fish], pears [celestial objects], casena [celestial objects], haza [living things], malgashi (gelding) [living things] creatures], Malgashi (Antanosy) [social groups], malgashi (sakalava) [soil, vegetation], Berbers of Morocco (Nador) [world and its elements], kabila [plants], Tunisia [certain people and plants], Scots [strait, islands], Majprat [animals, plants], Inavantan Berau [sea and sand], arandai bintuni [ethnic groups; hero relatives], gadsup [ethnic groups], eipo and yale [cultivated plants], susure [plants] ], keva [plants], kukukuku [plants], baruya [plants], vogeo [relief], Pentecost [fishcoast], chamorro [lights, space, people], Yap [plants], Gilbert Islands [lights, landscape, plants; plants], Tikopia [plants, fish], Tibetans [space, elements], (Tibetans Amdo, Mustang), kachins [landscape, artifacts, plants, elements], apatani [landscape, stars], miniong abor [animals, plants, near landscape] , duffla [weaving supplies], panggies [animals; artifacts, animals, plants], bori [landscape, plants], lao [cultivated plants], muongs [people, animals, birds, fish], ede [space, elements, luminaries], bulang [sky, earth and everything on it], Rigveda [social groups, luminaries, landscape], condas [landscape, stars, plants, animals], gondas [ethnic groups, space, relief], bhuya [landscape, stars, plants], baiga [palace, weapons], sora [plants, animals], bondo [landscape, lights, plants], haria [ethno-social groups], juang [landscape, lights, plants], maria [like bondo, juang], semangs [mostly plants], Malays [spirits, plants, rain], tobabataki [plants], sunda [plants], Java [plants], Bali [plants], ibanas [plants; artifacts], clemantane [plants], dusun [plants, animals], murut [local group characteristics], ngaju [plants; animals, stars], minahasa [celestial bodies], Flores [plants], Sumba [plants; social groups], toraja [plants], Seram [plants], dongo (Sumbawa) [animals and plants], tirurai [plants], Kapis [plants], sulod [animals], ifugao [animals, plants, rainbow], manobo [earth, stars], saisha [ethnic groups], ancient Chinese [space, stars] , landscape, plants], Chinese (Sichuan) [sky, earth, animals, plants], achan [plants, salt], namuzi [landscape], Miao [fish, birds, insects], Moldovans [near landscape], Croats [plants, near landscape], Kalmyks [landscape, stars], Karachays [landscape, stars, people, plants], (Ingush [household, people]), Avesta [plants, animals], Karelians [near landscape, berries, seagull; plants, insects, worms], Finns [grasshoppers, corvids], Veps [near landscape], Scandinavians [landscape, stars], Eastern Sami [plants, stumps], Dungans [animals, birds, fish from the life force of Alam], Tuvans [ near landscape, birds], Nganasans [mountains, atmospheric phenomena], Nenets [animals], Mansi [artifacts, landscape], Eastern Khanty [landscape, forest, mosquitoes], southern Selkups [plants], central Yakuts [ artifacts; trees], northwestern (Olenek) Yakuts [household], Evenks (Sym, Kirensky, Baikal) [artifacts], Evenks (Ilimpic) [landscape], Evenks (Yerbogachen) [metals], Evenks Chinese [artifacts, trees, rocks], Evens [landscape, elements, animals; artifacts], Nanai [near landscape], Orochi [near landscape], Wilta [near landscape], Udege [artifacts, near landscape, stars], Kojiki and Nihon-Shoki [plants], kereks [artifacts], Asian Eskimos [artifacts], St. Lawrence [artifacts], igloolik [minerals, artifacts], upper tanana [edible plants], beaver [animals], chilkotin [fish], shuswap [ethnic groups], Thompson [ethnic groups], kordalen [ethnic groups], ne perse [ethnic groups], Western sachaptin [ethnic groups], Kayuz [ethnic groups], chelan [ethnic groups], Lower Chinook [ethnic groups], Vishram [ethnic groups], kutene [ethnic groups], kus [ethnic groups], Winnebago [plants], Western Ojibwa [animals], Hurons [plants], seneca [plants; universe], Tuscarora [luminaries], mohawks (group unspecified) [luminaries], teton [artifacts], omaha [artifacts], omaha and ponca [plants], iowa [plants], arpahoes [artifacts, plants - bison body parts], pawnee [plants], alabama [plants, pipe], northern shoshones [cosmos], zunyas [constellations, stars], Laguna [animals], Navajo [plants, animals], cahuilla [plants], kiliwa [near-landscape], yaks [animals, birds], Aztecs [landscape, plants], Nahuatl Central Mexiko [plants], chinanteca [plants], chol [animals and birds], kuna [birds, landscape], hikake [plants], kogi [plants and animals; plants], ihka [plants], warrau [plants, animals], lokono [ plants], cariña Guiana [plants], macushi [plants], aparai [plants], oyana [plants], oyampi [plants], aguaruna [plants], coreguahe [plants], carijona [plants], ocaina [plants], puinave [plants] plants, musical instruments], baniva [aquatic animals, landscape], uitoto [plants], barasana [artifacts; plants], mura [plants, etc., for making bows and arrows], manao [plants], maue [ plants, animals], parintintin [plants], munduruku [plants], thorns [plants], juruna [plants], urubu [various turtles], Peru's north central coast [plants], Vicos (Ancash) [plants], Tantamayo (Huanuco) [plants], Caruas [landscape], Conchuco [plants, relief], Pampas [plants], chayahuita [plants], pyro [animals, plants], cachinahua [cosmos], Ashaninka [ethnic groups], yahuanahua [ethnic groups], takana [plants, landscape, animals, star], eseeha [birds], tupari [plants], kayabi [plants], kalapalo [plants], nambiquara [plants, flutes], iranshe [plants], paresi [plants], umotina [ plants], apinaye [birds], suya [plants], kaingang [plants], aioreo [plants], toba [plants], matako [plants]
Bantu-speaking Africa. Thumbwe [Fundimulindilindi hit the gong and the first man, Kasanga, came out of the sea, and after the second blow, his sister; after the third, a man named Goy, after the fourth, Kayumba Lusindoy ; then Kayumba's wife came out; but he gave her to Kasanga as the eldest; Fumbi cut down pieces of wood and distributed it to those present as fetishes; taught them how to get fire by friction; Goy and Kayumba began to argue which of them was older and must be a leader; Kasanga: You are older than me, so let me eat; but they couldn't; Kasanga pulled his hair out of his head and cut it into pieces of different sizes; put it in the ground, it turned into plant seeds from which cassava, corn, sorghum, peanuts, sweet potatoes, bananas, beans grew; after that, the rest recognized Kasanga as the oldest and wisest]: Maes 1933:495-496 (brief retelling in Kotlyar 2009, NO. 241:150).
West Africa. Groosi (cacena, fra, borax, busanse) [the brothers quarreled over the tail of a dead cow; wanting to reconcile them, the father planted the cow's skin so that when it fell, everyone would take the appropriate part; the skin became sky and clouds, horns became the sun and moon, the tail became the Milky Way; var.: "the tail became stars"]: Lagercrantz 1952:65; casena [the boa constrictor ate the baby; parents called four men; one knew how to track down a snake, the second how to kill, the third how to rip off, the fourth how to revive the swallowed one; four began to argue who should get the skin of a boa constrictor; the child's father offered to plant the skin - let the one he falls on get it; the skin rose, became the sky, the head became the sun, the tail the moon, the spots on the skin became stars]: Cardinall 1920:24; mamprusi: Anpetkova-Sharova 1966, No. 10 [flew only one bird; the prankster Salimbuni killed it, ate it, burst, and all the birds flew out of it], 11 [a fish leaning out of the water (an unprecedented creature) helped the girl put a jug on her head; despite Promise, the girl talks about fish; she is caught, eaten, the girl is the most; it swells, bursts, a stream flows out of it and all the fish in it]: 18-19, 20-22; Yoruba [Olorun and his wife Odududua were like two tight halves of a calebass; Odudua resisted being in the darkness at the bottom, then Olorug pulled out her eyes; she said that he should only eat snails (snails are donated to him); they have a son and daughter, those gave birth to an orungan son; he chased his mother to take possession of her, she fell in Ifa, rivers flowed from her breasts, parts of her body turned into gods - Lightning-Shango and his three river wives, Okean-olokun, god Okun blacksmiths, hunters, warriors and others]: Belcher 2005:309.
Sudan - East Africa. Hadza [Quadudada's man asks his son to climb the baobab for fruit; he drives pegs into the trunk, rises, leaves the fruits on one branch uncollected, replies what he will collect in the next once; the next time the father cuts off the pegs, says that the son can eat the fruit left; after three months he returns, says he will not be able to drive the pegs; the young man is terribly thin, asks Hawk to lower it, he says that the Stork can do it; the stork cannot lift the young man either, he spreads his wings, tells him to jump; the Stork's children pecked and ate the young man; the knot with intact bones Stork takes Muliliv to the old man; he breaks bones; a goat and a hyena came out of one shoulder, a goat and a leopard from the other, a goat and a lion from the thumb, a nameless bull, a middle donkey and a zebra, from index dog and cat, from the little finger a dog and a jackal; from the thumb of the other hand there are two bulls, from an unnamed goat and a jackal, from the middle finger two goats, from the little finger a goat and a hyena, from one knee an elephant, from another rhino, from the hips - for a bull, from the tibia an ostrich and a buffalo, from the big and fourth toes, a big and a small daman, from the third marten, from the second a wild cat, from the fifth a tree rat; the other leg from the thumb is a hare and a warthog, from the fourth a dwarf and mountain antelope, izn spreads its wings, led the third black-fifth antelope dump, from the second baboon, from the fifth monkey; from eight ribs water goat, marsh antelope, lala, wild dog, nja antelope, hippopotamus, guinea fowl and shepherdess, 4 species of steppe partridges, chicken and pelican, wild pigeons and titiako bird, lackey bird; from the brain is different herbs, water flowed from the eyes, flooded the ground, dried up, many trees grew, from the snake's intestines; M. built a pen for all animals; the day did not come long; finally the Ishoko-sun descended from the sky, morning came; I. told the animals to disperse, returned to heaven]: Col-Larsen 1962:23-28; malgashi (gelding) [at first only the sea, the monster Itrimobe lives in it; one day he leaned out, saw the light, did not find lands, dug holes in the middle and five sides of the ocean, water gathered in them, land appeared; but his eyes were tired of the light and he died; his spirit wanted his hands to become people, two legs to be animals, the insides are reptiles, the spine is fish; the right hand has become a man, the left hand is a woman, they help each other; the legs have become pets on which people rest like legs]: Haring 2007, No. 1:1-2; Malgashi [When God created Adam, he extracted from his brain a woman, the ancestor of the family Roarandrian, from his neck, the ancestor of the genus Anakandrian, from his neck, Ondzatfi, from the right sides - Voadziri (they are black), from the thigh - Lohavohits, from the calf - Ontsoa come, and from the sole of the foot - the ancestor of slaves]: Haring 2007, No. 3:6 (=1982, No. 1.1.56:92); malgashi (sakalava) [ pregnant woman wants to eat kiridi liver; husband: if I don't come back in a month, kiridi ate me; he struggles to overcome deserts and rivers with crocodiles, shooting at K. missed, he swallowed it; a boy was born, grew up quickly, friends tell him about his father's fate, his mother confirmed; he took a gun, went to kill k.; cuts the monster's belly with an ax, from there the voice: be careful, son; swallowed people and animals come out; blood turned into a lake, bones into birds, flesh into clay and soil, wool into plants and herbs; people who came out formed a village, made the young man a leader]: Haring 1982, No. 1.3.07:134.
North Africa. The Berbers of Morocco (Nador) [the first creature was a peacock in paradise; walking past the mirror of life, he was amazed by the surrounding light and began to sweat; from the sweat on his nose, God created angels, and the sun on his face , the moon and stars, prophets and saints on the chest, Jerusalem and the Kaaba on the back, mosques and all holy places, Muslims on the eyelashes, Jews and Christians on the ears, and the ground on the feet]: Thay Thay 2001, No. 1:7-8; the kabilas [the kabilas fought against the Spaniards, killed so many enemies in the mountains that rivers of blood formed a lake; it grew a tzeschera-buensa tree with golden leaves; Teriel ate them, became pregnant; wild animals came to eat what she would give birth, but she hid into a cave, gave birth to seven Wuarssen and their sister; every Wuarss lay down in a hole and gained the strength of many men; people were scared that T. will give birth to some more monsters, cut down a tree, dragged it away, burned it; two streams flowed in place of the tree - white and animals and blacks; if you put your finger in this second, your finger will turn black; while dragging, a branch it broke off, and figs, olive and 5 other types of fruit trees grew out of it; the tree was burned, the sparks turned into the lights of St. Elms; from ash thrown on a pile of manure, a vine with two branches grew; one black bunches, the other white; if you eat black ones, horns will grow, if white, horns will disappear; the wind has dispelled the ash around the world, it grew valuable and useful plants]: Frobenius 1921a, No. 15:85-87; the Arabs of Tunisia [in paradise God created a tree of truth with four branches, a peacock on a tree, a mirror of life; a peacock looked He had six drops of sweat; four turned into Abu Bakr, Oman, Atman, Ali; the remaining two into rose and cedar]: Ayadi 2008, No. 34:55.
Western Europe. The Scots [a farmer in northern Scotland has a lazy youngest son Assinatl ("Lying in the Ash"); six older brothers are pushing them around; the king has a daughter Gemdelavly with his first wife; sister A. her servant; the giant sea serpent Mestern Storworth has sailed; with his breath he can destroy the country; the Queen has a magician lover, she advises you to contact him; he tells me every Saturday throw seven beautiful girls to eat the snake; A. promised to kill the snake, but they laughed at him; the wizard ordered the snake to J.; A. hears his father confess to his mother that he should blow into the goose neck so that his mare would fly like the wind; when his parents fell asleep, he stole the neck, immediately rode to the shore where the boat in which the princess was supposed to take the snake; stole it from the old woman a pot of burning peat; told the watchman that he had found gold, he ran to look for it, A. swam to the snake, which swallowed it with the boat, A. set fire to his liver, the snake began to fight and regurgitated the boat; pierced his tongue the strait that separates Denmark from Sweden and Norway; its teeth have fallen out and turned into Orkney and Shetland; it itself has become Iceland, so there are volcanoes (the fire in the snake's womb is still burning); the Queen and the magician fled; A. caught up with them on his horse, hacked the wizard; the queen was imprisoned forever in the fortress; A. married J.]: Klyagin-Kondratyeva 1967:30-46.
Melanesia. Inavantan Berau [cannibal giant Wakabata Putih ate people; a woman with her young son escaped in a tree; the boy grew up, ordered stones and spears to be heated; threw a hot stone into VP's mouth, then spears were thrown there with his mother; VP died; where his head fell was the sea, where his body was sand]: Miedema 1997, No. 10:33; Majprat (NW New Guinea) [Dema Ratu died, his eyelashes became mosquitoes, his veins became mosquitoes, his veins leeches, boar head, lower jaw possum, spine ironwood; Remo tree grew from the skulls of dead boar and possum, its fruits feed on wild boars and possums, leaves cover huts for women in labor]: Elmberg 1968, No. 1:253; Eipo and Yale [the first ancestor came to plant a tarot and killed the Mambol pig; this is the pig that gave birth to us; he ordered the front leg, back leg, ass, the head turned into bananas, tarot, yams, sugarcane (Saccharum edule), mallow {obviously an edible species}; saliferous plant arose from the abdomen; the same from parts of the body of a dismembered opossum]: Heeschen 2017:96-97; Vogeo [Tidalap beat his wife; relatives were afraid that they would avenge her, sailed away; T. swam after them, his brothers killed him, dismembered his body; his torso turned into a flat island Mushu, head with hilly Kairirou, toes in coral reefs, feet in the Toricelli Mountains on the main island]: Hogbin 1970:30-31; Pentecost [a hair-covered cannibal bitten to death two of a woman's children; he was killed , thrown into the sea, it turned into all types of fish]: Tattevin 1931, No. 29:879-880.
Micronesia-Polynesia. Yap [a woman gave birth to an eel, her father cut it to pieces; the head turned to coconut, her neck to a breadfruit, her torso to a banana, and a tail to a tarot]: Müller 1918:314.
Tibet is the Northeast of India. Tibetans: Ogneva 1982c (bon mythology) [the sky emerges from the head of the goddess Lumo, the moon from the right eye, the sun from the left eye, the planet from her upper teeth; when she closes her eyes, night falls when day opens; thunder from her voice, rain from tears, wind from her nostrils, rivers from her veins, earth from her body]: 74; Tucci 1949:712 in Allen 2011 [the queen of snakes arose from emptiness; from the top of her head arose sky, sun and moon from eyes, thunder from voice, mountains from bones, etc.]: 61; (cf. Tibetans (Amdo) [when the boy is 15, his favorite ram says that he will be slaughtered tomorrow, tells him to keep his two knee bones; one yellow and the other white, the boy calls them gold and silver; the cannibal grabs the boy's father, he promises to give his son for himself; deliberately leaves both bones in the old camp, tells her son that he has forgotten them; the boy rode his eight-legged mare; the witch says that it is difficult for her to get up; the boy dismounts, takes the bones, jumps away, but the witch takes it out, throws the sickle, cutting off the horse's legs; says that today he will eat the horse and tomorrow the boy; sends the boy for firewood; the dove says that tomorrow he will arrive and carry him away; in the morning the witch cuts off the pigeon's wing with a sickle: today I'll eat the pigeon, tomorrow you; the insect promises to become a bull tomorrow, carry the boy away; the bull rushed, the old woman did not throw the sickle, chased herself, did not catch up; he would go to the village, people loaded him with a lot of food, he ran away, brought it to the boy; said that he was the ram the boy was talking about cared for him since childhood; ordered him to be slaughtered, his red, white, faithful hair scattered around the villages; put his legs on 4 sides of the world, put his intestines around them; head in the middle, heart in front of his head, kidneys along the edges; cut the meat, scatter it around; the village, where white hair is thrown, is full of sheep, where black is yaks, where red are horses; head is a palace, legs are four gates, intestines are an iron fence, heart is queen, kidneys - two ministers, pieces of meat - people; the boy became king]: Kajihama 2004, No. 25:103-108; Mustang [King Benda Horki Gyevo's eldest son promises to marry a rich bride, the middle son to smart, the youngest is beautiful; Men's father Suka Drönyok promises to pass her off as someone who knows her name; the demon threatens the jackal to eat it if he does not find out; the jackal overhears the servant calling the DMD, runs to demon, forgets his name on the way; so twice; the third time he remembered; the demon called the name, leads the DMD to the golden palace, then to the mother-of-pearl palace, then to the house of dog crap; the wife agrees to live in every time such a house, if it is her and her husband's house; inside, a crap house turns out to be a luxurious palace; when leaving, the demon leaves the DMD the keys to all rooms; one has no key; she finds a rusty key hanging above the door; in in the room there are corpses of horses and people, an old woman in the corner; she says that a demon locks aged wives in this room; tells her to run away by placing a figure dressed in a DMD dress on the terrace, gives a youthful appearance and chest; DMD in the guise of an old woman meets a demon, he does not recognize her, lets her through; she is hired as a king to take care of dogs, then cows, horses; all animals get fat and healthy; roasting grain, DMD takes off the appearance of an old woman, the younger prince sees it, marries her; the princes give the youngest only a goat and a dog; let the one who wins the trials inherit the kingdom; 1) make the best yogurt (DMD) puts gems in it, her yogurt is better); 2) whose vomiting is more pleasant; older brothers swallow gold and silver keys, but vomiting is normal; DMD drinks milk, swallows rubies, her vomiting glows in a rainbow ; 3) who will cover the whole kingdom with cloth; the elder covers half, the middle half, the third, the DMD is still completely left; the youngest received the kingdom; went on business, the DMD gave birth to a son whose top is golden, the bottom silver, mother-of-pearl forehead; sends a servant with a letter; he stays with the old man, he replaces the letter: the wife gave birth to a broom and a pestle; praises the king of the child, but he is surprised that the letter is different, tells wait for him to return; the old man replaces the letter again: throw the child over 9 valleys and 9 passes; the DPA goes with the child to meet her husband, meets an old man, this is the demon from whom she ran away, he swallows the child; the DMD puts him to sleep, looking for him in his head; a fish appears from the demon's forehead, the DMD pierces it with a pin, the demon dies; the horse, which was previously grazed by DMD, tells him to kill, spread his intestines around the edges of the plain, Put the kidneys on the left and right, your head in the center, four legs in four directions; when a tiger and a leopard woke up in the palace, at the entrance to the chain, subjects appeared from drops of blood; her king husband came disguised as a beggar, they reunited]: Kretschmar 1985, No. 15:100-104); bori [first only water, buffalo (younger) and elephant (elder) live in it without knowing each other; they meet, quarrel, they kill each other; the flesh of the buffalo formed the earth, the bones of the trees, the wool of the grass; the elephant's bones formed rocks, from its flesh the mountains; after that, Sedi-Melo was born, determined where the mountains should be, rivers, plains]: Elwin 1958a, No. 2:8-9; duffla [Hinte Anne sowed a cotton seed in her chin, the plant grew, she gave it to people, taught her how to spin; her body turned into various parts spindles, so a finger into a stick with a spindle]: Bora 1995, No. 8:9; kachin [after the Rumba bear dies, his body turns into a bow, his tongue into a knife, his genitals into a charne and the standard of the god of war]: Gilhodes 1908:676; miniong [Banji-Botte killed the Polung-Sabbo buffalo; made his penis a snake, made her teeth out of bamboo chips, dipped in the bile of the victim; threw his head into the river, it became stones shores; spine - cranes; remaining bile - poisonous aconite; blood - leeches and various poisonous insects]: Elwin 1958b, No. 10:368; panggies: Elwin 1958b, No. 3 [Peddong-Dorum owned a tree Ramjo, it was for his son; Kare-Botte cut off tree branches from the top; some fell through the ground to Polo-Irgong-Lilong, into the lower world of Wiyus Spirits, turning into wild pigs there; big the female fell into the hills, became a deer, the other a buffalo, another a porcupine, the fourth a squirrel; this is how animals appeared], 10 [when Peddong-Doini-Ningkank-Kanga died, Ninur-Botte's brother did not bury him; took it his rib, it became a sword; his fingers were ornaments, his skull a vessel, his nails were the tips of spears, his thumb was an arrow, his belt was a poisonous snake, his bone marrow was rice grains; his rain hat was thrown by the NB into the river , it has become a duck; the teeth from the lower jaw are flint, the upper jaw is iron, the nose is a wild banana whose leaves cover roofs, the tongue is fish; fire carved with iron and flint has spread around the world; PDNA I got up, began to fill it with my urine, so all the rivers appeared]: 255-256, 404-405.
Burma - Indochina. Lao [the ill-tempered widow began to grind rice sweeping; pieces scattered to the sky and fell into the forest, where they formed tarot, and small {other} tubers; rice goddess Nang K'osop became angry and disappeared, without her, a famine began for 320 years; finally, the hermit tore her body to pieces, which included black rice, white rice, Annam rice, glutinous rice; wings and tail goddesses became the "mother of rice," her liver and heart became the "heart of rice," or "the beginning of rice"; from her spine, ribs and long bones, the hermit created a pole, and from her abdomen and entrails a flag; her nerves, blood, dark and beautiful eyes, mouth, teeth, and head turned into two one-eyed spirits]: Archaimbault 1959:236-241, Terwiel 1994:6-7 in Yamada 2014:467; muongi [initially an undivided lump of earth and sky; after a terrible drought, clouds swirled, rain poured, lightning struck, the sky separated from the ground, and water appeared between them; ficus (Cây Si, Ficus benjamina) grew and then collapsed; large and small branches became Muong villages, crumbling leaves became birds, roots became fish, and a pair of first ancestor birds Chim Ây and Cáy a emerged from the stump; they laid thousands of eggs from which they arose various animals and people; in the latter (or the last two), two brothers and sister, they are the ancestors of the Muong; the younger brother became the first ruler of the Muongs; he tried to marry the daughter of the Lord of Heaven; then on the daughter of the lord of the underwater world; then married his sister; because they broke heavenly law, all the children were freaks: without arms, legs, deaf, dumb; the old man advised his brother to go east, and wife - to the west; when they meet, let them not recognize each other; let the woman eat in the chicken coop for the time being, and the man in the pigsty, because these are chickens and pigs who do not know the prohibition of incest; then you must commit proper marriage]: Grigoreva 2019:54-57; ede [the head of the supreme deity Aedié symbolizes the heavenly dome, frowning forehead - clouds, breath - air, genitals - fertility, his right eye is the sun, his left eye is the moon, his hands are the two pillars on which the sky rests; his wife Heba (mother earth) has given birth to a female sun and a son who died from a scolopendra bite; since then A. settled in a big house on the upper tier of heaven]: Nikulin 1980:49; bulang (blang, south of Yunnan) [at first only sky and clouds, rhinoceros-like li runs among them; Gumiya made his skin sky, eyes - stars, flesh - earth, blood - water, wool - all kinds of plants, brain - humans, bone marrow of animals, birds, insects, etc.; four legs - four pillars of the sky; earth placed on the turtle; as soon as the turtle tries to move, Gumia's rooster bites it in the eye; if it falls asleep, the turtle moves, shaking the ground; then people pour rice on the ground to wake the rooster; 9 Sun sisters and 8 month-old brothers decided to destroy G.'s creation; there was unbearable heat on earth; at this time, crabs lost their heads, fish lost their tongues, snakes lost their legs, frogs lost their tails; before leaving the shelter, G. smeared the straw hat was waxed, but the wax melted and flowed into his eyes; G. made a bow out of wood with green bark, a bowstring from wild rattan, arrows from bamboo, moistened the tips with poison from the reservoir in which he swam dragon; climbed hot stones to the top of the mountain, hit 8 suns and 7 months with arrows; their blood poured into the earth, cooling it; the remaining Sun and Month fled; tired G. released 18- the arrow, it hit the Month, which survived, but lost its heat; it became dark and cold, people plowed, tied their lanterns to the horns of oxen, the rivers stopped; G. sent the swallow to look for the sun; when she returned, she said that the Sun and the Moon hid in a cave in the east; G. sent all the animals and birds to ask them to return; he did not go himself, because those who hid were afraid of him; two partridges, black and white, did not go with a tuft; the first smeared her tail red - supposedly she had diarrhea; the second smeared her head white - she was in mourning for her parents; they were all banned; there was a swallow in front, followed by fireflies; the birds were led by a rooster, animals are wild boar; in the cave, the Sun and Month spouses are starving, but afraid to go out; the rooster called them, the rest promised that G. would not shoot at them; rooster: from now on, go out after I binge; cut a knot, threw half to the Sun and the Month, made a comb out of the other (a cut knot is a sign of the conclusion of a contract); daughter G. Gumishafema feeds the Sun three times a day with golden juice and the Month with silver juice; she is a young girl in the morning, a young wife in the afternoon, an old woman in the evening; the Sun and the Month are allowed at the end of each month return to the cave to connect (the moon is not visible at this time); the Sun is a shy wife, the Month gave her needle rays to stab the eyes of those who glanced immodestly at her; the entrance to the cave was blocked the stone, only the boar managed to push it back; all is well]: Miller 1994:88-93.
South Asia. Gonda [Nansur Dano was standing on Earth; she said he was too heavy to let him marry her; Brahmin was born from the shadow of Dano's head, Sonar was born from his eyes, Chamar (Nakua) from his nose, a stake from his ribs, a stake from D. turned his feet into gondas, urine turned Earth's breasts into sun and moon, clitoris into lightning; he pulled out his pubic hair, it became grass; pulled out his testicles - rocks, penis - trees; so D.'s bodies and Mother Earth gave birth to the world and everything in it]: Elwin 1949, No. 17:39; baiga [the sparrow laid two eggs, asks what her children want to eat; eggs: father and mother; sparrows were frightened, flew away and died; from A young man came out of one egg, a bull from the other; they went to look for his mother; 21 Phulmoti Kaniya sisters are swimming in the lake; the young man hid their clothes; but they are all crooked crippled, incinerated him with a poisonous look; dewar him revived; Raja to a young man: let your bull fight my elephant; a bull killed an elephant, but the Raja killed the bull with a magic spear; when he dies, the bull tells the young man to bury his legs - a palace will appear; you can kill with your tail enemies, eyes will turn into hornets, ears into stone, thanks to which you can hear everything; the king sent an army to the young man's palace; half of the soldiers were killed with an abandoned tail, the other was killed by hornets; the Raja gave young man daughter and kingdom]: Elwin 1944, No. 8:127-128; bhuya: Elwin 1949, No. 2 [Baski Mata was born on a floating lotus leaf; ordered the world to be created from the blood and bones of Boram Burha's son named Parihar; gods sent the tiger to kill him; the splashes of blood on the water became earth, his bones became seven rocks, his hair seven trees; the fact that the gods were walking on the ground that was still wet formed mountains; the Basque Mata dived and stood on head, began to support the ground with her feet; when she moves, earthquakes occur], 3 [there were 14 parts of water, 7 parts of dirt; Dharam Deota came out of the water, from the mud collected from the right side of her body created a man, a woman, brother and sister on the left; sent smallpox on them, after which they did not know each other, got married, gave birth to a son Parihar; the gods sent the tiger to kill him; his blood was shed on the ground, she became hard and reddish; legs turned into big trees, hands into small trees, hair into grass, bones into rocks and stones, head became sun, chest moon; tiger paw print is visible on the moon]: 28-29, 29; haria [God created heaven and earth, then pava, she laid an egg, it burst, haria arose from the shell, the Purana (Hindu caste) from the squirrel, and Bhanja (the dominant genus in Mayurbhanj)]: Roy, Roy 1937:26 on Kapp 1977:13-14; bondo: Elwin 1950 (same at Juang, Maria) [Mahaprabhu spat, water turtle swallowed his saliva, conceived; her womb was swollen, but there was no hole to give birth; M. cut her from behind, a girl was born; she grew up asking the turtle about her father, she sent her to M.; she wanted to lie down with him, he killed her; blood flowed, formed earth; her left eye became the moon, the right sun; her bones became hills, her hair turned into trees and grass; from her womb, M. took a boy and a girl out of her womb; they gave birth to people]: 137-138; 1954, No. 2 [Bati Mundli and Bati Sisa found a little boy; BS's wife took him to bathe; his penis was gigantic, he wrapped it around his waist; when BS's wife saw this penis, she offered to have sex and died in as a result; BM and BS saw blood in her vagina, killed a boy; his arms and legs turned into trees, hair into grass, bones into rocks, blood colored the ground, and a coconut palm grew out of his head]: 3-4; Muria (Raja Muria): Elwin 1949, No. 30 [Kaitab, pregnant with earth, sat on the waters; Mahapurub created a man, told him to kill her; her flesh became earth, her bones became rocks; at first the earth staggered; M. tore out 9 hairs out of his leg, hammered like nails in 9 corners of the world], 31 [brother and sister swam in the pumpkin among the waters; the pumpkin hit the Terminalia tormentosa tree; Mahapurub killed brother and sister, their bodies arose earth; kicked halves of a pumpkin, a boy reappeared in one, a girl in the other; people came from them]: 47, 48; sora (Hill Saora) [after the creation of the world, the white mushroom Akangpang grew, from which it was born Gadejangboi; her long hair got into her mouth, she cut it off, it gave rise to trees and herbs; her lice turned into all kinds of animals and birds, she gave them names]: Elwin 1954, No. 9:341-342; conds (Kuttia): Elwin 1954, No. 9 [water everywhere; Chanchenga and Pachenga surfaced, found a rock; asked for land from Nirantalui and Kapantali; N. took a handful out of her hair, threw it on four sides, appeared land; when a cow, a buffalo and a pig were sacrificed, the land dried up; the bones of these animals became rocks, their wool became grass], 12 [when Nirantali and half of the people came out of the hole in the ground, from there a cannibal appeared; N. smashed his head with a stick, he fell back into that hole, jamming the door; N. cut off his head, turned him into an anthill; his eyes turned into stars, his tongue into the sun, his legs 4 mountains, the tail is a vine, the ears are banana plants, the intestines are river snakes, the blood is the Kambell River, the liver is a rice field; people who remained underground could not get out]: 7, 432.
Malaysia-Indonesia. Malays [God told Gabriel to kill the (anthropomorphic) snake Sakatimuna (believed to have ravaged Minangkabau in Sumatra in the 12th century) with a club; he smashed the snake to pieces and its head rose higher the sky, the tail went underground; from some parts of the body of snakes, all evil and good spirits and other objects arose, namely: the rainbow from the sword, the grass from the hair on the body, the trees from the hair on the head, the rain from the hair on the head, the rain from tears, dew out of sweat]: Skeat, Blagden 1900:3-4; Toba Bataki [Batara Guru has a magician son, who has two twin daughters, the eldest Sorbajati; Soripada is BG's brother, he has a son, Endapati, who looked like chameleon; Sorbajati was married to him, the ransom paid; the bride comes to the groom's village twice, but does not see him, and he likes her younger sister better; the third time she sees, runs, tries to give up brother, but everyone objects; then he dances, goes up to the balcony, rushes down, disappears into the ground; a sugar palm grew in this place; hardwood came from Sorbajati's bones, the core from hair, bark from clothes, leaves from hands, sweet juice from tears, etc.; Endapathi soon died, his body became bamboo and rattan]: Korn, p. 37-39; ngaju (Kualakapuas District) [Lamangbang named Karantika was mistakenly burned by his friend Nuli; dying said his legs would be tahura, his teeth would be kampating, his calves would be sipung, his hands would be ular sawah, his ears would be bamba, his hair would be sananuat, worms, guts, everyone other snakes, back - riawah, skin - kijang, nails - burung tuwing, thighs - kaju sawa, head - sangang galing, eyes - stars]: Mallinckrodt 1924:186 in Maaβ 1933:303; dongo (Sumbawa) [ after the creation of land and the appearance of waters, the snake tells the first man and woman to cut it into pieces, throw them into a pond; the pieces turn into horses, buffaloes, goats, monkeys, deer, wild chickens, etc.; along the banks Various plants grow in the pond, including edible fruits; the snake's head and tail have grown together, the snake has revived, taught farming]: Arndt 1952:484; minahasa [Pandagian dances late; father forbids her family to lower her stairs when she returns home; her mother invites her to lie on the ground (there are fleas), on a pile of brushwood (there are rats); P. turns to Riamasan to take her to heaven; from the sky a golden chair descends on a gold chain, P. sits in it; getting up, P. asks her to stop three times, reproaches his household members; when they realize that she is leaving them forever, they beg her in vain return; in the sky, P. is tied, carried, washed, killed, fried, slaughtered like a pig; her face turns into the sun, the back of her head into the moon; because there were cuts in the back of her head, spots on the moon; all parts of her body turn into various constellations and stars (a significant part is specifically named)]: Bolsius 1909:886-891; Sumba [Umbu Sebu and his sister Rambu Pari Mboka ("fat rice virgin") began to descend from the sky to ground; her sister fell, jellied rice came out of her body; there were three brothers and four sisters; three brothers married three sisters, one was left without a husband, died, and rice, corn and other plants grew out of her body; in the sky, two brothers married a girl, who gave birth to a daughter; they went down the stairs to the ground, the daughter fell, crashed, and dry rice grew out of her eyes; Umbu Sebu had a daughter, her body jellied rice appeared; the first couple had 7 sons and 8 daughters in the sky; they got married, left alone without a husband, married a man who turned out to be a mouse; disappeared into a hole; she died of despair; brothers in her body was cut into pieces in anger; jellied rice appeared from the right side, dry land from the left side, her hair became grass, her teeth became corn, etc.; the sister gave birth to a dead child from her brother, died herself; her brother buried body, the storm began; Umbu Kadu went to heaven to find out what was going on; the Great Master ordered that the body be reburied while sitting; various varieties of rice grew from her side; on a pole on the grave ordered the heads to be replaced birds and animals with the heads of a monkey and a woman's brother; commoners arose from the skin and entrails of a brother, and ancestors of noble families from flesh and bones]: Mabuchi 1969:59-61.
Taiwan - Philippines. Manobo [Kezenan created Andaw (Sun), a man with a hot body, and Bulan (Moon), a woman with a cool body; B. gave birth to a child, left him in the cradle, he began to cry, get out; A. I wanted to pick him up, but burned him to death; the couple quarreled, separated, cutting the child apart and throwing them apart; one part turned into earth, the others into celestial bodies]: Eugenio 1994, No. 67b: 132; sulod [there was only heaven and sea; giantess Bayi put a worm in the palm of her hand; excrement fell out of it, began to grow, earth arose; B. became pregnant with her husband Laki, began to give birth; from her fingers - everyone wild ungulates, from the toes - all aquatic creatures, from the calves - pets and birds, from the hips - wild birds, from the genitals - three boys (hereinafter, a retelling of the biblical story of Noah's nudity and ancestors three groups of nations)]: Eugenio 1994, No. 30:80-81; ifugao [God Hinumbian and his wife Dajaue have a daughter Bugan; refuses heavenly suitors, goes down to earth, marries poor Kinggauan; gives birth to a son Balituk; There is only rice and meat brought from heaven, she does not want vegetables; she is not loved, her house is covered with vegetables and fish; she can't stand the smell, she offers to divide her son; the bottom takes her to heaven, this part turns into a living boy; the top and entrails remain on the ground for his father, begin to decompose; B. goes down to find out where the stench comes from; turns his head into an owl, his ears into a tree mushroom, his nose into the shell of a snail living on trees, part of the excrement is the beak of an ido bird, the tongue is in people's tongue, the heart is in the rainbow, the chest bones are in a poisonous snake, the fingers are in long shells, the hair is worms, larvae, the skin is red bird, blood - small bats, liver - breast disease, intestines - animals like hares or rats, hand bones - rotten branches falling on passers-by]: Beyer 1913 in Eugenio 1994, No. 10:33-37 (episode "mushroom- ears" at p.36), in Macdonald 2005:85-87; saisha [one person escaped during the flood, got to the top of the mountain; the old man who lived there divided his body into pieces, threw them into the water; saisya appeared from the flesh, from Chinese intestines, atayal from bones]: Yamada 2002:153.
China - Korea. Ancient China: Kravtsova 2004 [the plot of the division of the world's egg is first described in a text from the 3rd century AD, which came down in extracts contained in later encyclopedic works; the plot of death Pan-gu and the transformations of his remains are in even later sources; perhaps the influence of the beliefs of South Asian peoples and Indo-European cosmogonic narratives in Indo-Buddhist writings]: 322-323; Yuan Ke, 1987, ch. II [(Imperial Review of the Tai-Ping Encyclopedia, Interpretation of History" by Ma Su, Ren Fan, "Description of the Amazing"); the universe resembled an egg; Pangu was born in it; he woke up, split the egg with an ax; light and clean rose up, became the sky, heavy and dirty down, became earth; P. rested his head on the sky, grew up, raising the sky higher; when P. died, his sigh became wind and clouds, voice with thunder, left eye with sun, right eye with moon, torso with legs and arms by four countries of the world and five famous mountains, blood by rivers, veins in roads, flesh with soil, hair on the head and mustache - stars, skin and hair on the body - herbs, flowers, trees, teeth, bones, bone marrow - metals, precious stones, sweat - dew and rain; var.: tears - rivers, sigh - wind, voice - thunder, eye shine - lightning; when happy, the weather is good, when angry, heavy clouds]: 34-35; Chinese (Sichuan): Zhou Yang et al. 1998b, No. 1 (y. Fengtse) [there was no sky and earth in the world, only chaos, fog and darkness; King Pangu took his magic axe that cut through the mountains and separated the sky from the ground; cut chaos and dark fog in half; heavy half went down, and the lung went up; after 18 thousand years, the light half became heaven, and the heavy half became earth; the sky rose, the earth became thicker, King Pangu grew old; when he died, he sighed, and his sigh turned into wind and clouds, and cried out, and his voice turned into thunder, shed a few tears, and they turned to rain; after his death, his left eye turned to the sun and his right eye to the moon, limbs into mountain ranges, blood into rivers, muscles into fields, hair on his head into constellations, hair on his body into grass and trees, his corpse gave rise to all things in the world], 1a (y. Baxian) [at first there was no heaven and earth, they were created by King Pangu; he had a dragon head and the body of a snake; he grew very fast, a day according to Zhang; grew 18 thousand years, grew huge, and then he became create heaven and earth; first created earth and it was flat; then hastily created a sky that looked like a cauldron cover: curved upwards in the center and low at the edges, it covered the ground; when creating the sky, P. forgot to compare the dimensions, the sky came out small and the whole earth did not cover; P. squeezed the ground, and it fit in size, but it had folds; since then there have been mountains and gorges, but there are also plains; King Pangu stood on the ground with his legs wide apart, opened one eye and closed the other; his eyes were the sun and the moon; he sighed, and his sigh turned into wind and clouds, cried out, and his voice turned into thunder; sweat wiped off and it turned to rain, rain fell into the gorges on the ground, so rivers turned; P. threw a few hairs from his head and body on the ground, it turned into trees and grass, threw parasites living on his body and they turned into humans and wildlife], 1b (y. Chongqing) [in times of chaos, the world was filled with a qi ball; although there were ten suns around it, it was dark inside, heaven and earth were not separated, and the sun and moon did not shine; after many tens of thousands years, an embryo suddenly appeared in the balloon; he grew into a giant with a human body and a lion's head; several tens of thousands of years later, his body grew stronger; the balloon was hot, and then the giant became punching in all directions; the ball burst, the light part rose to the top and became the sky, and the heavy part fell down and became earth; after heaven and earth were divided, it became light; the giant began to jump and rejoice, but soon I felt that the earth was hotter than in the balloon; ten suns were warming so much that he soon fell screaming to the ground and died; his blood formed an ocean, his bones formed mountains, and skin and meat to soil, hair on his body to grass, hair on his head to trees; his whole body turned into a world with green mountains and blue rivers; tens of thousands of years have passed, and Fusi and his People were created by a sister; then people called him "King Pangu" to honor the memory of the giant who separated heaven from earth; this meant that the world was like a plate (pan), and everything on it came from chaos after the giant appears]: 21, 21-22, 22-23.
The Balkans. Moldovans: Moldavian tales 1968 [the prince sees the girl Beauty of the Ages Fragrance of Flowers (K.); she turned into a doe, he did not catch up with her; the tsar is told to marry his son, otherwise he will die; the tsar finds a bride, Philemon-Fat-Frumos (F.) was born; the doe appeared to him, became K., hugged him, gave her a ring and a handkerchief; her father promised to marry her off as F., but while he was on his way home, she was married by the one-armed and one-legged Lame Lord; when he laughs, gold falls from his mouth; F. won, took Arap the Mighty (AM) as his sister brothers, they destroyed HV and his army; they came to Father F. together with K.; he tried to burn them in the house, but AM all froze; then his father led F. to deserted places, fed him salted olives, took his eyes in exchange for water; F. hears the birds talking in the forest: let him lie down, and we will bring live water; having seen the light, he chose from the old man the oath, she became a heroic horse; tied his father to the horse's tail; where the hand fell, there was a well, where the leg was a stream, where the body remained was an abyss]: 243-250; (cf. Botezat 1982 [the master has a daughter Kyrmyz; he promises her to whoever goes up to her tower will take off his ring, name her; the Dragon succeeds; Gaitan's beloved horse teaches him to fall behind her husband, hold it in his hand the sword breaks forward, the Dragon's head is cut off; G. tells K. to get the shepherd's clothes out of his ear, she pretends to be a young man; Ion suspects that this is a girl, the sorceress invites her to test; but K. overtakes he is on horseback, talks about a wattle fence, not a spinning wheel, chooses a weapon rather than towels, but gives himself away without stepping over a broom, but sweeping the floor with it; I. marries K., goes to war; sends home a letter The dragon replaces him with an order to burn K.; G. extinguishes the fire, carries K., she gives birth to two golden-haired sons, G. orders him to be killed, his chest has become a zamk, his head is a table with appearances, eyes and ears with two wolfhounds, wool as a garden, hoof as an old servant; Dragon in the form of another old woman asked the boys to throw hairs at the dogs, they turned into chains, but the dogs tore them and killed the old woman; K. recognized her as Draconich; I. returned from the war, traveled around the world, dogs brought him to K. Castle, the couple met; in the morning the castle disappeared, G.]: 226-234 (=Vatamanu, Stolova 1969:276-285); Croats (from Sibin near Brod; ballad "The pipe sings in Janin's voice") [The mother jokingly scolds her daughter Janya that she does not wear clothes, and her friends wear her for her. The offended daughter asks God: "God, make me a mountain ash in the field, my white body is a rowan trunk, white hands are rowan branches, black eyes are two cold springs, blond braids are a green meadow." I begged God. God turns it into mountain ash in the field, her white body into a rowan trunk, her white hands into rowan branches, and her brown braids a green meadow. After that, Yanya asks the sun to make sure that her brother does not cut down the tree, because then he will cut her body. Also, he shouldn't drink from the spring, because he'll drink her black eyes and mow the green meadow, or he'll mow her brown hair. But a sheepdog walking by cuts off branches and makes a pipe for himself. Her mother hears her, and the sound of the flute reminds her of her daughter Jani's voice]: Andrić 1909, No. 62:93-94.
(Wed. Caucasus - Asia Minor. The Ingush [cannibal Akhkepig ("half a penny") killed his father, mother and two brothers; the third brother and sister fled into the forest; the bull put them on his back, went across the sea; A. tried to draw in the sea; the bull went out, but lost his strength, ordered him to be slaughtered, his skin put his hair out (household), legs hooves down four corners (there will be 4 towers), his ears should be thrown into the sea (people will appear), two eyes will become two hounds, liver and heart will be thrown into the sea (weapons and gunpowder, as well as gold will appear), bile will become a hatred for enemies; in one tower there will be a girl; if you gather to her, throw her kidneys on the ground, a horse will appear; that's what happened; A. asks his sister to swim up, promises to become a father, mother, brother (she rejects him); agrees when he promises to be her husband; sister hides A. in her tower; he rushes with with a dagger at his brother; he asks not to injure his body; A. pierces him with a bear's claw, the young man dies, they bury him; the hounds dug up the grave, one pulled out his claw, the young man came to life, the hound died; the other she pulled out her claw - she died herself; the first pulled out her claw with a stick, everyone is alive; her brother tells her sister to become a thorn growing in abandoned places; the hounds tore A.]: Malsagov 1983, No. 35:156-159).
Baltoscandia. Scandinavians [Bohr's sons made earth out of Ymir's body, sea and water out of blood; earth - flesh, mountains - bones, boulders - teeth and bone fragments; the ocean borders the earth with a ring; made from Ymir's skull the sky, its brain, are clouds. A dwarf was planted at every corner of the sky (East, West, North, South); the sparks that flew from Muspelheim were stars in the sky; giants were given land along the ocean shore, and the world in the depths of the land fenced off with a wall from the age of Imir - this is Midgard]: Younger Edda 1970:18; Karelians: Evseev 1950, No. 152 [Ira puts three strawberries in her mouth, gives birth to the elder Väinämöine, the middle Ilmoilline, the youngest Degamoyone; V., D. is unable to harness the horse, I. harnesses, goes with his brothers to marry Catherine; the old man who meets swallows I., he forges in his womb, breaks his ribs, goes out; K. demands 1) plow a snake field (I. plows), 2) swim through a forest lake (swims without soaking clothes), 3) evaporate in a hot bath (I. cools the bath with a spit); K. takes K. by sea, the gulf breaks three times, I. every time he creates an island, K. hides every time, becoming a fish, a star, a mirror in a hollow; I. finds it three times, tears it apart, throws it into the swamp; the bones have become driftwood, blood berries, flesh bumps, soul with a seagull]: 303-307; Onegin 2010, No. 25 (Kalevalsky district) [the healer gave the man water that would make his wife pregnant; but he took a sip himself, also became pregnant, went to the forest, gave birth to a girl, threw it on tree; the prince's dog barks, the girl (she says that her man carried her, raised the raven, the breeze rocked, the heavenly water washed) asks for clothes; the prince brings her to him, marries; Syuoyatar became a midwife, turned the prince's wife into a vazhenka in the bathhouse, stayed with her child; but the cuckoo does not cuckoo on her head, the bells on the hem do not ring, the child cries; the shepherd saw how the vazhenka she shed her skin, became a woman; she replies that her son is crying; she asks to bring her to feed him tomorrow, and then she will migrate with the deer; the shepherd brings, the woman asks to bring her son tomorrow; the shepherd tells the prince about this; the prince threw a deer skin into the fire; the woman became a snake (the prince cut her), a lizard (the same), a rolling pin, then a man; the cuckoo ate, the bells rang, the birds They sang on her shoulders; the prince orders to heat the hot bath, under the floor there is a fire pit, S. is led there on a red carpet, she rejoices; when she falls into a hole, she tells her fingers to become devils, earthworms, gnat, hair became sedge, prickly thickets; and so happened; the prince began to live with his wife and child]: 268-271; Finns [when the mother is pregnant for the tenth time, her 9 sons go to the forest; one comes find out who was born; he tells the mother to leave a spindle in front of the gate if it is a girl, and an ax if it is a boy; the mother left the spindle, the witch changed her with an ax; when the daughter grew up, the mother told her everything; the daughter cries all day long; the mother collected her tears, baked a pie on them, he rolled, the girl and her dog followed him; the witch met her, offered to swim in the pond; the dog did not allow it, the witch broke her leg; the same at the second pond, the dog walks on three, then on two legs; then on one; at the fourth pond, a witch killed a dog; in the fifth pond she had to swim; the witch ordered her to splash water in her eyes, splashed into the girl's eyes, they changed their appearance and the girl was speechless; the brothers believed that the witch was their sister; when her sister grazed the cattle, her voice returned to her and she sang about her own misadventures; younger brother heard; brothers agreed with her sister that she would return not in the evening, but in the afternoon, say that her eyes hurt; they told the witch to splash water into her eyes, sister and witch again changed their appearance; the brothers dug a hole outside the bathhouse, filled it with burning resin, covered it with a rug; the witch did not want to step on him, they forced him, she failed, the brothers closed the door; burning, the witch said that her eyes would become grasshoppers (Grille), her ears would be vorons, her hair would be magpies, her fingers would be crows to torture people]: Salmelainen 1947:60-75; Veps: Onegina, Zaitseva 1996, No. 3 [the girl's mother is dead, her husband married Baba Yaga's sister, that daughter Varvey; her stepmother and V. tyrant their stepdaughter; they go to the party, the stepmother hopes that Ivan Tsarevich will like V.; tells the stepdaughter to separate the oatmeal from ash; the girl cries at her mother's grave; she tells you to cut off the twig, wave it crosswise, the work will be done; she will also send a horse and outfits; you must return before midnight; going into one ear of the horse and leaving another, the girl became beautiful; at the festival she was taken to the royal mansions; V. asks I. to pet the bone, he threw a bone at her, her leg broke; stepmother: we'll make a new one out of the hook; made her a crooked wooden leg; I. smeared tar on the door jamb, the girl left, grabbed the jamb, the ring stuck; next time, separate the millet from the sand; I. threw the bone at V., her finger broke; stepmother: we will attach a die; the girl's slipper stuck to the doorstep; the third time, separate the flour from the ground; I. threw the bone, V.'s eyes leaked out; stepmother: let's insert the sheep; the girl's hat stuck; I. collects all the girls try on a ring, a slipper, a hat; they only fit Zamarashka; the wedding is being prepared; the stepmother tells her to go between her legs, sends her horses to herd, dresses her daughter in the girl's clothes; when the bride is riding, the girl shouts that they are carrying a poker leg, a wooden finger, a sheep's eye; the mother's daughter was stripped, naked under the bridge, the girl was dressed up; after 9 months she gave birth; stepmother thinks it's her daughter; goes through the bridge, broke the pipe, from there the voice, "Mom, it hurts!" ; the daughter is almost rotten, but the stepmother promises to make her wife I. anyway; tells his wife I. to walk between her legs and fly with geese, and dressed her daughter and brought her to the bedroom; the child cries; the goose asks the shepherdess bring her baby; seeing a flock of geese, the shepherdess asks if they have the mother of the child; they say that in another pack; in the third; the goose came down, shed its wings, began to breastfeed the baby; the same the second day; on the third, the shepherdess talks about everything I.; he came, burned his wings; I. says to his mother-in-law that he wants to slaughter a bull in the room; she hides under the bench; he hits her with an ax, every time he says that the bull kicked; finished off, the body was thrown away; the imaginary wife was cut into small pieces, put in a net, tied to the horse's tail; where the head fell, there was a rock, where the eye was a wormwood, where the nose was a spring, where the leg {arm} - there's a poker, where the ass is there is turf (Kuna langtob pä, siga kasvab kallö, kuna silm - siga silmalähte, kuna nena - sige rodnik, kuna käzi - sihe harav, kuna döug - sihe kouk {?} , kuna perze - sihe turbaz)], 11 [when dying, the mother tells her son and daughter to live together; the brother married Baba Yaga's daughter; she stabbed a cow, a stallion, accused her husband's sister, he does not pay attention; when stabbed her own baby, her brother took her sister to the forest, cut off her arms and legs; God gave her arms and legs; she came to her brother unrecognized, told her story; brother tied his wife to the stallion's tail; where a leg fell - there is a poker, where the hand is a rake, where the ass is there is turf, where the head is there is a rock, where the vulva is there is a swamp, where the eye is - there is a window in the swamp (kuna döug - sihe kohk, kuna käzi - sihe harav, kuna perze - sihe turbaz, kuna pä - sihe kalli, kuna po - sihe so, kuna silm - sihe silmlähte)]: 42-51, 69-71; Eastern Sami: Zaikov 1997, No. 10 [Aaz stole her son women, replaced with her daughter; the young man grows up, hears A. singing about it, realizes that she is not his mother; comes to a real mother, brings her under the guise of a bride, she throws ash in A.'s face, kills with a scraper; A. was tied to a wild deer, her head became a sedge, her legs became rotten birch stumps; it is not known where daughter A. went]: 194-196; Kharuzin 1890 [the widow had a son, Acek (the frog) had a daughter; A. changed her son with her daughter, took him away; he became a hunter; came to the house, looked from above, saw his real mother and daughter A.; they were cooking pine porridge, he lowered deer fat into their cauldron; hears how the mother says, Your mother stole her son, maybe it will burst from fat; she agrees with the mother; she buries daughter A. in hot ash, she burned down; the son brings her mother to A. under the guise of a bride, the old woman killed A. with a scraper; the young man tied the corpse to the horse's tail; where his head fell off, red moss grew, where the legs were black]: 351-352.
Turkestan. Dungans [Allah created four angels from the flame, sent one of them to bring clay (earth) of five colors (red, yellow, blue, white, black) to create a person; the clays refused - they stained with sewage and are not suitable for this; the same is with the second messenger; the third, Abraham (Yinbolaxi), made the clays come to Allah; God mixed them with water, created Adam, left them to dry, told him not to get up; but A. tried to stand up on his own; his skull split, vitality broke out, birds in the sky, animals on the ground, fish, crabs, etc. in lakes and rivers; with his left hand A. took clay from the soles of the right foot, the right foot from the sole of the left foot, covered a hole in the skull; therefore, people's soles are concave and people have not become immortal as Allah wanted]: Shujang Li, Luckert 1994:79-80.
Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Tuvans [Toven-Tazha ("tazhy" - prince) are wives of Aldyn-Dangyn and Humush-dangyn ("golden" and "silver"); they leave him food but leave; the sage explains that HT is destined to live with Chechen-Nogaan, "born in a flower," she is in the east overseas; two geese are crying by the sea, now a water rat will come out and eat them; the rat swallows TX, he rips it open with a knife, goes out; the goose carries TX across the sea; he He pulls out a golden flower in the clearing, the goose carries it back, where his horse was resting; at night, the albys (werewolf) stole a flower, threw it into the river, turned into a girl herself; he married her, but lost his luck The only thing left was Koge-Shagaan's horse; HE came to the old woman, she found a flower, he turned into a girl, she grew up quickly, TX took her; she gave birth; the elder wife killed the child, said that the mother killed him herself; ordered her to be taken in a bag to the ends of the earth; slandered CHN: let her head become taiga, her tears into streams, her bones with stone scree, her eyes two black crows, they will tell TX the truth; TH comes and eats grass and berries in the taiga; crows tell everything; under the rock there is a tent, in it CHN; she gives a gun; let the werewolf shoot EX, you have to fall and laugh; the werewolf will also want a merry bullet; TH kills a werewolf, ChN returns]: Hadahane 1984:66-71
Western Siberia. Nganasany: Popov 1984 [a deer killed reptiles; the peel fell from the horns, forming the northern (Middendorf) and southern (Byrranga) ridges; the branches of the northern horn were a red cloud, northern lights; southern - thunderstorm and snow clouds; we live on the back of this deer]: 42-43; Nenets (Obdorsk/Salekhard) [Num went down to the river, met wolverine, cut it into seven parts, threw it over his head - this is how the game appeared; his front legs remained in his hands; he divided each in half, and the halves formed a squirrel, a sable, a wolf and a fox]: Lehtisalo 1998:10 (retelling in Barmich 2014:619-620); Mansi : Vlasova 1980 [witch Tar-it-eke ("the lady of solid water") decided to connect the waters of Konda and Yukonda; she walked halfway through channels and rivers; the men chased her, did not let her mix the water of the rivers was cut to pieces, scattered them; her belly became a lake, her arms and legs became bays, a forested lake cape - a belt, a hillock in the coastal forest - her chest, a 700 m long mane - her nose, two small lakes - eyes, curved lake - chin, spring ducts - disheveled hair, islands in the swamps - pillows, her spoons are immediately scattered near spring water springs]: 58; Kupriyanova 1960 ( northern) [Yalp us-oiku's son kills Menkv-oiku with an arrow; dying, he screams, Otyr (the name of the river); sheath, pouch, the end of a big boot, the end of a small boot, the belt carried down with the current; now the river and islands there have the appropriate names; his cry sank a boat with people, turned into a Diving Island Boats]: 132-134; Rombandeeva 1992 (Sygvinsky) [walked along the river from below giant Menkv Oika; Tagt Kotil Oika tells his sons to aim where his collarbones converge; when hit by an arrow, he fell apart, they turned into objects from Alttumba to Lower Sapoklompta with appropriate names; entrails - three river islands; belt ends - two rivers; penis - river; spilled stomach - lake; large and small parts of the boot - two villages; femur - long reach; one river was formed from his scream]: 32; Eastern Khanty (b. Wah, 2008) [brother and wagtail sister lived (wagtail is the incarnation of Alva); brother caught a pike, drove it on sledges, sledges broke, he sent his sister for others, also broke down, sent for iron; he ordered houses cook, leave him the best parts; his sister ate everything, left the bones; the brother became a wagtail, flew to Sevs-Iki's house, fell into a pot of fat, fell asleep; SI found him, began to fry him, let him go for promising to give it back sister; A. came back, sister did not want SI; they dug a hole in front of the entrance, heated the foot, told SI to come in backwards, pierced the foot, burned it in a hole; the ashes from the head turned into lakes, from the hair into forests, from hands and feet into rivers; ash became midges, mosquitoes, SI: as people drank my blood, mosquitoes and midges will drink their blood]: Soldatova 2008, No. 13:121-122; Southern Selkups [wife died, hell forced the old man to marry her; the stepdaughter herds the cow, the royal son goes to her; the devil sends a two-eyed daughter, her stepdaughter put her to sleep; then sent a three-eyed; the stepdaughter poked her eye on the back of her head with a needle, but did not put her to sleep; the stepmother ordered the cow to be slaughtered; the stepdaughter asked for her head and hooves, buried an apple tree; the royal son asks for apples, they are not given to stepmother's daughters; stepdaughter gave apples, the royal son asks her wife; the devil locked her under a trough in the basement; instead she dressed up Three-eyed; the rooster screams where the bride is; the prince in the basement, and the girl turned into a sparrow, flew away; I had to take Three-Eye; under a birch tree grew out of the window, a bird on it, the prince feeds it from a golden plate, but does not sleep with his wife; the devil tells me to cut down and burn a birch tree; a spark fell on the seashore, a house with images of animals appeared; the prince's son , "wearing her homeland skin", flies, hears conversations between her father (i.e. prince) with a three-eyed eye; she blasphemes a miracle she has already seen, reports a new one; 1) a house with images of animals, 2) a killer whale on a birch tree, gold from her mouth falls; the prince brings his son, he tells everything; he returned his true wife and son, tied the false wife and son to two horses; she shouts: Where my blood falls, let the spike grow, where the pieces of meat grow boyar; whoever punches his hand, my soul will feel good]: Lukina 2004, No. 2. 17:58-62.
Eastern Siberia. (Wed. dolgans [to have children, the old woman turns to ayyi, the old man turns to abaasa; ayyy gives a boy and a girl, the abaas threaten to swallow the old man, makes him give up what he does not know at home; the spouses hide children under the hearth; the abaas eat their spouses, find no children; they grow up, a horse descends from the sky, takes them away, gives them flint, flint, an ax, they must be thrown into an Abaas pursuer; they turn into fire to the mountains, to the sea; the abaas remain overseas; the horse tells him to be killed by crushing a louse on his head; parts of his body give rise to a city, buildings, property; his kidneys turn into a dog bear and a wolf-dog ; in the absence of the brother, the abaasa comes, the sister agrees to become his wife, lures her brother's handkerchief, gives it to her husband; the brother hurries, the crushing rocks crush his dogs - the bear and the wolf; the horse brings his brother to to the old woman, she gives a bow; the hawk fights the yokshokyu bird; the brother shoots the yokshokyu in the wing; for the promise to cure him, he helps open the mountain, freeing the bear and the wolf; they kill the abaas; the brother hangs sister by the legs, puts two plates under her eyes; during the night, the left one fills with tears, which means that the sister cries for her husband, not for her brother; he leaves, leaving the bear and the wolf; one-eyed, one-armed and one-legged abaasa fights with another over a woman; Er-Sogotoh (his brother's name is given for the first time) frees the woman, takes her away; the abaas pursues them, E. throws the comb, grows a forest; E. kills the Abaas, marries rescued]: Popov 1937:208-237 (quail. Efremov 2000, No. 2:79-135); Central Yakuts: Illarionov et al. 2008, No. 17 (Western 1940, Megino-Kangalassky District, South-Central Yakutia) [one-eyed abaas ate two horses, two cows, two the mares, the wife of the old man Chopcheyokyeong, himself; his little son and daughter, a little older, rode off on a goby; the abaas chases him, the goby splashes manure in his face; across the river tells him to look for lice, crush him larger than the size of a spider, it has its soul; the skin has become home, the skull has become a stove, the legs are pillars, the heart and liver are black iron dogs, the blood clot is dog food, the hooves are four orons (a shop for sleep); the boy returned from hunting, ate his sister in the abaasa house, dived under the pot, the dogs followed; they said that if the black foam foams, you should hang yourself, if it was red, get ready to meet; boiled black, then white, then red foam, dogs carried out their sister's skull; brother buried it, began to live well with dogs]: 185-195; Ergis 1964, No. 41 (4th Malzhagar Nasleg of Khangalassky Ulus) [old woman Tabanekeen wanted to brush the foam off the top, her hand stuck; so all her limbs and head; Ala Mongus brought it into the house in her bag; she offered to fatten her first; then sent her axe to sharpen her axe; to do so, go behind the bar; the owner sends AM to the borrower of the bar, he to another one, who dropped it into the sea; AM sinks, orders to make a pest out of his shin bone, a mortar from the occipital mortar, a bucket from the cervical vertebra, from the second - bolt; all those people were T.'s brothers; leaving the barn where she was locked, T. killed AM's children, took his wealth]: 127-129; Western Yakuts (2nd Nakharinsky Nasleg of Megino-Kangalassky Ulus; Zap. 1950) [old Baybaricaan with five cows saw a golden and silver grass stem grow after the rain; B. dug it up, brought it into the house, the stalk became a baby girl, she grew quickly; an arrow Harajin Mergen got into B.'s house, he went in, B.'s daughter fired an arrow; HM fell in love, took the bride, told her to drive the cattle with her, went to her relatives himself; the wife meets an old woman who has half a head as if scorched, the house was half a house, the stove was half a stove, etc.; she began to take out the lice from the young, blew, deprived her senses, threw her into the ice abyss, put on her clothes, came to her husband's house; she says what the mother tells me to take off at the end of the month; when the new month has come, XM and his imaginary wife come to B., and she has a new daughter; in the evening she begins to tell her story; XM tears the skin off his imaginary wife's face, it iron with one icy eye; XM asks if she wants a palm spear or an immense stallion; she chooses a stallion; he scattered it to dust; the drops of the syphilis turned into willow trees, blood into squeaky trees, fat into oak trees {oak does not grow in Yakutia}, brains into talnic trees; it was Jege Baaba; XM's houses are completely ruined; he asks how to get his real wife back, he is told Ask daughter B. again, this is the same girl; the girl refuses, then agrees; abundance returns]: Illarionov et al. 2008, No. 18:195-219; Northwestern Yakuts (Olenek) [Charchakhaan wants pick the tree mushroom from the larch (it serves as a medicine); his hand, second hand, legs, forehead stick; Angaa Mogus takes it away, C. cuts through the bag, runs away, puts bark under his fur coat; AM finds him, kicks him, thinks that bones are cracking, bringing them to the children, leaving himself; C. promises to make them a spoon, tells them to give them a sharp sword, cuts off their heads, puts them on bed, cooks meat, digs a way out; AM felt that it was meat his blood relatives, wanted to catch C., cannot put his head in the move; C. offers to climb his back, pierces a hot foot; he tells him to make oars out of his two hands, a boat out of his back bones, Make the ankle bone as a column in the booth, a cauldron from the skull, cups from the eye sockets]; Yakuts (no recording locations are specified): Sivtsev, Efremov 1990 [old man Lyybyrda catches fish in a silver silver boat with a net; hears his name three times from the forest; each time he breaks the boat and oars (then they recover), goes to look for who called him; the third time he kicks the horse's skull, consistently sticks to it with all his limbs and head; eight-headed Alaa Mogus brings him home; L. persuades himself to fatten himself first; three years later he sends A. for a sharp knife; then a series of episodes, each neighbor sends A. to another; you need a whetstone to sharpen a knife, a bull to bring a whetstone, a horse to catch a bull, a bridle to catch a horse; it is on the other side; old man Alanay advises A. to tie stones to his legs, arms, neck; A. drowns; tells so that L. could follow a pest from his knee bone, a stupa from his skull, a bowl from his cervical vertebrae, a tent booth from his back bones, his property and cattle]: 132-136; Ergis 1967a, No. 118 [abaas ate cattle the fisherman, himself, his old woman; boys and girls run away, the calf covered the stalker's eyes with its manure; tells the children to look for lice on him; they kill the louse that is his soul; from the body of a calf The house and dogs appear; the boy hunts, the abaas ate his sister; the dogs descended to the lower world, brought her skull; the crows were wounded, the Raven brought living water to revive them; the remains of the dog resurrected the girl ; everything is fine], 127 [the old man cuts an ice-hole, a half-bear half-wolf jumps out, demands that his son and daughter be given; the old man sends them to the ice-hole, takes them away; the bull, the horse are trying to save, the abaas catches up, returns them; they are carried away by a deer; when the Abaas girl catches up, they throw a comb (forest), an igloo (an iron wall), a scarf (a river); they move to the other side, run away; the deer dies, tells them to throw its ribs turn into a house, a barn; the head becomes a stove, the lungs become a guard dog, the heart and liver become wolves; while the brother is hunting, the sister hides the abaas, digs a hole under her brother's bed; the brother kills his sister, leaves; meets three companions; each cooks in turn, a man in Doha squirrel does not allow dinner to be cooked; a young man defeats it, descends to the lower world, takes wealth and women, gives them to his brothers; comes to an old man and an old woman, tells everyone to stick to their beds; sticks them off as a promise to marry him; marries, lives richly]: 187, 190: Ergis 1964, No. 39:118-120; Evenki Pribaikalia [ migrating, the parents throw away the girl's toys; she comes back for them, sees the Bear; he asks her to make a spit to fry the liver; she runs, asks the Woodpecker to transport her across the river; tells the Bear that walked over her gut; The bear stretches his gut, ends the girl, walks along it like a rope; the girl cuts off her intestine, the Bear falls into the water, sings that his gut will become willow bark, blood - red clay, ribs as refuges, radial bones with axes, skin in places where moss grows; the girl decides that so be the case; see motif J44]: Voskoboynikov 1967, No. 14:45-50; Baikal Evenks (north of Transbaikalia, p. Chapo-Ologo, 1948) [two orphans went for berries, found an iron cradle with the baby; the youngest told me not to touch it, the eldest brought the child to the plague; when they returned, there were a lot of fish in the plague; the next day they hid and spy; the child got out of the shaky, became a giant, sat down, a bunch of fish appeared {i.e. he threw it out of himself}; when the girls entered the plague, there was again the child shaky; they knocked over the cauldron on him boiling fish soup, rode on deer; Mangi catches up, a cauldron on her head instead of a hat; one of the sisters threw a comb (thicket), Mangi made his way; threw her bag (the rock is the same); on the other side, old woman Acekai, the girls ask her to stretch out her legs, crossed them to the other side, the old woman removed her legs; when Manga asked her to stretch her legs, the old woman removed them in the middle of the river; Manga screams: make ladles out of my hands, a bucket from the back, paint from the blood, a shuttle from the spine; then drowned; at this time the girls reached the fork; one tells me to follow the left path, the other on the right; turned to the left, came to plague, it has an old woman without arms and legs; turned one into a needle, the other into a thimble; cannibals came, saying that it smells like gifts; the older sister laughed, she was eaten; when the cannibals left, the youngest asks , are there any toys; the old woman gave a bird's wing; the girl flew to the top of the plague, then to the tree, then flew away; reached the river, sat on a stump, found an old bone in her pocket, began to gnaw; in the morning deer run , they are driven by a handsome guy, he married her]: Pinegina 2019:87-91; Sym Evenks (Chirombu) [younger sister forgot her grandmother toys when migrating; older sister, younger brother said that they work and don't know where the toys are; the Ostyak said he poured out behind; the girl saddled a deer, took the dog, came to the old place, there was a Bear; he asked the names of the deer and the dog, tied the girl and the dog to the tree; the girl tells the Bear three times that her deceased parents did not take a bed of urine and feces when they were going to fresh the vazhenka (i.e. you have to cook everything away); the bear goes away to cut away; The crossbills cannot untie the girl's fetters, their beaks are bent; the fox freed her, for which the girl promised to paint her beak; the Bear wants to eat the Fox instead of the girl; she suggests that he put it on himself knees, cut it with an ax; the fox dodged, the Bear cut his legs, began to eat his bone marrow; since then, the tip of the fox tail has white, the bear has no bone marrow; the girl went to the river and called father, mother, uncle; everyone refuses to transport, saying that the girl is a crybaby; she tells the rock to slide down, crush them all; the ostyak carves a scoop, carries the girl in a scoop; the bear asks how the girl is went; she sings - "lower, taller"; The bear enters the water, drowns; tells his heels to become bars, his legs with sharpeners, his back is soft, his skull with a stone for rubbing paints, his shoulder blades as a paint stone, blood - red paint, feces - black; now all this is in the mountains; the girl has become the wife of Ostyak; carries water, he pours it out every time, says that she wears from feces and urine; the girl asks the birds to take her away; cranes, swans refuse the shamanic birds gasha give her feathers to fly with them; the ostyak tells her to fall, promises to make a dress, bib, occipital jewelry, hat, fringes on her belt; she says that this is not the case for her she must not fall; she sits at the door of an old woman; she asks where to hide her from her sons; she refuses to hide in the fringes on her belt ("smelly"), hides in a needle; sons smell, promise eat the girl at sunrise, then at sunset; she flies away, catches up with gash, they swear that their mother released her, shoot her, hurt her wing shoulder; Gurivul asks her to fall, promises a storage shed, speaks to how many stands; when on 10 stands, the girl goes down; they have a son; G. is hunting, gasha came; the woman pretends that the child is dirty, goes out with him, hides in the storage shed; gasha gnaws on the stands; they managed to gnaw three times, the woman sang three times, the third time G. came, killed two gashes, the third ran, leaving a fang; G. comes to people, steps over the fire, everyone laughs; he looks - people have intact teeth; when, through the third fire, he sees a toothless man; asks him to take out his lice, stabs gash with his own tooth to death in the back of his head, tells others that his grandfather fell asleep, leaves]: Vasilevich 1936, No. 42:45-51 (retelling in Vasilevich 1959:186-187); Northwestern Evenks: Vasiliev 1936, No. 3 (Ilimpic) [the old man leaves for three years, returns; the old woman has a boy, she says she found him on the bed; he grows up, He orders to fill eight bags with earth, throws them over the yurt, they turn into horses that defecate with other horses; the old people get rich, the son leaves, kills many heroes; the horse warns that the owner is proud; to meet the dwarf, says that he will have to humble the proud man; to meet the giant, asks to raise his staff; the hero tries to do this, cannot, goes to the ground up to the neck; orders his head became a table mountain, his back became a mountain range, his arms and legs became other ridges]: 255-257; Pezhemsky 1936, No. 2 (Yerbogachen) [the giant has a wife and daughter; in his old age, his wife gave birth to a son Mangy- Dyromgo with three eyes in his forehead; he curls the beasts' necks, brings her home alive so that the meat does not deteriorate; her sister asked me to take her hunting, she is dull, MD twisted her neck, brought it like prey; her father wanted cook it for dinner, but her mother straightened her neck, and MD ran away from home; decided to go to heaven; skis to a hole in a transparent cap above the ground, walks across the sky; catches up with two hunters; Hurry ( extreme star B. Bears) hurries Khvastun (middle star B. Bears) to catch up with the moose (four stars of the bucket) before it disappears from view in the morning; The bragger, with a bowler hat (Alcor) behind his back, says in advance that he will be the first to catch up with the moose, will cook meat; Mangy- Döromgo (Orion) walks with them, overtakes them, crosses the sky on skis, kills a moose with an arrow (three stars from Orion to B. Bear) under the shoulder blade; calf (first star B. Bears) fell, found himself on the ground, the current moose come from him; MD comes to the tent in which an old woman and her daughter; marries her daughter; misses the earth; walks to the edge of the sky and cries; answers his mother-in-law that his eyes are red because the peaks of the earth's forest hit his eyes; his mother-in-law goes to punish the forest, the trees explain that they are not to blame; the mother-in-law gives MD to an eight-legged horse with sharp hooves, who brings him to to her native camp; there is sister MD, who ate her parents and became a cannibal; at night she hides an ax under her headboard, but MD sees it with her third eye; sealed her sleeping sister's eyes, galloped off, but sharp the horse's hooves get stuck in the ground; manages to slip into a hole in the sky, where it jumps easily along the smooth surface of the sky, and the pursuer slides; the mother-in-law melted metals in the boilers, pushed the giantess into them- pursuer, kept in everyone; she rushed to the ground, crashed; since then there have been placers and deposits of gold, silver and other metals on earth]: 273-275; Pinegina et al. 1952 (Cyrene) [two sisters they find a cradle with the baby, bring him home; they see that when left alone, he turns into a giant Manga, catches fish, then returns to the cradle; the sisters throw a boiling pot over him, they run away; he chases them; one throws a comb, the other a bag, they turn into a forest, into a rock, they can't stop M.; old woman Achekai stretches her legs for them across the river like a bridge; when M. goes, cleans legs; M. shouts to be made of ladles from his hands, a bucket from his head, paint from blood, a shuttle from his spine; at the fork, the sisters drove along the left path, get to the old woman; she hides them, turning them into a needle and into the thimble; two cannibals come; the older thimble girl laughs, the cannibals eat her; the youngest old woman gives a bird's wing, she flies away in it, meets a guy, gets married]: 58-61; (cf. [the old man sends his daughters for water, everyone refused; he goes to drink from the ice-hole, freezes his beard, promises his daughters to Ice, Ice agrees to the youngest Heladan; the girl took toys, sat on the ice, the ice floe swam along the shamanic river Engdekit; H. asks shamans living on the capes to let them get off by the fire; the owner of ten tambourines agreed, threw two awls to catch H. they are overseas; the ice floe persuades them to return, offers paint stones, leathers, scrapers, sharpeners, cups, flint; H. instead sees bones, blood, feces of the dead; comes to the den of the bear Ngamondri ; he tells him to be killed, his heart should sleep with him, his intestines and head in a place for honored guests, duodenal and straight against him, thin trees, wool in a hole; in the morning an old man sleeps against her with an old woman, an old man next to her, children play in a place of honor, deer around, halters in the tree; the strongest deer was the smallest, H. came to the Evenks in it; she was noticed only in the tenth plague, she told her story]: Vasilevich 1936:38-40 (published in Turov 2000:48-49); 1959 [retelling]: 171); Chinese Evenks: Kudrina, Varlamova (CD, China), text 2 [Mangi flew in and began to soar to the family hunters; hunters: if you want to eat, eat it like that; in the end they shot them all together with bows and Manga fell; when he dies, he tells him to make household belongings and clothes out of his head; from his chest, top, face; from the bones of the legs - hooks for hanging the cauldron above the fire; let the char be created from other bones], 3 [Mangi flew over the Evenks, grabbed a woman and carried her under her arm; the Evenks began to shoot bows, Mangas fell right into the fire; when he died, he ordered his heads to be huge {bones?} used as copchugs (?) ; make the chest with a muzzle for fishing; let the tree bones of the thighs [Mangi flew in and began to soar at seven hunters; hunters: if you want to eat, eat it like that; in the end they shot together with bows and Manga fell; when he dies, he tells him to make household belongings and clothes out of his head; from his chest, his face; from his leg bones, hooks to hang the cauldron over the fire; from other bones, char will be created let them be trees; huge bones throw aite - they will become char (now there is a chain of char rocks in the mountain taiga)]; Evens: Podmaskin 2013 [dying, the bear bequeaths to be out of his shoulder blades skis are made, bow and arrow are made of ribs, yurt canopies from skin, dogs appeared from ears, nose, eyes, tongue]: 67; Robbeck 2005 [people lived in heaven; the girl's parents died, she was hired by a rich man, he He decided to marry her off as an old man, and she wanted to be a young man; for this she was expelled: she was put on her eight-legged deer, sent to the ground; when she was hungry, the deer gave her its horn, she sucked, she was full; There was a sea below, the deer began to fall down, told him to rip out his hair, throw it down, the wool turned into logs, the girl made a raft out of them; she weaved nets from the deer's neck hair, caught fish, so they they fed; the deer ordered him to be killed, his skin should be laid on the water - there will be earth, wool will be forests, put his head in the middle, the bones, broken, along the edges; do not kill lice - they will become deer; put the heart to the left herself, lungs on the right; the deer's last breath was the wind]: 212-213; Robbeck, Dutkin 1978 [a girl expelled from the sky descends to the sea surface on an eight-legged deer; on the advice of a deer, she scattered it on the water scraps of wool, they turned into logs, she made a raft; at the request of the deer, she killed it, cut it as he ordered; the skin turned into earth, the skull and bones into the mountains, the wool into the forests, the lice into wild deer; the crunch broken bones became thunder, death sigh became wind; the heart turned into a hero, lungs into a boy and a girl]: 157.
Amur-Sakhalin. The Orochi [six sisters live in heaven, the seventh eldest in the house; sisters come to her, the youngest smears her ass with charcoal, camlates; the eldest laughs, others see a human being on her teeth; they run away on skis; The eldest does not have skis, she tells her younger sister to break her ties on her skis, eats her; so with five sisters; the sixth throws a comb, then a stone, they turn into a thicket, into a cliff; the girl asks the old woman carry her across the river; she stretches her leg like a bridge; the same goes for the stalker, but the old woman throws her into the water; she wants her head to become a marsh hummock, her hair to be marsh grass, her bones - a river blockage, her eyes with beads, blood with a red stone, pus with a blue stone, all her ashes with a gnat; the old woman hides the girl from her seven wolf sons; the girl looks in her head, puts her to sleep, turns into a kuksha, flies away; lets a man catch himself, takes on his true form, marries, gives birth to a son; warns her husband that seven wolves will come; he does not believe, goes hunting; wolves they eat a child, a woman hides in a tree; wolves knock him down, she moves to another; sends a crow for her husband; the same with the second and third trees; on the third, a woman sends an eagle for her husband, with the fourth is a crow; the husband kills wolves with arrows; the mother of wolves comes, she is given the meat of her children under the guise of elk meat; when she comes home and notices that she has brought the heads of her sons, she choked]: Aurora, Lebedeva 1966 , No. 56:204-206; Udege people: Bereznitsky 2005, No. 58 [giant Saumo ("black") married his sister Egda, she gave birth to a daughter; E. and his sister decided to kill him; sister teaches E. to scratch the girl to she cried; asks S. to tell about herself what he would die from, saying that the girl would calm down; at the end of the trail, if, then, a swamp, a yurt across the river, there are two frozen blacksmiths, six white eggs in a copper box and one green, his life is in it; E. went, smashed everything, broke an egg, S. died; E. threw his eyes into the sky, they became a constellation of Khudact; his teeth were white quartz on pebble banks, also a constellation Suemo ikteni - "Constellation of Human Eggs"; threw his head into the swamp, he got weinik hummocks (hair)]: 481-482; Feeder 1998, No. 1 [older sister goes for firewood; Zangdalafu enters the house ; head - marsh bump, hair with smoke, eyes - green beads, tick hands, vise fingers, skewer legs, abdomen - blacksmith's bells, buttocks - barrier stones in the blacksmith's furnace, scrotum - bells, penis- file; scoops up a bowl of ash, blows the winds, the hidden one does not laugh, D. leaves; the next day the older sister remains, laughs; D. looks for lice from her, asks her to take it on her tongue, pulls it out, puts it in sewing hands, a pipe in her mouth, carries the heart; the youngest comes running to mother D., who gives her heart, she revives her sister; both return to mother D., ask her son to sleep in a leather jacket; the girls crumple him, he sleeps; they run to the river, ask a good man to transport it; he throws a bridge, hides the youngest in his pants, the eldest in the hallway; when D. crosses, well done turns the bridge over, D. drowns; tells the guts to become reaches, testicles - scratching (?) , tibia bones (?) - drowns, ass - disintegration; well done married sisters, the old woman became their mother]: 104-108; Lebedeva et al. 1998, No. 41 [the older sister went for brushwood, the youngest at home; Dyangdalaf came ý ; his head is a hammer, his stomach is furs, his hands are ticks, his legs are skewers, his buttocks are a blacksmith's stone, an animal penis, testicles are ringing like bells; releases gases - the girl does not laugh; next time the older sister stays, laughs, D. finds her, looks for her in her head, offers her louse into her tongue, pulls her tongue out, leaves her sit as if she is doing needlework; the youngest comes to mother D.; she suggests D. to lie in a leather jacket, she and the girl beat him, run away; the endyga sent them across the river, hid his grandmother under the pot, the girl under his robe; suggests D. fix it, punches it his head, throws him into the water; a hummock grew out of his head, water grass from his intestines, river thickets from his bones]: 281-285; Arsenyev in Lebedeva et al. 1998, No. 114 [dirty, terrible Suemo marries his sister man; sister scratches the child's navel, asks S. to rock him and tell him where his death is; brother listens, pulls out a green egg; when sister and brother broke it, S.'s eyes became Huahta stars, teeth - white flints, voices with a hummock, hair with grass], 115 [about (114); eyes with two red stars]: 480-482, 482-483; Mozhaev 1955 [two girls live in the taiga; while they are not at home, Zandarafu ( head is a hammer, blacksmith's fur is belly, iron sticks are hands) comes, blows on cups, they break; the eldest hides, sees it; the youngest also wants to see it; laughs when Z. blows; he finds her swallows; the eldest comes to Z.'s house; the old woman is at home, she hides her; Z. comes, falls asleep, the old woman and older sister cut his belly, free the younger one; the sisters and the old woman run, the blacksmith transports they are on a raft across the river; when Z. carries them, he turns the raft over; Z. tells his limbs to turn into driftwood, his teeth into stones, block the river; since then there have been rifts and debris on the river]: 43-47; Podmaskin, Kireeva 2010 [an evil spirit enters the mouth of Ege, the eldest of seven sisters; the sisters create figures that jump and grieve; when E. laughs, the sisters see a man on her teeth; the sisters run away, E. tells the ski belts to break, catches up, swallows the sisters; the youngest escapes, she had fasteners with an iron chain; throws a sharpener (mountain), a comb (thicket), ash (fog; to overcome everyone It takes a year for E. to cross the bridge); the old woman allows the girl to cross the bridge, hides the bridge; E. demands it, the old woman puts it, in the middle he collapsed, E. fell into the rapids; says that her hair will become mud, teeth with boulders, bones with tree creases, blood with mosquitoes and midges]: 156-157; Wilta [("the tradition of Sakhalin Negidals and Wilt"); Lisa ate squirrels, for which Owl took her to an island where there was no food; Lisa cries, says she will die, her eyes and teeth will be sea stones, her wool will be grass, her ribs will be a fin]: Bereznitsky 2003:77; Nanais [The fox threatens to cut down" with a spider ax" tree, the Flying Squirrel one by one her three cubs; the Heron explains that the Fox is not an evil spirit, he will not be able to cut down a tree; the Fox grabs the Heron by the tail, which carries it over the sea, Heron says that she gnaws on carrion and feces, defecates, Lisa falls on an island, finds no food; says that her head will turn into a sea bump, her eyes into sea cream, her skin into seaweed, wool - to seaweed, bones to sea fins, tail to sea panicle; replies to the earthworm that it does not cry, but sings as parents used to sing; suggests that the worm call its relatives, then she will call to see who is bigger; jumps on a chain of worms, counting them, ends up on the other side; worms promise that she falls into old man Ka's trap; she hit, Ka took off her skin, carcass threw it away, the Fox caused snow, hail, rain, a new skin grew, the Fox came to life; the Heron offers to go to old man Ka's party together; the house offers to shout louder, the owners woke up, the Fox ran away Through the chimney, turned black, the Heron flew through a hole in the roof]: Hodger 2011:85-91.
SV Asia. Kereki [Grandma tied the ogre, fell asleep; he asks the two sisters to untie him; the eldest agrees, the ogre runs away, comes to the dugout of two old women; tries to crochet them; they they slip him a bale of dry grass, run away, break through the wall of the dugout; the mistress of the sea Ankanpinav stretches her legs across the sea, the women cross them to the other side; the cannibal comes running, A. advises him drink the sea, it bursts; his iron body turns into various products: his head into a kettle, his legs and arms into guns, his brain into beads]: Leontyev 1983, No. 7:100-104 (=Menovshchikov 1974, No. 113:352-356).
The Arctic. Asian Eskimos (Chaplino): Menovshchikov 1985, No. 89 (Lawrence) [five sisters live alone; the eldest creates a man named Kamysnap: a head made of a stone hammer, a body made of a board, on whose skins are scraped, her hands are made of shoe pads, her legs are crooked scrapers, her fingers are made of live crabs; he goes to the house of five hunting brothers, steals their meat, says he found it on the shore; the elder his brother waits for him, makes him confess that he has five sisters; brothers come and marry sisters; K. turns into objects from which he was created]: 205-208; (1988, No. 12 [five girls went into the tundra; Mayyrahpak put them in a camley, hung them on a tree; Bear, Raven refuse to help, Fox tells the tree to bend down, frees four girls, the fifth could not wake them up; four ran away, filling the camley with berries; M. pierces a knife, thinks that her eyes are falling; the girl agrees not to kill, brings her to his house; two men free her, run with her; a stone thrown by the girl turns into a mountain; she draws a line with her cut little finger, a river appears; M. drinks it, bursts; teapots, cups, plates, buckets and other things fell out of it]: 67-68; Rubtsova 1954, No. 5 [girls picks berries; the giantess catches them, puts them in her camley, leaves them on the tree; the Ermine, the Hare refuse to help; the fox tells the tree to bend down, frees the girls; they fill the camley with berries; alone a girl gets stuck in her sleeve; a giantess takes berries for human eyes; brings a girl home, adopts; two men come, a girl runs with them; throws a whetstone, it turns into a mountain; spends a line on the ground, a river appears; the giant drinks it, bursts; metal tools and utensils fall from her womb]: 117-120; St. Lawrence [the girls roll down from the Giantess's dugout; she shoves them into her camley, hangs them on a pole, tells him to straighten up; the birds refuse to help, the Fox tells the pole to bend down, tells him to straighten up girls put moss in their place; the youngest fell asleep, stayed in the camley; ripping open the camley, the Giantess cuts off the girl's finger; agrees to take her in her head; there are mice, beetles, squirrels; The giantess tells them to gnaw, the girl pretends to throw them away; the fox pretends to have blood from her nose, as if all the buckets are full, in fact they contain red clay; the Giantess agrees to empty the buckets at the top of the mountain; the Fox is on her heels like a spirit, pushing the Giantess off the cliff; going to bed, taking out her eyes, telling her to guard; the Giantess comes up, her eyes jump, the Fox is still sleeping; the Giantess bites through her eyes ties bones to the Fox's tail; the fox runs, then realizes what's going on; makes new eyes out of berries, since then slightly cross-eyed; releasing the girl from the dugout, the Giantess puts her in a bag, ties her to it rope; the girl's two brothers release her, put a walrus skull in a bag, run away; the girl throws a whetstone, it turns into a mountain; runs a river across the ground with a stump of her finger; answers the Giantess that crossed on a shell; The Giantess can't; Drink the river! Tells the Giantess to dance, she bursts, she makes iron pans and cauldrons]: Slwooko 1979:14-20); igloolik [children disappear one by one; two girls find a toy, then another one, so Cannibals come to the house; there are people's bones; while she closes the door, they dig a hole in the wall, run away; people ask her to cut her toenails, tie a rope to her legs, drag her to the village; she says her teeth are made of flint, her stomach is made of copper, her liver is made of lead, her knees are made of beads; she is being killed, cut, and people share all these values among themselves]: Boas 1907, No. 9:310-312.
Subarctic. Beaver [Saya kills the giant cannibal monster Only Nachi; cuts into pieces, from which various animals emerge - weasels, martens, wolverines, etc.]: Ridington 1988:120-121.
The coast is the Plateau. Chilcotin: Farrand 1900, No. 1:10 [see motif K43; a huge Moose stands in the river, swallows swimming; Lendixchuks lets himself be swallowed, cuts and roasts Moose's heart, he dies; three sons L. they dismember the carcass, make various animals out of its parts; the frog is made of brains], 13-14 [L. is swallowed by a huge beaver; cuts off and eats its heart, the beaver dies; L.'s sons fresh the carcass, find L. alive inside; pieces of beaver flesh are used to make fish of all kinds]; shuswap [Blue Jay kills a water monster; cuts the body to pieces, throws them to different tribes; Cree gets a scalp (dance with scalps), Okanagon - heart (brave), Quakiutl - head (big heads, decapitate enemies), other tribes - arms and legs; forgets Thompson and Lillouette; throws a knife Thompson (fighting with daggers), wipes blood with a bunch of grass, throws it lillouette (least belligerent)]: Teit 1909a, No. 9:665-667; Thompson [a young man kills an ogre; throws his heart, limbs, head in different directions; tribes differ in character traits depending on what they got (the Okanagon gets the heart, the brave; the lillouette gets the legs to run away, the shuswap gets the hands to fight; the Thompson of the lower Fraser River get head)]: Teit 1898, No. XXX: 81; Curdalen: Reichard 1947, No. 2 [The Grizzly shoots the Rabbit in the eye, but he puts a bubble in the eye in advance; shoots Grizzly in the eye, who howls in pain; The rabbit comes to the woman, that daughter; The rabbit kills her, is fresh; the daughter's husband's arrow broke, he realizes that his wife is dead; The rabbit runs, leaves the baked kamas cereals behind him, so that the chasing husband is killed stopped eating them; asks the Coyote to hide it; he hides a cereal plant in the knee; the stalker has a Grizzly dog; one of the advisers to the Coyote (his excrement) also turns into a dog, the Coyote puts a knife in the back of his head; the Coyote quarrels with the Absorber Stalker, they decide to have their dogs fight, the Coyote dog climbs under the Grizzly, rips his stomach off with a knife; the Absorber swallows The Coyote; there are many people inside, as if they do not understand that they have been swallowed; the Coyote tickles the Absorber's heart, he regurgitates him; the Coyote says he is swallowing people; suggests closing their eyes, regurgitating swallowed; swallows people regurgitated by the Absorber and mice regurgitated by him; the Absorber swallows the Coyote again, who cuts his heart, inserting hoops into his mouth and nostrils; through them, people are swallowed go out; the Coyote tells the Rabbit to slaughter the giant's body, throws pieces, saying which one will give birth to which people; when a piece falls, smoke comes, a dwelling appears; blacklegs out of the leg, they are tall; ne perse - from the ribs, they have good heads (I mean, beautiful hair); the stomach is pot-bellied; the heart is curdalen, they are evil (mean); wiped their hands on the grass - they will be calm, they are poor]: 68-71; Teit 1917e, No. 7 [Coyote or someone else kills the monster; throws parts of his body in different directions; his head is vishram, they are big; the scalp is crowe, they have long hair; the ribs and body are ne perse, they have a large body; the heart is kë Radalen, they are brave and cruel; etc.; wiped the knife with grass, threw the grass to the Spokane Indians, they were always few in number]: 122; ne perse [Coyote is swallowed by a monster lying in the river; finds inside people- animals; cuts a monster's heart, it dies]: Aoki 1979, No. 4 [The coyote ties himself to the mountains; the ropes burst when the monster sucks it in; the Coyote breaks five stone knives before the heart is cut off; makes various tribes out of monster members cut off and thrown in different directions; ne perse are made of blood and water]: 27-28; Clark 1953 [huge Beaver; Coyote lets himself be swallowed into a spruce tree branch; makes Indians chinook from his lower body, clickitat from his legs, cahuz from his forelimbs, yakima from his ribs, ne perse from his head, oriental bison hunters from blood, hair, mud]: 172-175; 1966 [animal people jump out through various holes in the monster's body; Coyote makes tribes (like in Aoki); heart and liver turn into rocks]: 27-30; Western sachaptine [monster swallowed humans; The coyote offered to draw each other in, swallowed; inside there is a rattlesnake, the grizzlies want to kill him; he shamed them not to kill the monster; cut his heart, made a fire under it; swallowed out; out of the monster's legs The coyote made blacklegs, from other parts - crowe, sioux, cans; washed his hands, from this water - ne perse (short but strong); var.: Coyote prepared fuel and resin in advance; ne perse arose from blood monster]: Farrand, Mayer 1917, No. 4:148-149; kayuz [sister wants beaver fat; her four brothers (they're giants) chase a huge beaver along the Paluz River; he creates rapids and waterfalls; brothers they kill him, cut him to pieces, throw them in different directions; they do not arise Perse, Wallavalla and other tribes; Kayuz arise from the heart]: Wilkes, v. 4:496 in Bancroft 1875:95-96; chelan [ The creator makes a giant beaver, says it will have to be cut into twelve pieces to make humans; the youngest of the four Wolf Brothers kills the beaver, cuts it into eleven pieces; their ancestors (animals and birds) drag them in different directions, from which different groups of salish arise (ne perse, spokane, metow, lake, flethead); since the parts turned out to be 11, not 12, the first ancestors decide use blood; blood-greedy blacklegs emerge from it]: Edmonds, Clark 1989:4-7; lower chinook: Boas 1894a, No. 1 [bear takes the girl away; she gives birth to a son and a daughter; her four brothers they come to the Bear's house one by one; his son asks to remove his lice, kills young men; the younger fifth brother does not shoot at the pheasant on the way, does not enter the bear house; together with the Bear's daughter, burns the Bear and his son in their house; Bear's wife revives brothers; dives into a lake, turns into a monster; Bear's daughter is married by Chief Blue Jay; she never laughs; promises to laugh if he stands in in the forest on all fours; laughs, devours all men; her husband's legs below the knees disappear; she keeps him in a basket; gives birth to two sons; does not tell them to go down the river; they go, find the bones of people who their mother regurgitated; they find a basket with their father; he says that their mother has become a monster; brothers turn her into a dog, put her father under water; go on a journey; they see a double-headed swan on the lake { possibly a swan with heads at both ends of the body}; the younger one shoots, swims to the bird, disappears; the eldest throws hot stones into the lake; the water boils away; he rips open the bellies of all monsters; in the latter finds a brother holding a swan; revives him; a man is dancing with an oar, while fish jump into his boat; brothers taught him how to fish with a net; another person shoots in the rain because his house has no roof; his brothers taught him how to make a roof; they wash dirt off his skin, mold people out of it, blow on them, people came to life; a man sharpens knives, promises to kill those who fix things; his brothers turned him into a deer by tying him his knives to his head are horns; a woman throws people into the abyss on sharp flints; brothers throw her, cut her body to pieces, throw them in different directions; Indians living where they fell legs, have strong legs; those who live where their hair has fallen are long hair; etc.]: 17-21; Judson 1997 [the monstrous Wishpoosh beaver drowns fishermen on the lake; the Coyote threw a harpoon at him and began to fight; fighting, they created a modern relief (lakes, gorges); the Coyote became a piece of wood, V. swallowed it, in V.'s stomach K. became himself again, cut it from the inside with a knife; with the help of Muskrat, he pulled the carcass ashore, cut it into pieces, scattered them; his head turned out to be ne perse (reasonable), from the hands of the Kayuz (good archers), from clickitat legs (running fast), from yakim ribs, chinook from belly (they have a big belly); forgot to make people's mouths; god Ecahni cut through their mouths, but some incisions are crooked, others are too big; therefore, the coastal inhabitants have ugly mouths]: 102-104; cherry [sister asks for fat to lubricate her hair; brother harpoons a small beaver; he turns out to be a huge Master of Beavers, lives in the sea, breaking mountains, drags the young man with him; all plants break off or uproot when the young man clings to them; reeds (bulrush) screams, For me; withstood; the beaver died, the young man divided his body into pieces, threw in different directions; Wenatchi came from the liver, they are short and dark; the bones are junk and payut, they are evil; the young man drowned fat from his tail for his sister; his sister is salmon gills]: Hines 1998, No. 2:32-35; coutenay: Boas 1918, No. 50 [Muskrat's brother's widow rejects him; he kills her, lies that the unusual arrow that hit her was fired from the sky; Coyote and others shoot, their arrows do not reach the sky; only the Hawk Brothers arrow has pierced the sky; they make a chain of arrows; it is a little short, the Raven puts his beak instead of the lowest step; everyone goes up, does not wait for Wolverine; he breaks the stairs; The muskrat builds a village in the sky, fires arrows as if there are many enemies in the village; the deception is revealed, the Muskrat is killed; those who come catch the Thunderbird and kill the Thunderbird; those who then become birds receive it feathers and descend; Bats and Flying Squirrels plan on blankets, Coyote on their tail; Sucker fish jumped, crashed, so it now has many small bones; Little Woodpecker and some other warriors return across the horizon; Little Woodpecker is swallowed by a water monster; Great Woodpecker summons birds to celebrate; Bird Chief makes it clear that Little Woodpecker has been swallowed; Great Woodpecker with birds chase the monster through rivers; ask Grandpa Kutene, who crawled to create rivers, to make a stagnant lake; the monster was driven there, the Fox killed him with an ax; the Little Woodpecker and the Duck flew out of his womb, but the woodpecker became small like now; parts of the monster's body have been scattered (different tribes arose from them); Kuten was remembered when there was only a little blood left, so there were few]: 73-77 (Quail in Clark 1966:146-149); cous: Frachtenberg 1913, No. 7 [one person met another, killed him, dismembered him, threw his hair and blood south, flesh to the east, his insides, bones to the north; the Hanis Indians (northern cous subgroup), Siletz blood (tillamook subgroup), siuslav from the entrails, kalapuya from flesh, ampqua from bones]: 49-51; Jacobs 1940, No. 1 [during the flood, a woman escapes on a log; she is killed, parts of her body are thrown in different directions, from which separate peoples emerge; her hair is cous, her entrails are kalapuya, her bones are ampqua]: 240.
The Midwest. Winnebago [Trickster sends his penis into the hollow to get a chipmunk; he gnaws off his penis; Trickster throws the gnawed parts into the water, turning them into wild edible plants (listed nine types of bulbs, tubers, etc.)]: Radin 1956, No. 38-39:38-40
Northeast. Tuscarora [see motif B3A; a pregnant woman descends from the sky on the back of a turtle; gives birth to twins; an evil woman goes out through her mother's side, killing her; a good woman makes the sun out of her head, the moon out of her body; creates animals and people; evil makes mountains, waterfalls, reptiles; brothers fight; evil hits good with reeds, good evil with moose horn; evil dies, descends into the underworld]: Cusick 1827 in Leland 1968: 24; in Beauchamp 1922:8-11; seneca [in heaven, the Great Leader pulls out a tree, sends a pregnant woman down; birds pick her up without letting her fall into the sea; the muskrat brings clay on her paw from the bottom; Clay is placed on the Turtle, the earth grows; a woman gives birth to twins; an evil one comes out under her arm; she dies giving birth to good things; the good makes the sun out of her face, the moon and the star from her chest, gives the Earth her body; makes mountains, straight rivers; goes across the sea to his father, who asks how high he can reach; the son reaches the sky; how much he can lift, he raises the mountain; the father recognizes him as a son, gives two a bundle, in which birds led by an eagle, animals led by a deer; an evil brother makes rivers winding, creates storms, sea monsters, predators, reptiles; brothers fight, the good one puts the evil in the underground world]: Converse 1908 in Turner 1978:36-39; Iroquois (band unspecified.) [like Tuscarora; the sun from the face, the moon and stars from the chest; the body gives to the Earth]:? ; mohawki [a woman falls from the sky, gives birth to a daughter; a man hangs an arrowhead over the girl's bed; then she gives birth to Flint and Maple Escape; her mother makes the moon out of her head, the sun out of her body daughters; Escape lies that sedge or grass (cattails) will kill him; Flint says yellow flints and reindeer rolls are deadly for him; brothers fight; Flint is killed, turns into a mountain range]: Hewitt 1903:255-339.
Plains. Teton [the boy does not listen; his mother kicks him out of the house, asks Annung-ite (a spirit with a second person on the back of his head) to pick him up; he comes and puts the boy in his ear (it serves him with a basket); parents wait for Annung-ita to come again, kill him with knives; take their son out of his ear; he is half himself Annung-ita, soon dies; parents burn Annung- it turns into porcupine needles and needle bags, all kinds of feathers, arrows, tubes, birds, axes, clubs, flints and flint tools, whippers, stone balls, shell necklaces, whips, pouches, beads, etc.]: Dorsey 1894:474-475; Omaha [a beautifully dressed woman meets another; she offers to go together; they are joined by a third, fourth; the first three kick a pile of bones at trails, each telling the next one that they are your relatives; the fourth picks up the skull, leaves it in a safe place; the skull follows the women; at each stop, it kills three women one by one; the fourth is called sister-in-law, tells him to throw him into the hollow, kills raccoons for her, tells him to make a hole in the tree trunk, goes out; for the fourth time the woman runs away; the skull gnaws through hole, chases her; she throws a raccoon with fat behind the stomach four times, the skull loses time cleaning off fat; by the river, a woman asks a man for help; calls him brother, uncle, father; when she calls him grandfather , he breaks his skull with an arrow; it turns into knives, forks, thimbles, threads, awls, wax, needles, scissors; the man tells the woman not to touch anything; she takes a comb, he burns her side, she dies (var.: takes scissors, her hands fall off; info: we didn't have scissors then)]: Kercheval 1893:201-204; Omaha, Ponka [Iktinica is chasing a chipmunk, he hides in a hole; I. pokes there is a penis, a chipmunk bites off pieces from it; they turn into all kinds of fruits and edible plants]: Dorsey 1890:551; iowa [Gopher teases Ishchinki; I. drives it down a hole, puts it in a hole, puts it in she has her long penis; The gopher bites off it piece by piece until the penis is the size it is now; I. turns the bitten pieces into all kinds of berries and fruits; the head into an acorn]: Skinner 1925, No. 34:494-495; Pawnee (kitkehahki) [The Coyotes had a long penis, they wrapped it around their waist; sitting on the shore, they let it into the water; women thought snakes were swimming, rushed to run; The coyote chief had the longest penis; he hears a rustle in the ground, promises to kill the one who scrapes with his penis, throws it into a hole; the penis is gnawed to pieces; the Coyote throws a handful of pieces in four sides; pieces turn into plum trees, vines, berry bushes, walnut trees; an insect appears from the mink, says that now the Coyote penises will be short; this story They tell children not to eat too many fruits and berries, but to leave them to adults]: Dorsey 1906, No. 142:464-465; arpaho [A month hears a girl expressing a desire to marry him , and the other wants a bright star as her husband; his brother Sun prefers the Frog because she does not wrinkle her eyes when she looks at him; The month turns into a porcupine, the girl follows him, climbs a tree, falls on sky, becomes the wife of the Month; the Sun brings the Frog; the Frog is going to get water, takes a vessel; The Month invites the wife and the Frog to compete who chews a piece of gut better; the Wife of the Month is nice crunches, the Frog cannot gnaw its gut, crunches with coals, black drools; she is offended, jumps on her chest for a month, she has been seen there ever since with a water vessel; the Month has two wives, a woman and Bisonicha, each has a son; sons and wives quarrel; the Month warns the female wife not to dig a deep hole by digging roots; she digs, makes a hole in the sky, sees her native village; weaves a rope from tendons, climbs down it; The month throws a stone, killing his wife, but the child falls and remains alive; sucks a dead mother's chest; grows up; some person notices traces, leaves a bow and arrow, boy picks them up; the man has difficulty grabbing him, brings him to the parents of the deceased woman; the Month reproaches the Bisonikha Wife for what happened; she and her son leave; the Month follows them; every day the bisons kill one of them (one of the brothers of the wife of the Month) to feed his son-in-law; each time they collect bones in their skin, the bison comes to life; the Month peeks, piercing a hole in the tipi, sees the father-in-law hit the snag, from there a man jumps up, runs, Bisons kill him for food; A month secretly makes bows, goes to hit the snag himself; first a woman provocateur pops up, a month hits her, now her nose is injured, The month is not lets it go back; people go out, the Month gives them bows; tells them to hunt buffalo and Bison to become bison; father-in-law's hat will become head and spine, bird claws will become horns, hailstones will become eyes, round teeth elk - teeth, eagle feather - tongue, deer hooves - hooves, moon-shell - voice, wampum - larynx, water turtles - kidneys, navajo cape - intestines, bast - tendons, eagle feathers - shoulders, root aquatic plant - penis, foam on water - lungs, vine pod - heart]: Dorsey, Kroeber 1903, No. 134:321-329.
Big Pool. Northern shoshones [The sun is very hot; the rabbit was on three legs, making himself a fourth wooden one; waddling towards the Sun, deciding that only the cactus does not burn; pierced the heart of the Sun with an arrow; turns the sun's eye white into clouds, the iris into the sky, the kidney into a star, the liver into the moon, the heart into darkness; the sun itself is no longer too hot]: Clark 1966:180.
The Great Southwest. Zunyi: Miller 1997 [(retelling the same text as Parsons? ; the liver turns into the Evening Star, the heart into the Morning Star, the entrails the Milky Way, the lungs the Big Dipper]: 187; Parsons 1930, No. 6 [see motif K15, K27, K30; Knife wings kidnaps the young man's wife; young man comes for her; Knife wings offer challenges: 1) pulling trees with one hand (gaffers gnaw their roots for a young man); 2) sitting in a burning fire (Knife wings burn in his changed shirt, young man remains alive in the icy); the young man cuts the kidnapper's corpse into pieces, throws them into the sky, creating stars (head: star following the sun (Evening Star?) ; one leg: Morning Star; arms: Pleiades; lungs: all small stars; hips: Orion's Belt)]: 24-32; Western ceres (Laguna) [Yellow Woman (myths call all young women that way) finds all young women sister and her husband, leaves the village with their turkeys, who call her their mother; sends turkeys to Mount Taylor; opens a package of provisions, which turns into mosquitoes and mosquitoes; hides in lake; turkeys are flying towards her, the tips of their wings are white with foam; they return to the mountain; the woman's husband comes, throws her dress, it turns into butterflies]: Boas 1928a: 177-180, 273 [summary; var.: mother women throw her dress, it turns into a deer; mocassins into a bear, a handkerchief into slime, her belt into a water snake]; kiliva [Memipáio has a son, Metáilkwa'ipáiv, who has two wives; the eldest beloved, expecting a child; the youngest, out of envy, stepped over her husband so that menstrual blood dripped on him; he killed her with a stick in her heart; blood splashed in the sun, now there are spots; he chased three wild sheep, they became the three stars of the Orion Belt; Orion's sword is an arrow, another star next to it is its tip; Orion rises every night from the sea where the rams jumped; when he returns, his wife is already gave birth to a son named Maikwiak; people killed his father, his son revived him; so twice; third time cut to pieces; head - Valle Trinidad; body - slope towards the San Felipe Desert; right hand - trough on the other side (what?) ; there is no left hand, it was torn off; legs are two plains; the son killed evil people; in the sky he made a hut made of bent branches, but instead of branches, a rainbow; took a dog with him]: Meigs 1939:69-78 (spots: 69).
NW Mexico. Yaki [a cannibal bird lives on a mountain, took the husband of a young pregnant woman; she gave birth to a boy; the bird took his grandmother, mother; the grandfather told his grandson about the incident; the young man shelters under a tree, where a nest, kills a bird with arrows; from its feathers it makes four species of owls, then all birds; turns pieces of meat into a cougar, other cats, foxes, raccoons, coyotes, snakes - everyone who has teeth; universal holiday ]: Giddings 1959:36-38.
Honduras-Panama. Kuna [a girl's internal organs in birds, her blood in the swamps]: Chapin 1989:62.
The Northern Andes. Amber [cannibals caught orphans; the man trapped his son with bait, killed the ogre with an iron stick; his remains grew a yam and probably also cassava, arracacha and others tubers]: Rochereau 1929:95; Kogi: Chaves 1947, No. 10 [Kasaugue was an ogre; Sintana and Serawi drove him all over the land, creating vegetation, for his tibia, ribs, arms were trees , his hair turned into all types of palm trees, his beard into all kinds of vines; they revived him, sent him to Spain, and his people to Capuchins {not clear - monkeys or monks}]: 484; Reichel-Dolmatoff 1985 (2) [ Nyíueldue took a woman, made cassava from her tibia, a yam from her thigh, another yam from her hands, another type of cassava from her hands, yam from her kidneys, beans from her intestines, potatoes from her heel, throat from her eyes wood (totumo), cotton from saliva, coku hair, calebasa breasts, yams head, vagina fruit that no longer exists; N. took a man, made corn out of him, from yams testicles; made both hearts people]: 23-24; ihka [man sacrifices himself; pineapple emerges from his heart, other cultivated plants emerge from other parts of his body (no details)]: Bolinder 1925:124.
NW Amazon. Puinawa: Cardozo 1968 [there is nothing to eat; the father suggests that his sons kill him, dry his body, crush him, scatter him across the field like seeds for sowing, throw the rest into lakes and rivers; from scattered across All cultivated plants (corn, yams, bananas, pineapples, etc.) grew in the field, fish arose from thrown into the water]: 51-52; Waldegg 1942:195-197 in Wilbert 1963 [the first humans lived above the clouds; monkey she quarreled, they died fighting with each other; a woman stayed, collected bones, put them to dry on the roof of the house; they were Túpana, his brother Qáitan, their sisters Máunuddua and Amá rrundua; T. killed his adopted mother, made her flesh the inhabitants of the underworld; underground people are dwarfs; they eat cassava, they have no fish in the rivers; they hardly hunt, because the animals in their world are huge; T. went down from the sky, blew into a rolled leaf, summoned some underground people to the ground through a hole on the Isana River, where the center of the world is; blew on them through a leaf of tobacco, people became normal; taught culture; people became bad, T. ordered the rivers of the underworld to fill the earth with a flood; divided the survivors in mountains and trees into pairs, gave different languages; to stop the human race again, he created Yopinai, under his women began to rule men; during rituals, women sang and danced in honor of J., and men hid in the forest; J. ordered women to kill all male babies, they did not listen; then he ordered a month to eat only land and coal so that women would become barren; men invited J. to the feast, threw him into the fire; palm trees and other trees with edible fruits grew from the ashes; men became control women; some J.'s bones have been preserved, they are used to make ritual musical instruments; T. taught how to make the same ones out of wood, and throw the originals into a lake in the center of the world]: 110-113; baniva [see motive J35C; the boy has a wound; the secretions that drip from it attract fish; a man goes fishing with a boy; shoots at a too big one, which swallows the boy; the man together with the child's father fish are chased; a dead boy is found in its womb; fish are cut into pieces, which turn into various species of fish, caimans, turtles; the head turns into a rock]: Saake 1968 [the front of the body into fish, middle in turtles, back to caimans]: 270; Wright 1995 (hohodene): 47; Preuss 1921, No. 8 [Jitoma (sun) torn to pieces by his wife's lover Jicebeño, this is a Gaimo yashuar; two sons of the victim climbed onto the sky on the shoot of a pindo palm tree that their sister took there; her mother followed, but Hitoma began to get hotter, the old woman fell and broke; her bones pierced the ground, became a furuido plant, the large intestines became a usu vine (with thick roots), long intestines hung on the trees with a rudiaë vine]: 313; barasana: S.Hugh-Jones 1979, No. 4F-H [the cannibal eagle Rame took the man to the nest on eaten by chicks; a man killed chicks, plucked down to use in shamanic rituals, went down to the ground; told Warimi about everything; he tried to kill the eagle with poisoned arrows, but had no poison actions; V. went to get it from Anaconda Poison; a flock of ibises (Micteria americana) is flying; they carry ants for a symbolic exchange of food with their mother-in-law Romi-Kumu; V. calls ibis a nephew (by mother) but he replies that his nephew is flying behind; the next ibis is the same; the third agrees to take V. into his pack, although he dissuades him; V. was attached feathers and taught to fly; on the way there is a cassava site, where Vegetation is burning, the flame blocks the road; V. caused rain, the ibises liked it; then there was a strong wind on the way; the mountains; V. overcame these obstacles; when the ibises fly into RK's house, Taho Yai ( Pouncing Jaguar kills them and eats them, for him it's game (different kinds of game birds); with his shamanic power, V. stopped the trap so that it no longer falls (on birds); Jaguar is furious: is no one with you? ibises: no one; invisible to Jaguar and RK V.; ibises danced all night, presented RK with parcels of ants in the morning; RK and Jaguar notice that pieces of cassava are missing; ibises deny everything again; they flew away, and B . stayed; when RK swept, she felt like something was clinging to her pubic hair; this hair was a flower-covered vine (Lonchocarpus) that is used to make fish poison; V. became a green bee and drank nectar from those flowers; then began to copulate with RK and entered her body; finding no poison to poison her, he came out of her head as a poisonous lizard; now RK can't stop and continues to have sex with V. is already against his desire; took him to her house and closed the stone door so as not to go out; her father Anaconda Yada was sleeping, but RK woke him up: here's a servant to fan the fire; V. hid upstairs on the pole, and Anaconda Yada looked for it on the floor to eat; called V. to fan the fire, but V. did it from afar; V. climbed to the roof and made a hole; the ray touched Anaconda Yad's body. this is Sarbakan V.; Anaconda Yada fell asleep; as a fly, V. climbed inside Anaconda Yada through his ass, tied a rope around his heart and gallbladder; V. took poison from his gallbladder, and Anaconda Yada screamed from pain: this fool, a bunch of pubic hair, left me (alone) with V., the father of heaven; he covered his anus and mouth, but V. tickled Poison in his nose into the Anacondas and he sneezed it out; getting out through the hole in on the roof, V. became a parrot and flew away; then became an oriole (Icterus chrysocephalus), tied a bag of poison under his neck, so she had a yellow neck; when she flew over the RK garden, she threw a stick at him, but he dodged; when V. began to cook poison, he wiped off the foam, two types of burning ants appeared from it; the Lizard woman began to laugh: the poison was rather weak; V. shot her with sarbakan; inhaling poisonous vapors, V. began to cough - this is the voice of a howler; V. lost consciousness and at that time all the poisonous snakes, spiders, insects drank poison and became poisonous; when V. woke up, V. placed the poison in the vessel; the spatula with which he this was done by a scorpion, the rope with which the lid is tied - a poisonous spider, the rope around the neck of the vessel - a scolopendra, the lid itself - a hornet's nest; then V. made all kinds of sarbacans and smeared the darts with poison; started shooting at the Rame eagle; missed the first time, poisonous vines grew at the place where the dart fell; the same second time; the third dart flew into the sky, fell vertically down and pierced the eagle's neck; the eagle flew, dying and singing a song that they sing during the Rame eagle dance; each place has its own part of the song; tucano and desana took fluff from it for shamanic rituals and poison, so they have a lot of poison; tatuyo from Rame's body made the whole set of ritual items; for them, Rame has the Jaguar Eagle or the Round Jaguar Pumpkin; the feathers on the wings are ribbons of yellow feathers wrapped in He's musical instruments; themselves instruments made from his bones, called the bones of the Sun; the other bones are jaguar bones, which are tied to feather hats; from the skull, sacred calebas, calebas for wax, and calebas for tobacco; blood is made of red paint to paint initiating; Rame's shadow is a deer; it is made of tapir skin, behind which a shaman sits in the house for rituals He; Rame's brain and liver - shamanic tobacco and wax; fluff is the one used in shamanic rituals; letuama and tanimuka also got their ritual supplies from Rame's body; quartz crystals from his eyes, shamans see from them with help; and they took fluff too], 6A [see motif K1; Manioc-stick Anaconda (not a snake) is the son of the former Sun and Sky; his bones turn into sacred flutes heh; skull cover in calebasa for tobacco, bottom skulls in calebasa for wax; liver and tongue in wax; heart in calebasu for sniffing tobacco, brain in snuff; eyes into pieces of brass in ear jewelry; penis in ceremonial cigar, testicles into a small calebass for red powder used in initiations; elbow into elbow bracelets, ribs into sacred shell girdle]: 279-283, 293.
The Central Andes. Pariarca, Tantamayo County, prov. Huamales, dep. Huanuco [famine time husband asks his wife where to fry corn; children answer; parents put children in a basket, leave them hanging on a rock above the abyss; condor, vulture {urubu?} used domshnico bird, warak bird refuse to help (children called them an eater of cows (fallen), donkeys, worms; the sparrow descended into the plain where the wild eye (Oxalis tuberosa) grew; they asked for their skunk feed them, he made a fire for them, it went out; he lit it again, ordered them not to go out, not to go across the river where the cannibal Achkay lives; the fire went out, the children came to Achkai; she invited them to her place, cooked stones, mashed them like potatoes, but the children can't eat stones; took the boy to bed with her, the girl upstairs with Martina, daughter A.; the boy screams, A. explains that he is taking out her lice; in the morning she says that sent the boy for firewood; told me to bring water; the girl hears A. telling M. to throw a flower into the boiling water, and when the girl leans down to look, push her into the cauldron; the girl herself pushes M. into the cauldron, finds his brother's bones in bed, runs away, taking them; asks the ploughman to hide them, he hides them under lumps of earth; A. comes, eats meat, calls M., she answers from her stomach; A. curses his bowel movements to turn into M., but it does not work; A. rushes in pursuit; the ploughman whips her; the girl asks the skunk to hide her, he streams into A.'s face; the girl runs to the deer, who hits A. with a digging stick; St. The maiden washed clothes, ordered God to lower the gold chain, he lowered it, pulled the girl to the sky; for A. he lowered the rope and mouse, the mouse gnawed the rope, A. fell, shouting that she would become nettles and various thorns; since then there have been nettles and thorny shrubs]: Howard-Malverde 1986:6-9 (=1989, No. 1:9-15); Caruas, dep. Ancash [widow died; left alone, little brother and sister saw a sparrow with a potato flower in its beak, followed him; Achiqueé lived in the same village, decided to kill the children and take possession of it herself with potatoes, called him into her house; at night she tried to kill the boy; the girl grabbed him and ran; Gallinazo hid them under her wings, hit the stalker in the face to blood; the girl promised him excellent eyesight and plenty of food; the same is Puma and other animals (all awarded); the last is the Fox, refused to help (it will smell disgusting, hunters will easily find it); Jan Jerónimo descended from the sky rope, brother and sister got up, they still live in the sky, there are a lot of potatoes; CX lowers a rotten rope and a rat for A.; the rat gnaws through it; A. asks to fall into the pump, but falls on a rock; tells him to her blood became rocks, her blood dried up the vegetation; this is how the Andes and the sands of the coast appeared]: Arguedas, Izquierdo Rios 1947:130-134; Vicos, Callejón de Huilas, dep. Ancash [Achiqee was a woman who fought against God; the parents left the boy and girl; they met an old woman who promised to feed them, brought them to her house; sent the boy to cook water potatoes; when he came back, she gave him hot stones; ate it; the girl took her brother's bones, ran; Teeta Mañuco lowered her rope from the sky, she went up to heaven; A. followed her, the rat gnawed through the rope; falling, A. shouted "out of the blue", but fell on the rocks; blackberries came from her blood, and her red clothes gave rise to all prickly plants growing in places unsuitable for agriculture]: Ortiz Rescaniere 1973:185-186; Callejón de Huilas, Dep. Ancash [during the earthquake, the witches were happy - I wish they could always dance; during the hail of fire, they walked covered with long stones; one saw a weaver with oil on his face; said that came to eat it; he advised me to close all the holes in the house, burn coal below, he would jump from the second floor, the witches would eat it; when everyone gathered, poured out pepper and salt, everyone suffocated, only one slept through a hole in the wall, settled in a cave; two orphans came there; at night the girl hears her brother crying; the witch replies that she was taking out his lice; in the morning she told me to bring water in the basket; she can't the witch goes by herself, tells her not to open the cauldron; the girl lifts the lid, finds her brother, puts the witch's son into the cauldron, runs away, carrying her brother's body; the witch eats meat, calls her son, he answers from her belly, she chases; the old man hides the girl in a loom, the witch looks for her, he hits her, the girl runs away; the ploughman hides in the field, beats the witch, tells the girl to run to where the green cross is, under him a spring with with blood, a basket will descend from the sky; the girl goes to heaven; the witch also asks, a dilapidated basket on a rotten rope descends to her, the parrot cut it, the witch fell on the rock; her blood spread around the world, especially ravines that weren't there before]: Weber, Meier 2008:79-90; prov. Wari, dep. Quechua del Sur de Conchucos [parents got angry with the children, put them in a bag, threw them into the abyss, the bag caught on blackberry bushes on the rock; they ate blackberries; asked for gallinazo, the falcon, the condor, took them out of the abyss; the condor carried the boy first, then the girl to where the potatoes were; the girl noticed the smoke, came to the witch for the fire; she ordered her brother to be brought and potatoes brought; cleaned them, let the girl clean the stones; lay down, taking the boy, the girl lay down with the witch's daughter; the boy cries; the witch replies that she was taking out his lice; that the beard of her vulva had pricked him; in the morning the girl hears a witch promising her daughter that they will now eat her sister; the girl herself pushed the witch's daughter into the cauldron, took her brother's bones, ran; the witch calls her daughter, "Rosa!" She answers from her belly; Galinazo, the falcon, says they didn't see, the condor said he saw the girl; God lowered that gold chain; the witch lowered the straw with the parrot; the parrot gnawed, the witch fell on the rocks her vulva's stubble became blackberry spines]: Weber, Meier 2008:91-99.
Montagna - Jurua. Ashaninka [into social and ethnic groups]: Shaver 1975 (nomatsigenga) [Manchacori (Month) married Santa Maria, daughter of Maonti; cut his first son into pieces, made them different peoples; from the heads of priests, from the thighs of Europeans (Biracocha), from the hands of Kampa Ashaninka, from the fleshy parts of the Shipibo and other Indians living below the river, from the guts - nomatsigenga; the second son was so hot that his mother died giving birth to him; Manchakori told Maonty to bury the baby but not to wet it with water; Maonti burned his hands, dipped them and the baby in the river; so it began to rain; in the morning the child rose to the sky and became Paba (Sun); in the evening he swims in Lake Jananequia; when he is younger, he gets up again in the morning; Maonty followed his grandson to the lake in the west, became a bird singing majojojo (4 notes, each following menor que previous]: 51; Varese 1969-1970 (Pajonal campa) [sun baby umbilical cord]: 168; cachinahua: d'Abreu in Koch-Grünberg 1921, No. 85 [Rutanaua invited Marinaua to his place, cut off on his way back in the forest his head; his relatives found a living head, carried it in the basket, it gnaws through the baskets, falls out; they left it, it follows, easily swims across the river; people climb a tree, head asks her to throw off the fruit, they throw it away, run away while her head is looking for the fruit; they hide in the house; the head asks him to let him in, then decides to turn into something; they do not want vegetables, bananas, yams, sweet potatoes - they will eat; the garden will grow fruits on it, they will eat it; the earth will be trampled; the water will be drunk; the fish will be eaten; the timbo will poison the fish with it, they will eat it; the snake, the scorpion will bite you and you will kill me; the tree will burn, cook food; vampire bat - bite, kill; sun - warm you; rain - fill rivers, you will eat fish, grass will grow, animals will eat it; cold - the heat of the sun will die; night - you will be able to sleep; morning - wake up; let blood become a rainbow ("enemy road"), eyes stars, head a month, then on a full moon your women will lose blood; M. climbed the rainbow into the sky; threw his eyes, they scattered with many stars; asked for two balls of threads, heavenly vultures picked them up, made them the basis for a month; the women began to menstruate, everyone went out to look at the moon]: 232-240; Tastevin 1926 [old man: hallucinogens]: 173; yauanaua [a group of young men takes his wife from an old man; he kills an enemy, cuts off his head, extracts a solid reko (some mythical substance), puts it in a bag, hangs it under the roof; young men see murder for the first time, they used to only hunt, are frightened, return the woman to the old man; people of different tribes (not yauanaua) come out of the bag; the old man teaches them work and especially own a gun]: Carid Naveira 1999:166-169 in Calavia Sáez 2001:168
Bolivia - Guaporé. Takana: Hissink, Hahn 1961, No. 18 [the unlucky hunter's wife goes hunting herself; refuses to marry the Deer, he kills her; her flesh has been eaten by a jaguar; her skin has turned into swamps, nits into wild rice, the brain into termites and termite mounds; the husband goes looking for it, is carried away by the river, the body is covered with sand; they make the male and female capybaras], 24 [the cannibal Echua Rihi is killed, his body dismembered; the head rolls back to the edge of the world, turns into the Morning Star; the body into the Andes, the legs into the Bibosi tree, the hands in Wurgfaige, the intestines into vines, the penis and testicles into the sayal palm , lungs and heart to wild papaya, ass to peanuts (?) , buds in cane, spine with ribs in bamboo, blood in biboshi latex, urine in a large lake in the mountains (Titicaca?) , fingernails in river shells, fingers in grass of a certain type, oily film excrement on the water, hair under the arms and groin in hard herbs, navel in black shells, face in the hills], 25 [girl runs away from the ogre; see motif L72; the cannibal dies; his head turns into a palm tree, small intestines and kidneys into vines, hands and nails into large and small shells, large intestine into anaconda, liver into stingray, blood in turtles]: 58-59, 63, 65; eseeha [Pachichone wants to have sex with her brother's wife; she says her husband takes her from behind because of a thorn in her chest (teta; a euphemism for the pubis?) ; P. does not listen, is injured, sick; people kill and eat him; his bones turn into all kinds of birds, nails into beaks; birds sit on a tree; branches break off under their weight; from these branches form current forest]: Verna 1985:68.
Eastern Brazil. Apinaye [Oliveira 1930:72-74; Mabarame (The Sun) ordered to clear the area, cut off the hair of a decrepit old man, put it in a vessel, throw it away in handfuls; each portion of hair turned into birds of a certain species (royal vultures, kurazu, nandu, seriems, trumpeter birds; all small birds arose from the remaining hair; people returned to the village, leaving the old man in the clearing; he became in termite]: Wilbert 1978, No. 17:80-81.
Chaco. Matako [Metraux 1939, No. 56:43; people heard a woman crying; a Welán woman (evil night and underground spirits) replied that people killed her child and she would eat human children; parents they guarded the children at night, but W. was invisible; she was killed, but she came to life; people hid inside the Yuchan tree, it was hot, they went to sleep outside, W. killed many children; in another village, a woman-W. burned at the stake; the coals that flew out with a bang that fell into the forest became jaguars, domestic cats, pumas, puffins, snakes; stingrays, surubi fish, piranhas, catfish, paku fish, etc. aquatic animals]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1982a, No. 170:270-271