Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

G31. Trees tied with a rope.

.25. (.28.31.) .

To clear the area, the character ties the trees with a rope and effortlessly knocks everything down at once.

Paywan, (Eastern Ukrainians, Danes), Western Mexican Nahuatl, Baniva, Vakuenai, Machigenga, Nambiquara.

Taiwan - Philippines. Payvan: Egli 1989, No. 10 [everyone went to prepare the millet grounds; the grandfather of two girls began to weave a rope, blew on it, the girls tied it all over the area, next time they came and saw trees fallen down; after blowing on the fruit of Paternosterbaum (a legume tree, Arbus L.), my grandfather created game and fruit trees in the forest]: 36-38; Whitehorn, Earle 2003, No. 27 [Vuluvulung ("old grandmother") found the baby crawling in the mud, washed it, raised it; wove the rope, told the boy to hold it by the end, went around the forest with her, pulled it, all the trees fell; she burned them and sowed the millet chaff; several times I sent the boy to see what was going on in the field; nothing at first, then something moved there, etc.; finally, deer, muntjaks, wild boars, goats appeared in the field; this is how these animals appeared]: 147.

(Wed. Central Europe. Eastern Ukrainians (Kyiv region, now Cherkasy region, near Chigirin, p. Adamovka, V. Kravchenko) [the elderly are 70, the wife tells her husband to hand over the ax in the forge, cut down an oak tree, slaughter his son; the child came to life, named Ivan Belodrev; he instantly grew up; tied the oaks with a church, knocked down everything at once; cut down the hut, sold my father and mother to my father, came to the hut: she is spinning on a chicken leg, where the wind will blow; there is an old woman telling me to buy a horse from her priest - not what is in the stall, but what is in the yard; information security gave all the proceeds for parents have money; the horse's magpies and crows have already pecked its sides; the horse tells you to dig a hole, burn coals, jumps twice in the heat, becomes a heroic horse; for the third time he pulls out harness and equipment; brings air to that old woman; information security asks for a drink; old woman: stepmother collected all the water in one well; whoever needs water, either carry the child or eat it himself; information security killed a snake, brought water; the king's daughter is sitting at the well, the other the snake was given to be eaten; the water rustled in the sea, the princess is trying to wake up IS, he woke up when her tear dripped on his face; the IS snake hit - only the soles stuck to the current, the IS hit - drove the snake into knee-deep; killed, cut out tongues, burned bones, scattered ashes {languages are no longer mentioned}; wedding]: Pankeev 1992:161-166)

(Cf. Baltoscandia. Latvians [the king, every night, disappears in a pile of hay; he tells three sons to guard the meadow; the eldest, the middle fall asleep; the youngest fool climbs to sleep under the haystack; a white mare with his two foals woke it up, he grabbed the reason and tamed the mare; she tells me to give it to her older brother, the older foal, to take the youngest; the elders sold their horses, and the youngest takes care of his own; the witch gives Queen poison: if you don't make a fool, he will kill you; the foal warns the owner twice; the witch tells the foal to slaughter; he advises the young man to ask permission to ride for the last time; the foal rose to heaven and descended in another kingdom; tells him to dress in a fur coat with his hair outside and answer "I don't know"; the king gave the idiot to the gardener; the young man shakes his bridle, any job at once fulfilled; tied the forest with a rope and drags her whole with him; the king tells three daughters to choose suitors; the youngest does not know who, the king has passed her off as a fool; but they live well; hell demands people to eat, turn for the royal daughters; every time the young man calls a horse, climbs into his ear, goes out in a luxurious outfit, kills devils (they have 3, 9, 12 heads; a sword, a horse are silver, gold, diamond); each time then he climbs back into the horse's ear, regains his former appearance; the last time a giant demands a younger queen for 12 heads, the horse warns that 12 blacksmiths will come out with him; he must first kill blacksmiths, because if they manage to hit the anvil, another 12 will come out, etc.; the young man killed the blacksmiths, but the giant drove him waist-deep into the ground twice, and the horse pulled him out twice; the young man cut off the giant's leg, and then heads; the wife bandaged the wound with a handkerchief; in the evening she sees her fool husband's handkerchief; the fool became his favorite son-in-law, inherited the throne]: Alksnite et al. 1958:135-142).

NW Mexico. Western Mexico Nahuatl: Preuss 1925, No. 5 [=1955:390-391; against her mother's will, tonantzi's daughter (Mother Earth) married a man with skin disease; he tied a rope to a deer and told him to run the forest, pulled, all the trees fell; sent him to tell his mother-in-law to close herself from the smoke, he would set fire to the plot; she closed, and he put a stick in her vulva, the smoke came from her mouth; she refused to give her daughter corn seeds, pumpkins, beans; the young man sent his brother pupūriš to collect the seeds, planted it, everything grew; he had to swim before harvesting; the young man asked his wife to throw a soap root into his pool, came out handsome with clean skin; rose to fifth heaven; apparently he is the Morning Star]: 469; 1968, No. 25 [old tonantzi woman has three daughters; grooms must have rough palms (which means they are peasants); two tinder palms on crushed maize; T. turns them into birds; the youngest marries the freak; he ties the area with a rope, knocks down all the trees at once; it rains, corn, beans, amaranth grow]: 173-177.

NW Amazon. Baniva [to clear the area for cassava, Kari ties the trees with a thread, knocks them all down at once; the tubers ripen the next day, have no peel; Kari's son-in-law begins to cut down trees, peel; you should always do this from then on]: Saake 1958:276; vacuenai [The Manioc Man tied a section of the forest with a rope, then the trees fell down at once; one person saw the rope burst, now it is difficult to cut down the trees; MCH put the cassava shoots in the baskets, they themselves carried them to plant them on the site; the woman peeked, the MCH hung a strap from the basket on her head, told her to work from now on]: Hill 2009:82-83.

Montagna - Jurua. Machigenga [two sisters meet two honey collectors in the forest and marry them; their husbands are Foxes in human form; when clearing the garden, they tie the trees with a rope and cut everything down immediately; see motif M46]: Pereira MS, Jan 28, 1996.

Southern Amazon. Nambiquara [only Ne.àlusu owns cassava; one group of hunters goes to him for another; on the way they meet the evil spirit Haiêhru (Pentatomideo, an insect that gives off badly smelling liquid); he kills them by peeing in their eyes, roasts their meat; only 9 boys and 8 girls are left in Maloka; H. feeds them with animal meat; they ask for dad vento (Anolis punctatus) get a piece of meat that H. himself eats; this is a human ear; children open Calebas H., find their fathers' jewelry inside; dig a trap hole; H. fails, they finish him off with arrows; they say to his wife, that her husband asks her to bring him food; they make a shaky bridge over the river; when she steps on him, two boys knock him over, the cannibal falls into the water; they finish her off with arrows; come to N.; the fog over the water is the crushed human meat that the cannibal had; the children began to think where to go now - underground, under water? Ne.àlusu heard them, invited them to clear the site; the children did not cut down the trees, but wrapped them in a vine, knocked them all down at once, returned quickly; N. decided that they were playing off; the children were offended, smashed vessels with chicha, left; began to rise to heaven - boys in front, girls behind (girls behind so that boys would not see their genitals); in the sky they turn into Pleiades (var.: Southern Cross), honeycombs that they took it with them - into the Coal Bag; Inambu (Crypturus sp.) and the lizard Papa Vento (Anolis punctatus) climb too, but they are frightened, children turn them into birds and animals, boys cut off their inamba tail]: Pereira 1983, No. 46:65-77 (=1973:24-28).