Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

G23B. Ethnic groups from body parts .

People of different ethnic groups emerge from parts of the creature's body, or people of different groups get their names (and characteristics) depending on which parts of the creature's body they got it.

Malgashi, Gadsup, Inanwatan Berau, Arandai Bintuni, Lepcha, Rengma, Meitei, Ancient India, Gondas, (Haria), Murut, (Sumba), Saisya, Dolgans, Udege, Shuswap, Thompson, Kurdalen, Ne perse, western sachaptin, kayuz, chelan, lower chinook, vishram, kutene, cous.

Sudan - East Africa. Malgashi [When God created Adam, he extracted from his brain a woman, the ancestor of the genus Roarandrian, from his neck, the ancestor of the family Anakandrian, from his neck, Ondzatfi, and from his right side, Voadziri (they are black), Lohavohits from the thigh, Ontsoa come from the calf of the leg, and the ancestor of slaves from the sole of the foot]: Haring 2007, No. 3:6 (=1982, No. 1.1.56:92).

Melanesia. Gadsup [the old man lives with his wife, daughter, grandson; someone eats fruit from a tree; the grandfather tells his grandson to guard and shoot a tree kangaroo; every morning he brings his grandfather another shot kangaroo, but the grandfather says that this is not what he needs; finally, he kills the big one, only with the help of his grandfather he manages to bring the carcass home; the grandfather tells him to look around from the mountain, there are no traces of people anywhere; grandfather and grandson cut the carcass to pieces; grandfather throws pieces from the mountain in different directions; each becomes people of different tribes living around the Gadsup]: Du Toit 1964:318-319; Inanwatan Berau: Miedema 1997, No. 2.1 [a man converges with a woman, drops of sperm fall on the grass, a cassuariha peck them, gives birth to a boy Matirete; first leaves him, then returns; M. grows up, Kazuariha tells her to be killed; first take out her ribs, they turn into knives and fire; M. says magic words, a multi-room house appears; Kazuarikha tells her to be killed, put a couple of pieces of meat in each room; when M. returns, a man and a woman meet him in every room; therefore, Inanwatan people do not eat cassowary meat], 2.2. [a man and a woman from a foreign land passed through the still uninhabited country of Inanwatan; copulated, swallowed fallen drops of sperm by a cassouariha; laid an egg, a boy came out of it; they built a house together; Kazuariha told her to be killed, a couple pieces of her flesh put in each room; they became men and women, they descended from inanwatan; they don't eat cassowary meat], 2.3 [Kazuariha swallowed a man's seed, laid an egg, a boy came out of it; people caught him, he became a brave warrior; all people were killed; Kazuariha told her son to kill her, save her skull; her heart and lungs became the young man's wife, her head his mother-in-law; in each room he put a piece of flesh and a piece of bone, as well as loincloths; stamped on the ground, parts of Kazuariha's body became men and women; put on bandages]: 7-8, 8-9, 9-10; Arandai bintuni: Miedema 1997, No. 15 [a man met a woman; Kazuariha swallowed drops of semen that fell on the grass, gave birth to a boy, told him to cut it into pieces, and new people came out of them] 20.1 [Iboori overheard his two wives agree not to share forest fruits ri with him; he sails away in a boat, picking up his children, turning his wives into two birds, boys into a frog and a goanna lizard; kills cassowary, plucks, cuts; leaves long feathers outside, short feathers in the house; long feathers have turned into all non-papua; short and pieces of meat into local people (Mantiun); lungs became a woman, she left , she was not native; her heart turned into two wives for locals (Mantiun men have more wives than others)], 21 [Iba was making a boat, asked his two wives to massage him, they refused; he sailed away, turning his wives into a cicada and a black bird; made a house, urinated behind and in front of the house, cassava and bananas and a sago palm appeared in these places; killed a cassowary, cut it at home; his sternum became his father, his spine - mother, heart by wife, black feathers by Papua, white tail feathers by strangers]: 38, 50-51, 54-55.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Lepcha [God created everything; the first humans were all the same; one mung named Lasho ate everyone, flew up a tree; people put two worms in the core of the tree, they gnawed on the trunk, the tree fell, mung died; people dismantled different parts of his body (eyes, hair, ears, nose, fingers, etc.); depending on this, they received pu tsho (mythical creatures associated with certain lines) with by appropriate names; other groups got their pu tsho differently: male pu tsho usually come from mountains, women from lakes]: Siiger 1967:113-114; rengma [Ndu had a long penis, he turned him around his waist; when he was creating the plains, he went fishing with his companion; let his penis go down the river, the companion mistook him for a snake, cut it off; N. died; the Angami took his hips, laughing his hands and legs below the knees (good walkers), sema is the parietal part of the head and the remnants of the penis, pengma is the tongue, so they are talkative]: Mills 1937:165; Meitei: Singh 1985:177-178 [according to the text compiled at King Khagemba (1597-1652), Atiya Shidaba created man, but His Lord brought life into him; the ancestors of 7 genera came out of different parts of the first man; these parts (without translation), language, crown, right hand, neck, right eye, penis], 177-178 [to test the wisdom of his two sons, the creator of Atiya Shidaba became a dead cow that was carried along the river; Kuptreng (Sanamahi) understood this, but his brother did not; pulling it out a cow made of water, the brothers cut it into 7 parts, distributing them between 7 family groups; these parts of the eyes, neck, crown, belly, leg, muzzle, heart].

South Asia. Ancient India (Rigveda X, 90) [Purusha is sacrificed by the gods by dismemberment; the mouth becomes brahmanas, the arms are kshatriyas, the hips are vaishyas, the legs are shudras, the spirit - moon, eye - sun, mouth - Indra and Agni, breath - wind, navel - airspace, head - sky, legs - earth, ear - cardinal points]: Elizarenkova 1972:259-261, 403, Toporov 1982a: 351; gondas [Nansur Dano was standing on Earth; she said he was too heavy to marry her; Brahmin was born from the shadow of Dano's head, Sonar was born from his eyes, Chamar (Nakua) from his nose, a stake from his ribs, gondas from his foot, from urine - punk; D. pulled out Earth's breasts and they turned into sun and moon, clitoris into lightning; he pulled out his pubic hair, it became grass; pulled out testicles - rocks, penis - trees; so D.'s bodies and Mothers Earth gave birth to the world and everything in it]: Elwin 1949, No. 17:39; (cf. haria [God created heaven and earth, then pava, she laid an egg, it burst, haria came from the shell, the purana (Hindu caste) from the squirrel, and Bhanja (the dominant family in Mayurbhanj) from the yolk )]: Roy, Roy 1937:26 in Kapp 1977:13-14).

Malaysia-Indonesia. Murut [the sky was low, lying on the treetops; the giant Lahangau ("tall") could not straighten up; his son drowned, he rushed to look for him in the gorges, tired of walking bent, straightened up, raising the sky to its current height; people complained that they would no longer be able to talk to the dead who had gone to heaven; L. pleaded guilty, asked him to be killed; the weapon did not hurt him; he ordered to make an ax out of bone and the porcupine's shoulder blades, they hacked him; his legs remained in Membakut, there are good walkers; the stick is in Sook (they make holes in the field with a digging stick); the dog chain is in Permantoman, they hunt well with dogs; belly in Tenom, this valley is now full of rice and sago; breasts in Peluans, they are brave; long-haired head in Tagul hills, where people wear long hair]: Wooley 1928, No. 21:378-380; (cf. Sumba [sister gave birth to a dead child with her brother, died herself; brother buried his body, a storm began; Umbu Kadu went to heaven to find out what was going on; the Great Master ordered that the body be reburied while sitting; from the side a woman grew up various varieties of rice; on a pole on the grave, she ordered the heads of birds and animals to be replaced by the heads of a monkey and a woman's brother; commoners appeared from her brother's skin and entrails, flesh and bones ancestors of noble families]: Mabuchi 1969:50-61).

Taiwan Saixia [one man escaped the flood, got to the top of the mountain; an old man living there divided his body into pieces, threw them into the water; from the flesh appeared saisha, from Chinese intestines, atayal from bones]: Yamada 2002:153.

Eastern Siberia. Dolgany (Norilsk, western 1926) [Moskirys and his younger brother Unkavil killed an evil hero named Syamtyra. The body was divided between people. The arms and shoulders that were eaten became "donot" (shoulder), legs and withers became "ezhen" (thighs), the rest with the intestines became "karanto" (the Zatudrinsky Tungus received the intestines); these nicknames remained]: Osharov 1936a: 63-69.

Amur - Sakhalin. Nanais [the shooter shot a huge kori bird, it fell on the mountain; people cooked meat, one person divided it; the back of the knee to the Daxso people, the upper part to Byldy, the chest to Tumali, the back part - Oninka, abdomen - Khuzur (s. Cholgi); band names in tune with the names of the parts received]: Sternberg 1933:503; Udege [on the back of the Koi bird, which has iron plumage, the shaman takes the souls of the dead to the afterlife; Koi protects access beyond the celestial sphere; it is an oval hole surrounded by two rows of pointed rocks; the rocks are constantly moving in the opposite direction; when the hero kills Koi, he divides its meat between people and names them in tune with the names of the parts received; the genus that receives the larynx becomes the main one; its relatives have the gift of eloquence; if Koi flaps its wings, wind will begin with thunderstorm and rain; in autumn, Koi's flight causes storms and storms at sea]: Podmaskin, Kireeva 2010:47-48.

The coast is the Plateau. Shuswap [Blue Jay kills a water monster; cuts the body into pieces, throws them to different tribes; the Cree gets a scalp (they dance with scalps), the okanagon gets the heart (the brave), the quakiutl gets the head ( big-headed, behead enemies), other tribes arms and legs; forgets Thompson and Lillouette; throws Thompson's knife (fighting with daggers), wipes blood with a bunch of grass, throws him lillouette (least warlike)]: Teit 1909a, No. 9:665-667; Thompson [a young man kills an ogre; throws his heart, limbs, head in different directions; tribes differ in character traits depending on the fact that they got (Okanagon gets heart, brave; lillouette gets legs to run away, shuswap gets hands to fight; Thompson lower Fraser gets head)]: Teit 1898, no. XXX: 81; curdalen: Reichard 1947, No. 2 [The Grizzly shoots the Rabbit in the eye, but he puts a bubble on his eye in advance; shoots Grizzly in the eye, who howls in pain; The rabbit comes to the woman, that daughter; The rabbit kills her, is fresh; the daughter's husband's arrow broke, he realizes that his wife is dead; the Rabbit runs, leaves the baked camas cereals behind him so that the victim's chasing husband stops eating them; asks the Coyote to hide him; he hides a cereal plant in the knee; the stalker has a Grizzly dog; one of the advisers to Coyote (his excrement) also turns into a dog, Coyote puts a knife in the back of his head; Coyote quarrels with As an absorber stalker, they decide to have their dogs fight, the Coyote dog climbs under the Grizzly, rips his stomach off with a knife; the Absorber swallows the Coyote; there are many people inside, as if not understanding that they have been swallowed; the Coyote tickles the Absorber's heart, he regurgitates him; the Coyote says he swallows people; suggests closing his eyes, regurgitating what has been swallowed; swaps those regurgitated by the Absorber humans and his own regurgitated mice; the Absorber swallows the Coyote again, who cuts his heart with hoops in his mouth and nostrils; through them swallowed people come out; the Coyote tells the Rabbit to slaughter the giant's body, throws pieces, saying which one will give birth to which people; when a piece falls, smoke comes, a dwelling appears; blacklegs come out of their legs, they are tall; ne perse is made of ribs, they have good heads (I mean - beautiful hair); belly - pot-bellied grovanter; heart - curdalen, they mean; wiped your hands on the grass - they will be calm, they are poor]: 68-71; Teit 1917e, No. 7 [Coyote or someone else kills the monster; throws at different sides of his body; his head is vishram, they are big-headed; scalp is crowe, they have long hair; their ribs and body are ne perse, they have a large body; their heart is curdalen, they are brave and cruel; etc.; wiped the knife with grass, threw the grass to the Spokane Indians, they were always few]: 122; ne perse [Coyote is swallowed by a monster lying in the river; finds animal people inside; cuts the monster's heart, he dies]: Aoki 1979, No. 4 [The Coyote ties himself to the mountains; the ropes burst when the monster sucks him in; the Coyote breaks five stone knives before the heart is cut off; makes various tribes out monster members cut off and thrown in different directions; ne perse are made of blood and water]: 27-28; Clark 1953 [huge Beaver; Coyote lets himself be swallowed into a spruce branch; makes Indians Chinook from his lower body, clickitat from his legs, cahuz from his forelimbs, yakima from his ribs, ne perse from his head, oriental buffalo hunters made of blood, hair, mud]: 172-175; 1966 [animal people jump out through various holes in the monster's body; Coyote makes tribes (like in Aoki); heart and liver turn into rocks]: 27-30; Western sachaptine [monster swallowed humans; Coyote suggested draw each other in, swallowed; inside there is a rattlesnake, the grizzlies want to kill him; he shamed them not to kill the monster; cut his heart, made a fire under him; swallowed out; Coyote made a monster out of his legs black-legged, from other parts - crowe, sioux, cans; washed his hands, from this water - ne perse (short but strong); var.: Coyote prepared fuel and resin in advance; ne perse arose from monster blood]: Farrand, Mayer 1917, No. 4:148-149; kayuz [sister wants beaver fat; her four brothers (they are giants) chase a huge beaver along the Paluz River; he creates rapids and waterfalls; brothers kill him, cut him into pieces, throw them in different directions; they do not arise Perse, Wallavalla and other tribes; Cayuz arise from the heart]: Wilkes, v. 4:496 in Bancroft 1875:95-96; Chelan [Creator makes gigantic beaver, says that it will have to be cut into twelve parts to make people out of them; the youngest of the four Wolf Brothers kills the beaver, cuts it into eleven pieces; the first ancestors (animals and birds) drag they are in different directions, from which different groups of salish arise (ne perse, spokane, metow, lake, flethead); since there are 11 parts, not 12, the first ancestors decide to use blood; greedy Blacklegs to blood]: Edmonds, Clark 1989:4-7; lower chinook: Boas 1894a, No. 1 [the girl is taken away by the Bear; she gives birth to a son and a daughter; her four brothers take turns coming to the Bear's house; his son asks take out his lice, kills young men; his younger fifth brother does not shoot on the way to the pheasant, does not enter the bear's house; together with the Bear's daughter, he burns the Bear and his son in their house; the Bear's wife revives the brothers ; dives into the lake, turns into a monster; the Chief of the Blue Jay marries the Bear's daughter; she never laughs; promises to laugh if he gets on all fours in the woods; laughs, devours all men; the husband's legs below the knees disappear; she keeps him in the basket; gives birth to two sons; does not tell them to go down the river; they go, find the bones of people who their mother regurgitated; find the basket with their father; that says that their mother has become a monster; the brothers turn her into a dog, put her father under water; they go on a journey; they see a double-headed swan on the lake {perhaps a swan with heads on both ends of the body}; the youngest shoots, swims to the bird, disappears; the elder throws hot stones into the lake; the water boils away; he rips the bellies of all monsters; in the latter he finds a brother holding a swan; revives him; man dancing with a paddle, while fish jump into his boat; his brothers taught him how to fish with a net; another man shoots in the rain because his house has no roof; his brothers taught him how to make a roof; they wash dirt off his skin, they mold people out of it, blow on them, people have come to life; a man sharpens knives, promises to kill those who fix all things; brothers turned him into a deer, tying his knives to his head, these are horns; a woman throws off people into the abyss on sharp flints; brothers throw her, cut her body to pieces, throw them in different directions; Indians who live where their feet fall have strong legs; those who live where they fell hair means long hair; etc.]: 17-21; Judson 1997 [the monstrous Wishpoosh beaver drowns fishermen on the lake; the Coyote threw a harpoon at him and began to fight; by fighting, they created a modern relief (lakes, gorges); Coyote became a piece of wood, V. swallowed it, in V. K. became himself again, cut it from the inside with a knife; with the help of Muskrat, he pulled the carcass ashore, cut it into pieces, scattered them; his head turned out to be ne perse (reasonable), from the hands of the kayuz (good archers), from clickitat legs (running fast), from yakim ribs, chinook from belly (they have a big belly); forgot to make people's mouths; god Ecahni cut through their mouths, but some incisions are crooked, others are too big; therefore, the coastal inhabitants have ugly mouths]: 102-104; cherry [sister asks for fat to lubricate her hair; brother harpoons a small beaver; he turns out to be a huge Master of Beavers, lives in the sea, breaking mountains, drags the young man with him; all plants break off or uproot when the young man clings to them; reeds (bulrush) screams, For me; withstood; the beaver died, the young man divided his body into pieces, threw in different directions; Wenatchi came from the liver, they are short and dark; the bones are junk and payut, they are evil; the young man drowned fat from his tail for his sister; his sister is salmon gills]: Hines 1998, No. 2:32-35; coutenay: Boas 1918, No. 50 [Muskrat's brother's widow rejects him; he kills her, lies that the unusual arrow that hit her was fired from the sky; Coyote and others shoot, their arrows do not reach the sky; only the Hawk Brothers arrow has pierced the sky; they make a chain of arrows; it is a little short, the Raven puts his beak instead of the lowest step; everyone goes up, does not wait for Wolverine; he breaks the stairs; The muskrat builds a village in the sky, fires arrows as if there are many enemies in the village; the deception is revealed, the Muskrat is killed; those who come catch the Thunderbird and kill the Thunderbird; those who then become birds receive it feathers and descend; Bats and Flying Squirrels plan on blankets, Coyote on their tail; Sucker fish jumped, crashed, so it now has many small bones; Little Woodpecker and some other warriors return across the horizon; Little Woodpecker is swallowed by a water monster; Great Woodpecker summons birds to celebrate; Bird Chief makes it clear that Little Woodpecker has been swallowed; Great Woodpecker with birds chase the monster through rivers; ask grandfather coutene, who crawled to create rivers, to make a stagnant lake; the monster was driven there, the Fox killed him with an ax; the Little Woodpecker and the Duck flew out of his womb, but the woodpecker became small like now; parts of the monster's body have been scattered (different tribes arose from them); Kuten was remembered when there was only a little blood left, so there were few]: 73-77 (Quail in Clark 1966:146-149); cous: Frachtenberg 1913, No. 7 [one person met another, killed him, dismembered him, threw hair and blood south, flesh to the east, entrails, bones to the north; Hanis Indians (northern cous subgroup), Siletz blood (tillamook subgroup), siuslav from the entrails, kalapuya from flesh, ampqua from bones]: 49-51; Jacobs 1940, No. 1 [during the flood, a woman escapes on a log; she is killed, parts of her body are thrown in different directions, from which separate peoples emerge; her hair is cous, her entrails are kalapuya, her bones are ampqua]: 240.