G24. Food from heaven. (.11.13.19.-.21.24.-.
The first seeds or shoots of cultivated or essential edible wild plants and/or agronomic knowledge were brought from the sky or obtained from celestials.
Bantu-speaking Africa. Shawna (karanga); isanzu [it was dark; the Sultan sent a Spider, Mukha, a Rat, and five men to heaven beyond the sun; the Spider lifted everyone along the thread, the Rat gnawed a hole in the sky; the heavenly sultan promised to give not only sun, but also cultivated plants; Mucha said that she would sit in baskets where people chose the right valuables; the Sultan told them to eat the bull with the bones overnight; the Rat did the hole, bones and meat were thrown into it; the sultan ordered them to take out what they had brought on the ground when the rooster sings; the rooster sang, the sun rose; people planted cultivated plants; awarded the Rat, the Spider (live in home), Flies (drinking milk while milking)]: Kohl-Larsen 1937, No. 25:29-31.
Sudan-East Africa. Zande [only one person who came from heaven had food; Ture (spider) suggested that they become blood brothers; said his children were starving, that man allowed them to climb to him in his belly, took him to heaven to get food; at home T. vilified that man; the next time he left him alone in the sky; T. weaved a thread, went down, brought the seeds of all fruits and cereals to the ground]: Arewa, Shreve 1975, No. 1:193 (per. Katznelson 1968:315-317); mehen [the rat climbed into the sky on the web, ate millet; when it climbed back, the web burst, the rat fell, broke, the grain crumbled; people began to grow millet]: Jensen 1959, No. 1:413; basketo [the rat climbed into the sky on the web, ate grain; when it climbed back, the web burst, the rat fell, broke, the grain crumbled; people sowed it, harvested it, began to grow cereals; according to another version, a spider climbed into the sky and brought people a seed]: Jensen 1959, No. 1:224; malgashi: Vig in Abrahamsson 1951 (Betsimisaraka) [the first man and woman lived on in the sky; Zanahary asked them if they wanted to die like the moon or like a banana; they said it was like a banana; he sent them to earth, telling them not to take rice with them, but they hid a few grains]: 121; Vally- Samat, p. 13-14 in Mabuchi 1969 (Imerina) [1) grains of rice fell from the sky; a heavenly deity sent Thunder to teach people how to farm; 2) Heaven sent a cardinal to bring rice to earth and teach farming; when harvest time, its feathers turn bright red]: 55; Dubois, p.1334 in Mabuchi 1969 (Betsileo) [the heavenly god Andriamanitra sent a cardinal and a lark to bring rice to the ground and sow it; for this allowed them to peck at the harvest]: 55; Haring 1982, No. 1.1.67 (bar) [Zatuvu sees rice scattered to dry in the sky and asks what it is; the woman answers; Z. says there is no such thing on earth; the woman does The appearance that is obsessed with perfume takes rice, which supposedly heals it immediately, and goes down to earth with Z.; God: fody and the parrot will peck at it; (here are some more texts with the same motive)]: 95.
Melanesia. Vogeo: Anderson, Exter 2005 [the young men Tavalinga and Mandova scolded the sun: it's hot, thirsty, go down to sea more vividly; they taught that the sea seemed to boil with plenty of fish; they went to sea by boat, filled it with fish, returned to the shore; but the village was strange, seemingly unfamiliar; a dog came up, strange, trembling, sniffed them and left; the same was a pig; old woman; young men were overwhelmed by anxiety; came a big muscular man, brought to him, gave two tiny bananas and two tiny coconuts, but when they were cut, they became huge; the man said he would only come at night, left the young man with their wife; she and T. wanted to sleep together; plugged all the holes in the house, but could not plug the hole in the roof; the ray fell on them, they died, dried like dried fish; the Sun came back, some kind of revived them grass; said M. that he had gained knowledge, but T. did not; gave the young men tarot shoots, they brought them with them and planted them; this is how people got a tarot]: 59-66; Hogbin 1970 [boys let ants bite ants the old man for the testicles; he makes the boys small, puts the gong in the crack, lets them into the sea; the gong nails to the coast of New Guinea; the cannibal is going to eat them; the youngest hides in a tree; is responsible a cannibal who climbs upside down; his nose is bleeding; a hawk saves a boy, brings him to the sky above Vogeo Island; he sees his mother, throws her coconut, it grows into a palm tree; the boy's father gives him a wake, forgets to feed two orphans, they climb a palm tree, reach the sky when they are old; together with the young man they go down to the ground, bringing jewelry, bananas, tarot, arecova nuts palm trees (agricultural origin)]: 32-33; cotton wool: Fischer 1963, No. 3 [a lonely man ate the ground while drying it in the sun; two women came down from the sky, gave him cultivated plants, showed how to cook in a clay jar; she became his wife, the other returned to heaven], 4 [husband, wife and daughter ate the ground; a man came down from heaven, visited the girl, gave her yams, bananas, sweet potatoes; told the ground throw it away; the parents watched, asked the man to marry their daughter; one day he climbed back to heaven as usual, but an old woman in the sky pulled up the rope and closed the door; he hung between heaven and earth, fell, crashed]: 138, 138-139.
Micronesia-Polynesia. Uliti (Carolina) [having been refused by the bride's relatives, Haluwai ordered the servants to sail the boat; six died, H. was the last to sail to the tree - the pillars of the sky; the trunk branched; H. sent the servant one trunk at a time, the lizard cut him in half; then he climbed one by one to the nest of a giant bird; hid under its feathers, flew on it; seeing an island below (in the upper world), threw a pebble so that a bird could come down to grab it; jumped to find an inhabited island; a blind old woman bakes a tarot in the sun; H. secretly takes her tarot; confesses when she says her sons will come- cannibals; H. cut through her eyes with spicy grass, she saw the light; taught her how to bake tarot (on fire); she hid it under her chest; her sons are also grateful to H.; the old woman does not tell X. to lift the mat in the corner of the house ; he picked it up, saw his village on Fr. Yap; an old woman threw it there in a box; now it's a rock; H. marries his fiancée; the excrement of the old woman's rooster with her became yams]: Lessa 1980, No. 25:8-11; Rotuma [two brothers are getting married on two sisters; one child, she does not take the fish caught by her husband to his parents (apparently she eats it herself); these parents are two banana trees; in the absence of her husbands and despite their sister's warning they pick bananas; husbands' parents turn into atua cannibal spirits; eat one sister with her child, then her husband; the other sister and husband run to a Tongan, who shows them where to live; they have a son and daughter; while fishing, a huge fish drowns, devours her husband; a knee remains, becomes an evil spirit, rolls to the wife of the deceased, she hears it splashing in a vessel, running; children stay in the house, atua spirits with one to ten heads try to eat them; they make a terrible noise, say that they are weaving a net to catch one-, two-, three-headed atua; the spirit runs away in fear every time; celestials take their brother to heaven; sister cries at the top of the mountain, stays sitting there; brother breaks the ban on opening one of the doorways, pushes the mat away, sees her sister below; throws her down to attract her attention a branch of a mairo berry bush, an efu bamboo shoot, a pandanus fruit, a tarot tuber; it does not move; celestials bring it down, it finds his sister dead; returns to heaven, discarded plants known since then on earth]: Churchward 1937, No. 482-489 (Russian per. Polinskaya 1986, No. 8:58-69).
Tibet is the Northeast of India. Tripuri [first only water and sky, where the sun, moon and stars are; God took dirt from his body, wrapped a banyan leaf, threw it into the water; from this came the earth; then God created an earth rat, and then a man and a woman out of clay and put their lives into them; this couple had children; the man asked God to give them food; he advised me to take seeds from the queen of the Gandharvas in heaven and sow them, taught them send a rat to steal {rice seeds?} ; people started farming]: Niyang 1983:60-61 in Mandal 2009:85-86; vancho [a rat fell from the sky, had a grain of rice in its mouth, rice grew so people got it]: Elwin 1958b, No. 7:219; garo [At first, people ate only wild yams, tarot, and other tubers and roots; there was a Tree of Wealth with 12 branches to the east and 12 to the west; on the east there were diamonds, precious gongs, gold, silver and so on, and on Western ones, plant seeds: rice, cotton, silk {mulberries?} etc.; on the rice branch, each branch had rice of its own color; even the gods could not pick them; you could only pick them from below, but only from above; then the Wind God, with the help of his friends, God of City and God Storms, the tree began to shake and the rice fell to the ground; the Wind God himself did not bother to pick up rice, a woman did it; she grew rice in her garden; after receiving grains from her, Heaven sowed them in his fields; one day I met Ahni Apilpa from the ground; when they began to eat them, I was surprised that he only had roots and tubers; shared rice with him; sent him rice with his servant, but out of envy he gave dried seeds, they did not sprout; then AA chained the messengers of the god of Heaven; he explained that only one was to blame, sent new rice; AA's servants, out of envy, began to collect still unripe seeds; now the god of Heaven was shackled by AA servants; but it turned out, Fig. they began to grow on the ground]: Rongmuthu 1960:229-233; kachin [the daughter of the Raja of Heaven married the son of the Raja of Earth; the Raje of Heaven cut off a piece of his navel, put it in a box, gave it to his daughter along with the seed pumpkins; she opened a box on the ground, with a spider in it, she learned how to weave; two pumpkins grew from the seed - one seeds of all types of cultivated plants (grains), the other - all wild and domestic animals]: Elwin 1958a, No. X.6:198; drung (Yunnan) [no pets or cultivated plants; Penggenpeng began to clear the site, all the trees were in place in the morning; he waited for an old man who revived vegetation; he replied that he was the heavenly god Mubenge, P. promises his daughter if he met the requirements; 1) quickly climb a straight tree and go down (P. does it); 2) follow the tiger to the ends of the earth; P. goes, finds himself in the sky, there are all cultivated plants, all animals; M. offers to choose from two daughters; one has beautiful eyes, but the face is dirty, the other named Mumeiji has clean, but she is one-eyed; M. sent her to the ground with P., and the other daughter became the wife of fish; the father gave the young couple plants and animals, told them not to look back; Mumeiji noticed that the father did not give rice, hid the rice under her fingernails (according to one version, M. had a dog, she hid the rice on her stomach, pressing them with her tail); hearing the voices of the animals behind her, M. looked around, the animals rushed to run; P. and M. only cows, pigs, sheep, dogs, chickens were caught, others became wild; the couple dropped bamboo and honey, the bees became wild; the medicine vessel was dropped into the river, so there is no medicine and the drung can cook only a weak intoxicating drink; but the seeds of millet, sweet buckwheat, oats, corn and rice have been preserved; Mubengge dropped weed seeds from the sky so that people's lives would not be too easy; when he saw rice, Mubengge told the gods to return some, so there are pacifiers in rice ears; Mubengge gave the book, but people cooked it and ate it, so drung can't write]: Miller 1994:63-66.
Malaysia-Indonesia. Clementan [daughter of Palai (Pegasus constellation) fell in love with a young man on earth and invited him to heaven; her father offered to feed the guest; contrary to warning, L. puts food in her mouth with her fingers instead of with a needle; the wife told me to put the ax by the tree, he would cut it down; but L. began to cut it himself; the wife offered to watch her father cut her (put the ax, the trees fall); the same the next day; with a fallen tree L. tore off his left arm; L. decided to leave his pregnant wife and return to the ground; the wife gave sugarcane tops and banana roots, lowered the vine; as he descended, L. heard a newborn scream and wanted to return to heaven, but it was not returned; I did not throw bananas and sugarcane on the ground on the ground, but planted it carefully; if something grew, it was worse in quality than in the sky]: Hose, MacDougall 1912:140-141; minahasa: Kratz 1973, No. 44 [Mamanua dreams that she will find a spring under the stone; pulls out a stone, forms a lake, M. arranges a vegetable garden on the shore; someone steals sugar cane and fruits; M. guards, 9 girls in the form of swans {translated by Braginsky as geese} come to swim, take off their bird clothes; M. hides the clothes of Lingkambene, the daughter of the supreme god Muntu-Untu, takes L. as his wife, she gives birth son Wulansendow; contrary to warning, she accidentally cuts off one of her hair; she must return to heaven to heal her wound; M. and V. sit on a falcon, which is unable to lift it; climb rattan, he breaks down, they fall into the water, the fish takes them to the horizon, the dog takes them across the sky to M.-U. Palace; he tells them to identify his wife among the nine girls (the dog sniffs her out, wags her tail); they remain in the sky; . grows up, asks his grandfather to lower him to the ground; he gives him a nodule, an egg in it, a wife comes out of it for V.; in another nodule, the seeds of fruit trees; since then they have been growing on the ground]: 212-216 (= Braginsky 1972:117-121; same or very similar text in another translation in Bystrov et al. 1962:205-209, girls are swans, not geese); Bezemer 1904 [the rice on the ground looked like plums - the same size and not was to be stored; Tuleng climbed into the sky to steal real rice; hid it in his hair, heavenly people found it, he pretended that the rice was in his hair by accident; next time he hid it in a cut on stiff leg skin, brought people; but the harvest was eaten by mice; T.'s friend in the sky explained that it was necessary to share with the birds in the sky; T. put on mourning clothes, climbed back into heaven - supposedly crying for to his father who died there; they decided to give him a gift, he asked for a bird; the inhabitants of the sky were going to take revenge, but Brother T. brought down the mountain, which served as a road to heaven and back; they threw bamboo darts; there, where they entered the ground, bamboo is now growing]: 303-303; Western Torajas [Napu: two spikelets of rice and a grain of corn fell from heaven to earth; Kore: rice fell from heaven to earth; Pakawa: first woman married a man from heaven, gave birth to two sons; one remained single, the other had seven daughters; the heavenly god Nabi gave the youngest two coconut shell vessels, one filled with jellied and the other dry rice; her father's brother handed these vessels to people in Palu and Pakawa, respectively; Sigi: Sawerigading (the name is borrowed from the boogie) and her sister descended from the sky on the rainbow, brought people cultivated plants; Bada : the creator god Ala Tala sent two pairs of people to earth; agreed with the chief of the spirits of the land Wuali that rice should not be given to people; for seven days they ate cassava, bananas and leaves; but Wuali took pity on people, gave them rice; Rampi, Gimpu (several texts): a bird brought a grain of rice from the sky; Rampi, Sigi: a mouse brought rice from the sky; Bada: two orphan brothers were left without property; the baby saw swimming in the pond seven heavenly maidens; he climbed into heaven with them along the rainbow; found rice there; the owner of the rice did not allow it to be taken; the young man stole rice, began to descend, but the owner caught up and wounded him; the young man rested in the sky, hid the rice in the wound, went down, brought the rice to the ground (options: hid it in pants, etc.); Napu: God in heaven invited a girl to grind rice for the holiday; she took only one grain, but they were counted God caught up with her, took her away; next time she swallowed a seed; God could not find it, said that the girl would die; she went back to her parents, said that rice would grow on her grave; and so happened; Bada: seven ears of rice grew from seeds that fell from the sky on a banyan tree; they were spotted by a mouse; the cat tried unsuccessfully to catch a mouse, brought rice to people]: Kruyt 1938 (4): 5-13 and Woensdregt 1925:118-129 in Mabuchi 1969:39-44; boogie [Sangkuruwira is the god of heaven; his younger brother Gurusisileng is the god of the lower world; each has a twin sister; S. and G. are married to each other's sisters; G.'s wife's name is Sinau-Todya ("Living underwater"); S.'s wife's name is Datu-Palinge ("The Creator"); S. and DP send their eldest son Batara Guru to the non-existent land; he is killed by putting land in his hand, placed in bamboo, lowered down rainbow into the space between the upper and lower worlds; HD comes to life, throws the land brought, earth emerges; daughter G. and ST Njilitimo (Born from the Foam of the Waves) with five princesses emerge from the sea, BG takes them all as wives; slaves who come with HD from heaven marry princess maids, their children inhabit the earth; the daughter of one of the princesses dies on the seventh day, turns into rice; HD and N. give birth twins, son and daughter; the son and his wife become the new rulers of the lower world, and the daughter and her husband become the new lords of the upper world; the earth's connection with the upper (rainbow) and with the lower world ceases; later, the ancestors of the leaders of YuZ Sulawesi descend from heaven]: Kruyt in Stöhr, Zoetmulder 1965:95; vemale (Seram): Prager 2005:107 [(Jensen 1939:83-84); girl works in the field, begins rain, she curses him; becoming pregnant, gives birth to a boy Taunala, he has only the right half of his body; T. comes to the upper world to god Dunai for his other half; D. cooks both halves in a cauldron, sculpts from the boiled substance of the new T. revives; tells the mother not to curse the rain anymore; after seeing his mother, T. comes to heaven again; chooses people's food, D. gives him a human leg; then food animals; hides rice in a wound on his leg, brings it to the ground; D. furiously lets mice eat rice on a rope, but T. cuts off the rope, the mice scatter around the world], 108-109 [(Jensen 1939:76-77); man rises to the upper world, rejects the food offered; takes "animal food"; in a dream, the wind blows, celestials smell, think that a person is dead; a woman from his family dies on earth; celestials they say they want pork, go hunting, bring this woman's corpse; a person sees celestials eating rice; swallows a picture, pulls it out of his excrement on the ground, but she did not ascend; then returns to heaven, hides a seed behind his foreskin, brings it to earth; as a punishment, he is forbidden to appear in heaven anymore; while working in the field, he is bitten by a snake, dies], 109 [(Jensen 1939:82); for celestials, human excrement is unbearably smelly, and their own is beautiful; man steals rice from the sky; celestials send birds along a rope to peck grains, man cuts off the rope, birds disperse]; tetum (Bijeli) [1) Kruyt 1923:473-474; the first man and woman ate grass; the man turned to the Sun Lord (Usif Neno) to help; he ordered to kill his wife, grind her bones and flesh, scattered in the wind; corn and rice appeared; 2) v. Wouden, p. 43; two men came to heaven, asked Usuf Neno for seeds; he gave them a lump of land; when they returned, they found a girl inside; became to quarrel over her; she gave birth to a daughter; the UN ordered the girl to be killed and buried, rice and other cultivated plants grew; the UN woman gave to one of the men]: Mabuchi 1969:64-65; Roti [one of The first ancestors were married by the daughter of the Sun, the other by the daughter of the Moon; after receiving a ransom for the brides, they responded with rice, beans, corn, etc.]: Western 1922:317-319 in Mabuchi 1969:67.
Taiwan - Philippines. Paywan [1) millet used to fall from the sky; three grains were enough to fill the pot; the pregnant woman began to cook a lot at once; the grain swollen and crushed her; since then, the grain has not swells and needs a lot of it; 2) a woman came to heaven, the gods gave her edible tubers, but refused to give millet; later, the millet god invited priest Paywan to help harvest; he hid a millet seed under with his fingernail, so the millet fell on the ground; 3) a man came to his friend in heaven; he refused to share the tubers and millet; the man hid them in his penis, brought them to the ground]: Mabuchi 1969:20; bunun [ a woman came with a child, gave the man a calebas with millet, said that one grain was enough for lunch; the man married her; in her absence, the child cried, the man only scolded him; the woman took it child, went to heaven, became a star by taking magic millet]: Mabuchi 1969:21; kanakanabu [a woman was born from a rock, asked for food from a heavenly deity, received fish, animals and rice; halves the rice was enough to fill the pot]: Mabuchi 1969:22.
China - Korea. The Chinese (Hebei, Wu. Huaiyang) [Shennong went to Guanyin in the South Sea and asked her to figure out how to treat people; she gave a magic whip: if you hit them on the ground, medicinal herbs grow; the number of people became grow, but there was not enough food for everyone; S. went to heaven and began to ask the heavenly lord for food for people; he gave a vessel with three divine insects - a dragon insect, a tiger insect, and A phoenix insect; ordered them to be buried upside down when they returned; wheat rose in this place; people still sing: "The heavenly lord ordered the dragon, tiger and phoenix to go down. Shennong took them and made people happy forever." These dragon, tiger, and phoenix are wheat caterpillar, wheat bug, and wheat moth]: Zhou 2001b, No. 20:28-29; Chinese (Hebei, Wu. Huaiyang) [there were no cereals, people fed on hunting and fishing, there was no food; Shennong wanted to shoot a red bird; it fell at his feet, he picked up what she had in her beak - an ear of grains five species; S. buried grains in five different places and wheat, rice, millet, beans and gaoliang grew there]: Zhou 2001b, No. 21:29; fox [people became vicious, Vusa sent rain, the flood flooded the land; Ahap'a's immaculate brother and sister W. told them to hide in a toupie, they took a dog with them; when the waters came down, they sent the dog to heaven to V., who put seeds of cultivated plants in her ears, sent back; one pumpkin grew to a gigantic size; V. gave the sword to open the pumpkin; five came out of it: the ancestors of three groups of foxes, the ancestors of the nose and the ancestors of the spirits]: Dessaint, Ngwâma 1994:226-227.
Iran - Central Asia. Western Pamir (Shugnan, Bartang, Rushan, Yazgulam, etc.) [the ox was in paradise long before Grandfather Adam; when Grandfather Adam was expelled from paradise to Sarandev Island, Jabrayil Paygambar (Archangel Gabriel) brought oxen, an arable tool with a yoke, and all kinds of species from paradise for him cereals; oxen said they would not obey YES because he would hit them; DP promised to spread their wings over the oxen's backs; so oxen should not be hit on the back, but only lightly on the sides; when The Koran was lowered from heaven, it was revealed not on the ground, but on the back of an ox]: Mukhiddinov 1989:77; the Burishi [in a shamanic legend, we met the mythologeme of stealing cereals from heaven]: Yettmar 1986:268.
Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Tuvans [Dovurrakai hunted gophers, got lost, went into the beast's lair, sat down, it turned out that on the dragon's tail, he raised D. into the Upper World, threw it there; the locals do not see or hear him; he sees a cow for the first time, drinks milk secretly; stroked the girl, she fell ill; called the younger lama, D. poked his eye, his eye flowed out, the llama was taken away; the elder lama came with two people; D. poked him too, but he did not react; D. was lowered to the ground home on a horse made of dough, sprinkled with barley and millet grain, giving a wall from a yurt; on the ground, D. taught how to make a yurt, grow barley and millet]: Alekseev 2010, No. 32:83-87.
Amur-Sakhalin. Manchus: Liaoning 1994, No. 148 (Liaoning, Zhuanghe County, Inlieshi County, Tsaoweibai Village, Farmer, Primary Education) [Crops did not ripen prematurely before, the wind did not blow too much , and the rain was too abundant, in winter the Heavenly Lord (HB) ordered wheat flour to be thrown down; people became lazy; much land remained uncultivated; women walked from the eastern gate to the western gate and gossip spread: "One man got out of a cat hole and climbed into a dog hole, which caused jealousy; eventually broke his head and broke his leg"; the earth's patron spirit could not hide it, the news came to heaven; The Jade Emperor {apparently =HB} ordered the Fire Star (OZ, Mars) to go to the lower world and investigate everything; he took the form of a Taoist, began to collect alms; one day he went into the house, asked daughter-in-law food, she said there was no food; then took a white flour cake from under the child's ass and threw it away, put a new one under her ass; OZ was indignant; the woman slapped him in the face, told him to fail; OZ came to another village, asked an old woman for food; she threw a bun at the dog, the bun rolled into a manure hole, the old woman scolded the dog for not being able to find food; Oz could not ask for food in any at home, released a belly full of fire and came to heaven with a report; HB became angry; that year there were few seeds from the very beginning, hail passed in spring, hurricane in summer, flooding in autumn, no seeds left; buns that were thrown at dogs were picked up, cakes that were used as diapers were dried again; they hoped that flour would save the sky in winter, but instead of flour it snowed; people collected it, but melted it the water did not fill their stomachs, all winter and spring people gnawed on tree bark, ate grass and roots, many died; the Earth's Patron Spirit (DPZ) could not watch the human race decay, burst several times go to heavenly halls to ask for people, but he was put out of the gate; when HB was already hovering above the ground, his brother-in-law, i.e. the DPZ, was still small; when he first appeared in heaven, he went around and touched everything; at the gate there was a tree with small white flowers, and under them were set black shiny trihedral unprecedented fruits; the DPZ tore off the twig to look closer, but the fruits from it crumbled and crumbled around the human world; it was a buckwheat bush; a scandal arose in the heavenly halls because nothing from the sky could be given to the human world; heavenly warriors and generals seized the DPZ and called it accountable for waking up grains; the god of the wind blew out fiercely, covered the fallen grains with a layer of yellow earth; the god of rain sent a rainstorm, which mixed the grains and moistened the earth; in the sky they did not expect that in a few days the seeds were humid the earth will be allowed to shoot; after going through disaster, humanity has acquired its original virtues: hard work, frugality, philanthropy, justice; since then, after the storm, hail, etc., they have sown buckwheat; seeing buckwheat flowers and angry celestials sent frost to the ground, but buckwheat bloomed quickly and set seeds, and those that did not have time to ripen remained flowers; when buckwheat seeds were close to ripening, over black ones grains eat snow-white flowers]: 325-327; Chen, Wang 1989 (31) [at first the dog ate what a person ate, but then began to eat excrement; when people first appeared, they ate wild fruits and roots, in winter, many people died of hunger; the divine farmer (BZ) found out about this and sent people suffering, which was so abundant that pigs, dogs and cats also began to eat it; people soon stopped appreciate her; BZ went down to the human world, disguised as an old woman, to see what they were doing with the flour she sent; asked for food in a rich house, but the hostess, instead of feeding her, gave her cakes for her children as bedding; BZ returned to heaven and began to send snow instead of flour; people began to eat wild plants again and starve in winter; BZ felt sorry for them again in spring sent the fairy a hundred cereals (F.) to bring people five cereals; this is how bread appeared on the ground; corn grew five cobs per stem; corn was inferior in taste to white flour, but there was also plenty of it; F. an old woman turned, went to see what people were doing with corn, and saw people throwing their cobs at each other; she asked her for a treat, but she was refused, and people threw their cobs into the lake; then she took people's corn; but a dog ran up to the fairy, bowed and begged her not to take all the grains from people; F. refused, but the dog promised that if F. left people at least a little bit cereals, dogs will no longer eat them, but will eat excrement because it comes from the same grain, and as long as people have grain, dogs will not starve to death; F. saw that the dog was sincere, and agreed to comply with the request; since then, corn has grown one or two cobs on the stem, and gaoliang and millet no longer grow one ear per leaf, but one ear per stem; to keep people occupied, F. weeds were sent down, and people had to weed them out and fertilize the land; people realized that growing grain was not easy and began to appreciate it; dogs have been eating excrement ever since]: 50-54.
Japan. Ainu: Etter 1949 [gods compete to see who to rule the world; 1) survive the frost; 2) sit on fire; 3) don't laugh while listening to funny stories; Kirumi wins; only smiles slightly when the gods imitate copulation, he says that such a smile does not count; hides millet seeds in a cut under her skin, brings them to the ground; the dog says that K. is going to carry the seeds; K. throws ash into her mouth ; dogs don't speak ever since]: 65-67; Kindaiti Kyosure 1931:36, Kayano Shigery 1985:116 in Sadokova 2001 [after losing the third trial (don't laugh) Okikurumi decided to run to earth. taking millet with him; tied a bag of grains to his leg; the dog blocked the way, began to shout that O. had stolen a handful of millet and was about to go down to people; O. put a handful of ash in the dog's mouth, telling become dumb; since then, dogs have only barked and millet grows on the ground]: 194.
The coast is the Plateau. Skagit [Mukha finds a baby, his wife feeds him; the young man's named sister asks to shoot her in the arm, accuses him of injuring her; offended, he leaves; asks two women to sing, from their singing the ground lights up; he asks the rock, the water, the road what they will do; Crack, boil, etc.; the spruce replies that only the top of its head will burn; he hides in the spruce; makes a chain of arrows; it is short, he adds his bow; climbs into heaven; sees a man chasing an elk; it's Day, by evening he catches up with game, shoots; promises a young man his five daughters; at dusk, a young man sees a skin-covered skeleton, chased by another hunter - Night; he offers dead, the young man refuses; Night tells you to follow a dark path, not a bright path at the fork (Night needs light, and the Day itself illuminates); the young man hesitates, walks along the bright; comes to the daughters of the Night; they smear him with the smelly smearing of the dead, he does not eat dead; the fifth, older sister lies in the coffin; the young man copulates with her in the morning, when the youngest four leave; the daughters of the Day arrive, the young man sees that he made a mistake; goes to them, they wash it; the youngest says she is pregnant, others say she is lying; the young man makes a hole in the sky, sees mother and younger brother; with wife (who?) goes down a rope to the ground, taking edible roots (the origin of edible roots); the wife gives birth to Siamese twins; the Blue Jay woman separates them, they die; the young man and his wife return to heaven]: Hilbert 1985:33-41; snookually [The Fox and Blue Jay climb a rope into the sky; the Fox turns into a beaver, falls into the trap of the Month; it refreshes it; while the Month sleeps, the beaver comes to life, takes fire and sun away from his house, takes little pines and cedars with him; turns back into a Fox, brings the stolen goods to the ground; when the Month climbs after him, the rope breaks, the Month breaks, turns into Mount Sea]: Hunt, Kaylor 1917:515-516 in Clark 1953:38-39; vasco [on holidays, people go to heaven where they get berries and roots; after the festival, the Fox falls asleep, celestials they throw him on the ground; his brother brings him food from the sky; the fox spreads berries and roots on the ground; people no longer go to heaven; they celebrate in April, when food gatherings become available after winter]: Clark 1953:184; Vishram [Red Fox is Coyote's younger brother; said he is going to heaven for a festival; Coyote lied that he was there when he was young, Fox agreed to take him; the Coyote was dancing, the Fox warned him not to get so tired; on the third night, the Coyote fell asleep; he was found by a watchman and thrown to the ground; he woke up, returned to the Fox, asked why he thrown away; Fox: it was perfume; Coyote: it won't work like this, all the game, roots, berries that are now in the sky must be lowered to the ground; Coyote blocked the way to heaven alive, now only the dead go there; holiday celebrate in spring on earth]: Hines 1998, No. 4:40-43; Okanagon [a woman descends from the sky, heals people, gives camas bulb seeds, returns to heaven]: Edmonds, Clark 1989:32-33.
Northeast. Seneca [see motif B3A; in heaven, the chief suspects his wife of infidelity; uproots the Tree of Light, throws his wife into the hole; then throws Corn, Beans, Pumpkin, Sunflower, Tobacco, Deer, Wolf, Bear, Beaver and others; on earth they turn into plants and animals]: Cornplanter 1938, No. 1:20; onondaga [like Seneca]: Hewitt 1928:465.
Plains. Hidatsa [the bisons are gone; the hunter hears their roar, digs a hole, sees land and lots of game below; goes down as an arrow, taking his relatives; they have corn and beans with him]: Beckwith 1938, No. 3:22-25.
Southeast USA. People go to the horizon and from there to heaven; God gives them cultural values. Chitimacha [six; descend from the sky as animals (Spider became the first shaman, Eagle taught how to fish, Pigeon to use corn that grew wild)]: Swanton 1911:358; alabama [ two; God gives beans, melons; people wake up at home]: Martin 1977 [+ potatoes, barley]: 26; Swanton 1929, No. 20 [+ corn]: 141; alabama, coasati: Lankford 1987:211-221 in Archer 2000 [four elderly men go to search for the end of the world; they go west, because after going through the day, the sun is not so hot; they kill a turkey, a bear, instead of them a mosquito, a hairy caterpillar; a mountain on the path turns out to be a turtle; with their legs wrapped in their bast, travelers turn out to be a mine forest with rattlesnakes; by the river they reject the Crocodile, the Turtle, swim on the Horned Serpent, throwing its bones; the stock runs out, the last one is picked up to the opposite bank, the Serpent swims after her, the riders go ashore; the sky beats against the ground; three slip, screaming, I am a Puma, I am a Lynx, I am a Wolf; the fourth did not call himself a beast, crushed; the old woman tells us not to touch people and animals; they touched the horse and the girl, they turned into skeletons; another old woman gives seeds of corn, yam, potatoes, beans, and other cultivated plants; travelers they wake up at home, give people plants]: 193-197; Martin 1977 [three brothers; one was crushed]: 25.
California. Karok [Acorns were girls, lived in heaven; they put on their hats, closed their eyes, buried their faces, fell to the ground; two types of acorns had beautiful hats; a girl in an ugly hat bewitched her rivals; she is now a delicious acorn and others are tasteless, requiring lengthy processing]: Harrington 1932, No. 1:6.
Big Pool. Utah or southern payut [after blowing on him, the old woman sends her son to heaven; Shin-au-av offers him alcohol that does not make him drunk; gives corn, the young man brings it to land]: Powell 1971:96.
The Great Southwest. Hopi [A cloud takes a boy into the world of the dead to heaven; god gives him bread and corn; he brings a gift to earth; later god gives him the seeds of all cultivated and wild plants]: Stephens 1929, № 20:53-54.
Mesoamerica Huasteci [a winged boy brings corn from the sky, gives it to an old woman; before that, people only had bananas]: Laughlin 1969b: 307; tepeua [stars cut off nameless ones in the sun at people's request fingers, all cultivated plants arise from shed blood]: Williams García 1972:68; mountain totonaks [before the young sun can rise high, birds hurt him with arrows; pepper and fruits come from blood]: Ichon 1969:58; tequistlatecas [thunders (live where sea meets sky) give humans pumpkin, bean, pepper seeds]: Carrasco 1960:107; Totonaki: Arenas 2000: 82-84 [There was no corn; the Quetzal bird brought a grain from the sky, threw it through a hole into the hollow of a tree; one grain fell to the ground; the Ant (hormiga arriera; ants and others were human, but Quetzal a real bird) found it, showed Woodpecker, who began to expand the hole, corn fell on him, injured him, so the woodpeckers had red feathers; The Ant began to carry corn without waiting for the Woodpecker he would wake up; he was offended; he sowed corn, and the Ant only ate it; the Woodpecker replied with Ant that the grain must be cooked or ground before sowing; the Ant asked the Wind to scatter the Woodpecker's field; the woodpecker told An ant, how to sow, for promising that the Wind would restore the field; he restored it; but since then, corn plants, unlike bananas, have many stems (in the sense of small stems); if the Wind hadn't scattered the field, corn plants would be as big as trees and cobs would grow right on the branches (en las puntas de las matas)], 88-90 [man did nothing, only dreamed of Angels (i.e. Thunderdogs) they took him home and he would work with them; they took him, left him at home, flew away themselves, wearing clothes, shoes, taking swords; the man found the same set, took a sword, flew; there was a terrible storm and a downpour on the ground, people die; God asks the Angels what is wrong; they find the Thunder Man, but they can't get close, his weapon is the strongest; when he strikes a tree with lightning, he gets stuck in it; he is returned to earth by giving some corn seeds and beans; he dropped the seeds, they turned into huge piles; they're still the best corn and beans]; coastal totonaki (Tahin) [the rich old man has many mistresses; it is said that he will be the Sun, but he is an orphan living with his grandmother; when the Sun was at its zenith, drops of his blood fell to the ground, from which various plants arose; the Sun leaves a dog behind it ; The month asked her where the owner went; the dog pointed in the opposite direction; The month hit her, she became dumb; The month goes where the ash is now cold; when the Sun rose, people turned into stones, idols, some hid in pyramids]: Williams García 1979:121-122; Micah [bee steals corn from the sky]: Beals 1945a:134; Tsotsil: García de Leon 1973 [after People eat ash from the flood; Mother Moon descends, gives corn grain; all food sources come from it]: 305; Laughlin 1977, No. 70 [raven brings corn from the Upper House of Ravens]: 257; lacandons [the vulture wife asks her husband to cut her finger; it contains calebas seeds; she teaches how to grow calebas]: Boremanse 1989:93.
Honduras-Panama. Bocotta [Mother of Corn brings different varieties of it from the sky; Tokri tells the Iguana, the Wild Pig, to sow it. Iguana and Tokti look at Mother Corn cooking chicha by washing ulcers that cover her body; refuse to drink chicha; Mother Corn takes corn with the largest grains back to heaven; makes Iguana deaf and Tokri, throwing ash at her, gray]: Herrera, Gonzales 1964 in Margery Peña 1994a: 147.
The Northern Andes. Embera (chami) [a woman cries for her deceased sister; a white bird turns into a man, offers to take her to heaven with her sister, tells her to close her eyes; there are black women with breasts to their knees; woman sees her sister and murdered brother, the bird does not tell them to approach them; before returning, one of the women (are there two of them now?) hides a corn seed in his mouth and another a peach palm in his mouth; this is how these plants appeared on earth]: Chaves 1945, No. 5:150; Kogi: Preuss 1926 [a man and his wife steal the seeds of all fruit trees heavenly people (=birds)]: 175; Reichel-Dolmatoff 1985 (2): 38, approx. 84 [a hero in the form of a bird brings corn from the sky], No. 20 [shaman brings plant seeds from the world of the dead (=snowy mountain peaks) and trees]: 155; yupa: Villmanan 1982, No. 3 [Kemoko made the Kurumacho vulture confess that it has sweet cassava; Kemoko found two shrubs, took them away, taught people how to grow cassava]: 10-11; Wilbert 1974, No. 42 [one of the hunters is lost, trapped by a Jaguar; Jaguar's son released him; he sees the Cannibal Sun hunting birds, devouring them, refusing to throw them off below Son of the Month; The Sun takes a man, the Month takes him away, hides him in a cave where the menstruating daughters of the Month are and where the Sun is afraid to enter; allows a person to marry one daughter and have sex with others; a person wants to return home, the Month gives him cassava and sweet potato, teaches him agriculture; a person brings plants to people; he should only eat cold, he freezes; dies after drinking hot chicha]: 131-135; guajiro: Wilbert, Simoneau 1986 (2), No. 67 [in search of a deceased wife, a man goes to heaven; when he returns, he brings corn, pumpkins, melons], 116 [the sun invites a person to visit him, gives corn, beans, pumpkins, melons]: 672, 837-838
Llanos. Sicuani [a heavenly deity plants cassava, sugarcane, bananas for his son on earth for the first time]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1992, No. 104:380-381
Southern Venezuela. Makiritare [monkey brings cassava from heaven]: Barandiaran 1966:21-23; Civrieux 1959:117
Guiana. Warrau [the vulture brings seeds and teaches farming]: Wilbert 1970, No. 79:183; Caribbean Islands [heavenly man brings cassava to earth]: Rouse 1948:564; akawai [shaman brings bananas from a heavenly deity]: Butt 1960 in Roe 1982:162; taulipan [a man marries a vulture's daughter; steals corn from him in the sky, brings it to the ground]: Koch-Grünberg 1924, No. 27:90; the trio [The Star Squirrel descends the vine to the ground, says Yalavale (the future Orion) that he can go to heaven; he is afraid, offers to others; the vine breaks, people fall, they break their limbs, since then people have mobile joints; The squirrel gives Y. seeds, teaches me how to grow corn; I. makes holes too deep, so the corn is low; I. goes up to heaven, then descends]: Magaña 1987, No. 77:148; 1988b, No. 5 [=1987]: 580; oyana [rain floods the earth with a flood; brother and sister flee on a mountain, then in a boat; after the flood, a man from heaven tells them to build a house; young man comes to him in heaven; there they bake meat and cassava on a rock under the sun; his sister also comes and finds a house whose pillars are cassava cuttings; a man shows cassava cooking utensils, they turn into a snake and a swarm of wasps; a piece of wood into fire; a man sends brother and sister to the ground, giving cassava, yams, bananas, etc.; on the ground, a piece of wood caught fire itself (the origin of fire); gave two halves of one calebasa, one male, the other women; brother and sister attach macaw feathers to their shoulders, fly to heaven forever to their adoptive father; all three are seen as constellations]: Coudreau 1893: 549-552.
Ecuador. Imbabura [people are starving; a dog asks God to send rain and corn; God sent a dog to sow, so corn appeared]: Chávez 1989:142.
Western Amazon. Shuar [woman returns to earth, capturing beans given to her by heavenly inhabitants]: Pelizzaro 1993:190; Aguaruna [like a shuar]: Guallart 1958:79-82; cofan [after that the young men went to cut down a tree with fish; in the evening they went to bed, and by morning the felling was overgrown; the same the next night; then they brought torches and worked until morning; but the cut down trunk hung in the sky; woodpecker, toucan, and others the birds tried to cut the vine, but became birds, their axes became beaks; the squirrel could not either, returned; the little Tiriri squirrel refused for a long time, finally climbed into heaven, received peanuts from God and another the nut, cut down what was holding the tree; when it fell, it twisted its jaw; people took the peanuts, and the other nut left T. - these are his "bananas"; the tree fell into the river, chips of different sizes became different species of fish; tree stump is in the upper reaches of the river, it's like a rock]: Borman, Criollo 1990, No. 3:47-58.
NW Amazon. Yukuna [heavenly deity (no details of its habitat) owns cultivated plants]: Herrera Ángel 1975a, No. 2 [rat steals cassava], 4-5 [god gives his daughter pineapples and peach palm (Guillelma speciosa)]: 395, 408; tucano [heavenly deity gives cassava]: Fulop 1956, No. 8:366-367; andoque [the mother goddess gives fruit, roots and tubers to a person who reaches the sky during a flood]: Landaburu, Pineda 1981:73; uitoto: Wavrin 1932:137 [the first woman brings cultivated plants (primarily a peach palm tree) from the sky], 138 [god sends tobacco from the sky].
The Central Andes. Churubamba (dep. Huanuco) [birds and goddess receive corn seeds and other plants from a heavenly deity and bring them to the ground]: Domingez Condero 1981:26; dep. Cusco [a fox takes to heaven on a vulture to participate in the festival; eats up, falls asleep; goes down a rope, falls, seeds fall asleep from its belly, spreads around the world]: Morote Best 1988 [as in Metraux]: 62-63; Pacaritambo (dep. Cusco) [three var., recorded by the author; Condor invites Fox to a banquet in heaven; carries it on his back; when he returns, the Fox is still eating; the fox weaves a grass rope, climbs down; quarrels with parrots, those they cut off the rope, he falls on rocks; the corn, quinoa, and other cultivated plants he ate spread across the ground; his remains turn into current foxes]: Urton 1985:262; mountainous Bolivia ( Quechua, Aymara) [same as Cusco]: Metraux 1934:98; 1935a [The fox asks Condor to take him to heaven, where the holiday is expected; in the sky he is eating innumerable, seduces all the girls; the Condor flies away, the Fox descends on a rope; quarrels with the Parrot, who cuts off the rope; the fox falls, bursts, the swallowed seeds of cultivated plants spread across the ground (the origin of agriculture)]: 409; Morote Best 1988:72; Paredes Candia (prov. Norcichas, dep. Potosi) [birds fly to feast in the sky; the fox asks Condor to take him; he warns not to gnaw bones; there are many different cultivated plants and wild meat in the sky; the fox continues eat, when the birds have eaten, chews on bones; Condor flies away as punishment, leaves him alone; a bird gives him a rope; he goes down, calls the flying parrots bastards, dirty ass, insignificant; t cut off the rope; the fox screams to put clothes on the ground; no one comes to the rescue, he breaks; corn, quinoa, canyua fly out of his belly (the origin of cultural plants)] 1953:23-25; 1957:69-70; Tomoeda 1982 (dep. Sucre) [as in Metraux; origin of two types of corn, quinoa, amaranth (Amaranthus caudatus L.)]: 278, 290); atacameño: Guggiana 1966:9 in Lehnert Santander 1988:757-758 [The fox asks Condor take him to heaven; he warns the Fox not to gnaw his bones if thrown; the Fox gnaws first; the Condor flies away, asks the Devil to tell the Fox to go down to earth; God advises the Fox weave a rope; in a year it is ready; asks to take cultivated plants to the ground, puts them in the Fox's mustache, nostrils, all parts of the body; going down, the Fox sees Kondorov, calls them names (Crooked, Beaks from pumpkin peel, Just dare to cut the rope! ); The Condors cut the rope, the Fox falls, screams for a blanket to be spread out on the ground - God falls! grows, seeds are scattered on the ground (the origin of cultivated plants)]; Tolosa 1970:32 in Lehnert Santander 1988:758 [The fox lies monkey; the Condor goes down to eat it; he is alive, Condor suggests take him to heaven; Easter is there; the fox says that Condor has red and lousy feathers; the Condor flies away; San Isidro advises the Fox to weave a rope, gives a basket of various seeds; The parrot cuts off rope; fox falls, (cultivated) plants spread across the ground]; Quechua (highland shepherds of the Ausangate massif south of Cusco) [shepherd sees female stars descending to swim in the lake; hides one of them's shining clothes; the Star has only one eye; the shepherd gives her a poncho, leads her to him, the others fly away; the wife gives birth to two children; when they are young, the father shows them shining clothes, tells not to tell their mother, goes to the valley; the children show their clothes, the mother flies to heaven; the returning shepherd scolds the children, makes a flute, the flute advises giving the cow to the vulture, he will take it to heaven; On Holy Saturday, the vulture leaves the shepherd in the sky in front of the church gate; says that all the Stars are the same, one-eyed, the wife will be the last to come out; when she goes out, the wife turns to the shepherd herself, promises to return tomorrow, sends home with a canyua (Chenopodium pallidicaule Aellen; at an altitude of about 5000 m, the main crop); a shepherd descends on another condor; lives with children, their supply is kanyua never ends (apparently, we're talking about the first canyua, its heavenly origin; it doesn't say the Star is back)]: Lanata 2004:260-261.
Montagna - Jurua. Ashaninka (river campas) [Thunder meets a man on earth, gives him pumpkin seeds]: Anderson 1985:117-119; machigenga [a month comes down from the sky, brings cassava, corn, etc. cultivated plants]: García 1942 [plants - his daughters] 230-232; Pereira 1988a [marries, gives plants to his wife]: 22.
Bolivia - Guaporé. Chimane [the owner of corn in heaven gives only cooked seeds; gives them suitable in exchange for an earthly woman]: Hissink, Hahn 1989, No. 2:62; yabuti [woman becomes pregnant, husband is dissatisfied because the other child is still small; the woman's hand is stuck in a hollow of honey; the husband left and took the child away; the woman gave birth; the child was already carrying her water the next day, but she died; vultures flew; the husband returned, threw pupunya (the fruit of a peach palm tree) at them; they asked the urubu not to kill them; they put the woman's body parts in a basket, a boy sat on top; when he opened his eyes, he found himself in the country of Urubu; there were fields of corn and beans; he trapped uruba, ripped off his scalp, now they're bald; they want to kill him; he hid corn and beans in his body, ran home to his grandmother; hurt his finger, the grains poured instead of blood ]: Maldi 1991:257-259.
Southern Amazon. Vaura [heavenly man brings corn, people give him cassava in return]: Schultz 1965-1966:93-94; 114-115 [the hawk cultivates the field with the help of birds; offended, he takes everything back to heaven plants from your site].
Araguaia. The star man brings all cultivated plants from the sky. Tapirape: Baldus 1970 [Luna is married to Ampua Nuna (Venus); A.N. lived on earth, gave people corn, cassava, yams, bananas, etc.; his wife Tapiriha died, he took his son to heaven, son became Mercury]: 357-359; Wagley 1977 [Apuvenon descended from heaven, married Anuntero; she gave birth to a son, Imanavungo; brought cassava, corn, yam, peanuts, cotton, and others cultivated plants; people did not know how to grow them; A. told herons, wild goose, parrots and other birds to help them in the field; his wife taught me how to spin cotton, make hammocks and bracelets out of it; Having grown old, A. took a son and went up to heaven; both are visible among the stars (A., possibly Venus, and his son Vega); his wife was carried away by water, some believe that she turned into a freshwater dolphin]: 178; Carage: Krause 1911:346-347.
Eastern Brazil. Kayapo: Wilbert 1978, No. 76 [Metraux 1960:17-18; thunder Bepkororoti married Dozhd, they had a daughter Na-Kra ("rain" means "child"); her mother quarreled with her, beat her, and she went down to the land, the young man Ngodyure hid it in calebass, took it home; took it out at night to sleep with it; his mother-in-law opened the calebass, shaved her daughter-in-law's head, painted it with genipa and uruku; NC gave birth to a boy, who is forever hungry; people ate rotten wood and fruit; NK climbed a palm tree into the sky, brought sweet potatoes and bananas from the sky; her father told her son-in-law that NK would stay with him if he did not beat her; husband and wife planted cultivated plants], 77 [Banner 1957:40-41; there was no fruit, no fire, people ate rotten wood, lizards; rain rain came down from the sky, the young man saw her, she said her parents hurt her; the young man hid wife in a closed basket; her mother found, shaved the top of her head, painted her genipa and uruku, she was named Nhokpôkti; she ordered to clear the plot, brought bananas, cassava, sweet potatoes, yams from the sky; when her son grew up, returned to heaven forever], 78 [Lukesh 1978:221-223; during the migration, the young man found Rain's daughter, NGObog-ti ("great light"); hid it in calebas, the mother found the girl, shaved, painted it like a kayapo woman ; brought various cultivated plants and manioc cakes from the sky (the husband bent the tree to send his wife to heaven, it straightened up, she took off); then the girl's father, Bebgoroti's mother and sisters, brought everything else]: 217-219, 219-220, 221-223; Wilbert, Simoneau 1984a, No. 53 (shikrin) [the young man looks at Venus, wants her as his wife, the star goes down to him, he hides her in the calebass; his sister opens it, her mother paints it; her husband throws her into the sky with a stick, she brings bananas, pumpkins, yams, yams, sweet potatoes, cassava, people received cultivated plants], 54 (pau d'arco) [two brothers are sleeping On the street, one wants a star as his wife, she is next to him, he hides her in a calebass; the young man's mother finds her, the Star stays with him; she invites her husband to visit the sky, he is afraid; bends down a tree, throwing her wife into heaven; she brings yams, sweet potatoes, cassava from there; once she quarreled with her husband, returned to heaven, the plants remained; a caterpillar climbed to the young man's brother, also turned into a girl, stayed with him]: 181-182, 183-184; crash: Wilbert 1978, No. 70 [Schultz 1950:75-79; humans had fire and meat but no cassava, and ate rotten wood with meat; female star Katxeré decided to go down to to a lonely young man, to give people food; she turned into a frog, the young man threw it away, she appeared as a girl, told her to hide it in a calebass in the morning; in calebass she was a frog, opened it as a girl; her sister opened it young men, after that he did not hide his wife; she showed a tree by the water, on which all varieties of corn, cobs fell into the water; people were afraid to eat, K. taught; others saw a piece of cake from the boy, cut down tree; K. showed wild edible fruits; while her husband was hunting, another man raped K.; she made a drink from bark, brought it to the plasa, everyone drank and died; K. returned to heaven, cultural plants left], 71 [Schultz 1950:80-83; boys aged 15-16 spend the night in the plaza; only one without a wife; he was with a Star Girl; she became young in the morning, he hid her in a calebass; five-year-old sister opened it, then the young man stopped hiding his wife; people ate rotten wood and termite nests; they planted corn but did not know that it was edible; the star collected the cobs, made cakes; brought it from the sky cassava, watermelons, rice, yam, peanuts, planted everything; gave birth to a son; taught me how to harvest and cook], 72 [Schultz 1950:85-86; one young man is single, slept on the plaza; wiped off a frog, she became a girl, was a star descending from the sky; in the morning he hides his wife in a calabass; his little sister opened her, the young man announced that he was married; his wife told her to take her to the river; there she saw a tree on which she grew corn; told him to cut it down, collect the cobs, sow it; at night she brought yams, bananas, cassava and peanuts from the sky; taught him how to plant; while her husband was away, five young men raped her; she spat in their mouths, they died; returned to heaven to my parents]: 194-200, 201-205, 206-208; Apinaye: Wilbert 1978, No. 74 [brings all cultivated plants from the sky, teaches cooking], 75 [like a crash]: 212-216; frame camera [ teaches how to plant corn]: Wilbert 1978, No. 73:209-211; xavante [a man rises to heaven, receives yams from the inhabitants there and brings yams to earth]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1984a, No. 52 [a young man who women on a female star], 76 [people who visited strvyatniki]: 175-180, 239-240.
Chaco. Ayoreo [heavenly people go down, bring cultivated plants and teach farming]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1989b, No. 161:224-225; caduveo: Wilbert, Simoneau 1990a, No. 26 [female Díeu-n ái looks at the sky, wants the Pleiades to be her husband; he goes down to her at night; her mother advises him to build a vegetable garden; ripe corn, beans, pumpkins immediately appear in the garden; small enough quantity to fill the kitchen pot, its contents are renewed; people carried the plants home, the Pleiades saw the dropped cob, turned the huge into a forest again, returned to heaven; it remained one plant, a jaguar under it; D. went to the garden, did not find a husband, the Jaguar called her to marry her, she gave birth to a son, the frog man took him to raise him; the dove tells the young man not to shoot him, promises to take him to his mother ; she warns her son that two Jaguars who have pulled out one eye will now return; a young man kills the Jaguars with arrows; her son and D. come to her mother; she warns that there is a cannibal in the forest; D. tells her son hear, otherwise his galaxy father will take him away], 27 [a woman looks at the sky, wants Nibetád (Pleiades) to be her husband; at night he goes down to her; arranges a vegetable garden, corn and cassava are ripe the next morning; there are two of them sons became shamans; Venus in the morning is called Nibetád-Lalé (an ornament made of Nibetad feathers)], 28 [women talk, one wants Nibetád (Pleiades) to be her husband; at night he comes to her; arranges a vegetable garden, in the morning there are mature corn and cassava; their two sons became shamans; one (Nõmileka) could not cure the snake bitten, the other (Gawé-txéheg) decided to kill him; hid the living fish in hot cassava porridge, she jumped, burned N.'s face; both were fishing, the hawk flew by, tore off G.'s head, which replaced it with a termite nest; G. went to look for his head, saw it in a shaman's house, died; N. became a sorcerer, he was finally killed]: 46-48, 49, 50-52; matako [a female star brings pumpkin seeds and other crops from heaven]: Alvarsson 1995, no. 218:65; chorote [month, if not otherwise] : Wilbert, Simoneau 1985, No. 9 [creates cultivated plants], 24 [sends seeds from the sky], 37 [teaches farming to a shaman who visits him in the sky], 136-137 [a descending star revives dried corn, pumpkins, melons, beans]: 24, 48, 63-64, 255, 259; nivacle: Wilbert, Simoneau 1987b, No. 40 [the pigeon brings tree shoots and grass seeds from the sky first, then corn seeds, pumpkins, melons, fruit seeds trees], 54 [a deity brings corn and beans from the sky], 88 [male birds bring corn, pumpkin, beans, etc.]: 110, 154, 218; toba [if not otherwise, female star]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1982b [revives dried corn, beans, pumpkins], No. 10, 11, 21 [God sends all cultivated plants to Christians to steal them]: 51-58, 71; 1989a, No. 119 [a man looks at the sky, wants a star for his wife; the star has descended, sleeps with him at night, turns into a ray of light during the day, he hides it in his pocket; the star wife plants seeds, which grow into corn, beans, pumpkins; she teaches people how to farm]: 176; mocovi [the heavenly deity gives corn, sweet potatoes, etc.]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1988, No. 1, 22:13, 48.