Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

H11. Call of God. . (.52.) .53.55.56.


People are mortal or defective because they answer the call (or name) of the creature that brings death, or do not hear the call (do not say the name; do not answer the call, do not answer the call, do not notice) creatures that promise immortality (strength).

Pende, Ganda, Rwanda (Hutu and Tutsi), Lake. Kivu, fipa, bena lulua, bena-bua, chokwe, lunda, bende, tiv, guro, bining (New Britain), Malekula (New Hebrides), aka (hrusso), himachali plahari, marathi, dusun, south Palawan, Toraja, Choctaw, ( kakchikeli), sumu, yupa, shikuani, warrau, tamanak, hishkaryana, kariña, lokono, trio, sekoya, mayhuna, shuar, carijona, ufaina, letuama, yukuna, chikuna, tukano, middle Amazon, katawishi, spike, urubu, amuesha, ashaninka, kashinahua, shipibo, ghambet, kuikuro, kamayura, karazha, apinaye.

Bantu-speaking Africa. Pende [Mawese put four watchmen, told them not to sleep; but the watchmen and all the people fell asleep; in the morning M. came, shouted twice, Life; no one heard; then, Die ; humans answered and are now mortal]: Frobenius 1983, No. 5:114-115 (narrated in Abrahamsson 1951:40); ganda: Roscoe 1911:461-464 [Kintu had only one cow, he ate milk; heavenly Nambi's woman, Gulu's daughter, fell in love with him, but his father took her back with the cow; K. went to heaven and was offered 1) lots of food and drink (he threw everything away and poured it into a hole in the floor); 2) with a copper ax cut down a rock for firewood (K. found a rock with cracks, cut it down); 3) bring a bucket of dew (the bucket left in the field was filled with dew); 4) identify his own cow among L. (the bee said it would sit on its horns; there was no cow in the first two herds; in the third herd, K. immediately found a cow with a bee on its horns; the bee sat on its horns and on its horns, K. and identified them); L. gave his daughter to K.; G. tells K. and N. to leave faster while brother N. Death (Walumbe) did not follow them, do not return if they forgot anything; N. forgot chicken grain, came back, V. followed her; K. and N. have many children; V. asked their daughter to be a cook, K. refused; after This children began to die; G. sent Brother V. Kaikuzu persuaded him not to kill children; V. refused, ran underground; Kaikuzu told people and animals to stay in their homes, not to shout, if they saw V., then he would catch him; but the children drove the goats to pasture. saw V., called out; since then V. has been killing people, hiding underground; (=Radin 1952, No. 16:69-72; parrinder retelling 1967:41-43)], 465-467 [Mpobe hunter's dogs drove the rodent, he followed them, so they were underground; Death told him to return, not telling anyone what he saw; M. could not resist telling his mother; convinced Death to give him time to dispose of his property; sold the child, bought, stabbed a cow, slowly ate its meat; years passed until the property ran out; tried unsuccessfully to hide in the forest; Death took it]; Rwanda [1) Imana tells me not to sleep that night, but listen to his words; people overslept and did not answer the call, but the snake answered; I. said that in old age you should shed your skin and become young again (=Baumann 1936:280-281; in Scheub 2000:78 this text classified as Hutu and Tutsi); 2) the woman's child died; Imana asked why she was crying; told her not to sleep; the woman fell asleep and the snake heard that her skin should be changed and not die]: Abrahamsson 1951:37; oz. Kivu [Imana called the man and the Snake to him, told him not to sleep, wait for his call; in the evening both answered, at midnight and dawn only the Serpent, man slept; therefore snakes are immortal, and humans are mortal and try to kill snakes]: Abrahamsson 1951:37; (cf. ngala [heavenly people lowered the rope that Nkengo took to heaven to obtain eternal life for earthly people; to do this, he had to stay awake for seven days and nights; on the seventh day, N. fell asleep, humans remained mortal]: Baumann 1936:282); fipa [Leza brought the first man and woman down from heaven to earth; asked if they wanted to die; humans and animals were sleeping, now they are dying; only a snake heard, changes skin and renews]: Janssens 1926:551 (quoted in Abrahamsson 1951:38, in Scheub 2000:123); Ben Lulua, Ben Mvula [Fidi Mukulu created a man and a woman in heaven, from them people happen; FM said Mojo (greeting meaning "Life") to animals, plants, waters; when women went to get water, the water said it had been given life; the hunters wanted to shoot birds, those said they were given life; FM shouted to people twice, Mojo, but they were sleeping; when he shouted, People are mortal, they answered Yes]: Frobenius 1983, No. 5:114 (retelling in Abrahamsson 1951:39- 40); lunda [Nzambi slipped down the rainbow to the ground, created animals and plants, then man and woman, who gave birth to humans; N. ordered not to sleep when the month rises; at this time people were awake; one grew old, began to see badly, did not see the brilliance of the month in the clouds, fell asleep; since then people have been mortal]: Feldman 1963, No. 37, also Melland 1967:164-165 in Zhukov, Kotlyar 1975, No. 16:60-61; retelling in Baumann 1936:281; chokwe [Kalunga shouted to people, Kalunga! ("life"), they did not answer; shouted, Muaffu-affa ("die"); they answered, Yes; he gave food to the dead, he did not eat; gave the living, they ate; said that men would die and women would give birth new (p.105: Kalunga - "moon")]: Frobenius 1983:115 (narrated in Abrahamsson 1951:40); bende [people overslept, and the snake heard God's call, was able to shed its skin and rejuvenate]: Abrahamsson 1951:66.

West Africa. Munci [Death entered the Hare's hut, called; the hare was asleep, but his son answered; Death said that the one who answered her call would die; the son died; the next time the Hare was awake, but did not answer His other son answered again, died; the hare invited various animals to his place, they answered, died; the Turtle did not answer, Death kept calling, the Hare had to answer, he died; the Turtle offered the Hare's wife celebrate this, but she hit him against a rock, since then the shell has been cracked]: Abrahamsson 1951:41 (translated into Kotlyar 2009, No. 505:258); guro [there was no death or sleep; God told all people and spirits bring an armful of firewood and sing in the light of a huge fire; the spirits sang all night and people fell asleep; when God came in the morning, the spirits answered him, and people had to be woken up; so people became mortal]: Tououi Bi 2014:101-104.

Melanesia. Bining (New Britain) [first there was a Sun man and a Moon woman; they gave birth to stones (they became men) and birds (became women); the Sun called those who want to live forever; stones and snakes came people wouldn't listen; if they came, they would change their skin like snakes]: Bley 1914:198 (retelling in Dixon 1916:119); Malekula (New Hebrides) [Hambut spirit tells two people to repeat, "Die, Die, Live," but don't say "Die, die forever"; one says the first formula, the other says the second, so people are mortal]: Deacon 1934:638-539, 734 (quoted in Anell 1964:15)

Tibet - Northeast India. Aka (chrusso) [there were two suns (husband and wife) and two moons (also husband and wife); the Sun's wife became the mistress of Moon's husband, they went down to earth to make love; everything around began to burn, people killed them with arrows; the corpse of the Sun's wife remained on earth, and the Moon's husband managed to rise to heaven, died in the arms of the moon; the Sun warned that if the Moon threw her husband's corpse on the ground, humans and animals would also become to die; told people not to answer if Sister Moon called them, but to answer if he called, the Sun; the Moon came out carrying her husband's body and cried; everyone slept, but the Barking Deer and Peacock did not sleep, they also began to cry, the Moon threw her husband's body to the ground; the Rooster heard, called the Sun, he came out, said he could not help now]: Elwin 1958a, No. 7:288-290 (=1958b: 320-322); limbu (kirati) [first the gods created man from precious metals, but he did not answer their call; then they mixed yellowish earth, droppings of several species of birds and bamboo ash, which grows high in the mountains, with water, and sculpted figure; the man came to life and began to respond; they were outraged and cursed him; accidentally spit on him, after which the man died; so people are mortal]: Tumbahang 2013:80-81, 90-91, 97-98.

(Wed. South Asia. Himachali plowmen [God created man and woman from a handful of ashes; spoke to the man: Manoo ("man"), who answered Hoo; Ha Jee ("Yes, life") should have been answered; therefore people are mortal]: Dracott 1906:5; Marathi (Mumbai) [Ishwara called a man, offered to fulfill his wish; he asked for the strength of seven buffaloes; but at the appointed hour the man did not come, and the tiger overheard the conversation, appeared, gained the power of seven buffaloes]: D'Penha 1891:192).

Malaysia-Indonesia. Dusun: Evans 1913:426 [Kenharingan offered everyone rice flour; asked who would change their skin; the snake only pretended to eat, replied that she was; the rest of their mouths were full of flour, they kept silent; since then, snakes do not die unless killed by humans], 478 [=Evans 1922:175-176; there is a rock in the water, it opened its mouth, a man and a woman came out of it (these are the main deities of the Dusun - Kedharingan and Munsumundok); they began to think about how to go by water; eventually they went, came to the Bisagit house (smallpox spirit), they had land, they asked, he gave them land; K. created a dusun, M. created the sky, both created the sun , the moon, the Pleiades ("seven stars"), Hyades ("top"); they had a daughter, people were starving, then K. and M. killed her daughter, a coconut grew out of her head (her eyes and mouth can be seen on the nut), and sugar cane from her elbows, from fingers - bananas, blood - rice; from parts of the body - all animals; K. asked who could change skin, would be immortal; dusun did not hear, the snake heard and now dies only if a person kills it; dusun missed the ability to revive; K. began to bathe people in a basket in the river, one person fell out, swam away, coastal inhabitants come from him; K. arranged a religious ceremony in the house; one person was at this time in the forest, when he returned, he could not enter, monkeys come from it]; Williams 1961 [after sculpting the earth and man, the Creator asked a man, a snake and a lizard, which of them would dump in old age skin; the lizard and the snake immediately responded, but the man said nothing, for his mouth was full of rice flour; now people are mortal]: 69; southern Palawan [people buried the child, but he was actually alive; Chameleon began to cry because of this; the sapäd bird screamed why they buried a living child; people should have answered, but did not answer, so they are mortal; only a banana shoot grows back like children change parents]: MacDonald 1981:111; Eastern Toraja [The creator proclaims that anyone who wants to change their skin and live forever must come to him; the evil spirit woman Lise became so loud at this time crush corn that people did not hear these words; snakes, crickets and other insects heard, came and have been renewed ever since]: Adriani, Kruyt 1951, No. 7:12; mountain toraja (leboni) [old man shouted for people to die for a month (and then reborn); the little nephew did not understand, asked again; he repeated; the boy asked again ten times, the old man told them to die forever]: Fischer 1932:214; toraja (bada) [Ala Tala shouted to people that they should die for a month and then be reborn; To'olo (forest spirit, echo) shouted that people should die forever; people only heard him]: Adriani in Fischer 1932:241.

Southeast USA. Choctaw [people come to the ground from the hill; the Creator stomps his foot, those who just stick their heads out died; the Creator says people will be immortal; people do not understand, ask again; Creator angry, takes away their gift of immortality]: Wright 1828 (The Misionary Herald): 182-183 in Swanton 1931:201

(Wed. Mesoamerica Kakchikeli [husband went to Cerima to get money; saw the gate, identified himself, said he wanted to talk to the chief boss; to do this, he had to overcome challenges; he waded the river, the water in it to his eyes; passed by jaguars and other predators; he was offered to pick up a bag of money, he could not; they offered to take as much as he would pick up, so much he would receive; the Master promised to give money from the condition that when he rides with two more horses to Kantaria (a nearby place), the person should recognize him and call him out; the man returned three days later, thought he was absent several days later o'clock; at midnight he came to the suburb of K., saw the Lord with horses loaded with money, but was frightened and did not call out; the Master rode away; the man was missing]: Hinojosa 1999:116-118).

Honduras - Panama. Sumu [the girl became pregnant with Lightning, was taken by her husband to heaven; asked him to send their son to the ground to warn of the flood; the boy called out to his grandfather from the tree, saying pikwa; ordered make a hollow; when the waters came down, warned not to sleep when the dolblenka with the gifts of heaven came; disappeared, and the bird, which had been screaming since then pikwa, made its scream at night; people were sleeping; woke up a European boy who received money and the ability to use it, and a black boy who received sailing boats and became the ancestor of the Caribbean {carifuna}; all animals periodically shedding their old skin were also heard {and renewed}; when he woke up the bag, he only got bark to make a tap and a pole, control the holster]: Viner 1928, No. 2:167-169.

The Northern Andes. Yupa [the first to die brought a calebas of living water from another world; called his wife to wash his dead body; the wife did not hear, but heard and came a snake, a cricket, a cancer; now they change skin and are immortal; when he saw that there were no people, that man said he would never return]: Villamañan 1982, No. 1:19.

Llanos. Sicuani: Wilbert, Simoneau 1992, No. 25 [Kuwait makes his wife out of clay, she melts in water, wax melts by fire; he has difficulty finding a woman in the forest; her name is Avalibey ("heart, or the spirit of the tree"), she does not have a vagina; he gave her a drink, asked the animals to defloriate her; the monkeys could not; the fox could, because K. inserted a hard wood stick into his penis; the duck Kukuli invited take her fish to the boat, take her away; the monkeys go to the party to Pumenerrua (the name of Kuwait's wife); the howler monkey smears Kuwait's hands with glue, attaches his tail, he goes to the Monkeys; P. lives on an island in the sea; K. slides on the vine, the Monkeys laugh, K. turns them into monkeys; K. takes the form of an old man in ulcers; everyone goes hunting, K. stays to cook firewood, bathes, becomes the same ( scabs turned into fish); K. turns Kukuli into a duck; Royal Vulture Eetsu kidnaps P., she returns; E. tells K. to fall off the tree, he seems to be dead; K. tells his wife cover it with cassava, like larvae; the carrion comes to peck E.'s wife; K. grabbed her, plucked her, bathed her in peppery water; she curses people, they will fight, die, get sick; each time K. replies that this will not happen; on the third day he falls asleep, is silent, the prophecies of E.'s wife come true; more about son K. Matsuludani], 27 [Furnaminali (Furna) makes a woman out of a laurel tree; she has no vagina; the fox manages to do it because he has a bone in his penis; Vulture sends a duck The Yakukuli steal F.'s wife; Y. invites her to his boat to take the fish, sails away with her; the monkeys tell F. that Vulture called them to a party overseas; they go there by rope, they can't take F.; The woodpecker carried it; the monkeys laugh, think that F. will fall, be eaten by piranhas; F. offers them a drink of water from the sea, their lips have turned black; F. covered himself with ulcers, his wife does not recognize him; chooses at the dance" grandfather"; everyone goes to the chief, F. stays with his wife to harvest firewood, bathes, regaining his former appearance, returns home with his wife; tells the man to pretend to be dead, covers him with chunks of cassava (like larvae); Vulture is grabbed, scalded, ripped off its feathers, tied to a pole in the square; Vulture names diseases; each time F. replies that there is no such disease; when he falls asleep and stops answer, Vulture calls all kinds of witchcraft; therefore, people are powerless against witchcraft, they are mortal; so Vulture won, his industry feathers, he flew away], 44 [the boy asks his grandmother to buy him in the trough; produces starch; people tell him to swim in the river, collect starch; when angry, the boy tells his grandmother to be awake to hear a rumble; she falls asleep; only Kinkaju hears it and knows where she grew up the Kalievirne tree; see the G5 motif; people cut it down; after the tree falls, people are mortal; C. tells us to dance to find ease and go to another world; old woman Ibarruua breaks abstinence, takes Cayman as a lover; calls him by putting an inverted calebass on the water and tapping it; people kill his lover, give I. eat his penis; I. tells the fish to swallow C.; his brothers arrange for river rapids to stop fish; revive regurgitated C.; shoot up, only a virgin manages to fix an arrow in the sky and make a chain; in the guise of termites, C.'s people climb into the sky; lives there thunder Yamakhyeonö; C. replaces his club, I. cannot kill people, C. kills him; his wife tells ants to collect pieces of his flesh, I. revives; I. and C. reconcile; along a chain of People continue to climb arrows; the Bat cuts it off, the fallen ones turn into turtles, parrots]: 115-122, 138-141, 191-199.

Guiana. Warrau: Wilbert 1970, No. 85 [first people call Death, then a good spirit; people are deaf to his call (without details)], 86 [man accidentally answers the call of Death]: 192, 192-193; tamanak [ The creator sails into the sea from which he had previously sailed; screams in a changed voice, Change your skin; in response, the old woman gasped maliciously, he shouted again, Be mortal]: Schomburgk 1848:320 in Goeje 1943, No. d29:117; in Roth 1915, No. 64:150-151; in Frazer 1913:71; Carinha Guyana [people answer the call of wood, not stone]: Brett 1880:108-109; loco [people found out that at midnight they passed by Hisi ("smelly) Kakë ("alive") spirits will pass, they will have to call them out; H. {probably a mistake, they should: K.}, but people were sleeping; K. {H?} , people woke up, shouted 'hisi'; since then people have been mortal]: Goeje 1943, No. d29:116; hishkaryana [A month comes to his sister at night, she smears her lover with a genip, he makes a chain of arrows, climbs on sky; from there said, Who dies will come back in a short time; people didn't hear, crickets heard]: Derbyshire 1965:26-27; trio: Koelewijn, Riviere 1987, No. 7 [vulture child Akaraman grew up among a trio; told his adoptive father that his real father would first throw death from heaven, then sickness, rotten wood; they should not answer; when he threw down a rock, they must answer; but people they answered earlier, so they die like trees; A. said that all is not lost, the dead will revive; the child died, returned, the parents did not believe it, did not go to meet him, the child left, people no longer reborn]: 45; Magaña 1987, No. 40 [the acalaman vulture tells the pëlëpëlëwa toad that it will throw wood and stone from the sky; people must not answer the tree, otherwise their lives it will be short; people forget in what order the dropped will fall, and respond not to the stone, but to the tree]: 139.

Western Amazon. Sekoya [before going to heaven, the Month of Ñañe tells people not to sleep; they sleep, do not hear the call, so they do not change their skin and are mortal; answered lizards, snakes, trees that change skin or bark; one old woman also heard; went and changed her skin, came back young, married her nephew; he notices that she makes a fire like his grandmother; finds old skin ("body"), tries hug, but nothing is there; he gets sick; grandmother went, put on her old skin, came back; both died]: Cipolletti 1988, No. 9:73-75; mayhuna [when the gray-haired old woman came to the river to clean the fish, which Ñukečik( "Grand Cayman", "father of corn", "earthquake maker") gave her, he touched her, her old skin came off, the old woman became young; her daughter came to her, in her house full of fish; Ñ. tells a woman's daughter not to sleep before dawn; calls her, but she sleeps, and snakes, lizards and trees respond; since then they change their skin or bark and rejuvenate, but people don't]: Bellier 1991b, No. 12:232-233; shuar [to prevent people from dying, Ayampúm told the Snake, the Lizard, and Cancer to take the drug; the Snake and Cancer went to their wives, and the Lizard was ill with the drug and did not respond to A. ; for this, A. deprived them of their human appearance, took away their ears (they did not listen to him); ordered them to change their skin so that everyone knew that because of them people lost their immortality; A. wanted the drug to bring immortality, and so it is only good for lesser evils]: Pelizzaro 1990 (=1993): 170-171.

NW Amazon. Karijona [Kuwai asks all people and animals who will do this and that (for example, give birth a lot at once: dogs answer); asks who will change skin rather than die; answers wild guaiava, so it sheds its bark and humans are mortal]: Schindler 1979, No. 3:61; Vaupes District (ethnicity not specified) [deity offers a narcotic drink of immortality; snakes, spiders drink and change skin; people refuse to drink]: Brüzzi 1994:71; ufaina [Tufana told everyone not to sleep in Maloka that night because he would answer him in the middle of the night; but everyone fell asleep; in the middle of the night T. called, but only answered the youngest; T. said that he is the youngest, but answers like the eldest, turned him into a cricket; therefore, the cricket changes skin; answered everyone who changes skin - snakes, spiders, Curupira (forest spirit); if people they answered that they would change their skin and rejuvenate themselves; T. told them to talk about the deceased that he was resting; in a week they should prepare hot water, dig it up from the grave; a week later one came out of the grave, but from him It smelled bad; the cricket said so, the dead man was ashamed, he returned to the grave; T.: because of the cricket, people will die completely, the cricket will remain a cricket]: Hildebrand 1975, № XXIX: 360-361; letuama [like ufain]: Palma 1984:167-168; yukuna [land was born, people were born out of a big egg; some eggs remained intact, people would come out of them at the end of the world; Tupana told people to say: I'm like the sun is like water and like stone; but only snakes said, so they change their skin and don't die]: Hammen 1992:11; Tucano: Fulop 1954:113-114 [God fills a jar, tells me to eat it; snakes, spiders, everything animals eat, change skin, are immortal; people are afraid], 124 [god rises to heaven; tells them to wake up at midnight; people sleep], 125; chikuna [Dioi and Epi pulled people out of the water, they were immortal; now they live far to the east with D. or where they were created; during her first period, while in a ritual hut, the girl did not respond to D.'s call, who, accompanied by other immortals, offered follow him; answered the call of the spirit dya (old age); he went in to her, took off his skin, put her on the girl and put her skin on himself, left; the mother found a wrinkled old woman in the hut]: Nimuendaju 1952:135.

Central Amazon. The Middle Amazon [a woman gets pregnant by a demon, gives birth to a snake; he is always with her; one day he climbs a tree, she runs away; he goes up to heaven where she is now visible (Milky Way?) ; people sleep, they don't hear his call; they hear reptiles and trees, they now change their skin and they don't die]: Barbosa Rodrigues 1890:234-235; katavishi (Lake Teffe) [see motif H4; boy who took revenge on jaguars for the death of his mother, said that he would rise to heaven, he was the Rainbow; whoever does not want to die must answer; at midnight people slept, answered a lizard, a snake, a spider, a cockroach, a scorpion, a crab that sheds its bark every year wood; people don't shed their skin and die]: Tastevin 1925:188-190.

Eastern Amazon. Spiking: Nimuendaju 1922:385 [Djibidjibiza decided to make people immortal; said to go ashore; three boats would come, whoever sails last should be welcomed; it was Aka Kani, but there was rotten meat next to him; people were afraid it was death, greeted the one on the second boat; it was Basebase - death; snakes, trees, stones did not greet him, but waited the last boat; they change their skin and get young], 386 [Indians overslept the arrival of a character about to speak to them; he was greeted by Christians (=snakes); so Indians don't understand the language white (urubu: Huxley 1956 [the first man makes people mortal because he does not pay attention to the call of a tree that periodically sheds its bark and is therefore immortal]: 92-93 ( quoted in Weiss 1975:486-487); Ribeiro 2002:421 [Maïra did not want people to die, made them like snakes that shed their skin and are getting younger; told them not to sleep, announced that people would be like a tree Mirá-kourousá, which sheds its bark and does not age; but people slept and did not respond, but these trees, snakes and spiders answered; since then people have been dying and going to heaven to see Maira's son], 499 [our ancestors die because they overslept; snakes did not sleep and responded (Maira), so they change their skin and do not die; shrimp and crabs also answered].

Montagna - Jurua. Yompor A'penerr (Our Father the Milky Way) wanted to take people to heaven, but they refused to let at least one child go; Europeans listen to God instead of Indians { Christianized}]: Santos-Granero 1989 [Yompor A'penerr told people that if they wanted to go to heaven with him, they should sing and dance hand in hand; sent a cold night; everyone fell asleep, no one behind him followed; refused to send at least one child with Ya; Ya was angry, said that people would stay on earth and die; according to one version, white people followed Ya, they were bright stars in the sky; The Milky Way, with its coding mix, are hand-held dancers and followers of YA; JW was followed by creatures that became constellations; Yomporr Pencoll (pencoll - "flute") - Orion (three stars of the Belt Orion is the three holes of the flute with your fingers; those who followed the IP are the Shield of Orion; the YP's father-in-law is the warlike Oncoy, the Pleiades; he rose playing the drum, the Pleiades are him and his followers beating drums; getting up, O. remembered that he had forgotten the tapir's jaw (an ordinary hunting amulet), went down for her, returned to heaven, now she is Hyades; Cochllema't with a short knife is the tail of Scorpion; Tse'm (Vulture) - Cassiopeia; Contor (Condor) - Altair (a row of stars between the head and tail of the Eagle are his followers); next to the evil Epuesquer (α Sagittarius) with his arms twisted; Ya placed two in the sky cross to place crosses on graves (Southern Cross and another large one - Sail and neighboring stars)]: 102-103; 1991, No. 4:68; 1992:116-117; Kashinahua [it rained, a thunderstorm began, the sky fell, changed places with the earth, everyone died; a woman was killed by lightning in the sky, she was thrown to the ground; the Crab opened her womb, found the boy Mana and the girl alive; they grew up, got married, had a son and daughter ; at first it was light all the time, M. let the night out of the vessel; his father asked him to kill; ate the toad he had brought by his son; said that he would go up to the sky, shout to change his skin, I must answer; the next Father's soul day rose, son did not hear well, others did not hear, but heard snakes, lizards, trees; now they change their skin and people are dying]: d'Abreu in Koch-Grünberg 1921, No. 84:229-232; amahuaca [(this is the same text as KG, although in more detail; it is not clear if it is cachinahua or amahuaca)]: Cordova-Rios, Lamb 1971:121; ashaninka (river campas) [Avíveri consistently asks solid wood, stone and wood that sheds bark but gets no answer; then makes people out of clay; so they are mortal, and if the former answered, humans would be immortal or die and reborn]: Weiss 1975:407 -408; shipibo [after the flood, a pair of parrots conceives the ancestors of the red, blue, white and black races (symbolized by ribbons of appropriate colors); Venus comes to call them for a new life; who answered They will be the first to rule; white answered]: Gebhaert-Sayer 1987:65-66; characterbet [Bat: If I die, I will return; back in two days; Rat: if I die, I will not return; people have died ever since forever]: Calífano 1980:127.

Southern Amazon. Kuikuro [{Europeans seem to correspond to snakes}; Avinhocá gathered people by the river; told them to swim in a lake full of piranhas; the Indians only soaked their hands and wiped them on a tree - it it turned white; those who received not bows, but guns, swam, became Europeans; a tree screamed from the forest, the Indians answered; A.: the trees will die too; there was a cry of stone - the Europeans answered, they did not they will die; A. did not allow their sons to rub baking oil and smoke tobacco; only old people do this, whoever does will grow old]: Villas Boas, Villas Boas 1973:211; kamayura [Kwat (The Sun) ordered people to answer the call of the stone, they kept silent; told them not to answer the call of the tree, people answered; therefore people are mortal]: Münzel 1973:149.

Araguaia. Karazha [trees, animals, fish, but not humans hear the vulture call]: Aytai 1979 [see motive D7; Ioloni catches the vulture, the owner of the sun, to make the days longer; I.'s wife commands ask him about the secret of the immortality of celestials; when flying away, the owner of the sun shouts an answer; some animals (snakes?) hear him , trees that now shed old bark; people don't hear, remain mortal]: 10-11; Krause 1911 [the creator of Kanan-Sihue was lying in a hammock; his mother-in-law came, tripped over the turtle shell, reproached that he forgot to create light; the COP pretended to be a dead tapir; mosquitoes flew in, then flies, then urubu, the Royal Vulture was the last; the COP grabbed him, strangled him, demanded light; he spread his hair on his chest, released the Morning Star (Taina Kahn), which flew into the sky, the COP pierced his leg with an arrow, nailed him to the sky; then the same to the Moon; finally, the Sun, the CS nailed him to the daytime sky (= Baldus 1937a: 190-191; translated into Tynyanova 1962:230-233); mother-in-law came, the vulture showed the plants from which to make fiber for spinning, taught him how to shoot fish with onions; the man let him go; when He had already risen high, my mother-in-law asked how to rejuvenate; only trees, animals and fish heard the answer, but not people]: 345-346.

Eastern Brazil. Apinaye [see motif D4A]: Wilbert 1978, No. 60 [the young man is abandoned on the rock by his father-in-law; the Jaguar saves him; leads him home, leaves him at the fork, tells him to answer the call of the Stone, not the rotten tree; (episode There is no violation of the ban)], 61 [(according to Ninuendaju 1939:154-158); the man tells his wife's brother to get the macaw chicks out of the crevice in the rock; the boy is afraid to take them, the son-in-law pushed the pole away, left; 5 days boy suffers from hunger, thirst, mud; the Jaguar tries to catch his shadow; the boy spat, the Jaguar noticed him; ordered the chicks to be thrown off, ate both; lowered, led to the river; to his home; he had fire; Jaguar's wife grins his teeth; the Jaguar makes the boy a bow and arrow, tells him to kill Jaguariha if he threatens; the boy kills; the Jaguar gave him grilled meat, told him to answer the call of rock and hard wood on his way home aroeira, do not answer rotten; the boy answered all three calls, now life is short; the forest spirit (megalo) Camdure says he is the boy's father; The father has long hair, ears inserts; MK returns with long hair, inserts, takes the boy in the basket; while MG was resting, the boy put a stone instead, on top of the coati, ran away; MK children did not find prey; the boy came to village; animal people went to get the fire; the Jaguar gave it voluntarily, Tapir carried the smoldering trunk; Jacques swallowed the coal, his throat turned red]: 168-171, 175-176.