Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

G30. The penis is transformed into plants. (.19.) .44.46.49.

The long penis is cut into pieces that turn into many edible plants or different types of trees. Cf. Motive B53.

(Abelam), Omaha & Ponca, Iowa, Pawnee, Southern Utah

(Wed. Melanesia. Abelam [at first, male and female organs were long; a man would sit in the upper reaches of the river, let his penis flow, and a woman waited for him somewhere below; one day she got scared and cut off penis; remained the current size; and the man knocked down a tree on the site towards the woman; half of the female genitals were torn off, this half turned into a certain type of yam; the other half remained small; because of the wound, women have been menstruating ever since; the moon also menstruates]: Huber-Greub 1988, No. 8. 1. 24:292; quanga [the person has a long penis, crawled like a snake towards women; one cut it off with a knife , pandanus grew out of blood]: Obrist van Eeuwijk 1992:70).

The Midwest. Winnebago [Trickster sends his penis into the hollow to get a chipmunk; he gnaws off his penis; Trickster throws the gnawed parts into the water, turning them into wild edible plants (listed nine types of bulbs, tubers, etc.)]: Radin 1956, No. 38-39:38-40.

Plains. Omaha, ponka [Iktinica chases the chipmunk, he hides in a hole; I. puts his penis in there, the chipmunk bites off pieces from it; they turn into all kinds of fruits and edible plants]: Dorsey 1890:551; iowa [Gopher teases Ischinki; I. drives him down a hole, puts his long penis in it; Gopher bites off him piece by piece until the penis reaches that the size it has now; I. turns bitten pieces into all kinds of berries and fruits; the head into an acorn]: Skinner 1925, No. 34:494-495; Pawnee (kitkehahki) [the coyotes had a long penis, they they wrapped him around his waist; sitting on the shore, they let him into the water; women thought snakes were swimming, they rushed to run; the Coyote chief had the longest penis; he hears the rustle in the ground, promised to kill the one who scrapes, with his penis, lets it go into the hole; the penis is gnawed to pieces; the Coyote throws a handful of pieces in four directions; the pieces turn into plum trees, vines, berry bushes, walnut trees; an insect emerges from a mink, says that Coyote penises will now be short; this story is told to children not to eat too many fruits and berries, but to leave them adults]: Dorsey 1906, No. 142:464-465

Big Pool. Southern Utah [the mouse teased Sinawav, hid in a hole, calls it a big penis; S. has a really long penis; he tried to reach the mouse with a stick, then put his penis in the hole, the mouse began to pull it and it became very large; S. decided to shorten it, began to cut off pieces, each turned into a tree or shrub of a certain type, and S. gave them names: pine, aspen, cedar, oak, etc. .]: Givón 1913, No. 6:45-49.