G8F. Burned chips .
The characters cut down the tree, but the trunk overgrows. It can be cut off after the chipped chips are carried away or burned.
Monumbo, Bukavak, Kuni, Dobu, Banks Islands, Japanese, Sicuani, Guayabero, Napo, Ufaina, Kabiyari, Okaina.
Melanesia. Monumbo [Kain ("snake") turned into a snake, lay down on the path; Daria walked along it, brought the snake to her; gave birth to a son with a human head and the body of a snake; while K. was fishing, D. killed and cooked a son, she broke her husband's weapon, crashed the boat, ran away; in different villages, many men offered themselves to her as husbands, but she went to Kamadonga; to stop her pursuers, she wrote, drew a line - a river appeared; Kam. did not have cultivated plants, D. cooked bananas and tarot for him; he did not have genitals, she made them for him from pepper tree fruit and betel nuts; let him see her genitals, met him; went to Lubou on an island near the island. Manam also gave him genitals; walked along the shore, turned the stones into fish, became a fish between the stones herself; Ngapem shot her, surprised that the arrow that pierced the fish was smeared in tarot; he brought the fish home; while N. was gone, D. (in the form of a human being) removed fire from her genitals, regurgitated bananas and tarot, baked and fed her husband; N.'s children also ate and slept; and N.'s younger brother's children cried from hunger; N. told his brother to go ashore; If he sees Daria fish, he should not converge with it; but he got together; became a Pakei tree; bananas, yams, tarot grew on it; fell and rotted; two brothers sailed in a boat with a dog; the dog jumped out, I ate by the tree, came back; they tied a rope to the dog, found a tree; they brought it home, gave it to the old woman, she became young; people sharpened their axes, began to cut the trunk, it remained intact; they broke off the sliver was burned; and so on, the trunk was cut, the tree continued to hang on the vine; this vine was the hand of a character; they sent a boy upstairs, the tree told him to call his mother to meet her; the boy's father was told to call his wife; the men left; another came with two wives; hid the beautiful one, let the tree meet with the ugly one, the tree fell; the man from Dagoi came when all the cultivated plants dismantled; Daria advised him to make tops out of vines and exchange them for bananas; people in this village do so]: Höltker 1965, No. 2:72-77; bukavak [two unmarried women caught an eel, planted it in a calebass with water, made a husband; their little sons looked for water to drink, found an eel, fried them, ate them; their mothers decided to leave them, but left the fire and the baked tarot alone; the boys went to look for mothers; They told the mango tree to pick them up, threw the fruit to the pig, put an obsidian knife inside, the pig died; the youngest went to get the fire; the fire at the cannibal Okémo; she tells the boy to carry his child, carries fire; the child is in ulcers, with sharp bones; O. eats the meat of the pig; while he goes to wash the giblets, the boys cook the remaining meat, transfer it to a tree, put the child O. in the pot; she eats him; calls from the village people cut down a tree where boys hide; felling overgrows; one child throws chips into the fire, they no longer grow; the tree falls, crushing O., other people go home; boys turn into parrots fly into the forest; in bad weather they are in the mountains, but if the weather is good by the sea]: Lehner 1931a, No. 16:65-68; Cooney: Egidi 1913, No. 3 [old woman Ivania threw out twin boys Tsiluila and Tsaifika; they hid in a dry tree branch, under which people were packing their crops; they ate everything; they cut down the tree, the felling overgrown overnight; the child took away the chip, the trail remained; then the women took everything chips; the tree fell down; the branch in which the twins hid, I. was taken home for fuel; the twins quietly eat yams and other preparations; I. finds and scolds them; there is no water; I. goes to the spring, cleans plants that have clogged the entrance, lifts the snake, collects water, puts everything back; before that, it levels the ground (the origin of the plains and plateaus); Okemala spies, tells the twins, they kill the snake, flows out the river; they did not level the ground, so the river was rapids; I. became a rock, the twins first became two palm trees, then rocks too], 4 [Oafodevaya had a leech stuck to his leg; when it fell off, he left it in branches in the garden, I found two boys Tsiluila and Tsaifika there; they climbed into the hollow of a yaleva tree; women hung crops from the gardens on it, the brothers took everything; they began to cut down the tree; at night, the brothers they put chips back; the child took the sliver home, it did not grow; people began to pick up the chips, knocked down the tree; Ivania wanted to take the branch, it was heavy; the brothers asked to take them; at home secretly they all ate; they stuffed game, brought them to brother I. Folia to bake meat in ash; when they returned, there was nothing there; because F. ate their meat, they killed him; I. said they killed their grandfather; they went to the sea, became two rocks; I. also became rock]: 998-1002, 1002-1008; Dobu [people ate yams; there was fish inside the mango tree; they gave the old woman a try, she liked it; they began to cut, went to bed, cut down the thicket overnight; the next in the evening, the woman took one sliver home and this place was not overgrown; then the chips began to burn, cut the trunk in a few days; before the tree fell, he put ugly women from the sea, beautiful women from the sea sides of the land; the tree fell, the beautiful women were on the Trobrians, and the ugly ones on the main island of New Guinea; water poured out of the stump, filled the sea; the woman took off her skirt, put her sink between her legs, covered the stump with this sink, sent the water to pour; her brothers Tobwaliton and Tobebeso (they cut down) became shark and kokoko fish (also predatory), made the sea salty; the fallen tree is located somewhere under the ocean]: Fortune 1932:263-266; Banks Islands (Vanua Lava) [Kpwet has 11 brothers and a wife Rovilgal; the brothers went to make boats and K. stayed at home; the brothers chose the wrong types of wood and their boats immediately sank; and K. arrived at Sêrïwan and saw a suitable tree there; knocked it down, processed it, returned home for the night, and when he returned, the tree was standing again and intact; the same the second day; on the third he hid, taking one sliver; a big spider came up, began to put chips, but the last one could not be found; K. jumped out, waving an ax; spider: I'll make you a boat, go home; soon a spider said that the boat was ready; it was great; K. told his wife to make a sail; he turned out to be small, K. threw it away and the sail became a stone; then the wife made a sail of the right size; K. caused a downpour and he brought the boat to sea; now it is the Rangtangkor River; there are two people on the shore: black and white; black refused the offer to sail on his boat, and the white one agreed; they sailed to the brothers K., K. blew the sink; brothers sent K. to check the bird traps, and they themselves took possession of his wife and boat and sailed to Gaua; K. climbed into the coconut and told his mother to throw it away into the sea; the coconut sailed to the boat and K. let the winds go; the the clever brother guessed it was K., and the floating banana peel from the banana he ate; K. met the brothers on the bank of the Gaua and split the boat in half with an ax; came to the giant's pigs Wokpwastavav; he ordered the brothers to be brought in; lodged them in the house, but for the night K. split the pole and they slept inside the pole; V. came at night, found no one; so several times; K. ordered the brothers to take bamboo vessels and fill each with urine, ants, etc.; climb an ironwood tree near the shore; ran from V., he followed him, K. also climbed a tree, V. after him, grabbed his leg, poured urine into his face, he fell; climbed again; K. told the tree to grow tall enough to bend to Vanua Lava; went down to the ground, K. let go of the trunk, he threw V. far up, it fell and crashed]: http:// Alex.francois.free.fr/aftxt_msn-kpwet_e-3lgs.htm.
Japan. Japanese [someone comes to the girl at night; she sticks a needle and thread in her lover's dress; finds a needle in the bark of an old cryptomeria; tells her parents; people cut the trunk, felling in the night it overgrows; all trees come to visit Cryptomeria; she says that shrubs have no place among trees; in revenge, he advises people to burn chips; a bridge has been made out of fallen cryptomeria ; it was possible to move the trunk after the girl whispered something to him; when she stepped on the bridge, the girl died]: Markova 1991:172-174.
Llanos. Sicuani [after getting good axes, animal people come to cut down a tree on whose branches all crops ripen; when they go on vacation, felling overgrows; they cut down a tree while working day and night and told leaf cutter ants to carry away chips]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1992, No. 47-49, 51:215-218, 219-220, 221-223, 227-228; Yépez 1984 (guajibo) [4 men at the beginning of the world (Tsamani, Livirnei, etc.) they ate only wild fruits; all animal people came to their village; the opossum found the Kalivirnai tree (fruit tree); a vine departed from it, along which he moved to the other side of the Sipalo River (Orinoco tributary); this is where the tree grew; under it he found tubers and fruits of cassava, peach palm, sweet potato, mapei (Lilium sp.); paka traced, swam across the river, found pineapple peel; one whole pineapple the opossum dropped it, brought it and let everyone try it; the pack and the possum began to fight, burned each other with hot coals; C. and L. gathered people to cut wood; some have bad axes, but also felling, made with good axes, overgrown by morning; then they asked the ants to carry the chips; they threw them into Orinoco, so rapids formed; for this they spoke to themselves the right to eat cassava leaves and others cultivated plants; the tree did not fall anyway, a vine held it on top; the mochilero and piapoco birds tried to cut it; the juice was the first to splash into the eyes, since then they have been green; the vine was cut by a squirrel; when the tree collapsed, all kinds of seeds and shoots were collected; each branch had its own type of plant; a branch with a peach palm fell into the water; each group of cutters picked up its own branch, so ethnic differences (cuiba, piapoco, etc.); the turtle only picked up pepper and the tapir took the last branch that fell into the water; C. told everyone to plant what they had picked up, but the tapir wanted to keep everything for himself, his bunch he fished it out of the water and hid it; but while he was climbing for the second bunch, C. stole the seed from the first one; this is how all the cultivated plants were extracted; they had a party, took the drug yopo; there were no people then; the tree fell east, below the mouth of Vichada; the fallen parts became mountains, visible in clear weather; if the tree had fallen otherwise, it would have blocked the Orinoco; holiday houses were also petrified]: 8-11, 16-17; Folklor 1974 (sicuani or cuiva): 206; guayabero [a man ate a fetus in the water, became pregnant; his stomach was cut, the boy Naxén came out; he taught people how to farm, previously cultured There were no plants; N. had a sparkling rainbow head; the Sun wanted one for itself; they began to fight; N. left, took all the cultivated plants with him, famine came; N. went to the island to sea, turned into a giant tree with cassava, sweet potato, peach palm and other plants (but not corn); told the Forest Dog that he could eat, but he forbid giving it to the Sun; the Sun noticed in his excrement papaya leftovers; saw the road, sent the Rat, which did not catch up with the Forest Dog, but Lapa (aguti?) I found a tree; they began to cut the trunk with stone axes, the felling overgrown overnight; two months later they asked ants to carry away the chips, now they are white pebbles in the mountains; the trunk was cut, but the tree was cut down behind the vine suspended from the sky, the vine led to N.'s heart; the squirrel cut off the vine; when the tree fell, the tree hit the Squirrel; the tree fell into the sea; the tapirs collected fruits]: Schindler 1977a: 226-228.
Western Amazon. Napo [Apustulu alone uses a tree with fish in its trunk; a wasp boy helps him fish; Jaguar and others pull the Wasp's belt with a rope; he reports on the tree; they can't catch fish, cut down the trunk; felling overgrows as soon as they don't look at it; they work without interruption, burn chips; the tree still does not fall; the bird sees that it is tied to the sky by a vine; Squirrel climbs upstairs, cuts off the vine; the tree falls, turns into rivers, leaves into fish; A. in anger throws his feather fan and belt into the water; they turn into a poisonous stingray, into an eel; turns the rest chips into fish and aquatic animals; makes rapids to prevent fish from going up the river; turns squirrel into stone as punishment]: Mercier 1979:69-80.
NW Amazon. Ufaina [four Imarikakan brothers come to the Sun; a huge tree remains uncut down on his site, he asks him to cut down; brothers cut down half, go to rest; daughter at night The sun puts chips back; the next day, Imarika Kayafiki throws them into the water, they turn into fish; the Sun's daughter ties the tree to the sky with vines; IR turns into a squirrel, climbs upstairs cuts off vines; a tree falls west, breaks the Sun's daughter's spine, turns into the Apaporis River]: Hildebrand 1975, No. IX: 343-345; Kabiyari: Bourgue 1976 [Yakamukute (Sky) had no anus; ( his umbilical cord was connected to the navel, the Banesteriopsis caapi vine; the Hehechu Jaguar was its process; this is only in the paraphrase Bonnemère 2001:40); Hechechu is associated with the earth; I came to dance with H.'s children, killed them; one escaped, became a bird; I threw the other into boiling water like a worm; H. collected pieces of his body, joined them with cotton wool, he turned into a monkey (mico); I pretended to be nothing knows; invited Y. to dance; blew the winds loudly; I asked him to make an anus; H. pierced his anus, he died; his body exploded, becoming sky, i.e. the sky separated from the ground; the remains of H. turn into a hill, blood became clay; from the other remains, the sons of Y., the four cultural heroes of Munully; they measure the land to determine where its center is; they build the first maloka, cutting down the only tree Teviji, there are no others yet; the roof is flat, after the first rain it falls; M. takes the night from the Karu toad; at first they do not give them a fee, K. hands them a vessel with wounds; demands gold; having received the night, M. carelessly open vessel, darkness comes; M. create nocturnal animals screaming at a certain time; when dawn comes, the sun rises; M. receive a vessel of earth from the Mapitare worm, inadvertently open, the land is dispersed; the water in Pira-Parana is hot, fish cannot be eaten, it is sick, and there are no other rivers yet; M. come to a tree with water and fish, owned by Kamanatana, the wife of the Mapitare worm; brothers eat ants and Kamanatana feeds them tapioca; the youngest is M. (his name is Mamitiri) spies, sees that this tapioca is Mapitare sperm; Mamitiri, in the form of a hummingbird, finds a tree owned by Kamanatana; M. opens a hole in which she kept animals and animals spread through the forest; M. dazzle Kamanatana, send them down the river to the rapids; they cut down trees that turn into different rivers; when a tree owned by Kamanatana is cut down, it does not fall, it is suspended for the vines; they send the white Maniritare squirrel to cut them down; the fallen tree turns into Apaporis, the vine turns into the Cananarí River; the sky at sunset is colored with squirrel's blood; the brothers tell the snake to make a channel rivers winding; brothers turn into parrots, fly to Thunder, replace its lightning with a parrot's tail, carry it away, distribute it to all communities]: 121-131 [summary with comments and interpretations], 138-143 [ accurate summary]; Correa 1989 [all the water and fish were in the hollow of the Itshuna tree, owned by old Kamatana; bathed and fished, then plugged the hole; the youngest of the Mujnuyi brothers (he is a shaman) became hummingbird, spied; the brothers did not have manioc flour, and K. took it out of her husband Mapitare's body (he is a white worm) during copulation (this is his sperm; var.: he copulated with a clay pot, K. took sperm from there); the brothers refused to eat it; burned coca leaves over the worm's mink, he died; they met the howler monkey; he told them to paint black, come to the Jejechu jaguar maloka, where the holiday is; daughter J. hid one of Muhnuya in her mouth; the brothers began to cut down old K.'s tree, but the felling overgrown; they began to carry the chips away; Squirrel cut down from above, and the chips flying from him - drizzling rain; chips fell on Muhnuya's head, since then people have had a headache; the tree fell along with the Kumaka vine, which formed the river; from the branches - channels, lakes; the root - the mouth of the Apaporis River; an ant woman (is she K.?) locked her brothers in an anthill; they turned into mosquitoes, five days later, when the exit was open, they flew away; they came to Thunder while he was sleeping, replaced his lightning with feathers from the parrot's tail (they became parrots Thunder's daughter let them in); they came back to K., asked them to cook fish; while K. was collecting fuel, one of Muhnuya stole coal; on a Cayman boat he sailed across the river, Cayman went under water, took the fire; Muhnuyi turned into a frog, luring Cayman ashore; his brothers cut his belly, the Wasp finds fire inside; masks have been made from his vertebrae and intestines - they are like fire]: 43-50; okaina [(western 1980) ; Gotátzika's daughter, her suitors (these are the people of Ñamrako:Ma:ndio, Morning Star) disappear; then her son marries her ñ; father-in-law 1) gets up at night to kill him with a club, but her son-in-law only pretends to be sleeping, jumps up; 2) tells you to get the game out of the trap, the son-in-law does not fall into it; the son-in-law finds the skulls of previous sons-in-law; 3) does not fall into the trap when sent to get fish out of it; 4) G. tells you to cut down the tree, quietly puts chips back; the son-in-law asks his father for help, he sends rodents, they carry the chips to the river, throw them into the water, they turn into all kinds of fish; the cut trunk continues to hang, his A sloth holds from above, this is the spirit of G. himself; the son-in-law's father sent various biting insects, the sloth let go of the tree, it collapsed, the ground trembled (the origin of earthquakes); 5) burn the vegetation on the site; around the fire, the iguana sent by the young man's father carried him out of the fire; now his son-in-law left his father-in-law in the burning area, which burned down; the daughter found his father's bones; his son-in-law revived him with tobacco, told him to be good; they went to ñ., father-in-law swallowed the fish, his son-in-law took him out alive]: Blixen 1999, No. 9:205-238.