G5. Tree of Plenty. .19.20. (.23.) .24.48. (.49.) .52.-.57.59.61.-.63.65.-.
The fruits and shoots of different cultivated plants or the fruits of different wild plants grow on the branches of the same tree; the cultivated plant is tree-like in shape, not peculiar to him in nature.
The first ancestors cut down a tree and acquire plants.
Monumbo, susure, bhumia, baiga, kekchi and mopan, kuna, yaruro, kuiva, shikuani, guayabero, piaroa, saliva, makiritare, arekuna, taulipan, akawai, carinha, makushi, wapishana, hishkaryana (they cut down a rock with plants on top), piapoco, guariquena, uitoto, cubeo, desana, shipibo and conibo, tupari, kayapo, cracho.
Same thing, but the tree wasn't cut down.
Garo, Semangi, Marshall Islands (Arno), Dayaki (Sarawak), Western Torajas (Napu), Maidu, (Chemeuevi), Eastern Cuba, Makiritare, Akawai, Trio, Siona & Sekoya, Kubeo, Wanana , desana, witoto, ocaina, chikuna, Cusco, Potosi, Eseeja, chacobo, arua, botokudo, mbia.
The branches of the tree turn into all kinds of cooked food.
Tonga, Hawaii.
The cultivated plant has a tree-like shape that is not characteristic of it in nature.
Susure, chimila, makiritare, oyana, siona, carijona, andoke, uitoto, bora, chikuna, kayapo, apinaye, kraho, shavante.
(Wed. The seeds of various cultivated plants are extracted from the cavity in the bamboo stem).
Melanesia. Monumbo [Kain ("snake") turned into a snake, lay down on the path; Daria walked along it, brought the snake to her; gave birth to a son with a human head and the body of a snake; while K. was fishing, D. killed and cooked a son, she broke her husband's weapon, crashed the boat, ran away; in different villages, many men offered themselves to her as husbands, but she went to Kamadonga; to stop her pursuers, she wrote, drew a line - a river appeared; Kam. did not have cultivated plants, D. cooked bananas and tarot for him; he did not have genitals, she made them for him from pepper tree fruit and betel nuts; let him see her genitals, met him; went to Lubou on an island near the island. Manam also gave him genitals; walked along the shore, turned the stones into fish, became a fish between the stones herself; Ngapem shot her, surprised that the arrow that pierced the fish was smeared in tarot; he brought the fish home; while N. was gone, D. (in the form of a human being) removed fire from her genitals, regurgitated bananas and tarot, baked and fed her husband; N.'s children also ate and slept; and N.'s younger brother's children cried from hunger; N. told his brother to go ashore; If he sees Daria fish, he should not converge with it; but he got together; became a Pakei tree; bananas, yams, tarot grew on it; fell and rotted; two brothers sailed in a boat with a dog; the dog jumped out, I ate by the tree, came back; they tied a rope to the dog, found a tree; they brought it home, gave it to the old woman, she became young; people sharpened their axes, began to cut the trunk, it remained intact; they broke off the sliver was burned; and so on, the trunk was cut, the tree continued to hang on the vine; this vine was the hand of a character; they sent a boy upstairs, the tree told him to call his mother to meet her; The boy's father was told by the tree to call his wife; the men left; another came with two wives; hid the beautiful one, let the tree meet with the ugly one, the tree fell; the man from Dagoi came when all cultured the plants were dismantled; Daria advised him to make tops out of vines and exchange them for bananas; people in this village do so]: Höltker 1965, No. 2:72-77; susure [there was no tarot, people cooked stones; old woman Mekue ordered her sons Kulubob and Wailele to clear the area and kill her; spread blood on the ground, put her side closer to home, her thigh under the tree, the clitoris and the shoulder of the hand on the branch; he agreed to kill younger, W.; after the rain, bananas, tarot, cultivated and wild sugarcane and everything else grew out of blood; the thigh became yams, the eyes became beans, the clitoris a rooster, the shoulder became a hand drum, the thigh became a slit gong; the brothers put the harvest in bags, hung them on a Taman tree; tarot fruits grew on the tree; they fell, pigs picked them up, the village foreman noticed a tarot in the pig's mouth; with another man they went after the pig, but lost their trail in the depths of the forest; then they attached a rattle to the pig's ear, found a tree, everyone ate tarot; decided to cut down a tree; they cut down for two days with a break for the night, knocked down; the spirit of Miani I got the best tarot from the top of my head, and the Mawake spirit and we were from below, worse; but then we got good things from Miani; had a party; the Truamun spirit told me how to grow tarot]: Lehner 1975, No. 2b: 744-746.
Micronesia-Polynesia. Marshall Islands (island) Arno) [(two var.); under the supervision of a woman, a breadtree grew in the sea with different varieties of pandanus fruits on separate branches; the woman sprouted two fishermen who came there]: Tobin 2002, No. 15, 16:87 -88, 89; Tonga [Loau, king in Tonga-taboo, sails to the horizon past famous islands, then across the red sea, the pumice sea, the white sea; the whirlpool draws him into the lower world; L. finds himself on the island where the puko tree grows; if you bake its branch, it will be full of all kinds of food; local gods give it a branch, but it must be planted before a certain time; L. forgets that, so the tree puko is devoid of such magical branches]: Beckwith 1970:287; Hawaii [Iwa gives Waka a Makalei tree; it is planted in the Paliula Garden; with it two other trees, one attracts fish, the other gives plant food; trees are carried to a wedding in Oahu; a plant food tree to the valley; when fish raise a tree, little people in the valley start screaming in fear; the tree falls, the fish Scattered across bodies of water across the island]: Beckwith 1970:286-287
Tibet is the Northeast of India. Garo [at first, people ate only wild yams, tarot, and other tubers and roots; there was a Tree of Wealth with 12 branches to the east and 12 to the west; on the east there were diamonds, precious gongs, gold, silver, etc., and in Western countries, seeds of plants: rice, cotton, silk {mulberries?} etc.; on the rice branch, each branch had rice of its own color; even the gods could not pick them; you could only pick them from below, but only from above; then the Wind God, with the help of his friends, God of City and God Storms, the tree began to shake and the rice fell to the ground; the Wind God himself did not bother to pick up rice, a woman did it; she grew rice in her garden; after receiving grains from her, Heaven sowed them in his fields; one day I met Ahni Apilpa from the ground; when they began to eat them, I was surprised that he only had roots and tubers; shared rice with him; sent him rice with his servant, but out of envy he gave dried seeds, they did not sprout; then AA chained the messengers of the god of Heaven; he explained that only one was to blame, sent new rice; AA's servants, out of envy, began to collect still unripe seeds; now the god of Heaven was shackled by AA servants; but it turned out, Fig. they began to grow on the ground]: Rongmuthu 1960:229-233.
(Wed. South Asia. Bhumia [Janka's mother (aka Sita) cut off her sixth finger, hammered bamboo into the ground, grew bamboo, and seeds of different cultivated plants (rice, millet, legumes, etc.) in each section of the stem; Chandu, a pig Domara (domar, a caste of street sweepers), found bamboo; D. found grain in her litter, emptied the bamboo with her brothers, filled the bins; Bhagavan decided to burn the world; Pandava, their mother Kotma, Nanga-Baigu Nanda-Baigin and his wife hid underground; C. and D. hid separately in the pit with a supply of grain; after the fire, the eldest from Pandava Bhimsen asked D. for grain; he allowed it, but it must be returned in the same way: the grain must be returned in the same way: the grain taken from above, pour from above, taken through a hole at the bottom of the bin from below; D. stabbed a pig; the guests only pretended to eat, the wind blew everything off their plates at Bhimsen's request (you can't eat with D., he he was from the lower caste); only Narayan-Deo ate, could no longer live with his brothers; began to send pestilence to pigs, sacrifices were being made; the Pandava brothers returned grain taken from above but not taken from below; Sun and Moon They were vouched for; so Domar sometimes has enough of them; people scream, D. releases the luminary]: Fuchs 1970:27-34; baiga [all kinds of seeds were in Banbindra Raja's stomach, he released them through his penis; his wife didn't she could keep everything to herself, sent her daughter to her father; she, having accepted her father's seed, turned into bamboo out of shame, each of the 12 knees contained seeds of one of the cultivated plants; Nanga Baiga cut down bamboo and extracted seeds]: Elwin 1939:319; dhanwar [on Mount Jhinjhigarh Bhakku cut down bamboo with a gold and silver ax to make a fan to sweep the grain, brought it home, chopped it, and 21 types of seeds poured out from there cereals and a spider; grain and spider - sister and brother; B. harnessed tigers, buildings - snakes, placed a scorpion at the end of the chirp, plow share - a poisonous Bungarus snake, the handle made of a viper, the yoke was made of a boa constrictor; When the harvest was ripe, the Spider caught 200 parrots in its net, told them to harvest grain; people from different villages got the grain, so it spread around the world]: Elwin 1949, No. 4:216).
Malaysia-Indonesia. Semangs (Menik Kaien) [in the world of dead souls suck flowers and eat the fruits of the Mapik tree; one branch is covered with flowers, the other has rice, the third has durian fruits, and the fourth has rambutan etc.; the trunk at the base covers women's breasts, from which babies' souls suck milk]: Evans 1937:257-258; Dayaki (western Sarawak) [N. Panggau had a tree on whose branches everyone grew fruits that are only there; because of this tree, a dispute has arisen between the first ancestors and they have settled in different areas]: Ling Roth 1896:337-338; (cf. Dayaks (western Sarawak) [Klieng and four others, the youngest of them Limband, went hunting with their dogs; L. stayed where they had rice; gathered all the rice together, caught the wild boar and returned; K. amazed; there is no way to carve fire; a faint light is visible in the distance, only L. went to get the fire; he met the giant Gua, who puts it in his ear, brings him home; G. ate all the people, decided to make L. his grandson; for the night he gives him a mat and a screen made of gold; tells him to wake himself up with a hammer; he woke up only after the third blow; when L. matured, G. gave him a luxurious outfit; marries Bunsu Mata-ari; swimming, she put the jewelry in a bowl, and she sailed along the river; she was picked up by the Malay wife; he promised to marry the owner of the jewelry; sent warriors, L. killed them easily, G. ate the dead; then the Malay gathered people different tribes, including brothers L.; L. fights with K.; they get to know each other; G. says he will soon die, gives all the property to L. and K.; G.'s skull grew banang (banyan?) ; its petals became beads, its leaves became tissues, ripe fruits became ceramic vessels, its branches became iron and steel]: Ling Roth 1896:328-332); Western Toraja (Napu) [banyan grows on the moon (i.e. ficus) with various cultivated plants on the branches; the tekuri bird sat on a branch, it broke, fell to the ground, so there are cultivated plants on the ground]: Kruyt in Mabuchi 1969:39.
California. Maidu [The Turtle and the Creator swim on a raft; the Turtle dives, brings some earth from the bottom under its fingernails, the Creator sculpts the earth out of it, it grows; he tells his Sister the Sun and then his month-old brother to ascend; says the names of stars, stars appear; creates a huge tree with 12 varieties of acorns]: Dixon 1902:40-41.
(Wed. Big Pool. Chemewevi [The sun was bigger and hotter than it is now; the Rabbit went to sunrise; ran into two rabbit kids (one Cottontail, the other Jackrabbit); they said they were approaching the Immortal The water she rushes at them, they run away, and then drink the puddles left by the water; the Rabbit told the children to provoke Immortal Water to attack, threw a stone at it, the spray formed all the freshwater water bodies; Immortal Yuka Sate was swimming in the air, the children called her, she rushed at them, they chipped off small pieces of her; the Rabbit ordered to provoke Yucca, threw a stone, she broke into pieces, from which all yucca plants with edible fruits come from; the gap in the rock where the late mother of the rabbits placed seeds closed; the Rabbit opened it, took out all the edible seeds; everything the bushes tell the Rabbit that they are burning, one says that only its leaves burn, the Rabbit makes a hole under him; the Month is the first to rise, the Rabbit allows him to pass, the crows that flew out before sunrise of the Month they sit down for a Month; the Sun rises, the Rabbit hits him with a stone, beats off a piece, the ground lights up; he hides with two rabbits under a non-combustible bush; the Sun has been less hot since then]: Laird 1976:152-154) .
Mesoamerica Kekchi, mopan [corn is hidden inside a rock, only ants know about it; the fox tastes the grains they have dropped, finds a rock; the smell of intestinal gases makes animals feel that the Fox ate something special; they follow him; ask ants to get more corn, but they can't; the man asked Mam for help; there are four Moms, they are thunderdogs and watch animals under common command Morning Star; the main Mom is Yaluk; he sends the Woodpecker to find the thinnest place; hits him, the Woodpecker is wounded, since then he has a red head; some of the corn has been burned and smoked, turned red and yellow; three Moms took all the white corn; Y. made it grow only the third time; there were no other cultivated plants; several men find a mamey tree in the forest; they grow on it beans, sweet potatoes, pumpkins and other cultivated plants; people cut down wood, felling disappears overnight; all forest animals come, put chips back; then people cut down day and night; the tree falls, people cultivating plants]: Thompson 1930:132-135; Maya Yucatana [during the ritual, an artificial tree is hung with tubers and yams and pumpkins]: Pohl 1981:514; (cf. totonaki [there was no corn; the Quetzal bird brought a grain from the sky, threw it through a hole into the hollow of a tree; one grain fell to the ground; the Ant (hormiga arriera; ants and others were human, but Quetzal is a real bird) found it, showed Woodpecker, who began to widen the hole, corn fell on him, injured him, so the woodpeckers had red feathers; The Ant began to carry corn without waiting for The woodpecker would wake up; he was offended; he sowed corn, but the Ant only ate it; the woodpecker replied with the Ant that the grain must be cooked or ground before sowing; the Ant asked the Wind to scatter the Woodpecker's field; the Woodpecker told Ant how to sow for promising that the Wind would restore the field; he restored it; but since then, corn plants, unlike bananas, have many stems (in the sense of small stems); if The wind did not sweep the field, the corn plants would be as big as trees and cobs would grow right on the branches (en las puntas de las matas)]: Arenas 2000:82-84).
Honduras-Panama. Kuna: Chapin 1989:64-70; Keeler 1956:134-136; Nordenskiöld 1938:160-165, 174-178 [woman carries fish, sings about Palu-huala (saltwood); Ibelele Olowaipilele (Sun) ) spends the night in a surba (a special section in a house where girls' initiations are celebrated), finds out where this tree is located; all cultivated plants, fresh and salt water, fish, game are on it and in it; Wild pigs (Dicotyles torquatus, D. labiatus) and Coati (Nasua sociales) are I.'s nephews; he tells them to cut down a tree; in the morning the trunk is intact; Jaguars, Snakes, the leader of the Frogs licked the felling at night; I. sends his brother Equaquinialilele (Venus) to guard the tree; he kills the Jaguar, the Snake, the Frog; people cut down the tree; the chips fall into the pond, turn into inedible fish; the peak is entangled in bunches of clouds; I.'s servants reached only half of the trunk; Little Squirrel climbed to the clouds, cut off the bundles; I. caught salt water in the net that formed the sea; people received fish, tree seeds, bananas, cassava and other cultivated plants]; Wassen 1934b: 3-5, 21-25; 1937:14-16.
The Antilles. Eastern Cuba, prov. Oriente [a tree grows in the magic valley with zapote, guavas, bananas, pineapples, yams, cassava, etc.]: Borodatova 1992:159.
The Northern Andes. Cimila: Reichel-Dolmatoff 1945, No. 8 [Sierra Nevada Indians eat corn, chimila only eat cassava, herbs and wildlife; find a seiba with an ear of corn on top; they cut all day, to felling overgrows in the morning; so every night; one person offered to cut without stopping, the tree fell, the chimila found corn], 9 [many years in a row drought, everything died; one person kept some seeds corn; the land was not suitable for sowing, he sowed seeds in the tree trunk, corn yielded crops]: 9-10, 10.
Llanos. Yaruro: Wilbert, Simoneau 1990c, No. 37 [Tapir found the Tohurato tree on which all cultivated plants grew; he was given a hallucinogen, vomited, everyone saw what he was eating; followed; Tapira they sent him to cut down a tree, but under the influence of the drug he got lost and did not return; Tapir's big axe broke, began to be cut down with small strong axes; where the branches fell, vegetable gardens appeared; they they fell far away, so Creoles cultivated plants], 38 [only Tapir ate fruits from the Tohurato tree, where mangoes, bananas, sugarcane, cassava, corn, etc. grew; people followed and told Tapir cut down a tree; the woodpecker helped him; Tapir was told to go get a basket, and fruits were loaded into it], 39 [Tapir asked his father-in-law for arrows, broke them, saying that they were broken when shooting, and ate bananas from the tree himself, on which all the fruits grew; he was given a hallucinogen, vomited, so they found out what he ate; the mouse traced; the tree was cut down, but by morning the felling was overgrown every time], 40 [Tapir ate one from the tree, on which all the fruits grew; The mouse traced; Tapir was given a hallucinogen, vomited, so they found out what he ate; Tapir was told that the Creator summoned him to her; they began to cut him down, cut down the thicket at night; then they cut down day and night; the branch kept in the sky, the Woodpecker cut it, the tree fell], 41 [cassava, bananas, yams, tarot and all other fruits grew on the Food Tree; only Grandpa Tapir knew about it; the Mouse traced; Tapira was given a hallucinogen, vomited, so they found out what he ate; The birds cut off the trunk, but the branches stayed in the sky; the woodpecker cut them; Tapira was temporarily sent away], 42 [Tapir and Caracara knocked down a tree with all the fruits on it; they were dismantled, only unripe left for Tapira], 43 [only Tapir ate fruits from a tree on which bananas, pumpkins, sweet potatoes and other fruits grew; others gave Mice ( like that!) hallucinogen, he began to vomit, everyone saw what he was eating; Woodpecker, Parrot, Partridge, Mako and other birds began to cut it, found the trunk intact in the morning; yet they cut it down, turned into birds; the woodpecker cut it a branch stuck in the sky], 44 [only the Mouse knew about the food tree; others followed; began to cut it, and in the morning found the trunk intact; working day and night, they cut the trunk, but the tree caught its branches on the sky; The woodpecker took off, wearing a red handkerchief, cut off the branches; the tree fell, the woodpecker became a woodpecker], 45 [The woodpecker finds a tree on which yams, bananas, cassava and everything else ripen; only the Mouse came to eat these fruits; people watch the Mouse, find a tree; cut down all day, returned in the morning, cut down the thicket; cut down the trunk, but the branch is entangled in the sky; the woodpecker cut it, it turned into a bird; the tree fell into side of the Meta River, where all kinds of cultivated plants are now abundant], 46 [Tapir found a tree with different cultivated plants on its branches; the mouse traced; the mouse and woodpecker cut down the tree with axes, but it remained hang by the top of the head on a silver chain; the woodpecker also cut it]: 60-62, 62-64, 64-65, 66-67, 68-75:70, 71-72, 72-73, 73-74, 75; Petrullo 1939:241 [one person found a tree with fruits of all kinds; He did not tell others; a white man appeared on horseback; returned in the boat; spread seeds everywhere; this is how forests and cultivated plants appeared], 239 [in the world where foremother Kuma is located, there is a giant a sample of each plant and a giant specimen of each animal]; cuiva [both cultivated and wild plants]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1991b, No. 113-114 [kinkazhu knows about wood; paka reveals the secret, brings other human animals], 115 [paka and the monkey argue who to take the fruit; then the paka cuts down the tree]: 164-175; guayabero [a man ate a fruit in the water, becomes pregnant; he they cut his stomach, the boy Naxén came out; he taught people how to farm, there were no cultivated plants before; N. had a sparkling rainbow head; the Sun wanted one for himself; they began to fight; N. left, took it from all cultivated plants, famine came; N. went to the island at sea, turned into a giant tree with cassava, sweet potato, peach palm and other plants (but not corn); told the Forest Dog that he can eat, but he forbid giving it to the Sun; the Sun noticed papaya residues in his excrement; he saw the way, sent the Rat, which did not catch up with the Forest Dog, but Lapa (agouti?) I found a tree; they began to cut the trunk with stone axes, the felling overgrown overnight; two months later they asked ants to carry away the chips, now they are white pebbles in the mountains; the trunk was cut, but the tree was cut down behind the vine suspended from the sky, the vine led to N.'s heart; the squirrel cut off the vine; when the tree fell, the tree hit the Squirrel; the tree fell into the sea; the tapirs harvested the fruits]: Schindler 1977a: 226-228; Sicuani: Queixalos 1979 (recorded by the author in 1972 from the leader of a now abandoned village within a section of the forest in the savannah) [the opossum found a pineapple tree, a Kaliawiri tree; food debris smelled on his teeth and everyone understood what he was eating pineapples; they wanted to send Aguchi for exploration, but he stayed asleep; then Paku; the opossum crossed Orinoco through the trees, the paka then swam across; the opossum dropped one pineapple from the tree, the paka picked it up and suffered, punished for it; there was no food before; cassava, pineapples, yamats+three unidentified species of food plants found an opossum; paca brought pineapple to Santa Rita, where birds and animals lived, who were human at the time; Paka cut food into portions, all ate; in the morning an opossum came; he and Paka started throwing fire at each other; smut thrown by the opossum hit the pake's throat, so she has des orifications infra-orbitaux, renferment une chair délectable; and the opossum's tail was burnt, since then it has been naked; after that, the opossum admitted where the tree was; people made small rafts to swim across the river; they brought hatchets made of fish jaws in their bags; when they began to cut, they bent; only the woodpecker had a good ax; he cut it for a long time, then everyone went to bed; in the morning there were no traces, chips on the trunk returned to the place; same the next morning; then someone named Matsuludani offered to call their grandfathers, leaf cutter ants; ants took away the chips, the tree collapsed; people cleared the plots, sowed; so cassava and all kinds of food appeared; the K. tree turned into the Sipapo mountain range (in Venezuela in the Piaroa area)]: 104-124; Wilbert, Simoneau 1992, No. 44 [the boy asks his grandmother to buy it in the trough; produces starch; people tell him to swim in the river, collect starch; when angry, the boy tells his grandmother to be awake to hear a rumble; she falls asleep; only Kinkaju hears it and knows where she grew up Kalievirne tree; all edible fruits grow on its branches; Chamani (lizard) vomits Kinkaju, people learn that he secretly eats other food; Agouti fails, Paka follows the river beyond Kinkaju, fights with him, finds a tree; C. asks Palemecune for axes, he does not give it; he is given vomit, he regurgitates tools (= bird beaks); gives people parcels of mosquitoes that open them turn into the capybaras; people cut K.; on the outside, the barrel is pure cassava, and the core is strong; the next morning the barrel is intact; you need a fire drill to work at night; Cayman swallowed it; Frogs lure it; Cayman they rip open their belly, take the drill; the trunk is cut, but the tree hangs on the vine; the bird fails, the Squirrel cuts the vine; the branch with the fruits of the peach palm falls into the water, Tapir unsuccessfully tries to hide it ; after a tree falls, people are mortal; C. tells them to dance to find ease and go to another world; old woman Ibarruua breaks abstinence, takes Cayman as a lover; summons him by putting him on the water a calebass turned upside down and tapping on it; people kill his lover, let I. eat his penis; I. tells the fish to swallow C.; his brothers set rapids on the river to stop the fish; revive the regurgitated H .; shoot up, only a virgin manages to fix an arrow in the sky and make a chain; in the form of termites, C.'s people climb into the sky; the thunder Yamakhyonë lives there; C. replaces his club, Y. cannot kill people, C. kills him; his wife tells ants to collect pieces of his flesh, I. revives; I. and C. reconcile; people continue to climb the chain of arrows; the Bat cuts her off when they have fallen turn into turtles, parrots], 45 [when the grandmother washed the orphan boy, it was not dirt that ran off him, but pieces of cassava; she made cakes out of it; the boy grew up, the cassava grew bigger, the old woman shared with relatives; the boy said they wanted to kill him, left and became a lignum vitae tree, Kalevírnae; Kinkaju followed him; sweet and bitter cassava, yam, sugar cane grew on the tree, pineapples, etc. (corn is not mentioned); The mouse followed, Kinkaju told him to remain silent, but Tsamáni questioned him; he sent Paku to the tree; Kinkaju dropped a pineapple, Paka brought it to the village; the houses of Kinkaju and Paka became fight, burning each other with smut (hence the current coloring book); to get an ax, people led by C. sailed in a boat to Palaméco's grandfather; he was lying in a hammock in an iron house; P. agreed to belch tools when they gave him corn (he had never tasted it before) and yopo; taking axes, people began to cut, but the felling overgrown overnight; working at night, they cut the trunk; the tree was tied to the sky and to the forest with vines; they were cut by Toucan, Oropendola, and Squirrel; the tree fell, people got cultivated plants], 46 [people ate only wild fruits and tree mushrooms; but Kinkaju ate pineapples from the Kaliawiri tree at night; He slept during the day, people found leftovers on his teeth; Paka followed him; bananas, potatoes, cassava, garlic, sugarcane, etc. as well as all types of wood ripened on the tree; Kinkaju dropped pineapple, Paka brought it to the village; Kinkaju and Paka's houses began to fight, burning each other with smut (hence the current coloring book); people went to cut down a tree; felling eventually overgrown with axes split; they took out new ones, worked at night, cut the trunk, the tree remained hanging on the vines descending from the sky; they were cut down by Mockingbird and Squirrel; the fallen tree turned into stone; the sky rose higher; during the flood, the harvested crops died; people gathered on the mountain, swordfish drowned boats; later the water came down], 47 [neighbors notice pieces of pineapple on kinkaju's teeth; Paka followed him to the Kaliawiri tree; he dropped a pineapple, Paka brought it to the village; the next day, Kinkaju took people to cut K., where bananas, pineapples, sugar cane, cassava, peach fruits grow palm trees, all cultivated plants, branches of different trees; people took axes - fish bones; they immediately broke; they almost cut down the woodpecker with an ax, went to bed, cut down the thicket in the morning; working continuously, the trunk they cut it down, but the tree is suspended from the sky on a vine; the mockingbird could not cut it, the juice splashed into his eyes; the squirrel cut; the fallen tree became a mountain range; people planted cassava; the flood destroyed everything cultivated plants; Tsuwawirinë slapped another man on the stomach, who gave birth to a boy who raised cassava again], 49 [after the flood, Kinkaju finds a Kaliviri tree overseas with everyone edible plants on the branches; his wife Paka realizes that he is eating something special, follows him, he breaks her tail (now she is without a tail); she brings yams and other fruits to her children; fights with husband; Furnáminali, Tsamani and Ivinai come to Palemekuni to ask for an ax; he does not give it; C. tickles his nose with a mosquito, he regurgitates axes and machetes; gets the best ax Woodpecker; P.'s wife regurgitates parcels with night, wind, rain, mosquitoes, laziness; despite F.'s warning, people open parcels; makes it dark, it rains, mosquitoes bite; people turn into animals ( caiman, anteater, etc.); dawns; people cut down the trunk, felling overgrows, axes break; ants are told to carry chips away; the trunk is cut, the tree hangs on the vine; T. turns into a mockingbird, not can cut it; squirrels cut it; the male stays at the top, the female falls to the ground; the tree falls down so humans are mortal], 50 [there is nothing to eat after the flood; Kinkaju found a tree with everyone cultivated plants on the branches; in the morning he asked his grandchildren to clean his mouth so that others would not notice any leftovers; his wife Paka heard him speak piapoco that his mouth tasted pineapple; Furn á advised her to follow; she followed him across the sea; the tree asks him to shed its fruit; hides a pineapple, Kinkaju grabs her tail, tore it off, now Paka is without a tail; she brought the peel etc., to the village, F. gave names to all the fruits; Kinkaju clamped Paki's face between two smut, it became narrow], 51 [Kinkaju found the Kalivirne tree with all the fruits on the branches; Tsamani and his people came to Palemekuni does not let him ask for tools; T. sent one two mosquitoes to crawl through P. (one from back to mouth, the other on the contrary), he coughed, regurgitated machetes, pistols, knives, blankets, and other European things; the woodpecker took a hatchet; began to cut down the thicket the next morning; they began to work at night, but The crocodile swallowed and carried away the fire; T. turned one of the young men into a frog; the frogs began to sing, the crocodile swam to eat them, killed him, found a fire in his belly, lit a fire again; a felled tree they hold vines attached to the sky; the squirrel cut them, people took possession of the plants], 52 [Kinkaju went to the Caliavirinae tree to eat fruits at night; Paka followed, grabbed and carried away the pineapple he had dropped; people came to ask Palameco for tools; one turned into a mosquito, tickled his throat, he belched his axe; cut his trunk, the Squirrel cut off the vines that held him; people received cassava and other cultivated plants; a fallen tree turned into rock outcrops], 53 [(Ortiz 1982:85); people deprived a woman of food; she scraped corn off her feet; ate porridge, fed her younger ones sisters and brothers, later turned into a Kalivirnae tree; peppers, yams, cassava and other cultivated plants grew on it; necklaces were on the Tulikisínae tree]: 191-203, 204-210, 211-215, 215-218, 221 -224, 225-226, 227-228, 229-230, 231.
Southern Venezuela. Piaroa: Boglar 1977, No. 1 [Kwawai is a giant tree with four branches; one was grown by a white man and woman, the other by the ancestors of three Native American tribes; this created by Wahari cassava, corn, ocuma, yam, sweet potato, various fruits appeared in the tree; V. decided to cut down the tree so that people could bear fruit; it fell between the Kuao and Autana rivers, so upper Kuao has high hills; if if it fell here, the mountains would be here; where the crown fell, there was better land, more fruit], 28 [a giant tree grew out of Wahari's stomach, with all edible fruits; one woman asked for fruit, but B . replied that he tried them and they were dangerous; raped this woman and left; she vomited, her urine was bleeding, she walked along the river, and where blood dripped, forest fruits grew there], 29 [Los waikuni worked, they wanted to drink; there were no rivers yet, they asked Vahari for water; he replied that only women drink water at work, and men drink yopo and caapi drugs; V. asked women where they get water, they showed , V. went there, but the Vaikuni magically mixed V.'s thoughts, he wandered through the forest for several years; tied the branches of a tree with a rope on which all the edible fruits could not be cut down; one animal climbed on a tree, gnawed through the rope; people came and took the fruit; when V. came, there was only one lump left; Buoka (brother V.) put the disease in it; V. ate a lump, his teeth and head hurt]: 231-233, 285, 285-287; Costanzo 1977:153, 158; saliva [note 33 to the text about cutting a tree with cassava and other cultivated plants on branches: Saliva has the same myth about the origin of the mountain range (petrified remains of felled wood)]: Vargas, Kondo & Kondo 1974:201, 206 in Wilbert, Simoneau 1992, No. 52:230; makiritare: Barandiaran 1966:21-33 [giant cassava tree], 39-41; Civrieux 1959 [tree in the form of a huge cassava]: 117; Civrieux 1960 [Earth's inhabitants ate the earth; the monkey Kúshu found out that a giant cassava bush was growing in the sky; got there, made the bush small, hid it at himself under his fingernails; the owner of cassava Suamo followed him, ripped off K.'s skin; Sister K. regained his former appearance; K., with cassava under his fingernails, went down to the ground, gave Kamáso cassava to plant it; only a rickety plant grew; the same was in second place; in third place it grew well; the Daríche bird brought water from the sky, watered cassava; Eréñahádi took the seed to plant {cassava did not reproduces by seeds}, but the seed did not sprout; Uanádi's mother (cultural hero), on the advice of the sorcerer Wádi, planted the seed in Maráhuaca, where a giant tree with fruits of all kinds grew from it on branches; they fell and killed animal people, including Wade's son killed; all animals and birds under the leadership of Seménia collected fruits from the ground; Tapir and Jaguar collected only for themselves, hid them; S. sent them away bring water in the basket, cut down the tree; when it fell, it formed three mountain ranges; S. told the bird Darice to pour the water it had brought from the sky, it formed rivers; Tapir and Jaguar ran to the fallen tree, but rivers blocked their way; a huge snake became the owner of the waters; when the Jaguar reached, he said "Now we will eat people"; Tapir heard "Now we will eat leaves"; so the jaguar became a predator, a herbivorous tapir] : 185-188; 1980:127-139 [], 132-139 [there were no birds, Wanadi turned sticks into birds {i.e. bird people, first ancestors}; Semenia's bird chief taught how to cultivate the land; Jaguar and Tapir did not work together with others, collected the fallen fruits, hid them; S. sent them to bring water in baskets; the rest, under S.'s guidance, began to cut down the Marahuaca tree with all the cultivated plants on the branches; Tucan's ax has broken (that's why his beak is now crooked), the woodpeckers continue to cut; they go to rest, by morning the felling overgrows; they cut down alternately; the trunk is cut, but the tree hangs entangled in its roots in the sky (the top of the tree faces the ground); this is reported by the Squirrel climbing up; S. gives him an ax, the Squirrel cuts off the heavenly roots, M. fell, heavenly waters poured into the ground from the chopped roots, rain, forming rivers; the land became green with vegetation; the trunk fragments turned into mountains; everyone is happy].
Guiana. Akawai: Brett 1868 [Makonaima creates a tree with all the cultivated plants on its branches; Aguchi finds a tree, eats alone; son M. The whitefish sends the Woodpecker to follow Aguti, who pretends to be a knock; the Rat finds a tree, S. tells him to knock him down; the lazy Monkey interferes with work, S. sends her to carry water in the basket; the stump pours water, fish in it; S. tells you to climb the kokorite palm tree; those who could not close themselves in the cave; a long night falls; S. throws kokorite seeds; when he hears that they no longer fall into the water, people go down; turn into animals; Cayman was left without a tongue for lying; the Trumpeter Bird had ants and are now skinny]: 377-383 (=1880:127-128); Butt Colson 1977 [tobacco tree with various types of tobacco] in Roe 1982:141; Im Thurn 1966 [Aguchi finds a tree with cassava, bananas, and other cultivated plants on its branches; people cut down the tree; the stump turns into stone; water gushes out of it, someone has covered it basket; the curious Monkey lifted it up, the flood flooded the ground; the first ancestors climb the cockorite palm tree; the Howler Monkey roars, his throat remains swollen; man throws seeds down from time to time find out if the water is deep; the first ancestors are descending; the Trumpeter Bird has ants, now they are skinny; the man makes fire by friction; the Penelope marail turkey swallows a spark, flies away, his throat remains red; people think the fire has swallowed Cayman, they tear out its tongue]: 379-381; arekuna [Akúli (aguti) eats the good fruits of the Pupú tree; Makunaima and his brothers are bad from the Kauí-yeg tree; M. sends Kalí (a squirrel) to follow A.; K. and his brothers find a navel, then other forest fruits; A. finds a Wazaká tree; people eat raw food on its branches; people ate raw food ; (the story is interrupted by an episode of getting fire: the green bird Prionites momota owned the fire; Makunaima tied a rope to its tail; found its nest along the rope; took fire with his brothers); M. discovers a corn seed between the sleeping A.'s teeth, sends K. to find out what's going on; he first eats V.'s fruits himself, then tells his brothers; the older brothers object, but M. insists that V. should be cut down ; vines are held on top of him; M. sends K. to cut them; he is bitten by wasps, since then his eyelids have swollen {the same as Kashinaua}; M. cuts V., telling the wood to be soft; Jige's elder brother tells him to be hard; the tree falls, the stump is Mount Roraima; water and fish pours out of the stump; J. covers the stump with a basket; M. wants more fish, takes off the basket, the flood floods the ground; M. and J. climb two palm trees; J. gives M. fruit with his own; M. puts it on his penis, returns J. to eat; A. hides in a hollow, where he had previously transferred all the fruits; when he made a fire there, he scorched his ass, he turned red]: Koch-Grünberg 1924, No. 1:33-36; taulipan [at the foot of Roraima five brothers: Makunaíma, Ma'nape, Anžikilan, Wakalámbe, Aníke; Agouti finds a Wadhaká tree; bananas and corn ripen on its branches, papaya, etc.; he eats them alone; Makunaima invites him to sleep, finds pieces of bananas on his teeth; sends Kali squirrel, then Manapi's older brother, to follow Aguchi; Agouti shows Manabi a tree with wild fruits, K. is a real Vadhaka tree; K. climbs a tree, bitten by wasps, and since then his eyelids have swollen; finally, Aguchi and K. show the Manapi tree, who brings bananas to his brother; Aguti tells do not cut wood, water will flow from there; Manapi cuts, tells the wood to be soft; Aguchi heals the felling with banana peel and wax; Makunaima's other brother tells the wood to be hard; but Manapi knocks down tree; water pours out, fish with it; big and good fish are on the north side, and here is only a small one]: Koch-Grünberg 1924, No. 2:36-38; carinha (Guyana): Brett 1880 [Tamosi (from arav. Tumusi, "creator") creates a tree with corn and other cultivated plants on the branches; Tapir finds it, eats it alone; people watch him; Woodpecker failed, the Rat managed to find the tree; the oracle tells him cut down; people cut down for ten months, find plants; a flood begins; people climb a cockerite palm tree; a woman can hardly climb to half, turns into a stone that follows her too; a few people climb a komoo palm tree, escape]: 104-109; Gillin 1936, No. 1 [every day Tapiriha swims across the river, eats bananas, papayas, yams, cassava growing on tree branches; The rat asks to be transported too, hides her a seed in her mouth, brings it to people; they send Tapirih to bring water in a basket, cut down a tree; vines keep him from falling; The monkeys fail, the Squirrel gnaws through them; Tapiriha comes back, she stays from now on only wild plums; the bunia bird teaches how to cultivate the land]: 189-190; Roth 1915, No. 60:147; macushi: Farabee 1924 [Encekerang's elder brother, the youngest is Anikě; turn the former bad people in stones; notice the remains of various fruits on Aguti's teeth; send Squirrel to trace; she finds a tree with all the cultivated plants on the branches; the brothers cut it down; A. tells the trunk to be hard on the side where E. cuts; the tree falls, the brothers collect fruits on a mat; the water from the trunk floods the world, A. tells the sun to go out; the brothers climb two Maurutia flexuosa palm trees, throw it into the water seeds; new land emerges from them; A. tells the sun to shine again]: 83-85; Soares Diniz 1971, No. 5 [Anikê and Inskirã brothers went east, came to the old woman; she has corn, bananas, all kinds fruits; they followed her, came to a tree with sweet potatoes, corn, bananas, etc.; decided to cut it down; A. cut it from the west, I. from the east; when it fell, the tree was carried away by the sun; it became dark; The brothers Arepopu and Makauaré said that the sun was at the bottom of the river; another pair of brothers Loriuepaneima and Uomai pointed the direction; these four began to dive, took out pieces of the sun; A. collected them, revived them; the Sun - 30-year-old man; promised to let the moon shine at night as a reward]: 82; vapishana: Farabee 1918 [Tuminicar (tum = create, make) creates humans; Dweed every day brings them food; people look after animals, find a tree with all cultivated plants on the branches; no longer need D.'s services; T. cuts down a tree, its stump is the Avayapiapu Rock (=seiba); some plants have not learned to grow, they are gone; the water from the trunk floods the ground; people make a boat out of the upper jaw of a musk duck; they sail to Mount Cerriri; they throw stones to the north to see if the water is deep; they formed a hill; ducks wear their beak around their necks as an amulet]: 110-113; Ogilvie 1940 [Tuminikar (from arav. tum - "create") and Duid are brothers; every day D. brings people edible crops; two girls watch Agouti, find a tree with all the cultivated plants on the branches and roots; now people don't need D.'s services; T. tells us to cut down a tree; the stump is Mount Roraima; the water from the trunk floods the world; a person turns a pendant from a musk duck's beak into an ark; takes plants with him; sticks to a mountain; people throw stones into the water to see if the water has come down; after the flood, many bananas grow on this mountain]: 64- 67; Wirth 1950:172-173 [Aguchi finds a Tamoromu tree in the forest; its branches are home to corn, cassava, yams, bananas, and other cultivated plants; Aguchi eats them alone; when he sleeps, his anus says: Corn , Bananas; People watch Agouti, cut down trees with axes, plant fruits; Tominikare says people will have to work now; wood has turned to stone], 173-174 [Tuminikare plants a tree Uaijána; there are all cultivated plants on its branches; a young girl finds W., picks the fruit, tells her four brothers; when they arrive, the tree is already very tall; they cut down to get the fruit him; fresh water and fish in the trunk; they close the stump with a cork; the younger brother wants more fish, takes out the cork; water floods the ground; after the flood, T. creates new people and animals; Mount Roraima is called Mother of Fresh Waters]; hishkaryana [zap. 1961; cassava was on an inaccessible top of a rocky island; bananas, yams, sweet potatoes and other cultural plants were also there; The squirrel cut off the vine that was theirs held (the informant corrected himself: no, the Squirrel got scared, cut off the Hummingbird); people planted plants]: Derbyshire 1965:15; trio: Koelewijn, Riviere 1987, No. 1:18; oyana [from heaven villages, a group of dancers descended to the ground, including Bely, covered with boils; left at dawn, Bely stayed, recovered, did not communicate with people; rain flooded the ground with a flood, Bely took the boy and girl away to the mountain; then the children got into the boat, and Bely returned to heaven; after the flood he told them to build a house; the children grew up; the young man comes to Bely in heaven; there they bake meat and cassava on a stone under the sun; sister also comes, finds a house whose pillars are cassava cuttings; White shows cassava making utensils, instead of a juice push-up bag, an anaconda, manaret, a wasp swarm; a piece of wood - a ball of snakes; then the objects looked normal, a piece of wood fired; White sends his brother and sister to the ground, giving cassava, yams, bananas, etc.; a piece of wood burns itself (the origin of fire); men and women come out of the two halves of the calebasa; brother and sister attach macaw feathers to their shoulders, fly forever to heaven to White; all three are seen as constellations; White is Atacassi, the young man is Mopére, girl - Quélépo]: Coudreau 1893:549-552
Western Amazon. Siona, Sekoya: Vickers 1989:166; Siona [the husband prepared the plot, the wife (the story of the magical wife) sowed the yuku and she ripened on branches, not in the soil; everything the woman sowed ripened on branches and in abundance]: Chaves 1958:149.
NW Amazon. Carijona [cassava]: Schindler 1977b [cassava]: 73; andoque [Nenefí is the main mythical character, the winner of the "talking tree"; his wife and sister at the same time make two balls out of sweet cassava starch, places cassava plants at the fork (it is not clear whether this is a real plant or a mythical manioc tree), they turn into male and female harpy eagles; eagles grow up, feed his chick by humans; N. eats a chick, makes a house out of stone; The eagle breaks through the roof, sticks its paw inside; it was torn off; the eagle takes off, stones, water appear from the pouring blood, the Andoque Indians are different generic groups (probably also some non-andoque)]: Landaburu, Pineda 1981:71-72 (=1984:70-71); uitoto: Girard 1958 [Buinaima water snake copulated with Amena-cogoena or Monayyalque ( identified with Nafuey - the moon, the first woman); a boy was born, on the fourth day he turned into a tree with cassava, peanuts, peppers and other cultivated plants on top; the mother collected the fruits, and people then they ate the ground; people cut down a tree to get fruit; water poured out of the trunk - rivers; edible plants, mainly cassava, appeared from the branches; this child tree was called Faqurani, its attribute was axe; var.: Buinaima (forest owner, thundertaker) cuts down a tree himself to give fruit to people]: 74-76; Urbina 1991, No. 1 (muinane) [cassava]: 20; Uscatequi Mendosa 1954 [Jacinto Ula, Revista Amazonia 2 (4): 48; was a woman Jeteruiquesa (Xiteraiquesa), i.e. "the daughter of the first shaman"; she did not want to join any of the men, gave birth to a son, Meneramal, put it in a vessel, covered it with another vessel; she told her father, he picked it up a lid, it's not a child, but a small plant; he planted it, the largest tree in the world grew; it has all the fruits and cultivated plants - cassava, bananas, sugarcane, coca, etc.]: 228; bora (? ; San Gabriel River) [a good spirit came down to earth, showed cassava, taught us how to make starch from tubers; but did not show how cassava multiplies; people buried their roots but did not grow anything; good spirit became angry with them; the chief's virgin daughter became pregnant; she said that she was ill, was treated by a shaman, she went to the forest and met a cassava plant there; cassava turned into a young hunter and met with her; the woman gave birth to a son; he took the women of the tribe to that cassava bush, explained that cassava reproduces by shoots]: Whiffen 1915:237-238; chikuna [sweet cassava tubers hang like fruits in the sky]: Whiffen 1915:237-238; chikuna [sweet cassava tubers hang in the sky like fruits on the branches of the bushes]: Nimuendaju 1952:111; cubeo: Goldman 1963 [when collecting the roots, people found a tree with cassava leaves; they did not know what to do with it; ran agouti, replied that he was eating cassava; the peels there were no tubers at that time; tubers fell from the tree as fruits; the tree grew in a clearing, it was guarded by animals; the húbülplü rodent invited people to clear the site, cut down the tree; with stone the tree was cut down with axes and puño teeth; the animals came to eat the fruits of a fallen tree; the old man saw sugar cane growing on one branch, a banana on the other, turú poison on the third, and another on another a tuber that looked like a potato was like the following sweet potato; people cut off a shoot from each branch, planted it]: 51; Soto Olguin 1972 [the "tree of all things" (Aureke) grew in Timbo; first, branches were cut off from it boats; then they began to cut; he was wearing corn, cassava and everything edible, as well as jaguar skins; the axes broke, Tapira was sent for new ones at the bottom at the mouth of the Yi River; he was sent away because he He really wanted to get the skin; when he heard the sound of a tree falling, Tapir rushed back; the howler monkeys first grabbed the skins, so the jaguars were afraid of them and therefore they roar like jaguars; Ighparari and Juanzoco perfumes they ate trees, walked, regurgitated what they had swallowed, each such place had its own group of people; where Juanzoco regurgitated, cubeo appeared; Europeans took their culture (books, etc.) from the tree; people boarded sailed; Yuremake, the son of an anaconda, wanted to sail above the cubeo, but the boat split on the rapids and went back to where the cubeo is now; var. from the Kerari River: the tree was called the same word Yage- Kuma, like Banisteriopsis Caapi; the first to try the bark fell unconscious]: 61-63; wanana [people ate grass, and if they planted plants, they ate only their leaves; the wind carried the smell of the fruit; A squirrel, acuti puru {probably aguti, not a squirrel}, stole leaves on the plot; the owner caught the smell of fruit from Aguti; the owner forced him to lead him to the source of the smell; on Uarakapuri-Cachoeira on the right There is a giant tree on the bank of Vaupes, with all the fruits on it; people began to pick them up; for revealing a secret, the owner of the Uansken gift killed Aguti with a wind gun; he fell on a stone, the trail is still visible; people began to cut down a tree, fell down a month later, got cassava, sweet potatoes, etc.; the birds received fruit palms - bakaba (Oenocarpus bacaba Mart.), acai (aka cabbage palm, Euterpe oleracea Mart.), miriti (Mauritia flexuosa), et al.; since the tree was felled, the fruits should now ripen and are only available at certain times of the year]: Amorim 1928:270 in Bödiger 1965:85-86; desana [Gain pañ ; an is the ancestor of Parrots (but a man); someone steals crops from the garden; first the girls with baskets ran away, the next night he caught one; she is pregnant; replies that he eats worms, insects; he introduced a leaf into vagina, all chewed, there are piranhas; the woman is the daughter of the main Water Serpent, Piranha children are in her stomach; G. washed her vagina with fish poison, married her; decided to visit her father-in-law; emptied baskets with insects, they ate the fish, did not touch them; the father-in-law killed the old servant (fish), gave his son-in-law to eat; under the water was a peach palm (Guilielma speciosa), on which all four varieties of fruit ripened; G. swallowed the seeds while it was being searched, I took it out of the crap on the shore; the palm tree grew, again all varieties on the same tree]: Kumu, Kenhiri 1980:151-158; uitoto: Girard 1958 [Bunaima (the great anaconda) met Na fuey ( the first woman, associated with the moon), she gave birth to a boy; on the fourth day he turned into a tree with sweet and bitter cassava, corn, peanuts and other cultivated plants on its branches; the mother collected these fruits, other people ate the ground; people found a tree, cut down; water poured out of the trunk, forming rivers; the branches formed edible plants, mainly cassava; var.: Bunaima -Owner of the Forest, Thunder, She cuts down a tree himself with an ax to give people fruit and water]: 74-76; Pereira 1980 (2) [the girl sat on the ground with her legs apart; a big worm (Glossoscolex giganteux) crawled into her vagina, she became pregnant; spirit the worm told her to go to the bank of the channel to give birth; a boy was born, she left him covered with a pot; five days later there was cassava root; from it was a tree with bananas and pineapples; the fruits fell into the water piranhas ate them; the woman turned into a monkey; Old Bacurau, the mistress of the fire (Nightjar?) , told me to make cassava cakes; the fire was in her mouth; the mother gave the boy cotton wool, who went up to the old woman, set fire to cotton wool, brought it to his mother; the woman taught people how to fry meat]: 481-482; Uscategui Mendoza 1954 [ Jiteruime was the first in the world, the first shaman, taught others; his daughter refused all men; she gave birth to her son Menerama in a vessel, covered it with another vessel; told her father, who lifted the lid instead of the child inside a plant; he planted it, grew the tallest tree in the world; it has all the fruits and cultivated plants - cassava, bananas, pineapple, coca, etc.]: 228; Yépez 1982 [Aime Huram has Monayaterisai's daughter; Jusido Bunaima came to chew coca, asked her to be his wife; AH, his wife and daughter went to the site; when they returned, HM became a bird, the daughter asked her to catch it, kept it in the basket; when they came again, the birds It wasn't, but HM was human; they thought he took the bird; the next night AH and HB chewed coca again; HB: you have to endure it; but AH still went out to urinate; HS: if you don't want coca, tobacco, you can't stand it , you will eat earth, dry wood; M. sat on a mat; Jusido Bunaima snuck to her from below in the form of a worm, conceived a son, Housitofe (cassava); her mother sent M. to bring water in a sieve to sift cassava flour, found a worm, filled it with boiling water; HB in a dream told M. to put the child she would give birth in a pot, cover it with a leaf, make a cake from the foam that had risen, not show it to her parents; they saw an ant running with a piece of cassava, found out that their daughter had cassava; M. told them not to sleep, look after the child; the child grew a manioc tree, pineapples, caimo, aguacate and other fruits on the branches; along with a lake grew like a tree, the fruits fell into the water; they were taken out by the Old Rat; Father M. Aima Hurama looked for an ax; a woodpecker axe, a bird axe with a hard beak, an ordinary ax, a toad axe, a piranha axe were not good; he hardly woke up his fox uncle; he took a knife, cut off a vine for which the tree was tied to the sky; when the tree fell, the Fox injured his throat, the sons of the AH smeared the wound with yellow medicine, since then the foxes have a yellow throat; foxes are allowed to eat fruits in the gardens as a reward; AH collected oil from the water, brought, planted, grew cassava; ritual songs and accessories from the same lake and tree]: 63-69; ocaina [virgin Amena Kog (oe) n became pregnant from a snake that crawled out to her minks in the ground, which brought a lot of food; her mother noticed a hole in the floor, poured boiling water into it, the snake died; in a dream, his spirit tells him to leave the son she will give birth to in the upper reaches of the ravine; four days later there It turned out to be a giant tree; on its branches there was sweet and bitter cassava, corn, peanuts and other fruits; the girl ate them, and other people ate the land; when she told them, people cut down the tree, planted the fruit; there where the tree fell, a spring hammered; as punishment for being cut down, people have been dying ever since]: Girard 1958:133-134, 137 [this is the first woman]; 196:130; chikuna [no cultivated plants; old woman She noticed leaf cutter ants carrying something white; she liked the smell; following the trail, she came to the river channel; on the bank there was a tree, yam, sweet potato; from it fruits in the form of tubers fell into the water sweet cassava; she baked cassava under her arm, then dried it in the sun; her grandchildren Dioy and Epi came to visit, she did not tell them where the cassava came from; her friend had a nightcap ("night swallow", bacurào) kept the fire in his beak; with it, the old woman no longer baked food under her arm, but cooked on fire; when asked, the old woman answered that she was baking in the sun; when he heard this answer, Bacurào laughed, the fire blazed from its beak; people forcibly opened its beak, since then it has been wide; people found the tree, knocked it down and uprooted it; the deer picked up the shoots of cultivated plants, hid it in the basket; D. called the Deer to pick up the poisoned fish, said he was leaving, turned into a tree above the river himself; the deer hung the basket on its branch, D. took it away; the basket contained tubers, shoots and seeds of all cultivated plants]: Nimuendaju 1952:130-131; piapoko [after eating the fetus, a person becomes pregnant, is allowed without pain by a boy; when the grandmother bathes him, the trough is filled with manioc flour; the boy asks to be cut off fingers, sows phalanges, they grow into cassava; the father does not love his son, so he leaves, taking away all the cultivated plants and placing them on the same tree; the tree is found by a night monkey; agouti picks up the dropped it brings pineapple to people; they cut the trunk day and night, but Cayman swallows fire; in the morning it turns out that the felling is overgrown; Cayman is killed, fire is taken out of his belly, the trunk is cut; the tree remains hang behind a barbasco vine (fish venom) attached to the sky; a squirrel cuts it, falls with the tree; a branch with all its fruits falls into the water; a tapira is sent to dive; as he gets fruit, people hide them; he discovers deception, hides some of the fruits; current crops come from those taken away by people]: Wavrin 1937:604-606; guarikena [all people gathered and began to cut a giant cassava tree, on whose branches all cultivated plants grew, knocked it down, began to grow plants in the fields]: González Ñañez 1980:143-144; uitoto: Girard 1958:74-76; Preuss 1921, No. 2 [Hitiruni ("black") girl rejected all suitors, including the Sun; Sikire ("bamboo") Buneima (aquatic mythical creatures) imperceptibly fertilizes her while she sits on the trough ; appears as a young man, leads under water, sends them back; she gives birth to a boy who turns into a huge tree; all cultivated plants and roots are edible on its branches; the woman bakes them under her arms and under her arms knees, brings parents; people stop eating crushed stones, white clay and rotten wood, go to cut wood; Nofuyeni (one of the first ancestors) takes a toad axe, but from blows the liver comes out of her mouth; receives a red parrot axe from her ancestor, knocks down a tree; throws chips into the water, they turn into fish; carves a woman out of one sliver, marries Hitoma (to the Sun); turns into a cat, flies to heaven]: 170-188; San Roman 1986:115; Yépez 1982 [Aime Huram has Monayaterisai's daughter; Jusido Bunaima came to chew coca, asked her to marry; AH, his wife and daughter went to plot; when they returned, XM became a bird, the daughter asked her to catch it, kept it in the basket; when they came again, the bird was gone, and HM was a man; they thought he took the bird; the next night AH and HB chewed coca again; HB: you have to endure; but AH still went out to urinate; HS: if you don't want coca, tobacco, you can't stand it, you'll eat soil, dry wood; M. sat on a mat; Jusido Bunaima made his way to from below in the form of a worm, conceived her son Housitofe (cassava); her mother sent M. to bring water to a sieve to sift manioc flour, found a worm, filled it with boiling water; HB in a dream told M. to put the child she was she will give birth, in a pot, cover it with a leaf, make a cake out of the foam that has risen, do not show it to her parents; they saw an ant running with a piece of cassava, found out that her daughter had cassava; M. told them not to sleep, watch over the child; the child grew a manioc tree, pineapples, caimo, aguacate and other fruits on the branches; a lake grew along with the tree, the fruits fell into the water; they were taken out by the Old Rat; Father M. Aima Hurama looked for an ax; a woodpecker axe, a bird axe with a hard beak, an ordinary ax, a toad axe, a piranha axe were not good; he hardly woke up his fox uncle; he took a knife, cut off a vine for which the tree was tied to the sky; when the tree fell, the Fox injured his throat, the sons of the AH smeared the wound with yellow medicine, since then the foxes have a yellow throat; foxes are allowed to eat fruits in the gardens as a reward; AH collected oil from the water, brought, planted, grew cassava; ritual songs and accessories from the same lake and tree]: 63-69.
Central Amazon. Arua [a girl became pregnant by a deer; a boy was born; a deer showed him a tree on which corn, sweet potatoes and all cultivated plants grew; they are the origin of the current ones]: Snethlage 1937:130 ( retelling in Metraux 1942:152).
The Central Andes. Quechua (Canas, Dep. Cusco) [during the ritual, an artificial tree is hung with various fruits - corn cobs, potato starch, etc.]: Gorbak, Lischetti, Muñoz 1962:278; Quechua (dep. Cusco) [God wants a tree with all cultivated plants on its branches; Pachamama objects to such a tree]: Tomoeda 1982:291; aymara (prov. Norcichas, dep. Potosi) [God sends the Fox to tell people that there will be a large tree on the branches of which all cultivated plants (potatoes, corn, quinoa, caniua, etc.) will grow; the fox convenes people and animals, tells disassemble seeds by size, color, and shape, prepare a special field for each species; God punishes the Fox by making his mouth as wide as his lies]: Paredes Candia 1953:23-25; 1957:65 (retelling in Tomoeda 1982:290).
Montagna - Jurua. Shipibo-Konibo [villages of the dead are located in the clouds above the ground; every nation (including Europeans) falls into its own; every village has an "iron" (aka "golden") tree with all kinds with fruits on branches]: Gebhaart-Sayer 1987:31.
Bolivia - Guaporé. Eseeha [cassava, bananas and other cultivated plants come from the same tree hanging on branches]: Alvárez 1942:155; chacobo: Bossert, Villar 2002 [cultivated plants and The fire is owned by old Ashina, people eat meat raw or dry it in the sun; A. gives them only boiled corn, crushed cassava; tareche (parrot?) warns her when every thief is approaching, she puts a person in a basket, cooks, eats it; The cricket steals a seed, brings it to people, and grows out of it a huge stem with cobs of all kinds of corn, they are current; the tareche bird carries coal in its beak, the beak is burnt, it has become shorter; A. sends a storm with rain, but the fire did not go out; the old man gave fire to every family; A. cooked and ate every son; She left one, his name is Virika; he got married; A. ate her grandchildren who were born; V. tries to hit his mother with an ax, arrows, her body is like a stone; V. arranges a holiday, birds take him and his wife to heaven ; A. longs; people push it into a hole, it turns into an armadillos; those who laugh and scream have become birds and animals; colored uruku have red feathers and wool; the anteater made a tail out A.'s brooms; the battleship's shell from her basket, turtles from the shard of the vessel; those who did not laugh dug up and took cassava A.]: 368-369; Kelm 1972, No. 2 [the old woman owns corn, cassava and other crops plants; The parrot guards, whistles, the old woman comes out, grabs trying to steal plants, cooks, eats her; she cannot be killed, because the body is like a stone; The cricket made a mink, took away a grain of corn; from the seed grows a stem, all kinds of cobs are ripe on it; there was no fire, people cooked in the sun; A parrot stole coal from the old woman, her beak was burned; to steal cassava, people dug a ditch, an old woman fell into it, became burgos (Momotos sp.); everyone who entered her house and took something became animals; the anteater took the broom, it grew up, became its tail; the battleship took the basket, the shell; who went to the plot remains human, they dug up cassava tubers for themselves]: 219-221; tupari [to cut down a peanut tree, the brothers stun the woodpecker and take away its sturdy ax; nuts then grow healthy plants, including corn and a number of wild plants (Brazil nuts, reeds for making arrows, etc.)]: Caspar 1975:190-191.
Eastern Brazil. Different types of corn. Kayapo (pau-d-arco): Wilbert, Simoneau 1984a, No. 49 [the boy is sent for an ax; when he returns, he eats a steppe owl, turns into an old man]: 155-156; crash: Wilbert 1978, No. 70 [Schultz 1950:75-79; people had fire and meat, but no cassava, they ate rotten wood with meat; female star Katxeré decided to go down to a lonely young man, give people food; turned into a frog, her young man threw it away, she appeared as a girl, told her to be hidden in calebass in the morning; in calebas she was a frog, she opened it as a girl; the young man's sister opened it, after that he did not hide his wife; she pointed the tree by the water, whom all varieties of corn and cobs fell into the water; people were afraid to eat, K. taught him; others saw a piece of cake from the boy, cut down a tree; K. showed wild edible fruits; while her husband was hunting, another man raped K.; she made a drink out of bark, brought it to the square, everyone drank and died; K. returned to heaven, the cultivated plants remained], 71 [Schultz 1950:80-83; boys aged 15-16 spend the night on plaza; only one without a wife; a Star Girl was with him; in the morning she became young, he hid her in a calebass; his five-year-old sister opened it, then the young man stopped hiding his wife; people ate rotten wood and termite nests; they planted corn but did not know that it was edible; The star collected the cobs, made tortillas; brought cassava, watermelons, rice, yam, peanuts from the sky, planted everything; gave birth to a son; taught harvest and cook]: 194-200, 201-205; kayapo [two boys sent for an ax; when they return, they kill and eat an animal, turn into old people]: Wilbert 1978, No. 79 [eat an opossum], 80 [lizard]: 224-227; Wilbert, Simoneau 1984a, No. 46 [opossum]: 145-147; Apinaye: Wilbert 1978, No. 74 [the young man's wife died; he cried as he looked at the sky; the star disappeared and was next to him on the plaza; after the fifth night, the young man agreed to marry her; hides his wife in calabass, the sister finds it, he announces his new marriage; people ate rotten wood, leaves, game and coconuts; the star ordered to prepare the plot, brought yams, bananas, sweet potatoes, corn, rice, beans, peanuts, etc. from the sky, taught me how to cook all this, as well as weave mats and baskets; finding her husband with an earthly girl, she returned to heaven; if only it didn't happen, the Star would bring other values from the sky], 75 [the young man's wife is dead; he looks at the sky, dreams of a star coming down to him; a frog jumps towards him, he throws it off, falls asleep; when She wakes up, there is a girl next to her, she was a star and a frog; the next night she brought yams and yams, people were eating rotten wood at that time; he hides it in calebass; his younger brother finds her, she is ashamed; After that, the young man lives openly with her; she goes with her husband's mother, jumps on her shoulder three times in the form of an opossum; explains that she wants to point to the tree on which all varieties of corn grow so that people are larger they did not eat rotten wood; men cut down wood when they left, cut down the bush; the boys were sent for the best axes, killed and ate the opossum along the way, turned into old people; the shaman doused them with water and restored their youth; people cut down a tree, the Star showed how to grow corn; after her husband died, she returned to heaven]: 212-214, 215-216; xavante [the woman heard voices in the forest, saw under the tree there were corn cobs, parrot droppings; corn grew on the branches of the tree, the higher, the more cobs; the woman climbed in, threw her cobs down, put large baskets on the bottom, small on top, at home she showed only her father; people used to eat rotten wood, cassava; people saw a woman's children eating tortillas; her father told others; cassava also grew up in the forest at that time; the woman brought men to wood, they collected the cobs, brought them to the village, the parrots were left without food]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1984a, No. 45:137-145.
SE Brazil. Botokudo [the sorcerer cleared the site and left; there grew a tree with all the cultivated plants on the branches]: Nimuendaju 1946b: 102.
Southern Brazil. Mbia [Nhandé Ru Pa-pá tenondé (the first in the world) sat in the dark; two winds came in, it dawned a little, N. saw water all around; the winds blew and dried the earth; N. got up, did a stick, worked for six days creating the world; decided to make a forest; created a tree, all branches of which were trees of different types; they bore fruit, N. planted them, all the trees that were there grew; there was a second ancestor, Nhandé Chy tenondé; he has three sons - Tupã in the west, Karaí Ru Eté in the east, and Jakairá-Mirim at its zenith; Nhandé Ru Pa-pá tenondé and Nhandé Chy tenond é live in the fifth, highest sky; T. taught farming, gave seeds; they harvested in three days, and now they are harvesting in three months]: Baldus 1952:483.