Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

G23A. Plants from body parts. .19.-.22.24.-. .45. (.47.) .

Parts of the body and organs of a living being turn into various plants like teeth into corn, testicles into yams, etc.

(Krachi), eipo and yale, susure, keva, kukukuku, baruya, yap, gilberta, minyong, lao, semangi, (toba-bataki), sunda, Java, Bali, Flores, Sumba, ibana, clementan, dusun, ngaju, toraja, tetum, Adonare, Alor, Alune and Vemale, Tirurai, Kapis ( western Visayas), achan, (fox, miao), Avesta (Bundhaishn), Kojiki and Nihon-Shoki, Upper Tanana, Hurons, Seneca, (Alabama), Cahuilla, Navajo, Aztecs, Nahua Central Mexico, Chinanteca, Hikake, Embera, Kogi, ihka, oyampi, okaina, barasana, (karijona, puinave), munduruku, Warmey-Waura, Konchuco, Tupari, kayabi, nambikwara, iranshe, paresi, umotina, kaingang, toba, matako.

(Wed. West Africa. Igbo [the creator of Chukwu (aka Chi) lowered Eri's anthill from the sky on a rope, there was a swamp around; C. ordered the blacksmith to dry the ground; ordered E. to kill and bury his son and daughter, yams grew out of the graves and cocoyam; then E. killed a slave and a slave, oil and coconut palms grew; four people came to E., each with a basket; at night E. let the rat go, she successively began to nibble on the baskets; each time one of people were woken up by another, saying Name, a rat chewing on your basket; in the morning E. could greet guests by name, they were the four gods who named the four days of Igbo week]: Belcher 2005:287-288; kachi [the old woman has 11 children, their names are the corresponding numbers; the youngest is Edubiaku ("eleventh"), only he has magical powers; together with the brothers E. came to the supreme god Nyame; c E. three dogs; he buried two and left the third; N. told E. to go to the city of the dead and bring four gold items from there: a calebass, a musical instrument, a message-stick and a cracker for flies; on the way, E. shared food with the river, with the antelope, with the ant, with the fly and with the tse tse fly; when the beer was served in the golden calebass, the mouse hid it; E. hears that the dead want to eat it; he asks what to do to make him fall asleep faster; E.: I have to play a golden musical instrument; the mouse hides the instrument; the fly bit the leader, the boy brought a cracker to beat the flies, he dropped it, E. grabbed it and ran, and the mouse gave me three other objects it had hidden; the ant turned into many ants; these ants were a treat and the dead lost time eating them; when E. crossed the river, it became narrow and small, and when the dead ran up, it spilled; E. brought N. what he wanted; on the way home, E. laments that his parents and God do not love them; on his advice, the brothers decide to turn into something useful that people will love; E. transforms; one turns into a banana (plantain), the second into sweet bananas, the third into yam, the fourth into colocasia, the fifth into cassava, six into tomato, and the seventh into sweet potato, eighth in onion, ninth in corn, tenth in abelmosh (okra, Abelmoschus esculentus)]: Cardinall 1931:45-47).

Melanesia. Eipo and yale [the first ancestor came to plant a tarot and killed Mambol; this is the pig that gave birth to us; he told our front leg, back leg, back leg, ass, head to turn into bananas, tarot, yam, sugarcane (Saccharum edule), mallow {obviously edible}; saliferous plant originated from the abdomen; the same from parts of the body of a dismembered possum]: Heeschen 2017:96-97; sushi [ There were no cultivated plants, people were cooking stones; old Mekue died; her husband found a dead rat in the forest, started making a fire at home, sent two grandchildren to bring meat; instead of a rat, they saw grandmother (or her) spirit); she gave them a tarot, everyone liked it; M.'s two sons told her grandchildren to spy on her getting tarot; it turned out that she was extracting it from her skin; M. ordered to clear the area, kill her, pour blood out on the plot, put your side closer to home, your legs under the tree, put your genitals on a tree branch; after the rain, tarot, yams, bananas and other plants grew in the garden; because the grandmother was killed by the younger brother (elder refused), he took twice as much of the garden]: Lehner 1975, No. 2:742-744; keva: LeRoy 1985, No. 14 [sister does not go to the garden to help her brother; he watches her, sees her approach the river to breastfeed her eel son; the brother makes himself fake breasts out of pumpkins, causes the eel with a conditional hiss, bakes, gives it to her sister; she cries; he offers her pork, she continues to cry; the brother leaves, strangers kill him, cut him to eat him; the old woman asked to leave her liver; her sister went to look for her brother, the old woman gave her a liver, told her to bury him under a tree; when there were many lightning in the sky, my sister realized that it was time, she had come to the tree; there was a vegetable garden with a variety of cultivated plants, a boy and a boy in the garden, both resembling her brother; one day she dug a tarot, bleeding; both brothers they shouted that their liver hurt, died; if the woman hadn't dug up the sago, the liver of the dead would be buried and they would have revived]: 48-51; kukukuku [people killed a man, cut it into pieces (fingers, hands, legs, head, etc.); scattered on the site, lit a fire, left the site; bananas, tarot, sugar cane yams (the origin of cultivated plants) grew there]: Blackwood 1939:220-221; baruya [ the husband killed his wife, buried the corpse, the shoots of cultivated plants grew out of it; he ate them, his ugly black body became beautiful and smooth; people began to find out why his skin had changed, he had to bring they went to the right place; bamboo grew there, knives were made out of it]: Godelier 2003:192.

Micronesia-Polynesia. Yap [a woman gave birth to an eel, her father cut it to pieces; the head turned to coconut, the neck to a breadfruit, the torso to a banana, the tail to the tarot]: Müller 1918:314; Gilbert Islands [ Auriaria got together with her sister Nei Tituabine; she died, a coconut palm grew out of her head, an almond from her navel, a breadtree from her heels]: Maude, Maude 1994, No. 1:55-56; (cf. Tikopia [The Sun specially attracted the attention of Tangaria, who looked at its sunrise; at this time, Sun's son Resa shattered T.'s head with a stick; the shrapnel turned into different types of fruit trees (chestnut, areca palms, coconut palm) and various types of edible fish]: Firth 1970:187).

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Minyong Abor [Banji's older brother is tired of feeding his younger Ban-Mang, who has one eye, one arm, one leg; he left him, he died and rotted, pepper grew out of his gallbladder, and his nails tobacco, from a penis, an eggplant that swings on the stem like the penis of a walking person]: Elwin 1958b, No. X.4:216-217 (=1958b: 196).

Burma - Indochina. Lao [the ill-tempered widow began to grind rice sweeping; pieces scattered to the sky and fell into the forest, where they formed tarot, and small {other} tubers; rice goddess Nang K'osop became angry and disappeared, without her, a famine began for 320 years; finally, the hermit tore her body to pieces, which included black rice, white rice, Annam rice, glutinous rice; wings and tail goddesses became the "mother of rice," her liver and heart became the "heart of rice," or "the beginning of rice"; from her spine, ribs and long bones, the hermit created a pole, and from her abdomen and entrails a flag; her nerves, blood, dark and beautiful eyes, mouth, teeth and head turned into two one-eyed spirits]: Archaimbault 1959:236-241, Terwiel 1994:6-7 in Yamada 2014:467.

(Wed. South Asia. Shaktism: Ignatiev 2004 ["vegetables that came from their own bodies and sweet fruits and roots for food were presented by the Good, varied food that cattle eat"]: 62; 2009 ["then I'm all I will support the world with nutritious vegetables generated from my own body until, oh gods, |they go again| it rains "]: 79).

Malaysia-Indonesia. Semangs (Kintak Bong, Menig Kaien) [rainbow - two Huyak snakes that crawled to drink water; they were brothers Tak Tahi (elder) and Tak Suyak; TS ripped open the belly of the youngest child (girl, because only women's hair on their heads is rolled into a knot, see below), blood splashed, it turned into rice; the ears turned into sireh vines, the spine into sugar cane, the head turned into coconut, fingers and toes - beans, knot on the head - onions, brain - lime (for chewing tobacco, etc.), hands above the hands - cucumbers, belly - pumpkins, bile - tobacco; Negrito used to have rice, and Malays ate wild roots]: Evans 1937:167-168; (cf. Toba-Bataki [Batara Guru has a magician son, who has two twin daughters, the eldest Sorbajati; Soripada is BG's brother, he has a son, Endapati, who looked like a chameleon; him Sorbajati was married, the ransom was paid; the bride comes to the groom's village twice, but does not see him, and even more likes her younger sister; the third time she sees, runs, tries to abandon her brother, but that's it object; then he dances, goes up to the balcony, rushes down, disappears into the ground; this is where a sugar palm grew; hardwood came from Sorbajati's bones, the core from the hair, the bark from the bones of Sorbajati, the core from the hair, the bark from clothes, leaves from his hands, sweet juice from tears, etc.; Endapati soon died, his body became bamboo and rattan]: Korn, p. 37-39); sunda [{long text fragment}; Dewi Pohachi died; from the head coconut grew, two types of red and black rice grew from the right eye; other types of rice from the left eye, bamboo thighs, rattan from calves, etc.]: Hidding 1929:9-12, 29 in Mabuchi 1969:78; Java: Appel 2001 [ The supreme god Batara Guru announces the construction of a guest house; his older brother Narada calls to participate in the work; Déwa Anta, who looks like a snake, cries for having no arms and legs; his tears turn into three eggs; he takes them in his mouth, crawls to HD; a bird of prey asks where he is crawling; he is silent because he cannot open his mouth; the bird pecks out his eye in anger, two eggs fall out, from they appear Sang Kala Buwat pig and Budug Basu dog; at this time, in Tegal Kapapan, a cow licked Sang Idajil's urine, gave birth to a son Sapi Gymarang, he became the lord of animals, including SKB and BB; third The DA egg was given to BG, from which beautiful Déwi Pohaci was born, BL and his wife adopted her; fearing that HD would incest her, BG's father (or grandfather) Déwa Wenang gave DP fruit from the Garden of Eden; he was so tasty that after it she did not want to eat anything, died; she was buried; various varieties of coconuts grew out of her head; red and white rice from her right eye, red and red rice from her left eye (different varieties); glutinous rice from the heart (red, white and black); prickly bamboo (Bambusa blumeana) from the right thigh; ordinary bamboo (Bambusa vulgaris) from the left thigh; from left caviar Gigantochloa apus bamboo for making arrows and dressings; on the right - similar bamboo for making flutes; from veins - various creeping plants; from body hair - various herbs; from pubis - Arenga saccharifera sugar palm; BG ordered the plants to be handed over to the ruler of Prabu Siliwangi in West Java (Pakuwan Pajajaran); it was no longer necessary to sow wheat, barley and millet, which taste worse than rice; PS had 75 wives, including one goddess Déwi Nawang Sasih; she taught how to get rice without growing, feed a hundred people with one spikelet; BG's brother Semar guarded rice; BG and N. became rice birds, S. began to drive them away, broke off a palm peduncle, drank juice, so he learned about palm wine; (hereinafter, p.82-89, about how Sapi Gumarang is trying to destroy rice, storms, diseases, mice, etc., and Sulanjana revives rice every race)]: 80-82; Kroef 1952 [Batara Guru creates a beautiful Retna Dumilah girl; wants to marry her; she thinks it's incest, demands a self-playing gamelan ( xylophone instrument), a wearable dress, food that is always appetizing; BG sends Kula Gumarang to earth to get it all; he forgets, falls in love with Dewi Shri, Batara Wishnu's wife; she rejects, turns into a boar; HD forcibly took possession of RD, she died; in response to BG's requests and complaints, the God of Death promised that RD would be a great gift for HD and its people; 40 days later at RD's grave from her head a coconut palm grew, dry rice and sugar palm from the body, durian and mango fruit trees from their hands, various root crops from their legs; KG wanted DS to disappear, but instead grew in this place jellied rice; diseases of cultivated plants arose due to CG]: 49-50; Java [{a fragment of a long text}; Guru took possession of Tisnawati by force, she died, her body was buried; a coconut palm grew out of her head, rice from genitals, banana from palms, teeth from corn; sugar palm also grew; var: navel rice, sugar palm from genitals]: Mabuchi 1969:73; sunda [{long text fragment}; Dewi Pohachi died; coconut grew out of his head, two types of red and black rice from the right eye; other types of rice from the left eye, bamboo thighs, rattan calves, etc.]: Mabuchi 1969:78; (cf. East Java [ just like in the main Javanese version; Kula Gumarang gets what he needs (instead of gamelan, the best musical instrument); they were given to him by Njari Rtu Kidul (Queen of the South), who fell in love with him; the items turned out to be gamelan, batik, rice; RD married HD but died soon; HD gave three gifts to people; in response to an attempt at violence, Dewi Schri turned KG into a wild boar; protects rice from diseases]: Kroef 1952:51-52); sunda, Javanese [three eggs arose from the tears of the god Antaboga, who did not have limbs, one of which was the beautiful girl Sri (Javanese) or Asri (Sundanese); after eating the fruit, she died, buried; from her rice grew from the eye, sticky rice from the abdomen, coconut from the head; (apparently, other cultivated plants from other parts of the body)]: Headley 2005b: 164-165; Java, Bali [{detailed retelling of Javanese, Sundanese and Balinese texts}]: Mabuchi 1969:72-81; Bali [Mngukuhan, Balinese theater play (lacon); god Guru sees radiance in the sea at his Marchukaņda palace; there is a hermit Kanekaputra subjects himself to austerities; those sent are unable to distract him; G. himself comes to him and says he knows that he wants to be equal to him; it is pointless to strive for this, for only the sun and the moon appeared before him, G., and even earlier than them, heaven and earth; only Sang Hyang Wnang is older than him; the hermit laughs and says that SHV is not the oldest; asks what was created first during chaos; G. does not know; showing mercy, K. takes him to heaven, makes him chief over the gods; G. asks K. what he holds in his clenched hand; K. says that this is the treasure of Rthna dumilah, which does insensitive to hunger, thirst, fire and water; warns that if you loosen its grip, it will fly away with an arrow; G. asks to throw it to him, tries to grab it, the treasure flies from heaven to seventh earth, where he swallows the Antaboga serpent; K. asks him back, A. orders him to be transferred to heaven for this; K. says that this is impossible, A. is as big as the earth; A. curls up in a ring; the gods penetrate into A. through his nose and ears and his mouth, but they just start fighting there; they try to raise A. to heaven, but he disappears, finds himself at G.'s feet, belches the treasure box, but neither he nor others can open it; G. breaks it, inside 3-year-old Ken Tisnawati and her palace; when she is 14, G. wants to marry her; she demands that he first take out clothes that don't wear out, food that satiates forever, and gamlan k topyak; G. sends the jester Kalagumarang for them; he mocks the gods, they want him to become an animal; he pursues Dewi Sri, her husband Vishnu shoots him, arrows, becoming vines, confuse him legs, he falls, becomes a boar; G. takes possession of T. by force, she dies; she is buried on the ground; a coconut palm grows out of her head, rice from her genitals, a banana from her palms, corn from her teeth; Boar. continues to chase Dewi Sri, who has now taken the form of Dewi Tisnawati, ravages rice crops; Vishnu pierces him with an arrow, his blood turns into insects and diseases that harm rice; the spirit enters his bodies children of the Puţut Jantaka ascetic; rice crops are ravaged by the god Pritanjala (guardian of the northeast) in the form of a bird, hides among the inflorescences of the arenga palm tree; these stems are cut off, the juice is collected, so it appeared palm wine; PJ ascetic children - rat, pig, monkey, buffalo, all wild bulls, deer and other animals; they come to ruin fields; they are hardly defeated; monstrous brothers Sngkan and Turunan turn their penises into whips, tame a bull and a buffalo with them, thread a rope through their nostrils]: Rassers 1959:14-19; iban (the upper reaches of Lemanak) [the first person lay by the aur bamboo; he is swollen leg caviar, a woman came out of there, god Petara gave her the name Seti Awa; her husband killed their first child, buried cucumbers, spinach, rice, various pumpkins; where blood spilled on the undergrowth, the undergrowth turned into ferns, bamboos and other types of edible plants; alternatively, a woman cut into pieces turned into rice, pumpkins, etc.]: Jensen 1974:75; Dayaki (western Sarawak) [Klieng and more four, the youngest of them Limband, went hunting with the dogs; L. stayed where they had rice; gathered all the rice together, caught the wild boar and returned; K. was amazed; no way to carve fire; faint light is visible in the distance, only L. went to get the fire; met the giant Gua, who puts him in his ear, brings him home; G. ate all the people, decided to make L. his grandson; gives him a mat and screen made of gold for the night; tells him wake himself up with a hammer; he woke up only after the third blow; when L. was mature, G. gave him a luxurious outfit; married Bunsu Mata-ari; while swimming, she put the jewelry in a bowl, and she swam away along the river; she was picked up by the Malay wife; he promised to marry the owner of the jewelry; sent warriors, L. killed them easily, G. ate the dead; then the Malay gathered people from different tribes, including brothers L.; L. fights with K.; they get to know each other; G. says he will die soon, gives all the property to L. and K.; G.'s skull grew banang (banyan?) ; its petals became beads, leaves became fabrics, ripe fruits became ceramic vessels, branches became iron and steel]: Ling Roth 1896:328-332; clementan [giant Usai's wife drowned; he went in grief down the river; when he came to miri, they were like larvae to him, and he was like a tree to them; they started cutting it; he said his brain was sago, his liver was tobacco; wherever his head fell, they would be smart (he fell with his head to the sea, so Europeans and Chinese know a lot); Miri's hair is beautiful because W.'s head fell on it; other people have hair like W.]: Hose 1912:142-143; Dusun: Evans 1913 [Kemharingan and Munsumundok had a son and daughter; they had nothing to eat, her parents killed their daughter; coconut came from her head, sugar cane from her hands, bananas from her fingers, rice from her blood; parts of her body All animals also appeared]: 478; 1953:15-20, 372-387 in Stöhr, Zoetmulder 1965 (Tempasuk) [Kinorohingan and Warunsansadon came out of the cliff, created earth and sky, people; they had nothing to eat; they killed their own daughter, they buried the pieces; coconut grew from the head, reddish rice from the blood, Sirih leaves from the ears, sugar cane from the hands, other crops from other parts]: 43; ngaju [in a heavenly village Mangko Amat and his wife, the famous healer Njai Djaja, came to treat the patient; his angry children gave them illegal fruits and fish in such cases; the patient recovered, and MA and ND died on their way back to grief; the Pahararu Rawei bird found the corpses, asked the Wind woman to revive them, she sent them to her brother, who flew in, but did not revive them, but turned the dead into plants: the hair was rattan, coconut grew out of their heads palm trees, bananas from eyes, leaves from ears, Mantikei from teeth, Gambir leaves from tongues, ironwood from bones, lime from brain, water from blood, bamboo from heels and hands, leather a highly poisonous Siren plant, fingers are trees from which ash is used to obtain paint to blacken teeth]: Schärer 1966:30-32; Western Toraja: Kruyt 1938 (4): 4-5 in Mabuchi 1969:36-37 [ the couple told seven daughters to sow rice; they did not know how to do it, they interpreted the rice; the mother became angry and punished her daughters; the eldest at night, followed by everyone in turn for the next six nights, rolled along the slope of the site, injuring her whole body; the youngest, rolling, disappeared under the tree left on the site; in this place grew: sticky rice from her flesh, ordinary rice from her bones, black from her liver, red rice from her flesh, red rice from her flesh blood; corn grew out of her teeth, coconut from her head], 37-38 [Pakawa: Bae Bula ("full moon") came out of the stone; Nabi married her, they have two sons and five daughters; one of them (the eldest?) She rolled around the site seven times; then rice grew from her brain, bananas from her fingers, corn from her teeth, from yam muscles, from palm hair, from hair on the tarot head, etc.; To ri Binggi (the westernmost group): Danu woman rode across the field, then the same; Kanggone: Danu and her sister ate rice, which their father Sawerigading ordered them to sow; he kicked them out of the house; D. told his sister to ride on the field (hereinafter referred to as the same); Sigi: the mother killed her son, dragged the body across the field; the hair came off, became rice, teeth fell out, became corn; it is also recorded among the rest of the Western Toraja groups, the victim is the youngest son, fourth out of seven, seventh daughter, buried child; in Koro, not daughter, but mother rode down the slope; Lore: a rich and noble man, out of compassion for people suffering from hunger, started running around the field, disappeared into the ground, grew up various cultivated plants], 38 [Kawatuna: seven children - Pleiades, one of them turned into rice; Sigi: wife turned into rice, husband into Orion Belt; Koro: Pleiades woman told her son to prepare fields for seven hills, began to ride on the slopes, rice grew]; toraja [Isharo, a bird of paradise, fell in love with Kautatali (garuda); K. promised to give love only to someone who could fly on a par with him; I. flew, exhausted, fell to the ground; its tail feathers became the leaves of a sago palm and fruit trees; her eyes became rice, her tail became a coconut palm]: Kroef 1952:55; Flores: Arndt 1932:63-65 in Mabuchi 1969 (central Flores) [1) a woman came out of stone, married a man, gave birth to a daughter; she married Dzeni Lai Lengi, they have a daughter, Düa Bobi; DLL mashed his servants and slaves into porridge, scattered it corn and two types of millet grew across the field; the daughter cut her leg, rice grew out of a drop of blood; her father killed her, there was a lot of rice; 2) the woman killed the servant, scattered pieces of her body across the field, two types of millet grew and different tubers; killed two daughters; one came from rice and the other a sugar palm]: 67-68; Arndt 1935 (ling) [Teze slept under a tree, a flower fell off it, she became pregnant, gave birth to a son Lena; he grew up and became her husband; children were born; L. killed two in the field, scattered the remains, and various crops grew out of them; T. went to look for children, heard their names in the field; T. disappeared; L. went looking for her, also disappeared; before that he explained to the children that they should share and eat everything that was left of him, etc.]: 334, 351 in Isis 1998:153, briefly in Mabuchi 1969:67; Sumba [Umbu Sebu and his sister Rambu Pari Mboka ("virgin fat rice") began to descend from heaven to earth; his sister fell, her body grew jellied rice; there were three brothers and four sisters; three brothers married three sisters, one was left without a husband, died, rice, corn and other plants grew out of her body; in the sky, two brothers married a girl, who gave birth to a daughter; they began to go down the stairs to the ground, the daughter fell, crashed, dry rice grew out of her eyes; Umbu Sebu had a daughter, jellied rice came out of her body; the first couple had 7 sons and 8 daughters in the sky; they got married, alone without a husband, took the husbands of a man who turned out to be a mouse; disappeared into a hole; she died of despair; her brothers cut her body into pieces in anger; jellied rice appeared from the right side, dry rice from the left side, her hair became grass, teeth with corn, etc.]: Mabuchi 1969:59-60; Adonare [1) the woman's seven sons prepared the field, but there is nothing to sow; she put on better clothes, told her to be beheaded, blood spread across the field, grew up rice, corn, beans, coconut and sugar palms, etc.; 2) a woman's excrement is gold, her hair is a gold chain, his fingernails are made of glass; the man sailed, married her, told seven men prepare the field; the woman put on her best clothes, told her husband to kill her in the field; he scattered pieces of her body, corn and rice grew]: Arndt 1951:204-206 in Mabuchi 1969:69-70; tetum (West Timor) [Wahali: a noble man with children sailed to Timor; there was nothing to eat or drink; his father told the children to kill him; his head became coconut, his hair turned to corn, blood with water, the rest of his body with rice; Fatu Aruin: the body of the victim the ancestor was cut, scattered across the field, rice, corn, and fruit trees grew; Alan: the youngest son of the first couple was killed; sandalwood arose from his bones, rice from flesh, water from blood; Naitinu: body women split up; her hands grew sugarcane, pumpkin from her head, yams from her intestines, rice from blood, etc.; corn and coconut originated from parts of a man's body]: Vroklage in Mabuchi 1969:62; Alor [1) (northeast); brother killed two sisters, rice came from one's body, corn from the other; 2) (southwest); the old woman told her sons to kill her in the field; rice grew out of her body, corn from her teeth]: Vatter 239- 240 in Mabuchi 1969:70; tetum (Bijeli) [1) Kruyt 1923:473-474; the first man and woman ate grass; the man turned to the Sun Lord (Usif Neno) to help; he ordered his wife to be killed, to grind her bones and flesh, scattered in the wind; corn and rice appeared; 2) v. Wouden, p. 43; two men came to heaven, asked Usuf Neno for seeds; he gave them a lump of land; when they returned, they found a girl inside; became to quarrel over her; she gave birth to a daughter; the UN ordered the girl to be killed and buried, rice and other cultivated plants grew; the UN gave the woman to one of the men]: Mabuchi 1969:64-65; Athoni [in the pond, connected by an underground channel to the sea, lived the "Scorpio Fish Lord", his father was a crocodile; he felt sorry for people, ordered him to be killed and buried; a pumpkin grew out of his head, corn from his bones, rice from flesh]: Mabuchi 1969:65; alune, vemale (zap. Seram) [Amete killed the pig that brought the first coconut; planted it, climbed the coconut to cut the leaves, cut his finger, the blood mixed with the juice, the girl Hainuwele appeared; when she was in need, they came out of her Chinese porcelain, corals, gongs; during ritual dances, others, out of envy, pushed H. into the prepared grave, fell asleep; A. dug up the corpse, cut it, buried the pieces around the dance floor, they became various cultivated tubers; held her hands to the goddess Mulua Satene; she built a spiral gate with 9 curls, told her to run through the spiral; those who failed to run turned into various animals, birds, fish, also into spirits; those who managed to pass to the left or right of the tree on which MS sat, she hit them with X.'s left or right hand, they became patalima or patasima; after this MC retired to the land of the dead on Mount Salahua]: Jensen, Niggemeyer 1939:59-65 in Stöhr, Zoetmulder 1965:143-144.

Taiwan - Philippines. Tirurai [Minaden made man out of clay, created land the size of a tray for a trend; man and earth grew; the creator's brother discovered that the genitals of men and women were tiny, noses upside down; enlarged his genitals, turned his noses upside down; their little son died; his umbilical cord turned into rice, his intestines into yam, his head into tarot, his hands into bananas, his nails into areca nuts, his teeth into corn, his brain in lime, bones in cassava, ear to betel leaf, mother's milk to sugarcane]: Eugenio 1994, No. 181:306-307; Kapis District (Western Visayas) [two brothers are going to kill their sister because they don't care there is nothing to plant on the site; the angel he meets approves this intention, tells her bones to be buried along the edges of the site, and her head in the middle, put a hut above this place; the bones grow palay, coconut, sweet potato, sugar cane, gabi; brothers find their sister in the hut, take her home; she is weak, asks not to forget her, disappears]: Eugenio 1994, No. 269:437-438.

China - Korea. Achan [the god of heaven Tiagong went south, lived there with the beautiful goddess of salt Sangmugumi; after killing the monster, he gives the warriors food prepared by S.; after her death, her head became a salt rock. body with salt river, hair with chives (Allium schoenoprasum) and grape onion (Allium ampeloprasum), hands with garlic and ginger]: Yamada 2014:470; (cf. the fox [the young widow is beautiful; three leaders are fighting for her, many people have been killed; the woman took poison to stop the bloodshed; the leaders continued to fight for her body; then buried on the border of her possessions; opium grew out of her breasts, tobacco and betel from her vagina]: Dessaint, Ngwâma 1994:223-224; Miao (Guizhou) [Xang Liang planted a Sween Gum tree by the pond; someone is stealing fish; the boy and the girl say it's not them; XL sees scales on the leaves of the tree; the tree replies that herons and wild geese steal fish, but is accused of complicity in stealing and felled; sawdust has turned into fish, chips into bees, core into butterflies, buds into moths, knots into owls, leaves into swallows, hawks and vultures, two females with a fork in Ji Wi, which began to hatch butterfly eggs, from who came out a dragon, a tiger, a snake, an elephant, people, the god of Thunder, etc. (see p. 111-112)]: Bender et al. 2006:108-110; Koreans [some Japanese linguists consider the "goddess of food" motif in Kojiki and Niho-shoki to be borrowed from Korea because it is found in Korean correspondence language: 1) head - möri, horse - mar; 2) forehead - ca or co, millet - co; 3) eyebrow - nunsop, silkworm - nue; 4) eye - nun or nu, silkworm - nue, and peeled rice or millet mixed with unpeeled - nui; 5) abdomen - pai, rice - pyö; 6) vagina - pochi, barley - pori and red beans - pat]: Mabuchi 1968:4).

Iran - Central Asia. Avesta ("Bundahism") [when the first bull died, 55 types of cereals and 15 types of medicinal herbs (Heilpflanzen) grew from horns, fruits from the nose, onions from the nose, and grapes from blood, for wine looks like blood; rue from the lungs, mint from the core of the liver; four-legged animals from bull seed]: Justi 1868:16.

Japan. See quotes and comments in Matzumura 1998:51-54. Kojiki 1994, ch. 13 [Susanoo asks Oo-getsuhime no kami, the Virgin Goddess of Great Food, for food; she brings him mouth-watering appearances from her nose, mouth, ass; S. kills her; silkworms are born in her head, rice in her eyes, millet in her ears, beans in her nose, wheat in her genitals, soy in her ass; Kamimusubi mioya no mikoto, Sacred Mother picks it all up, turns it all into seeds]: 58; Nihon Shoki 1996, scroll 1 [Ukemochi no kami turns her head: if he turns towards the country, boiled rice comes out of her mouth; to the side the seas are different fish; there are different commercial animals towards the mountains; all this food is presented to the gods; sent by the Amatherasu sun The month of Tukuyomi no mikoto is offended by being fed spewed out of his mouth, kills W. with a sword; A. in anger, since then the Month and the Sun have shone alternately; cows and horses appeared from W.'s head, millet from his forehead, mulberry cocoons from his eyebrows, millet chie from his eyes, from womb - rice, from genitals - wheat, beans, beans; A. makes seeds from this for people to feed]: 129.

Subarctic. Upper Tanana: Brean 1975 [two sisters follow the butterfly, get lost; at the fork, the youngest suggests following a straight and narrow path, the eldest suggests following a wide left path; they go to the left, come to old man; in the evening they see him sharpening knives and spears; at night they ask permission to go out, he ties ropes to them; they tie them to a stump, run; the Red Fox carries them across the river, they give them to him necklace; he throws the old stalker into the water; he gets out; the Spider hides his sisters, points his finger at the old man, the Old Man crumbles with a pile of bones; the sisters turn each bone into some type of berries; when they returned, the sons of the Spider began to quarrel over who would get the girls; the Spider pushed the stump away, the sisters saw the ground through the hole; the Spider lowers them on a web to the outskirts of their village; speaks that if it snows fluffy, she is dead; it snowed in winter, the girls regretted the Spider]: 17-19; Kari 1996 [two girls follow butterflies, find themselves in the sky; old Chickady tells me to walk along the narrow the path, do not walk along a wide path; at the fork, the sisters argue, the eldest makes you walk along a wide path; they see a platform with cut dog carcasses barking on it; next to "Damn", an old woman lives across the street; at night she whispers the youngest that the eldest Devil will kill; there is a hot iron penis in the hearth, the devil inserts it into the eldest's vagina, she dies, the devil covers her with a blanket; pretends that she is sleeping; the youngest asks out of need The devil offers her palm and head for this, but the girl replies that she does not want to get her father dirty; the devil ties a rope to her; the old woman secretly gives moose fat and a stone scraper; the girl ties rope to the stump, tells him to be responsible for himself; The devil pulls a stump by the rope, chases, the girl tells the fat to become a lake; then the scraper is a mountain; The devil bends around the lake, drills with an iron penis a hole through the mountain; by the river, a girl promises to paint her ocher, she sends it on her tail {it's not clear - with her tail stretched out like a bridge or the girl sits Fox east}, since then the foxes have been red; the same second river, the girl paints the Fox with charcoal, since then the {black-brown} foxes are black; The devil enters the water, but returns; the girl comes to the mother of the Sun; she hides her in a box of thread and needles; answers The hell is that no one was there; Damn is going to put a hot iron penis in her ass, but she melted the Devil by looking at it; the girl tells the blood line to become cranberry on the tall bushes {on Alaska cranberry is not our cranberries, but red berries that are similar in taste and appearance on tall bushes}, the waist is cranberry on low bushes, the penis is with cranberry mushrooms, testicles with salmonberry berries (Rubus) spectabilis, raspberries are excellent), bones with dog rose hips (Rosa canina) and bearberry (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi), brain with silver sucker (Elaeagnus argentea); berries have existed since then; two have come sons of a Sun woman, married a girl; she misses relatives on earth; the mother of the Sun tells me to move the stones away from the hearth; the girl sees her mother and relatives below on the ground; the mother of the Sun says that if it snows sleet, you should turn your ass in his ass and say, "The dog took it.." (the informant does not remember the meaning); lets the girl down on the web; the mother of the Sun is the Spider; (further it is not entirely clear: Wolverine either raped the girl or is trying to do it; Herbal People (Grass Tussock People) hide her); she comes to her mother; it's snowing, she said, "Take the dog.. ", it's sunny]: 23-33; McKennan 1959 [two sisters follow a butterfly, go to heaven; Chickady tells them to follow a narrow path; the older sister insists on walking the wide one; they come to the old man he cooks dog eyes, man; kills his older sister by inserting the hot tip of a spear into her vagina; the youngest runs away; throws fat, pebble, lock of hair, they turn into a lake, mountain, forest; Fox transports the girl across the lake, she gives him red paint; the Spider hides her in a bag; carrying the Old Man, the Fox dumps him into the water; he gets ashore, wants the Spider to give him the girl; she looks at it into a pile of bones; each bone turns into a special kind of berry; Spider's eldest son marries a girl; she wants to go home; the Spider pushes a stone in the corner of the house; you can see through the hole girl's house; girl wraps a rope out of her tendons, goes down to the ground; husband kills Spider for helping his wife escape; a storm begins; the girl returns home]: 199-203.

Northeast. See motive B3A; a husband throws a pregnant wife from the sky into the primary ocean; earth arises; a woman or her daughter gives birth to twins; one of them comes out with her mother's side torn apart, she dies. Hurons [husband throws his pregnant wife to the ground; Loons pick her up in the air, put her on the Turtle's back; she tells animals to dive; Beaver, Muskrat, Dive can't reach the bottom, some they pop up dead; when the Toad pops up, the Turtle finds some clay in her mouth, gives the woman, who puts clay on the Turtle's shell, the earth grows, the Turtle has been supporting the ground ever since; the twins in The woman's womb is arguing how to be born; the good Tijuskeha (Ioskeha of French sources; "good", "savior") is born normally, the evil Tawiskarong ("flint") comes out of the mother's side, killing her; she is buried; a pumpkin has grown from her head, corn from her breasts, beans and other cultivated plants from her arms and legs; makes snakes, predators, huge mosquitoes, a huge toad that has drunk all the water on the ground; good makes harmless and useful animals; the partridge flies to Taviskarong in search of water; Tijuskeha follows her, rips the Toad's belly, the water pours out; he reduces evil creatures in size; the kind says that he can only be killed with a bag of corn and beans; evil - that he can only be killed with a deer horn; the first to hit the evil, but the good comes to life, kills the evil with the horn; he goes west, becomes the master of the dead ; the good one wanted rivers to flow in both directions, the evil one demanded that only one]: Hale 1888:180-183; Seneca: Cornplanter 1938, No. 2 [heavenly woman gives birth to a daughter and she gives birth to twins; mother buries her; tobacco grows out of her head, corn from her breasts, pumpkin from her belly, beans from her fingers, potatoes from her toes]: 29; Converse 1908 [The Great Leader pulls out a tree in heaven, sends down a pregnant woman; birds pick her up without letting her fall into the sea; the muskrat brings clay on her paw from the bottom; clay is placed on the Turtle, the earth grows; the woman gives birth to twins; the angry goes under her with the mouse; she dies giving birth to good; the good makes the sun out of her face, the moon and stars out of her chest, gives the Earth her body; makes mountains, straight rivers; goes across the sea to his father, he asks how high he can reach; the son reaches the sky; as much as he can lift, he raises a mountain; the father recognizes him as a son, gives two parcels, in which birds led by an eagle, animals led by a deer; an evil brother makes rivers winding, creates storms, sea monsters, predators, reptiles; brothers fight, good brings evil into the underworld] in Turner 1978:36-39.

(Wed. Southeast USA. Alabama [a man cuts a cannibal to pieces; turns her heart into tree fungus, her guts into vines; he makes a pipe out of her nose]: Swanton 1929, No. 13:130).

California. Cahuilla: Hooper 1920 [Darkness spawns two eggs, from which Mukat and Tumayowit come out; quarrel over who first heard the noise coming from the Darkness; M. pulls hot coal out of his heart to light their pipes; brothers climb two pillars up, reach the ground, M. makes it strong; creates dark and T. bright people; T. people have faces in front and back, their feet are directed to both sides, women's breasts on the chest and back, on the fingers of the membrane; M. says that he worked in a hurry; M. creates normal people; T. wants people to live forever or be resurrected the next day, M. objects because the land will overflow; both agree that the harvest will ripen not in 40 months, but in 4 months; T. finally quarrels with M. and falls into the ground, taking the people he created; M. does not give Heaven and Earth follow him; where he held the sky with his palm, her print remained; after that, the sky became crooked; so the Sun stops at noon, reaching its highest point; T's people left at the ground, M. made him normal, but forgot the duck, so it has membranes; the creator of Mukat died, cremated; plants grow on his grave; tobacco from the heart, pumpkin from the stomach, corn from his teeth, from the skull melon]: 317-328; Strong 1929 [inside the cluster of darkness - male and female; Temaīyauit and Mūkat gave birth; they got out and began to argue who was older; M. took the black one out of his heart a pipe and black tobacco, and T. took out a white pipe and white tobacco; to light the pipe, M. took the sun out of his heart, but it fell and rolled into the darkness; M. took out the Western light, T. took out the eastern light, they lit the pipes; the smoke from M.'s tube formed clouds; M. said he lowered the phone and picked it up himself, T. did not see it; T. said he picked up the phone and lowered it himself, but M. found it; so it turned out that he was older; they removed the central pillar of peace from their hearts, but it did not stand; they created all the snakes to support it - they could not hold it; two mountains were the same; then spiders; they braided it with cobwebs and the pole was established; they climbed to the top of the table and saw clouds of smoke below; these are all kinds of diseases that arose from where M. and T. were born; M. and T. decided to create shamans to treat diseases; M. extracted black from his heart and T. white the ground, they put it on the top of the pole, but it fell down; then they took out black and white spiders, they entangled the earth with their web; the ants spread it, and the whirlwinds did it quickly; but the world swayed, for ants are too light; then around the earth, M. and T. created an ocean, placing two water demons and all aquatic creatures in it; the earth stopped swaying; they placed the sky, but it swayed in the wind; they fixed the sky with their saliva - stars; T. created (always: took it out of his heart) a coyote, and M. created an owl; making man, M. worked slowly and diligently; and T. turned out to be a man with a belly and face in front and back, with eyes everywhere, hands like dog paws; T. managed to make three times more such freaks than M. created the moon; T. and M. are arguing; T. wants people not to die, or to come back, purifying themselves from the mortal smell; there is not enough food, let them eat the land, if necessary, we will expand it; M. objects every time: let people die forever, otherwise the earth will overflow; offended T. decided to go underground, taking his creations; he wanted to take both heaven and earth, but M. did not allow it; this shuddered the earth, forming a crossed relief; when the sun appeared, M.'s people spoke different languages; when the sun came, the dog stopped talking; Luna (she is a woman) divided people into a coyote fratria and a wild cat; everyone offended the rattlesnake, but M. gave her a poisonous tooth; invited people to shoot each other at friend, many killed; M. made a hole in the ground for the souls of the dead to go into it; Luna was a beautiful naked woman, sleeping separately from the others; M. once touched her (no details, but it was" the Creator's terrible sin"); The moon fell ill and disappeared; but then reappeared; people decided to get rid of M.; the lizard peeked where he was relieving himself, the frog swallowed his excrement; M. fell ill and died; the coyote ran after the fire, but at that time the fly received friction fire; the coyote jumped over the surrounding fire, grabbed, carried and ate M.'s heart; strange plants grew at the site of M.'s burning; shaman caught up with the spirit of M. and asked what it was; M.: tobacco grew out of my heart, pumpkins from my stomach, melons from my pupils, corn from my teeth, wheat from nits, beans from sperm; all other vegetables are also from parts of it bodies; after Coyote ate M.'s heart, he fell ill; then he rolled reeds into a ball, swallowed and regurgitated all diseases; he made sea cane (and something else to get out of the sea) image of M.; people, singing mournful songs, put it on the fire and burned it (funeral ritual)]: 130-143.

The Great Southwest. Navajo [man cuts cannibal bear to pieces]: Haile 1984, No. 17 [genitals: into yucca fruits; breasts: pine nuts and porcupines; arms and legs into black, blue, yellow, and polar bears; intestines, spine into snakes]: 87; Matthews 1994:102 [head to bear, nipples to pine nuts], 105 [cut the head into four parts, they turn into various types of yucca and mezcal plants]; O'Bryan 1956 [genitals - in resin on pines and cedars; breasts - in pine nuts]: 47.

Mesoamerica The Aztecs (Chalco) [Piltzintecuhtli and Xochiquetzal went down to the cave, met there, gave birth to the corn god Cintéotl; he hides in the ground; his hair turns into cotton, his eyes turn into cotton, his eyes turn into edible fruits, nose into sage (Salvia chia), fingers into sweet potato, nails into corn; other plants have sprung up from other parts of the body]: Histoyre du Mechique 1905:33-34; Krickeberg 1928:15; Nahuatl Central Mexico [the child cries, refuses any food offered by the mother; she calls the healer; she explains that until the age of seven he should only be given pulka; when he is seven, she shows images of various fruits on his back, a corncob on his right hand, a pumpkin on his left hand; tells him to feed him only fruits; then keeps him in a cave for three days, on the ninth the day washes his back with fragrant water; the images disappear, now his name is "el niño horticultor"; without it, no fruit tree grows, no crop ripens in any field]: González Casanova 1965:103-105; chinantecs [the wife took some of her sleeping husband's intestines, they turned into cassava; took corn and beans out of her rib; the man died; the wind took the woman away]: Weitlaner 1977, No. 1:52; (cf. chol [when there was nothing on earth, Our Mother Luna gave birth to two sons; the elder easily cleared the area, swaying in a hammock; at night a strange bird, a turkey, came down from the sky, and began to scream the vegetation recovered; the eldest son began to swing again in the hammock, but the forest remained standing; the eldest did not know that his mother had a younger son; noticed toys, found the boy, decided to kill him; invited him to get honey from the tree; but he climbed the tree himself, ate honey, and threw only empty honeycombs to the youngest; he sculpted gophers out of wax, they gnawed at the roots, the elder brother fell {along with the tree}, crashed into the pieces from which all the animals and birds arose; the youngest ordered them to be missed by the tail, but the mother began to grab them and now these animals and birds do not have a {long} tail (tinamu, pigs, deer, paki); the son became big, became the sun; his mother moon can't keep up with him]: Hopkins, Josserand 2016:42-52).

Honduras-Panama. Hikake [boy asks his father to kill him; promises that his blood will produce cassava, malanga; flesh of yam, chayote, tobacco; (but not corn); teaches his father agriculture; brings seeds from Tomam (rain gods) from the upper world; finally goes to another world]: Chapman 1982, No. 11:73-74.

The Northern Andes. Amber [cannibals caught orphans; the man trapped his son with bait, killed the ogre with an iron stick; his remains grew a yam and probably also cassava, arracacha and others tubers]: Rochereau 1929:95; Kogi: Chaves 1947, No. 10 [Kasaugue was an ogre; Sintana and Serawi drove him all over the land, creating vegetation, for his tibia, ribs, arms were trees , his hair turned into all types of palm trees, his beard into all kinds of vines; they revived him, sent him to Spain, and his people to Capuchins {not clear - monkeys or monks}]: 484; Reichel-Dolmatoff 1985 (2) [ Nyíueldue took a woman, made cassava from her tibia, a yam from her thigh, another yam from her hands, another type of cassava from her hands, yam from her kidneys, beans from her intestines, potatoes from her heel, throat from her eyes wood (totumo), cotton from saliva, coku hair, calebasa breasts, yams head, vagina fruit that no longer exists; N. took a man, made corn out of him, from yams testicles; made both hearts people]: 23-24; ihka [man sacrifices himself; pineapple emerges from his heart, other cultivated plants emerge from other parts of his body (no details)]: Bolinder 1925:124.

Guiana. Oyampy [old Alipama's body is covered with boils; squeezing pus out of them, she makes kashiri, gives it to her son-in-law; one day he sees it, scolds his mother-in-law; she asks to leave her in a hammock among the area prepared for burning, start the fire, return after three months; her flesh produces bitter cassava, her flesh produces bananas, her legs sugarcane, her buttocks sweet cassava, her breasts papaya, half of the head is pineapple, the other half is a large yam, from the teeth is peanuts, from the heart is caju (fruits eaten by children), from the lungs is uruku, the liver is Araceae, bile is pumpkin, the hips are small yam, straight the intestines with excrement were yam, the intestines were purple yam, the vulvas were beans, the ashes were pepper and tobacco; but there was no corn; the father took three seeds from each nostril, let the boy plant, and corn grew]: Grenand 1980:318-319; 1982, No. 22:182-185; (cf. lokono [forest spirit: bananas, pineapples, other fruits]: Roth 1915, No. 59:147; carinha (Guyana) [old woman: yam, okumo, mapei]: Armellada, Napolitano 1975 in Roe 1982:156; Roth 1915, No. 37:134; vapishana [the wife of the Sun lost her husband's trail, went not along the right path, but on the left; came to the house of the old toad; she asks her to look in her head, not to bite through the lice; the woman saw through, died; the Toad hid the corpse on the platform under the basket; her sons (or pupils) came - Jaguar, Puma, Ocelot and others; found the corpse, ate it, and gave the old woman twins extracted from the womb (João and Pedro, according to other texts, Duidi and Mauáre); they could not be cooked; they jumped out of her mouth, and when they swallowed them, out of her ass; she thought they were dead, put them to rot in a large vessel; they secretly go out, steal food; she waited, said let them live; they hide in mocó; she hid the mocó, they stopped hiding, they immediately became adult boys; they wanted to kill the bird, She said that it was not her, but the Toad, who killed their mother; the brothers sent the old woman to the site prepared for burning, set it on fire; sweet potatoes, pumpkins, jerimú, melancias]: Wirth 1950, No. 1:167-168; macushi: Soares Diniz 1971, No. 2 [see motif J16; The sun goes out, tells his wife to follow him after a while, follow him from the fork along the narrow right path; the woman walks along the wide left, comes to An old toad woman; she asks to remove her lice, do not eat the ones on the right side of her head; the woman bites through the louse, dies; the grandchildren of the Jaguar Toad find and eat the corpse; the Toad takes two eggs that are in woman's womb; tries to cook, the water cools down; she cleans their shells, sing eggs; she pours them into the basket; Anike and Inskira emerge from them, feed on deer giblets lying in next basket; at night, a toad hears a conversation, sees two boys in the morning; while hunting, a paricuaru bird tells them about the death of its mother; brothers try to cut off the Toad's head, but she has a strong neck; lure her garden plot; ask her to name all cultivated plants (corn, bananas, sugarcane, papaya, sweet potato, jerimu, watermelon, melon, rice, cassava); set fire to the plot; the old woman explodes, the hot stones fly to the sides; the brothers hid in the shelter in advance, were not injured; (do the listed plants grow at the site of the burning?)] , 12 [Kanãimãimã got lost, met a tapiriha, married him; she warned not to kill a snake - it's a cub (cachorro), for her snakes are humans; six months later, the tapiriha is pregnant; her husband shot people, found out that they were going to hunt tapirs, ordered them to shoot them in the head, not in the stomach; the tapiriha was killed, K. removed from her womb, raised the boy Urambá (i.e. timbo, who poisons fish); when the boy was swimming, people were collecting fish that had fallen asleep; when the boy was 8 years old, he was asked to swim in the backwaters, where there are especially many fish; the father reluctantly agreed; the boy was bitten by a pirarucu snake, K. pulled out the corpse; Two years later, people decided to take revenge on the snake; two shot it, they could not pull it out, the Uala-bagá bird succeeded; by that time W.'s body had decomposed; his father buried pieces; timbó-cruat had grown out of his toes á, from his ears - timbó-fôlha, etc.; the father buried his main body in the forest, it grew out of timbó-de-raiz]: 78-80, 86-87; Roth 1924, No. 600 [a person met a tapiriha, she became pregnant by him; when the hunters with the dogs drove her, the man asked her to shoot in the head, not in the stomach; the boy was taken out of the womb; one hunter washed him in the river, where the fish immediately died; the girl took the child into care, when he entered the water, the fish died; the boy was appreciated; once told to dive into a deep pond, the Master of the Pisces killed him; the boy's remains were carried everywhere; haiari grew out of drops of blood; when buried, konami (Clibadium: mashed leaves with meat are fish bait) grew from sweat, Kunapuru (Phyllanthus conami, strong fish poison in leaves), wild agave from leather (seeds - fish poison)]: 485 -486; aparai [the old woman defecates with cassava; her son-in-law saw it and did not want to eat it anymore; the old woman taught her daughter how to farm; her son-in-law burned her on the plot, where all the cultivated plants grew]: Rauschert 1967, No. 7:184; oyana: Magaña 1987, No. 42 [see motive F62; after the flood, Kuyuli comes to the old toad woman, finds out that she keeps the fire with her anus; K. sends two birds, but they do not manages to steal the fire; sends a jaguar to drive it away, steals the fire himself, but the Toad is happy that he loses it; K. himself turns into fire, prepares manioc cakes from pus boils that he has on body; Sica refuses to eat it; K. asks him to bury himself; this is where a vegetable garden with all the cultivated plants appears], 64 [two friends hear a woman laughing; they come closer to one's chest A caterpillar sticks; he asks a friend to kill it; a vegetable garden appears at this point], 84 [old woman: all cultivated plants]: 42, 47, 51; (cf. warrau: Wilbert 1970, No. 62 [the forest spirit kills people; they burn spirits in their lair in the hollow of a tree; from ashes, cultivated plants, tobacco], 63 [as in (62): cultivated plants, and bats, lizards, black birds]: 157, 159-160).

(Wed. Western Amazon. Koreguahe [the old man extracts cultivated plants (various fruits, peach palm fruits, yams) from his ass, so his children are always provided with food; he tells his sons to cut down the forest, Having prepared the field for burning, leave it in the middle under a clay vessel, set fire to the felled one; all cultivated plants, including bananas, cassava, etc. grew in this place; other people followed the brothers they began to steal their crops, found out from their brothers how things were; they burned their father against his will; they came a year later, but only tobacco grew there, because that old man only smoked tobacco]: Jimenez 1989, No. 23:48-50; Aguaruna [ferocious warrior bones into narcotic plants]: Harner 1972:127).

NW Amazon. ; barasana [Manioc-stick Anaconda (man, not a snake) sets fire to the area around him, burns itself; coals grow cassava on the ground, green and red laconos grow from the liver and lungs ( Phytolacca sp.); on charred logs (=character bones) - three types of edible mushrooms; another edible mushroom grows from its skin, another from fat and another (edible?) from the intestines and stomach; bile produces a poisonous fungus and three types of vines bred to produce poison for fish; two fungi (edible and inedible) grow from unspecified special parts of the body; spirit the character turns back into a human]: S.Hugh-Jones 1979, No. 6B: 293-294; Okaina: Blizen 1999, No. 1 [Tio? o:ia chewed coca and tobacco, others said he wasn't doing it the right way; then he told him to build a fire, jumped into it and burned down; T. had a brother Ko:ma:ndio, the Morning Star; invisible to others, he I went down, saw that tobacco grew out of the burnt man's heart, a weaker type of tobacco from his blood, coca from his fingers, various trees from other parts of the body; according to one version, T. = sa:bocho, this is another a star that appears in the morning but later than Venus (p.39, comment: S. - apparently the Evening Star); K. tells his brother to appear to people in visions and thus respect him], 2 [Odião ("salt vegetable origin") asks his son-in-law to bring him game; rejects deer, wild boar, birds, rodents; son-in-law erased (scratched?) foot in the blood, stepping into the stream, felt pain, the water turned brackish; he brought a leaf of plants to his father-in-law, who is grateful; tells him to take him to this place, collect firewood for a long fire, return for it five days later; burns himself in the fire; trees grow from various parts of his body, burning them to produce salt of different qualities (for example, from his back, a tree whose bark is used for cooking salt, but smells bad)]: 13-28, 29-34; (cf. carijona: Schindler 1977b, No. 2 [the fisherman saw Itutara splashing water into his boat; thought he had big testicles; What did you say? I. demanded to bring him wax and rubber glue; the man promised, went home; three days later he climbed a tree in the forest, I. noticed him; the man threw the fruit, taking out the bone; then a heavy bunch, killing him demon; many plants with edible fruits (but not cassava) grew in this place]: 68; 1979, No. 15 [1) Ra čaike always wiped himself against a tree; once he saw that it was huge I.; killed poisoned by an arrow; the tree began to fall to crush R.; he bounced; bananas, sugarcane, lulo grew at this place; R. cleared the area and planted them; 2) R. climbed onto the marika palm for fruits; I. saw him; R. took out the fruit, taking out the bone; killed I. with a heavy threat, finished it off with a club]: 133-135; puinava [there is nothing to eat; the father suggests that his sons kill him, dry his body, crush him, scatter across the field like seeds for sowing, throw the rest into lakes and rivers; all cultivated plants (corn, yams, bananas, pineapples, etc.) grew out of the scattered field, fish arose from those thrown into the water] : 51-52: Cardozo 1968)

Central Amazon. Mura (Lower Purus) [the Osprey (Strix clamator) Yacurutu and his sister are giants, they ate Moore's children; shamans brought my grandfather turtle ashore; I grabbed him, his claws are stuck; my sister too stuck; when I go under water, I say that his hands will grow a tree to make bows, from... (?) - arrow glue, fat - castanha paraalisar o gomo da flecha de arco, from feathers - vine for making bowstrings, from hair - curana for arrow threads (tie?) , from bones - bamboo for arrowheads]: Barbosa Rodrigues 1890:267-269; Rio Negro (manao?) [man: like moore]: Barbosa Rodrigues 1890:271; maue: Ugge 1991, No. 3 [man gets lost, sleeps in the woods; Boa constrictor invites him into his hollow; blows in the wind; the man replies that it smells nice ; a man leaves, climbs a tree where the macaw's nest; in the morning Boa constrictor climbs a tree for chicks; a man taught them to shout Ha-Han; mother Ara flew in, shouted Ha-Han, the boa constrictor receded, fell on sharp leaves palm trees, cut into pieces; the tail turned into a big sloth, the head into a red inamba (bird), two veins into two varieties of plants for weaving tipiti bags; man turned Boa's son into sweet potato], 6 [ a young woman turns into cassava]: 147-156, 170-188; parintintin [Tabae (Baira's grandmother) finds an egg; a snake crawls from an egg into her stomach; when she comes to a chestnut tree, she spreads her legs, the snake crawls out, collects fruit for her; people followed the old woman, killed her and the snake, burned the corpse; at this place there was a vegetable garden with corn, cassava, yams, bananas, etc.; birds taught people cook agricultural products; the snake turned into a vine on a chestnut tree]: Pereira 1980 (2): 590-591); munduruku [Karuebö, son of old Kapirú's sister, asks for everything to eat what is now growing in vegetable gardens; K. teaches you to prepare the site, tells you to bury yourself alive with her arms, legs, fingers spread out; her body spreads throughout the site, corn grows out of it, etc.; her fingers - cassava tubers; Karuebö killed, joins aunt in the garden]: Kruse 1949, No. 12:619-620; Murphy 1958, No. 23:91-92.

(Wed. Eastern Amazon. Spiking [there were no cultivated plants, people ate rotten wood; hunters see a snake in the forest; touch it, showing where each piece sticks; the snake crawls with them into the river, people they eat piranhas; those who remain in the village find a snake in the forest, burn them; cassava, corn, sweet potatoes, etc. grow from the ashes]: Nimuendaju 1920:1034; juruna [people catch anaconda, sit on it to rest, they stick; it crawls into the river, swallows the adhering ones; others burn it when it crawls into an area cleared in the forest; cassava, sweet potatoes, corn, yams, pumpkins, peppers grow from the ashes; a bird explains how to grow and prepare crops]: Villas Boas, Villas Boas 1973:243-245; urubu [The turtle brings to relatives, disguised as tapir meat, pieces cut off from its body; fumigating himself, he becomes whole, the wounds are not noticeable; his brother traced it, told others; people refused to eat the meat they brought; the turtle threw it on the ground, all types of turtles arose from it]: Ribeiro 2002: 604-606).

The Central Andes. Peru's North Central Coast (from Huarmea to Huaura) [At the beginning of the world, the Sun's son Pachacamac created a man and a woman; the man starved; the woman complained to the Sun; he conceived a son with his ray, she gave birth four days later; P. is outraged that the woman turned to the Sun, not to him, tore the child apart; sowed his teeth, from which corn grew, from his ribs and bones - cassava, pepino flesh, guava, and other fruits; the mother asked the Sun to punish the murderer; he created a new boy named Vichama, or William, from the umbilical cord; while V. was traveling, P . killed his mother, fed meat to vultures, hid bones and hair on the seashore; created men and women, including nobles; V., who returned, raised his mother from bones; P. left Vegeta Valley, where these events took place, to the south, to where the Pachakamak temple is now; V. asked the Sun to turn the people created by P. into stones; then he repented and moved them to the seashore; these rocks and reefs are now being rewarded honors and sacrifices; at the request of V. The sun sent three eggs; nobles came out of gold, from their silver wife, from a copper commoner]: Calancha 1638, vol.2, ch. 19:412-414; the upper reaches of Marañon, Konchuco district [synopsis of four versions: A (Pomabamba), B (Chavin de Huantar), C (upper Marañon), D (western tributaries of Marañon); drought and frost have destroyed the birth; parents decide to leave their young son and daughter; when they realize that they they are heard, the children are tied in a bag, thrown into the abyss; the bag hangs on a thorny plant; the Swallow is unable to free the children, the Condor brings them to the valley; they dig potatoes in the Achikai field ; she feeds the boy with potatoes and pepper, the girl with stones and a sucker of dried frogs; the girl sleeps with Oronkai (Mulyu-Valka), the daughter of an old woman; the boy with A. herself; when the boy gets fat, A. strangles him, devours him; explains that he screamed when she was looking in his head; tells his daughter tomorrow to push the girl into a boiling pot, cook it, sending her to get water, giving her a broken vessel ; the frog turns into women, teaches the girl how to fix the vessel, push O. herself into the cauldron, put her brother's remains in a bag, run; A. devours her daughter, she answers her from her stomach; Condor hides the girl under his wing, beats A.; Skunk hides him in a hole, lets a stream into A.; Fox, Deer also help the girl; Gorlinka promises to revive the boy, puts his remains in the basket, does not tell the girl to open it; she sees A., who approaches, opens, the boy turns into a white dog; Vicuña gives the girl a golden rope; along it, the girl and the dog climb into the sky; A. Vicuna gives a rope on which the parrot sits; he cuts off the rope, A. falls down, asks her assistants to spread the blanket; her screams echo, can still be heard; her blood turns into a lake, her body turns into an echo, her blood turns into a lake, her body turns into mountain, flesh into various plants: feet and hands in cacti, blackberry nails, nettle hair, eyes in potatoes and ulyuku, teeth in corn, fingers in eye tubers and mashua; (options A and D; B names places where A.'s flesh and blood fell); in the sky, a white dog turns into a Pleiades or the Morning Star; a girl into an Evening Star]: Mejia Xesspe 1952:237-242]: 238-242; Pampas (dep. Ayacucho) [children: various cultivated plants]: Arteaga Leon 1976:6 at Rostworowski de Diez Canseco 1983:74.

(Wed. Montagna - Jurua. Chayahuita [cannibal filin jaguar: yam, sachapapa, dale -dale, pituca]: Anonimo 1993:240; pyro [giants destroy pyro; those have almost no edibles plants and animals to hunt; when giants speak, thunder thunders, it rains; a man climbs a tree, a giant kills him; the boy Capiripi runs away from giants; tells people that in June and August they sleep in their hollow (there are no thunderstorms at this time), sometimes they wake up in September-October, rain and thunderstorm; people cover the tree with the hollow of giants with brushwood and set it on fire; various animals and birds fly out and run out from there, partly burn (the origin of color); cultivated plants grow from the bones of giants; the child gives them names, asking his mother, I want sugarcane, I want potatoes, pumpkins, sweet potatoes, melons, etc.]: Alvárez 1960:64-69 in Sebastiani 1990:275-280).

Bolivia - Guaporé. Tupari [Arcoanio lives in the south, his mother is Earth; he has many wives and children; one son was eaten in the forest by a pig; he buried his remains, his long bones produce cassava, and taioba's penis, sweet potato from the liver, small yam from the heart, large yam from the skull; A. resurrects his son, makes wild pigs the owner]: Caspar 1975:193.

Southern Amazon. Kayabi: Grunberg 1970 [a woman tells her sons to burn her in the field; her teeth have turned to corn, her legs to cassava, her heart to yams; var: peanuts from the brain, black yam from her hands, sweet cassava from her hands, sweet cassava from hands, white chin yam, hair taja, genital beans, mangarito teeth]: 159-160; Pereira 1995, No. 30 [people ate only forest fruits first; the widow tells her two sons to prepare the site; tells her to leave her in a hammock in the middle of the plot, set fire to the felled vegetation; sons should not cry for her; corn grew from her teeth, bitter cassava from her left leg, sweet cassava from her right leg, and sweet cassava from appendix - sweet potato, from the knee - peanuts, from the little finger of the foot another type of peanut, from the vulva - beans, from the intestine - "water cassava", from the little finger and ring finger - small and large mangarito; the harvest is necessary harvest when Pionus menstruus arrives; sons harvested]: 90; kalapalo [tapir body parts into wild edible plants]: Basso 1973:34; nambiquara [father beret the little son is with him to hunt; he says that he hears the sound of sacred flutes, that his urine and excrement are like he was eating cassava; the father does not understand him; the son asks to clear the area and leave it, come with male relatives tomorrow; his body turns into plants; spine: bitter cassava, hand: cassava leaf; teeth: corn, testicles: yams, knee: taioba, tibia: arrowroot, blood: uruku, thumb: Escobedia currialis, head: pumpkin, lice eggs: tobacco seeds, flesh: manioc starch, brain: starch, rib: Phaseolus vulgaris beans, hand bones: small root cassava, collarbone: large cassava root, eyebrow: beans, ear: bean pods and peanuts, hair: corn panicles, lungs: yellow uruku, heart: round arorut, bile: pepper, tongue: manioc tortillas, nails: peanut and throat kernels, hand: sacred flute; father plants cassava tubers, they rot; son appears to him in his sleep, teaches agricultural technology]: Pereira 1983, No. 2:14-18; Iranian [boy asks father -the leader, what he got while hunting; in response, he only whistles; the boy is angry; comes with his mother to his father's parking lot in the forest, tells her to bury him; later come with his father, bring the basket; mother hears in the distance, the sounds of sacred flutes; at the place where the boy was buried, parents find a large vegetable garden instead of a forest; the boy's body parts turned into plants; the hand is a sweet cassava; the head is a pumpkin; his nails are peanuts ; ribs - Phaseolus sp. beans; sternum - Phaseolus vulgaris; heart - yam; tibia - bitter cassava; liver - yams; intestines - yam; testicles - arrowroot; penis - maranga Maranta arundinacea; knee the cup is a small pumpkin; the teeth are corn; another woman buries her son, but he only grows a bitter yam; people ruin the garden, its owners learn how to plant plants themselves; sabia bird ( Turdideo; sings in the rain) teaches you to play sacred flutes, hide them from women]: Pereira 1985, No. 2:24-36; Moura 1960:51-52; paresi: Pereira 1986, No. 5 [girl: various varieties of cassava], 10 [boy: corn and other cultivated plants]: 120-128, 195-204; Steinen in Magaña 1988a, No. 151 [boy and girl]: 264; Metraux 1942 [Maisö stone woman made land and several rivers that flowed from her vagina; gave birth to the first Uazale paresi; he was hairy, with a tail, membranes between his arms and legs; wanted to kill his children, they ran into the forest, accidentally set him on fire and burned; two boys' penises gave rise to red and black corn, from the girl's vulva and ribs to julías, from her navel to yam, and cacahuates from her anus; var. (by Roquette Pinto): corn grew from the grave of a great leader, cassava from the grave of a girl who, out of dislike for her father, told her mother to bury her alive]: 169; Umotin: Oberg 1953 [woman caught lambari fish, put it under a mat at home, the fish turned into a boy; he followed the woman's husband, but he did not wait for him; the woman explained that it was because her husband was not the boy's father; from grief, the boy began to jump from tree to tree until he crashed; the woman became angry with her husband, told him about the fish, he was also upset; sweet potato grew from the boy's testicles, pepper from his eyes, pepper from his eyes, and from his ears beans]: 109; Schultz 1962, No. h [a childless woman found a fish, brought it home, the fish became a boy; he grew up, went with the woman's husband, he does not pay attention to him; the boy realizes that this man not his father, asks the woman to tell the truth; grief rushes down from a low tree, dies, he is buried; his eyes have become pepper and beans, his body and limbs become cassava, the testicles become sweet potato, it all grew up on the grave]: 237-239.

(Wed. Eastern Brazil. Suya [when defecating, the old woman produces cassava, corn, sweet potato, etc.; asks to clear the area and burn it; cultivated plants grow from the ashes; first they grow themselves; one person cut himself with a corn leaf, decides that the plants should be planted]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1984a, No. 48:153).

SE Brazil. Kaingang [there were no cultivated plants; Chief Nara tells him to be tied by the neck, dragged through the area prepared under the field; three months later, corn grew out of his penis, beans from testicles, from a pumpkin head]: Ploetz, Metraux 1930:212 (=Becker 1976:282).

Chaco. Matako [lizards play while running through a thorny tree; Takwah imitates them, rips his stomach open; throws his intestines, heart and jujunum on a tree, they turn into three types of vines; stomach and the rectum is buried, they become the melon genus and cassava]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1982a, No. 49:117; toba [A hawk kills a cannibal whose heart was in her fingernails; her hair grows tobacco, from bodies - oranges and other fruits]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1989a, No. 146:215-216.