Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

G32. Food from the lower world.


People get cultivated plants from the underwater or underground world.

Taiwan - Philippines. Bunun [Ikolon people in the underworld have tiny anuses and feed on the smell of rice; there was no rice on earth yet; a man from the ground hid a seed in his penis, but was found; then the woman hid it in vagina; Ikolon were ashamed to look there, so rice was brought to the ground]: Ho 1967, No. 216:377-378.

The coast is the Plateau. Quinolt [The raven visits the underworld; hides salmon scales under its wings, knees and nose; he is caught up, searched, found scales under his wings and knees; he brings hidden in his nose on the ground, throws it into the Quinolt River; it has salmon ever since]: Farrand 1902, No. 6:109-111; Quileout: Andrade 1931, No. 8 [Raven's son marries Mole's daughter; once in her world, he takes salmon for sticks, whales for floating logs; hides salmon, runs away from chases; throws scales into rivers (salmon origin)]: 27-29; Reagan, Walters 1933 [boatman transports Raven and his wife across the river into the world the dead; the dead look like night birds; feed guests charcoal; the raven leaves his wife, hides salmon scales in the holes of the body, runs; he is caught up, searched; scales hidden deep in throat, go unnoticed; the raven comes home, throws them into the Quinolt River; they make salmon]: 216-318.

Plains. Teton (oglala) [Iktoni advises the leader's daughter to write in a water bucket; the chief promised to drown the culprit, must throw his daughter into the river; Chief Bobrov gives her corn seeds, beans, pumpkins (agricultural origins); I. kidnaps a girl; Beaver thinks he was deceived]: Walker 1983:131-133; mandan [people rise out of the ground, bring corn with them]: Beckwith 1938 [brother with sister]: 18-19; Bowers 1950:156, 194, 196; Dorsey 1894:512; Sheena [two men go inside the mountain or dive into a spring; there are cultivated plants and animals; the hostess gives guests sends corn, pumpkin seeds, to the world of bison and other animals]: Grinnell 1907-1908 [door to the mountain]: 173-193; Kroeber 1900, No. 4 [source]: 163.

Southeast USA. Caddo [humans and animals live together in an underground cave; find a way to the surface; the old man is the first to climb, carrying fire, a pipe and a drum; his wife carries corn and pumpkin seeds; the wolf gets stuck In the hole, some people can't get up; the dead return to mother land]: Mooney 1896:1093-1094.

The Great Southwest. Navajo: Wyman 1970:34 [people rise from the lower world, bring corn, beans, pumpkins, tobacco with them; a lake forms when they come out of the ground], 36 [The Farmer Deer sees corn in the lake; throws a rainbow bridge across the lake, walks along it to get corn; the bridge falls; the hero is swallowed by the Big Fish, taken to the world of the Pisces People; he gets corn, learns rituals, performed during sowing and harvesting]; hopi [people have risen from the underworld without corn; the underground spirit of vegetation brings six corn grains - yellow, blue, red, white, black, speckled]: Stephens 1929, No. 3:8; Zunyi [two witches are the last from the underworld to rise, bringing all varieties of corn]: Parsons 1923a: 137-138; Western Ceres (Laguna) [people bring all kinds of food from the underworld with them]: Boas 1928a: 223.

Honduras-Panama. Kuna [shaman brings cassava from the Spirit House]: Wassen 1952:90-91

The Northern Andes. Ambera [a man marries a girl from the underworld; he and his wife jump into the river, go to her parents; they don't give them corn seeds; the man tells his little son to swallow seeds; returning to earth, extracts them from his excrement]: Wassen 1933, No. 1:107-108; bari [the deceased brother invites the living into the mountain; at night, the Sun floats in a boat along the underground river; in the world the dead grow cassava, yams, sweet potatoes, bananas, sugarcane, arrow cane; the dead brings his brother to the ground with a load of seeds]: Villamañan 1975:12-13; guajiro [after his night underground travel The sun gives corn, pumpkins, beans]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1986, No. 116:838.

Llanos. Sicuani: Wilbert, Simoneau 1992, No. 16 [after the flood, the old man sees cassava branches in the lake; takes drugs, dives in the guise of a cormorant; pulls a yuki root at the bottom, brings it to the ground], 42 [daughter the snake was on the shore; a man took it to the lake; her father gave bananas, cassava]: 87, 188-189.

Southern Venezuela. Piaroa [Anaconda is the father of cultivated plants; Vahari (put the sun on the sky) is married to his maize daughter]: Overing, Kaplan 1988:398; sanema [cultivated plants are only at the water monster Lagigi; Omao marries his daughter; she tells O. to kill the tapir, calls his father; O. hides in fear, turning into a cricket, his brother Soave into a wand; L. as payment leaves cassava, yam, xanthosoma (Xanthosoma cajacu), corn, bananas on the shore for meat]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1990b, No. 199:400-401; yanomam [Omamyo marries the daughter of a water monster Chöboryoshikyo; T. goes ashore, leaves a bag of seeds, tubers and shoots of papaya, pumpkins, sugar cane, sweet potato, taro, tobacco, arrow reeds, palm trees; teaches her daughter to cultivate plants; this time O. hides, becoming a digging stick, and his brother Joasi became an ax]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1990b, No. 198:398-399; Yanomami: Wilbert, Simoneau 1990b, No. 192 [(Cocco 192:469-474); jaguar Ira ate Poapoama, gave the baby from the womb to his grandmother Mamokori-yoma, who raised Omawë; his older brother was Yoawë; when fishing, he sees two girls in the river; the next day O. saw one grabbed the girl, brought her home; she is the daughter of the water monster Rahara-riwë (looks like a cassava push-up bag); O. took her to the site, to Seiba, ordered her to pull out the root, prepare a cassava; the wife did not began to eat, said that the real cassava was not like that; gave birth to a beautiful girl; asked Yarimi-riwë to marry her; her vagina bit his penis, there was a fish; he turned into a monkey; O.'s wife took him and YE. showed a real cassava to her father at the site; at this time her father sent a huge wave at them; O. and YE. turned into crickets, hid under the roof of a house where air remained; both O.'s wife returned home; decided to take revenge on R.; agreed in the Sun to dry the pond; for the first time the dry season came; O. plunged his spear into the ground, the water poured out, everyone got drunk; part of the water rose to the sky, now pours out in the form of rain; the shamans threw the old woman into the water, the flood is over; O. ate dead fish, where he threw his bones, rivers appeared; O. stole the daughter of the morokoto fish; then left with his family, his descendants - Europeans], 193 [(Lizot MS); Omawë and his older brother Yoawë, turning into various birds, caught the daughter of the water monster Rahararitawë (first Ë. saw her, could not catch her); at home their son-in-law wanted to be the first to have sex with her; she has fish in her vagina, his penis is bitten off, he became a monkey, the bite mark is still visible now; the brothers removed the fish, copulated; wanted her to rub the roots of the seiba; she said that her father had the real cassava; they came to him, he brought them cassava himself, flooded everything, they escaped as crickets; after planting cassava, they made the sun dry all the water; aquatic creatures dying, thirsty], 194 [(Finkers 1986:30-32); starting at (193); a woman calls Ë. When he tries to lure her in the guise of different birds; wants to catch O., who has become a beautiful bird; he becomes human, grabs her and takes her away; O.'s son-in-law wanted to be the first to have sex, is bitten by a fish, ran away (apparently became a monkey); the brothers took out the fish, had sex; the woman says that Seiba is not cassava, She went to her father for the present; he came with her, the wave covered everything, the brothers escaped as crickets; O. ordered the Sun to dry all the water; so the brothers found cassava]: 377-384, 385-388, 389-391.

Guiana. Taruma [brothers (older Ajijeko, younger Duid) eat only nuts and fruits; they notice fish bones and scales on the rock by the river; they take turns guarding, they do not notice anything; the frog watchman falls asleep, the Owl said that the Otter left traces; the brothers caught the Otter, forced him to tell him how to catch a woman; the brothers take turns fishing for women's things, from a wearable basket to a hammock; when A. fell asleep, D. fished a woman, hid it from his brother; one night A. taught that his brother had four legs and four arms; D. again denied everything, but began to make children's toys (balls); once D. admitted that he had a wife Chakukantu and that the fish in her womb bit him; A. poisoned the fish in the vagina with poison; since then, sex has been safe, but the male organ has remained bitten; people are descendants of D. and this woman; the woman baked on the fire she kept in vagina; A. threatened her with rape, forced her to spread her legs, took the fire; she tells him to call her anaconda father; son-in-law is afraid to ask her father-in-law for plants; daughter cuts off her father's tail, from there the seeds and shoots of all cultivated plants fall]: Farabee 1918:143-149; curl [a fisherman is fishing for a woman; his mother violates the prohibition to say who her daughter-in-law is; a woman rushes with her husband into the river; sends people a jar of manioc beer and sweet potatoes; after the holiday, the vessel turns into catfish, sweet potato peel into small fish]: Roth 1915, No. 184:245-246; trio [man marries caiman's daughter; she brings cultivated plants, a knife, an ax, baskets, house building skills from the river]: Koelewijn, Riviere 1987, No. 1 [Toad's son fishes for yam peel, sweet potato, then catches fish, she turns into a woman ; caiman gives better plants than his daughter; son-in-law is frightened by his father-in-law, he takes his gift]: 16-17; Magaña 1987, No. 6 [a man marries fish, Cayman's daughter; she brings him cultivated plants, teaches him build a house, weave baskets, etc.; there was no night, they could not make love; she gets the night from her father; Kaikyo's evil spirit devours her and her son, takes her form, turns a toad into a son; husband understands deception; gives the meat of an imaginary son to his imaginary wife under the guise of sloth meat; lives alone, finds food cooked; finds a vulture woman, throws her feather clothes into the fire; she leaves; he searches for water , Father-in-law Cayman drags him into the lake; then lets him go]: 132; Riviere 1969 [Perepereva (now in the land of entuhtao, the "root of heaven", where the souls of the dead and unborn) caught waraku fish on a key, like trout, threw it behind her back; she became a woman; he showed her his village - it's just reeds, his food was the core of the trstnik; she took P. to her father (a caiman or a huge snake); he has cassava, bananas, yams, sweet potatoes, corn, etc.; cassava was in the tail of the caiman (the trio is called cassava "caiman tail"); the wife taught me how to clear the area, process bitter cassava]: 259-261.

Western Amazon. Sekoya [one wife of the Month gives him only roasted corn, the other only baked peach palm fruits; both bring them from the underworld; the husband secretly follows the first first, then second wife; in the form of a parrot, grabs and carries seeds, sows them on the ground]: Cipolletti 1988, No. 8:72-73; mayhuna [shaman and wife carry fish caught in the lake; he returns, sees a lake instead of a lake house; the inhabitants of the house have corn; the shaman hides grains in her mouth, comes home; the corn mistress in the form of a caiman comes for grains; he hides one between his teeth; sows]: Bellier 1991b, No. 16:243-244.

NW Amazon. Tariana [aquatic women go out to eat the fruit of a tree; a man catches a woman pregnant with piranhas, the rest jump into the river, turn into fish again; a woman gives birth to piranhas, her husband kills them; gives birth to a boy with him; with her husband and son he goes down to the river to his anaconda father; the fruits of a peach palm tree ripen there; a man swallows a seed, pulls it out of his excrement on the shore]: Brüzzi 1994:207; andoque [Soe caught sábalo fish, caught their sister, she took them under water, explained how to respond to her relatives - fish and anacondas; S. safely hit the ball they were playing wife's brothers; peach palm under water, S. hid the seed behind the foreskin, the wife's brothers found it; then he hid it in his wife's vulva, the brothers did not dare to look there; he brought the seed to the ground; fish as punishment bit him in the knees, he couldn't walk for a long time]: Landaburu, Pineda 1984:190-193; uitoto [a seed hidden in a person's lower leg]: Rodríguez de Montes 1981, No. 17:141-143; ocaina [old man gives people bananas and cassava; disappears into the waters where it came from]: Wavrin 1932:144; desana: Kumu, Kenhiri 1980 [Gain pañan is the ancestor of Parrots (but human); someone steals crops from the garden ; first the girls with the baskets ran away, the next night he caught one; she is pregnant; replies that she eats worms and insects; he inserted a leaf into the vagina, which is all chewed, there are piranhas; the woman is the daughter of the chief Water Snake, Piranha children in her stomach; G. washed her vagina with fish poison, married her; decided to visit her father-in-law; emptied insect baskets into the water, ate the fish, did not touch it; father-in-law killed the old servant ( fish), gave his son-in-law to eat; there was a peach palm under the water, on which all four varieties of fruit ripened; G. swallowed the seeds while they were searching, took it out of the crap on the shore; the palm tree grew, again all varieties on one tree]: 151-158; Reichel-Dolmatoff 1968:22; 1971:30-32; (cf. yukuna [the gardens have dried up, people were starving; Kanumá consistently marries Dyatlikha, some green bird, a Parrot; they are not suitable; then the Rat, she finds out that food owns He'echú ("tapir", "sky"); stole cassava from him; at midnight, a fisherman Chuurumi saw an Inérukaná woman sailing on the river in a boat, carrying food to her children; she gave him cassava, told him not talk to K.; the same to her sister He'echúmero, a mother of piranhas, who is sailing in a boat in half an hour; C. does not take cassava from K.; he notices that ants carry crumbs from C.'s hammock; C. talks about a meeting with women in boats, K., hiding behind C., catches the first woman; she tells her to let her go, take her sister; sister invites K. to copulate, he refuses; then gets into a half-flooded boat, tells her to quit poison, piranha comes out of the vagina; the woman tells you to throw piranha into the river; K. sends a flea into the vagina, which is bitten; the episode with poison and piranha repeats; sent picón, bitten; removed the third piranha, the last little one remained, bit off K.'s penis; the woman went with him to him; the former wives turned into birds; the woman went to her father He'echú, brought yams from him, taught him how to cook; told K. eat a lot, stepped on him, the penis reappeared, they copulated; she waved her club, formed a plot, all varieties of cassava on it]: Herrera Ángel 1975a, No. 2, 3:394-405); barasana [ Yeba was the first man, the son of a Jaguar woman and the Sun (Yeba Haku, Pimal Sun); Yeb's mother did not tell him who his father was, the Sun said it himself; he created Yeb in Calebas, which was the whole world; animals offered Yeb wives, but refused; blew on clay, poppies appeared, offered a wife, but Yeba refused again, because the Maku Indians were not real people; Yeba saw that someone was eating the pods of the Pouteria ucuqui tree; made the Morpho butterfly confess that they were fish women; J. hung on a tree in the form of a fruit (the fruit looked like testicles); one of the women, Yawira, picked it up; J. grabbed her; she was an anaconda, from her body A lot of fish came out; J. brought it home; his penis was high on his stomach like a jaguar; I shed one skin, became a boa constrictor, threw off the other, became a woman; J. brought her jacunda fish, I said it was her father's penis; the other fish turned out to be her brothers, grandparents, father's cigar, etc., she refused to eat them; J. asked Y. to bring "cassava" (wild fruit) from his "garden" (i.e. from the forest); the same with" bananas"; The squirrel gave Y. rubber fruit, she took it to her father Wai Hino ("Fish Anaconda"); he gave Y. all the cultivated plants; Squirrel was told to wait at that time, but he began to dive, fearing that I drowned, almost drowned myself; I went to the site to plant cassava with my brother J. Nyake, I came together with him, he turned into coca bushes; I gave birth to a son from N., he is the ancestor of one of the families; she cut off the umbilical cord, it grew into a pumpkin, another genus comes from pumpkin; I planted cassava with my sisters, told J. not to look, he saw sisters Wakuo and Widio (weeds) rushed to the center of the site, now weeds are growing everywhere; sisters Meneryo and Hatio (varieties of cultivated cassava) ran away; their chatter became birds singing, which accompanies women's work on the site; I hit Y. with a lump of manioc flour, his penis moved to where it is now; I split my penis head in two, after it did not hurt to copulate; his father-in-law gave Y. a cigar, it looked like a fish, his father-in-law ordered not to eat it, he ate it, he had diarrhea, tobacco grew out of his bowel movements; J. shot his people (birds and animals), gave father-in-law; he shed his skin, it became a bag for squeezing the juice from the cassava mass, the father-in-law himself took on a human form; J. ordered Spider to make colored dance aprons out of bast cloth; J. hit The spider is tough, because he first brought a small bundle, and when J. opened it, the aprons scattered; the Spider, in revenge, made aprons and jewelry part of funeral rituals; all animals and birds gathered for the festival, the birds colored; sang (their song is the star of the sacred flutes he); after the festival, the Y. brothers attacked, avenging the killing of fish; the animals ran away, but some remained in the water ( capybara, etc.)]: S.Hugh-Jones 1979, No. 7A-7I: 295-299; bar: Jackson 983:122; tatuyo [Dieba's jaguar is the son of the Sun, more human than beast; rejects animal wives, poppy women, because it is wild; it climbs a tree above the river, its testicles hang like the fruits of Pouteria ucuqui; fish fall off, he falls, catches Diavira, the daughter of the anaconda Vai Pino; Dieba's penis is like Jaguar, he cannot get along with D.; she solders him drunk, corrects his penis; the monkey helps Diavira collect wild fruits; D. takes them to the river to his father, receives cassava, tobacco, etc. cultivated plants; D. forbids watching her and her sisters plant plants; Dieba watches D. sisters turn into weeds; the name Diavir also means the genus of fern growing as weed; Dieba mistakenly does not smoke, but eats tobacco thinking it is fish; suffers from his stomach; he visits his father-in-law with his wife; he is angry first, then arranges a party; every time he returns from the field Diavira cheats on Diebe with the son of an anaconda; a bird reports this to Dieba, who kills his lover, makes his wife eat his cock; humans and fish fight for a long time; Diavira is seduced vultures are carried to heaven; Dieba covers herself with ulcers, enters the land of vultures, returns his wife, vultures and little eagles chase him; Dieba finds honey, Diavira rushes to suck it, suffocates, turns into a tree frog]: Bidou 1972:82-95; kabiyari [people feed on forest roots and fruits; Kua's first wives are Chicken, Woodpecker; K. throws in the river is a fruit, it is grabbed by the daughter of the anaconda Manuena; K. catches her by the hair, she turns into an anaconda; K. brings her home; she becomes a woman again; brings cassava, coca, etc. from the river from her father. cultivated plants; plants them with sisters; makes K. a normal penis; K. expels piranhas from M.'s vagina; see motive F9B]: Correa 1989, No. 5:81-93; bora: Razon 1992:154; chikuna [ a girl who has become a swallow brings corn from the underworld]: Nimuendaju 1952:112

Central Amazon. Maue [A young toad kills his father-in-law; throws a corpse into the river, which turns into a caimana; Toad's wife goes to the river, dances with her father's brothers (fish); they kill her, turn her into cassava , a baby in her womb in manioc flour]: Pereira 1954:109; 1980 (2): 723.

Bolivia - Guaporé. Eseeha [the shaman shoots palomet fish with a bow; Anaconda's daughter takes him under water, wants to marry him; he runs away with corn; comes home holding two fish (grains of steel fish?)] : Chavarría Mendoza 1984:49-52.

Southern Amazon. The water spirit brings the cultivated plants to his earthly wife; later takes them back. Kamayura [cassava]: Agostinho 1974, No. 8:190-191; paresi [corn]: Pereira 1986, No. 29:343-347

Eastern Brazil. Suya [people eat a rotten tree; a woman bathes a child in the river; a rat turns into a man, pulls corn, cassava and other cultivated plants out of the water, gives it to a woman (the origin of agriculture )]: Frikel 1990:41-42.

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