Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

G6. The First Tree. .10.-.14.17.20.-. (.40.) .

One of the trees is the main thing, the original, something very different from the others (the first to arise; the ancestor of trees; the ancestor of wild or cultivated plants; the sea and the rivers within it; the world's axis; above the others; obscures the sky).

Bushmen, Herero, Pangwa, Fang, Lunda, Chagga, Bambara, Sandave, Nuer, Didinga, Kabila, Sumer, (Aramei), Kamano, Usurufa, Guadalcanal, Yap, Gilbert Islands, Nauru, Bellona, Rai, Tawang, Miri, Apatani, Minyong, Khasi, Garo, Muong, Kachin, Burma Naga, Lao, Ly, Lao Black Thai, Tharu, Muria, Gadaba, Maldives, Nicobars, Semangs, Malays, Toba Bataki, Nias, Kayan, Bahau, Dusun, Bidayu and other Dayaks of Western Sarawak, Minahasa, Tetum, Ancient China, Chinese (Sichuan), Chuan Miao, Asi, Hungarians, Romanians, Bulgarians, Kalmyks, Nogais, Georgians, Persians, Kafirs (Prasun, Kati), Scandinavians, Estonians, Finns, leaders, Izhorans, Karelians, Western Sami, Chuvash, Mordovians (Erzya and Moksha), Kazakhs, Kyrgyz, Altaians, Teleuts, Khakas, South Altai Tuvans, Buryats, Mongols, Mansi, Southern and Northern Selkups, Tundra Nenets, Nganasans, Central Yakuts, Evenks (group not specified), Udege, Nanai, Ulchi, Manchus, Ainu, (Aleuts), Okanagon, Flethead, Tolova, Tuscarora, Seneca, Delaware, Seri, Aztecs, Maya Yucatana, tsotzil, lacandons, cabecar, bribri, kuna, eastern Panama, ambera, yaruro, cuiva, sicuani, guayabero, piaroa, maquiritare, sanema, lokono, trio, macushi, desana, kabiyari, cubeo, yagua, chikuna, uitoto, bora, shipibo-conibo, chayahuita, ashaninka, harakambet, eseeha, chiriguano, guarazu, nambiquara, paresi, botocudo, chamacoko, matako, chorote, toba, mbia.

SW Africa. Bushmen: Kotlyar 1983, No. 1 [the ancestors of the Bushmen came out of a hole in the ground among the roots of a huge tree that covered the country; crowds of various animals came out, pushed and shoved each other; the crowd it grew denser, animals began to come out of the branches as well; when the sun went down, no new animals appeared; it was ordered not to light a fire before sunrise; people froze and kindle; animals left speechless in fear]: 24; Scheub 2000 (kung, Angola; p. 59 refers the same story to the San Bushmen, Namibia, and Botswana) [the first ancestors came out of a hole in the ground under the roots of a huge tree, whose branches stretched over a large part of the country; this hole and human footprints are still visible in Marootsee; one person came back and stayed in the hole; then cattle came out of there]: 57;. Then people became quarrel, pushed each other out; the animals that came out ate reeds nearby, then went around the country; on.

Bantu-speaking Africa. Herero [Herero's ancestors, along with cattle, came out of the Combretacee tree; it is still in Kaoko Weld; Bushmen and small cattle came out of the hole in earth]: Baumann 1936:225; Parrinder 1967:39; Werner 1933:22 (quoted in Kotlyar 2009, No. 130:111); pangwa [at first there is only a tree in space, ants in it; the wind broke off and carried away a branch with white ones ants; they ate the leaves, defecated one by one, then began to eat this excrement, their mountain kept growing, covering the original tree, so the earth arose; some of the excrement petrified under the cold wind; when the warm wind blew, the frost melted, water flooded everything; then the mountain, trees, people, animals reappeared; then see I4A motif]: Beier 1966:42-44; fang [Nzame created everything, his assistants Mbere and Nkwa appointed Elephant, Leopard, and Monkey as the main animals; then all three gods created the immortal man Fam ("strength"); he shouted that he was the master on earth, independent of N.; N. burned the earth with lightning, F. found himself in the underworld; the gods covered the charred ground with a new layer of soil, grew a tree, its leaves fell, turned into all kinds of animals; those that fell into the water into fish, crabs and others water dwellers; the gods created the mortal man Sekume, told him to make himself a woman out of wood; the soul of a man in his pupil; they have children; F. gets out of the ground, hides in the forest and water, kills people] : Beier 1966:20-22; Nzambi created the lunda [people, animals and plants in the Kotokangonyi area, where the rock left the prints of people, dogs and wild boars that people hunted; on the advice of N. Barotse and Chokwe moved to new lands, but Lunde stayed; before they separated, people planted a muyobmo tree; it became huge and still exists]: Melland 1923:163-164 in Kotlyar 2009, No. 145:116; chagga [Kichalundu and the other girls went to cut the grass, failed, managed to say that the perfume had taken her away; the sorcerer told her father to sacrifice a cow and a sheep, but K.'s voice soon disappeared completely; A giant tree grew on this site; shepherds rested in its shade; two boys climbed a tree and moved to Wuhu's upper world; this is the Mdi Msumu tree, the Story-tree]: Scheub 2000:ix.

West Africa. Bambara [the god of heaven sent Pemba ("great thing") to create the earth; he visited its four ends in the form of a tornado, created a relief; the god of heaven sent Faro to also equip the sky, set its boundaries in four directions; P. could not finish the work, F. was sent to help, came down with rain that filled the lowlands with water; P. took the image of an acacia, it dried up without rain, turned to dust, he moistened it saliva, creating her female twin Muso Koroni; she created animals, P. became an acacia (Acacia albida), which is the only one that preserves green leaves during the dry season; F. created people they hid under this tree; it taught them crafts; people could not speak and did not die; F. told the heavenly spirit to send people food (oil-rich shea tree nuts); the woman wiped her hands on the tree; P. liked oil, he ordered him to be fed again; told all women to have sex with him, he grew up on a trunk for this purpose; MK was jealous, left, crippled her genitals, causing the first menstruation; P.-tree began to demand that people give him their blood, but rejuvenated them when they grew old; but tired of working for P.; F. defeated him; an old man climbed onto the P.-tree, picked the fruit, which is the essence of the power given to a tree with blood; the tree stopped rejuvenating people; the fruit that plucked ran west but died; it was buried, and then everyone began to die]: Belcher 2005:414-416.

Sudan - East Africa. Sandave [first a hyena, then a brebis, then a woman, followed by a man, then various animals came out of the crack in the big baobab]: Kimmendade 1936:407; nuer [people came out of the hole in at the base of a huge tamarind (a specific tree, it was shown; when it burned down during the fire, its charred remains were revered); from there, the forefather came out and pramatized the Nuers, as well as Europeans (and all others); var.: people fell like fruit from the branches of this tree; var.: this tree was also a woman; var.: people came out of the knees of a first ancestor god]: Crazzolara 1953:66; Didinga [the world is the kraal of heaven deities; in the center of the world near the Ethiopian border there is a giant ficus, whose branches support the sky; the Kraal Palisade is the mountains on the horizon with four passages to the cardinal points; on the tree are main deities]: Kronenberg 1972:132.

North Africa. The Kabilas [the Kabilas fought against the Spaniards, killed so many enemies in the mountains that rivers of blood formed a lake; it had a Tzeschera-buensa tree with golden leaves; Teriel ate them, became pregnant; wild animals came to eat what she would give birth, but she hid into a cave, gave birth to seven Wuarssen and their sister; every Wuarss lay down in a hole and gained the strength of many men; people were scared that T. will give birth to some more monsters, cut down a tree, dragged it away, burned it; two streams flowed in place of the tree - white and animals and blacks; if you put your finger in this second, your finger will turn black; while dragging, a branch it broke off, and figs, olive and 5 other types of fruit trees grew out of it; the tree was burned, the sparks turned into the lights of St. Elms; from ash thrown on a pile of manure, a vine with two branches grew; one black bunches, the other white; if you eat black ones, horns will grow, if white, horns will disappear; the wind has dispelled the ash around the world, valuable and useful plants grew out of it]: Frobenius 1921a, No. 15:85-87.

Western Asia. Sumer: Afanasyeva 1997 [(beginning of the story of the tree Huluppu, Inanna, Gilgamesh, Enkidu's descent into the underworld); when heaven separated from earth, when earth moved away from heaven, when He took the sky away when Enlil took his land, when Ereshkigal was given a gift to the underworld of marriage, when the Father sailed the underground world, when Enki swam the underground world... then, in those days, one a tree, the only tree, a huluppu tree (willow or poplar), planted on the bank of the Euphrates clean, it drinks the waters of the Euphrates, the south wind flies in forcefully, pulls out its roots, breaks its branches, the Euphrates He knocks him down with a wave; his wife, Ana submissive in words, goes, Enlilya is submissive in words, walks, takes a tree with her hand, brings it to Uruk, brings it to the garden, blooming Inanna brings it to the garden...; five years have passed, ten years have passed, the tree he grew up, his bark cannot be split, a snake who does not know spells in his roots, made a nest, Anzud-the bird brought out a chick in its branches, Lilith the Virgin built a house for herself in the middle of it; then I. asks for help his brother Utu, who does not answer; asks Gilgamesh; he girded himself, took a bronze ax, killed a snake, drove Anzud the bird away, the maiden Lilith destroyed her house; he split the branches to make Inanna's bed, from the roots made a magic drum from the branches of a stick]: 215-219; Yemelyanov 2001 []: 103-105; Yemelyanov 1999 [Enki-Ninki - "Mr. Place, Mrs. Place"; spells from Farah and Ebla: "Tamarisk, lonely trunk, tree Ana! From her roots in the land is Enki-Ninka, along her crown is Lord Ana, spread over the | pier | sacred!" ; "Tamarisk, the trunk is righteous, the trunk is clean! Tamarisk roots - Enki-Ninki! Enlil's Tamarisk! Tamarisk! The life of heaven, the life of the earth, the life of Ana, Enki-Ninka (be cursed!)" ; we see that Enki-Ninki lives in the roots of a sacred tree whose trunk belongs to Heaven and the crown to the inhabited world (Enlil); Ur-Nanshe's spell: "Sacred reed, water abyss reeds, reeds Ankie Ninky!" ; Eanatuma's inscription on the "Kite Stele": "Let Ninka turn her foot (=Umma) away from the ground!" ; The Ninki here is the goddess of the earth, depriving violators of the sacred treaty of support; first Heaven-Earth exists undivided, then generations of terrestrial androgynes appear, then Demiurge Enlil with his wife (already separately) followed by Enlil and Ninlil's firstborn, the moon god Nanna; the earliest written tradition considers Enki-Ninki to be the deities who were at the origins of life: they live in the roots of the sacred trees near the water abyss, in Nergal's dwelling, are the parents of 7 (or 6, 9) paired deities and Enlil; Sacred Hill is an embankment of earth to a water source from which the tamarisk celestial tree sprouts, where Enlil's androgynous ancestors live, who arose before the separation of Heaven and Earth]: 100-104; 2001 [Urukagina Lagashsky, XXIV century: "The well has released water. Ahn, Vladyka, stood up in his youth. Ahn and Ki shouted at each other (i.e. split, moved away from each other). At that time, Enki-Ninka was gone, Enlil did not live, Ninlil did not live, the Day did not pass, New Month did not come out." The fragment describes the beginning of the world, when there was only a freshwater spring gushing from the ground and the first conflict between Ana and Ki, which previously existed inseparably, took place; after the separation of Heaven from Earth begins to give the deities of air and earth the attributes of the world order]: 107; (cf. The Arameans [(The Tale of Ahikar Premudr; apparently created in Assyria in the 7th century BC; the oldest fragments of the 5th century BC in Aramaic were found on Elephantine among the documents of the Jewish military colony; the oldest Syrian copies of the 12th-15th centuries AD; the Syrian version formed the basis for translations and alterations in Arabic, Ethiopian, Armenian, Romanian, Slavonic); Pharaoh tells the sage Akhikar to solve the riddle; there are 12 cedars on the pole, each has thirty wheels, each wheel has two ropes - white and black (year, 12 months, 30 days, day and night); tells you to weave five ropes out of sand; A. asks for one rope with warehouses as a model; he refuses; then A. drills 5 holes in the wall, sprinkles sand into it, rays of light intertwine like a twisted rope; A. asks that these ropes be taken, and he will weave others ; Pharaoh orders to sew a broken millstone; A. asks to cut off the missing pieces for the upper millstone; the pharaoh gives A. the Egyptian serve in three years]: Belov, Wilsker 1960:29-30).

Melanesia. Camano, usurufa et al. (eastern mountains) [Jugumishanta and her husband Morufonu sit under a tree whose branches form the earth; the world rests on M.'s shoulders as he moves, the ground shakes; their eldest son Months married to Vechernyaya Star; the youngest is the Sun (aka Bird of Paradise), married to Moa'ri (red stone); the sun's rays are arrows from his bow; Jugumishanta is identified with the earth]: Berndt 1965:80-81; Guadalcanal [Sivotohu and his wife Koevasi lived in the sky; K. ordered the hornet to go down to the water, make land; Guadalcanal appeared; K. planted two trees, a ficus and a cordylina (=dracaena, Liliceae), ordered the hornet to tear off each on the leaf, they turned into men and women, giving birth to two fratria; the eagle became the totem of one of them, as eagles nest on the ficus; S. lowered cultivated plants on the vine to people, cut off the vine; falling, she created a rugged terrain; S. and K. first told the Sun to walk at night and the moon during the day, but everyone didn't like the fact that the nights were hot, so the order was changed]: Hogbin 1937:87.

Micronesia-Polynesia. See motive E32. Yap: Müller 1918, No. 86 [a tree grew from the sea to the sky; a crab lived on the trunk, gave birth to a daughter, who gave birth to a human son; on the fourth attempt, he climbed the trunk into heaven; where he was killed and nailed with her nails to the beam of the house; the mother got up, got God to revive his son; they threw down the heavenly earth with pebbles, islands appeared, they descended; God gave them a cat and needles; the cat caught mice, but the cat still had needles in her eyes; the mother returned to heaven; God said that the young man would be a spirit, but his son would be mortal; the mother came down again, gave birth to a daughter, there was still a nephew; from them people] : 660-661; Walleser 1913 [a tree from the mallow family grew rooted in the sky, top of its head down to the ocean; a woman lived in its branches, gave birth to a son; did not order to rise to heaven; he rose, disappeared; she found him dead nailed to the beams of the house; asked the heavenly leader to bring him back to life; he did this, gave him sand, land, seedlings; the woman threw it all into the sea, an island appeared, she began to live on it with her son]: 609-610; Gilbert Islands: Grimble 1922 [see motif A46; Na Arean killed his father Na Atibu, turned his right eye into the sun, his left eye into the moon, his brain into stars, pieces of flesh into rocks and stones, bones in trees, including the Samoa Tree (Tamoa in Gilbert), an ancestor; its branches and roots grew from the First Forefathers; this tree grew from the NA spine; its right half became the northern half, the left southern solstice; (hereinafter referred to as the names of the first ancestors, their marriages, settlement from Samoa to the Gilbert Islands)]: 96-97; Nauru [there was a tree on Mount Tamoa, people grew on its branches; Auruaria cut off branches threw in different directions, they turned into islands; the tree collapsed, people fell, settled the islands]: Maude, Maude 1994, No. 13:51-52; Bellona [the Nerita shell surfaced from the water, it had soil; the first living creature on the island was the pangati beetle; then the arrowroot grew, the sky rested against it; Tangangoa decided to lift it, but its height was insufficient; another god pushed the sky away priestly with a rod, propping it up with it]: Monberg 1966:31.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Rai (Thulung) [it was raining, a lake formed on the ground, the wind brought leaves, from which the first plant grew, gave birth to a creator goddess]: Ebert, Gaenszle 2008:7; tawang [winds they collided from four directions, a drop appeared, turned into an ocean; they collided again, something arose from the ocean, steam, it covered the ocean, became a four-part firmament; in its center, too four-part; the inhabitants of the east are white, the west are yellow, the south are black, the north are red; a three-part tree has grown in the center of the earth; gods live in the upper part, the middle part is golden, people and roots live here trees deep in the ocean]: Pandey 1999:131-132; miri [only the Teri-Ramula tree rose above the water; it was sharpened by a worm, decay fell on the water, formed the ground; the tree fell; the bark at the bottom the trunk became the skin of the world, in the upper one the skin of the sky, the trunk petrified, the branches became hills]: Elwin 1958a, No. 8:15; apatani [Kolyung Pinii created good earth, sun, moon, sky, spirits; one of the spirits, Giirii, became his rival, was banished from heaven to earth, created a parallel world where the earth, sun, moon, and the essence of arii are bad; she has many forms, including Aria's mother; her eyes have become bad by the sun and moon, the throat by the eastern horizon, the heart by the Arii Midii bird, the brain by the vigilantly seeing Miro Tago; from the bone of Mother Aria's lower leg, a giant Khaku Sanii tree arose, which cannot be cut down, so it is solid, the peak is not visible, thicker than the Apatani Valley; only MT saw the summit, where the flying creature Arii Midii settled, brought people and animals to its chicks; people found Palo Talo, who lived in the south, asked to kill AM; he shot her, she fell, burned down; but he was asked to climb into the nest and kill the chick; he hammered nails into the barrel, got up; people took out the nails; the chick lowered the PT to the ground; married; the chick grew up and became dangerous on its own; the PT agreed to kill it; but the tree was standing, a new bird could have been on it; people cut off for 10 years, only chipped off a chip; Miro Tago ordered the termite to be gnawed five years later the tree fell; people made lapangs ritual platforms out of boards, each for a certain spirit in the underworld of Neli]: Blackburn 2008:83-87; miniong [was just a huge tree; the Rat did the ladder, climbed, it broke off, he broke his legs, is still limping; Botte Wiyu began to cut the trunk; the chips that fell to land turned into animals that fell into the water - fish; one fell into the underworld to Kine-Dene became a dog; when people came to CD to ask for seeds of cultivated plants, he put them in the dog's ear, sent them to people; that's why dogs are fed, so CD sacrifices, and the dog lives with human, not CD]: Elwin 1958a, No. 18:380-381 (=1958b: 421-422); Khasi: Mannhardt 1875 [("Kasias in Bengalen referring to Tylor, Anfänge der Kultur, I, 287); stars were human; climbed to the top of the tree, and some remain on its lower branches]: 227; Rafy 1920, No. 8 [the Iei tree grows to a gigantic size, obscures the sun; people cut down the trunk, go to rest, felling overgrows overnight; The wren says that the U Khla tiger licks the felling; loggers leave the axes in the felling with the point outward; the tiger hurts the tongue, runs away, the tree falls down]: 43-48; Stirn, Ham 2000 [were the first 16 Khasi genera, each in his own home; the houses of 7 generations were on earth, 9 in the sky; the earth and sky were connected by a giant oak tree, it had a staircase, earthly and heavenly people communicated; the Tiger persuaded people to cut down an oak tree; when he fell, he blocked the sun, it didn't rise; the Rooster screamed for days, tempting the sun to come back]: 119; garo: Rongmuthu 1960:229-233 [at first people ate only wild yams, tarot and other tubers and roots; it was The Tree of Wealth with 12 branches to the east and 12 to the west; the eastern ones hung diamonds, precious gongs, gold, silver, etc., and the western ones hung seeds of plants: rice, cotton, silk {mulberries?} etc.; on the rice branch, each branch had rice of its own color; even the gods could not pick them; you could only pick them from below, but only from above; then the Wind God, with the help of his friends, God of City and God Storms, the tree began to shake and the rice fell to the ground; the Wind God himself did not bother to pick up rice, a woman did it; she grew rice in her garden; after receiving grains from her, Heaven sowed them in his fields; one day I met Ahni Apilpa from the ground; when they began to eat them, I was surprised that he only had roots and tubers; shared rice with him; sent him rice with his servant, but out of envy he gave dried seeds, they did not sprout; then AA chained the messengers of the god of Heaven; he explained that only one was to blame, sent new rice; AA's servants, out of envy, began to collect still unripe seeds; now the god of Heaven was shackled by AA servants; but it turned out, Fig. they began to grow on the ground], 264 [the goddess Nosthu Nophanthu first placed the mass from which she created the earth into a bowl-shaped gong; among the grains of the earth was the seed of a tree created with the Earth; it grew, the first tree]; the Kachins of Burma [masculine and feminine arose and combined in emptiness, gave birth to the Nata King Ingaunuamagan; he surrounded the ground with a naga dragon as he moved, an earthquake occurs; the sky was supported by four pillars, the fifth was placed in the center; it was too high, celestials appeared from the sawn off upper part, living in water from the sawn off lower part; the central the pillar that connects heaven and earth has become a Sotpunnu tree]: Zapadova 1977:144-145; Burma's naga [a tree growing in the sky has roots reaching the ground; a nat woman in heaven wants to destroy the earth begins to cut roots, an earthquake occurs; her maid stings the woman's children, they cry, the woman goes to them, the maid overgrows the felling on the roots]: Zapadova 1977:229-230.

Burma - Indochina. The black thai of Laos [the vá tree covered the whole world, and the háy tree covered the whole earth; seven sons Kap and Ke (brother and sister who escaped the flood) cut down trees, and 9 moons shone in the sky ( "mothers of heat"), 8 suns; the water dried up, the turtles cracked their shells; the coot and the turtledove flew to heaven, asked God Po Tchen to help ordered the chicken to peck 8 suns and 7 moons, she could not; the drake could, because it was necessary to swim to the suns and moons; after that, 7 brothers and parents settled in Luang Prabang]: Bourlet 1907:924-925 (retelling in Chesnov 1980a: 622); Lao, Ly and other Thai of Laos [ the vine grew to the sky, obscured the whole earth; only Phu Ngo and his wife Ne Ngam decided to cut it down; asked people to pay tribute to them in the future; after 3 months and 3 days, the cut down vine fell on the PN and NN, burying them under her; the sun shone again]: Chesnov 1982m: 354; muong: Nikulin 1980s [Za was born from the butt of the si tree, which blocked heaven and earth; gave birth to two eggs, of which they were born as a son; sons married heavenly fairies; these marriages gave birth to demons and two birds, Tung and Toth; they laid an egg, round on one side, square on the other, in vain incubated for many years; Za Zen sent Taochao birds to incubate an egg; then the ancestors of the Muong and neighboring peoples came out of the egg]: 456; Grigoreva 2019 [at first an undivided lump of earth and sky; after a terrible droughts, clouds swirled, it rained, lightning struck, the sky separated from the ground, and water appeared between them; the ficus (Cây Si, Ficus benjamina) grew and then collapsed; large and small branches became Muong villages, crumbling leaves with birds, roots with fish, a pair of first-ancestor birds Chim Ây and Cáy a emerged from the stump; they laid thousands of eggs, from which various animals and people; in the latter (or the last two), two brothers and sister, they are the ancestors of the Muong; the younger brother became the first ruler of the Muongs; he tried to marry the daughter of the Lord of Heaven; then the daughter of the Lord underwater world; then married his sister; because they broke heavenly law, all the children were freaks: without arms, legs, deaf, dumb; the old man advised his brother to go east and his wife to go west; when they meet, let them not recognize each other; let the woman eat in the chicken coop for the time being, and the man in the pigsty, because they are chickens and pigs who do not know the prohibition of incest; then the right marriage ceremony must be performed] : 54-57.

South Asia. Tharu [the world is destroyed by a fiery drought, then by a flood; the lord of heaven and his wife copulate as birds, place a drop of blood on the water; after 15 months, a lotus leaf appears in the form of pumpkins are the first ancestor of Tharu Aklākal Gurubāba; the heavenly couple puts vitality into his head, eyes, nose, mouth, ears, hands, hair, lower body, he takes on a human form; from his nails creates a Pigeon, he flies over the waters, does not find land; G. cuts his thigh, Raini fish comes out of the cut; it disappears, the pigeon cannot find it, G. tells pigeons to be caught in snare, fried, eaten ; creates Crab from his nails to get the "immortal earth" from the lower world; he manages to overcome the Xeremphis spinosa thorn fence, get the ground; on the way back, he is grabbed by the shell demon, Crab loses land; G. orders crabs to be caught, baked, eaten; in the same way he creates 8 other crabs, all the same as the first; creates earthworms; the first three do not overcome prickly hedges, G. tells them to feed on earth and water; the fourth penetrates thorns, swallows the earth; on the way back, the demon cuts it into a thousand pieces, but the worm still delivers the earth, it gives it to the world stability; the first to grow on earth is the sacred herb kus (Poa cynusorides), from which is the first perar tree (Xeremphis uliginosa); G. curses it, let people eat its fruits; creates a semar tree ( kapok, Bombax ceiba), addressing him as a woman, tells him to go find out how far the earth stretches; she does not return for so long that G. tells her to hold the sky and the lower world; the same with the pine tree, her Not longer, G. tells her to live in the mountains, where her resinous fumes will smell fragrant on Mount Kailash; G. cuts her thigh again, his daughter Dharmak Diyeri is born; to contain her, places four saints m āini around the edges of the world, retires to the forest himself as a hermit; D. wants to join him, tells the blacksmith to make her a belt, ring and iron shoes to overcome the barbed fence; but G. puts her on her way to him a rope for carrying weights, an oil press, a weapon, a pig bristle bridge; D. overcomes everything, marries G.; after that G. is called Mahādeo]: Krauskopff 1987:14-16; muria [ At first, the clouds were close to the ground like husband to wife; people were small, plowing rats, knocking their heads against the clouds; Lingo and his brothers pushed the clouds away; there was no sun and moon; when the Huppe Piyer tree it was blooming, it was the day when it dried up - night; 12 Lingo brothers and 13 Bhimul brothers cut it down, could sleep and cook in the felling; they almost cut it down, but the tree did not fall because it was held upstairs by the Gara- surial-pite; Kosa Kana killed her with an ax, the tree collapsed; local Rajas sent warriors to kill the loggers, but L. killed them, blood nourished the tree; the brothers carved two discs from the wood, lower for the sun, upper for the moon; L. rose in the sky, stole Mahapurub's little son, killed him, revived the stars with his blood; the Man Sun drank a lot, blushed; the woman-moon was little, remained pale; seeing the Sun, Mahapurub was pleased]: Elwin 1949, No. 8:62-64; gadaba [the clouds were so close to the ground that people could not straighten up to their full height; to make the sun, Mahaprabhu found a giant tree; six He cut him down for months while he knocked him down, worked it for another six months; a mountain of chips accumulated; his wife went looking for him, while he was just on the other path to the house; his wife looked for him under the mountain shavings, they took off, became stars]: Elwin 1954, No. 4:59; Maldives [a man came to cut down a tree; woke up a tiger, he was about to eat it; the man called the tiger the king of beasts and offered to build home for him; the tiger agreed; when he went inside, the man locked the door, brought his wife and she poured boiling water over the tiger through a hole in the roof; when she saw how the man deceived and brutally executed the tiger while sitting in a nearby tree, a two-headed bird called other double-headed birds and explained that it was impossible to live in the same world as an intelligent and cruel creature like humans; all double-headed birds flew to the upper world and They have lived on the dagas tree ever since; one grows from our world and reaches the upper]: Romero-Frias 2012, No. 26:94-96.

Malaysia-Indonesia. Nicobars [it is raining, the islands are hiding under water; only the top of the peepal tree remains above the water, one person has escaped; the waters have descended, the man went down, heard a scream, found a woman entangled in her hair in the bushes, married new people from them]: Roy 2001, No. 19:43-44; semangs: Endicott 1979 [most Western Negrito believe that there is a tree in the other world, on which contains all types of food, as well as flowers that embody the souls of the living and the dead (Schebesta 1957:178-179, 182); in the center of the earth is the Batu Rib'm stone pillar; on it is a tree trunk with rankel (kinship. Malay rangkai: bunch, bundle, chain) is a rotating disk from which clusters of flower buds of fruit trees hang; as it rotates, various fruits ripen on the ground (Schebesta 1957 : 38); the same in Evans 1937:189, instead of rankel, lambong; some of the groups, including Schebesta collected data: the top of the Batu Rib'm pillar has rotted and hala holds the rankel for the rotan vine (Schebesta 1957: 41); Jahai group: the tree trunk is gone, but its top remains and extends across the sky (Schebesta 1957:43)]: 46-48; Schmidt 1925 [same as Endicott based on materials from Shebeshta; the tree has six branches ]: 728; Malays [there is a huge tree in the middle of the ocean, a crab lives in the cave at its roots; when it comes out of the cave, water rushes there, low tide; when it comes in, the tide comes in]: Skeat, Blagden 1900:6-7; Toba-bataki [1) the tree grows at the gates of heaven, and its roots descended into the middle world to Nanggar Djati rock; later, deities cut them off to prevent people from rising to heaven; 2) Mula Djadi placed a tree growing in the center of the middle world while it was still covered with water; 3) Tobing 1956:57, 60-61; the tree connects the lower and upper worlds]: Stöhr, Zoetmulder 1965:48; northern Nias [by Chatelin 1881:110, two paraphrases of the same text]: Dixon 1916 [man is made from the fruit or buds of a tree that grew from the heart of one of the first ancestors, and gods from buds at the top of a tree; Latoere told Barasi -loeloe and Balioe, that the lower fruits are small and belong to him; Balioe agreed on the condition that L. could make people out of them; he could not; then Lowalangi ordered Barasi-loeloe to be made people; he created lifeless figures of a man and a woman; Lowalangi gave Balioe the wind, told them to put the figures in their mouths; if you invest a lot, people will live long, few will die soon; Balioe obeyed the order, gave names for people]: 176; Münsterberger 1939 [Tuha-Sihai and a primary land the size of a house arose from darkness or fog; a wind arose from his breath that gave rise to Tuha-aloloâ-nangi; he died, from his heart The Tora tree grew; three buds appeared at its top; the supreme god Lowalangi arose from the fruit first, the spirit of Lature from the second, the evil spirits Nadaoja and Afocha from the third; three also arose from the middle of the tree buds; from the first two perfumes Barasi-Luluö and Baliu, the third is Feto-Alito, the ancestor of many generations of evil spirits; from the fruits that appeared at the bottom of the trunk, humans appeared; at first Lature said that these the lower fruits are his, but he could not create humans from them; then Lowalangi sent down BL, but he could only create the bodies of a man and a woman; Lovalangi took something from the Wind (das bestimmtes Gewicht), told Baliu put figures in your mouth; if you put everything in, a person lives to old age, if less, he dies earlier; BL and Baliu still do this to everyone's soul]: 9-10; Sundermann 1905:65 in Mabuchi 1969 [ First there was a tree with nine inflorescences; one brought 13 seeds: the Moon, the Sun, human ancestors, pigs, rice, etc.]: 54-55; dusun [people only laughed, God warned the righteous Muhgumbul that there would be a flood, he hollowed out the trunk, made a boat; it began to rain, everyone but M. and his family drowned, after the flood, the boat landed at the roots of the tree, that the crown was higher than the waters; M. could not cut it down; sharpened the ax, smeared a porcupine with blood, then it was easy to cut it down; drought came, the fallen tree dried up, M. burned it, rice, yam, cassava, tobacco grew from the ashes]: Williams 196:70; kayan [from the sky to the primary ocean a rock fell; the top remained above the water; under the influence of rain, silt formed on the surface, worms sharpened the rock, sand appeared; then the wooden handle of the sword fell from the sun, which became wood, and from the moon - a vine wrapped around the tree; the vine became the husband of a tree, they gave birth to two twins with no bodies below the waist; yet they gave birth to real people; animals, birds and fish arose from twigs and leaves wood; moss and small plants emerged from the mud on the rock surface]: Furniture 1899:6-13 in Stöhr, Zoetmulder 1965:38, more briefly in Dixon 1916:158-159, in Hatt 1949:34-35; Bahau [from the sky a spider came down, weaved a web; a pebble fell into it, grew to the horizon; a lichen fell on the stone, a worm, its excrement formed the soil; then the tree fell, then the crab grew with claws cut through valleys and mountains; a vine wrapped around the tree, they gave birth to a child without arms and legs, he gave birth to a pair of the same creatures, but then they turned out to be the normal anthropomorphic gods Amei Awe and Buring Une; they they ripped off pieces of bark from a tree, making them humans, pigs, chickens, dogs; humans are mortal because the bark is short-lived]: Nieuwenhuis 1904 (1): 129, 1917:55-56 in Stöhr, Zoetmulder 1965:39-40, more briefly in Dixon 1916:159; Bahau [two men in the sky plucked each other's eyebrows, dropped their forceps, they fell on a rock in the middle of the sea; pulled out the worm, left their excrement on the forceps; the crab scattered them, rock covered with earth; the forceps took root, became a tree with copper foliage; the heavenly spirit Uwang found a hole in it, fertilized it; a male shoot and a female shoot grew on the tree, they had no arms or legs; the inhabitant of the earth tried to kill a leech with a sword, hit the trunk; men and woman were injured, but were able to get together; gave birth to Bahau ancestors; the copper tree continued to grow and sprout; this is how evil spirits appeared, then good spirits, then gods, and at the top, the supreme god amei Tingei]: Nieuwenhuis 1917:57 in Stöhr, Zoetmulder 1965:41; bidayu ("dayaki nushchi") [there were two in the world of gods a tree, one gave birth to a kidney, a bird sat on a tree, a bud fell into the Spirit River; there a huge snake tried to swallow it; on the shore, the kidney turned into a woman; married a man who had risen from a trunk a tree floating in the sea; gave birth to six streams of blood, from which evil spirits arose; then two sons; one took the seeds of all plants and animals, went down to the ground to cook it for humans]: Hupe 1846 : 138 in Dixon 1916:160; Dayaks (West Sarawak): Ling Roth 1896:328-223 [Klieng and four others, the youngest of them Limband, went hunting with dogs; L. stayed where they had rice; collected all the rice in a bundle, got the boar and returned; K. is amazed; there is no way to carve fire; faint light is visible in the distance, only L. went for the fire; met the giant Gua, who puts it in his ear, brings it home; G. ate all the people, decided to make L. his grandson; gives him a mat and a screen of gold for the night; tells him to wake himself up with a hammer; he woke up only after the third blow; when L. matured, G. gave him luxurious outfit; gives Bunsu Mata-ari as his wife; while swimming, she put the jewelry in a bowl, and she sailed along the river; she was picked up by the Malay wife; he promised to marry the owner of the jewelry; sent warriors, L. them killed easily, G. ate the dead; then the Malay gathered people from different tribes, including the L. brothers; L. fights with K.; they recognize each other; G. says he will soon die, gives all the property to L. and K.; from the skull G. grew up banana (banyan?) ; its petals became beads, its leaves became tissues, ripe fruits became ceramic vessels, its branches became iron and steel], 337-338 [N. Panggau had a tree with all the fruits on its branches that only yes; because of this tree, a dispute broke out between the first ancestors and they settled in different areas]; Nias [(Chatelin 1881:110); the ancestor without arms and legs is killed (died?) ; the sun and moon came from his eyes; a tree grew out of his heart; gods arose from the buds at its top; Latoere told Barasi-loeloe and Balioe that the lower fruits were small and owned by him; Balioe agreed on the condition that L. could make people out of them; he could not; then Lowalangi ordered Barasi-loeloe to be made people; he created lifeless figures of a man and a woman; then Lowalangi gave Balioe the wind, told put figures in their mouths; if you invest a lot, people will live long, few will die soon; Balioe obeyed orders, gave people names]: Dixon 1916:176; northern Nias [born out of the haze Sihai, after his death Aloloa N'angi, after his death, the Tora'a tree grew out of his heart; from the top of the tree grew the gods Lovalangi (master of the upper world), Lature Danö (owner of the lower world), Nadoja, Af ögha; three more gods from the middle part, a man and a woman from the lower part; LD failed to revive them, and L. revived them]: Schröder in Suzuki 1959:2 [other authors also have other versions of the myth about the first tree and the gods and people that appeared from it]; minahasa: Tauchmann 1968:36-37 [Wailan-wangko is alone in the world; an island has risen from the sea, a tree has grown on it; the sea has washed a coconut to the shore, the man Wangi opened and came out; BB retired up the tree; after a while V. climbed to ask him what to do; BB ordered him to return to the ground, carve male and female figures out of wood; they they began to move, but did not speak; BB told them to jump off their heads and ears; this is how Adam and Eve appeared], 59-60 [the Kaju Uwi tree connected earth and sky; Tumileng climbed it, stole rice in the sky, brought it to the ground; so that he would not be chased, he asked the ants to gnaw, cut down a tree, promising them the right to gnaw any trees for this; where the peak fell, the village of Lahendong appeared; from those that scattered the land of branches and leaves was covered with vegetation], 62 [the Kaju Uwi tree connected earth and sky; gods descended to the ground, kidnapped people; when his wife was stolen, Lempow Palit asked for white ants gnaw through the trunk, the tree fell; now there is a huge crater in this place]; tetum (Wehali):) Vroklage 1962:139-140 [at first there is water everywhere; a tiny island appeared, a banyan tree grew on it, a banyan tree with Two birds descended the sky, their children were brother and sister of a high family; two slaves also appeared; the waters came down, the land grew], 140 [the earth was tiny, God sent old man Hauk and old woman Arus to it; from heaven Many birds came down, but there was no place for them; then the banyan tree fell from the sky, the birds sat on it; the old man and the old woman, on God's instructions, placed dirt from under their fingernails on the roots of the banyan, and the tree became stronger; the earth expanded], 140-141 [in the sky, a hunter shot a bird with a wind gun, it fell on a banyan growing on the ground on a tiny island; the hunter went down for it, asked God to expand the land and give a woman to him; people have multiplied].

China - Korea. Ancient China: Yuan Ke 1987, ch. VI: 139-140 [Huainan Tzu: The time when the sun comes out of Yanggu, bathes in Xianchi Lake (Salt Lake) and moves from the lower branches of the tree to the tops is called "approaching morning"; then the sun reaches the top of the tree, gets into a chariot prepared by his mother, sets off; this is "early dawn"; the time to travel through Crooked Hill (Quya) is "full dawn"; Xihe accompanies son to Beiquan (Sad Spring), where the chariot stops; this is Xinche ("chariot stop"); the son makes the rest of the journey on his own, but S. continues to monitor him]; Yangshin 1984:110 [a detailed translation of the sun's movement from one point to another - along mulberry branches? It can be understood that the sun rises along the mulberry branches], 114 [Jo tree..., at its top there are ten suns, its flowers illuminate the ground below]; Chinese (Sichuan, wu. Gongxian) [In ancient times, there was a huge tree in the east, on which a thick branch grew westward, and people called this tree Xingfu (apricot support); in the west, there was also a huge tree, And it also grew a thick branch, but directed to the east, and people named this tree Shensan (divine mulberry). The branches of these trees intertwined to form a bridge, and every morning the sun rose from the foot of Xingfu, crossed the bridge, and went underground at the foot of Shensan in the evening. There was a huge turtle underground that carried the sun on its back from Shensan back to Xingfu every night through the underworld. This is how day and night alternated. One day, the turtle got drunk and fell asleep, so the sun did not have time to rise in the east. The turtle slept for several decades, and all this time the earth was dark. One day, a loud sound suddenly rang in the east, thunder began, lightning flashed, a hurricane and a downpour began, the mountains began to collapse, the ground cracked, and the flood began. The land was covered with water and all people, livestock and crops were under water. Brother and sister, named Fusi and Nuiva, lived. When the flood began, they climbed the Xingfu tree, and when the flood receded, they were the only two of them left on earth. The brother said that if they died, humanity would cease to exist and invited his sister to marry, but she refused. After much persuasion, the sister decided to put up a test: her brother with a thread would stand on the top of the east mountain, and she with a needle would stand on top of the western mountain, and if his thread was threaded through her needle, they would become husband and wife. So they did, and it was a success. However, the sister still refused and invited her brother to stand again on the top of the two mountains and roll down the stone millstones: if they joined below, they would become husband and wife. The case was successful again, and as a result they became husband and wife. Nuiva soon gave birth to a lump of meat. They divided it into many pieces and scattered it on the ground, and the next morning people appeared everywhere. People, made from pieces hanging on peach branches, began to bear the name Tao (peach), and from the plum that hung on the branches, Lee (plum). There were more and more people, but there was still no sun, it was still dark and people could not farm. Then Nuiwa, standing in the Xingfu tree, told her children to ask the rooster to call for the sun. The rooster stood at the top of the eastern mountain, and turned east and screamed. The turtle woke up and quickly blown the sun from the foot of the Shensan tree. When the rooster screamed for the third time, she had already brought it to the Xingfu tree so that it could ascend. Since then, day and night have reappeared on earth, and all living things have flourished. People began to prosper, and the rooster has been calling the sun every morning]: Zhou Yang et al. 1998b, No. 28:51-52; miao [(Savina, Histoire des Miao, p. 243-244); God created 10 sun and 9 moons; 7 years they they all shone together, the earth dried up; people made onions from the trunk of a giant tree that grew from primary waters, hit 9 suns and 8 onions; the last sun and moon were saved]: Kühne 1936:77; Chuan Miao [Gulo, the god of heaven, took out a piece of iron, carved out many sparks that became female suns; the god of the earth Gulong took out a piece of copper, carved many sparks out of it, they became month-old men; sky it dried up, the earth turned to dust; Gulong asked Ndeo Mba for help; he found the only fig tree growing in the sea, made it a crossbow; Yang Ya hit the stars out of it; only the sun was left and one month, hid; the tiger, the cows did not call, went to the rooster scream; Gulo rewarded him to place the comb on his head with the teeth up]: Graham 1954:172-173 (retelling Ho 1967, No. 10:216-217); asi [the elder brother tells his younger sister how the sky was created: God A-tien was in the void; he created heaven, planted a tree with blue leaves in the void; it grew gigantic, reached size sky; therefore, the sky above us is blue; the younger sister tells her older brother how the earth arose: God A-chih was in the void; he planted a tree with yellow leaves in the void; it grew wide, he himself was as wide as it was, sat on it, pressed it down, so the earth arose]: Hudspeth 1959:399-400.

The Balkans. Hungarians: Eichenwald et al. 1982 [égigérö fa (a tree that reaches the sky), tetejetlen fa (a tree without a top) - with seven branches, connecting the earth's world with the sky, which supports its peak, and with the underworld to which it is rooted; the source of life flows from the foot of the tree; the fruit, resin and juice of the tree give life and nourish everything on earth; on the upper branch the tree is the house of the Sun and its mother; just below is the house of the Moon and her mother; the wind rises from the movement of the tree branches; sometimes the Szél-anya dwelling (vfnthb dtnhf) is localized on these branches; gifts - the fruits of this derva are carried by fairies (tündér); the tree is protected by a huge bird (eagle); a shaman (taltosh, táltos) can find its way to it]: 185; Lammel 1993 [by Szücs 1945:24; yes a huge tree, the wind produces the movement of its branches; the moon and the sun move between them; only táltos (~shamans) can see it; in fairy tales "a tree without end", in its branches live the Moon with its own mother and above The Sun is with her mother; he is depicted in folk art]: 113; Romanians [1) the Red Apple Tree is at the edge of the world; all rivers flow from there, go around the world and return under the Apple Tree; Under it is one of the four fish that hold the ground; 2) (shepherds of the Sibiu district); God threw a staff into the water, a tree appeared; Satan sat under it; said that he would be God's friend and brother; God answered that no one can be his brother; God creates the world (see motif C6, a diver under the earth); the Ox took Satan away; people arose from leaves that fell from a tree]: Rusu 2009:90; Bulgarians: Georgieva 1983 [c" Mind" land on the water, water on a flat stone, a stone on 4 golden whales, whales on a river of fire, a river on another fire, that fire on an iron oak planted before any other, and an oak on God's power]: 132; Stoynev 2006:96 (southeastern Bulgaria, Mount Strandja) [dogwood (Cornus mas) is a symbol of endurance, health and longevity; when the Lord came from heaven to earth, he sat down on a single tree to rest in the middle of the vast ocean, it was dogwood; I saw my reflection, said: "Jump out!" this is how God created his opponent - trait; when they shared the plant world, the devil sat under dogwood, because he decided that it was the first to bloom and the first to bear fruit; the Lord chose cherries and defeated the enemy; utterance in some parts of Bulgaria, dogwood is considered a trait tree]; 223 (Aegean Thrace) [the earth is a huge walnut tree; in winter the sun is cold because it is under its roots]; (cf. Afanasiev 1994 (2) ("The debate between Panagiot and Azimite", 16th century manuscript) ["And in the middle of paradise, the tree is an animal, the hedgehog is a deity, and the top of that tree is approaching heaven. The tree is golden-shaped in fiery beauty; it covers the whole paradise with branches, but it has leaves from all trees and fruits too; a sweet fragrance emanates from it, and 12 springs flow from its root with milk and honey "]: 294).

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Kalmyks: Basangova 2017, No. 29 [when the World Ocean was still a puddle, and the Galbar Zandan tree was still a twig, there was a 1-headed mangas; he could sleep for 10,000 years, a snake served as his pillow light-colored with a white mark on her head; 10,000 years later she started to move and woke up the mangas; he saw an owl on the Galbar Zandan tree; told her to fly around the world in three days and find out how people live; he wants to destroy them all; the owl has returned: all people lie motionless, barely alive; the mangas was happy and laughed so much that his intestines broke and died; the owl flies at night and therefore saw people sleeping; it has helped people and the Kalmyks don't kill it]: 79-81, 324 [Galbar Zandan (Sanskro Kalpavriksha) is a tree that sprouts from the Lower World to the Upper World]; Tolley 2009 [tree of life - Zambu ( onomatopoeic name: its fruits splash into the water); grows in the center of the world by a lake, from which four large rivers flow out; each turns seven times around and returns to its source; waters they carry the fruits of the tree to the ocean, where they are eaten by the dragon Lu-Khan {"dragon king"}]: 327; Nogais [on Askar Tau (Sary-Arka, Sary-Tobe, Kok {kök?} - Baiterek grows; the souls of unborn people are written on it, people's destinies are written on the leaves; its roots connect the earth with water sources and fill Lake Manas (Togas) with healing water; they depart from the branches layers of the heavenly world; near the Toymadyk River ("insatiable") the source in the upper world, the mouth in the lower world]: Kapaev 2012:31; Georgians [the branches of a mythical tree are dotted with gems, a bird sits at the top, at the roots a spring flows out; it reaches the sky with its crown, goes back to the underworld]: Surguladze 2004:202.

Iran - Central Asia. Avesta [Mount Hara (Hukarya) was located in some texts in the center of the world, in others in the north, or was considered the main peak of the Haraichi (Khara Berezad) Ridge, surrounded by "both the eastern and Western countries", i.e. the whole land; two rivers surrounding the land ("Bundaghishn") flowed down from it; at the foot of the mountain is the huge Lake Vorukasha, where a chaoma tree grows at the spring of Ardvisura; var: hom tree chaoma, gaokerena or all-healing wispobish tree, which contains the seeds of all plants, grows in the middle of Lake Vorukasha and is protected "from toads and other reptiles" by the wonderful Kara fish (Menog-i Khrat {I.M. Steblin-Kamensky: this is a Central Persian spring, apparently from the Sassanid period; "Kára" most likely means "big"}); lives on the tree of all seeds, which sometimes replaces, sometimes duplicates chaoma" king of birds" Senmoorv; he scatters seeds from a tree, breaking a thousand branches; another bird takes the seeds to a spring from which the long-born star Tishtria (Sirius) drinks; with the rain, it returns the seeds to land]: Braginsky, Lelekov 1980:562; Persians [(Avestan motifs in Iranian Islam); on the mountain, surrounded by 11 other mountains, the Tiva tree grows; all the fruits in the world are from this tree; if T. were not there, in the world would have no plants; at the top of T., the nest of the Sîmorgh bird; at dawn, S. leaves the nest, opens its wings above the ground; under their influence, fruits ripen, seeds germinate]: Corbin 1971:251-252; kafirs: Abayeva 1978 (Upper Prasun) [before the sky was not separated from the ground and the earth was not yet built; on the highest mountain, Tirich-Mir, there was a tree with seven branches; each branch rested a separate sky; on the upper seventh branch lay a sky called Alymeki-sur, and at the top of the tree was erected a disk of Suvu'su, the Golden Sun; in seventh heaven, the spilled sunlight formed lake; seven-eyed Vutr lived there; her first son, Imra (Yimbro), built the land and became the master of all living things; Vutre named her second son Gishbro and gave him a heavenly rainbow, from which he made the first bow]: 107; Buddruss 1960 (prasun) [a golden tree with seven golden branches grows in Lake Süum; this tree has a golden disc (apparently the sun); at night the sun falls into Lake Süum; from this the lake is raining; the goddess Dīsnī comes out of this tree; it is possible that seven branches correspond to the seven celestial tiers]: 205-206; Robertson, S. 382f in Buddruss 1960 (Kati) [in a distant land A tree grows in the middle of the lake; it takes 9 years to climb to its top; its branches stretch for 18 years; god Satarám fell in love with him, it opened, and the goddess Disani sat inside; she gave birth God Bagist]: 205-206.

Baltoscandia. Scandinavians [gods gather at Yggdrasil ash tree if they must judge; ash branches above the sky; ash trees have three roots: one in the sky for aces, the other in the sky for the frosty giants, where the world was abyss, the third in Niflheim; under the third root is the Boiling Cauldron, this root is gnawed by the Nidhogg dragon from below; under the root of the giants is the source where knowledge and wisdom; Mimir drinks water from it; Odin I came there, but received water only after he pledged his eye; under the root of the aces is the Urd spring; aces come to him along the rainbow; an eagle sits at the top of the ash tree, and the hawk Vedrf is between his eyes & #235; flaxseed (faded by bad weather); squirrel Rodent scurries over the tree, carrying the abuse that the eagle and Needhogg shower each other; four deer (Dine, Dvalin, Dunayr, Duratror) run among branches; there are many other snakes in the Boiling Cauldron stream; they also gnaw ash, a deer eats the top of its head, the trunk dies from rot; the burrows water the ash tree with water from a spring so as not to dry out Urd]: Younger Edda 1970:22-24; Kalevala [Väinämöinen comes out of the water to a deserted shore and tells Sampse Pellervoinen to sow trees; at first, the oak does not sprout; sown again, grows, foliage blocks the moon and the sun; a little man rises from the sea, cuts down an oak tree; the moon and day are visible again; birds are singing, herbs are growing, but there is no barley yet; V. finds several barley grains on coastal sand, cuts down the forest for arable land, leaves one birch tree for birds; The eagle is glad that a tree has been left for him; carves fire, lets V. burn the cut; V. sows barley]: rune 2:43-52; Finns: Abercromby 1892, No. 35a [an oak tree grew, began to hold the clouds, covered the sun and moon; no one could cut it down; a man as tall as a thumb in a stone hat and shoes came out of the sea, hit it three times the oak fell with its ax covered with ornaments, the butt remained in the east, the top of the trunk fell west across the Pokjela River, forming an eternal bridge, going to gloomy Pohjela; one of the chips fell into the sea, Hiisi's daughter gave it to a blacksmith, who made her blunt arrows that bring pleurisy and stabbing to her side, as well as horse disease; make arrows for threads - Hisey's daughter's hair, plumage from a swallow's tail, snake venom smeared the tips, the horsehair bowstring; he (Aijo's son) fired the first arrow into the sky, it trembled, the second into the ground, it almost went to Mana, cracked, the third hit a man (causing diseases), it can be extracted by the word of God], 35b [an oak tree grew, blocked the sun and moon, began to prevent the stars from moving, the Ursa Major to turn around; no one could cut it down; a man came out of the sea as tall as a quarter of ale (112 cm), with a beard to the knees, hair to the toes, in iron clothes, shoes, with an iron hat; sharpened an ax at night, made an axe in the afternoon, he himself grew to the clouds; knocked down the tree with a butt on the SV, top to the south; whoever took branches, chips, gained witchcraft power; some chips sailed to Hiisi's daughter, she split them; H. sent his son to the blacksmith to make arrows; H. sends these arrows at people and animals causing illness], 35c [the oak grew, blocking the sun, the moon, the Ursa Major; no one could cut it down; an old man with a golden ax came down from the sky, knocked down the oak with a butt on the NW, top to the east; chips turned into water lilies; a dog picked up a branch on the shore, brought it to the terrible dwarf blacksmith Keito, who made arrows out of it; Evil has three sons, two lame (cripple, lame) and blind, they are together they pull a bow and shoot], 35d [an oak tree has grown; a guy came from Pohela, split an oak tree, chips sailed to Manala, from which the sorcerer made arrows]: 50-53, 53-56, 56-58, 58; Karelians [proverb: "Weigh voytehista vankhin, payu puista, mätäsh maista, tiaini ilman lintusista (Ukhta)" ("Water is the oldest potion, willow is from wood, hummock is from land, tit is from heavenly birds"]: Makarov 1959:172; Estonians [girls sweep the seashore, find an oak sprout, bring them home, plant them to the delight of their father, mother, brother, sister; oak trees are not accepted; when planted to please a girl or her fiancé, oak has begun to grow rapidly; its trunk and branches obscure the sun and moon; the search for a person who can cut it down to remove the barrier from sunlight and moonlight begins; it copes with oak a small character (a songwriter's younger brother or a peasant who has come out of the sea); they make useful things out of oak, build buildings, make a dowry chest for a girl; "Big Oak" is known to Izhorans , Karelians, Finns]: Viidalepp 1980:56-57; leaders (Oõgõperä): Ariste 1986:30-31 [No. XIV.14.2; what kind of tree behind the village is oak (hereinafter also in the form of questions - answers); there is a cradle on the top of the head, straw in the cradle, diapers on the straw, a boy (veli) in diapers, an ax in the boy's hands, a sliver on the axe (kirve lõual), where the sliver falls, they will make a church there], 31 [No. XIV.14.3; as in (14.2)], 78 [Finnish and Izhora elements in the text]; Western Sami []: Tolley 2009 (2): 28-29.

Volga - Perm. Chuvashi [at the center of the four- or octagonal middle world is Mount Ama te, surrounded by water; at its top is the Ama Yivaç tree; its roots go to the lower world, and the crown - to the upper; branches reach the farthest periphery in all directions and support the sky]: Egorov 1995:133-134; Mordovians Erzya: Latynin 1933 [(apparently Erzya); apple tree "with full roots the width of the earth" and "branches to the whole sky" in the song "Feast of the Gods"; two other songs recorded by V. Mainov; in them, the apple tree grew in the field between roads, covered the earth with its roots, covered the sky with branches (or "its roots around the earth, its knots around the sky; its twigs are elbow long, its leaves with its hand width;... From which side the sun rises, its apples turn red; on which side the sun goes down, its apples turn white "]: 10-12; Harva 1952 [a tree with three branches and three roots grows in the center of the earth, its foliage obscures the sun; the bird nestled on it, three eggs were born the mother of norov-ava, the mother of the wind varma-ava and the mother of the forest vir-ava]: 141-142; Tolley 2009, No. 13 [Paasonen 1938:34-35; Song: a huge, huge meadow/a huge hill/there is no grass on the hill/only a white birch grows, /a white birch tree, a beautiful birch/, it has covered the ground with its roots,/eclipsed the sun with its roots, /eclipsed the sun with its with leaves, /overshadowed the moon with her shadow, /God knew nothing about it, /God cursed its trunk, /its trunk split, one part fell east, /the other to the west], 14 (moksha) [Ahlquist 1861:133- 134; narrated in Holmberg 1927:350; where is the birch tree's birch tree's birch tree? - In a large forest, in the middle of the forest, on a hill. Her roots are all around the world, branches around the sky, its leaves the size of a palm, its earrings the size of a scourge handle, her birch bark clothes, a web headband, a leaf scarf (petals?}) poppy. Under a birch spring, on it a boardwalk covered with a white tablecloth, a red wooden goblet on the tablecloth, it contains an expensive drink, a delicious honey beer, a silver scoop in the beer, and the sun is depicted at its bottom with the moon, small stars on the handle; when the sun turns, the scoop turns. Who is this coming? This is an old Murza with his wife, they worship God. They go home, where their 9 sons die, their 9 daughters, 9 grandchildren, they began to bow to God]: 34, 35.

Turkestan. Kazakhs [west 1976 from Berkindai-Ata Bucks; "In the center of the world stands the Pristine Kok-Tube (blue heavenly mountain), at its top grows the Great Baiterek (Mighty Poplar), four branches each which on each tier covers the entire sky, penetrating all its levels; its roots penetrate through all levels of the Earth to the Lower Waters "]: Ibraev 1980:40; Kyrgyz [Alp-Karakush bird with with bronze claws and an eagle's head in the desert in a nest on the tree of life, whose branches support the sky, brings out chicks; every year they are devoured by a horned dragon; Er Toshtyuk kills him with a sword, pieces feeds bodies to chicks; the bird flies with rain and hail, brings forty deer on each wing; swallows and regurgitates ET, gives it a herd of end and a magic pen]: Er Toshtyuk 1958:144-155.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Altaians: Garf, Kuchiyak 1978 [wolves took the cow and goat Juskuzek a; it is carried by the Kaan-Kerede bird, pulls him out of the abyss; Wolves invite him into the mountain; there cows feed on milk their mother, a peeled puppy plays a goat; Wolves reluctantly give it to him; someone cooks at his house; Yu watches, hides his dog skin, marries Altyn-Chach (Golden Braids); she says that her the brothers became wolves, she is a puppy, hiding from Karata-Kaan a; K. requires 1) to hide three times (A. helps Yu, he finds K., who has become an onion, stallion, birch, K. does not find him); 2) get an egg Kaan-Kerede; its nest is on an iron poplar with nine branches; its roots rest on the lower world, its branches touch the third heaven, a seven-headed serpent crawls along the trunk; one chick is crying, its snake will eat it now; the other laughs, he will be eaten tomorrow; Yu cut off the snake's head with an ax, the blood formed the sea; the chick held out its wing, Yu crossed into the nest; Kaan-Kerede flew in, her tears fell in warm rain; finds out on Yu traces his claws; says that K.'s soul is in the golden egg, but she does not know where it is; brings Yu to his poor old parents; K. takes A.; Yu has been fighting him for seven years; wolves killed K.'s horse, Kaak- Kerede took him to heaven; A. found a golden egg in K.'s palace, threw it into the fire, K. died; A. and Yu began to rule Altai]: 215-239; Nikiforov 1915 [there is a yellow island in the middle of the yellow river; in the middle of the yellow river The yellow island is a hole of hell with seven mouths; from hell with seven mouths grew an iron poplar (tepir terek) without branches; its lower end in the lower world, and its upper third world (i.e. sky) sprouted; a bird, when rising from the ground, he never sits on top; animals cannot climb it; at the top there is a white erdine that revives the dead; when Aldtyn-Mize and his horse Uchkur-Kongur died, another the Arshin-Jeder horse became a black beaver, gnawed through Temir-Terek, took Erdine, revived the dead]: 77-78, 104-105; Karunovskaya 1935 [in the center of the earth, Mount Ak togon altaj sin is the residence of hunters' ancestors; on its At the top is syt kƒl milk lake, where the shaman's soul is washed on the way to the upper world; in the center of the mountain is the navel of the earth and sky; from the navel and water grows a tree with golden branches and wide leaves, its top in the sky; through this tree, a shaman reaches Ulgen]: 161-162; Surazakov 1979 [in the best of the valleys, a hundred-barreled [apparently with a hundred branches} bai-terek poplar grows; on the upper golden branch there is a foresighting the future of the cuckoo; when cuckoo, sky blue flowers bloom in the valleys; in the middle on a copper branch there are two black golden eagles; at the base of the trunk on chains, two black guard dogs Azar and Kazar, block way to Erlik and Shulmus]: 12-13; 1982:181 [in the Maadai-Kara epic, on top of a seven-knee poplar, there are two identical cuckoos, from which white and blue flowers are ejected from the ground ; in the middle are two black golden eagles guarding the sky; under the poplar there are two identical black dogs (taigyls) guarding routes on earth and from Erlik's world], 181-182 [in the Maadai-Kara epic (verses 156-165) the lower part of the horse riding serves Aybystan (Erlik), the upper world Uch-Kurbustan, the middle hero Maadai Kara]; Teleuts: Funk 2004 [Maladu, who rides a milky white horse, and his younger brother Alyp Salay is sitting in the palace, hearing a roar; a motley wolf with a 60-seated tail, his lower lip lies on the ground, the upper sky supports him, M. conveys the demand of the Sole Creator to come to him; M. agrees the third time, when the wolf promises to eat it; the Creator asks for help against the Forty Creators of the Underworld, who sent Kara Pökö to destroy the white light; the battle will be at poplar, whose roots go back deep into the earth, the crown reaches the sky; it rustles with leaves in all the languages of people, birds and animals; returning from the victory over the KP, M. finds ashes on the site of his home; he was ravaged by Altyn-Chakkai and Kÿm sh-chakkai; M. goes to the brothers' possession, kills them, marries their sister, returns home]: 23-28; 2005 [on his journey, a shaman flies past the mount Kama Kadylbash; larch, to with which he was tied, three skies pierced through the peaks that grew him (who?) roots pierced seven words of the earth]: 165; Khakas: Butanayev 2003 [the soul of the deceased, turning into a bird, flies towards sunset to sit on the branches of the sacred birch tree "pay khizi" on Mount Sumeru]: 85; Schiefner 1859 [piercing 12 heavens, at the top of the mountain there is a birch tree with golden leaves and bark; at its foot there is a reservoir of water of life; this birch was given by the Creator to the ancestor of the Tatars, who has been keeping it since then]: 52 in Holmberg 1927:350; South Altai Tuvans [stargazer Galjan saw one leaf of the "Only Black Tree in the World" brought from Gümby, similar to a poplar leaf; under the shade this tree can be sheltered by a hundred horsemen; its leaves are the size of felt that covers the roof of a six-walled yurt; this leaf was brought by Jaisang, who was not a subject of any race, and it happened in 120 years before the current government]: Taube 1994, No. 63:284; Balagan Buryats [(2 options); in the southwest, Akha-Zandan-Modon, the king of all trees, grows around him Ugite-Sagan-obohon; Han-Haregde-Shubun, the king of all birds, sits on a tree in the nest (or the animal king Argalan-zon and the pet king Pegius lonchak are by the tree on the mountain); the king wrapped around the trunk all Abarga-mogo snakes]: Khangalov 1960, No. 11:17; Mongols (Khalkhas) [there was only one water; two fish came together and formed a ring; grains of sand began to accumulate in it and Mount Sumbur-Ola grew; we live on four tubes outside the fence formed by fish; at the sole of C. there is a tree at its top at the level of top C.; Tengri live on the mountain, in three tiers; they feed on the fruits of this tree, argue over its fruits, they fight, fight and lightning comes from their battles]: Potanin 1919, No. 26:49; the Mongols (Inner Mongolia) [the land on the water has been established, the Galbarragcha sandal tree from the navel of the earth grew up, the Galandava bird (named from Sanskrit, but the specific source is not known) nestled on its branches, sucked its three eggs by a poisonous boa constrictor, Heser Bogdo shot at its open body, flour like meat the snake ate off]: Neklyudov, Riftin 1979:105-123.

Western Siberia. Mansi (Sosva) [two Tatars sailed on a barge down the Ob to the place where water rushes to the lower world; along with the water they got to the lower world; everything is like ours, but the sun is like the moon; locals people gave them moldy fish, they threw it away; they swam on and found themselves back on the ground; there is a sacred birch tree in the upper reaches of the Ob and they climbed back to the ground between its roots]: Kannisto 1951, No. 6:20-21; Northern Selkups: Prokofiev 1961 [the earth and sky are connected by a birch tree growing near the dwelling of an "old woman in life" (Ylynda Kota); on its branches on the left the sun hangs, on the right - moon; cuckoos sit on the upper branches, the patroness of childbearing; both fratria, cedar and eagle, have three more trees - larch, shores and cedar; there are seven trees in total]: 56; 1976 [entrance to heaven the branches of the crown reached a "seven-root tree" (selchi kontyl po) growing on the ground, through which people's requests and complaints reached the sky; seven grew on the sunny and night sides of this tree twigs; a cuckoo sat at the top; each female also had a bird sitting; seven guard snakes lived in the roots; this tree is the shaman's way to heaven]: 112; Helim 1982 [the beginning of the world river in the south in the "seven swamp", the mouth in the north near the habitat of Kyzy and his son, the cold "sea of the dead"; in the upper reaches there is the steel dwelling of the old patron woman Ylenta-kot, the village of blacksmiths - her assistants (they forge iron parts for shamanic vestments), a "sea of bloody water" and a "sky tree with buds" that connects the earth, sky and the underworld; it has seven branches on the right, the sun, and seven branches on the left, at night, side; cuckoos sit on the upper branches, the patroness of childbirth; the hollow contains the souls of unborn people, and seven snakes in seven roots guard the road to the lower world]: 400; Pelikh 1998:24 [the Daru tree (Dari) grows from Mother Earth's house; its roots go to the sixth, fiery tier of the underworld; this fire rises up the trunk, so fireballs - suns - grow on the branches; every morning one breaks, rolls west, feeds into the fiery world; the tree changes its bark every year; the old one flies in thin transparent plates, they curl up in a circle, roll on the ground, fall on living trees, annual rings form; the tree trunk permeates the earthly and heavenly worlds, the top rests on the North Star], 29 [Ylynta the cat was Nom's wife, quarreled with him, went to live deep under earth; at the same time she gave birth to the layers of the upper tier of the earth, i.e. the inhabited land of the Middle World; her two daughters with fiery faces - the heavenly and underground suns; in the center of Y.K.'s house there is a tree that connects all worlds (retelling in Tuchkova 2004:323)]; southern Selkups ["tree to heaven" is recorded only in the Sheshkup range; it grew on the top of a flat mountain, many spirits live in the branches, "keeping everything alive on earth"; the tree is deciduous (but not birch), never loses its leaves; var: the tree "supported the top of the sky" to the sky, grew in the middle of the island on the lake near which Šeγ paja lived (" The Earth is an old woman", mother of brother and sister Ia and Ne); birds did not sit on it, but sometimes a raven sat at the top; N. offended the Raven with a thin word, he stopped flying, the tree dried up, the lake went away]: Tuchkova 2004: 75-76, 215; the tundra Nenets [on the south side was the sacred place of Nadia; there was a sacred birch tree with seven branches; people went there for sacrifices; once the birch roots were covered by a birch tree rot, and when all seven roots had rotted, the birch tree fell; blood flowed from it at the bottom of the trunk; but it was not real blood, but fire, and after the fire its sacred water began to pour, which swallowed up all rivers; people They made a raft and took one of all the animals at it; the great sorcerers stood on the ridge of the holy cape, and as the water rose higher, they shouted seven times, after which the water fell one inch; after summer and winter, the water withered; people are waiting for a new flood]: Lehtisalo 1998:10 (retelling in Barmich 2014:619); nganasans [(shaman describes how at the age of three to four years during a serious illness he was unconscious for three days, visiting other worlds at that time); walked down to the middle of the sea; sucked the breasts of the water mistress; her husband Syrad Nguo, the main underground owner, told him that he was chosen as a shaman and must bypass the roads of disease; he gave ermine and mouse in the guidebooks; smallpox people carved and cooked his heart; in the middle of nine lakes, an island with larch to the edge of the sky; seven ancestor herbs nearby our plants; a certain bird with chicks swims on each lake - duck, loon, goose, swan,... (unspecified}, mousetrap; the owner of the tree ordered to catch a falling branch, three of its three branches would be tambourines, three of the shaman's wives would take care of them; then he came to the sea, there were seven rocks, each opened, teeth inside are like a bear, she said how it would be useful for people; inside the hill there is ice, there are two women covered with hair, with deer antlers, each giving birth to two deer (for dolgans and evenks and for nganasan; domestic and wild); on the other hill, a naked man cut the narrator, cooked it in a cauldron for three years, forged it, separated the meat from the bones and put it back together again; inserts his eyes under the skin, drills the back of his head, to see and hear things that ordinary people can't; when he woke up at home, the shaman was half-crazy until the age of seven; then someone put a heart that had once been carved through his mouth; spirits told him to get shamanic stands]: Popov 1936:85-92

Eastern Siberia. Central Yakuts: Ksenofontov 1992 (Toyon-Aryy Island, b. Lena, West-Kangalassky District, Western 1925) [There is a tree in heaven called Iyik-Mas. Its top reaches the ninth sky, and no one can determine its circumference. From the root to the very top, this tree is covered with growths, but there are no clear branches on it. Shamans, shamans and all those who are familiar with witchcraft and magic are born in these tree growths. The strong will be born at the base of the trunk, shamans are born at the root of a tree, in a growth the size of a small mound]: 41; Pekarsky in Yemelyanov 1980 [The Sacred Tree has eight branches; the ninth the heights of heaven have fallen down; at its top, the eagle created by Ayyi Toyon bubbles; seven roots in the land of the spirit of the mistress of the earth, which has seven crossbars, a seat from the Great Sea, beams from the highlands, collections from standing mountains, red sand cover, black earth surface, green grass flooring, Cuiaar Hotun; eight roots formed rivers and lakes]: 320-321; Tretyakov 1871 [in the center of the earth, where the sun and moon never go down, and eternal summer, the White Young Man appeared; going east, he saw a hill and a tree in the middle of the plain; his head rose above the seven tiers of the sky, where Yurin-ay lived toyon; its roots went deep into the underworld where strange creatures lived; its leaves spoke to the inhabitants of heaven]: 200 in Holmberg 1927:311; Middendorf 1951 (3): 79 in Holmberg 1927: 353 [Er-Sogotoh sees a tree in front of him whose roots go to the lower world, and the summit has pierced nine heavens; living water pours from under its roots; aged animals drink or lick juice again getting younger]; Yastremsky 1989 [(review of the olonkho figurative world); a tree growing in the hero's fields reaches the branches of the lower layers of the sky, where Uluu Toyona's possessions; frightened of the cold reigning there; makes its way higher, its branches become Uryn Ayia Toyona's horse race; the tree is afraid to climb its roots deep into the underworld, where Arsan Duolai (Tuolai) reigns, so as not to rot from dirt and abomination ; its roots become a hanger for cream from cattle deities]: 130; Gorokhov in Potanin 1893 [the ulu ar kuduk mas tree stands in a "quiet place" (the navel of the earth?) ; the peak sprouted through the seven-layer sky, serves as a horse ride for Yuryung-ai-Toen; the roots in the underworld serve as pillars of the dwelling of creatures with a mouth under the Adam's apple]: 385; Ergis 1974 (the place of recording is not indicated; central?) [an eight-branched tree, Aal Duup Mas or Aar Kudukh Mas, grows near the hero's estate; the main trunk has passed through the lower layers of the sky; then bends back, returns to the middle world; from the branches Moisture oozes, its drops fly like white partridges; the main root sprouts through the ground and goes out into the lower world, but because of the smoke of the fires of the underworld, it bends upwards; when it comes back to the ground, it exudes moisture, from which a frost-free white milk lake is formed; after drinking from it, the old people are younger, the weak gained strength, the sick recovered]: 190; Evenks [in the idea of a bug ( universe) shamanic tours (trees) growing in the lower, middle and upper worlds merge into one world tree with roots in the lower world, the middle of the trunk on the middle, the top in the upper world]: Anisimov 1959:47-48.

Amur-Sakhalin. The Udege people [the roots of the shaman tree (itself) are in the afterlife, the middle of the trunk is on the ground, the top is in the sky; among the Bikin Udege people, it served as a resting place for shamanic spirits after flying to heaven and returning from the underworld]: Podmaskin 1991:44; Nanais: Yu.Sem 1990 [(Naikhin village); vitality originates in the roots of a tree in the lower world of Booni; tree trunk in in the middle world, the top with branches is above the outer vault of the upper world; vitality, juices rise to the branches, germinate with soul leaves; the wind tears them off, they turn into sparrows and cockerels, according to fall into the middle world in the wombs of women; if the child dies before one year, vitality returns to the tree; with the permission of old woman Omso, the shaman's mother can choose a ripe bird and bring it to the woman]: 127; Smolyak 1991:22 [the congor dyagda yalo tuige tree grows through all spheres of the world, gave people the main attributes of shamanism], 24-25 [on the branches of this tree there are buni gas birds playing an important role in the ritual of the last funeral; its roots are snakes, joints are boas, bark is water frogs, bark scales are frogs, leaves are felts (discs, see ulchi), buds are bells, sue - the roots of this sounding tree; there are many options for describing and localizing this shaman tree]; Chadaeva 1990 [Hado Myamelji creates a tree to the sky with copper leaves, bark of live snakes, lizards, frogs; leaves turn to the side where disaster is; an evil spirit releases two more suns into the sky, the river boils, the rocks melt; XM kills them with arrows; his daughter cries because there are too many people He asks to open the door to the afterlife; XM has gone there forever, followed by people; Black Dragon Sakhari Dyabdian creates a tree covered with cobwebs; people on whom the wind brings a piece of web die]: 5-7; (cf. Sunik 1958, No. 2 [Baksu-Batur's wife is Simfuni beautiful; he goes hunting, she tries in vain to detain him; the underground old man Tundurhan hero defeated and took her away; she gave birth to three boys in a boat, T. throws everyone into the river; the last is a Lerenchu hero, promises to return; the elder brother sucks catfish caviar, the middle brother sucks pike, L. sucks Kaluga milk; all three live inside Kaluga; the beauty saw them run out from the mouth of dead Kaluga, brought her home, breastfed her; L. put her hands in hot buckwheat porridge; she admitted that they were S.-Beautiful's children, went to her copper mountain, asks Gagdanchu Mólodets (= Tundurhan) kill boys; G. and L. fight for a long time; the bird threw a silver ball, a gold ball; inside a child; L. tore off his arms, legs, head - G.'s limbs and head came off; the brothers are going to look father, the bird says that he is fighting with the Sancau hero; on the hill, the sky is covered by a poplar, the sun covers a talnik with three shoots, between them a snake, in which the spirit of his father's life is gray and white eggs; two girls killed the snake, gave the eggs to L.; he threw gray in the forehead of the old man, he died, took the white one with him; returned home; three brothers - three at home, all married; father - one house; lived richly]: 122-126); ulchi : Smolyak 1991:22 [underground, in addition to Booney, there are the worlds of Dorkin (the god of fire lives there, good people go there, water flows from the seas) and Calman; from Dorkin through the earth a shaman tree sprouts like mo, which stretches to the sky; gods walk along wood from one sphere to another], 26-27 [the invisible shaman tree had three knots with bright bright colors; one - pray to the heavenly god Enduri, the second to go to the afterlife of the buli, the third - to contact the underwater god Temu; hahuract bells and discs were on the knots toli, at the top there was a koori bird that helped the shaman go to boules; in legends there is a podoho mo tree from which shamans came out; its roots are snakes, the bark is toads and lizards, bells hang on the branches]; Manchus [The sky has 17 levels, the earth has 9 levels; the heavenly spirit of Abukaenduli controls the seventeen-level sky and the nine-level earth; there was no land, only water and sky; A. created a man and a woman in his own likeness, put them in a stone jug, put a jug in water, a jug began to swim in it; a man and a woman married and gave birth to many people , generation after generation, the jug also grew up; when there were too many people in the jug, A. built another place for people to live; he created a large land out of clay, put it on the surface of the water, ordered three the fish to support it; also sent the heavenly spirit to bring food to the fish every few days; sometimes the little heavenly spirit was lazy and brought food at the wrong time; fish, hungry, they twitched their bodies, and the earth also swayed, they were earthquakes; there were more and more people, they stopped fitting on the ground; then A. cut down the largest and thickest tree in the sky, put it on the edge lands, and humanity has since begun to develop along the branches of this tree; therefore, various peoples have appeared in the world]: Chen, Wang 1989:13-14.

Japan. Ainu: Batchelor 1907, No. 3b [the first tree is alder (Alnus japonica); it was descended from the sky; its bark fell over time, rotted, scattered, causing various ailments and infirmities; but with fresh bark diseases are treated], 3c [others consider elm to be the first tree]: 28-29, 29.: Batchelor 1907, dried, the sun's wings; but the crow flew down his throat and saved the sun; so crows see

(Cf. Arctic. The Aleuts (Umnak) [when the land was still covered with ice, our ancestors came to the islands and saw that there were no trees here; but on Fr. The clever man grew a single tree without branches and leaves, with a crooked trunk; its crown was hidden in the clouds; the trunk consisted of many shoots that looked like seaweed, which usually went to fishing rods ; this is how the place was called Umnax ("fishing rod"); when the Russians arrived, they cut down a tree to build a home for themselves and soon died; the Aleuts were frightened and fenced off the stump to protect the remains of the tree; There is a house in this place, it contains only a few pieces of old wood]: Bank 1960:160; retelling with comments in Konopatsky 1976).

The coast is the Plateau. Okanagon [The chief above created the earth; it was small; he rolled it (like a ball of clay) until it became huge; through heaven, earth, and the lower world, a connecting one runs through the sky, earth, and the lower world in the center of them worlds pillar or tree]: Teit 1917c, No. 3:84; flethead [Teit 1939:383: the roots of a huge tree are deep in the earth, the top is in the sky; the good leader Amotkem sits at the top, and the evil leader Amtep at the roots ; the first sends rain, snow and all good things; sent the Coyote to make people's lives easier; the souls of good people go through the Coyote's icy gate in the north to Amotkem; Turney-High 1937:22: the world created Amotkan, he lives above; at the base of the world is an Emtep woman, "She-who-sitting at the foothills of a tree"; Flethead claimed they got these ideas from a kalispel shaman]: Haekel 1958:45-46; tolova [ water and darkness first; the Creator thought to create the world (=earth), the world came from the south; in the center was First Redwood, underneath it the traces of all animals ('prehumans"); the Coyote was dug out of the ground, he quickly grew up, destroyed monsters]: Drucker 1937:268.

Northeast. Delaware [west 1679; there was only water; the turtle raised its back, the ground dried up; a tree grew in the middle of it; the first man came out of its roots; the first woman came out of its head when she leaned to the ground]: Bierhorst 1995, No. 2:28-29; Tuscarora [in the place where her ancestors lived, there was a giant tree whose branches supported the sky; at the end of one of them sat a bird; living near the foot of the tree spoke the same language; when the bird arrived, it sent them different languages, a special language from each branch it sat on; another god, the Sun, first rose near this tree; the Sun rises before noon and then rests; then, dancing happily, he goes down and stops to rest for a while at sunset]: Rudes, Crouse 1987, No. 4:91-93; seneca [at Seneca has branches The world tree pierces the sky and the roots penetrate the waters of the underworld; Hadigo, the Great Face, the invisible giant leading the False Faces, guards this tree; to be empowered wood, rubs his turtle shell rattle against it and empowers the rest of the fake faces; therefore, members of the Fake Society also rub their rattles against pine trunks]: Fenton 1968:154.

The Great Southwest. Seri [the earth is flat and round, and the sky with lights revolves around it. At first, there was no land. Hant Caai (HC, "creator of the earth") created marine and terrestrial animals, placed them on a reed raft, told them to dive, and bring them from the bottom of the earth. Many tried, but to no avail. The male green sea turtle dived but only scratched his paw against the bottom. HC found some ground under one of its front fins, mixed it with water, rolled the pellets, told it to grow, put it on the water, and the pellets grew and became dry. HC then stuck a few sticks in to make them a home for people. But the ground was soft. HC created the lightest insect, a daddy longlegs, but it also began to sink in soft ground. Then he created Hant Quizin (HQ, "The One Who Made the Earth Solid") and told him to make the earth solid. HQ began to walk on the ground, heat and fire splashed from under his feet, and the ground became firm. There were no trees at first. The first one created by HC was xopinl (Bursera hindsiana). HC then created a man, a woman, and a horse, and placed them under a tree. They were giants xiica coosyatoj ("those who sing"; it is believed that they are not a series, but the songs in this language are now partially understood)]: Herrera Marcos, Moser 2015:2.

Mesoamerica The Aztecs [Aztec mosaic shield, British Museum (after Townsend 1979); the round shield itself is an earth's disk; it has celestial and chthonic symbols connected by a blooming tree; in the center the sun with four rays of red corals directed to four directions of the world; on the left and right, two sky holders; above there are two blooming branches of a tree; below is a chthonic snake wrapping around the tree from the lower world to the sky; Townsend suggests that the 4 tooth-shaped pendants at the bottom of the snake's body are the abbreviation for the Tlaltekuhtli mask, the symbol of the earth and the entrance to the underworld; at the very bottom, the forked element is by Townsend, snake language, but it is possible that the roots of the tree are]: Kolata 1984:12; Maya Yucatana: Avendaño in Redfield 1936 (Tayasal) [Ceiba was the first tree in the world; the first person ate its fruit]: 237- 238; Milbrath 1999 [data from the village of X-Cacal: the world consists of 15 tiers, seven above the ground and seven below the ground; a huge seiba connects them, piercing them with its roots, trunk, and branches; similar data from Valladolid District (Roys 1972:73; Montolíu 1989 [Chilam Balam de Chumayel: in the center of the earth, the evergreen First Tree in the World, also known as the First Food Tree (Yax Cheel Cab, Yax Imix Che), grew on it quetzal with blue and green feathers; in the east grows a similar red one (rain gods, fertility, life, youth, male oropendole, in the west - black (bird with black breast, dead, diseases, witchcraft, old age), upwards - white (ancestors, cotton, clouds, mockingbird), downward - yellow (yellow oropendola, women, corn, abundance, gems)]: Montolí ; u 1989:40-41 (=Thompson 197:407); Villa Rojas 1945:154; 1969:275); Tozzer 1907:56 [(recounted in Villar 1989:41); Seiba goes through seven heavens and supports them; it has four branches at the top, directed in four directions; Jesus lives in the upper sky, white bearded cloud deities on the sixth, the owners of forests and fields on the fifth, the owners of animals in the fourth, and some hostile creatures, on the second there are four winds (according to the number of cardinal points), on the first there are jaguar spirits that protect every person; at the foot of the seiba, there is a well (cenote), below Kishin, it causes earthquakes; nine levels of the lower world are inhabited by spirits that host medicinal plants], 154 [there are seven heavens, each with a hole in the center; through which a seiba (yax-che) grows in the middle of the earth; it reaches seventh heaven, where the God of the Spanish dwells; the souls of the dead rise to the upper tier of the sky, where they remain; alternatively, souls climb the stairs hanging through the holes in heaven]; Villa 1945 [ the seiba in the center permeates seven heavens and seven underground worlds]: 154; lacandons [the sun descends into the lower world nightly, climbing tree trunks and crawling through roots (Thompson 1960:71); This is reminiscent of pre-Columbian ideas about the Sun God climbing a tree that grows out of the underworld]: Milbrath 1999:21; kekchi, mopan [several men are found in the forest mamei tree; beans, sweet potatoes, pumpkins and all cultivated plants except corn grow on it; people cut down wood, felling disappears overnight; animals put chips back; then people cut down day and night; the tree falls, people acquire cultivated plants]: Thompson 1930:134-135; tsotsil [in the center of the square land supported at the corners by four Atlanteans is a huge seiba, branches which permeates and connects the tiers of the sky; in the section, the sky is a stepped pyramid (6 steps on each side, the 13th is green in the center); below the ground there are 9, 13 or indefinite number; the sun rises up the sky as if in a two-wheeled wagon; at noon it rests on the upper platform; at night it passes in the opposite direction along the steps of the lower world]: Holland 1964:14-16.

Honduras-Panama. The tree covers or destroys the sky. Bribri: Bozzoli 1976 [a woman's hair is always wet and salty; Sibu kisses them, blessing the future of the sea; the shaman gives her his rod, tells her not to let go; she lets go, rod turns into a snake, bites a woman, she dies, is buried; a huge tree grows on the grave; S. is afraid that it will break the roof of his house (=peace); tells him to cut down; people work all day, felling the next morning overgrows; their axes break; S. comes to Okoma, sitting down on a bench every time breaks it, pushes a new one closer; finally asks and receives an ax; people cut down a tree; S. tells Martin Pe ca and the cormorant tie the top of the head to the roots; tells the cannibal to be ready to grab the fruits that will fall; the tree presses the cannibal; turns into water; as it described the circle ( the top of the head is tied to the roots), the sea surrounds the land; the tree has fallen to the north, there are most islands; the open sea is where the trunk was]: 420-421; Bozzoli, Cubero Venegas 1987 [Shibyo gives his sister his a rod; it turns into a snake, bites it, it dies; a giant tree grows out of a corpse; S. sends people to cut it down; after 18 days of work, the axes are broken, they follow others; the old woman collects from the foot of fallen chicks; loggers ask her to support the tree; it falls on it, turns into the sea, the birds into fish; the old woman's movements cause excitement at sea]: 20; Stone 1962 [Sibu made his own the house is peace, the roof is the sky; a tree has been placed in the center in Chiriquí; it grows too fast; so that it does not pierce the sky and crush evil spirits, S. knocks it down; the crown has formed the sea; Chiriquí has salt, so salt sea]: 56; Eastern Panama (kuna?) [God created animals, birds, and plants; created a turbulent river into which all the rivers in the world flow; on its banks he grew a tree whose branches began to prevent the sun from moving; ordered two squirrels, a large and small, to knock down a tree; a large sliver that flew off injured the spine, since then it has been humpback; the small one has fallen; when the tree fell, the tree blocked the river, formed a sea; the leaves of the tree turned into fish, pieces of bark in crocodiles, turtles and iguanas; to prevent the tree from sprouting again, told monkeys, eagles (gavilánes) and ants to eat them]: Adrian de Santo Tomás in Wassen 1933:122-123; cabecar [Sibu made the sky; saw a bat on the rock, piles of land under it, her bowel movements; told her to eat more fruit; sent a Sea woman to Thunder to ask him to destroy the rock so that people could get the land; Thunder wants to eat S.'s people, but still gave the Sea woman its rod; she left her rod, came back, saw a snake in this place, it bit her, she died, began to swell; S. put a frog on her to stop the swelling, but the frog rushed to catch insects; The sea swelled to the sky, S. turned it into a tree; it continued to grow, pierced the sky; Okama agrees to cut down the tree; S. sends a deer trample the clearing where the tree will fall (since then, the deer has been running fast); sent a kingfisher and a cormorant to describe a circle above the tree; the tree falls, turns into a sea; parrot nests in the tree have become turtles , leaves with crabs; Thunder destroyed the rock, took the devil's son out of there, spread it out, made him a round earth; told the devil to move the earth; made people out of corn grains; allowed the bat to drink blood humans and animals]: Stone 1962:53-54; kuna: Chapin 1989:64-70; Keeler 1956:134-136; Nordenskiöld 1938:160-165, 174-178 [woman carries fish, sings about Palu-huala (salt tree); Ibelele Olovaipilele (Sun) spends the night in the surba (a special section in a house where girls' initiations are celebrated), finds out where this tree is located; all cultivated plants are on it and in it, fresh and salt water, fish, game; Wild pigs (Dicotyles torquatus, D. labiatus) and Coati (Nasua sociales) are I.'s nephews; he tells them to cut down a tree; in the morning the trunk is intact; Jaguars, Snakes, Chief Frogs were licked by felling at night; I. sends his brother Equaquinialilele (Venus) to guard the tree; he kills the Jaguar, the Snake, the Frog; people cut down a tree; chips fall into a pond, turn into a pond, turn into a tree inedible fish; the top was entangled in bunches of clouds; I.'s servants climbed only half of the trunk; Little Squirrel climbed to the clouds, cut off bundles; I. caught salt water in the net that formed the sea; people received fish, tree seeds, bananas, cassava and other cultivated plants]; Wassen 1934b: 3-5, 21-25; 1937:14-16.

The Northern Andes. Ambera: Rochereau 1929 [old Goetser had water and fish; she bathed and fished in the trunk of a huge tree; the hummingbird spied; Karagabi ordered the axes to be sharpened, the tree cut down; the notch overgrown; K. went by himself, grabbed the old woman by the belt, she turned into a black Gentser ant with a narrow waist; the tree was cut down]: 87-89; Wassen 1933, No. 3 [the ant Conga had all the water; he refused give water to God; he made him open his mouth with his waist, which had become narrow; the water was in the tree; God gathered everyone to cut it; in the evening, when others rested, the Toad asked the ax to work, but with each blow, the felling did not deepen, but overgrown; God watched, stepped on the Toad, which became a toad; four days later, the trunk was cut, the tree remained hanging on the vine; all the bird people tried it they could not cut, the toucan, parrot and others could not; the guacamayo cut, the tree fell, the trunk became the sea, the branches became rivers; God told the Devil to throw salt into the sea, he threw it, but the water was still fresh; God threw myself, became salty]: 109.

Llanos. Yaruro: Wilbert, Simoneau 1990c, No. 37 [Tapir found the Tohurato tree on which all cultivated plants grew; he was given a hallucinogen, vomited, everyone saw what he was eating; followed; Tapira they sent him to cut down a tree, but under the influence of the drug he got lost and did not return; Tapir's big axe broke, began to be cut down with small strong axes; where the branches fell, vegetable gardens appeared; they they fell far away, so Creoles cultivated plants], 38 [only Tapir ate fruits from the Tohurato tree, where mangoes, bananas, sugarcane, cassava, corn, etc. grew; people followed and told Tapir cut down a tree; the woodpecker helped him; Tapir was told to go get a basket, and fruits were loaded into it], 39 [Tapir asked his father-in-law for arrows, broke them, saying that they were broken when shooting, and ate bananas from the tree himself, on which all the fruits grew; he was given a hallucinogen, vomited, so they found out what he ate; the mouse traced; the tree was cut down, but by morning the felling was overgrown every time], 40 [Tapir ate one from the tree, on which all the fruits grew; The mouse traced; Tapir was given a hallucinogen, vomited, so they found out what he ate; Tapir was told that the Creator summoned him to her; they began to cut him down, cut down the thicket at night; then they cut down day and night; the branch kept in the sky, the Woodpecker cut it, the tree fell], 41 [cassava, bananas, yams, tarot and all other fruits grew on the Food Tree; only Grandpa Tapir knew about it; the Mouse traced; Tapira was given a hallucinogen, vomited, so they found out what he ate; The birds cut off the trunk, but the branches stayed in the sky; the woodpecker cut them; Tapira was temporarily sent away], 42 [Tapir and Caracara knocked down a tree with all the fruits on it; they were dismantled, only unripe left for Tapira], 43 [only Tapir ate fruits from a tree on which bananas, pumpkins, sweet potatoes and other fruits grew; others gave Mice ( like that!) hallucinogen, he began to vomit, everyone saw what he was eating; Woodpecker, Parrot, Partridge, Mako and other birds began to cut it, found the trunk intact in the morning; yet they cut it down, turned into birds; the woodpecker cut it a branch stuck in the sky], 44 [only the Mouse knew about the food tree; others followed; began to cut it, and in the morning found the trunk intact; working day and night, they cut the trunk, but the tree caught its branches on the sky; The woodpecker took off, wearing a red handkerchief, cut off the branches; the tree fell, the woodpecker became a woodpecker], 45 [The woodpecker finds a tree on which yams, bananas, cassava and everything else ripen; only the Mouse came to eat these fruits; people watch the Mouse, find a tree; cut down all day, returned in the morning, cut down the thicket; cut down the trunk, but the branch is entangled in the sky; the woodpecker cut it, it turned into a bird; the tree fell into side of the Meta River, there are now many cultivated plant species]], 46 [Tapir found a tree with different cultivated plants on its branches; the mouse traced; the Mouse and Woodpecker cut down the tree with axes, but it it remains to hang from the top of the head on a silver chain; the woodpecker also cut it]: 60-62, 62-64, 64-65, 66-67, 68-75:70, 71-72, 72-73, 73-74, 75; cuiva [both cultivated and wild plants]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1991b, No. 113-114 [kinkaju knows about the tree; paka reveals the secret, brings other animal people], 115 [paka and monkey argue who to take the fruit; then the paka cuts down the tree]: 164-175; guayabero [a man ate a fetus in the water, became pregnant; his stomach was cut, the boy Naxén came out; he taught people how to farm; he had no cultivated plants before; N. had a sparkling rainbow head; Sun wanted one for himself; they started fighting; N. left, took all the cultivated plants with him, famine came; N. went to the island at sea, turned into a giant tree with cassava, sweet potato, peach palm and other plants (but not corn); told the Forest Dog that he could eat, but forbade giving it to the Sun; the Sun noticed papaya residues in his excrement; saw the way, sent the Rat, which did not catch up Forest Dog but Lapa (agouti?) I found a tree; they began to cut the trunk with stone axes, the felling overgrown overnight; two months later they asked ants to carry away the chips, now they are white pebbles in the mountains; the trunk was cut, but the tree was cut down behind the vine suspended from the sky, the vine led to N.'s heart; the squirrel cut off the vine; when the tree fell, the tree hit the Squirrel; the tree fell into the sea; the tapirs harvested fruits]: Schindler 1977a: 226-228; Sicuani: Wilbert, Simoneau 1992, № 22 [the land is small and flat; it is home to two Ámakahiélabóto trees, Nákuabetuína and his wife, Irratzapyorto (Í) ; rratsapërto); N. and I. pour clay in baskets along the perimeter of the earth, expanding it; N. draws riverbeds with his finger; on the eighth day they create new land, the old one goes down; now those two trees they support our land; the Jaguar Woman and the Hawk Man also live there], 44 [the boy asks his grandmother to buy him in the trough; he produces starch; people tell him to swim in the river, collect starch; angry, the boy tells his grandmother to stay awake to hear a rumble; she falls asleep; only Kinkaju hears him and knows where the Kalievirne tree grew; all edible fruits grow on its branches; Chamani ( lizard) gives Kinkaju vomit, people find out that he secretly eats other food; Aguchi fails, Paka follows the river beyond Kinkaju, fights with him, finds a tree; C. asks Palemecune for axes, he does not give; he is given vomit, he regurgitates tools (= bird beaks); gives people parcels of mosquitoes that open them turn into capybaras; people cut K.; outside the trunk is pure cassava, and the core is strong; the next morning the barrel is intact; you need a fire drill to work at night; Cayman swallowed it; Frogs lure it; Cayman rips open its belly, pick up a drill; the trunk is cut, but the tree hangs on the vine; the bird fails, the Squirrel cuts the vine; a branch with the fruits of a peach palm falls into the water, Tapir unsuccessfully tries to hide it; after the tree falls, people are mortal; C. tells you to dance to find lightness and go to another world; old woman Ibarruua breaks abstinence, takes Cayman as a lover; summons him by putting an inverted calebass on the water and tapping on it; people kill their lover, let I. eat his penis; I. tells the fish to swallow C.; his brothers arrange rapids on the river to stop the fish; revive the regurgitated C.; shoot up, only the virgin manages to fix the arrow in the sky and make chain; in the guise of termites, C.'s people climb into the sky; the thunder Yamakhyonë lives there; C. replaces his club, I. cannot kill people, C. kills him; his wife tells the ants to collect the pieces his flesh, I. is reborn; I. and C. reconcile; people continue to climb along the chain of arrows; the Bat cuts it off, the fallen turn into turtles, into parrots], 45 [when the grandmother washed the orphan boy, from him it was not dirt that flowed off, but pieces of cassava; she baked cakes out of it; the boy grew up, cassava grew bigger, the old woman shared with relatives; the boy said they wanted to kill him, left and became a lignum tree vitae, Kalevírnae; Kinkaju followed him; sweet and bitter cassava, yams, sugarcane, pineapples, etc. grew on the tree. (corn is not mentioned); The mouse followed, Kinkaju told him to remain silent, but Tsamáni questioned him; he sent Paku to the tree; Kinkaju dropped a pineapple, Paka brought it to the village; the houses of Kinkaju and Paka became fight, burning each other with smut (hence the current coloring book); to get an ax, people led by C. sailed in a boat to Palaméco's grandfather; he was lying in a hammock in an iron house; P. agreed to belch tools when they gave him corn (he had never tasted it before) and yopo; taking axes, people began to cut, but the felling overgrown overnight; working at night, they cut the trunk; the tree was tied to the sky and to the forest with vines; they were cut by Toucan, Oropendola, and Squirrel; the tree fell, people got cultivated plants], 46 [people ate only wild fruits and tree mushrooms; but Kinkaju ate pineapples from the Kaliawiri tree at night; He slept during the day, people found leftovers on his teeth; Paka followed him; bananas, potatoes, cassava, garlic, sugarcane, etc. as well as all types of wood ripened on the tree; Kinkaju dropped pineapple, Paka brought it to the village; Kinkaju and Paka's houses began to fight, burning each other with smut (hence the current coloring book); people went to cut down a tree; felling eventually overgrown with axes split; they took out new ones, worked at night, cut the trunk, the tree remained hanging on the vines descending from the sky; they were cut down by Mockingbird and Squirrel; the fallen tree turned into stone; the sky rose higher; during the flood, the harvested crops died; people gathered on the mountain, swordfish drowned boats; later the water came down], 47 [neighbors notice pieces of pineapple on kinkaju's teeth; Paka followed him to the Kaliawiri tree; he dropped a pineapple, Paka brought it to the village; the next day, Kinkaju took people to cut K., where bananas, pineapples, sugar cane, cassava, peach fruits grow palm trees, all cultivated plants, branches of different trees; people took axes - fish bones; they immediately broke; they almost cut down the woodpecker with an ax, went to bed, cut down the thicket in the morning; working continuously, the trunk they cut it down, but the tree is suspended from the sky on a vine; the mockingbird could not cut it, the juice splashed into his eyes; the squirrel cut; the fallen tree became a mountain range; people planted cassava; the flood destroyed everything cultivated plants; Tsuwawirinë slapped another man on the stomach, who gave birth to a boy who raised cassava again], 49 [after the flood, Kinkaju finds a Kaliviri tree overseas with everyone edible plants on the branches; his wife Paka realizes that he is eating something special, follows him, he breaks her tail (now she is without a tail); she brings yams and other fruits to her children; fights with husband; Furnáminali, Tsamani and Ivinai come to Palemekuni to ask for an ax; he does not give it; C. tickles his nose with a mosquito, he regurgitates axes and machetes; gets the best ax Woodpecker; P.'s wife regurgitates parcels with night, wind, rain, mosquitoes, laziness; despite F.'s warning, people open bundles; makes it dark, it rains, mosquitoes bite; people turn into animals ( caiman, anteater, etc.); dawns; people cut down the trunk, felling overgrows, axes break; ants are told to carry chips away; the trunk is cut, the tree hangs on the vine; T. turns into a mockingbird, not can cut it; squirrels cut it; the male stays at the top, the female falls to the ground; the tree falls down so humans are mortal], 50 [there is nothing to eat after the flood; Kinkaju found a tree with everyone cultivated plants on the branches; in the morning he asked his grandchildren to clean his mouth so that others would not notice any leftovers; his wife Paka heard him speak piapoco that his mouth tasted pineapple; Furn á advised her to follow; she followed him across the sea; the tree asks him to shed its fruit; hides a pineapple, Kinkaju grabs her tail, tore it off, now Paka is without a tail; she brought the peel etc., to the village, F. gave names to all the fruits; Kinkaju clamped Paki's face between two smut, it became narrow], 51 [Kinkaju found the Kalivirne tree with all the fruits on the branches; Tsamani and his people came to Palemekuni does not let him ask for tools; T. sent one two mosquitoes to crawl through P. (one from back to mouth, the other on the contrary), he coughed, regurgitated machetes, pistols, knives, blankets, and other European things; the woodpecker took a hatchet; began to cut down the thicket the next morning; they began to work at night, but The crocodile swallowed and carried away the fire; T. turned one of the young men into a frog; the frogs began to sing, the crocodile swam to eat them, killed him, found a fire in his belly, lit a fire again; a felled tree they hold vines attached to the sky; the squirrel cut them, people took possession of the plants], 52 [Kinkaju went to the Caliavirinae tree to eat fruits at night; Paka followed, grabbed and carried away the pineapple he had dropped; people came to ask Palameco for tools; one turned into a mosquito, tickled his throat, he belched his axe; cut his trunk, the Squirrel cut off the vines that held him; people received cassava and other cultivated plants; a fallen tree turned into rock outcrops], 53 [(Ortiz 1982:85); people deprived a woman of food; she scraped corn off her feet; ate porridge, fed her younger ones sisters and brothers, later turned into a Kalivirnae tree; peppers, yams, cassava and other cultivated plants grew on it; necklaces were on the Tulikisínae tree]: 112-114, 191-203, 204-210, 211-215, 215 -218, 221-224, 225-226, 227-228, 229-230, 231.

Southern Venezuela. Piaroa: Boglar 1977, No. 1 [Kwawai is a giant tree with four branches; one was grown by a white man and woman, the other by the ancestors of three Native American tribes; this created by Wahari cassava, corn, ocuma, yam, sweet potato, various fruits appeared in the tree; V. decided to cut down the tree so that people could bear fruit; it fell between the Kuao and Autana rivers, so upper Kuao has high hills; if if it fell here, the mountains would be here; where the crown fell, there was better land, more fruit], 28 [a giant tree grew out of Wahari's stomach, with all edible fruits; one woman asked for fruit, but B . replied that he tried them and they were dangerous; raped this woman and left; she vomited, her urine was bleeding, she walked along the river, and where blood dripped, forest fruits grew there], 29 [Los waikuni worked, they wanted to drink; there were no rivers yet, they asked Vahari for water; he replied that only women drink water at work, and men drink yopo and caapi drugs; V. asked women where they get water, they showed , V. went there, but the Vaikuni magically mixed V.'s thoughts, he wandered through the forest for several years; tied the branches of a tree with a rope on which all the edible fruits could not be cut down; one animal climbed on a tree, gnawed through the rope; people came and took the fruit; when V. came, there was only one lump left; Buoka (brother V.) put the disease in it; V. ate a lump, his teeth and head hurt]: 231-233, 285, 285-287; Costanzo 1977:153, 158; saliva [note 33 to the text about cutting a tree with cassava and other cultivated plants on branches: Saliva has the same myth about the origin of the mountain range (petrified remains of felled wood)]: Vargas, Kondo & Kondo 1974:201, 206 in Wilbert, Simoneau 1992, No. 52:230; makiritare: Barandiaran 1966:21-33 [giant cassava tree], 39-41; Civrieux 1959 [a tree in the form of a huge cassava]: 117; 1960:185-188; 1980:127-139 [], 132-139; makiritare [building the first communal round house, Attavanadi put a pillar in the center of the earth; this world the axis connects the earth to the sky and goes deep into the lower world, inhabited by spirits and giant snakes led by a feathered serpent decorated with a rainbow of colorful feathers]: Wilbert 1981:47; sanema [when the land was already overcrowded and could not accommodate more people, and the Red Parrot (Ara Macao) Wasulumani descended to the ground; he lived in fourth heaven, the sky of old people who are always cold, and he warms them with his red fire; all the fire on earth and in the sky is his property; when they were animals, V. entrusted part of his fire to the caiman; if you shoot him, all the fire in the sky will spill out of his body and on earth in pooloi trees, and the world will burn; V. descends rarely and so bright that it is impossible to look at him point-blank; once neither the sun nor the moon gave light, they were people; the world was illuminated by V., everything the objects were white or black; there could be no other colors, because V. would be offended to see them; now V. is no longer angry, but it is better not to dress up in flashy colors; once people shot many bright birds hung them up while performing ritual dances; V. descended from the sky, asked him to chew tobacco, flew, spewing fire from his mouth and ass, the world burned down; Pootil escaped in the battleship's hole í and his wife Waipilishomá, because P. did not kill colorful birds; when P. and his wife went out, there was stuffiness and stench; the Sahelí electric eel made a thunder, the rivers overflowed their banks and flooded the ground; P. made a raft, and V. hid in the hollow of a sacred tree that did not burn down in the fire and covered the hole with clay; the leaves of this tree are always green and do not fall; he sat on top of the tree pauhil (Mitu tomentosa; the bird's ancestor is the last person to sit on the shaman's chest during camlania); when the water rose so much that the pauhil's tail was in the water, he took it out and the water began fall down; pauchil began to fly over the mountains that appeared from the water; everyone began to sing, forests, fruits and animals reappeared; P. and his raft found himself at the top of the mountain at the foot of the sacred tree; I heard the wife's voice from the tree; this couple has a son and daughter, who were given the names of their first brother and sister, who lived before the flood - Sorekei and Kablokumá; they got married, inhabited the land; if brother and sister again get married, flood and fire will destroy the world again]: Barandiaran 1968:10-14

Guiana. Lokono [The creator sits on the seiba, breaks off and scatters branches and pieces of bark; those that fall into the water turn into fish and other aquatic creatures, the rest into birds, animals, people]: Brett 1880:7; Goeje 1943, No. d25:111; trio [in the center of the second heaven where Rain lives is a kanopo rain tree, tall as a ceiba; when it blooms, a royal vulture flies in and sits on its branches, red guacamayo and amazon parrot; their movements make the flowers crumble, Yalawale (Orion) opens the sky, for us these flowers are rain]: Magaña 1987:176 (=1989a: 210); macushi: Farabee 1924 [senior Brother Entsekerang, the youngest, Anike; turn the first bad people into stones; notice the remains of various fruits on Aguti's teeth; they send Squirrel to trace; she finds a tree with everyone cultivated plants on the branches; brothers cut it down; A. tells the trunk to be firm on the side where E. cuts; the tree falls, the brothers collect fruits on a mat; the water from the trunk floods the world, A. tells the sun go out; brothers climb two Maurutia flexuosa palm trees, throw seeds into the water; new land emerges from them; A. tells the sun to shine again]: 83-85; Soares Diniz 1971, No. 5 [Anike and Inskira brothers went to east, they came to the old woman; she has corn, bananas, all kinds of fruits; they followed her, came to a tree with sweet potatoes, corn, bananas, etc.; decided to cut down; A. cut down from the west, I. from the east ; when the tree fell, the sun took with it; it became dark; the brothers Arepopu and Makauaré said that the sun was at the bottom of the river; another pair of brothers Loriuepaneima and Uomai pointed the direction; these four steels dive, took out pieces of sun; A. collected them, revived them; The Sun is a thirty-year-old man; promised to let the moon shine at night as a reward]: 82; akawai [Maconaima creates a tree with all the cultured plants on branches; Agouti finds a tree, eats alone; son M. The whitefish sends the Woodpecker to follow Aguti, who pretends to be a knock; the Rat finds a tree, S. tells him to knock him down; the lazy Monkey interferes with work, S. sends her to carry water in the basket; the stump pours water, fish in it; S. tells you to climb the kokorite palm tree; those who could not close themselves in the cave; a long night falls; S. throws kokorite seeds; when he hears that they no longer fall into the water, people go down; turn into animals; Cayman is left without a tongue for lying; the Trumpeter Bird's ants have eaten their legs, they are now skinny]: Brett 1868:377-383; 1880:127-128; Im Thurn 1966 [Aguchi finds a tree with cassava, bananas and other cultivated plants on branches; people cut down a tree; a stump turns into stone; water gushes out of it, someone has covered it with a basket; a curious Monkey lifted it up, the flood has flooded the ground; the first ancestors climb the cockorite palm; the Howler Monkey roars, his throat remains swollen; the man throws seeds down to find out if the water is deep; the first ancestors descend; the Trumpeter Bird has ants eaten legs, now they're skinny; man makes fire by friction; Penelope marail turkey swallows a spark, flies away, his throat stays red; people think the fire has swallowed Cayman, they tear out his tongue]: 379-381; arekuna [Akuli (aguchi) eats the good fruits of the pupu tree; Makunaima and his brothers are bad from the kaui-yeg tree; M. sends Kali (a squirrel) to follow A.; K. and the brothers find the navel, then other forest fruits; A. finds the Vasak tree; all cultivated plants hang on its branches; M. discovers a corn seed between the teeth of sleeping A. K. finds out what is going on; he first eats V.'s fruits himself, then tells his brothers; the older brothers object, but M. insists that V. must be cut down; vines are held on top of him; M. sends K. to cut them; he bitten by wasps, since then his eyelids have swollen; M. cuts V., telling the wood to be soft; his elder brother Jige tells him to be hard; the tree falls, the stump falls, the stump to Roraima; water and fish flow from the stump; J. covers the stump with a basket; M. wants more cuts, takes off the basket, the flood floods the ground; M. and J. climb two palm trees; J. gives M. the fruit with his own; M. puts it on his penis, returns J. to eat; A. hides in a hollow, where he had previously transferred all the fruits; when he made a fire there, he scorched his ass]: Koch-Grünberg 1924, No. 1:33-36; taulipan [Aguchi finds a Vadhaka tree; they ripen on its branches bananas, corn, papaya, etc.; he eats them alone; Makunaima puts him to sleep, finds pieces of bananas in his mouth; sends Kali squirrel, then Manape's older brother, to follow Aguchi; Agouti Manapi shows a tree with wild fruits, K. is the real V.; K. climbs a tree, bitten by wasps, since then his eyelids have swollen; finally, Aguchi and K. show the Manapi tree, that brings bananas to his brother; Aguchi tells him not to cut V., water will flow from there; Manapi cuts, tells the wood to be soft; Aguchi heals the felling with banana peel and wax; Makunaima's other brother tells the wood to be hard; but Manapee knocks down the tree; water pours out, fish with it, the flood has begun]: Koch-Grünberg 1924, No. 2:36-38; Carinha (Guyana): Brett 1880 [Tamosi (from Arav. Tumusi, "creator") creates a tree with corn and other cultivated plants on the branches; Tapir finds it, eats it alone; people watch him; Woodpecker failed, the Rat managed to find the tree; the oracle tells cut it down; people cut down for ten months, find plants; a flood begins; people climb a coquerite palm tree; a woman can hardly climb half, turns into a stone that follows her too; several people climb a komoo palm tree, escape]: 104-109; Gillin 1936, No. 1 [every day Tapiriha swims across the river, eats bananas, papayas, yams, cassava growing on tree branches; the Rat asks transport it, hides a seed in his mouth, brings it to people; they send Tapirih to bring water in a basket, cut down a tree; vines keep him from falling; Monkeys fail, the Squirrel gnaws through them; Tapiriha returns, now only wild plums remain; the bunia bird teaches how to cultivate the land]: 189-190; Roth 1915, No. 60:147; Wapishana: Farabee 1918 [Tuminikar (tum = create, do) creates people; Duid brings them food every day; people look after animals, find a tree with all cultivated plants on the branches; no longer needs D.'s services; T. cuts down a tree, his stump - Avayapiapu rock (=seiba); some plants have not learned to grow, they are gone; the water from the trunk floods the ground; people make a boat out of the upper jaw of a musk duck; they sail to Serriri; they throw stones to the north to see if the water is deep; they formed a hill; ducks wear their beak around their necks like an amulet]: 110-113; Ogilvie 1940 [Tuminikar (from arav. tum - "create") and Duid - brothers; every day D. brings edible crops for people; two girls are watching Agouti, finding a tree with all the cultivated plants on the branches and roots; now people do not need D.'s services; T. tells us to cut down a tree; a stump - Roraima; water from a trunk floods the world; a person turns a pendant from a musk duck's beak into an ark; takes plants with him; sticks to a mountain; people throw stones into the water to see if the water has descended; after the flood Many bananas grow on this mountain]: 64-67; Wirth 1950:172-173 [Aguchi finds a Tamoromu tree in the forest; its branches are filled with corn, cassava, yams, bananas and other cultivated plants; Aguchi eats them alone; when sleeping, his anus says: Corn, Bananas; People watch Aguchi, cut down a tree with axes, plant fruits; Tominikare says they will now have to work], 173-174 [ Tuminicare plants a Huizhan tree; all cultivated plants are on its branches; a young girl finds W., picks the fruit, tells her four brothers; when they arrive, the tree is already very tall; they chop it down to get the fruit; there is fresh water and fish in the trunk; they close the stump with a stopper; the younger brother wants more fish, takes out the cork; water floods the ground; after the flood, T. creates new people and animals; Roraima is called the Mother of Fresh Water] [zap. 1961; hishkaryana [west 1961; cassava was on the inaccessible top of a rocky island; bananas, yams, sweet potatoes and others cultural plants; The squirrel cut off the vine that held them (the informant corrected himself: no, the Squirrel got scared, cut off the Hummingbird); people planted the plants]: Derbyshire 1965:15; trio: Koelewijn, Riviere 1987, No. 1:18; oyana [rain floods the earth with a flood; brother and sister flee on a mountain, then in a boat; after the flood, a man from heaven tells them to build a house; a young man comes to him in heaven; there they bake meat and cassava on a stone in the sun; the sister also comes and finds a house whose pillars are cassava cuttings; the person shows cassava cooking utensils, they turn into a snake and a swarm of wasp; a piece of wood into the fire; a man sends brother and sister to the ground, giving cassava, yams, bananas, etc.; a piece of wood burns itself (the origin of fire); men and women come out of the two halves of the calabasa ; brother and sister attach macaw feathers to their shoulders, fly to heaven forever to their adoptive father; all three are seen as constellations]: Coudreau 1893:550-552.

Western Amazon. Siona, Sekoya: Vickers 1989:166; Siona [cassava]: Chaves 1958:149.

NW Amazon. Desana [the fruits and shoots of various wild plants grow on the branches of the same tree and later spread around the world]: Reichel-Dolmatoff 1968, No. 2:199; 1971:254; cubeo: Goldman 1963:51; Soto Olguin 1972 ["the tree of all things" (Aureke) grew in Timbo; first, branches were cut off from it to make boats; then they cut it; it had corn, cassava, and everything edible, as well as jaguar skins; the axes broke, Tapira was sent for new ones at the bottom at the mouth of the Yi River; he was sent away because he was eager to get his skin; when he heard the sound of a tree falling, Tapir rushed back; his skins first howler monkeys grabbed them, so the jaguars were afraid of them and therefore they roar like jaguars; Ighparari and Juanzoco spirits ate trees, walked, regurgitated what they swallowed, each place had its own group of people; where Juanzoco regurgitated, cubeos appeared; Europeans took their culture (books, etc.) from wood; people got on a boat, sailed; Yuremake, the son of an anaconda, wanted to sail above the cubeo, but the boat split into rapids and went back to where cubeo is now; var. from the Kerari River: the tree was called the same word Yage-Kuma as the Banisteriopsis Caapi drug; the first to taste the bark fell unconscious]: 61- 63; kabiyari: Bourgue 1976 [Yakamukute (Sky) did not have an anus; (his umbilical cord connected to the navel, the Banesteriopsis caapi vine; the Hehechu Jaguar was her process; this is only paraphrased Bonnemère 2001:40); Hehechu is associated with land; I came to dance with H.'s children, killed them; one escaped, became a bird; I threw the other into boiling water like a worm; H. collected pieces of his body, combined with cotton wool, he turned into a monkey (mico); I pretended to know nothing; invited Y. to dance; blew the winds loudly; I asked him to make an anus; H. pierced his anus, he died; his body exploded , becoming the sky, that is, the sky has separated from the earth; the remains of H. turn into a hill, the blood has become clay; from the other remains, the sons of Y. are the four cultural heroes of Munully; they measure the land to determine where its center is; they build the first maloka by cutting down the only Teviji tree, there are no others yet; the roof is flat, falls after the first rain; M. take the night from the Karu toad; at first they do not pay, K. hands them a vessel with wounds; demands gold; after night, M. carelessly opens the vessel, darkness sets in; M. creates nocturnal animals screaming at a certain time; when dawn comes, the sun rises; M. receives a vessel of soil from the Mapitare worm, inadvertently opened, the earth is dispersed; the water in Pira-Parana is hot, fish cannot be eaten, it causes diseases, and there are no other rivers yet; M. come to A tree with water and fish is owned by Kamanatana, the wife of the Mapitare worm; brothers eat ants and Kamanatana feeds them tapioca; the youngest of M. (his name is Mamitiri) spies, sees that this tapioca is Mapitare sperm; Mamitiri, in the form of a hummingbird, finds a tree owned by Kamanatana; M. opens a hole in which she kept animals and animals spread through the forest; M. dazzle Kamanatana, send them down the river to the rapids; they cut down trees that turn into different rivers; when a tree owned by Kamanatana is cut down, it does not fall, it is suspended for the vines; they send the white Maniritare squirrel to cut them down; the fallen tree turns into Apaporis, the vine turns into the Cananarí River; the sky at sunset is colored with squirrel's blood; the brothers tell the snake to make a channel rivers winding; brothers turn into parrots, fly to Thunder, replace its lightning with a parrot's tail, carry it away, distribute it to all communities]: 121-131 [summary with comments and interpretations], 138-143 [ accurate summary]; Correa 1989 [all the water and fish were in the hollow of the Itshuna tree, owned by old Kamatana; bathed and fished, then plugged the hole; the youngest of the Mujnuyi brothers (he is a shaman) became hummingbird, spied; the brothers did not have manioc flour, and K. took it out of her husband Mapitare's body (he is a white worm) during copulation (this is his sperm; var.: he copulated with a clay pot, K. took sperm from there); the brothers refused to eat it; burned coca leaves over the worm's mink, he died; they met the howler monkey; he told them to paint black, come to the Jejechu jaguar maloka, where the holiday is; daughter J. hid one of Muhnuya in her mouth; the brothers began to cut down old K.'s tree, but the felling overgrown; they began to carry the chips away; Squirrel cut down from above, and the chips flying from him - drizzling rain; chips fell on Muhnuya's head, since then people have had a headache; the tree fell along with the Kumaka vine, which formed the river; from the branches - channels, lakes; the root - the mouth of the Apaporis River; an ant woman (is she K.?) locked her brothers in an anthill; they turned into mosquitoes, five days later, when the exit was open, they flew away; they came to Thunder while he was sleeping, replaced his lightning with feathers from the parrot's tail (they became parrots Thunder's daughter let them in); they came back to K., asked them to cook fish; while K. was collecting fuel, one of Muhnuya stole coal; on a Cayman boat he sailed across the river, Cayman went under water, took the fire; Muhnuyi turns into a frog, lures Cayman ashore; his brothers cut his belly, the Wasp finds fire inside; masks have been made from his vertebrae and intestines - they are like fire]: 43-50; maku [mother Idu Kamni ordered to cut down a huge Ye tree (Mimeogasea family, up to 50 m high); he cut down for two years when the tree collapsed, the flood began, people gathered in the IK boat; the water lifted the boat, people's heads rested on sky; when it descended, rivers remained, branches turned into tributaries (the trunk, apparently, into the main river); IC put leaves and twigs together, rapids formed)]: Silverwood-Cope 1972:217; yagua [with water the old man Krora owned it, it was inside the lupuna tree, he gave the twins drop by drop; the youngest, who arose from the elder's placenta, turned into a hummingbird, swam; the brothers began to cut down the tree; by morning felling overgrown; when cut down, the tree continued to hang, it was held from above by a vine, held by the old man himself; the younger brother turned into a scorpion, bit the old man in the leg, the tree bent down; then into a big one scorpion, bit harder, tree fell, becoming Amazon and tributaries]: Chaumeil 1983:155; Chaumeil, Chaumeil 1978, No. 2:169-170; Payne 1992:207-208; Powlison 1972a [the twin grandfather owns the water hidden in tree trunk; brothers call all birds and rodents to knock down a tree; at night, felling overgrows; the youngest watches his grandfather, finds out a secret; they cut down a tree; it turns into the Amazon, rivers into tributaries, chips and leaves in fish, worms in Europeans, blacks and non-Yagua Indians]: 76; chikuna: Nimuendaju 1952:123 -124 [a tree covered the sky; Dioy shoots leaves from a slingshot, star holes appear; together with Brother Epi and ants, termites cuts the trunk, the tree remains hanging; D. promises sister E. to whoever cuts the vine holding the tree; Big Squirrel cannot, Malaya discovers that this is not a vine, but a Sloth; the squirrel poured ants on it, he let go of the tree; when it fell, it hit Squirrel on the tail, now it is bent], 130-131 [there were no cultivated plants; the old woman noticed how ants- leaf cutters carry something white; she liked the smell; following the trail, she came to the river channel; on the shore there was a tree, yam, sweet potato; fruits in the form of sweet cassava tubers fell into the water; she baked cassava under her arm, then dried it in the sun; her grandchildren Dioy and Epi came to visit, she did not tell them where the cassava came from; her friend kept the fire in his beak with a nightjar ("night swallow", bacurào); with him, the old woman no longer baked food under her arm, but cooked on fire; when asked, the old woman replied that she was baking in the sun; when he heard this answer, Bacurào laughed, the fire blazed from her beak; people They opened his beak by force, since then it has been wide; people found the tree, knocked it down and uprooted it; the deer picked up the shoots of cultivated plants, hid it in the basket; D. called the Deer to pick up the poisoned fish, said he was leaving, turned into a tree above the river himself; the deer hung the basket on his branch, D. carried it away; the basket contained the tubers, shoots and seeds of all cultivated plants]; utoto: Girard 1958 [Buinaima water snake copulated with Amena-cogoena or Monayyalque (identified with Nafuey - moon, first woman); a boy was born, on the fourth day he turned into a tree with cassava on top, peanuts, peppers and other cultivated plants; the mother collected the fruits, and people then ate the land; to get the fruit, people cut down a tree; water poured out of the trunk - rivers, and edible plants appeared from the branches, mainly cassava; this child tree was named Faqurani, its attribute is an ax; var.: Buinaima (forest owner, thunderstorm) cuts down a tree himself to give people fruit]: 74-76; Urbina 1991, No. 1 (muinane) [ cassava]: 20; Uscatequi Mendosa 1954 [Jacinto Ula, Revista Amazonia 2 (4) :48; was a woman Jeteruiquesa (Xiteraiquesa), i.e. "the daughter of the first shaman"; did not want to connect with any of the men, had a son Meneramal, put it in a vessel, covered it with another vessel; she told my father, who picked up the lid, it was not a child, but a small plant; he planted it, the largest tree in the world grew; it had all the fruits and cultivated plants - cassava, bananas, sugarcane, coca, etc.]: 228; boron (? ; San Gabriel River) [cassava]: Whiffen 1915:238; cubeo: Goldman 1963:51; wanana [people ate grass, and if they planted plants, they ate only their leaves; the wind carried the smell of the fruit; Squirrel, acuti puru {probably agouti, not squirrel} stole leaves from the property; the owner caught the smell of fruit from Agouti; the owner forced him to lead him to the source of the smell; on Uarakapuri-Cachoeira on the right bank of Vaupes a giant tree with all the fruits on it; people began to pick them up; for revealing a secret, the owner of the Uansken gift killed Aguti with a wind gun; he fell on a rock, the trail is still visible; people began to cut the tree was knocked down a month later, received cassava, sweet potatoes, etc.; the birds received fruit palms - bakaba (Oenocarpus bacaba Mart.), acai (aka cabbage palm, Euterpe oleracea Mart.), miriti (Mauritius) flexuosa), etc.; since the tree was felled, the fruits should now ripen and are only available at certain times of the year]: Amorim 1928:270 in Bödiger 1965:85-86; desana [Gain pañan - ancestor Parrots (but human); someone steals crops from the garden; first the girls with baskets ran away, the next night he caught one; she is pregnant; replies that she eats worms, insects; he inserted a leaf into the vagina, that all chewed, there are piranhas; the woman is the daughter of the main Water Serpent, the children from Piranha are in her stomach; G. washed her vagina with fish poison, married her; decided to visit her father-in-law; emptied insect baskets into the water, the fish ate, did not touch it; the father-in-law killed the old servant (fish), gave his son-in-law to eat; under the water was a peach palm (Guilielma speciosa), on which all four varieties of fruit ripened; G. swallowed the seeds while he searched, taken it out of the crap on the shore; the palm tree grew, again all varieties on the same tree]: Kumu, Kenhiri 1980:151-158; uitoto: Pereira 1980 (2): 481-482; Ucategui Mendoza 1954:228; ocaina [Amena Kog (oe) n virgin became pregnant from a snake crawling out of a hole in the ground to her, bringing a lot of food; her mother noticed a hole in the floor, poured boiling water into it, the snake died; in a dream, his spirit tells him to leave The son she will give birth to is in the upper reaches of the ravine; four days later there was a giant tree; on its branches there were sweet and bitter cassava, corn, peanuts and other fruits; the girl ate them and other people ate them the ground; when I told them, people cut down a tree, planted fruits; where the tree fell, a spring filled up; as punishment for cutting down, people have been dying ever since]: Girard 1958:133-134, 137 [this is the first woman]; 196:130; piapoko [after eating the fetus, a person becomes pregnant, is allowed without pain as a boy; when the grandmother bathes him, the trough is filled with manioc flour; the boy asks to cut off his fingers, He sows phalanges, they grow into cassava; the father does not love his son, so he leaves, taking away all the crops and placing them on the same tree; the tree is found by a night monkey; agouti picks up the one she has dropped pineapple, brings people; they cut the trunk day and night, but Cayman swallows fire; in the morning it turns out that felling is overgrown; Cayman is killed, fire is taken out of its belly, the trunk is cut; the tree remains hang behind a barbasco vine (fish venom) attached to the sky; a squirrel cuts it, falls with the tree; a branch with all its fruits falls into the water; a tapira is sent to dive; as he gets fruit, people hide them; he discovers deception, hides some of the fruits; current crops come from those taken away by people]: Wavrin 1937:604-606; uitoto: Girard 1958:74-76; Preuss 1921, No. 2 [Hitiruni ("black") girl rejected all suitors, including the Sun; Sikire ("bamboo") Buneima (aquatic mythical creatures) imperceptibly fertilizes her when she sits on the trough; appears in the image young men, leads under water, sends them back; she gives birth to a boy who turns into a huge tree; all cultivated plants on its branches, the roots are edible; the woman bakes them under her arms and under her knees, brings them parents; people stop eating crushed stones, white clay and rotten wood, go to cut wood; Nofuyeni (one of the first ancestor leaders) takes a toad axe, but blows leave her liver from the mouth; gets a red parrot axe from his ancestor, knocks down a tree; throws chips into the water, they turn into fish; carves a woman out of one sliver, marries Hitoma (the Sun); turns into a cat, flies to heaven]: 170-188; San Roman 1986:115; Yépez 1982 [Aime Huram has a daughter; Jusido Bunaima came to chew coca, asked her to marry; AH, his wife and daughter went to the station; when they returned, HM became as a bird, the daughter asked her to catch it, kept it in the basket; when they came again, the birds were gone, and HM was a man; they decided that he took the bird; the next night AH and HB chewed coca again; HB: must endure; but AH still went out to urinate; HS: if you don't want coca, tobacco, you can't stand it, you'll eat soil, dry wood; AH Monayaterisai's daughter was sitting on a mat; HB snuck to her from below in the form of a worm conceived a son Housitofe (cassava); his mother sent M. to bring water to a sieve to sift manioc flour, found a worm, filled it with boiling water; HB in a dream told M. to put the baby she would give birth to in a pot, cover it do not show the parents with a leaf, make a cake from the foam that has risen; they saw an ant running with a piece of cassava, found out that their daughter had cassava; M. told them not to sleep, watch the child; from the child grew a manioc tree, pineapples, caimo, aguacate and other fruits on the branches; a lake grew along with the tree, the fruits fell into the water; they were taken out by the Old Rat; Father AH began to look for an ax; a woodpecker axe , a bird axe with a hard beak, an ordinary ax, a toad axe, a piranha axe were not suitable; he hardly woke up his fox uncle; he took a knife, cut off the vine for which the tree was tied to the sky; when he fell the fox tree injured the throat, the sons of the AH smeared the wound with yellow medicine, since then the foxes have a yellow throat; foxes are allowed to eat fruits in the gardens as a reward; AH collected oil from the water, brought, planted, and grew cassava; from the same lake and tree, ritual songs and accessories]: 63-69.

Central Amazon. Arua [a girl became pregnant with a deer; he showed her child a tree where corn, sweet potatoes and all cultivated plants grew; these are where the current ones come from]: Snethlage 1937:130.

Montagna - Jurua. Shipibo-konibo [there is a tree in the center of the earth that extends into the clouds; its branches form a mountainous land where tree spirits live; the roots go to the lower world]: Gebhaart-Sayer 1987:25-26, 72, 82; shipibo: Gebhaert-Sayer 1987:25-27 [a huge tree grows in the middle of the earth, reaching the upper world; various supernatural beings live at its top], 335 [lupuna tree (Ceiba) pentadora; Chorisia insignis; Trichilia tocachenea; T. tochema) is the leader or god of others; associated with rain]; chayahuita [a huge genipa tree overshadows the sun; in the dark people cannot burn garden plots; Kumpanama is going to bring it to the east; the branches will turn into small rivers, the trunk into a large one; Indians will live along its banks, and mestizos in the upper reaches; Woodpeckers, Parrots, Monkeys cut down a tree; K.'s ax breaks, he sends the White Monkey to his wife (grandmother) to repair the ax for resin; the woman shows the Monkey her pubic hair, says that K. takes the resin from here; K. comes and finds them making love; the White Monkey turns into a white monkey; returning to the tree, K. sees that it has fallen to the west; cries, tears turn into Aguaruna Indians, shells peanuts into their boats; K. turns people into different animals and birds, asking everyone about their habits and eating habits]: García Tomas 1994 (3): 251-253; Ashaninka (nomatsigenga) [tree the light has overshadowed; the hero and his men cut it down, but the felling overgrows; they began to cut down early in the morning and burn the trunk; the felled tree rose to heaven (formed the sky)]: Shaver 1975:52; characterbet : Barriales 1970 [a giant Huanamea tree grows in the lower reaches of Madre de Dios; as many branches it has, there are so many different seeds and wild fruits]: 7; Calífano 1980 [after destruction of the ancient world, all people and animals escaped to the Wanamei tree; before sunrise, after the command, it was necessary to change their skin until sunrise; the sun had not yet appeared when the black hawk (gavilá ; n) commanded, Change skin; but the colorful hawk sang before the black hawk could change his skin; so people don't change their skin and die]: 126-127.

Bolivia - Guaporé. Eseeha: Alvárez 1942 [cassava, bananas, and other cultivated plants come from the same tree hanging on branches]: 155; Verna 1985 [Pachichone wants to have sex with her brother's wife; she says her husband takes her from behind because of a thorn in her chest (teta; a pubic euphemism?) ; P. does not listen, is injured, sick; people kill and eat him; his bones turn into all kinds of birds, nails into beaks; birds sit on a tree; branches break off under their weight; from these branches form current forest]: 68; chiriguano: Nordenskiöld 1912:260-264; guarazu [under the earth's disk there are water, there are little people; holes in the ground are springs, from there the flood waters flowed; tree in the sky supports the center of the earth, the sky has seven tiers; stars hang on tree branches]: Riester 1970:471-472; tupari [to cut down a peanut tree, the brothers stun the woodpecker and take away its sturdy woodpecker an ax; then nuts grow useful plants, including corn and a number of wild plants (Brazil nuts, reeds for making arrows, etc.)]: Caspar 1975:190-191.

Southern Amazon. Nambiquara [The creator lives in the sky; the souls of the dead get there, it's clean and pleasant; a duck and a yellow bird live on a large round lake; four trees nearby; the first one has a yellow dragonfly, on the second is blue, on the third is red; the fourth is a figueira palm tree; on it there is a giant harpy eagle, he has a beautiful daughter; his nest is made of unburied nambiquar bones; under the nest lives a white butterfly; palm roots descend to the ground, we live between them, they envelop the whole world]: Pereira 1974b: 4; paresis [brothers cut down the ancestors of trees; felling overgrows itself; then the tree turns into the river]: Pereira 1986, No. 2:91.

SE Brazil. Botokudo [the sorcerer cleared the site and left; there grew a tree with all the cultivated plants on the branches]: Nimuendaju 1946b: 102.

Chaco. Matako: Barabas, Bartolome 1979a: 126-128; 1979b: 79; Calífano 1976: (cf. 30 [to get to the place where Ahatáj is located, a shaman turns into a hummingbird, flies to a garden tree in the middle of the reservoir, which sinks and then comes out of the water; in order not to fall, the shaman turns into wax, sticks; when the tree goes under water, it becomes a calabass so that fish do not swallowed it; flies to another tree with different branches (algarroba, palo santo, etc.); then two crossed sticks block the road, they must be avoided, turning into smoke; then moving prickly cardboard (cardo, thistle?) , shamans slip through small holes like birds, reach their goal]), 36 [the huge 'ala'taj tree was the first to grow after the world fire, grew as the Tapiatsól bird was in a tambourine; each of its branches is one of the trees that exist today]; Palavecino 1964 [without more details]: 289; matako: Wilbert, Simoneau 1982a, No. 59 [Metraux 1939, No. 4:10-11; at the edge of the world on there are great lights on the horizon that burn on their own; they have boilers full of food, but you can't touch them; you can't talk about tall grass so that the fire does not hear or burn the world; once burned, they are saved a man and a woman who dived to the bottom of the river; when they emerged, everything was burned; tapiatsón began to beat the tambourine at the palo zapallo stump like a matako is beaten when an algarrob is ripe; a few days later the stump grew into a tree; then the forest grew, the world revived], 60 [Metraux 1939, No. 5:11; humans were animals - nandu, chunya, little birds; decided to go to a country where there are many people; they were larger than current ones and made of fire; they were not allowed to make noise, talk or laugh in front of them; their children were sitting at the entrances to the huts; the hornero bird (Furnariui R. Rufus) laughed all the time; when those children sat down, they were out of their ass the light blazed; Ornero laughed, the children complained to their fathers, those people burned the world; the nandu ostrich and the chunya were saved; the takiatsa bird (red with black spots) hid in the ground; when the fire went out, came out and found ash from the Algarrobe; she sang every day and after three days the ash became a tree; these birds still sing in the branches of the Algarroba]: 128-129, 129-130; Chorote: Wilbert, Simoneau 1985, No. 23 [those ayoreos that they fled across the sea from the fire, escaped; people could not make a fire because there was no firewood; the bola verde tree was the first to grow; birds settled on its branches, seeds were in their litter, and everyone grew again plants], 24 [fire came from the north, some people escaped in burrows, became iguanas and other animals that live in burrows; some went far, became the ancestors of Europeans; The month was saved by climbing into the sky on a quebracho tree; sent rain; the quebracho tree, burned but the only unburned tree, sprouted; the Month sent seeds, from which wild and cultivated plants grew], 25 [first after the world fire grew a bola verde tree]: 46-47, 47-48, 49; toba: Wilbert, Simoneau 1982b, No. 23:74; 1989a, No. 43 (oriental) [Latée Na Mapik tree was the mother of karob trees (algarrobes); reached the sky; people could climb it to the first tier of the sky; whoever climbed higher received more shamanic knowledge; this tree was cut down because people were too close to Kharta; after that, capybaras from the ground they rose to heaven, and the heavenly came down to earth], 44 (eastern) [there was a tree, it was man, man; there was a capybara man; he found a tree that reached the sky, climbed it to heaven capybaras; out of envy of Capybara, who also lived in water, Werayk cut down a tree so that Capybara would not rise again; that's why people don't go to heaven either], 79 [Lapichí created small pebbles, they turned into hills; plants could speak; there was only one tree, each of its branches was different from the others, belonged to its own plant species; these branches multiplied, and the result was a forest]: 69, 70, 115 ; mocovi [the tree that people used to go to the sky to fish in the Milky Way has been cut down; its flowers are stars (Guevara menciona también, que las flores del árbol serian estrellas)]: Giménez Benítez et al. 2002:48-49; chamacoco [a bottle tree is the mother of trees; it is brought and installed on a site for men's rituals]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1987a, No. 88:350

Southern Brazil. Mbia: Baldus 1952 [Nhandé Ru Pa-pá tenondé (the world's first) sat in the dark; two winds came in, it dawned a little, N. saw water all around; the winds blew and dried the earth; N. got up, made a stick, worked six days creating the world; decided to make a forest; created a tree, all branches of which were trees of different types; they bore fruit, N. planted them, and all the trees that were there grew; There was also a second ancestor, Nhandé Chy tenondé; he has three sons - Tupã in the west, Karaí Ru Eté in the east, and Jakairá-Mirim at its zenith; Nhandé Ru Pa-pá tenondé and Nhandé Chy tenondé live in the fifth, highest sky; T. taught farming, gave seeds; they harvested in three days, but now they bring in three months]: 483; Cadogan 1968 [Niane Ramoi creates a handful of earth, from which a large earth grows; the first Para-ra tree, each branch is a special tree or bush; var: all other plants grow from Cedrera sp.]: 85.