G9. The felled forest is reviving, D1602.1+. . (.31.) .
The forest cut down during the clearing of the site is revived by morning, and the cultivated field turns into virgin lands.
Nyanja, Zulu, Sutho, Chwana, Xhosa, Aunt (Nyungwe?) , owambo, isanzu, maragoli, aka, hausa, yoruba, kabye, drang, khamti, ibani, namuzi, asi, sleigh, lolo, miao (Thailand, Sichuan), Chinese (Henan), (Western Sami), Nahuatl of Western Mexico, Huichol, tepecano , cora, otomi, huasteci, Nahuat Puebla and Hidalgo, Totonaki, Sayula, Sierra and Oluta Popoluca, Tlapaneci, Mixteci, Tseltal, Tsotzil, Chol, Quiche, Lenca, Kogi, Warrau, Lokono.
Bantu-speaking Africa. Nyanja [a man cuts down the forest on the plot, every morning the trees are intact; he watches, sees Khorhaan telling the trees to stand up; a man kills a bird, which tells him to do it properly pluck, cook, eat; everyone who ate has become birds]: Holland 1916:148-149; isanzu [The hare hits the ground with its paw, the millet in the field turns into grass; the owner puts a scarecrow, the Hare's paw sticks; he asks the Jackal to stick him off, hit the scarecrow; the Jackal sticks with four legs; The hare advises the landlord to throw him into a pile of ash (hits his nose so that blood can be seen), and the Jackal against a stone; Jackal killed; the hostess begins to cook the Hare, he makes sure that the water does not boil; the hostess goes out, the Hare jumps out, puts the owners' child to cook; when the meat is eaten, she shouts to the hostess that she has eaten her child]: Kohl-Larsen, Allensbach 1937, No. 48:66-67; maragoli [the peasant plowed the plot and burned the uprooted grass; a bird flew in: who plowed my father's field, let it be as before; the field again thicket; the peasant sacrificed a sheep to his ancestors, but it did not help: every time the field overgrows; then he began to guard and grabbed the bird; it asked not to kill it: he would give it instead of excrement uvudugi (something edible and sweet); soon all the pots in the house are full of uvudugi; one day the adults left, telling the girl to remove the manure; she called the other children, promising to feed them something extraordinary; took the bird and began to crush it; everyone was full; the bird flew away; the brother went in search; helped the old woman collect firewood; she brought it home, began to hide it from her 8 daughters; when he became a strong guy, he began to herd cattle; he drove them to his homeland; asked the river to part; when the best animals crossed, he closed the waters so that the sick and thin would drown; the bird reported this to the old woman and her people; they ran to the river: how did you cross it? the guy told the waters to part, and when the pursuers went on a dry bottom, the waters closed and the pursuers drowned; then towards the old man: where are you driving my cattle: the guy tells the "wasps of his father" to attack old man; the bull roared, wasps flew out of him and bit the old man to death; the sister heard her brother's voice from afar, but the mother did not believe her and killed her with a stick, and then saw her son herself; the brother told the animals step over his sister's body and she came to life]: Kavaji 2005, No. 4:202-207; owambo [the young man's dogs are various wild animals; he throws the bird to bake by the fire of the spirit, he is afraid of his "dogs", does not dare rush at him; same with a different spirit, "dogs" killed him, the young man cooked him, others ate him thinking they were eating a young man; he killed all the spirits; married, the wife warns that her mother is a cannibal; the young man's "dogs" are not let the mother-in-law come up at night and kill her son-in-law; the wife offers to run; they climb a tree; the mother-in-law begins to cut him, the dogs eat her, she revives from the remaining piece; the same second time; the young man with their wife comes to his mother; she eats the cannibal, the cannibal comes out of her ass, swallows her, who in turn goes out, swallows the cannibal, clogs her ass with the fruit, then defecates over boiling water, the cannibal turns into locusts, flies away; the young man clears the area, the vegetation recovers; he watches, sees how the locusts tell the bushes to revive; the young man catches them, puts them in a vessel, covers them with a lid; this time the cannibal finally dies]: Loeb 1951:307-310; Zulu [the woman digs up the field; when she returns in the morning, she sees that there is no trace of her work; The wagtail tells the lumps to roll the moth to break; so four times; the woman's husband chases, catches the bird; she asks her not to kill, gives sour milk, cottage cheese; the husband hides the bird in a pot, eats secretly; the children spy, eat themselves, accidentally they release a bird; father beats children]: Snegirev 1937:90-93; suto [the couple cultivated the field; at night, the bird ordered the herbs, bushes, vines to recover; the husband caught the bird, put it in a cage, every day gave a mug of milk; the bird turned milk into yogurt; everyone in the village was hungry, and the couple's children were full; people spied; the bird said that she was their mother, flew away, never came back]: Knappertt 1997:205; braid [poor husband and wife, three children, milk is extracted from wood, it is skinny; the woman cultivated the field, went home; a bird flew in, told the weeds to grow again; the same the next day; the third woman began to hoe the field right with the grass - the same, but the woman was waiting for the bird; on the fourth, the husband hid, grabbed the bird; he ordered not to kill it, he would give milk; the husband hid the bird at home, got fat with milk, and the children kept squeezing milk out of the tree; the children watched; when the father was away, they told the bird to give milk; she gave a little, asked to leave the house; flew away; when the father, only the youngest, came The brother was at home, said he went to the river; the elder and sister hid; the father found them, hung them on a tree above the river; they managed to free themselves, left; the crocodile came, called the young man to his place, gave them cattle and a basket millet, asked his sister to marry him, gave him his daughter; under water, the crocodile became handsome; the bird circumcised the young man; the parents' village was starved; they came, saw a rich farm, did not know children; the crocodile gave the young man's father three baskets of seeds, sent him to the mountain, he died there]: McCall Theal 1882:29-38 (=1910:282-287); chwana (Serolong) [villagers are farmers, no cattle; poor Masilo with the wife dug up the plot all day; when they left, a bird flew in and told the earth to be untreated again; the same on the second day; on the third evening, the husband remained guarded; caught a bird, wanted to kill, but she promised to give thick milk; also made the land cultivated again; M. brought it home, ordered all vessels to be filled with milk; forbade the children to talk about it; but the other children persuaded them to talk about to the bird and show it; told them to fill the vessels; to dance; decided that there was not enough space in the house, preferably outside; the bird flew away; all the children ran after it, got lost; a thunderstorm began; a boy named Mosemanyanamatong created a hut in a word, a fire in it; the children began to fry the roots; the cannibal came and demanded roots; the children threw them to him, ran away; they threw them behind, he picked them up and ate them, wasting time; children climbed the tree, the cannibal began to cut it with a claw; M. told the girls to sing to make the tree strong; a big bird flew in, told them to climb it; brought children to their parents]: McCall Theal 1882:39-46 (= 1910:287-290; =Radin 1970, No. 37:146-149, but the text is mistakenly attributed to the Xhosa; two similar texts in St. Lys 1916:11-14); aunt (nyungve?) [a man cut down trees on the site, they stand again in the morning; he puts a wax figure, a hare sticks to it, which restored vegetation at night; a man puts a hare in a bag, gives it to the child, tells take the mother to cook the hare, not the chicken as they intended; the hare persuades the child to say: cook the chicken for a hare; eats the chicken, goes to bed; the man comes back, is going to kill the hare, he hears, covers the child with his blanket, himself with a blanket; the father kills the child, the hare screams about it, runs away]: Mohl 1905, No. 5:15-18; aka [Tôlé with four wives went to clear the site; when they left, the old women came, told pieces of trees and vines to join and stand up; in the morning the forest was intact; so 4 times; taking a hoe and his relative Disokodi, T. waited for the old women, they ran, he threw his hoe, she pierced one of them's back; D. demands his hoe back; T. goes in search, finds a body with a pierced hoe, a rooster next to him; he screams if he tries to pick it up hoe; T. promised him to make his voice louder, sealed his beak with tree sap, carried away his hoe; when the rooster finally screamed, climbed the tree; threw off the fruit to the pursuers who came up; ran away at night, covering the noses of the two fortunetellers with wood resin; they no longer see him; D.'s mother died; T. dug the grave and left his hoe in it; he demanded it from D.; he guessed that the hoe was in the grave and took it out; since the corpse had already decomposed, D. acquired a smell of cadaveric, becoming a smelly ant]: Motte-Florac 2004, No. 3:27-35.
West Africa. House [the bachelor sowed the field; the turtle comes, tells the field to mess again; the bachelor watched the Turtle, let him go for promising to give a wife; the turtle tells him to climb into the sheaf, takes Women to the city; when he goes to war, the leader gives him wealth, tells him not to open a small basket; he opens it, finds himself in his former field; again asks the Turtle to carry him; she carries with difficulty, complains to Hyena, Hyena eats a bachelor]: Tremearne 1911, No. 31:60-61 (translated into Okhotina 1962:316-317, =Olderogge 1969:245-246); Yoruba [the king ordered the birds to clear the site, forgot call the kini kini bird; when the birds finished their work at noon and lay in the shade under the ficus, the kini kini began to sing, telling the herbs and bushes to grow again; the king ordered the same work to be done again; so three times; the fourth time the king allowed the thief to be caught; the birds smeared the ficus branches with bird glue; the caught kini kini was brought to the king; he explained that the king had offended him by not inviting him along with everyone else; promised many kauri; the king hit the kini kini, who defecated, filling the kauri room; so twice; the king put the kini kini in a closed basket and sent people to see the miracle; the king's little son decided for himself slap the bird, opened the basket and the kini kini flew away; the king beat his son, tore off his ear and told him to return the kini kini; the boy took the drum, went to the forest, began to beat the drum, all the birds began to dance; finally and the kini kini agreed, the boy grabbed him, brought him to his father and demanded that his ear be returned to him; he made a new ear out of a leaf of wood and his ear recovered]: Ellis 1894, No. 4:253-258; Kabiye [Andjaou ( spider) worked in the field all day; returning to the village, he hears a strange sound; returning to the field in the morning, he sees that all the grass he removed is back in place; next time he grabs a turtle in the field, wants kill her; she asks her to be spared, for which she promises to take A. to the village of women; let her hide among cotton wool in the bag she carries; in the village of women A. lives with their leader, eats plenty; the leader gives it for the night and other women; one day the chief and other women leave for a few days; allow everyone to use but not enter the same room; A. comes in, fails and finds himself where The turtle picked him up; she brought A. back to the women's village; as punishment for disobedience, the chief turned A. into a slave for five years, forcing him to work]: Pinguilly 1997, No. 6:75-83.
Tibet is the Northeast of India. Drung (Yunnan) [no pets or cultivated plants; Penggenpeng began to clear the area, all the trees were in place in the morning; he waited for an old man who was reviving vegetation; he replied that he is the heavenly god Mubengge, promises P. his daughter if he meets the requirements; 1) quickly climb a straight tree and go down (P. does it); 2) follow the tiger to the ends of the earth; P. goes, It turns out to be in the sky, there are all cultivated plants, all animals; M. suggests choosing from two daughters; one has beautiful eyes, but the face is dirty, the other named Mumeiji has clean, but one-eyed; M. sent her to the ground with P., and the other daughter became the wife of fish; the father gave the young couple plants and animals, told them not to look back; Mumeiji noticed that the father did not give rice and hid the rice under her fingernails (according to one version, M. had a dog with her, she hid the rice on her stomach, pressing them with her tail); when she heard the voices of the animals behind her, M. looked around, the animals rushed to run; P. and M. managed to catch only cows, pigs, sheep, dogs, chickens, others became wild; the couple dropped bamboo and honey, the bees became wild; the medicine vessel was dropped into the river, so there is no medicine and the drung can only cook weak intoxicated drink; but the seeds of millet, sweet buckwheat, oats, corn and rice have been preserved; Mubengge dropped weed seeds from the sky so that people's lives would not be too easy; when he saw rice, Mubengge told the gods part return, so there are pacifiers in rice ears; Mubengge gave a book, but people cooked and ate it, so drung can't write]: Miller 1994:63-66.
Burma - Indochina. Khamti [elderly spouses ask for a child from a sacred tree; the wife gives birth to a turtle, which eats a lot; a turtle son named Ailung asks for two swords, becomes an elephant on the site, swords - tusks, all the trees are falling down; left one beautiful one; the spirit lived there, sent his children at night, they restored the vegetation; the next day A. threatens to knock down all the trees; whatever he does, spirits do all the field work, bring A.'s parents ready-made rice; since then people have honored these spirits; A. goes to the forest, becomes the first elephant]: Elwin 1958b, No. 25:426-428.
Malaysia-Indonesia. Ibanas (Sea Dayaks, Sarawak) [when Simpang-Inpang (half man, in this case a woman) gave birth for the first time, only blood came out; the blood of glass into the ground became Pulang Gana, the host land; his brothers began to clear the forest on the site, the land was restored overnight; they watched, found PG; he explained what sacrifices he needed to make in order to get permission to cut down forest]: Ling Roth 1896:177-178 (retelling in Jensen 1974:79).
China - Korea. Namuzi: Lakhi 2009 (1) [three brothers cultivate the land, the land is untouched again in the morning; they find an old man turning back layers of land with a hoe; the older two want to kill him, the youngest is to listen; the old man says that there will be a flood, there is no point in working; tells the older brother to make a boat out of metal, the middle brother out of wood, the youngest of leather; the youngest takes his younger sister into his boat, the older brothers' boats have sunk; the water has come down, the rest of the people have drowned; brother and sister see two columns of smoke; sister takes a flute, goes one way, brother takes a knife, goes to the other; enters the house, there human bones; cannibal children explain that parents went to catch the corpses of brother and sister, the rest of the corpses have already been taken out; brother runs away; comes to where the sister married; she tells me to eat little, brother does not listens; he is killed; but only he knew how to light a fire, carry water, grind grain, herd goats (crows, frogs, dragons, peacocks know, but not everyone can); therefore, his brother has to be revived; they fly seven daughters of Father Heaven bathe, take off their wings, the young man hides the youngest's wings; says that they were gnawed by mice; the maiden promises to marry the one who will return her wings; she found her wings, returned to heaven; he climbed after her; father-in-law and mother-in-law began to scald his hair, because people's bodies used to be covered with hair; the wife intervened, the hair remained only on the head; the father-in-law demands 1) to dig up nine fields (wife tells you to leave a hoe in each field, they work themselves); 2) burn the felled vegetation (leave nine torches); 3) dig up again with a hoe (the same); 4) sow buckwheat (leave seed vessels at the edge of the fields); 5) collect the seeds again (leave the bags by the field); but three seeds are not enough; they were taken away by a turtle, his wife tells her to shoot her in the morning, he takes the seeds from the goiter, brings his father-in-law; 6) get to know the mother-in-law in in the image of an animal, bring (the wife tells you to grab the first sheep); 7) recognize the father-in-law (this will be yak); the young man gets a wife, cattle, they are sent to the ground; mother-in-law tells not to sing, the young man sang, the cattle are scattered, the wife is part I managed to cover it with her skirt, these animals became domestic, the rest became wild; the couple can't do anything, poor, sent Crow with nine bowls of tears to heaven to his wife's parents; Raven on the way I felt thirsty, drank tears, told my father-in-law and mother-in-law that their daughter and son-in-law were rich and prosperous, that they were drowning the hearth with pork, wiping themselves with grain; father-in-law was angry, sent tigers and boars to the ground, those ravaged the few fields that the young had; the Bat offered to bring 9 tears to heavenly parents; but the heavenly father-in-law and mother-in-law did not answer what to do to live normally on earth; Bat The mouse said that he would sleep outside, but he hid behind the bed; heard my mother-in-law say: Don't they know that three stones should be placed on the hearth, then children would be born; lay the roof of the house to poles; lead irrigation ditches to the fields; when mother-in-law finished, father-in-law noticed the Bat, threw a pestle at him, since then her nose has been flattened; The Bat brought these three news to earth, people began to live normally; then see motif E38A]: 67-152; 2009 (2) [=2009 (1); name of his younger brother Lehwherow, his sister Shosho Bahme, sister's father-in-law Jebuh, heavenly maiden Nahgoome]: 161-166; asi [first a married couple gives birth to five sons and five daughters; brothers marry sisters; four older couples cultivate the land, find the field intact every morning; see Silver and Gold spirits descend from the sky, restore turf; rush to beat them; younger brother and sister recognize spirits, tell them to let them go; they report that there will be a flood; older couples make chests of gold, silver, bronze , iron; the youngest is wooden; rain floods the earth with a flood, the wooden chest floats up, others sink; Gold and Silver spirits pierce the waters with arrows; when descending, the ark lingers on the pine tree, chestnut, bamboo; at the direction of the gods, brother and sister lower a sieve and a sieve from the mountain, two millstones; both times they fall on top of each other; brother and sister marry; wife gives birth to pumpkin, brother-husband cuts it, people of different nations come out from there, disperse on the ground]: Vakhtin, Eats 1956:33-44; sleigh [three brothers and sister plow the meadow, no signs of work are visible in the morning; an old man restores the untouched land; this the spirit of thunder Apish; says that there will be a flood, gives gold, silver, wooden chests; the younger brother chooses a wooden one, agrees to take his sister; the old man orders to open the chests when the egg hatches chicken; each brother opens, the older and middle drown, the youngest in the wooden one swims further; the chest is a donkey on the mountain, caught on bamboo and sycamore; A. gives seeds, bulls and cows appear from beans, from buffalo peas; sister agrees to marry if her brother's thread enters her needle; if the millstones fall together; the sister gives birth to the fetus, cuts it into pieces, and men and women emerge]: Lin Lin, Ustin 1959:99-102; lolo: Graham 196:84-85 [two brothers cultivate the site, virgin land again in the morning; they stay guarded, see an old man restore an untouched field at midnight ; he tells them that there will be a flood; the older brother made a metal boat, drowned, the youngest made a wooden boat, escaped in it with his sister; the sister agreed to marry her brother if there are two descended from the mountain half of the grain grater will meet; so it happened that the same hero tamed the god of Thunder darkness; and 8 suns and 8 moons], 85-88 [two brothers cultivate the site, in the morning this place is virgin land again; they remain guarded they see how the old man restores an untouched field with a hoe; the eldest two want to kill him, the youngest stops them; the old man tells them that there will be a flood; the older brother must make an iron boat, the middle one - bronze (brass), the youngest is wooden, take a couple of all living creatures into it; the boat docks on the mountain; the animals and birds rejoice, but the Frog asks why the Crow is thoughtful; he replies that The king of heaven will raise water to the sky, and the queen of heaven will not disturb him; the beasts send the Raven, the Bee, the Serpent on the Goose and the Frog on another bird to heaven; the Bee, then the Serpent bite the queen of heaven; the Frog known as a doctor; agrees to cure the queen if her husband promises to give his daughter for Ch'iao-mu-Shih-ch'i (younger brother); he answers vaguely, but the daughter herself expresses a desire to marry a young man; goes down to earth, they have three sons, but they are dumb and mischievous; the yellow Sparrow flies to heaven and overhears Moth saying that if you burn three knees of bamboo and they burst noisily, brothers will speak; Heavenly Mother sends a messenger to grab the Sparrow, but he only tore off his tail; since then, the sparrows have a short tail; the bamboo has been burned, the brothers spoke Lolo, Tibetan, Chinese, and became ancestors peoples]; meo (North Vietnam): Karpov, Tkachev 1958 [two brothers were plowing the field, but by morning it had hardened again; in the middle of the night they saw an old man trampling the ground; he says it is not necessary to work, for there will be a flood; tells one brother to make a drum out of wood, the other from copper, to take seeds and pets; the rain flooded the ground with a flood, the copper drum drowned; the younger brother and sister escaped in wooden; God told nine dragons to dry the ground; the water came down, but it was still viscous; the Eagle carried his brother and sister to a dry place; tore off a piece from them and let them eat, and they cut off the Eagle from them a piece; brother and sister threw two rafts, two needles, two coins into the sky; God put them together, brother and sister got married; sister gave birth to an egg, it contained meat; it was cut into pieces, they turned into people ]: 256; Nikulin 1990 [two brothers caught an old man trampling seedlings in their field; it was God Ti Lau, who warned of the flood, told his older brother to sit with his wife in Iron, the youngest and the eldest sister - into a wooden drum, take cereal seeds; the iron drowned, the younger brother and wife rose to the sky on the waters; Ti Lau told the dragon to drink excess water; he became a rainbow for this purpose; the drum fell to the ground; the young man almost got stuck in wet clay; the kite picked up the drum and the brother and sister, carried it until the ground was dry; to reward the kite, the brother and sister cut off three pieces of meat from the body; Since then, people have had the back of their heads, armpits and ankles; the brother insisted on marriage; he and his sister threw two whetstones into the air, they rolled down the mountain, lay down side by side; two needles fell side by side; two coins in one place; the sister agreed to the marriage; gave birth to an egg, they broke it, pieces of the shell turned into children]: 11-13; Chinese (Henan, wu. Tongbo) [The Lord of Heaven had two servants, the Golden Boy and the Jade Maiden. ZO had an ax, and ND had a sword. They cut down the brushwood that was used in the Sky Palace to make the immortality pill. They got bored, ZO offered to go somewhere, and ND objected that there was nowhere to go around the thickets. They cut down trees with an ax and sword, but they immediately grew in the same place, and the faster they cut them down, the faster they grew. ZO: trees are afraid of saliva; I will go ahead to cut them down, and let ND follow and cover them with saliva. After that, the trees stopped growing, ZO and ND cut through the passage to the cloudy sea. They saddled the clouds and began to ride them, and met a big ball. We went to him and as a result descended to the tops of two mountains: ZO to the top of Father Pangu's eastern mountain, and ND to Mother Pangu's western mountain. After that, they fell asleep and dreamed of the Lord of Heaven, who said that they had left their post without permission and were now deprived of the right to return to the Heavenly Palace. They must stay on their mountains and improve themselves, and then they will be able to live on earth. They've been improving themselves for 300 years. During this time, each of the large stones made flat discs. Over the next 360 years, they turned these stones into stones and lowered millstones from the mountains to pave the way for them. The millstones met and joined together, and the young man and maiden who followed them saw each other but did not recognize each other. The virgin asked the young man who he was, and he replied that he had been sitting on the eastern mountain since ancient times (gu), and therefore he could be called a Pangu man. When the young man asked the maiden who she was, she replied that she had been sitting on the western mountain since ancient times, and therefore she could be called a Pangu woman. ZO said that since they are both Pangu, they can be called older brother and younger sister. At this time, a piece of yellow paper stamped by the Lord of Heaven came down from heaven, which said that the Golden Boy and the Jade Maiden, who became known as Pangu, should not be brother and sister, but husband and wife, because their union corresponds to the will of heaven, as evidenced by the meeting of the millstones they made. As soon as they finished reading, the leaf flew to the top of the western mountain, descended on a tree and turned into a large nest. The boy and the virgin began to live in it, got married and gave birth to sons and daughters. This is how people came into the world. The descendants nicknamed them Grandparents Pangu, and on the top of the mountain where they got married, they built the Pangu Temple, where celebrations take place every year on the third day of the third lunar month]: Zhou Yang et al. 2001b, No. 3:5-6.
(Wed. Baltoscandia. Western Sami [a sorcerer (Noaidi) is hired by a farmer to cut wood and cut wood; he promises a thaler a day, but on condition that the sorcerer prepare as much firewood as necessary for the winter; and if he prepares more, that the wage will not increase; the sorcerer asks how much the peasant will give if he cuts down the entire forest; 2,000 thalers, but neither the sorcerer nor his descendants can do such a job; the sorcerer hits the shore with an ax, the whole forest falls down; then saws and cuts into logs; the peasant says he cannot take out so much forest at once; the sorcerer sticks a birch branch and a third of the forest immediately recovers, trees are green; then logs and firewood go to the shore; the farmer pays the promised money]: Kohl-Larsen 1982, No. 16:111-115).
NW Mexico. Nahuatl Zap. Mexico [a man cuts down the forest, by morning all the trees are still standing; he hides, sees an old woman raising trees with her staff; she says that there will be a flood, tells him to make a boat, take corn, fire with her; on the fifth day, the flood ends; the old woman opens the boat; the angel takes the man to heaven]: Preuss 1968, No. 12:140; tepecano [in the morning a man finds the area newly overgrown with forest; next time finds an old man; he tells him not to work, there will be a flood; we must make an ark, gather a couple of animals and birds there; after the flood, he began to live in a hut with a dog; someone cooks; he finds a girl, leaves dog skin into the fire; after 7 years, the girl grows up, he marries her at night, and Senney Stars is small; his father Sun says he warned him; since then deer have been walking l]: Mason 1914, No. 7: 163-164; Huichol: Benzi 1971, No. 3 [Huatahame works on the site; when she returns, she sees that vegetation has revived; this is what the old woman does; she says that there will be a flood, tells me to take it with her to the boat black dog; utensils will become animals, snakes, jaguars, destroy people; after the flood, H. finds ready-made tortillas at home; finds the woman the dog has become; this couple comes from people]: 185-186; Furst, Auguiano 1976 [Watákame (one of the first ancestors) cleared the area, the vegetation was restored the next morning; Nakawé did this with her bamboo staff (the first the plant she created); said V. that there would be a flood, you should take a black female with a white spot on her neck with you; showed how to cut down a ficus and make a box, sealed V. with her dog in it, sat on the box, rowing; after the flood, she restored vegetation and animals; V. saved five corn kernels; someone was cooking tortillas, V. threw a dog's skin into the fire; the woman screamed in pain, he poured water on her; they come Huichol; because the woman was slightly burnt and their skin was brownish]: 114-116; Hopkins, Josserand 2016 [When there was nothing on earth, Our Mother Luna gave birth to two sons; the elder easily cleared the area, swaying in a hammock; at night a strange bird, a turkey, descended from the sky, began to scream, the vegetation recovered; the eldest son began to swing again in the hammock, but the forest remained standing; the eldest did not know what the mother had youngest son; noticed toys, found the boy, decided to kill him; invited him to get honey from the tree; but he climbed the tree himself, ate honey, and threw only empty honeycombs to the youngest; he sculpted gophers out of wax, they they gnawed on the roots, the elder brother fell {along with the tree}, broke into pieces, from which all the animals and birds arose; the younger brother ordered them to be missed by the tail, but the mother began to grab them now from these animals and there are no {long} tails (tinamu, pigs, deer, paki); the son has become big, has become the sun; his mother moon can't keep up with him]: 42-52; McIntosh 1949 [a forest cut down by man is being restored; old woman says that there will be a flood, tells me to take a dog into the boat; the boat rose to the sky, then descended; the man answered the old woman that he was alive; after the flood, someone cooks tortillas; a man finds a woman, throws dog skin into the fire; wife cries; they have two sons and two daughters]: 15-18; Lumholtz [man clears the area; finds the forest intact every morning; finds great grandmother Nakawa on the fifth day ; she points with her rod to the south, north, west, east, zenith and nadir, the felled trees rise; warns that there will be a flood, tells you to make a box of ficus wood, take five corn with you grains of different colors, fire, five pumpkin shoots, a black dog; puts a person in a box, sits on it herself, a mako and a parrot sit on her shoulders; the water rises for five years, then falls; the box falls to the mountain, there is still water around; mako and parrots lay valleys with their beaks, water flows down them, birds divide it into five seas; N. turns into the wind; a person lives with a dog in a cave, works in the field; finds tortillas ready in the evening; on the fifth day he hides, sees the dog shedding its skin, turning into a woman; he burns his skin; their descendants repopulate the world] 1900:168 and 1902 (2): 191-193 (=1986:235-236); Straatman 1988, Abb. 28-30 [thread paintings depicting Watákame in a boat; on Abb. 28 a dog with him], Abb. 40-41 [thread paintings depicting Nakawé reviving a forest, who cut down Watákame], Abb. 43-48 [W. gets into the boat, survives the flood, the dog turns into a woman]: 79-81, 87-88, 89-91; Zingg 1982 [Kauymáli finds food every time he returns cooked; cuts down the forest on the site, during the night it grows again; the old woman says that there will be a flood; after the flood, K. throws the dog's skin into the fire; during the first sexual intercourse, blood, wolf and Jaguars come to lick her, Nakawé (Month) cursed them]: 225-226; bark: Lumholtz 1902 (2) [like Huichol; additionally: a person is told to take a woodpecker, the sandpiper, a parrot; when water comes down, he sends a parrot to see if it is possible to walk on the ground; he comes back, the ground is still wet; the sent woodpecker can hardly pull his beak out of the wet wood; the sandpiper does not fall into the mud, the earth has dried]: 193-194; Preuss 1912:201-202, 277-280.
Mesoamerica Otomi [the person clears the area to sow beans; by morning the forest is reborn; the man hides, sees the Rabbit telling the trees to get up; the Rabbit explains that there will be a flood, tells them to make a wooden one a box for himself and his family; it begins to rain, the Rabbit also sits in the box; the box pops up to the sky; the flood ends; the Rabbit tells you to eat only tortillas he has taken with him; the man and his daughter fry the fallen animals; God sends angels to know who made the fire; The rabbit doesn't eat meat, stays a rabbit; Angels eat, God turns them into vultures]: Paredes 1970, No. 1:3-4; Huastecs: Relatos Huastecos 1994 [the guns used to work themselves; the man sent them to clear the site; in the morning he saw that the vegetation had revived; he found the Rabbit, who explained that there would be a flood, ordered them to make a box, fit there with family and food, take him too, Rabbit; the box floated to the sky; the rabbit climbed into the sun out of curiosity, but it was too hot, then he climbed to the moon; could not return, because during this time the water had come down, the box fell to the ground, the Rabbit remained on the moon; on earth, a man and his family made a fire, began to fry fish; the smoke that rose colored the sky, turning it white blue; the creator of Huítom ínik sent the bird to find out what was going on; it also ate fish, was turned into a vulture, because in fact they were not fish, but corpses of drowned people; the same with the eagle sent; then the hummingbird, that came back and reported; the Creator went down, put the man in the ass of a smut, turning him and his family into otters that eat dead fish; the head is the tail; the hummingbird is innocent, and now feeds on flower nectar]: 93-99; Oropeza Escóbar 2007 [there were people who did not eat; God was angry, sent rain, the flood flooded the ground; the rabbit ran away, came to the man who was clearing the field; when it wasn't, he told herbs reborn; man followed; Rabbit explained that there would be a flood, let the man make a box, go in with his family, take a parrot with him; he would warn when the water reaches the sky; after the flood, man made a fire; God sent a bird, then a vulture to find out who warned people; they did not return; sent a hummingbird; he found out that the Rabbit had taken him to the sky, he became the moon]: 180-181; Nahuat northernaya Puebla [rabbit; warns of a flood]: Taggart 1983:194; Nahuat (Huasteca, Hidalgo) [a man is cutting down a forest on the site; finds a Rabbit reviving trees; he warns of a flood tells us to build a houseboat; water rises to the sky, then descends; God sends the Vulture, two birds of prey, and other birds to find out the condition of the earth; they eat carrion, only the Hummingbird returns; God sees smoke, turns firefighters into monkeys]: Stiles 1985b: 22-25; Nahuatl (Huasteca, San Luis Potosí) [a man clears a milpa, finds the forest intact in the morning; catches the Rabbit who is a forest revived; for promising to release him, the Rabbit says that there will be a flood, orders to make a boat; the water rises to the sky, the Rabbit jumps from the boat to the moon, is still visible there]: Gonzalez Torres 1975:90; Totonaki: Arenas 2000 [a man cuts down the forest on the site, the vegetation recovers by morning; he stays watching, sees the Rabbit telling the trees to rise; he asks him not to kill, says that he acts on orders that there will be a flood, man must build an ark; he takes all animals into it; sends torcaza, which comes back, says that the water has begun to fall; sends Vultures, they bite the corpses, the man tells them to eat carrion from now on; after the flood, a man works on the site, finds food cooked in the evening; finds a woman who has shed her dog skin and sprinkles ash on her skin; a woman remains human, creates new people]: 164-166; Beck 2010 (Río Necaxa) [a man cuts down the forest on the site, vegetation recovers by morning; he stays watching, sees the Rabbit who tells the trees to go up; he asks him not to kill, says that there will be a flood, water will rise to heaven; let a man make a big coffin, get inside with his family; after the flood, the man made fire, fire rose to heaven; San Miguel was sent to find out what was going on; he ate on earth, came back, said he ate nothing; he was caught lying, turned into a vulture]: 195-218; Ichon 1969, No. 1 ( mountain) [a person cuts trees to clear the field; at night the Rabbit revives them; a person puts a resin doll, the Rabbit sticks to it; the man cuts off his tail, since then it has been short; the Rabbit reports that there will be a flood, tells you to make a box, take food, fire, a parrot; a parrot hits its head against the sky (since then it has been red with blood), screams; so a person has time to hide his head; people turn into fish; die after the flood; The rabbit offers to fry fish; smoke is understood to the sky; the gods decide to punish people for it; it used to be enough to look up to die peacefully; now death is painful ; the gods send Vulture to find out who made the fire; the vulture eats fish with man; the gods tell him to eat carrion from now on; send the Hawk to raise man to heaven; the gods turn him into monkey with his head to his back]: 44-46; Oropeza Escóbar 2007 [a man cut down the forest under the field; when he returned, the trees are standing again; he found a Rabbit reviving the forest; he says he was told to do so make and ordered to warn of the flood so that man would make an ark and take various animals into it; man sent torcaza, who said that the waters were coming down; sent vultures, they ate carrion, came back dirty; the man told them to eat carrion; after the flood, the man began to work as before; when he returned, he found food cooked; found a woman, she was a dog that had skinned; man filled the skin with ash so that the woman could no longer wear it; she became the ancestor of people]: 200-201; Veracruz Nahuatl [a person discovers that the trees cut down the day before are intact again; The rabbit explains that this is a sign of an impending flood; after the flood is over, God sends Vulture to scout, who eats corpses; sends the Hummingbird, he returns, is rewarded with the opportunity to eat flower nectar]: Williams García 1955:4-5 in Horcasitas 1978, No. A-18:184; sayula popoluka [tall grass in the field; old man warns of a flood]: Clark 196:112; mountain shelters [ man clears the area, trees in place in the morning; sees the Rabbit restore them; this is Jesus; he gives man cedar seeds, from which trees will grow in seven days, trees must be made of an ark, take a pair of animals; it's raining, the parrot clings to the ark, which hits the sky, since then the parrot's legs are broken and crooked; after the flood, I. does not tell you to eat without permission; man and wife breed fire, fry fish; I. sends Vulture to find out why the fire is; he joins the meal; Hawk tells us what he saw; Hummingbird confirms; I. puts the head of the man, his wife and children to the ass, and back to neck, turns them into monkeys; Vulture tells him to eat carrion]: Foster 1945a (mountain), No. 43:235-236; oluta and sayula are poluka [Tata Dios runs away from Satan; asks the peasants what they sow; the first two answer that stones; their corn turns into stones; the third replies that corn, beans; on the third day the harvest ripens; TD heals the peasant; he cuts trees under the field; TD tells them to get up and grow again; says that there will be a flood; tells a person to plant a seed; cedar grows; a carpenter makes a boat out of cedar; a man flees in it from the flood; after the flood, he makes a fire, contrary to God's prohibition; roasts the corpses of animals; God turns him into a punishment into a vulture, his children into howler monkeys; son and daughter remain; people come from them]: Lehmann 1928, No. 2:754-757; tlapanecas [1) {both versions on the same pages, above and below}; The Vulture tells the person to stop working {obviously to clear the area in the mountains}, for there will be an end light; told the tree and stone to rise; the tree rose, the stone was gone; told the man to make a box, not tell anyone, climb into it; placed a dog and a chicken in the same place; through the crack the man saw how rain flooded the earth with a flood, like aquatic creatures trying to break a box, eat a person; the water came down, the ground dried up; the chicken turned into a Vulture, flew, creating behind {wingflapping?} valleys and mountains; returning from work, a man found food cooked; waited for a woman, threw a dog skin into the fire; the woman said that their children would not grow up now; 2) a man clears the area, vegetation is reviving again; another person tells him to stop working and make a box, put it there with a black chicken and a black dog; this is how the man survived the flood; returning from work, he finds food cooked; waits for a woman, threw a dog skin into the fire; a woman said they won't have many children now]: Lemley 1949:76-77; mixties [two men are clearing the plot, but The next morning the forest grows again; they promise the Earth that people will return to it after death; after that, the forest can be cut down]: Monaghan 1990:561; 1995:204-205; Celtal: Becquelin Monod 1980: 135; Hermitte 1970:23-25 [the boy asks his two older brothers to climb the tree for honey; the brothers eat honey, throw only wax to the youngest; he throws wax against the trunk, the tree falls, the brothers die; the youngest clears the area under the milpa, finds the trees intact in the morning; stays watching, sees the rabbit, la urraca and la gallineta come, shouting: Get up the trees, Rise up the rocks! ; Galinete curls her neck, since then she has a headache; brings the rabbit to her mother; goes with her to the fair; there people try to climb the big wheel; only the boy succeeds, his mother, holding a rabbit, He goes up after him, clinging to his shirt; people throw stones at them, knock out the woman's eye; the cart ascends to the sky, the boy becomes the Sun, his mother the moon; because of the knocked out eye, her light is pale; the rabbit in her arms is still visible on the moon]; Nash 1970 [the moon has three sons; the eldest is God the Father, the middle is God the Son, the youngest is Kosh ("younger"); the brightest shone; when the eldest was in the sky, there was no night, he constantly worked; Kosh took him to buy honey, asked his mother for tortillas, two of them small; the elder climbed a tree, threw down only wax (the same word means excrement); the animal blew the tree, the older brothers were frightened, fell with the tree; K. put one small tortilla in the face of his older brother, he turned into a pig; the other to the face of the average, but he ran into the forest and became wild wild boar; to feed the pig, K. decided to clear the milpa; in the morning the forest grew again; sees a bird come and says that he does not want the forest to be burned; but K. set fire to the site; went where the day meets the day sky, began to walk and come back, now day alternates with night]: 198-200; Ramirez Hernández, Melo 1988 [rabbit and deer (the sun cut off their tails), tecolote bird]: 45; tsotsil: Gossen 1974, #77,? [Our Father was clearing the area; the next morning all the trees were in place; on the fourth day he spies on who was doing it; the Rabbit and the Deer tell the forest to revive; they are helped by two species of wasps and bees; Our Father he stretched out the Rabbit's ears, cut off his tails and the Deer; cut off the bodies of Bees and Wasps with his fingernail, now they have a thin waist; gave the Rabbit and the Deer under the protection of the god of earth, who took them to his cave; refused to take them Bees and Wasps; they stayed on the ground, they don't have a bullet, anything can happen to them], 172, 176:293, 307, 340, 342; Guiteras-Holmes 1961 [Jesus, aka kox, planted cotton seeds, they turned into bees; told his two older brothers that he saw a hive in a tree; they climbed a tree, but shed only wax on the younger one; he sculpted gophers out of wax, they broke the roots, the tree fell, the brothers broke {and turned into wild boars}; Kox asked his mother for 6 cakes, built a pen, stuck cakes on the faces of the wild boars (piglets) that came, three wild boars ran away, tearing off their wild tails; promises mothers (=St. Virgo) that he will be able to cultivate the field himself; turns sticks into workers; when he returns, the forest is intact again; {does he think wasps are to blame?} He tears wasps to pieces, so they have a narrow waist; finds two rabbits and two deer telling the trees to rise; he stretched out their ears, they are what they are now; the rabbit is the elder brother of a deer like how gopher is Aguti's older brother; Kosh teaches his mother to go to heaven - count to 9; he became the Sun, she became the Moon; there used to be another sun, Lusibel; it was not hot enough, the earth did not dry out , it was impossible to burn vegetation in the field]: 183-186; chol: Gebhardt Domínguez 2001 [Chu'jtat brought the earth out of his heart; at first it was like the wind, the wind became a cloud, a cloud of water , water with mud, dirt with earth; in the four corners of the earth, put three Chuntewinikes people each to support it; these people feed only on the smell of flowers and fruits; then C. cut off the umbilical cord, which connected his heart to the earth; the earth was covered with vegetation; C. created the first people, smaller than the Chuntewinikes, but larger than the current ones, very smart; needing nothing, they forgot the creator; C. destroyed them with a flood, sent Vulture to see if anyone was left, ordered them not to touch anything, but he ate the corpses; C. punished him by telling him to eat carrion; sent Gorlinka, she saw that everywhere blood, but some escaped on rafts; after staining their feet with blood, she returned to C.; he turned the surviving people into monkeys; the foam of the flood turned into stones that did not exist before; C. created two people, one tried to kill another, C. destroyed him, gave another woman; their descendants inhabited the land; one woman hides from Askun's eldest son that he has a younger brother Ijts'in; he noticed traces of him, mother showed I.; I. made gadflies and bees, told the gadflies to wake him up if he sleeps for a long time; A. envies, killed I. at the site, he returned; lured I. into an agouti trap, he returned again; cut, fed the fish, he returned with fish; offered to climb the tree to get honey; he threw off his honeycombs 12 times, but wax, I. made 12 agouti, they blew up the tree; it fell, A. crashed, I. made all animals out of it; from teeth, blood, hearts of certain birds, and from the heart of hummingbirds; I. led the animals to the house; who went through one door and left the other became domestic, the rest were wild; the mother is happy, but the Dog told her that the animals were made of her son's flesh; she wept, the rabbit and the deer did not go through the right doors in fear, rushed to run, I. grabbed their tails, they came away; others ran away after these two forest animals; once I. caught a white rabbit, gave it to his mother; lay down in a hammock, swayed, because of which the trees fell on their own; but in the morning the vegetation was intact; the young man waited for the rabbit given to his mother, he spoke trees to stand up; he returned the rabbit to his mother, she never parted with it again; the son jumped into the sky, became the Sun, the mother the Moon, the rabbit's shadow on her]: 49-57; Whittaker, Warkentin 1965, No. 1-6 [first the mother hides her youngest son from the eldest in a box; one day she was late to hide it; the boy grew up, his brother began to take him to the site, cut him into pieces, threw him into the cave (he returned from Aguti), into the fire, into the water (returned from fish); the younger brother planted a cotton seed, grew up a ceiba, created honey on it from cotton seeds, sent his older brother to the tree for it, asked him to drop the wax, sculpted the gopher, he blew up the tree, it fell, the brother crashed, the youngest turned it into all forest birds and animals; blackbird came from pubis, so black; the animals came to the house, eating corn; the boy went to clear the area from weeds, swinging in hammocks, machetes, hoes worked themselves; in the morning it turned out that the vegetation was intact; the same the next day; he watched the Rabbit revive it at night; he caught the rabbit, gave it to his mother; before sowing soaks corn seeds, they do not sprout; one person explained how to sow; climbing his head down, the boy climbed onto the roof of the house, then bamboo into the sky, became the Sun; his mother followed, became By the moon; a rabbit is visible on the face of the moon; the Sun has a chicken with it]: 13-45; quiche [see J4B motif; Hun-Hun-Ahpu and Wukub-Hun-Ahpu brothers are invited to play ball in Xibalba ; they die there; the daughter of one of the rulers Sh. becomes pregnant from the saliva of the severed head XXA; comes to mother XXA, gives birth to twins Hun-Ahpa and Shbalanka; they command the ax and hoe themselves clear the plot for a vegetable garden; at night, all birds and forest animals restore vegetation; brothers guard, cut off the tails of a rabbit and deer; they want to kill the Mouse; she reports that the grandmother is hiding from them their father and uncle's ballgame supplies; sending grandmother to fetch water and telling the insect to hole her jug, they send the Mouse to gnaw through the rope behind which a bundle with a ball, gloves, and Ave.]: Popol-Vuh 1959:51-55; Lenka: Carias 1988:69 [Adam clears the area for milpa; trees bleed, stand intact in the morning; angels tell him to make wine, arrange a party ; now the felled trees are drying out], 71-74 [After the story of Eve and the fruit, Adam must work; he cuts down trees, they cry with blood, the forest is restored the next morning; God tells him to bring all the birds, takes away His own, the devil takes an owl for himself].
The Northern Andes. Kogi: Fischer, Preuss 1989 [Duginaui made masks, his wife cooked them for his son, disappeared into the river; he saw that the river was a pretty woman, stayed with her, she left him in the pool, this is her father Manz á; D. went down into the pool, there was a house, he made a fire, burned the pillars of the house; M. replies to the servants that he felt bad because he swallowed a fly; D. regurgitated; he went to heaven; women rush at him screaming" hold the crab", break an arm; the dog protects it; D. and the dog walk over the abyss on a log, D. falls on the roof of his house on the ground; helps the people of Thunder clear the area while they sleep; D. forest cut down recovering]: 154-160; Reichel-Dolmatoff 1985 (2), No. 6 [see motif B82; Nyíueldue (father of gold, boats and trees, aka chief Vulture, blackened by smoke when his son-in-law Duginávi set fire to his son-in-law Duginávi the area where the forest was cut down) slept during the day, and at night he came to the site cleared by his son and sowed forest and grass there; his son killed him; see motive K8A]: 39-40.
Guiana. Varrau [father-in-law testing the hero's shamanic power]: Wilbert 1970, No. (45?) (see motive K27); curl [vultures fly to the ground, the shaman marries a female; she herself tells 1) to clear the area (vultures restore vegetation; then the ants eat the felled down) 2) bring water in the sieve (the ants covered the holes with clay), 3) make a bench with the image of the mother-in-law (the son-in-law threw off his centipede, the mother-in-law raised his head); the shaman and his wife took to heaven, then the shaman descended back]: Roth 1915, No. 303:343-345.