G28. Tree with fish .
The tree contains fish in its trunk.
Zande, Vedau, Palau, Hawaii, Miwok, Kuna, Arekuna, Taulipan, Wapishana, Kofan, Ufaina, Ayoreo, Chamacoco, Chorote, Matako, Maka.
Sudan-East Africa. Zande [there is a tree near the house, the owner always takes fish out of its hollow; Ture (spider) treats; after eating, he went out, found a tree, took fish, put it on his head, came home; the fish grew to head, Thur's wives are trying to tear it off with stones and sticks, as a result T. died; the owner of the fish revived him]: Evans-Pritchard 1966:277-278 (=Arewa, Shrewe 1975, No. 36:253-254).
Melanesia. Vedau [old Kemiana's husband goes to search for a missing dog, finds it by a tree; she eats flying fish that have fallen from a tree hollow; there is a sea inside the tree; K. gives fish to try; she is given fish for a long time in the morning sleeps; waking up, praising a wonderful meal; people decide to cut down a tree to get fish; Aurana people cut down and Lavarata people cook; when A. sit down to eat, L. knocks down with a few blows a tree; a sea that did not exist before flows out of it; the tree fell on A., they turned into sea spirits; at night they are seen as glitter on the water; fishermen are dragged away; at first the water was the color of blood; people L. poured water on black wood chips, poured into the sea, it turned black; another tree was cut down, watered, the sea turned blue and salty; all the fish were carried away into the sea, but the flying fish hid in the swamp; women They were caught secretly, they abandoned their work in the gardens; the old man sent these fish to the sea, sprinkling their heads on their heads; it is still visible now]: Ker 1910:25-29.
Micronesia-Polynesia. Palau [a woman found an egg on a breadtree; it was the birth of a sunny boy; he wonders why his mother only feeds him tarot; he swam, dived under the island where he grew up his mother's breadtree; he drilled the trunk and branch, the waves began to throw fish inside; the fish came and fell through the trunk and branch at the mother's house; envious neighbors began to cut down the tree; water poured out, flooded the island, only that woman and son escaped on the raft; the son flew to heaven, returned to his mother; married a girl from another island, the ancestor of one of the lines]: Krämer 1929:61 in Wassen 1940: 70 (=Wassen 1933:128-129); Hawaii [Iwa gives Waka a Makalei tree; it is planted in the Paliula Garden; with it two other trees, one attracting fish, the other providing vegetable food; trees are transferred to a wedding in Oahu; a plant food tree into the valley; when fish raise a tree, little people in the valley start screaming in fear; the tree falls, the fish are scattered throughout the island]: Beckwith 1970:286-287.
California. Miwok [Heavenly Chief (HB) sends the Turtle to the bottom; the second time it brings the ground under its claws; HB puts it on the water, the land grows; the Talking Through the Nose (GN) eats a piece of salmon, put HB in the river; the river dries up; causes not two deer or badgers, but many at once, cannot get a single one; HB causes salmon from a hollow tree, fills the basket; warns not to eat first fish; GN eats, calls fish from the next tree, frogs and snakes fall in from there; HB puts two sticks side by side, by morning they turn into a man and a woman; the woman tickles him, he does not laugh; GN brings ten sticks, HB takes eight of them; the remaining two make two beauties; they tickle GN, he laughs, they become old women; HB creates a rejuvenating lake; Kuksa swims in him, becomes young and handsome; Mr. says that people should die and hold memorial ceremonies; NV sends a rattlesnake, the bitten son of the GN dies; the GN regrets that the death has been made irreversible; NV goes inside the mountain, meets the first deceased, the son of GN; sends back the GN himself, because he is alive]: Curtis 1976 (14): 173-176.
Honduras vs Panama. Kuna: Chapin 1989:64-70; Keeler 1956:134-136; Nordenskiöld 1938:160-165, 174-178 [woman carries fish, sings about Palu-huala (saltwood); Ibelele Olowaipilele (The Sun ) spends the night in a surba (a special section in a house where girls' initiations are celebrated), finds out where this tree is located; all cultivated plants, fresh and salt water, fish, game are on it and in it; Wild pigs (Dicotyles torquatus, D. labiatus) and Coati (Nasua sociales) are I.'s nephews; he tells them to cut down a tree; in the morning the trunk is intact; Jaguars, Snakes, the leader of the Frogs licked the felling at night; I. sends his brother Equaquinialilele (Venus) to guard the tree; he kills the Jaguar, the Snake, the Frog; people cut down the tree; the chips fall into the pond, turn into inedible fish; the peak is entangled in bunches of clouds; I.'s servants reached only half of the trunk; Little Squirrel climbed to the clouds, cut off the bundles; I. caught salt water in the net that formed the sea; people received fish, tree seeds, bananas, cassava and other cultivated plants]: Wassen 1934b: 3-5, 21-25; 1937:14-16.
Guiana. Arekuna [Shark (aguchi) eats the good fruits of the pupu tree; Makunaima and his brothers are bad from the kaui-yeg tree; M. sends Kali (a squirrel) to follow A.; K . and the brothers find the navel, then other forest fruits; A. finds the Vasak tree; all cultivated plants hang on its branches; M. discovers a corn seed between the teeth of sleeping A. sends K. to find out what is going on; he first eats V.'s fruits himself, then tells his brothers; the older brothers object, but M. insists that V. must be cut down; vines are held on top of him; M. sends K. to cut them; he is bitten by wasps, since then his eyelids have swollen; M. cuts V., telling the wood to be soft; his elder brother Jige tells him to be hard; the tree falls, the stump to Roraima; water and fish flow from the stump; J. covers the stump with a basket; M. wants more fish, takes off the basket, the flood floods the ground; M. and J. climb two palm trees; J. gives M. a fruit with his own; M. puts it on his penis, returns J. to eat; A. hides in a hollow, where he had previously transferred all the fruits; when he made a fire there, he scorched his ass]: Koch-Grünberg 1924, No. 1:33-35; taulipan [see G5 motif; Aguchi finds a Vadhaka tree; on his bananas, corn, papaya, etc. ripen in the branches; tells V. not to cut, water will flow from there; Manapi cuts, tells the wood to be soft; Aguchi heals the felling with banana peel and wax; another brother Macunaima tells wood to be hard; but Manapee knocks down wood; water pours out, fish with it]: Koch-Grünberg 1924, No. 2:36-38; vapishana [Tuminicare plants a tree Huizhan; there are all cultivated plants on his branches; a young girl finds W., picks the fruit, tells her four brothers; when they arrive, the tree is already very tall; to get the fruit, they cut down him; fresh water and fish in the trunk; they close the stump with a cork; the younger brother wants more fish, takes out the cork; water floods the ground; after the flood, T. creates new people and animals; Roraima is called The Mother of Freshwater]: Wirth 1950:173-174.
Western Amazon. Kofan: Borman, Criollo 1990, No. 2 [Tururu always comes back with fish, and the boys can't catch anything; they followed, saw T. drinking tobacco infusion, coming to the tree, from it water pours out with fish, he picks up fish, attaches others to rocks in the river; young men tell their parents; turn into oropendole, deliberately entangled in T.'s trap; when he takes them out, they peck them out his eyes; he says he is not afraid of snakes or jaguars; but he is afraid of flamingos; he is placed on the shore, making sounds like flamingos are approaching, pushed into a river; he turns into a Tururu rock; where his head, most fish in the river, and where only the hand on the Aguarico River is few], 3 [After that, the young men went to cut down a tree with fish; they went to bed in the evening, and by morning the felling was overgrown; the same the next night; then they brought torches and worked until morning; but the felled trunk hung in the sky; the woodpecker, toucan, and other birds tried to cut the vine, but became birds, their axes hung in beaks; the squirrel could not either, returned; little the Tiriri squirrel refused for a long time, finally climbed into heaven, received peanuts and another nut from God, cut down what was holding the tree; when it fell, it twisted its jaw; people took peanuts and another nut They left T. - these are his "bananas"; the tree fell into the river, chips of different sizes became different types of fish; the tree stump is in the upper reaches of the river, it is like a rock]: 33-46, 47-58; Calífano, Gonzalo 1995, No. 112 [shaman owns a tree with fish; Parrots cut it, by morning the felling overgrows; then they cut down all night, the little Parrot has the best ax (beak), by morning they cut the trunk; the tree is hung by the vine to the sky; Squirrel cuts a vine, is killed by a falling tree; chips and leaves fall into rivers, turn into fish; where they fall, there are more fish; the remains of the tree are rocks], 113 [the old man owns a tree with fish, does not give his son and grandchildren ; they send birds to peck out his eyes; ask him what he is afraid of; Not jaguars, not anacondas, big birds; boys pretend that the birds have arrived, throw the old man into the water; he turns into thunder stone; (cutting wood as in (112)]: 165-166, 167-170.
NW Amazon. Ufaina [four brothers come to an old woman; she hides that she keeps water and fish in the tree trunk; the elder is knocking down a tree, it turns into a river with fish]: Hildebrand 1975, No. IV: 337-339.
Chaco. If not otherwise: the fish was in the tree trunk; the fox releases it. Ayoreo: Wilbert, Simoneau 1989b, No. 309 [people find a tree with water and fish in the trunk; women take fish from the hole as needed; the worse ones are given to Lisa-Dibe; D. pretends to have it the thorn in the leg comes back, opens the hole, the water pours out, forming a river with fish; fearing punishment, D. turns into a fox; Iguana married her, but then kicked her out; she grabbed him, but in her teeth only skin remains; so the iguanas shed every year; D. grabbed the Chougoupedate fishing bird by the legs, began to pluck; it escaped, flew; D. attached feathers to her, took off, then fell; people they wanted to kill her, but she already had children because she slept with several people; so now animals give birth to many young at once, and women give birth to one child; D.'s children were fed honey, and now feed the children of the deceased mother], 311 [bird people took fish out of the tree trunk; they do not let the Fox Widow; she pretends to have stabbed her leg, returns to the tree, releases all the fish; the Iguana picks up the Fox to the top of the tree; offers to go down his saliva; she descends], 313 [The fox released the fish inside the bottle tree; Vulture was sent to find and kill it; another Vulture ( Buzzard) saw Liu sleeping, lifted her to the top of the tree; the small Battleship climbed there and met the Fox; all the birds did the same; since then sex has been known; the battleship made a rope out of his saliva, Lisa went down it; At night, Vulture began to smoke the pipe; the fox woke up, he agreed to let her smoke, but told her not to tell others; she said she ran away to escape; attacked the Heron, she flew away; The fox took its feathers, took off, fell; the fox tried to steal meat; she lived alone], 428 [a crowded river]: 370-371, 373-374, 375-378; Chamacoco: Escobar 2006 [young throwing champion clubs; competing with an opponent, throws it so far that he can't find it; finds it pierced into a bottle tree with water and fish inside; leads her tribesmen to a tree, teaches how to fish carefully with a net; a greedy woman secretly pulls out a plug, water gushes out of the hole, floods the village; the shaman sends the Crow to find out the reason, she comes back, says that the woman has become a fox sitting in a tree; the fox says she will tell you where the plug club, if they keep her alive, will help her get down from the tree; she is lowered, she points in the wrong direction, runs away into the forest; the crow finds a club on the same tree; the owner plugs a hole with it; the water falls, people find, kill the fox, then see it alive again]: 246-248; Wilbert, Simoneau 1987a, No. 47 [throwing his rod, the young man loses, and the rod disappears; he finds it pierced a tree with water and fish in its trunk; tribesmen carefully take fish from there; Lisa (single, has children from different fathers) releases fish, water floods the forest ; The fox flees in the tree; the hawk carries her on his back, she says he has a bald head; he throws her into the fire; people killed her children, except her son and daughter, because of them foxes], 48 [throwing his rod, young man hits the target, but the rod disappears; he finds it pierced into a tree with water and fish in its trunk; his mother-in-law notices that he is eating eels; he gives it donated fish for permission to meet with it; people take fish , Lisa is given only little ones; she takes out the plug; the Hawk carries the Fox, throws it off; people kill her children], 49 [a man who comes up with the moon and the sun throws his rod, he pierces a tree, into who has water and fish; the fox spies on how they take fish, releases fish and water, climbs a tree; the eagle carries it, throws it into the fire; it respawns], 50 [a rod abandoned by a young man pierces a tree with water and fish; mother-in-law asks for eels, gives herself to him for it; Lisa finds big eels, but people always turn them into small ones; Fox takes out the plug, releasing water and fish; people kill her daughters; Vulture carries it on her back, she says his head is disgusting; he throws her into the fire; she runs away, carrying the fire into the savannah; her daughters are reborn as foxes]: 158-165, 166-169, 169-171, 172-173; poppies : Wilbert, Simoneau 1991a, No. 28 [a single man conceives a son in a vessel; tells women who come for water to be called a mother; only the latter recognizes him as a son; the boy began to live with her; on a caraguata tree was hunted with an arrow, there was a fish in its trunk; the fox followed, ate all the fish, then pulled out the main one; the stream of water with the fish carried away the Fox, it turned into a calebass, swam], 29 [starting as in (28); a boy and his adoptive mother find an arrow he fired in a caraguat tree, take fish out of the trunk; the woman did not call other women who rejected the boy to the tree; the boy called the men; the fox decided go by yourself, started shooting at the tree, the fish ran out and did not appear again]: 92-93, 94-95; chorote: Wilbert, Simoneau 1985, No. 39 [the large battleship Aseta (aka Kixwet) digs a way under a sitting beauty , inserts his penis into her, she does not feel it; the boy born sees A., calls him father; shows others a tree with water and fish], 42 [Kíxwet fertilizes his clenched palm, the next a boy is born a day, three days later he walks; K. leaves him on the platform from which he is fishing, he cries; four girls come successively, trying to hold the boy in his arms; K. marries the one whose boy stops crying; gives people fish by catching it from a bottle tree, fish did not know before; K. takes the form of a Lignum vitae tree; every girl passing by dreams of it the tree became her husband; at night she comes to one of them in human form, promises to create a river if she accepts him; takes her as a wife; the Fox (Wóiki) becomes a companion, learns the secret of the fish tree; left alone, tries to catch fish, but forgets to close the lid; the stream rushes out, the Fox sinks; K. puts the water back with his rod; decides not to keep the fish in the tree anymore; creates a river Pilcomayo, who follows him, his rod; the river is filled with fish, the population increases]: 67-69, 76-79, 84-87, 92; matako: Alvarsson 1984:92-97; Calífano 1974:38-39; Wilbert, Simoneau 1982a, No. 68-76, 78 [Sipilah owned a bottle tree full of fish; did not tell Tokhuah to shoot the fish; he shot at the dorado, the tree split; S. told T. to take the water away; stick a stick in the night the ground, the water would stop, he would be able to sleep; told him not to look back; T. looked around, saw a water monster, drowned; before that, he offered Iguana anal sex; he said that T.'s penis was too big, but not said he had two penises himself; T. began to eat mystol fruits, they fell out of his ass; he plugged him with grass; T. eats baby nanda, they drive him into a hole, leave their feathers at the entrance, he thinks they are still here; escapes as a hummingbird; in an empty village, asks a mortar where its owners are; she is silent, he throws her against a tree, she bounces into his head; asks a needle, she says, pin -pin-pin, he steps on her, she pierces his leg; the excrement answers, Thlapapapa, he kicks him in crap; thinks frogs are croaking in the water, diving, and there are cacti; the white bird advises to dig into hot ash to turn white; T. is burned; asks the chakha birds to give him feathers, they wax them, he takes off, the wax melts in the sun, T. falls, screams, I'm a mortar, falls with a mortar, becomes human; the Hawk stands on a branch on one leg, helps T. cut off his leg, shows that he has two; the Spider puts his leg back, he calls it redmouth and fat dog, the leg falls off again; another Spider heals him again; the red-eyed Pigeon advises rubbing red pepper into his eyes, T. temporarily goes blind; a bird with a white face and a long beak advises him to apply clay and stick sticks into his nose; he does this]: 143-160, 165-167.