Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

H13. The deceased comes back.


The character comes to the afterlife, meets the deceased there, he manages to bring him back to the world of the living. See H12 motif.

Micronesia-Polynesia. Yap [girls and boys are making love in the house; one took her brother out of the house, led her to the side, offered to meet her; they copulated many times; they sailed in a boat, went to another island ; there, local girls, out of envy, killed the boy's sister/wife, cut them into pieces; he folded them, hid their genitals in his apron; the spirit came, asked permission to eat the corpse, then the girl would come to life; noticed genitals, ate them too; they went to heaven, the spirit helped find their sister; the brother again offered to have sex, the sister was gone, her spirit returned her; they went down to earth to her parents; the girl should not go to source; one day she went, died immediately and fell into the water; she was buried]: Müller 1918, No. 37:519-520; Ulithi (Western Carolinas) [when the son grew up, the mother became pregnant again; father and son according to custom they took her to another island to give birth; her father sailed back, did not return, married another woman; while her son was fishing for his mother, she died during childbirth; her spirit hid her body, took her form; her son caught a lot fish, half went somewhere {obviously, mother spirit ate it raw}; the mother did not eat the cooked fish; opened up to her son, asked her body to be buried; secretly took him into the boat of the dead, she sailed to island of spirits; the son grabbed the beautiful girl, but in the morning she turned into a pile of bones; the mother told her to hold the girl for three days but not to talk to her; the second night the son spoke again; the woman's husband sailed to the island where she was giving birth, hid where the hearth was; his wife came there with other spirits; consistently asked them whether to destroy the house, hearth, husband; they replied that yes, they killed her husband; son managed to keep the spirit girl, she came to life, he married her]: Mitchell 1973, No. 74:218-221; Hawaii [Hiku's arrow falls near the house of beautiful Kawelu; that six days does not allow herself to be touched, H. is angry leaves; K. tries to get him back, but H. tells the vines to block her way; K. hangs himself; H. smears himself with rancid oil like he's dead, swims where the sky meets the sea; goes down a rope to the lower world, invites spirits to swing on a rope; when K.'s spirit gives a signal, the rope is pulled to the surface; K.'s soul is connected to the body, it comes to life]: Beckwith 1970:147; Tahiti [Tafa'i brings his wife's soul back from the underworld, puts her soul back in her body, she comes to life]: Beckwith 1970:150; Tuvalu (Niutao Atoll) [Tangatakatoa is the son of a crab; met a girl Falineolangi, they got married, They are sons Punga and Sena; F. warned T. not to be angry while fishing, even if the fish bite off the forest, but T. violated the ban; birds immediately flew in, forming a ladder, F. took it to the sky ; T. died of grief; the brothers grew up, P. went to the village to look for a wife, did not find it; S. met an ugly and dirty girl in the last hut, promised to marry her; told her to come when he heard a faint scream; at first P. shouted loudly, all the beauties of the village came running, P. married; S. shouted softly, only an ugly girl came; her mother bought her in five lagoons and she became beautiful; S. realized that P. is going to kill him out of envy; warned his wife that if the waves turn red, he is dead; the widow gave birth to boys Kalisisi and Tofaki; P. killed all wives and took the wife of his murdered brother; the brothers grew up, sailed in a boat on the sea, T. died of thirst, K. tied his body to a log so that the fish would not eat it; the boat docked at the island of the dead; black and white clouds respond that S. did not see, red says that K. recognizes his father among the other dead by a dark mole on his head, tells him to grab him from behind and not let him go until S. stops resisting; S. found T., but he has no eyes; S. ordered all the fish to open mouth, moray eel's mouth saw his brother's eyes; moray eel agreed to return them for promising that S. would make her big eyes; S. put T.'s eyes in, he came to life; all three returned home, P. ran unknown where]: 83 -86; Tokelau (Fakaofo) [Kui woman has daughters Tauluga, Taulalo and Moa (=Sina), only M. is quite human; they take turns coming to Nonu's house, but he asks her mother to drive the first two, marries M.; At a festive feast, sisters M. ask N. for garlands of flowers, but he replies that all the flowers are for M.; his wife's sisters steal his soul; M. comes to K., asks her to scream as if she feels bad, the sisters come running, M. makes them give their soul to N.; they first try to slip other souls, but M. takes what they need; along the way, N.'s soul smells in the places where M. carries it, she explains; revives N.]: Burrows 1923:159- 160; Pukapuka (South Cook Islands) [Milimili dies, descends to Po; wife cries, her domestic gods ask the sea man Tangata-no-te-moana to go down to Leva for the soul of the deceased; T. tells Tulikalo Hit the gongo so loudly that the gods run out of the house, T. grabs M.'s soul, throws it to the family gods, M. comes to life]: Beckwith 1970:150: Beckwith 1970:150; Mangareva [Hina-te-Kakara (kakara - "aroma") swallowed by a shark, Taihuka saved her; Marau-Tagaroa killed him; H. descended into the lower world, the bird brought her to the spirit of T.; H. managed to bring him back to earth, revived T.]: Buck 1938:335; The Marquises [texts Handy is briefly retold in Blixen 1987:261-266, in Beckwith 1970:149, in Poignant 1967:64)] Handy 1930:113-115 [Tue-ato's wife cheated on him, he strangled her, grieves, her sisters brought her back to life; 13 days he must not touch her, breaks the ban; sisters revive her], 117-120 [Kena leaves his wife; she tries to follow him, then rushes into the abyss; he marries a cousin; she gets killed; mother K. helps him descend to the lower world; at the entrance there are interpreting rocks; companion K., holding on to the end of his loincloth, is crushed; the mistress of the lower world tells K. to wash and dress his wife, put it in the basket, do not open for 10 days; first he violates the ban; the second attempt is successful], 121-122 [(Nukuhiva); Hahapoa descends into the afterlife for his wife Hanau; the mistress of the lower world tells K. to wash and dress her wife, put in the basket, don't open for 10 days; first he breaks the ban; second attempt succeeds]; Maori: Beckwith 1970:148 (South Island) [Hutu comes to the village, wins dart throwing; his arrow falls at the house of Pare, a lonely beauty of high birth; she carries the arrow, forcing H. to enter the house; he rejects her, because he is shorter and married, leaves; she hangs; the servants grab H., he promises revive P.; descends to the lower world; on the way, Hine-nui-te-po gives him a basket of food so that he does not eat the food of the dead; he invites the dead to bend the tree and swing on it, clutching to the top; together with P. thrown up by a tree, grabs the roots of plants growing on the earth's surface; connects P.'s soul to the body, marries her], 149 [Miru's sister dies; he descends to the lower world, where Kewa rules, catches her her soul, returns to her body, her sister comes to life].

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Tibetans ["ghost stories"; the king marries the daughter of the ruler of one of the possessions, does not love her, finds a lover living near the palace; dies; his spirit is beloved, what to do; after receiving the jewel, the official wife returns to her country; the beloved gives birth to a son, is accepted into the palace by the mother of her deceased husband; his ghost continues to visit; teaches what she will do, to bring him back from the world of the dead; a young woman gives wine to an iron man drinking molten brass; grain to lambs; meat to warriors; her blood to giant guards; in the castle she does not take from the altar an eighth heart that asks him to pick up and a ninth heart that asks him not to touch; eight devils stalk a woman but bribed guards refuse to detain her; husband comes to life]: MacDonald 1931:312- 315; best [Clothe Thangwal Pakhangpa died on the fifth day after marrying Shunu Lembi; she followed him into the world of the dead; Soraren tried to scare her back; but the verpre, the tiger, the flood, the fire did not frighten her; S. agreed that her husband should also return to earth with her]: Singh 1985:203-205.

Malaysia-Indonesia. Ngaju [Patih Teteh and his wife Akah Ihang Iho comes to live a young tiger, becomes their son; PT did not recognize him in the woods, accidentally killed him; his wife killed her husband at night by hitting him in the face with a club; when burned the corpse, she felt sorry for her husband, she went to the village of the dead for smoke; on the way, the spirits say every time that the PT had just passed, asked for help in the field, the wife helps; in the spirit village, her deceased Grandma teaches you how to put a net on a sleeping AI; he will promise to turn into a tiger, a snake, a rhino bird (turns off her eyes), she must say that she is not afraid, wants to die herself; he turns into an egg she wraps him in a handkerchief, runs away, the grandmother gives him a comb, teaches him what to do; the woman drops an egg into the river, the stalker spirits dive after it, the bird advises the woman to look for the sixth, she finds it, runs on, throws a comb, it turns into a wall; at home, a woman carves three wooden figures, dresses her husband in clothes; perfume makes a hole in the wall, rushes at the figures, takes it away, discovers that mistaken; woman sprinkles live water on the egg, husband comes to life]: Schärer 1966:151-158; Western Toraja [wife dies, husband plants coconut on the grave; wife's spirit goes out to her husband, but then disappears; through For seven years, he tells you to sprinkle the grave with milk of the seventh coconut, shout, Get up; the wife has come to life, her husband's parents are happy]: Kruyt 1938, No. 45:398.

Taiwan - Philippines. Tingian [wife is dead; at night he comes to help her husband harvest rice; he goes down with her to the lower world of spirits; they sleep, he takes bamboo with her life; they climb to the ground on a creeping stem; they cut him off, the stalking spirits fall down; the woman comes to life]: Rybkin 1971, No. 43:134-135.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Kalmyks [Khan's son fell in love with a simple girl; died; came to her on a full moon; said that he would come every day if she overcame obstacles; give vodka to an iron old man; feed two huge rams with fresh snow; give beef and pies to warriors in shells; make a bloody sacrifice to two demons outside a building with a banner made of human skin; the house has nine ghosts and nine hearts at the khan's throne; only one fresh one will ask not to take it (you must take it), dried ones will ask you to take it (you can't take it); the girl takes her lover's heart, ghosts rush after her, but demons, etc., say that she gave them gifts and miss them; at home, the girl finds her lover alive, they got married]: Badmaev 1899:97-99.

The Arctic. The island of St. Lawrence [wife died; some time after the funeral, the husband finds the grave empty; follows the fox trails to the house, sees a man and a dish of foam through the smoke hole; the man hits a tambourine made of foam The man's wife begins to rise, breaks up; a man with a tambourine tells the foxes to bring the missing bones; the wife is reborn; the man promises a sword, a dog, etc., gets his wife back; at home does leaves a wooden sword, a dog figurine, along with pieces of meat in a deserted place; the perfume accepted the gift, the wife stayed alive]: Krupnik, Krutak 2002:215-216.

NW Coast. Quakiutl.

The coast is the Plateau. Halkomel (lower reaches of Fraser) [Woodpecker and Eagle brothers, both have sons; Woodpecker's wife has teeth in her vagina; Coyote is jealous of young men, turns his wife's excrement into waterfowl; she lures the sons of Woodpecker and Eagle far upstream; they go to heaven, they are taken prisoner; various animals and birds try to ascend to heaven in vain; Woodpecker's wife's uncle makes a chain of arrows, it turns into the path; the first ancestors climb into heaven, fight against celestials, free young men, return; destroy the chain of arrows before the Snail descends; it jumps, has been boneless and slow ever since; The Eagle and Woodpecker cut the supports of the Coyote house, the house collapsed, the Coyote and his wife died; the Bear decided to avenge the Coyote; turned into a dog, came to the Robin Girl, hid; the eldest sons of Eagle and Woodpecker came To marry her, the Bear killed them; the same with the middle sons; the younger ones grow up, train; Raccoon helps them walk between a quartz woman and a Grizzly woman (they start fighting); Grizzly, then also Lynx they are being chased; the Seagull is transported in a boat across the river; when the Grizzly approaches, the Seagull makes a hole in the boat, water is collected, the Grizzly dies from cold water before the boat reaches the opposite bank; there are two blind women, the Duck and the Partridge, who are Norka's wives; he decided to help them; he pretended to be dying, ordered himself to be buried; when he found out that only the Partridge was loyal to him, he left only her wife; Bison - guardian of the entrance to the world of the dead; he missed the son of the Woodpecker and the son of the Eagle; the dead are playing; those who came took the brothers, brought them home, they came to life; the son of the Eagle married a Thrush woman; she cheated on him with his uncle Woodpecker; Eagle's son left; at the festival she spat in the baskets, which were filled with berries; Salmon came with his slave Thunderbird; he stole Thrush and put them in a boat; Woodpecker and Mink took the form of salmon, climbed to the top of the Thunderbird; he let the Thrush clean them; the salmon all fell off the shelf, became so dirty that the Thunderbird told them to be thrown away; the thrush went into the water, the salmon became Mink and Woodpecker , took it away; etc.]: Boas 1895, No. III.3:30-34 (=2002:111-121); Halkomel (lower reaches of the Fraser River): Boas 1895, No. 6 [husband goes to the grave of his deceased wife; Lynxes take them away, Chief Lynx is going to eat them a man who kills Lynx with a knife; makes many pairs of leather shoes, follows his wife; the Pelican helps him; he passes the snake Athlke, which has heads at both ends of his body; returns from heaven to earth with rich in gifts, becomes a shaman; wife does not get back], 7 [wife dies; husband goes to the mountains, comes to heaven; dead dance; husband takes his wife, brings home; observes the prohibition not to have sex with to her before returning; regains sight to her parents, who have become blind during his long absence]: 41-42; Hill-Tout 1904b [the wife dies, the husband goes to the mountains; when he gains strength, he comes to the leader of the dead; he tells do not try to capture his wife first; the husband breaks the ban, the wife disappears; the next time he waits enough, brings her to her native village, does not sleep with her on the way; another widower has followed his wife, received it, but on the way back he met before the deadline; the wife disappeared]: 339-341; Koulitz [the chief's daughter died, she was buried in a tree boat, the bottom was made; Norka repaired the hole, carried the deceased in this boat ; sailed to a beautiful house, the owner stepped over the girl five times, she came to life; he gives Norka beautiful clothes; two years later they come back, Norka explains that he brought his wife back from the land of the dead; they have a son; they are sailing in a boat, Norka dives for some sea food, his wife sees {or thinks she does not understand} that his tail is his giblets; she leaves him, returns to her father, explains that her husband turned into a dangerous creature]: Wilson 1998:292-295; tillamook [a two-headed cannibal keeps the girl like a slave; the young man comes three times, the girl replies to the cannibal that these are her footprints; the young man fights with cannibal, killed, she hangs his body to smoke among other bodies; the victim's younger brother comes; the girl tells him that the cannibal's vulnerabilities are her eyes, nipples and vagina; he kills the cannibal, burns , marries a girl; leaving her body in the house, goes in spirit to the land of the dead to return his brother; on the way he meets people who are parts of a funeral boat; a sparrow carries him across the river; brother agrees to return even though he has two dead wives; the dead cast the fog, but the Sparrow carries the brothers back; both return alive]: Jacobs, Jacobs 1959, No. 29:96-99 Klamath [Creator with his daughter descends into the world of spirits; spirits dance at night, turn into bones during the day; The Creator must keep his eyes closed; wants to repopulate the earth, collects bones in a basket, carries them to the ground, does bones are different tribes]: Gatshet 1890:79-84 in Clark 1966:133; modoc [like Klamath; falls twice, spirits fly out of the basket; reports third time]: Curtin 1912:42-45 in Clark 1953:133-134; upper coquil [the young wife is dead; the husband sleeps on the grave; on the fifth night the wife gets up from the grave, he tries to grab her, but she is incorporeal; he follows her; by the river the old man wants to give her something like lice, but the husband knocks the bag out of his hands so that she does not eat; wraps his arms around her neck, so he gets into the boat; another old man says he is also alive, not a ghost; turns a woman's body into a living body human; sends the couple back, they hold on to a bird that flies four hours over the sea, keep their eyes closed; get home safely]: Jacobs 2007:221-227.

The Midwest. Winnebago: Radin 1926, No. 2 [young wife dies; husband follows her; hairy man teaches him to jump boldly over a wide stream that turns into a stream; spirits dance, try to force him look at them; he resists temptation; receives a tambourine from old people, teaches songs; takes his wife back, throws ash at the persecuting spirits; arranges the first Spirit Dance, where he sings songs, learned in the afterlife, hits a tambourine brought with her]: 33-37; 1932:402-405; 1949:52-57; Smith 1997 [young wife dies; husband goes to the land of the dead for four years; crosses the river into which they fall angry; she has a woman with an ax; the winds help him; the wife dances with skeletons, says they are her husbands; the man withstands the test, returns with his wife]: 173-180; menominee [husband lies down in grave with his deceased wife; gets up, goes west in her footsteps; walks across a shaky bridge, past a terrible dog, seductive strawberries (whoever bites off will die altogether); the dead are ruled by younger brother Menapus a; at night, an old man hits a tambourine, the dead dance; he encloses a woman's soul in a phone, gives it to her husband; on the way back, the woman asks her to let her go; the husband jumps, holding the phone, into the funeral fire at his wife's grave ; both are fully revived]: Bloomfield 1928, No. 65:125-129; Western Ojibwa (chippewa) [a man's daughter died; five shamans agreed to go with him to Wanabojo; asked their spirits at the graves friends, they replied that V. was still on earth; people had reached the island on the lake. Upper, at sunrise; V. grew a cedar on his head, the roots braided his body; one asked if he could live forever, V. replied that only the stone is eternal, the one who asked to turn it into stone, became with a stone, stayed with V., the rest went to the land of spirits; V. said that when the spirits began to dance, the father should put his daughter in a bag, not untie it; on the second day, one of the shamans untied this V. the "snake chain" immediately became a spirit; on the fourth night, the father grabbed the daughter, put it in a bag, they returned to V., who ordered, when he returned home, to put the bag with the man's daughter in the steam room; she came to life] : Densmore 1928:384-386; Eastern Ojibwa (Southern Ontario)] [young wife dies; husband stays at the grave; as soon as he closes his eyes, he sees the wife come out of the grave and walk away; he goes behind, spends the night some distance about the place where she stayed; there is a house nearby; someone (this is Nanabush) says that there are all dogs a person has ever owned; if he did harm to them, they would take revenge; the one who then he gives bags of shoes; when dogs attack, a person throws their shoes and they tear them without touching the person; then another house, his name is, but the man does not go in; finally, the last one, it is empty, only small beds; N. says that when the spirit enters the house, it becomes invisible; but promises to help by hiding the one who comes in his pocket; at night, the spirits will begin to dance on the occasion of the arrival of the new deceased; the man saw, grabbed his wife, put it in a box; there is some kind of rubbing in the second box; the man teaches: you got here in two years, but you will return in two days; you have to heat two stones at home, put it in the box was rubbed to melt, cover both boxes and yourself with a blanket; if the wife speaks, then she came to life; everything was successful; parents came to visit the grave and saw the young couple alive]: Laidlaw 1915, No. 18:14-15.

Northeast. Seneca [with the help of a magic arrow, a young man kills many deer, marries the leader's daughter; sorcerers kill him; his wife follows him into the world of the dead; throws two cougars along the pheasant guarding the path; the dead dance; the Mother of the Dead puts the woman's husband's soul in a pumpkin bottle, gives it to her, tells her to cover the holes in her husband's body with clay when she returns, then let his soul into his mouth; the man comes to life]: Curtin, Hewitt 1918, No. 116:565-573; malesite [the wife dies, the husband follows her; the old woman gives him a nut and butter; the wife's spirit follows him into the world of the living; he pulls out her corpse, rubs it with oil, the wife comes to life]: Mechling 1914, No. 25:88-90; mikmaq [son dies, father comes to the Master of the Dead for him; he gives him a nut with his son's soul; at home, the father lets his soul into his son's dug up corpse; son comes to life]: LeclercQ in Mechling 1914, No. 26:91-93.

Plains. Pawnee [the young man mourns at the bride's grave; a creature in the form of either a skunk or a rainbow leads him into the world of the dead; he is told to throw lice on the girl's head; she itches and comes to life; he returns from bride to earth, marries her]: Dorsey 1904b, No. 20:71-73; assiniboine {whether this text can be considered a story about the return of the deceased is not entirely clear; therefore it is included in the h13 motif, but not in h12} [ When going hunting, the husband tells the pregnant wife not to answer strangers or look at who calls; the guest asks where the door is; the woman: You know it yourself; she serves food; guest: I'm not used to eating like this - put food on your stomach; after eating, he rips her stomach open and takes out her two twins; then he runs around with the woman each of the tipi pillars and takes his wife underground; the returning husband called the wolves, set for he told them to take care of the twins until he returns from the ground; each of the tipi pillars also runs around and goes underground through the hearth; there is a camp by the lake; the old woman warns that the locals are evil people will not return his wife to him, but he will be killed with the help of their manita; but they could not kill him; they handed him over through the old woman: there is a pole in the lake, you have to dive and shake him; he did it; then again, emerging only to evening; warned the old woman: when I am cooked and eaten, collect my bones, cover me with a blanket and lead me to stand up; the old woman has done everything, he has come to life; he lowers the sun into the underworld, the heat dies underground people; he returns with his wife to their children]: Lowie 1909a, No. 16:168-169.

Southeast USA. Yuchi [four men want to know if death exists, kill their wives; they go looking for them; before entering the cave, a cloud (=sky) rises and falls; three run under it in the form of a deer, a cougar, bear, rise to the cloud on the other side; the fourth is crushed; the old sun woman hides them under her clothes from a monstrous cougar; sows corn, beans, pumpkins, they immediately produce crops; the dead are invisible, they dance; The sun puts four wives in calebasses, gives them to their husbands; they wake up on the ground; one opens the vessel before reaching home, the wife disappears; three return their wives, become leaders]: Speck 1909, No. 8:144- 146.

The Great Southwest. Tiva (Taos) [1) Yellow Corn gives birth to a baby, fetches water ahead of time, sorcerers kill her; her husband Magpie's Tail buries her, takes the baby, follows her; during the day, the wife turns into a rabbit; they cross four rivers; the first is water, then ash, soot, blood; the living can only drink from the first; the dead build a log bridge for those who come, their logs are sunflower stalks; at night the dead dance, turn into rabbits during the day; the crow teaches her husband to pull his wife out of the window by the hand; she becomes a rabbit, the eagle tears him to shreds; the spirits of the rain cover their shreds with a blanket; the woman revives, returns with husband to people; 2) sorcerers kill Blue Corn; her sister Yellow Corn sleeps on the grave, follows her sister; further as in (1); ash, black, red rivers; rabbit covered with a dance skirt; kachina hits there with lightning, a woman comes to life]: Parsons 1940a, No. 6:23-28.

Mesoamerica The Aztecs [after raising the sky, Quetzalcoatl went to the underworld, asked its owner and mistress for human bones; the owner told him to blow into the horn first; K. asked the worms to do in holes in the bones, put beans there; blew into the horn; the owner changed his mind, ordered to leave the bones; nagual K. advised me to say, Yes, pick up the bones yourself; the owner ordered to dig a hole on K.'s way; quails they frightened K., he fell, dropped his bones; brought only fragments; in the upper world, the goddess Sinaconatl-Kitaztli grinded them into flour, all the gods injured their penises, moistened the flour with blood; this is how people appeared]: Krickeberg 1928:10-11.

The Central Andes. Kauri (prov. Kispicanchis, dep. Cusco) [Kkoa sends lightning and hail, he is the patron saint of shamans and wild cats; his lamas are vicuñas, roosters are condors; the entrance to his palace is through four lakes; corn is floating on the surface, potatoes, chunyo (starch); those who try to take them drown; lightning kills a man; the shaman takes his widow and six best thieves with him; while Kkoa is entertaining, the widow and thieves take her husband to the ground; he comes to life ]: Mishkin 1940:237-238.

Montagna - Jurua. Amouesha [the shaman had a young wife, left two children; the shaman grieves, the wife arrives in the form of a bee; in a dream he tells him that he should cover her with a cloth, leave her in a hut for three months leaves, return to the full moon; he did so, his wife came to life, her descendants are members of one of the ancestral units]: Santos-Granero 1991, No. 15:212-213.