Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue

Ethnicities and habitats

G9A. The felled forest and the flood. .

A person clears the area from vegetation, but by morning it revives. At night, a character tells trees and herbs to rise up. He explains to the heroes that there will be a flood and there is no point in working, and he advises to make a boat or an ark to escape.

Asi, sleigh, lolo, miao (Thailand, Sichuan), Western Mexican Nahuatl, Huichol, tepecano, cora, otomi, huasteci, Puebla and Hidalgo Nahuatl, Totonaqui, Veracruza Nahuatl, Sayula, Sierra and polka oluta, tlapanecas.

China - Korea. Asye [the first couple gives birth to five sons and five daughters; brothers marry sisters; four older couples cultivate the land, find the field intact every morning; they see how Silver and Gold spirits descend from the sky, restore turf; rush to beat them; younger brother and sister recognize spirits, tell them to let them go; they report that there will be a flood; older couples make chests made of gold, silver, bronze, iron; the youngest is wooden; rain floods the earth with a flood, a wooden chest floats up, others sink; Gold and Silver spirits pierce the drains into the waters with arrows; descending, the ark lingers on pine, chestnut, bamboo; at the direction of the gods, brother and sister lower a sieve and a sieve from the mountain, two millstones; both times they fall on top of each other; brother and sister marry; wife gives birth pumpkin, brother-husband cuts it, people of different nations come out and disperse on the ground]: Vakhtin, Eats 1956:33-44; sleigh [three brothers and sister plow the meadow, no signs of work are visible in the morning; untouched land the old man restores; this is the spirit of Apish's thunder; says that there will be a flood, gives gold, silver, wooden chests; the younger brother chooses a wooden one, agrees to take his sister; the old man orders to open the chests when the chicken hatches from the egg; each brother opens, the older and middle drown, the youngest in the wooden one swims further; the chest is a donkey on the mountain, caught on bamboo and sycamore; A. gives seeds, from beans bulls and cows appear, buffalo peas; the sister agrees to marry if her brother's thread enters her needle; if the millstones that have rolled down together; the sister gives birth to the fetus, cuts into pieces, from which they arise men and women]: Lin Lin, Ustin 1959:99-102; lolo: Graham 196:84-85 [two brothers cultivate the plot, this place is virgin again in the morning; they stay guarded, see an old man at midnight restores an untouched field; he tells them that there will be a flood; the elder brother made a metal boat, drowned, the youngest made a wooden boat, escaped in it with his sister; the sister agreed to marry her brother, if the two halves of the grain grater descended from the mountain meet; as it happened, the same hero tamed the god of Thunder darkness; and 8 suns and 8 moons], 85-88 [two brothers cultivate the site, in the morning this place is virgin land again; they stay on guard, see the old man restore an untouched field with a hoe; the older two want to kill him, the youngest stops them; the old man tells them that there will be a flood; the older brother must do an iron boat, the middle one is bronze (brass), the youngest is wooden, take a couple of all living creatures into it; the boat docks on the mountain; the animals and birds rejoice, but the Frog asks why the Raven (Crow) thoughtful; he replies that the king of heaven will raise water to the sky, and the queen of heaven will not disturb him; the animals send the Raven, the Bee, the Serpent on Goose and the Frog on another bird to heaven; the Bee, then the Serpent bite the queen of heaven; the frog is known as a healer; agrees to cure the queen if her husband promises to give his daughter for Ch'iao-mu-Shih-ch'i (younger brother); he answers vaguely, but the daughter expresses herself The desire to marry a young man; comes down to earth, they have three sons, but they are dumb and mischievous; the yellow Sparrow flies to heaven and overhears Moth saying that if you burn three knees of bamboo and they They will burst noisily, the brothers will speak; Heavenly Mother sends a messenger to grab the Sparrow, but he only tore off his tail; since then, the sparrows have a short tail; the bamboo has been burned, the brothers spoke Lolo, Tibetan, Chinese, became the ancestors of the peoples]; meo (North Vietnam): Karpov, Tkachev 1958 [two brothers were plowing the field, but by morning it had hardened again; in the middle of the night they saw an old man trampling the ground; he says that there is no need to work because there will be a flood; tells one brother to make a drum out of wood, the other from copper, take seeds and pets; the rain flooded the ground with a flood, the copper drum drowned; the younger brother and sister escaped in a wooden one; God told nine dragons to dry the ground; the water came down, but it was still viscous; the Eagle carried brother and sister to a dry place; tore off a piece and let them eat, and they They cut the Eagle off piece by piece; brother and sister threw two rafts, two needles, and two coins into the sky; God put them together, brother and sister got married; sister gave birth to an egg with meat in it; it was cut into pieces they turned into people]: 256; Nikulin 1990 [two brothers caught an old man trampling seedlings in their field; it was God Ti Lau, warned of the flood, told his older brother to sit with his wife in iron, the youngest and older sister went to a wooden drum, take cereal seeds; the iron drowned, the younger brother and wife took to the sky on the waters; Ti Lau told the dragon to drink excess water; he did so rainbow; the drum fell to the ground; the young man almost got stuck in wet clay; the kite picked up the drum and the brother and sister, carried it until the ground was dry; to reward the kite, brother and sister cut off three pieces of meat from the body; since then people have the back of their heads, armpits and ankles; the brother insisted on marriage; he and his sister threw two whetstones into the air, they rolled down the mountain, lay down side by side; two needles fell side by side; two coins in one place; the sister agreed to the marriage; gave birth to an egg, they broke it, the pieces of the shell turned into children]: 11-13.

NW Mexico. Nahuatl Zap. Mexico [a man cuts down the forest, by morning all the trees are still standing; he hides, sees an old woman raising trees with her staff; she says that there will be a flood, tells him to make a boat, take corn, fire with her; on the fifth day, the flood ends; the old woman opens the boat; the angel takes the man to heaven]: Preuss 1968, No. 12:140; tepecano [in the morning a man finds the area newly overgrown with forest; next time finds an old man; he tells him not to work, there will be a flood; we must make an ark, gather a couple of animals and birds there; after the flood, he began to live in a hut with a dog; someone cooks; he finds a girl, leaves dog skin into the fire; after 7 years, the girl grows up, he marries her at night, and Senney Stars is small; his father Sun says he warned him; since then deer have been walking l]: Mason 1914, No. 7: 163-164; Huichol: Benzi 1971, No. 3 [Huatahame works on the site; when she returns, she sees that vegetation has revived; this is what the old woman does; she says that there will be a flood, tells me to take it with her to the boat black dog; utensils will become animals, snakes, jaguars, destroy people; after the flood, H. finds ready-made tortillas at home; finds the woman the dog has become; this couple comes from people]: 185-186; Furst, Auguiano 1976 [Watákame (one of the first ancestors) cleared the area, the vegetation was restored the next morning; Nakawé did this with her bamboo staff (the first the plant she created); said V. that there would be a flood, you should take a black female with a white spot on her neck with you; showed how to cut down a ficus and make a box, sealed V. with her dog in it, sat on the box, rowing; after the flood, she restored vegetation and animals; V. saved five corn kernels; someone was cooking tortillas, V. threw a dog's skin into the fire; the woman screamed in pain, he poured water on her; they come Huichol; because the woman is slightly burnt and their skin is brownish]: 114-116; McIntosh 1949 [the forest cut down by man is being restored; the old woman says there will be a flood, tells me to take a dog into the boat; boat rose to the sky, then descended; the man answered the old woman that he was alive; after the flood, someone was making tortillas; a man found a woman throwing a dog skin into the fire; the wife cries; they have two sons and two daughters]: 15-18; Lumholtz [the man clears the site; every morning he finds the forest intact; on the fifth day she finds the great grandmother Nakawa; she points with her rod to the south, north, west, east, zenith and Nadir, felled trees rise; warns that there will be a flood, tells you to make a box of ficus wood, take with you five corn kernels of different colors, fire, five pumpkin shoots, and a black dog; puts a person in a box, sits on it herself, a mako and a parrot sit on her shoulders; the water rises for five years, then falls; the box descends on the mountain, there is still water around; mako and parrots lay their beaks valleys, water flows down them, birds divide it into five seas; N. turns into the wind; a man lives with a dog in a cave, works in the field; in the evening he finds tortillas ready; on the fifth day he hides, sees how a dog sheds its skin, becomes a woman; he burns its skin; their descendants repopulate the world] 1900:168 and 1902 (2): 191-193 (=1986:235-236); Zingg 1982 [every time Kauym&# comes back 225; li finds food cooked; cuts down the forest on the plot, it grows again overnight; the old woman says there will be a flood; after the flood, K. throws dog skin into the fire; during the first sexual intercourse blood appears, wolf and jaguar come to lick it, Nakawé (Month) cursed them]: 225-226; bark: Lumholtz 1902 (2) [like Huichol; additionally: a person is told to take a woodpecker with him, the sandpiper , a parrot; when the water comes down, it sends a parrot to find out if it is possible to walk on the ground; it comes back, the ground is still wet; the sent woodpecker has difficulty pulling its beak out of the wet wood; the sandpiper does not falls into the mud, the ground is dry]: 193-194; Preuss 1912:201-202, 277-280.

Mesoamerica Otomi [the person clears the area to sow beans; by morning the forest is reborn; the man hides, sees the Rabbit telling the trees to get up; the Rabbit explains that there will be a flood, tells them to make a wooden one a box for himself and his family; it begins to rain, the Rabbit also sits in the box; the box pops up to the sky; the flood ends; the Rabbit tells you to eat only tortillas he has taken with him; the man and his daughter fry the fallen animals; God sends angels to know who made the fire; Rabbit doesn't eat meat, stays rabbit; Angels eat, God turns them into vultures]: Paredes 1970, No. 1:3-4; Huastecs [formerly tools they worked themselves; the man sent them to clear the site; in the morning he saw that the vegetation had revived; he found the Rabbit, who explained that there would be a flood, ordered them to make a box, fit there with his family and food , take it, Rabbit; the box floated to the sky; The rabbit climbed into the sun out of curiosity, but it was too hot, then he climbed to the moon; could not return, because during this time the water had come down, the box fell on earth, the Rabbit remained on the moon; on earth, man and his family made a fire, began to fry fish; the rising smoke colored the sky, turning it white blue; the creator of Huítom ínik sent the bird to learn What was the matter; it also began to eat fish, was turned into a vulture, because in fact they were not fish, but the corpses of drowned people; the same with the eagle sent; then the hummingbird came back and reported; The creator came down, put a man in the ass of a smut, turning him and his family into otters that eat dead fish; the head is the tail; the hummingbird is innocent and now feeds on flower nectar]: Relatos Huastecos 1994:93-99; Northern Puebla Nahuat [rabbit; flood warns]: Taggart 1983:194; Nahuat (Huasteca, Hidalgo) [man cuts wood on a plot; finds a Rabbit reviving trees; he warns of a flood, tells us to build a houseboat; water rises to the sky, then descends; God sends Vulture, two birds of prey, and other birds to find out what condition the land is in; they eat carrion, only Hummingbird returns; God sees smoke, turns firefighters into monkeys]: Stiles 1985b: 22-25; Nahuatl (Huasteca, San Luis Potosi) [man clears a milpa, finds a forest in the morning intact; catches the Rabbit, who revived the forest; for promising to release him, the Rabbit says that there will be a flood, tells him to make a boat; the water rises to the sky, the Rabbit jumps from the boat to the moon, is visible there until still]: Gonzalez Torres 1975:90; Totonaki: Arenas 2000 [a man cuts down the forest on the site, the vegetation recovers by morning; he stays watching, sees the Rabbit commanding the trees rise; he asks him not to kill, says he is acting on orders that there will be a flood, man must build an ark; he takes all animals into it; sends torcaza, which comes back, says that the water has begun to fall; sends Vultures, who peck corpses, man tells them to eat carrion from now on; after the flood, a man works on the site, finds food cooked in the evening; finds a woman, who has shed her dog skin, sprinkles ash on her skin; a woman remains human, gives birth to new people]: 164-166; Ichon 1969, No. 1 (mountain) [man cuts trees to clear the field; Rabbit at night revives; a man puts a resin doll, the Rabbit sticks to it; the man cuts off his tail, since then it has been short; the rabbit reports that there will be a flood, orders to make a box, take food, fire, a parrot; the parrot hits its head against the sky (since then it has been red with blood), screams; so the person manages to hide his head; people turn into fish; after the flood they die; the Rabbit offers to fry fish; smoke understood to heaven; the gods decide to punish people for this; it used to be enough to look up to die in peace; now death is painful; the gods send Vulture to find out who made the fire; the vulture eats fish with man; the gods tell him to eat carrion from now on; they send the Hawk to take the man to heaven; the gods turn him into a monkey with his head to the back]: 44-46; Nahuatl Veracruz [a person discovers that the trees cut down the day before are intact again; the Rabbit explains that this is a sign of an impending flood; after the flood is over, God sends Vulture to scout, who eats corpses; sends Hummingbird, he returns, rewarded with the opportunity to feed on flower nectar]: Williams García 1955:4-5 in Horcasitas 1978, No. A-18:184; sayula popoluka [tall grass in the field; old man warns of a flood]: Clark 196:112; mountain piles [a man clears the area, trees in place in the morning; sees the Rabbit restore them; this is Jesus; he gives man cedar seeds, trees will grow out of them in seven days, trees must be made into an ark, take a couple of animals; it is raining, the parrot clings to the ark, which hits the sky, since then the parrot's legs have been broken and crooked; after the flood, I. does not tell you to eat without permission; a man and his wife make a fire, fry fish; I. sends Vulture to find out why the fire is; he joins the meal; the Hawk says what he saw ; Hummingbird confirms; I. puts the head of a man, his wife and children to the ass, and ass to neck, turns them into monkeys; Vulture tells him to eat carrion]: Foster 1945a (mountain), No. 43:235-236; oluta and sayula popoka [Tata Dios runs away from Satan; asks the peasants what they sow; the first two say stones; their corn turns into stones; the third replies that corn, beans; on the third day, the harvest ripens; TD treats the peasant; he cuts trees in the area under the field; TD tells them to get up and grow again; says that there will be a flood; tells the person to plant a seed; grows cedar; a carpenter makes a boat out of cedar; a man escapes in it from the flood; after the flood, he makes a fire, contrary to God's prohibition; roasts the corpses of animals; God turns him into punishment into a vulture, his children in Howler monkeys; son and daughter remain; humans descend from them]: Lehmann 1928, No. 2:754-757; tlapanecas [1) {both versions on the same pages, above and below}; Vulture tells man stop working {obviously clearing a plot in the mountains}, because the world would end; told the tree and stone to rise; the tree rose, the stone was not; told the man to make a box, not tell anyone, climb into him; put a dog and a chicken in the same place; through the gap, a man saw rain flood the ground with a flood, how aquatic creatures tried to break the box, eat a person; the water came down, the ground dried up; chicken turned into a Vulture, flew, creating behind {wingflapping?} valleys and mountains; returning from work, a man found food cooked; waited for a woman, threw a dog skin into the fire; the woman said that their children would not grow up now; 2) a man clears the area, vegetation is reviving again; another person tells him to stop working and make a box, put it there with a black chicken and a black dog; this is how the man survived the flood; returning from work, he finds food cooked; waits for a woman, threw a dog skin into the fire; a woman said they wouldn't have many children now]: Lemley 1949:76-77.