G26. Food ingested: produced for humans .
After swallowing or hiding food in his mouth, the character brings them to the ground (gives them to people).
Toraja, Taltan, Quinolt, Quileut, Embera, Aguaruna, Desana, Quechua (Cuzco), Aymara, Atacameño, Chamacoco, Chorote.
Malaysia-Indonesia. Toraja (Western: Napu) [a god in heaven invited a girl to grind rice for the holiday; she took only one grain, but they were counted, God caught up with her, took it away; next time she swallowed the seed; God couldn't find it, said the girl would die; she went back to her parents, said that rice would grow on her grave; that's what happened]: Mabuchi 1969:43.
Subarctic. Taltan [the owner of the fish candle does not give it to others; the Raven tells the Seagull that the Heron slander it; tells the Heron that the Seagull calls it names; they fight, the Seagull regurgles the swallowed fish candle; the Raven pours fish into his boat, sprinkles shell fragments that resemble scales on top, pretends to have caught a fish candle himself; the owner believes he allows the Crow to eat a fish candle; the raven swallows fish, flies into the chimney, belches in river mouths; since then, candle-fish has been everywhere]: Teit 1919, No. 1.4:203-204.
The coast is the Plateau. Quinolt [The raven visits the underworld; hides salmon scales under its wings, knees and nose; he is caught up, searched, found scales under his wings and knees; he brings hidden in his nose to the ground, throws it into the Quinolt River; it has salmon ever since]: Farrand 1902, No. 6:109-111; quileout [boatman transports Raven and his wife across the river to the world of the dead; the dead look like nocturnal birds ; they feed guests charcoal; The raven leaves his wife, hides salmon scales in the holes of the body, runs; he is caught up, searched; the scales hidden deep in his throat go unnoticed; the raven comes home, throws them into the Quinolt River; they make salmon]: Reagan, Walters 1933:216-318.
The Northern Andes. Ambera [a man marries a girl from the lower world; they visit her parents; they do not give them corn with them; their son swallows grains of all kinds, on earth the father finds them in his excrement; a person lives with foster parents; his stepmother does not love his wife; she goes into her own world, takes away almost all of the corn; each variety leaves one cob]: Wassen 1933, No. 1:107-108.
Western Amazon. Aguaruna: Akutz Nugkai et al. 1977 (2), No. 2 [first eternal day, people work all the time; the Sun put darkness in a vessel, sent it to earth, where eternal night became; Martin (arachnid monkey) climbed to heaven on a rope, found a vessel; agreed with Hummingbird and Gorlinka that they would pretend to be wet for the fire owners to pick them up; the Hummingbird dried up by the fire, set fire to its tail, Gorlinka swallowed the seeds of cultivated plants; M. found the vessel at night, broke it, it dawned on the ground; The sun wiped a little darkness with cotton wool, put it back in the vessel, so the night persisted, but began to alternate with day; The hummingbird flew away, put fire in the trees], 3-4 [there was no fire and no cultivated plants except cassava; people collected vine seeds, warmed them under their arms, ate half-baked, poisoned with raw cassava; Hummingbirds agreed with Gorlinka that he would get fire and she would get the seeds of cultivated plants; both should get wet, stay on the trail to be picked up; let Gorlinka swallow the whole seeds; Martin ( arachnid monkey) at that time promised to steal the vessel at night; the wet ones were picked up by the spouses - the owners of fire and seeds; M. came, found the vessel at night; the hummingbird set fire to the tail, flew away, burned, the tail became uneven; Gorlinka flew away, gave people seeds; (apparently M. broke a vessel of darkness)]: 72-75, 80-90; Chumap Lucía, García-Rendueles 1979, No. 83 [forest demon Iwa trapped humans like humans they put them on pigeons; the world is dark; Machín (spider monkey) told the Dove and the Hummingbird to pretend to be dead on I.'s path; he picked them up, brought them home; M. came and said he ate pumpkins, beans and other cultivated plants; corrected the bodies of the Pigeon and Hummingbird lying by the fire so that the feathers soaked in the rain would dry; took a vessel from under the roof at night; the hummingbird lit its tail, flew away, placed the fire in the trees; The dove pecked the seeds of cultivated plants, also flew away; M. broke the vessel at night; I. wiped the slightly dark with cotton wool, and when dawn, day and night began to alternate; children used to eat cassava, warming it between his legs (en sus entrepriernas)]: 661-665; Guallart 1958 [the dove (Paloma torcaz) swallows beans and peanuts owned by a character and regurgitates them and gives them to people]: 88.
NW Amazon. Desana [Gain pañan is the ancestor of Parrots (but human); someone steals crops from the garden; first the girls with baskets ran away, the next night he caught one; she is pregnant; replies that she is eating worms, insects; he inserted a leaf into her vagina, it was all chewed, there were piranhas; the woman is the daughter of the main Water Serpent, Piranha children in her stomach; G. washed her vagina with fish poison, married her; decided to visit father-in-law; emptied insect baskets into the water, ate the fish but did not touch it; the father-in-law killed the old servant (fish), gave his son-in-law to eat; under the water was a peach palm, on which all four varieties of fruit ripened; G. I swallowed the seeds while they were searching, took it out of the crap on the shore; the palm tree grew, again all varieties on the same tree]: Kumu, Kenhiri 1980:151-158.
The Central Andes. See G24 motif. The fox ate seeds in the sky, fell to the ground; cultivated plants from its bursting belly spread across the world. Quechua (Cusco); Aymara (Potosi, Sucre); Atacameño.
Chaco. Chamacoco [people kill the Chief of the Battleships; after that, the rain causes a flood; the chief orders in advance to build a large house, people and couples of animals to take refuge in it; after the flood, he releases animals and birds to see if the water has descended; establishes their habits according to the food they regurgitated when they returned; the Little Battleship regurgitates the grass; the chief tells the Vulture to continue to eat carrion; the pigeon brings seeds of cultivated plants are human food; the leader divides people who come out by peoples (the origin of Europeans); The battleship swallows seeds of cultivated plants, distributes them among people; chamacoco arise from a dog collar with which the chief rubbed the dog's ass]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1987a, No. 34:111-114; chorote [Fox extracts algarroba seeds but eats corn seeds]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1985, No. 26 [the villagers refuse to give Fox algarroba seeds, give only a drink made from seeds; the fox hides a grain in his tooth, says that his teeth hurt, returns to his wife, plants an algarrob; the owners, in particular Whiskach, are trying to uproot it, but the Fox has already planted seeds in the swamps], 27 [somewhere in the north, the man and his sisters owned an algarrobe; the fox came there, ate, brought it with him, planted , distributed; we are grateful to him], 33 [the eldest daughter of the Month marries the Battleship; he listens to her father-in-law's instructions, corn immediately grows in his field; the youngest marries the Fox; he eats the seeds, the field is overgrown with bushes (since then the fields have been overgrown); he is driven away; he still lust for his ex-wife, he is killed, he comes to life], 34 [Battleship's corn ripens on the same day as it is sown; Fox eats seeds to sow, it takes a long time from sowing to harvest], 35 [The Battleship has many cultivated plants in the field; the fox invited him to climb a tree, which fell; the fox came to his to my wife, I slept with her, she smelled it was a Fox; the fox ate its seeds, he did not grow anything], 36 [The Battleship and the Fox took wives; Battleship's corn ripened on the same day, and the Fox ate its seeds]: 49-50, 50-51, 57-59, 60-61, 61-62, 62.