Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

G8A. They cut down a tree to make a boat. . (.52.)

A man cuts a tree to turn a trunk into a boat or something else (Yap: a board for building a house; one of Ulithi's texts: a wooden bird), goes to rest when he returns finds the tree intact again. Usually, a character who restores a tree in the absence of a person then cuts down the tree himself and does what he needs for the hero.

Scots, St. Croix Islands, Banks Islands, Yap, Ulithi, Truk Islands, Mokil Islands, Marshall Islands (Voto), Tuvalu, Bellona, Tonga, Tuamotu, Cook Islands (Rarotonga, Aitutaki, Manihiki, Pukapuka), Tahiti, Hawaii, Mangareva, Marquises, Maori, Southern Utah, Hicarilla, (sayula popoluka).

Western Europe. The Scots [three giants took the king's daughters to the underworld; to get there, you have to build a ship moving by water and land; the widow's eldest son is going to build; the mother asks Whether to give him a small loaf with a blessing or a big one without, he chooses a big one; cuts a tree, Uruisg (a mermaid) comes out of the water, asks for bread, the young man does not give it; the felled tree is reborn; the same with middle brother; the youngest takes a small bread, feeds the mermaid, she tells her to come in a year and a day - the ship will be ready; the young man sails on it, takes opivalu, ate, rumor as companions; the rumor determines a place under which giants are underground; they descend; the first giant will give the queen if anyone drinks more than him, the second one eats more; they drink and eat, the giants burst; the third demands that the young man spend a year and a day with him; then the young man's companions go upstairs, raise the queens, leave the widow's son below; the giant tells the eagle to pick up the young man; he returns twice because of food not enough, you have to wait another year and a day; the third time a young man cuts off a piece of meat from his leg; on the ground, an eagle blows a whistle to call him; he is hired by a blacksmith; the eldest queen demands a golden crown from the blacksmith as she did when she lived with a giant; the young man calls the eagle, he brings; the same with the second (silver crown), the third sister (copper); the king orders the one who made the crowns to be brought; the servants drag a young man, but they bring a pile of stones; then a pile of garbage; the third time the servant politely asks the young man to the king; he tells the eagle to bring gold clothes; gets the elder queen; the companions are hanged]: Campbell 1890, NO. 16:244-251.

Melanesia. Santa Cruz Islands [Lata's parents left the boy under the vessel, they were carried to sea, L. grew up himself; began to cut a tree to make a boat, Ginota came at night, put chips back; one fell into L.'s bag, screamed, L. and G. agreed to cut together; mother (grandmother?) warns L. of dangers; each time he brings her fish, shark, mollusk, bird that were supposed to kill him; the Lavalu sea monster swallows L., who finds a man and a woman inside, starving their clothes and hair; L. roasts laval's liver, he takes them ashore, people go out, L. gives laval to crabs; crabs bite through a huge wave rushing to L. , who tried to destroy him (she puts shells in her eyes at night, they sparkle, the woman thinks her eyes are open); L. lures the cannibal crab to throw himself into the fire to become beautiful]: Codrington 1893:509-511 ( a brief retelling in Graebner 1909:153; name - Sinota); Banks Islands: Codrington 1891 (Mota) [Qat began to cut down a tree to make a boat, during the night the felling disappeared; he hid under a sliver, grabbed Marawa (old spider man; Marawa); he made him a boat with his nails, it was better than the boats of the K. brothers; they lured him into the crab hole, pushed a stone from above; K. asked M. to move him to the village, met him there were brothers; he tied himself with boards, hung on a tree under the guise of a flying fox; the brothers took turns shooting; each time K. spat blood as if wounded, flew up, returned; at home he showed their arrows to the brothers; the brothers offered K. to climb the tree for nutmeg, made the trunk thick, and took K. Iro Lei, sailed away with her; M. held out his hair, K. went down it; K. sailed for the brothers in coconut, cut their boat on another island; made peace with them; (translated into Permyakov 1970, No. 68:155 -159; briefly in Codrington 1881:272-273)]: 158-162; Coombe 1911 (Vanua Lava) [11 brothers go every day to cut down a boat each from their own tree; the twelfth Qat (Quat) does not walk, secretly makes a Teslo out shells; cuts a tree, but the trunk overgrows by morning; so three times; then K. hides under a large chip; the Marawa spider puts chips to the trunk, K. grabs it; M. promises to make a boat himself; K. The brothers' boats sink, and he and M. and his wife Ro Lei sail from behind the cape; puts up with his brothers, raises their boats from the bottom]: 107-111; Banks Islands (Vanua Lava) [Kpwet has 11 brothers and wife Rovilgal; The brothers went to make boats, but K. stayed at home; the brothers chose the wrong types of wood and their boats went straight to the bottom; and K. arrived at Sêrïwan and saw a suitable tree there; knocked it down, processed it, I returned home for the night, and when he returned, the tree stood again and was intact; the same on the second day; on the third day he hid, taking one sliver; a big spider came up and began to put chips, but not the last find; K. jumped out, waving an ax; spider: I'll make you a boat, go home; soon the spider said that the boat was ready; it was great; K. told his wife to make a sail; he was small, K. threw it away and the sail became a stone; then the wife made a sail of the right size; K. caused a downpour and he brought the boat to the sea; now it is the Rangtangkor River; there are two people on the shore: black and white; black refused the offer to sail on his boat, and the white man agreed; they sailed to the brothers K., K. blew the sink; the brothers sent K. to check the bird traps, and took possession of his wife and boat and sailed to Gaua; K. climbed into the coconut and told his mother to throw him away into the sea; the coconut sailed to the boat and K. blew the winds; the smartest brother guessed it was K., and the floating banana peel from the banana he ate; K. met the brothers on On the bank of the Gaua and hit an ax, he split the boat in half; he came to the pigs of the giant Wokpwastavav; he ordered the brothers to be brought; settled them in the house, but for the night K. split the pole and they slept inside the pole; V. He came at night, found no one; so several times; K. ordered the brothers to take bamboo vessels and fill each with urine, ants, etc.; climb an ironwood tree near the shore; ran from V., then after him, K. also climbed a tree, V. followed him, grabbed his leg, poured urine into his face, he fell; he climbed again; K. told the tree to grow tall enough to bend to Vanua Lava; went down to the ground, K. let go of the barrel, he threw V. far up, it fell and crashed]: http://alex.francois.free.fr/aftxt_msn-kpwet_e-3lgs.htm.

Micronesia-Polynesia. Yap [the man built the house, the last board remains to be cut down; he cuts down a tree, it is untouched in the morning; the Water Shepherdess (bird) living on the tree restores it four times; man he lay in wait for him, hears him begin to do magic; they explained that the VP helped the man finish the job; contrary to the objections of the VP, the person goes on a trip; at this time, people killed the VP out of envy; the man came back, buried VP]: Mitchell 1973, No. 19:63-66; Ulity (West Carolina): Lessa 1980, No. 45 [Maholbule and his wife Seucha are fishing from a boat; diving to set a trap, M. tells S. not to lay down a finger in the water, if she cuts herself; she puts it, the waves bring a speck of blood to the island where Sawop lives, he sails, takes S. while her husband is under water; M. cuts down a tree; at night, the birds living on it with a spell restore it; M. cuts it down again, cuts out a huge frigate bird from the trunk, climbs into it, tells it to fly to S.; throws her familiar coconut oil to his wife, carries it away; directs the bird over fishermen who throw fish at her, the wife shouts to the kidnapper, Goodbye; he hits his penis with an oar, dies], 52 [the leader of the island in a bloody sea is an eel with a man's head; his servants are cannibals with different numbers of heads; his sister lures victims, on Fais Island tells the girl that her parents do not love her, since they have not taken her to the island in the bloody sea yet; parents are taking their unloved son even earlier raised; Eel ordered to kill and fry his father (his name Yol), make his mother (Yath) a slave; the son finds out that the father is dead, cuts down a tree to make a boat; the spirit lives on the tree, he restores three times cut down; when he learns what is going on, the spirit gives the young man a model of the boat, which brings him to Eel Island; he kills the multi-headed guards, the Eel, and the rest of the inhabitants with a stick; spares his mother who secretly fed him; revives his father, returns parents to Fais]: 68-69, 89-91; Truk Islands (Central Carolina) [Alokolap and Alokodjik (sons of Liofas and her husband Paluelap) cut down a breadtree to make a boat; they find a tree in the morning whole, same next time; find out that Aluluwei is preventing it from being cut down]: Krämer 1935:276 in Lessa 1980:72; Mokil (Eastern Carolinas) [chief ordered to make a boat, sent men to cut down bread a tree; they cut down, started making a boat, sailed to another island for the night; the spirit in the form of a coconut shell crawled up, told the chips, branches, leaves, etc. to return to their places, the tree recovered; so three times, each time the chief kills some of his men, suspects them of witchcraft; then leaves two to watch, they see everything, break the coconut into small pieces; the chief regretted what he killed, people made a boat]: zap. Takuya Nagaoka (via A. Kozmin, personal report, 19.10.2012); Marshall Islands (Voto) [only one breadtree (suitable for making a boat out of a trunk) was found on Muejei; people knocked it down, went to eat; a woman came out of the pandanus bushes, began to dance, told the chips and leaves to return to their place, the tree rose and became intact; people cut it down again, made a boat; to collide with shores into the water, cursed by the names of various birds, but only when the smallest one was named did the boat move; crabs immediately climbed into it, gnawed through all the ropes, the boat fell apart; Rat climbed, gnawed at the sail, ended up in the water; the octopus offered to take her ashore; when she jumped, she shouted that he had dirt on his head (that is, she spoiled the Octopus on his head); he asked again, she said she just shouted that an outrigger was swimming in the water]: Erdland 1914, No. 9.4:245-246; Tuvalu (Vaitupu) [(quoted in Beckwith 1970:270); pregnant woman wants fish, husband catches eel, he explains how he can be killed, but warns that there will be consequences; the wife gives birth to a son Lata (in Beckwith - Rata); the husband sees a tsunami, hides his son under the trough, all other people died; L. grows up, cuts a tree make a boat; the monster Sinota revives it several times, telling the chips and branches to stick back; R. fights him, wins; Sinota promises to make him a boat; L. comes up, sees three Teslas themselves they work; the Tesla stops as soon as they notice that they are being watched; L. swims away, Sinota climbs a tree, unsuccessfully tries to blow the sink, falls, breaks his neck; the monster Ulu-poko-fatu L. asks for satellites, saves them from dangers on the islands they visit]: Kenndedy 1931:213-216; Bellona [Ngata cut down a tree to make a boat; when he returned, the tree stood as it was; so a little earlier; N. found Isoso (the owner of the forest, not an object of worship), who was restoring the tree; N. pressed his head against the trunk, cut off his hair; I. said that he could borrow in the forest trees, but let him or his father Matu'a know about it]: Monberg, Kuschel 2006:4; Tonga [Lasa (Laka) cuts down a tree to make a boat for a trip to Fiji; Haelefeke revives a tree; on for the fourth day, L. waits, grabs him; he helps build a boat, sails with L.; Eater and Thief are also with them; Fiji's demons offer to compete, 1) eat a lot (Eater wins), 2) catch fruit thrown from the tree, 3) fill the basket with crabs (The thief waits for the Fijian to fill his basket, put the crabs to sleep, put the crabs into his own)]: Beckwith 1970:271; Tuamotu [when the clay boat Rata is left behind (or, on the contrary, ahead) of everyone else, other children say that his father's head was swallowed by a bird and his bodies were eaten by a tridact; that his mother was buried shoulder-deep in the ground to keep her alive and served as a meal stand for Chief Puna's wife; R. asks her grandmother to talk about her father; she replies that his father is in a pole at home; R. digs and does not find it; that she herself is his father and mother; R. does not believe; then reports that a Matutu bird owned by Puna took his father, bit off his head, and R.'s mother became a food holder for P.'s wife (or daughter), or was captured to sacrifice at the altar; R. cuts down a tree make a boat, it is reborn; he waits for two of the best craftsmen, boat makers, feeds them, they make him a boat; P. sends sea gods to meet (double-leaf, fish, rock- coral), R. pierces them with a spear; kills the bird M.; in the house of P. R. trickily fills his basket with crabs, taking them out of P.'s people's baskets; killing P.'s people and himself, taking P.'s daughter]: Henry 1928:495-515 (retelling in Beckwith 1970:267-268); Tuamotu (Pukapuka) [ To make a boat, Lata from Samoa cuts down a tree owned by the sorcerer Hinata; they fight, their strength is equal; H. revives a tree; L. makes a boat from a different trunk; recruits a team; this is Stone Head, Flat Head, Hollow Dagger, etc.; while sailing, each of the satellites overcomes some difficulty, danger, based on his unique abilities; L. himself dives inside the giant oysters, shares meat; in competition with Witi residents, each companion shows their abilities; one of the tasks is to fill the basket with crabs; a person from Witi is put to sleep, his crabs are transferred to own basket]: Beckwith 1970:270; Cook Islands (Rarotonga) [grandmother is raising Rata; the gods tell him that his parents were taken to sea and killed by Puna (octopus, shell, etc.); R. sharpens his ax, putting it in the sand for the night, he cuts down a tree to make a boat, in the morning it is unharmed; it is restored by the little gods; he gives them food, they make him a boat; it has 10 sailors, each skillful in something, related to navigation; they do not go to take the Kite, he gets into the boat, taking the form of a pumpkin; they agree to promise to exterminate monsters; he kills monsters, turning into a pumpkin and penetrating them inside; after a series of exploits, R. dies (or is saved)]: Beckwith 1970:268-269; Cook Islands (Aitutaki) [in the land of Kupolu spirits, Chief Rata decided to build a boat to visit distant countries; saw how the White Heron fights the Water Snake; did not pay attention to the Heron's request for help; began to cut down the tree, the next day it was intact; the Heron said that he would not be able to finish the work without it; the Heron and the Snake again both ask for help, R. cuts the snake to pieces, the tree is cut down, the birds led by the Heron make a boat; R. sails on it, Nganaoa asks to take him too, R. refuses; then N. easily catches up with him, sailing in calebass; he needs to learn about his missing parents in Moonlight Land; says he'll come in handy when it comes to fighting monsters; pierces a giant bivalve mollusk with a spear, then octopus; the whale opens its mouth, N. breaks his spear in half, inserts the whale between his jaws, goes down inside the whale, finds his parents there, makes a fire drill out of one half of the spear, makes a fire in the whale, The whale is washed ashore on Moonlight Island; they all live there, then return home to Avaiki]: Gill 1876:142-148; (retelling in Beckwith 1970:269-270; in Dixon 1916:68-69); Pukapuka (o- wa Cook southern) [Lata came to the forest, chose a tree, cut down, began to hollow out the boat; the grove belonged to Yanata, he got used to resting under this tree; J. came, they began to fight, J. magically restored the tree; but L. magically replaced the trunk under the bark with another, keeping his boat; finished it; selected the crew, trying to see if the man bent his neck if L. pressed on it; they sailed to Fiji (Witi); along the way, satellites mobilize their witchcraft powers to protect themselves from the weather, cannibal fish (Wakapeyi and Wakapalu have the ability to spew a lot of crap, the fish ate it and fall behind); when a huge tridact attacks, L. himself jumps into it, cuts it from the inside with a wooden knife, pops up; distributes the mollusk's flesh among all the islands of the Pacific Ocean, forgetting Pukapuka; dives, pulls out the root shells (it is not edible); Fiji offers competitions to have an excuse to kill and eat strangers; 1) collect more crabs; before sunset, a Fijian hero collected three baskets, volunteering to Tupua- kaia from L.'s team alone; offered to spend the night in the forest, put stones and leaves in his baskets, covered with crabs; made a hole in two opponent's baskets as if the crabs had gnawed; the opponent was eaten; 2) weave a mat ; Mata-pili-kawa from Team L. worked harder, won; Fijian people decided to fatten and eat strangers without waiting for an excuse; Tupua-kele-ana from Team L. dug an underground passage from the palisade, behind which they held, to their boat; they were the last to leave, Wakapeyi and Wakapalalu filled the course with crap; the boat was unpacked, but Matai-monomono patched it; they sailed, returned, unraveled the Fijian boats , broke their scoops, sailed away again; Fijians were flooded with crap, boats began to sink; L. and his companions continued their journey]: Beaglehole, Beaglehole 1938; Cook Islands (Manihiki?) [a huge cassowarina (ironwood) grew up; Qarangi and four friends cut it down; when they returned, the felling was overgrown; the next time they knocked it down completely; two workers died; the rest saw that the tree was standing again, but turned red; the rest also died; then Ono made a hardwood digger, slowly began to dig in roots, cut small ones; when the demon of the Vaotere tree was on him rushed, he crushed his skull; the chips turned into current casuarins; O. made swords and spears out of solid wood]: Gill 1876:81-87; Tahiti [Rata's father and father's brothers swallowed by a huge with an oyster (clam); because R.'s father and uncles have already cut down trees on the shore, R. is looking for a huge tree in the mountains; cutting it down with his people, clearing branches, pulling the trunk off the mountain; when the workers leave, the elves revive the tree; so twice; the third time R. grabs Tuoi and the craftsman Fefera, lets go for promising to make a boat; they make it; R. is accompanied by four strong warriors on the way; they kill an oyster, their father's bones and living mother are taken out of it (which was swallowed shortly before R.'s departure), other monsters are killed]: Henry 1928:468-495 (retelling in Beckwith 1970:266); Hawaii: Beckwith 1970:263 [Before Laka is born, his father goes to get a gift for a newborn, is killed, his bones are thrown into the Kaikapu woman's cave; the boys laugh that L. has no father; he cuts down a tree make a boat, the next morning it is intact; the grandmother who raised L. tells two forest gods to be spared; he smears their lips with fat, they make a boat for him; L. takes his father Spacer with him to keep the entrance to the cave open, Father Stretch to get inside, Father Torch to light the way in the cave, Father Seek to find bones; for a bowl of soup, the old woman opens the cave, but after trying it, she says that this is not enough; father Reach out to different seas, getting salt until the old woman is satisfied; as soon as the door opens, the Spacer stands at the entrance; The Torch illuminates the path, Seek finds bones, Stretches them out; they kill an old woman, return to Maui; L. places his father's bones in a cave, leaves his companions there], 465-466 [Haka-lani-Leo, daughter of Ku and Uli, marries Chief Haka, gives birth to 10 giant sons, then Niheo is a dwarf son; he is stronger and smarter than his brothers; then gives birth to Kana; he looks like a rope, he is thrown into a chicken coop; W. takes him to a mountain, puts him in a calebass with water, he turns into a 40-foot baby long; chief Molokai Haupu (at the same time he is a hill) kidnaps Haka-lani-Leo; only N. says where she is, but his strength does not work outside his native island; brothers compete, only K. is huge fish; his brothers tie him up; at the request of W., he tears his fetters; N. cuts a tree to make a boat, by morning it revives; W. teaches him to make sacrifices to his ancestors; N. waits for the forest god Kaikupake'e, he does it himself boat; K. in the shape of a rope tells N.'s boat to ride over the shoulders of 10 brothers, they die; N. and K. take Stone as companions; he kills the swordfish in the service of Chief Molokai; K. defeats Haupu in the tug, taking the image of a man, a rope, a vine, a banana, a spider]; Mangareva [Kotuko-takotako captivated and took Rata's parents away; made his mother cook, his father clean up the crap; Kui's grandmother raised Ratu; he played with toy boats; saw that the roof of the house was like a boat, carried it to the water, made it a boat, returned it; K. told R. to cut down a tree for the boat in the Long Valley, not in the Short Valley, he did not listen; he cut down, cut off the branches; came back in the morning - the tree was growing in its original place; the third time he saw the birds pick up and put the chips back; the birds said they wanted to teach R. a lesson, since he did not ask permission take property from their forest; told them to leave, they will make a boat for him themselves; the boat is ready quickly, R. sailed on it to free his parents; K.-T. tries to get into R.'s boat, appearing as a baby, a child, etc. right up to a blind old man; every time R. rejects him; sends a storm of feathers to his village, feathers blind the inhabitants; R. finds his mother; sees how the inhabitants flee to the shore to relieve themselves ; sees his father's head above the pile of sewage at the foot of the tree; the tree grew on his legs, covered with roots; R. freed and washed his father; returns home with them]: Buck 1938:326-329; Marquises [leaving Ato's son in a cave, parents go to catch crabs; they are taken away, sacrificed by Puna-iino; the boy is found, raised by Tua-hoana and her sister; A. plays with children, kindles the fire with raw green sticks, others can't be dry; the fruits of his breadfruit are the best; other children throw good hooks into the sea, A. pulls out all the fish with a bad hook in the sand; boys laugh at the orphan, grandmas they tell him about the fate of his parents; he cuts down a tree to make a boat, in the morning the tree is whole; waits for two gods, feeds them, they make him a boat; sails to the country of Puna-iino, bakes there in the earthen the furnaces of seven people as a victim; marries her daughter Puna; Koomahu stole her, but A.'s companions returned her {it is not clear from the paraphrase whether A. Puna-iino}]: Beckwith 1970:269; Maori: Beckwith 1970:265 [Rata learns that his father has been killed and his bones (eyes) are taken away at sunrise; cuts a tree to make a boat, by morning it's safe; finds it three little people taking the form of forest insects and birds; they ask him to put a fern on a stump; the boat is ready in the morning; R. sails, kills his father's killer], 265-266 [(more in Steinen 19332:332- 333); Rata learns from his mother that his father has been killed; cuts down a tree to make a boat, the tree is being restored; this was done by ancestors living in the forest; R. puts a fern on the stump, the boat is ready, R. and his companions are killing monsters, takes revenge], 272 [two children want to save a father kidnapped by a cannibal; cut down a tree to make a boat; at Tane's behest, the tree is reborn]; Reed 1999, No. 7 [Rata, Tawhaki's grandson, came with his warriors to Matuku's house, who killed his father Wahieroa; hung a hinge over the door, tightened it, cut off his arms and head, which turned into a bittern; the old woman said that his father's bones were taken far away; R. cuts down a tree to do the boat, at night birds and insects restore it, put chips back; reproach R. for cutting down the god of the forest; they make a boat for him themselves; R. sails on it to where Ponaturi lives, they play with his father's bones; takes bones; some of R.'s soldiers die in battle, but he revives them; all P. are killed]: 79-85.

Big Pool. Southern Utah [an unknown person wins the hoop game; they want to kill him; he cuts a pine tree to swim on a trunk down the river; during the night, the felling on the trunk overgrows; finally, he knocks down a tree]: Lowie 1924, #55:84.

The Great Southwest. Hicarilla [a man cuts a tree to make a raft; the spirit that owns the tree overgrows the felling; then cuts down the right piece for the person and restores the trunk]: Goddard 1911, No. 22:214.

(Wed. Mesoamerica Sayula popoka [man clears the area; felling on a huge chikosapote tree overgrows by morning; the old man (the Sun, or Jesucristo) restores the trunk with his rod at night; people They watch him; he predicts a flood, gives cedar seed, tells him to plant, make a boat out of cedar; after the flood, people fry dead fish; God sends the king of the white Vultures to find out what is going on; he also eats fish; God turns people into monkeys, tells Vulture to eat carrion (and makes him black?) ; Hummingbird becomes God's messenger]: Münch 1983a: 160-161).