Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

G3. The Rock of Plenty (.29.) .47.52.53.

Cultivated plants or fertile soil for their cultivation are hidden inside the rock. Birds or Thunders make a hole in the rock.

(Wed. Caucasus - Asia Minor. Abkhazians [Sasrikva and Tsvitzva (the eldest of the sledges) entered the fortress of giants with the help of thunder and lightning; all kinds of fruits grew there; all the brothers shared them, but quarreled over the grape the vines that S. inherited; they cursed her, so people get drunk and quarrel; in a jug of wine lay finely chopped pieces of red snake; S. demanded a jug for himself, he was not given it, he threw it with his foot on the coast of Abkhazia, grape seeds have crumbled there; since then, grapes have been growing in Abkhazia]: Inal-IPA 1977:23).

Southeast USA. Screams [the old woman picks up a blood clot on the path, puts it in a vessel, it turns into a boy; hunts, sees the village; the grandmother decorates his hat with a bird, which sings to the sound of the flute; tells him to marry, return later; the young man throws pieces of an old log into the river, the fish dies, the wife picks up; the rabbit at this time takes his hat and flute; but the bird does not sing; people return the stolen goods to the young man; he and his wife comes to the old place, sees a cornfield there, builds a stone shed; all birds try to break it; Owl, Eagle, Hawk change the shape of their neck and head from the impact; birds peck grain; young man picks up what has been dropped by crows, current corn comes from it]: Swanton 1929, No. 8:15-17.

Mesoamerica Huasteci [the god of the lower world Maam sowed the first milpa; placed the harvest in the sky in the west; the bird noticed leaf cutter ants that dragged maize seeds from the supports of the sky; maize remained in it until people brought old Mushi from the east; he broke the rock with lightning; one piece flew north, another to the east, the third to the south; only the wastek did not listened to Mushi and did not turn his face away; when he lost consciousness, he recovered when all the white maize had already been dismantled; only the less valuable yellow and blue burned with lightning were left]: Alcorn 1984:62-63, 90; coastal Totonaki [see motif A24; ancestors live in a dark cold world; only the sky's serpent, the Milky Way, shines; its mouth is open; a lizard finds a hot stone; four birds succeed break it, get a shining egg; animals bring it to the spring; an orphan girl grabs it with her teeth, it bursts, she swallows it; gives birth to twin sons, dies; her grandmother leaves babies on the branches of a tree, they do not die, she brings them up; the Great Serpent shines poorly, feeds on young girls; brothers heat stones in the temazcal, throw them into his mouth, he dies; Green Tree (deity forests, Chihuecolo) explains to the brothers how to get corn; tells the old woman to ask for a basket of corn; ants and rodents (tusas) carry grains through a hole in the bottom of the basket; thus, the brothers catch more corn; the elder carves 24 sticks, they turn into axes and machetes, animals help cut down forests on seven mountains; brothers set fire to what was cut down, tell their grandmother to hide in the temazcal; she does not hides, suffocates from smoke; after seven days, the corn is ripe, the cobs are huge; the god of corn tells it to be placed inside Mount Tahin; K. explains to the elder that the corn will survive when it comes the end of the world of darkness; the elder becomes the Sun, the youngest becomes the Month; corn is hidden in the mountain; people turn into ants (hormiga ariera), notice that a brightly colored bird drops grain {end]]: Münch 1993:37-40; Totonaks [after the end of the world, gods who believed in gods were taken to heaven, but those who kept less than half of the commandments were returned to earth for a new life as animals; Woodpecker and Ant noticed how a colorful bird they did not know dropped grain; they tasted it, they liked it, it was corn they did not know; they realized that the bird was pulling grain out of the rock; there was a small hole in the rock; the Ant was not in able to carry grain from there, the Woodpecker does not climb; the woodpecker pierced the rock, but was covered with corn; everyone rushed to sort the corn, ignoring the Woodpecker; only he kept the grain for sowing; replied that you should sow boiled grains, crushing each into four parts; in the end, he told the truth to his friend, who told his own friend, this is how they learned to grow corn]: Arena 2000:75-78; mountain totonaks [the corn was in the mountain and koati (tejón) knew about it; he hired many ants to protect his treasure; the toucan noticed them and thought there must be something hidden in the rock; he pierced the rock with his beak and that's it the animals got corn; the coati regretted what he did: the more he tried to hide everything, the more traces were left]: https://www.openslr.org/resources/107/Amith-Lopez_Totonac-recordings-northern-Puebla-and-adjacent-Veracruz_Metadata.xml; Aztecs (16th century) [after the Fourth Creation was destroyed by the flood, Nata ("my father") and Nene ("vulva") were sent to the ground; they were told to eat one grain of corn {a day}, but they began to fry fish; the smoke reached the sky; Titlacahuan and Tezcatlipoca went down, turned the first couple into dogs; Quetzalkoatl went to the world of the dead, brought a precious bone from there to Tamoanchan; together with his wife, they brought people to life with her help; Q. saw an ant drag a grain of corn; he had to say that the corn was in Tonacatepetl ("mountain of food"); Q. himself turned into a black ant, brought a seed; to the gods in Tamoanchan I liked the corn; Q. tied the mountain with a rope, but could not move it; the blue, white, yellow and red rain gods smashed the mountain, getting white, yellow, dark and turquoise corn, as well as beans and amaranth]: Taggart 1983:88-89; Leon Portilla 196:154-155; Huasteca district Nahuatl [man found corn in the hollow; went on, saw ants dragging grains; went after them, came to Huescontepet ("food hill"); cleared the area; a thunderstorm began, lightning broke the hill, the corn above turned black, below turned red, even lower turned yellow, and at the very bottom remained white; so now corn is of different colors]: Stiles 1985a: 106-107; Puebla Nahuat: Taggart 198:89-90 (version from Yaonáhuac village) [a young man with animals built a house, grew corn, harvested it into the house; the young man said he was leaving, after which the animals were speechless; the Thunders had nothing to eat, they were looking for corn; the thunder saw an ant drag a seed, found out that it was carrying chamois from the barn or mountain; tied himself to an ant, since then the ants have a narrow waist; but can't get inside; brought grain to other Thunders, everyone decided to go get corn; smashed a mountain, got corn; the grains choked (or the mouse bit them), became flat; the oldest Thunder slept for a long time, he got only the remnants], 91-92 (Huitzilan version) [when it first dawned, the ants paved the path; the Thunders saw that they they drag corn; made the ant confess where they got it from, pulling his waist with a rope, since then it has been narrow; the main Thunder pierced the mountain with his head; everyone rushed for grain, trampled on it, grains became flat; the one who broke the mountain lay unconscious]; juice: Baez-Jorge 1983 [the ant found a small hole in the mountain and took out corn; the first ancestors (los viejitos) began to try Where did the corn come from, the ant pulled the waist until it climbed, the waist became narrow; they tried to blow up the mountain with dynamite - failed; then it was broken by Thunder, they took out the corn]: 392-393; Sulvarán Ló ; pez 2007:41-42 [Crab (cangrejo) saw leaf cutter ants carrying food; clenching their bodies, which have since become bandaged around their neck and waist, made them show a hole in the rock; tried squeeze, but couldn't, but only became flat], 158-162 [the owner of the corn asks her husband to bring her cobs from the field, but every time he says that the corn is not ripe yet, and then that it's gone, we have to wait for next year; she goes by herself, collects corn, cooks at home; her husband comes back, drives her away furiously; all the corn is gone; the leaf cutter ants found corn inside the mountain, they didn't tell me where did the grains come from; people asked Crab (cangrejo) for help, he threatened the ants to cut them, they led them to the mountain where the corn was; on the way, Cancer fell off the cliff, fell, became flat; but still did not climb into the hole, only the forehead became flat; the turkey peeled off the feathers from his chest, the Rooster kicked so much that his fingers were now far apart; the horse flattened its legs and arms, they became hooves; the woodpecker and other birds came they shouted, they could not expand the hole either; the Thunder agreed to break through it if the Wind cleared the mountain; the wind ordered to strengthen the houses, demolished trees on the mountain, the Thunder hit, pierced; there was a bird inside the mountain, it pecked out Thunder's eyes, since then he has gone blind], 162-163 [the corn is gone because people burned it, relieved it; people asked Crab to make a hole in the mountain, a stone fell on it, the Crab is now flat; the same with the Cockroach; with the Leaf Cutter Ant, now he has a bandaged waist; the same with the little ant; The turkey broke his chest, it is now shabby; the boar pierced the hole, people came in, the first to take the big ones grains, the latter are small, so corn is different; wild boars, turkeys, cockroaches, crabs now eat corn in bins]; tseltal: Hermitte 1970 [hunter sees ants carrying corn in the forest grains; ants refuse to answer where they get them from; the hunter asks God for help; he cuts the ant in half, then connects the halves; the ant confesses that the corn is hidden inside the rock; God tells the young and old Woodpeckers to hammer the rock; both break their beaks; God gives the old one an iron beak, which breaks the rock; man gets corn; the woodpecker has been hammering strong trees ever since]: 28-29; Slocum 1965 [people saw a black ant carrying a grain of corn; to force him to confess where he was dragging the grain from, they pulled his waist with a rope, it became narrow; they came to the rock, through a hole in whose ant took out grain; the woodpecker began to hammer the rock, broke its beak; broke its nagual rock; two Thunder (Chahuuc) failed, the third, red, split, exhausted; the Jews took a lot of corn, the rest people are leftovers; their corn sprouted, but the corn taken by the Jews did not; they asked red Chahuuc for advice, who advised putting the seeds in lime, the seeds died, so he punished them]: 1-7 (retelling Thompson 1977:421); Quiche: Navarrete 1997 (Huehuetenango) [Wild Cat finds a corn cave; hides it from others; people send Louse, she falls off the Cat along the way; a flea clings to his wool, tells people everything; Woodpeckers, White Thunder can't make their way into the cave; Red Thunder breaks through; people get corn]: 60-61; ishil [no corn; people try other cultivated plants, but they're not so good; the Wild Cat knew where the corn rock was, ate there, didn't want to talk, the Creator hit him, he can't hear well ever since; The thunders broke the rock, people found corn]: Ko'w et al. 1989: 301-325; mocho [people catch the Tornado (its image merges with the Corn Mistress); he promises them corn, beans, and other plants in exchange for digging and a candle; people everywhere are unsuccessfully looking for corn; they send a flea, a throat, both do not find; an ant (Coecodoma mexicana, or Atta mexicana; picks up everything it can carry) finds corn inside the mountain (=underworld), tries to endure; The owner catches it in a loop, squeezes, since then ants have a narrow waist; the ant explains that it came from another world, asks him to let go, comes to the King (Rey; Reyes lived until the sun), reports where the corn is; the King asks Red Thunder to smash the mountain; Thunder destroys it with its ax; ants bring corn to the King, humans get corn]: Montemayor 1996 (2) [as in Petrich, short version]: 64-65; Petrich 1985b: 159-169; tocholabal: Jiménez 1996 [to get Ant to tell him where he's dragging the corn grain from, a man pulls his torso with a rope; ants now have a narrow waist; corn in the rock, Woodpecker I could not penetrate, the Thunder struck, the Woodpecker burned its head, it turned red; the corn was burnt, became different colors]: 47; Ruz 1983:422; poke: Bucaro Moraga 1991:69-72 in Van Akkeren 2000 [K'iche' Winaq runs away with her daughter B'alan Q'e; leaves her with "un rab'inalero", ordered her to be placed in a cave seven years later and three candles be lit in front of her; rises into the sky, becomes the Sun; Rab'inalero obeys the command a girl in a cave turns into corn; a Wild Cat and a Fox find corn, to which a small hole leads, tell people; even the strongest Thunder can't break a rock; you can do it yourself small and ugly; he asks you to play the harp in order to find a weak spot in the stone in the echo; lightning burned some of the corn and turned black, the other yellow, red, and some remained white]: 240-241; Mayers 1958 [as in Mayers, McNeilly 1973]: 7-15; Mayers, McNeilly 1973, No. 1 [an old man drags a deer; a girl sits on the doorstep, weaving; poured water on the path, the old man slipped, fell, became a log; then as a sparrow; flew to the flowers of tobacco growing in front of the house; the girl asked her father to shoot the bird to use the feathers as a model for the pattern on the fabric; the girl put a sparrow in a dress; at night he turned into a man, they are fleeing; the man covered himself from being shot by a turtle shell; because of his father's shots, diseases came to the world (coughing - a man put pepper in his oven gun); the girl is pregnant; with Her consent, the man leaves her in the rock, she turns into corn; the Crow pulls grain out of the rock; the fox eats, blows the winds, others smell nice; God consistently sends the Rabbit, The Toad, the Frog to see what the Fox was eating; only the Lynx watched; God called the 12 Thunders to break the rock, they failed; they sent for the youngest, he called the Woodpecker; the Woodpecker felt for the weak point, the younger Thunder hit , broke a rock; the corn was burned to varying degrees, so different colors], 2 [Raccoon found a rock, the Rabbit asks what he ate; more about Gromov and Woodpecker], 3 [the hunter carries a deer past a girl who weaves ; turned into a hummingbird, flew to a tobacco flower; daughter asks her father to shoot hummingbirds to use feathers as a pattern; at night, the hummingbird turns into a man, they run; the father shot, but missed; lovers swim through the waters on a turtle; hid behind 13 doors; first Quetzal took out corn, then the Thunders broke the rock]: 88-89, 89-91, 92-93; Kekchi: Burkitt 1920:211-227; Peñ alosa 1995 [Mr. Pablo dreamed that there was corn; ants (zonpopos) found it inside the rock; the woodpecker cut a hole, there was an explosion, the corn burned, turned colorful; some people took all the white corn, they didn't grow it, and Pablo had black corn; Cutete (?) He saw that candles should be burned and dug, got a crop; but he was not given corn; he called dogs, rats, agouti, etc., they ate all the grain]: 11-15; mopan [people have nothing to eat; Thunder servant angel noticed like ants (hormigas-arrieras) drag corn grains from under the cliff; the thunder broke the rock with lightning; some of the corn remained white, another turned yellow, the third turned red from the fire, some completely black]: Schumann 1971:309-311; kekchi, mopan [corn is hidden inside a rock, only ants know about it; a fox tastes the grains they have dropped, finds a rock; by the smell of intestinal gases, animals feel that the Fox ate something special; follow him; ask ants to get more corn, but they can't; the man asked Mam to help; there are four Moms, they are thunderdogs and watch animals in common by the authorities of the Morning Star; the chief Mom is Yaluk; he sends the Woodpecker to find the thinnest place; hits him, the Woodpecker is wounded, since then he has a red head; some of the corn has been burned and smoked, has become red and yellow; three Moms took all the white corn; Y. made it grow only the third time; there were no other cultivated plants; several men find a mamei tree in the forest; on it beans, sweet potatoes, pumpkins and other cultivated plants grow; people cut down wood, felling disappears overnight; all forest animals come, put chips back; then people cut down day and night; the tree falls, people acquire cultivated plants]: Thompson 1930:132-135; Maya Yucatana [Chilam Balam's book from Chumayel: the text is dark, but it is clear that corn was hidden in a pillar of stone]: Stross 2006:585; Jacalteks [two leaders try unsuccessfully to hit a deer on the face of the moon with an arrow; a fool (simpleton) asks for permission to shoot, cuts off the deer's leg with an arrow; it falls into the sea, which was boiling then; the chiefs ask Vulture to reach his leg, it is scalded; the chiefs make him new eyes from the seeds of the miche tree, but he remains bald; the fool easily pulls out the deer's leg; everyone eats meat for him only bones are obtained; he grinds them, all animals come out of powder; he keeps them behind the fence; his mother laughs when she sees animals, the animals scatter through the mountains; the deer had long ears, the antlers had rabbit, they changed; only the Fox remains, he was tied in the house; the Fool released him; noticed that when the Fox blows the winds, the smell is pleasant; Louse sends to follow the Fox, but he lay down in the sun the louse crawled, the Fox saw it; sent Flea, who jumped off the Fox, then jumped again; but forgot exactly where the Fox got the corn; the mouse found the backing rock, said to the Fool; the Mouse and the Fox climbed there through the hole, but it was too small for a person; var.: Qich Mam went after a big ant carrying a grain of corn; bandaged his waist to punish him, so the ants had a narrow waist; the woodpecker became hammering a rock, broke its beak; KM began to play marimba, echoed where the rock was thinner; lightning broke the rock, there were grains of corn, beans, peppers, pumpkins, etc.; the burnt corn turned black, the less charred one was red, some remained white; KM called people to sort the corn; the KM had the smallest cobs, but the land was his, it gave the best harvest]: Montejo, Campbell 1993:100- 103; mom [there was no corn, people ate txetxina root, the "mother of corn," it had a large root and a single stem; they found corn in the Wild Cat litter; they sent Lice to see she fell to the ground; the flea also fell, but climbed back; corn was inside a rock on Mount Paxil; the woodpecker made a hole, people got corn, no longer ate txetxina]: Valladares 1957 in Thompson 1977:422; kakchikels: Redfield in Thompson 1977:424; pipili [see motive F36; after killing their father's mother's lover and letting her eat his penis, the boys left home and saw a bird on the cob in beak, came for her to the mountain; corn inside the mountain; the youngest offered to create a cloud, break the mountain with lightning; everyone, starting with the eldest, tried unsuccessfully to split the mountain; the younger split, but stuck deep in corn; the elders took the largest cobs; the youngest is free, angry with the brothers; cultivated the field, the corn is immediately ripe; the brothers ask how he did it, he advised to sow boiled grains; they decided to steal the younger one's harvest, but a firefly guards his field at night, a woodpecker in the daytime; the youngest got water (it did not rain), irrigated the field; the youngest promised that the elders would ripen corn in 8 days, but just let them go and never come back]: Schultze Jena 1935, No. 6:31-35; shank [the sons of thunder saw that the corn was in the sky; everyone tried to get it, but couldn't; then cumiche gathered the brothers to perform a ritual and they asked the heart of heaven to give them seeds; the spirit of heaven tiwix told them to take three drops of blood from (his) hand (brazo) and put them inside the mountain on the ground they should ( smash) with lightning; thunders noticed ants carrying grains and asked where they came from; but no one could get inside the mountain; then comí turro took sulfur from the nose {ear?} and made a cheje bird out of it; she found where to strike with lightning; inside the mountain, every drop of blood turned into a grain bin; most of the corn was taken by the older brothers, and cumiche went to only 4 cobs; the plot was cleared and the grain was planted by yellow ants and agouti; only cumiche sprouted corn, and the rest of the brothers (30 in total) did not sprout]: López Ramírez 2007:156-159.

Honduras-Panama. Cabecar [Sibu made the sky; saw a bat on the rock, piles of land under it, her bowel movements; told her to eat more fruit; sent a Sea woman to Thunder to ask him to destroy the rock so that people they took out the earth; Thunder wants to eat S.'s people, but still gave the Sea woman his rod; she left her rod, came back, saw a snake in this place, it bit her, she died, began to swell; S. put it on her the frog to stop the swelling, but the frog rushed to catch insects; The sea swelled to the sky, S. turned it into a tree; it continued to grow, pierced the sky; Okama agrees to cut down the tree; S. sends a deer to trample a clearing where the tree will fall (since then the deer has been running fast); sent a kingfisher and a cormorant to describe a circle above the tree; the tree falls, turns into a sea; parrot nests in a tree became turtles, leaves became crabs; Thunder destroyed the rock, took the devil's son out of there, spread it out, made him a round earth; told the devil to move the earth; made people out of corn grains; allowed the flying mice drink human and animal blood]: Stone 1962:53-55.