Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

G7. Blunt axes. .

The first ancestors need to cut down a giant tree or (rarely) a rock. Their axes become blunt or break, and/or whether they get a special axe suitable for the job. If not otherwise: a tree with cultivated plants at the top, see the G5A motif.

Malaysia-Indonesia. Murut [a giant mountain covered the sun; seven brothers cut it down, only blunted their axes; the youngest learned in a dream that it was necessary to make a trap, catch a porcupine, make axes out of its ribs; The brothers knocked down the mountain with them, its wreckage is still visible]: Wooley 1928, No. 16:369-372.

Amur - Sakhalin. The Nanais [Daxsur (Xado) was born from birch, on a rocking chair, fed his birds; the Chinese, led by Xa, cut down a tree to reach a rocking chair; all axes break; Xa sleeps by a tree; in a dream, Xado tells him to go to a river of blood and a river of pus, take blood and pus from them, lubricate the trunk; then the tree was cut down; Xado does not grow, it is thrown to pigs, then to horses; it grows up, digs an underground passage to daughter Xa - M'ameld'i; Xado is recognized as a son-in-law; his and M. son Z:u:Lchu dies, goes first to Boonie (the underworld of the dead); the father follows him; the son explains that if people do not die, the earth will overflow; returning from Booney, Xado plugs the hole with clothes; knocks copper flowers off the tree with an arrow; closes all the holes at home, forgets two; almost everything brought has run away]: Sternberg 1933:492-493.

Honduras vs Panama. Bribri: Bozzoli 1976 [a woman's hair is always wet and salty; Sibu kisses them, blessing the future of the sea; the shaman gives her his rod, tells her not to let go; she lets go, rod turns into a snake, bites a woman, she dies, is buried; a huge tree grows on the grave; S. is afraid that it will break the roof of his house (=peace); tells him to cut down; people work all day, felling the next morning overgrows; their axes break; S. comes to Okoma, sitting down on a bench every time breaks it, pushes a new one closer; finally asks and receives an ax; people cut down a tree; S. tells Martin Pe ca and the cormorant tie the top of the head to the roots; tells the cannibal to be ready to grab the fruits that will fall; the tree presses the cannibal; turns into water; as it described the circle ( the top of the head is tied to the roots), the sea surrounds the land; the tree has fallen to the north, there are most islands; the open sea is where the trunk was]: 420-421; Bozzoli, Cubero Venegas 1987 [Shibyo gives his sister his a rod; it turns into a snake, bites it, it dies; a giant tree grows out of a corpse; S. sends people to cut it down; after 18 days of work, the axes are broken, they follow others; the old woman collects from the foot of fallen chicks; loggers ask her to support the tree; it falls on it, turns into the sea, the birds into fish; the old woman's movements cause excitement at sea]: 20.

Llanos. Yaruro [tapir found a Tohurato tree, on which all cultivated plants grew; he was given a hallucinogen, vomited, everyone saw what he was eating; followed; tapira was sent to cut down the tree, but under under the influence of the drug, he got lost and did not return; Tapir's big axe broke, began to be cut with small strong axes; where branches fell, vegetable gardens appeared; they fell far away, so cultural Creole plants]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1990c, No. 37:60-62; Sicuani: Queixalos 1979 (recorded by the author in 1972 from the leader of a village now deserted within a savannah forest area) [opossum I found a pineapple tree, a Kaliawiri tree; the leftover food smelled on his teeth and everyone understood that he was eating pineapples; they wanted to send Aguchi for exploration, but he stayed asleep; then Paku; opossum moved across Orinoco through the trees, the paka then swam; the opossum dropped one pineapple from the tree, the paka picked it up and carried it, was punished for this; there was no food before; cassava, pineapples, sweet potatoes + three not an opossum found identified species of food plants; paka brought pineapple to Santa Rita, where birds and animals that were human at that time lived; paka cut food into portions, all ate; an opossum came in the morning; he and Paka started throwing fire at each other; smut thrown by the opossum hit Pake's throat, so she has des orifications infra-orbitaux, renferment une chair délectable; and the opossum has a burnt tail , he has been naked ever since; after that, the opossum confessed where the tree was; people made small rafts to swim across the river; they brought hatchets made of fish jaws in their bags; when they began to cut, they bent; only the woodpecker found a good ax; he cut it for a long time, then everyone went to bed; in the morning there were no traces on the trunk, the chips returned to their place; the same the next morning; then someone named Matsuludani suggested call grandfathers - leaf cutters; ants took away chips, the tree collapsed; people cleared plots, sowed; this is how cassava and all kinds of food appeared; the K. tree turned into the Sipapo mountain range (in Venezuela) on PR territory)]: 104-124; Wilbert, Simoneau 1992, No. 44 [the boy asks his grandmother to buy it in a trough; produces starch; people tell him to swim in the river, collect starch; when angry, the boy tells him to swim in the river, collect starch; when angry, the boy tells him Grandmother is awake to hear a rumble; she falls asleep; only Kinkaju hears it and knows where the Kalievirne tree grew; its branches grow all edible fruits; Chamani (lizard) gives Kinkaju vomits, people find out that he secretly eats other food; Aguchi fails, Paka follows the river beyond Kinkaju, fights with him, finds a tree; C. asks Palemecune for axes, he does not give it; he does not give it to him they give vomit, he regurgitates tools (= bird beaks); gives people parcels of mosquitoes that open them turn into capybaras; people chop K.; outside the trunk is clean cassava, and the core is strong; the next morning the trunk is intact; You need a fire drill to work at night; Cayman swallowed it; Frogs lure him; Cayman rips open his belly, pick up a drill; the trunk is cut, but the tree hangs on the vine; the bird fails, Squirrel cuts the vine; a branch with the fruits of a peach palm falls into the water, Tapir unsuccessfully tries to hide it; after the tree falls, people are mortal; C. tells them to dance to find ease and go to another world; old woman Ibarruua breaks abstinence, takes Cayman as a lover; summons him by putting an inverted calebas on the water and tapping it; people kill their lover, let I. eat his penis; I. tells him to swallow the fish; his brothers arrange rapids on the river to stop the fish; revive the regurgitated C.; shoot up, only a virgin manages to fix an arrow in the sky and make a chain; in appearance C. termites climb into heaven; thunder Yamahyonë lives there; C. replaces his club, Y. cannot kill people, C. kills him; his wife tells ants to collect pieces of his flesh, I. revives; Me and C. reconcile; people continue to climb along the chain of arrows; The Bat cuts it off, the fallen ones turn into turtles, parrots], 45 [when the grandmother washed the orphan boy, he did not run off him mud, and pieces of cassava; she made cakes out of it; the boy grew up, cassava grew bigger, the old woman shared it with relatives; the boy said they wanted to kill him, left and became a lignum vitae tree, Kalev írnae; Kinkaju followed him; sweet and bitter cassava, yams, sugarcane, pineapples, etc. grew on the tree. (corn is not mentioned); The mouse followed, Kinkaju told him to remain silent, but Tsamáni questioned him; he sent Paku to the tree; Kinkaju dropped a pineapple, Paka brought it to the village; the houses of Kinkaju and Paka became fight, burning each other with smut (hence the current coloring book); to get an ax, people led by C. sailed in a boat to Palaméco's grandfather; he was lying in a hammock in an iron house; P. agreed to belch tools when he was given corn (he had never tasted it before) and yopo; taking axes, people began to cut, but felling overgrown overnight; working at night, they cut the trunk; the tree was tied to the sky and to the forest with vines; they were cut by Toucan, Oropendola, and Squirrel; the tree fell, people got cultivated plants], 46 [people ate only wild fruits and tree mushrooms; but Kinkaju ate pineapples from the Kaliawiri tree at night; He slept during the day, people found leftovers on his teeth; Paka followed him; bananas, potatoes, cassava, garlic, sugarcane, etc. as well as all types of wood ripened on the tree; Kinkaju dropped pineapple, Paka brought it to the village; Kinkaju and Paka's houses started fighting, burning each other with smut (hence the current coloring book); people went to cut down a tree; felling eventually overgrown with axes overnight split; they took out new ones, worked at night, cut the trunk, the tree remained hanging on the vines descending from the sky; they were cut down by Mockingbird and Squirrel; the fallen tree turned into stone; the sky rose higher; during the flood, the harvested crops died; people gathered on the mountain, swordfish drowned boats; later the water came down], 47 [neighbors notice pieces of pineapple on kinkaju's teeth; Paka followed him to the Kaliawiri tree; he dropped a pineapple, Paka brought it to the village; the next day, Kinkaju took people to cut K., where bananas, pineapples, sugar cane, cassava, peach fruits grow palm trees, all cultivated plants, branches of different trees; people took axes - fish bones; they immediately broke; they almost cut down the woodpecker with an ax, went to bed, cut down the thicket in the morning; working continuously, the trunk they cut it down, but the tree is suspended from the sky on a vine; the mockingbird could not cut it, the juice splashed into his eyes; the squirrel cut; the fallen tree became a mountain range; people planted cassava; the flood destroyed everything cultivated plants; Tsuwawirinë slapped another man on the stomach, who gave birth to a boy who raised cassava again]: 191-203, 204-210, 211-215, 215-218.

Southern Venezuela. Two girls are looking for a groom; the Opossum pretends to be a worthy contender; the girls go to Med, the Opossum kills him; fleeing persecution, hides on a tree or rock; the first ancestors (mostly birds) cut down a tree or rock; smear the blood of the possum, getting the current color. Sanema [(Colchster 1981:78-86); Samonamaniapada (samonala ola: sweet honey) works well on the site, speaks Makiritare, Possum does not work well, does not know the language; two partridge girls ( Odontophorus gujanensis) came, saw Kashtali (a little inedible mouse) in the hammock, began to poke him in the eye with a lit knot; he ran to his older brother Opossum; Opossum dressed up, came home, lay down in a hammock; the girls try to play with him, but push him away because of the stench; Honey came, all the girls surrounded him; Opossum went to the Lizards, took their witchcraft grass, blew on Honey, he died; girls they mourn; the Opossum is just pretending; the snakes understood this, chased him, he climbed a tall tree; all the bird and woodworm people began to cut him down, everyone's axes broke; all the animals came; Ant ( his name means wide-ass little agouti) climbed a tree, began to cut the Possum with an ax, killed him, blood flowed; the trunk was cut off, the tree remained hanging on the sunny vine; Small The Sloth, then the Big, White Monkey, Squirrels, Ocelot, Puma, Jaguar tried to cut it, but not completely, tried to descend quickly; the Squirrel cut, crushed the Little Sloth; the birds painted with the blood of the Possum, have acquired their current color]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1990b, No. 132:240-246; Yanomami: Polykrates 1967 [into the hammock of the hard-working and fragrant Nianonamauró, around which stoves and honey { next - Honey} two girls come at night, and his smelly brother Naroríwe (Opossum) is alone; while Med is on the site, Opossum brought the girl tapir meat, but they drove him away; then Opossum witchcraft sent a tree cut down on the site to fall on Honey; his body was burned, ash was drunk with banana chicha; two reeds of the species that bees love grew at the site of the burning; there was honey and a pleasant smell; People accused the Possum of killing Med; at night he ran, but the ants showed where his trail was; the Opossum climbed a rock; people sent the Frog to find out how to kill him; she said that the Opossum hid in a hole; then they decided to knock down the rock; Woodpecker, then they cut down the Toucan, broke their beaks; finally, the mountain collapsed, everyone painted themselves with Opossum blood]: 287-289; Wilbert, Simoneau 1990b, No. 131 [(Cocco 1972:221-224); girls rejected the Naro opossum because of its stench; The Bee and N. were at a festival in another village; N. rejected everything, the girl followed the Bee; when she came, N. was the first to see her, but she rejected it, came to the Bee; N. cooked witchcraft grass, shot grass at the Bee with a wind gun; when he returned home, he died; N. went and shot guaricongo, but he woke up, said at home that N. had also killed Meda; N. ran away, became turn into an opossum; boys were sent to watch him, they became birds; N. hides in a tree, the Ant climbs after him, then turns into an ant; everyone began to cut down the tree, broke off the axes, so these birds have short beaks; finally, the trunk was cut, but the tree hangs on the vine; the Little Sloth cut it, fell for free, N. crashed; birds and animals painted with blood, brain, possum crap, found current color, became birds and animals], 133 [(Lizot MS); Opossum was in a neighboring village, left a love remedy there, two girls followed him, he met one on the road; came back, met with the second, her name is Honey; both came to his house; his mother Smelly Mushroom cut the meat off her thighs, gave them tapir under the guise of meat; the sisters went from the Possum to Honey; the Opossum did witchcraft a remedy made from rodent hair and vegetable fibers, sent him to Meda; also to the Lizard, but he survived, saying that the Opossum was only pretending to be grieving, he was the murderer; the Opossum fled, the Woodpecker saw him in a recess on the rock; the Earthworm was sent to cover the Possum with a stone; people began to cut the rock; many axes (=beaks) broke; the rock began to fall, but it was held by a vine; the Sloth cut it, Opossum crushed; birds and animals stained with its blood, excrement, brain, turned into hekura spirits; Smelly Mushroom became a mushroom; ash from burned Honey became bees], 134 [(Lizot MS); two girls came marry a handsome man, entered the house; sat to the right of the entrance where Opossum and his mother Smelly Mushroom lived; Opossum returned from being lucky (pretending to work), dressed up, cut off a piece of meat from his thigh, gave it to the girls disguised as tapir meat; they saw Honey, went to him; at night, Opossum hears their laughter; makes a witchcraft, tries it on the Lizard, he survived; Honey is sick, died; Opossum lies as if his "little brother" bequeathed wives to him; the lizard tells the truth, the Opossum is running, the Woodpecker sees him on the rock; the Earthworm climbed, covered the recess where the Opossum took refuge; the birds began to cut the rock, axes (i.e. beaks) they were dull, bent; the rock began to fall, hung on the vine; the Sloth cut it, the Opossum crashed, the birds and the sloth painted his blood, brain, became hekura spirits]: 235-239, 247-256, 257-262; Yanomam [(Albert MS); two dove sisters reject the smelly Possum, want to marry Meda; their brother tells them that Meda's house will have mako feathers; Opossum wears Honey's jewelry, throws it around himself mako feathers; honey works on the site, Opossum only pretends to cut trees; girls see mako feathers, hang hammocks in the Opossum section; he cuts off a piece of meat from his thigh, gives them tapir under the guise of meat; Honey demands its mako feathers back, Opossum has to hang motmot feathers; Honey takes its wives; Opossum burns its armpit hair, makes it a code remedy, kills Honey in his hammock with it. the girls also died; the Opossum ran, hid in a tree hollow; two Ants got up, crushed it with a stone; the bird-men cut down the tree, the axes were dull, but it still fell; birds and animals painted with blood, bile and the brain of the Possum]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1990, No. 130:229-234; makiritare [there were no birds, Wanadi turned sticks into birds {i.e. bird people, first ancestors}; bird leader Semenia taught how to cultivate the land; Jaguar and Tapir did not work together with others, collected fallen fruits, hid them; S. sent them to bring water in baskets; the rest, under S.'s guidance, began to cut down the tree Marahuaca with all the cultivated plants on the branches; Toucan's axe is broken (so he now has a crooked beak), the woodpeckers continue to cut; they go to rest, by morning the felling overgrows; they cut down alternately without break; the trunk is cut, but the tree hangs entangled in the sky (the top of the tree faces the ground); this is reported by the Squirrel climbing up; S. gives him an ax, the Squirrel cuts off the heavenly roots, M. fell, heavenly waters poured from the chopped roots to the ground, rain, forming rivers; the earth turned green with vegetation; the trunk fragments turned into mountains; everyone is happy]: Civrieux 1960:132-139.

Western Amazon. A tree with water. Koreguahe [there was no water, people squeezed it out of the vines; the man saw the battleship chew through the root, water poured from there; this man used water alone; others watched and found a tree, from which this root was; Parrot axes were dull; Parrots of another species finish their work; falling chips turn into water; the sky was low, the top of the tree was entangled in it; the squirrel rose, They cut off the branch, now it's raining; the tree turned into the sea, the branches into rivers; the water kept on rising, it was necessary to cross the sea by log; the menstruating woman was to go last but it went in the middle; when it stepped on a log, it sank into the water with those who did not have time to reach the opposite bank; so there were few Indians; at the core of that tree was an anaconda]: Jimenez 1989, No. 16:33- 35; Zion: Chaves 1958:138 [Only the Turtle owns water; knocks on the trunk, the water is pouring, the Turtle is swimming; people ask for water, the Turtle invites them to cut down a tree; Woodpeckers, then the Big Squirrels break their axes; Little Squirrels cut down the trunk; tree branches are entangled in the clouds; Little Squirrel climbs up, cuts off branches, stays in the sky; the tree falls; the trunk turns into the sea, branches into rivers, leaves in lakes; rivers also form in the sky], 139 [people do not give food to the turtle woman; she hides water; a stingy man hides fire, corn, peach palm; people find a tree with a top to the sky; Parrots, Woodpeckers cut it with axes for a long time; the branches are entangled in the clouds (the episode with the Squirrel as in p.138); the turtle steals seeds of cultivated plants from a stingy man, gives it to people].

NW Amazon. Uitoto: Preuss 1921, No. 2 [Hitiruni ("black") girl rejected all suitors, including the Sun; Sikire ("bamboo") Buneima (aquatic mythical creatures) imperceptibly fertilizes her while she is sitting on a trough; appears in the form of a young man, leads under water, sends back; she gives birth to a boy who turns into a huge tree; on its branches all cultivated plants, roots are edible; a woman bakes them under mice and under their knees, brings parents; people stop eating crushed stones, white clay and rotten wood, go to cut wood; Nofuyeni (one of the first ancestor leaders) takes a toad ax, but from blows, the liver comes out of her mouth; receives a red parrot axe from her ancestor, knocks down a tree; throws chips into the water, they turn into fish; carves a woman out of one sliver, marries Hitoma (to the Sun) ; turns into a cat, flies to heaven], 9:170-188, 319-320; Rodríguez de Montes 1981, No. 23 (Murui): 205-206; Urbina 1986 [Jitobene sent his son to marry Ticone; she refused because the young man is ugly , does not look like the leader's son; the father sent his son down the river to the sorcerers; he is fasting in a hut, urinating in one place, where a fish was born; the sister secretly gave it to his brother, who lost his shamanic power; came a woman, united with him, they came to her parents; the young man warned that if he died, it would rain in the sun, the rainbow would turn red; his wife's brothers tore it apart, ate it; the wife ordered not there is a heart and genitals; the father saw a red rainbow, in a trance he went to heaven (where his son was taken), took the skeleton, heart, genitals; the son orders them to be buried at the foot of the Gorlyanka tree, another to sow on grave; the Heart of Jitobeo tree grew; it had a huge worm with its tail to the ground; it was J.'s genitals; Chief Kanijone's daughters went down to the river, naming everything in the water; the worm hit the chest with its tail both, cut, so the women had breasts; the girls began to catch fish, it made a hole in their genitals; so J. took revenge on women; since then they have been open to men; Chief K. gathered people to cut wood; those who tried to cut died: axes bounced, the worm bit fatally; called two Jitomas (one Jitoma, the other Fizido; the helper spirit told them to go to their aunt, the mistress of sleep; not to wake her up; from She woke up, gave a bag, told her not to open it along the way; F. opened it, the brothers fell asleep; Hitoma fell on the rock, F. fell to the ground, the worms began to eat it; those who climbed inside became veins thrown into the water - fish; when the brothers woke up, returned to the mistress of sleep, gave the dead bird, caused a hurricane; the hostess asked him to stop, gave the package again, taught him to replace it with a fake softwood (yarumo) Thunder's club; the brothers also took the mirror (causes lightning); Thunder's daughter woke her father up, he grabbed a false club, broke it; he still had a female club; the brothers used a club, a mirror to try; they broke the tree; F. also died, H. revived it; the brothers put the worm to sleep on the tree, smashed it to pieces with thunder; the front became a tapir, the back became a manatee; threw the club and mirror into the water, they became electric eel and stingray; F. died; H. found a hummingbird egg, F. was born from it again; the brothers came to cucarron's house; F. sat down on the ground, was eaten by crickets; avenging his brother, H. made a house out of cotton wool and wax; set fire at the celebration of the consecration of the new house; the possum's tail was burnt, the squirrel had its whole body (now dark); the cricket hid in the hole; H. cursed him, telling him to eat excrement]: 47-65; Yé pez 1982 [Aime Huram has Monayaterisai's daughter; Jusido Bunaima came to chew coca, asked her to marry; AH, his wife and daughter went to the site; when they returned, XM became a bird, the daughter asked her to catch her, held in the basket; when they came again, the birds were gone and HM was a man; they thought he took the bird; the next night AH and HB chewed coca again; HB: we must endure; but AH still went out to urinate; HS: If you don't want coca, tobacco, you can't stand it, you'll eat soil, dry wood; M. sat on a mat; Jusido Bunaima snuck from below in the guise of a worm, conceived her son Housitofe (cassava); her mother sent M. bring water in a sieve to sift cassava flour, found a worm, filled it with boiling water; HB in a dream told M. to put the baby she would give birth to in a pot, cover it with a sheet, make a cake from the foam that had risen, do not show the parents; they saw an ant running with a piece of cassava, found out that their daughter had cassava; M. told them not to sleep, watch the child; the child grew into a cassava tree, on the branches pineapples, caimo, aguacate and other fruits; a lake grew along with the tree, the fruits fell into the water; they were taken out by the Old Rat; Father M. Aima Hurama looked for an ax; a woodpecker axe, a bird axe with a hard beak, an ordinary ax, a toad axe, a piranha axe were not good; he hardly woke up his fox uncle; he took a knife, cut off a vine for which the tree was tied to the sky; when the tree fell, the Fox injured his throat, the sons of the AH smeared the wound with yellow medicine, since then the foxes have a yellow throat; foxes are allowed to eat fruits in the gardens as a reward; AH collected oil from the water, brought, planted, grew cassava; ritual songs and accessories from the same lake and tree]: 63-69; andoque [Garza de Bocana (Heron of the Estuary, GB) came to Garza de centro ("Heron of the Estuary", GB) center", GS, aka Nenefí); seeing the HS's wife bathing, I wanted to take a better look, fell into the water, drowned, the HS revived him; the GB went to his place, prepared the Talking Tree war in revenge; two sons of HS they saw two worms on the tree; there were more and more of them, they started shooting with chips of wood; the battleships wanted to cut down the tree, but could not approach because there were stinging wasps and ants; the birds could not peck insects; HS asked Thunder to give him his sword, but he gave a fake one made of soft balsa and a copy of a mirror; the sword broke against the tree, the tree laughed; HS sent a bat and her brother to Grandma Sleep, who woke her up , throwing a coca in her knee; she wrapped a dream from her left and right eyes in a sheet, gave them; on the way they unfolded the leaf, fell asleep, went back to sleep; HS sent a Comet to her; he took a dream from the hostess, came to Thunder, sedated him; Thunder left a son from an Andoque woman, his name is the Thunder of Stone; HS asked him to change his father's sword to a wooden one, he changed Chrysophilum caimito, receiving two fruits; HS asked Thunder Use the stone yourself; he first lightned with a mirror, the insects trembled; hit him with his sword and fell; the second time the tree collapsed, half fell on the river, the other on the Hinterland, some leaves turned into frogs; the thunder woke up to destroy people, but his son threatened to stand up for them; the fallen tree turned into a sandstone stone, the root came out and became a toad]: Landaburu, Pineda 1981:57-63 (=198:60); Pineda 1975, No. 4:453; bora [without details]: Guyot 1972:168; cubeo ["the tree of all things" (Aureke) grew in Timbo; first, branches were cut off from it to make boats; then they began to cut; he was wearing corn, cassava and everything edible, as well as jaguar skins; the axes broke, Tapira was sent for new ones at the bottom at the mouth of the Yi River; he was sent away because he was eager get the skin; when he heard the sound of a tree falling, Tapir rushed back; the skins were first grabbed by the howler monkeys, so the jaguars were afraid of them and therefore they roar like jaguars; the Ighparari and Juanzoco spirits ate wood, they walked, regurgitated what they had swallowed, each such place had its own group of people; where Juanzoco regurgitated, cubeo appeared; Europeans took their culture (books, etc.) from wood; people boarded and sailed; Yuremake, the son of an anaconda, wanted to sail above the cubeo, but the boat split on the rapids and descended back to where the cubeo is now; var. from the Kerari River: the tree was called the same word Yage-Kuma as and the drug Banisteriopsis Caapi; the first to try the bark fell unconscious]: Soto Olguin 1972:61-63.

Montagna - Jurua. Chayahuita [a huge genip tree overshadows the sun; people cannot burn vegetable gardens in the dark; Kumpanama is about to knock it down to the east; the branches will turn into small rivers, the trunk will be large; Indians will live along its shores, and mestizos in the upper reaches; Woodpeckers, Parrots, Monkeys cut down a tree; K.'s ax breaks, he sends the White Monkey to his wife (grandmother) for resin to repair axe; a woman shows the Monkey her pubic hair, says K. takes the resin from here; K. comes and finds them making love; the White Monkey turns into a white monkey; returning to the tree, K. sees it fall to the west; cries, tears turn into Aguaruna Indians, peanut shells into their boats; K. turns people into different animals and birds, asking everyone about their habits and methods sustenance]: García Tomas 1994 (3) :251-253.

Bolivia - Guaporé. Tupari [to cut down a peanut tree, the brothers stun the woodpecker and take away its sturdy ax; nuts then grow useful plants, including corn and a number of wild plants ( Brazil walnut, reeds for making arrows, etc.)]: Caspar 1975:190-191.

Eastern Brazil. If not otherwise: two boys are sent for an ax; on the way they kill, fry and eat an opossum, turn into old people. See G5A motif. Kayapo [one boy; eats a steppe owl]; see G5C motif. Kayapo, No. 79, 80 [eat a lizard]; apinaye.

The Southern Cone. Araucans [5 texts; two nephews marry Uncle Latrapai's daughters; he tells 1) to cut down an oak tree with one blow (text 1); cut down a tree that spews fire when hit (texts 3 and 5); cut down a large tree near the volcano where thunder Pilyan lives; L. gives axes that break when hit; brothers ask P. for an ax, an ax (= thunder) falls from the sky, knocks down a tree alone, or all oaks; or wives extinguish the fire with snow), 2) knock down a firestone (wives extinguish with rain and snow), 3) kill Guanaco the ogre (swallows one young man, he cuts the monster's heart, his brother helps to get out), 4) kill a bull (caught with the Thunder Arcana)]: Lehmann-Nitsche 1929:42-51; Lenz 1896, No. 5:31-36.