Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

H10. The drowned stone. .11.-.

Humans are mortal because they are like a rock thrown into the water; they usually miss the opportunity to look like organic matter that floats in water.

Quiri, von, eve, dinka, nuer, anuak, tsamai, banna, nungaburra, (Pentecost), inner tlingit, tagish, southern tutchoni, helmet, hea, doghrib, quarry, sarsi, blacklegs, grovantre, Arapahoe, Sheyen, Comanche, Kiowa Apache, Navajo, Jicarilla, Western Apache, Chirikahua, Lipan, Ramcocamecra, Botokudo, Chamacoco.

Bantu-speaking Africa. Quiri [The Chameleon and Salamander agreed to eat their children; the Salamander poured red paint into the water, the Chameleon saw, killed and ate their children; all the animals came to the party with their children, The chameleon saw that he had been deceived; he pushed the stone off the cliff, saying that if anyone died, he would never be born again; Salamandra said he would be reborn; the Chameleon still mourns his children every evening; When a chameleon is seen, he is killed; the person who sees it himself or one of his relatives will die]: Abrahamsson 1951:10.

West Africa. Von [Mavu put an empty calebass on the water; As the calebasa stays on the water, so will people live on earth forever; The spider threw a stone; As the stone goes to the bottom, so will people die forever; Spider's mother died, he asked M. to revive her and make people immortal; M. refused; if Spider hadn't made M. angry before, people would come to life after death as a month that dies every morning and comes back in the evening]: Müller 1907:277 (quoted in Abrahamsson 1951:5; translated to Zhukov, Kotlyar 1986, No. 18:62); eve [God threw a broken kalebass into the lake; How Calebas returns (pops up), so people will come back (when they die); the turtle throws a stone, it sinks; the Turtle's father dies, God says he will not return again]: Schömhärl in Baumann 1936:274-275.

Sudan-East Africa. Nuers: Huffman 1970 [people answered God they wanted old people to die, otherwise the earth would overflow; God agreed, threw a pebble into the river; in the evening the dog returned to the village, found out what had happened , asked to show where the pebble fell; took it from the bottom, said that people would no longer be immortal, but the pebble would protect them from premature death]: 88-89 (translated into Katznelson 1968:144-145, in Kushke 1988:17-18); Crazzolara 1953:67 [1) God sent a Dragonfly to humans to throw a piece of light wood into the water; as it sinks and emerges momentarily, people will die and immediately to be reborn; the dragonfly came, threw a stone into the water, it drowned, so people are mortal; 2) after creating man, God threw a piece of calebass into the water as a sign that as the pumpkin floats up, man will live forever; sent an infertile (or divorced) woman to tell people about it; she showed that she threw a potshard into the water, he drowned, so people are mortal (parrinder retelling 1967:54)]; dinka [man asked what awaits after death; the kite picked up an iron spoon with a wooden handle, threw it at the Nile, it dived and surfaced; in response, the blue-breasted bird threw a shard, it drowned; so people do not revive die forever; Dinkas revere kites, hate blue-breasts]: Artin Pacha 1909, #19:54-55 (Katznelson translation 1968:139-140; =Kushke 1988:20-21); anuak [first dead a few days later were reborn; the creator god Juok decided to throw a stone into the river: let man die for good; the dog found out about this, invited man to look after the cattle, and she would go to J.; but man stubbornly He went by himself; did not hear what J. was talking about; he told the animals to throw a stone into the river, they threw it; the dog told Man to gather the people and pull out the stone, but they only stood on the shore laughing; The dog managed to break off a piece and pull it out; therefore, a person's life is quite long; if all the stone were left at the bottom, people would die very quickly]: Evans Pritchard, Beaton 1940, No. 1:56-57 (= Scheub 2000:87-88); tsamai [God called a snake and a man to him, asked what they wanted; the snake wanted to be like the yellow fruit of bolo (Solanum), and let man be like a lump of earth; threw it twice the water is a fruit, both times it surfaced; threw a lump of earth, it drowned; the snake: if people were like a bolo fruit, they would multiply so much that they would destroy each other; and the snake always comes to life; if it were killed and buried, it will swell and crawl out alive in 4 days; to kill a snake, it must be cut to pieces]: Jensen 1969:334; ari (ubamer) [The frog wanted to marry a girl, she rejected him with contempt; then he threw a yellow fruit and a lump of earth into the water; the fruit surfaced and the earth drowned; the Frog asked God to make humans like a lump of earth mortal and frogs immortal as fruit; frogs are immortal; if a frog is killed and throw it into the water, it will be reborn]: Jensen 1959:183; banna [the first man and first woman began to argue whether people should die or live forever; the man took the yellow fruit (Solanum), threw it into the water, he surfaced; a woman said there was not enough space for people on earth, threw a ball of clay, he drowned; so people are mortal]: Jensen 1959:334.

Australia. Nungaburra (=yualarai) [A month asked people to carry his three dogs (i.e. snakes) across the river; threw bark into the water; if people carry "dogs", they will be reborn after death, like like bark floats in the water; he threw a rock, he drowned; if people refused, they would die like a stone thrown into the water; he had to carry dogs himself; he said that now people would not reborn like him and die forever; people kill snakes, but the Month sends others]: Parker 1965:85-88 (=Waterman 1987, No. 2870:84).

(Wed. Melanesia. Pentecost [the old man asked the sorcerer to change his skin so that he would be young again; the sorcerer poured coconut milk on him, his skin came off; the sorcerer threw it into the water and said that if he drowned, a person will not die; the skin is caught on a prickly branch, stuck, torn; therefore, people cannot change their skin]: Tattevin 1931, No. 25:875-876).

Subarctic. Tagish, inner tlingits [The fox throws a rhubarb stem into the lake, it pops up; the fox wants the dead to be reborn; the bear throws a stone, it drowns; the bear wants death to be final]: Cruickshank 1992:74; McClelland 1987:275; southern tutchoni [animals gather for a meeting, Bear is in charge; the world is dark; two Foxes blow on pebbles, making them move pores willow bark (blowing pebbles through a willow bark they twisted off); it is said that this will be the case with people who die; a bear splashes a large stone into the lake, it sinks; people will not return after death; Foxes are angry and run away; Deer, Mountain Sheep, Caribou and other animals want light; Bear, as well as Lynx, Fox, Wolf - to keep it dark, it is better to hunt in the dark; The bear carried his big bag on his back; the others are sitting by the fire; they hear him call, cannot go to the fire; everyone laughs, they say, let him go; finally he went out to the fire; he has roots in his bag ; he stubbornly repeats that light is not needed; the Fox says that the Bear is lost himself and that you must be able to hunt in the light as well; the Raven (Raven? - Crow), Lisa jumped into the sky after her, made it, dawn came; this is Lisa's merit]: Workman 2000:26-27; Tagish [only the Bear owned a flint to carve fire; it was stolen by passing the baton; Chickady was the first to fly, the Fox was the last to run, threw flint on the rock, it crumbled into many flints; threw a dry rhubarb stalk into the water to prevent people (from dying); the bear threw a stone, it drowned, so people are mortal]: McClelland 2007, No. 59:310-311; helmet [The fox throws a stick into the water, it pops up, the old people must become young again; The bear is furious that his fire has been stolen; throws it on a stick a rock that drags her to the bottom; that's why humans are mortal]: Teit 1917a, No. 4:443-444; hea [Lamia obscura beetle wants people to die, the Frog wants to live forever; The beetle throws a stone into the water that sinks; therefore humans are mortal]: Petitot 1886, no. 6:115; dohrub [animals want the dead to be like germinating seeds thrown into the water; Chapevi wants them to disappear forever as rock thrown into the water]: Franklin 1828:293 in Boas 1917:489.

The coast is the Plateau. Quarry [A frog throws a rhubarb stalk to the bottom, it pops up; so will people be reborn after death; an insect throws a stone, it sinks; this decides people's fate]: Jenness 1934, No. 67:249.

Plains. Humans are like a rock that sinks rather than a stick or bison dung that pops up. Sarsi [The old man made rivers to the south, his wife to the north, the Old Man was smoother; his wife decorated her lands with lakes and forests; the old man sculpted people without fingers and replied that as chips float up, so and people will be reborn after death; the wife replied that then the earth will overflow, let them die for good, like a stone going to the bottom; and let people have fingers; the old man made the buffalo such that they killed people; the wife objected: let the bison serve people as food; the old man taught people to hunt buffalo, shoot at the spot on the shoulder blade, where the skin is thin and the meat is soft; that's why this stain is called" human flesh"; The old man went south and his wife went north; the old man lay down to rest, the dent on the ground is still visible; the bird shot him in the side, he jumped up, ran where he lay down, there were blood stains that became ocher deposits; both took to heaven, the Old Man became the sun, his wife the Moon]: Dzana-gu 1921, No. 1:3-4; blacklegs [Old Man: I'll throw bison manure into the water; if it emerges, the dead will be on the fifth day to resurrect; Old woman: I'll throw a stone if she drowns, death is final; the Old Woman's daughter dies, she would like to change her mind, but the Old Man refuses to do so]: Josselin de Jong 1914 (piegan): 29; Wissler, Duvall 1908, No. 3, 4 (northern piegan) [The old man throws manure but the Old Woman turns it into stone]: 20-21; grovanter [Earth Creator gathers humans and animals to decide whether death should occur final; a man throws bison manure, he pops up; Let the dead revive! ; The bear throws a stone, it sinks; Let death be final, otherwise the earth will overflow! Creator approves solution]: Cooper 1975, No. 4:437; arpahoe: Clark 1966 [The creator throws a rock, it sinks; the arpaho throws a stick, it swims; the Creator doesn't want the earth to overflow , refuses to make people immortal]: 224-225; Dorsey 1903 [The creator throws the core of a tree into the water, it pops up; Nihansan is afraid that the earth will overflow, throws a stone]: 204-205; Dorsey, Kroeber 1903, No. 6 [Hero Scala or Nihansan throws bison manure into the water to revive the dead; N. or a man throws a stone], 41 [Nihansan asks a man to get the eagle's chicks off the cliff; makes it smooth and cool; takes a man's clothes, takes his wife, mistreats his son and daughter; the person left on the rock cries, his tears turn into beads, people find beads at the foot of the cliff ; wild geese let the man down on their backs; he feeds hungry children, kills N., the corpse is cut, the pieces are scattered; N. came to life, sat down by the lake to think whether people should die and revive; seeing the stick, bison manure, the core of a plant that floated in the water, N. decided that they should; when he threw the stone, it drowned, N. decided that humans should die forever; (quail in Lévi-Strauss 1971:450-451)]: 17, 78-81; the Shayens [people decide: if the rock floats and the bison manure sinks, we will live forever; for a moment it seems like the rock has floated; this moment is our life]: Kroeber 1900, No. 1:161; Comanches [those who died earlier returned on the fourth day; Coyote: Let them die like a stone that sinks, otherwise the world will overflow; throw a stone into the river]: Saint Clair 1909b, No. 16:280; kiova-apache [the world is dark; the stone monster Nistcre plays against herbivorous animal people; you have to guess who has sticks; Coyote keeps track of the score, always supports the winner; N. loses The coyote helps throw it off the cliff; it breaks, turns into grindstones; the plantain cuckoo (Geococcys, Road Runner) raises its wings, dawn begins; the birds choose which one is better; they reject the Raven, choose the Eagle; the Coyote throws a wood core into the water, it pops up; so life will be eternal; the furious Raven throws a stone, he drowns - death becomes final]: McAllister 1949, No. 2:20-22.

The Great Southwest. People are like a rock that sinks, not a tree that pops up. Jicarilla: Goddard 1911, No. 2 [The raven throws a stick and a rock into the river; if both emerge, life will be eternal; the stone sinks]: 194; Opler 1938:45-46 [Coyote threw a stick to remove hair from his skin. said that if it drowned, people would die; the stick came up; but there were too many people; the Vulture (Buzzard) threw a rock, said people would die if it went down; the stone carried to the shore; then The raven threw the grain grater and chimes, they drowned; since then people hate the Raven and the Vulture; they smell carrion from a distance, even their shadow is deadly], 268 [the dead have returned after four days; the Raven and The vulture decides to find out if people will die for good; the Vulture throws a stick with a scraper to remove hair from the skin, it pops up; the raven throws the grain grater, it sinks, now people are mortal]; Russel 1898 [The raven puts a log in the water; if it swam, the dead would come back four days later; the log sinks]: 258; Western Apaches (White Mountain): Goddard 1919 [throwing a hair brush into the water, a scraper with a wooden handle and a stone pestle, Coyote announces that if they emerge, people will respawn after death; however, the pestle has drowned, so people are mortal]: 138; Goodwin 1994, No. 48 [Big The Blue Heron stretches its legs like a bridge over the abyss, people cross it to the other side to hunt deer; the Coyote kills the ogre owl, marries; hunters do not share meat with him, give him scraps; deer antlers were made of fat, there were no bones in the meat; an offended Coyote makes the horns hard, creates bones; people ask the Heron to remove his legs when the Coyote crosses the abyss; the Coyote falls, but does not die, tells the bats to pave a path for him upstairs; at this time, Coyote's wife thinks he has been killed; throwing a stone, she breaks Heron's legs; turns into a Bear, devours everyone; Chipmunk advises her younger brother to watch his sister's shadow when she comes to look in his head; when the shadow begins to take on the shape of the bear, the boy kills his sister with an arrow; rubbing the bones of the dead with fat, revives people; the Coyote ties a grain grater to the hair broom, throws it into the river; if they pop up, the dead will be resurrected; the grain grater pulls the broom to the bottom, lively people disappear and no longer return]: 175-176; chiricahua [Raven throws a stick; If it emerges, life will be eternal; Coyote throws a rock; If drowned, people will die forever]: Opler 1942:28; lipan: Opler 1940, No. 1 [Walking Stone puts white clay on people's heads; hair has turned gray, people have become old; it is also responsible for fruit ripening, so people grow, ripen and die like fruits], 2a [people want the dead to come to life in four days; Raven: Let them die forever; I will throw a stone, if it comes up, they will live forever; the stone sinks; the son of the Raven dies; the Raven wants change their mind, people refuse], 2b [animal people discuss how to live; Raven, chairman, proves that you have to die forever, that you should sew clothes and moccasins, not make them just by touching by hand; his son dies; people refuse to change their minds]: 38-40; Navajo: Beck et al. 2001 [The First Man and First Woman decide that it should be sun and night; at this time two people died; The coyote took the black rock, decided to throw it into the lake; if it pops up, the dead would come back, if they drowned, no; the rock drowned, so souls go to the lower world]: 15-16; Goddard 1933 [First Man throws a stick into the river, it pops up; Coyote throws a stone ax; he sinks, people die]: 138; Matthews 1994 [people guess that if the skin scraper floats, people will live forever; Coyote thinks that if the rock drowns, people will be mortal; the scraper is drowned, people are angry; the thrower replied that otherwise the earth would be overflowing]: 77; O'Bryan 1956 [The First Man and First Woman throw into the water a wooden stick, it pops up; the Coyote throws the ax, it sinks, so people are mortal; but because the stick has surfaced, the sick sometimes recover]: 31-32; Zolbrod 1995 [people wonder if the scraper is for the skins will float, people will live forever; the Coyote thinks that if the stone drowns, people will be mortal; the scraper has drowned, people are angry; Coyote explains that otherwise the earth will overflow]: 82.

Eastern Brazil. Ramkokamecra [Crocker MS; drowned stone motif at p.20; The sun ate the fruits of the buriti palm tree (Maurutua flexuosa), its bowel movements turned red; the Sun said it ate flowers pau d'arco tree (Tabebuia inpetiginosa, ant tree); The month ate them, but its bowel movements contain whole flowers; in the end, the Sun admitted that it ate, but made the fruits of the ant tree that the Month ate , immature on the one hand; the Month hit the tree, it has since become high; the Sun and the Month are diving, pulling girls and boys out of the water; the people of the Month are ugly, the Sun is beautiful; the Sun has thrown into the water a stick made of Mauritian palm wood; said that let the dead revive like a stick that pops up; the Month threw a stone, said they should die like a drowned stone; the Sun told the axes and the machete to work on their own; the month heard sounds, began to look; the guns stopped and no longer worked on their own; the Sun asked the Woodpecker to throw off his shining fiery headdress; threw it from hand to hand before he cooled down; put it on his head; the Month wanted the same dress, dropped it, the earth caught fire; the Sun hid in a wasp house made of clay, and the Month in a straw; then in a hollow, in an armadillos hole; almost burned down at all; left without a hat; The Sun found two capybaras dead in the fire, Month chose a fat male, but when they brought home, the Sun spat, the female was fat; again changed, but the Sun spat again; poured hot fat on the belly of the sleeping Month, said it was by accident; sent it to cool into the river, told him not to touch the turtle at the bottom; the month touched, the stream carried it away, he had difficulty clung to a tree; the Sun and the Month agreed that when their children (i.e. people) died, they should be buried; the Sun killed the Month, put it at the foot of the tree; the Month came to life, the Sun said that it would be the case with people; the Month killed the Sun, buried them in the grave; yet the Sun got out; the Month said that the dead must be buried in the ground so that the Earth could eat them and be saturated; the Sun agreed; both rose to heaven, leaving people axes and machetes]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1984a, No. 1:17-30.

SE Brazil.

Botokudo (São Paulo State) [the text is unclear, but

appears to be similar to the frame camera: an association between a character's death and a rock thrown into the river that sinks rather than pops up like a fruit]: Schaden 1947a:261.

Chaco. Chamacoko [the sun of Deich teaches his younger brother (var.: nephew) of Pyne to hunt nanda so that he can then teach people; after eating the wild fruits and flowers that nandu feeds on, he himself became one of them; explains to the incredulous Nandu that they are larger in size because he knows where the food is; when he runs away, he spews out gases and digested food - the same as Nandu's; nandu ate, fell asleep , D. twisted their necks; P. repeats the trick, but eats people's food before that; he was recognized, torn, trampled to death; D. revives him; looking into the eyes of a wild dog, turns it into a domestic dog, hunts with him; P. rushes to pick up the Nandu killed by the dog ahead of time, the dog kills him; D. teaches people to hunt himself; goes with P. to the edge of the cold, P. gets tired, D. gives him a white horse; they agree to walk across the sky in different times; occur during eclipses, when D. corrects P.'s mistakes, teaches him to walk from east to west, and not from north to south; P. proposes to make people mortal so that the earth does not overflow; D. throws the fruit on the ground; P. says that this is not good - the fruit will leave the seeds, life will return; then D. throws a stone, it falls into the pond and sinks; therefore, people are mortal, as the first shaman once wanted]: Escobar 2006:223-225.