Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

G25. Cereals are scattered over the world. .27.29.31. (.35.)

Cereal seeds are scattered over the world, fell to the ground, and now people grow bread.

Ancient Greece, (Ossetians), Varnishes, Lithuanians.

The Balkans. Ancient Greece [Triptolem is the son of King Eleusis Keleus Keleus (Hymn. Hom. V 153, 474); Demeter gave him a golden chariot drawn by winged dragons, gave him cereal grains; traveling around the world, T. sowed the land and taught people how to farm (Apollod. I 5, 2; Hyg. fab. 147); for his righteousness, T., together with Minos, Radamant and Eak, judges the dead in Hades (Plat. Apol. 41a)]: Myths of the World 1982 (2): 525; also Hygin 2000, No. 147 [When Ceres was looking for her daughter Proserpine, she came to King Eleusis, whose wife Kotenea had given birth to a boy; Ceres pretended a wet nurse who has milk, and the queen willingly took her to her son; wanting to make her pupil immortal, Ceres fed him divine milk during the day, and secretly immersed him in the fire at night; so he grew up faster than mortals; his parents were surprised and watched her; when Ceres wanted to put him on fire, his father was horrified; angry, she took Eleusis's life, and Tryptolem, She gave her pupil eternal favor, for she gave him a chariot drawn by dragons to spread cereals, and he, traveling on it, sowed cereals all over the world; when he returned home, Instead of thanking him, Keley ordered him to be killed; but when he found out who he was, he, at the behest of Ceres, gave Triptolem the kingdom he called Eleusis after his father, and established priests in honor of Ceres, which are called Thesmophorias in Greek]: 148-179.

Baltoscandia. Lithuanians: Mickiewicz 1955, book 8 [The circle in the north is a glowing Sieve, /The creator used to sow life through it, /Which he threw Adam with compassion/In the days when he punished him with exile]: 434; Unpurchased 2004 [A. Mickiewicz, "Pan Tadeusz": A circle of Star Sith shines to the north, through which God (as they say) sifted rye seeds; the Pleiades - a sieve (metal, with punched holes) - Lithuanians, also ancient Prussians; Mickiewicz has Lithuanian ideas]: 65, 74-77.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. (Wed. Ossetians [thunder Watzilla keeps bread grains in his bag; Soslan asks him to give them to people, he agrees]: Liberdinsky 1978:121); varnishes [the Hall sifts the harvest through sieve - Pleiades; when fog and clouds, Z. passes water through the sieve to disperse the clouds; clouds hold grains of divine bread; some seeds fell on the mountains and from there spread around the world; people they ask Z. to give water so that the seeds grow, he sends trickles of water]: Khalidova 1984:160.

(Wed. Western Siberia. The Southern Selkups [the "spindle head hole" is the hole through which Nom sends edible berry seeds and animal hair; when open, you can look into it from above and learn that is being done on the ground]: Tuchkova 2004:254).