Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

H16A. Rivers of Blood, A671.2.2.


The narratives (in different contexts) mention rivers (lakes) of blood (also water used to wash the dead, pus, bones, sweat). Cf. motives H16, K33F, N34.

Yoruba, Masai, Portuguese, Spanish, Basque, Sicilians, Italians (Piedmont), Maltese, Scots, Tibetans, Ancient India, Balakhs, Romanians, Macedonians, Greeks, Gagauz people, Kumyks, Dargins, Lucks, Armenians, Turks, Persians, Kalash, Eastern Sami, Lithuanians, Latvians, Bashkirs, Altaians, Shors, Tuvans, Nenets, Nganasans, Northern Selkups, Western and North-Eastern Yakuts, Baikal Evenks, Far Eastern (?) Evenks, Nanais, Udege, (Ainu), Forest Yukaghirs, Ingalic, Pomo, Tiwa, Popoluka, Nahuatl (Veracruz), Quiche, Jikake, Kuna, Mestizos Colombia, Yanomami, Quechua (Ayacucho, Cusco), Toba.

West Africa. Yoruba [mother sent her daughter to sell palm oil; in the evening a spirit (goblin) came up and bought oil; after counting the kauri received, the girl said that one was not enough; the spirit replied that He no longer has and left; the girl followed him; he tells her to return many times, but she continues to go demanding her kauri; they come to people standing on their heads and interpreting yams head; to the river of pus (filth); there the spirit says that there will be another river of blood, a steep mountain; the girl continues to walk; they come to the land of the dead; there the spirit gives her a nut, tells her to take oil, give him cake; the girl does the opposite, the spirit is happy; the banana and the peel are the same; the spirit tells you to collect ado (small kaletas pumpkins for potions), take not the ones that ask them to take, but those that are silent; halfway to home, let she will break the first calebass, the second near the house, the third in the house; the girl does so, slaves, horses, cattle, piles of cowries appear from the calebas; the girl's mother gave rich gifts to the leader's wife; she refused to take and She sent her own daughter to sell butter; she was still the same, but she took the butter and banana for herself, gave the cake and peel to her perfume, picked off the calebasses who asked for it; wild animals appeared out of the calabasa, they tore her apart on the doorstep of the house; she asked to open the door, but she was only deaf in the house and did not hear her screams]: Ellis 1894, No. 1:244-249.

Sudan - East Africa. Masai [a group of warriors raided for cattle; one of his sandals broke; they did not wait for him, the latter promised to leave a branch at a fork in the road; the wind carried the sign to another place; the person took the other road, met the Month, praised his appearance; he advised him to do what he would be asked to do every time; the man comes to the river of water, then to the river of milk, to the river blood; everyone asks to drink from it; he promises to do it by crossing the river, does not fulfill promises; fighting swords, axes ask them to separate, sharpen them; he promises, passes, does not fulfill; double-headed a shepherd herds two-tailed cows; a person says he does not notice anything special about him; God's wife offers a choice of fresh or stale milk, a clean or dusty place to sleep, etc.; every person once he chooses what is worse, he gets what is better; God's wife gives him herds of cattle and sends him home the other way; his brother decides to follow the same path; each time he does different than that person; he does not they gave cattle, only a sword and an ax he brought]: Kipury 1983, No. 29:107-110.

Southern Europe. The Portuguese (many records) [the older brother and then the other two go on a journey (or all three go together); or the poor man goes to look for work, gets advice from the host; everyone meets an old lady (St. Virgo), should be kind to her; the owner sends everyone with instructions and instructions (written in the letter): feed the child, do not touch certain objects (do not stop), do not be surprised when strange; older brothers do not comply with the conditions, disappear, die; the younger one does everything right; crosses the bloody river (he is helped by St. Virgo); chooses a blessing rather than the owner's money; envious older brothers bury him alive; he is rewarded, receives explanations for what he has seen; rivers of blood, milk, tears: Christ's blood, milk and tears Mary; orchard - Eden; skinny sheep in fat pastures and vice versa: sinners and righteous; colliding cobblestones: tongues of evil women; a man knocking down mature and unripe figs from a tree: death that takes anyone; woodcutter: cooks firewood to burn souls in hell; paradise palace; man dies (stays in paradise)]: Cardigos 2006, No. 461:112-113; Spaniards [older brother went to look for work; the owner tells the sheep to be herded not in the meadow, but in the stone wasteland; the guy brought the sheep to the meadow, they ate nothing; the owner offers to pay gold, silver or God's mercy; he chose gold; he did not return home, and built a palace and married; the same with his middle brother; the younger one let the sheep into the wasteland, they became fat; drove the sheep, two fighting stones ahead; they stopped and let him and the sheep pass; saw an old woman who knocked a fig tree down promised to knock him down; went to the bloody river; it dried up, the guy crossed to the other side with the sheep, and then the river was filled with blood again; the owner gives explanations; colliding stones: young men's older brothers; old woman - Envy; blood in the river: brothers' envy; the young man chose God's mercy as a reward; also received a piece of bread; bit off - no less; brought bread for his father and he never ran out; they were visited by that master and San Juan; when leaving, the owner left the cross; the young man ran after him, but the owner ordered him to keep the cross for himself; the older brothers accused the younger of stealing, they bribed the judge, the young man is about to be hung; he asked to bring him that cross, turned to him, the older brothers died immediately, and the youngest lived happily with his father]: Camarena, Chevalier 1995, No. 471:349-353; Basques [two witches are going to sink a ship in three waves; one wave of milk, another tear, a third of blood; one witch tells another that fishermen will be able to escape only if they throw a harpoon from in the middle of the last wave, that is, the bloody wave; the fisherman overheard it, threw a harpoon, there was a groan; at home he found his aunt dying, her daughter was terrified; they were witches]: Walter 2008:147-148; Sicilians [when he dies, the pious king tells his son Spadónia to send bread to purgatory every morning; S. wants to know if he is doing the right thing, sends a servant on this donkey to find out; in purgatory, Jesus explains the servant he saw; the river of milk - Mary fed Christ with it; the river of blood - the blood of sinners; skinny cows in the fat meadows were self-interested; fat cows in skinny meadows were pious non-owners; the logger in The forest, cutting indiscriminately - Death; Jesus orders S. to marry a girl named Sécula; he traveled all over the world, found a poor girl with that name; the Savior and the apostles visited them; they distributed property, their souls flew to the kingdom of heaven]: Gonzenbach 2004a [1870], No. 48:318-323; Italians (Piedmont; 717-718: Calvino added the old lady's motif; in the original, the assistant is the enchanted queen) [the owner of the pear tree sends four baskets of pears to the king every year; once there were not enough pears and the man hid his little daughter under the pears; the palace noticed that someone was eating pears found the girl, called Perina ("Grushka"); she grew up, everyone likes it, the maids are jealous, they tell the king that P. boasted to get the witch's treasures; P. passed by an apple tree, a peach tree, reached the pear and climbed on it to sleep; in the morning, an old woman under a pear asks where P. is going, gives fat, bread and millet; P. comes to three women who wiped the oven with their hair; gave them to do this millet; gives bread to dogs; comes to the blood-red river; the old woman taught me to say: "Wonderful red water, I'm in a hurry and I'll try you"; the waters parted, P. crossed to the other side; the door to the palace constantly opens and slams shut, P. greased it, passed, grabbed the treasure box, ran; the witch tells the doors to slam shut, the river to drown P., the dogs to grab, the stove to burn; the door, the river, dogs, women at the stove praise P. and refuse to stop her; on the way, P. opened the box, the chicken with the golden chickens ran away; P. reached the pear tree, where the old woman placed the runaway back; advised me to ask the king for a chest of coals in the basement as a reward; they brought her a chest, a prince jumped out of it, married P.]: Calvino 1980, No. 11:35-37; the Maltese [two brothers are leaving , the youngest remains with his blind mother; the second brother is hired; he must ride a horse to see where the dog accompanying him stops; must cross the blood stream and swim across the river tears; returns when he sees a barbed fence; receives a salary and leaves; a younger brother is hired for the same service; he cries when he sees a stream of blood (this is Christ's blood), a river of tears (tears of the Virgin) and prickly a hedge (the Savior's crown of thorns); the dog touches the fence, which opens a passage leading to the garden and palace; in it is the Mother of God, she gives the young man two pink beads for him and his mother; he returns to his master; he explains that two Moor guards were his brothers in hell, and 300 years have passed since he joined the service; the young man returns to his mother, both die]: Mifsud-Chircop 1978, No. 471: 124-125.

Western Europe. Scots [in the 13th century. Thomas Learmont meets the fairy queen; she leads him to his country; the wide road is sinners, the narrow road is the righteous, the third road is the fairies; she goes through the gorge, along the bottom of which all the world's spilled blood; having received the gift of truthfulness, prophecy and poem, TL returns]: Kharitonov 2008:309-319; {This is probably from Folklore in the English and Scottish ballads by Lowry Charles Wimberly. Univ. of Chicago Press, 1928, referred to by S. Thompson, A671.2.2}.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Tibetans: Potanin 1891 (Mongolian fairy tale, translated from a Tibetan source) [two maids persuaded Princess Saman-Tabadri to go washing with her basins; the maids' copper basins swam, ST's golden basin drowned; ST sends a messenger to his father to ask if her parents will forgive her; maids replace the father's answer as if he drives his daughter away; meet a young king, pretend to be a princess, ST as a maid; one maid promises to dress a hundred people with a handful of rags, the second to feed a hundred people with a handful of flour, ST to give birth to a child with golden breasts; the king takes ST as his wife; the maids hide the child under the threshold, leaving only last; something pulls the king when he crosses the threshold; the maids hide the child over a joint, under the throne, in a barn, bury it in the garden; a tree with yellow branches grows, it is spoiled by sheep, one gives birth an unusual lamb, he turns into Prince Erdeni Haralik; the maids are driven away; Oh goes to his grandfather, then pulls out the heart of the bull, the bride; on the way to her he drives through an impenetrable lake with black water ( dries up), the mountains part; the Rakshasa Palace is surrounded by seven iron walls, at the entrance there is a lake of blood, around a pile of human meat]: 141-143; Sagalaev 1984 (Lamaist pantheon of Tibet and Mongolia) [ The patron of religion lived in a skull palace in the cemetery; there were four lakes in the vicinity: milk, gold, blood lake, oil lake]: 73; Yao 1986 [the hermit washed his clothes in the river, the deer drank water, gave birth to a beautiful girl, the hermit adopted her; the hunter chased the deer, saw the girl, told the king; the hermit agreed to give the girl if the king converted to Buddhism; 2500 concubines and the former wife wants to lime a new one; they find out that the hermit has given the queen a protective necklace; having crept into trust, the witch replaces the beads; smears the queen's face with blood, puts it under the pillow parts of the corpse; the king wants to kill his wife, the parrot interferes; the same, when the witch cut off the elephant's trunk, put it on the queen; the parrot tells how the woman left the cat to watch the baby; the cat killed the snake, went out to the mistress, her mouth was covered in blood, the hostess thought that the cat had bitten to death the child, killed her, then repented; the third time the witch killed the king's younger brother, smeared the queen's mouth with blood; the king killed the parrot, ordered the queen to be thrown into the fetid sea of blood; three executions took the queen there, only the elder decided to throw it; she turned to Buddha, was tormented, went out, took the form of a nun; a former queen and witch came to her to repent, told her everything, the king overheard; the nun became queen again, forgave her pursuers]: 100-114.

South Asia. Ancient India: Temkin, Erman 1982, No. 40 [the bloody and fiery Waitarani River separates the earth from the realm of the dead in the underworld]: 97, 254 (note); Erman, Temkin 1975, No. 34 [("by epic sources"); Narada suggests that Ravana not waste time defeating the inhabitants of the earth, but to invade the kingdom of Yama; there R. sees the bloody Vaitarani River, in which sinners swim; they are exposed and other torments; R. disperses guards, frees sinners; Pashupat's arrow destroys Yama's army; he sends against R. Death (masculine) with a mace in his hand and Time; Brahma asks Yama not to kill R. because he gave him immortality; if R. dies, B. breaks his word, the world will be dominated by lies; R. leaves the realm of the dead ]: 97-100; balakhi [on the tenth day after death, the soul arrives at a fork in three paths; one on the ground, with a stream of blood, the other into heaven, with a stream of ragweed, the third to hell, with a stream of pus and excrement; Dharmraj watches what the soul has swallowed; if it sends blood back to earth for rebirth, if ragweed to Bhagwan's abode, if pus and excrement, then to hell]: Fuchs 1950:222.

The Balkans. The Romanians [one hundred of the widow's sons went to plow; the damn dragons first stole the older sister, then the other 99, making a furrow (not to the brothers' field, but to their house; the brothers went in search; came to cow shepherds; they warned that the brothers would defeat the dragon if they could eat 99 roasted oxen, 99 bread ovens and 99 barrels of wine; they could not; the horse shepherd said they would win dragons, only if a stallion with 99 hearts were tamed, they could not; the dragon killed them all; their mother swallowed a pea, gave birth to Pea Veselice; playing with the children, he learned about the fate of his siblings; so get her mother to confess, put {something hot on her chest? Grundbalken; on the way he ate 99 roasted oxen, 99 bread ovens, drank 99 barrels of wine, drove to death a stallion with 99 hearts; his older sister recognized him when he saw his scarves and beads; before killing him the dragon, learned from him how to revive his siblings; on the way home, the brothers tied Pea to a tree; he escaped, got home and then went to see the world; saw a man at his bedside dying sisters; he indicated where to look for the Beauty of the World; Pea forced the owl to return the stolen hearts and killed him, returned his hearts; crossed the bloody river; saw the Beauty of the World swimming in a milk lake; he stole her clothes, but broke the advice not to look back and turned into a deer with 99 horns; with an old man hit him with a sword and he became human again; next time he did everything right, but did not give way to Titicot and he killed him]: Bîrlea 1966:404-406; the Macedonians [the king is sick; he will be cured by the nightingale Intizal; whoever of the three sons brings the nightingale will give him the throne; at the fork there is a stone: whoever goes along he will return on the first road, he may return on the second road, he will not return on the third road; the brothers leave their rings under the stone, the youngest is on the third road; the mother of 40 dragons greets her; she replies that if he hadn't greeted her, she would eat it; takes an oath from her sons that they will not eat the hidden one; they do not know about the nightingale, they send him to 80 dragon brothers; the youngest of 40 leads there; the same place; the youngest of the 80 dragons leads to the river; you have to whip up the foam, there will be a bridge; hang the left half of the door on the right hinges and vice versa; in front of the lion, the hay, the meat must be changed; get drunk from the spring with blood and rot, praise the freshness of the water; go up the stairs, there are two sabers, outweigh; a girl sits, if her eyes are open, she sleeps; you have to kiss her, pick up the nightingale cage; girl wakes up, tells me to grab the thief, but sabers, lion, etc. answer that they have not outweighed them for 9 years (etc.); the girl asks to take her with her, she will die without a nightingale; the young man takes her; returns with her brothers, his father marries him to the girl he brought, gives him half the kingdom]: Martin 1955:40-46; the Greeks (Lesbos) [the poor man has three daughters for marriage; the coffee maker advises not to grieve, but to throw a net in the name of his eldest daughter; the catch was unusually large and the proceeds of 800 piastres were enough to pass off the daughter as a mule driver; two years later, the same with the middle daughter (2,000 piastres, assistant greengrocer); when the net was abandoned in the name of the youngest, there was a huge lobster in her, loaded on two carts and brought home; daughter's father: this is your husband; at night a beautiful young man Melidoni is nearby; drinks and food appeared, the girl is happy; her mother and sisters feel sorry for her; they see Prince Charming three times, offering to marry him instead of looking at the lobster; unable to stand it, the girl replies that this is her husband; he leaves immediately: you are unlikely to see me again; the girl goes in search, taking three pairs of iron-soled shoes; a year later she saw a dried pond; a cannibal lies in the mud, long eyelashes cover her face; the girl slipped under her eyelashes a wand, cut them off with an ax, poured water on the cannibal and hid behind a tree; she could not see for 15 years; if you are a woman, I will make them queen, if a man is king; the girl left after the cannibal swore not to harm her; explained that she was looking for M.; the cannibal told her to spend the night with her, tomorrow her and her two sisters would come; turned the girl into a button and put it in her pocket; son: I can feel human spirit; Melidoni? I know that his beautiful wife betrayed him; the cannibal sends the girl to her sister, a year later she came, everything repeats itself; the cannibal says that M. is the son of her younger sister; gives a frying pan and three apples; it is necessary come and knock an apple on the pan, M. will appear in different guises; you can't let him kiss her; the girl did not allow herself to be kissed, but gives an apple every time; M. (he in the guise of another man) turned it into a button, brought it to his mother; took an oath from her that she would not eat his wife, turned the button again to the girl; she demands to sweep and not sweep the room; M.: litter and then sprinkle dust; cook and do not cook the meat (cook half, and chop the rest and start cooking only when the cannibal returns); the cannibal tells you to go to her sister for yeast bread for her son's wedding; M. in the form of a boy (supposedly he is M.'s son); you have to walk barefoot on the thorns and grab them for their softness; praise wormy figs; in front of the donkey bones, in front of the dog hay - change; source blood and pus: drink and praise water; grab yeast at the top of the stairs and run; the cannibal tells you to detain the fugitive, the donkey, the dog, the spring, the thorns refuse; the cannibal tells you to fill the pillow with feathers, feed the dog, bring the donkey to dance, and bring bread intact; M. summoned the birds, they threw off their feathers; beat the donkey, let him lie; at the wedding you will be given torches; do not throw it, even if they will burn their hands and then throw them at the bride; the brides' hair flashed, everyone left to extinguish, and M. and his wife returned to her parents, who by then had burned the lobster shell]: Paton 1901, No. 16:86-93; Gagauz [the eldest of the shepherd's daughters: if the son of a padishah marries me, a hundred carpet that will cover the entire army; middle: I will bake bread for the whole army; youngest: I will face a boy with a month on his forehead, a girl with the sun; the son of the padishah takes the youngest; leaves with his father; the wife gives birth to a girl Gn ("sun"), a boy Ay ("month"); mother-in-law and witch grandmother write a letter that the wife gave birth to two puppies; children they let her down in a box into the river, their mother is buried waist-deep in the ground, everyone should beat her and spit on her; the poor picked up the children; they grew up, left, found a home, began to live there; the witch grandmother persuades their sister ask your brother to bring 1) an apple from Dnn Gzeli ("beauty of the world"); the old woman tells you to try bitter apples, praise the taste; drink from a spring of blood and pus, praise water; if DG has eyes open means he is sleeping; brother wraps DG hair around his arm, makes him say where the apple tree brings apples; 2) a mirror from DG; 3) brought and married DG herself; the young man forgets that when his eyes are closed, DG does not sleep, she turns it into stone; sister goes to look for him; old woman: grass in front of the wolf, bone in front of the goat, must be swapped; bitter apples, a spring of blood and pus (like with a brother); wind 99 braids of DG on hand, make her brother revive; she revives 99 men, the girl's hundredth brother, all three come back, the young man meets his father, who has already become a padishah; DG frees the mother of the children, gives the dogs food, whose mother-in-law and witch wanted to poison them; her grandmother was tied to the tails of 40 horses, and her mother-in-law was stabbed with 40 knives]: Syrf 2013:174-181.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Kumyks [the serpent crawls into the old man's shoe, demands to give his daughter; only the youngest agrees; the father sends her to the snake in the barn; the snake sheds its skin, becomes handsome, the barn becomes a palace; sisters they ask the youngest, out of envy, put a knife in the crack from where the serpent crawls out; he is wounded, returns to the lower world; the wife goes to look for him, puts the ring in the jug of the maid who came for water; the husband- the serpent recognizes the ring; his mother and aunt are azhdakha, their aunt's daughter wants to marry him; the mother tells the girl to sweep the way to her sister Azhdakh's house, the Serpent is happy with everything; tells her to bring yeast from her house; The serpent tells you to praise the black thorns, pin them to the chest; drink from rivers of blood and pus, praise them; close the slanting gate; take the bone from the horse, give the dog, the hay from the dog to the horse; the girl takes yeast runs away; the dog, the gate, etc. refuse to detain her, because the mistress of Azhdaha treated them badly, and the girl treated them well; the snake brought her to pieces, runs with the girl, both chases her ; The serpent throws a comb (thorny forest), salt (salt swamps), needles (turn into two trees); The serpent and the girl climb on them, Azhdaha next, the Serpent throws two spinners, they turn into millstones, crush azhdakha; boy and girl have achieved their desires]: Ganiyeva 2011b, No. 11:175-179; Dargins [the serpent demands that the ploughman give his daughter; only the youngest agrees; in her palace, the serpent sheds her skin, turns into a handsome man; older sisters sweep, find skin, burn; husband disappears; wife goes down a hole into the lower world, where the boy came for water, she throws a ring into the jug; Agaikhan's husband recognizes her; his bloodthirsty mother Vahig gives difficult errands; 1) clean the house using triangular needles (the wind cleans); 2) cover the house with feathers (birds perform); 3) bring a zurna with a drum from behind the mountains for the wedding, A.; A. teaches to praise, sip from rivers of blood and bitterness, shift meat to dogs, hay to horses, open the closed gate, close the open gate; the girl brings a zurna and a drum, the guard in vain orders her to stop; V. passes A. off as a freak - the daughter of another V.; A. kills her, with a girl in the guise of pigeons they fly to the ground, V. chases an eagle; pigeons chase oats, eagle - chicken with chickens, peck grains; I did not notice two grains, returned to the lower world, and A. and his wife became people, live well]: Ganiyeva 2011b, No. 42:378-383; varnishes (village. Tabakhlu, 1836) [the red cow tells the hungry stepdaughter to suck her horns, honey flows from the right, oil from the left; the wind blows her hair away, the stepmother tells her to find it and return it; the cow teaches me to go to people who grind pearls gold, corals, wish everyone the best, ask themselves, they will show the way to the wind Chassage; horses will have bones, dogs have hay, you need to change; call the muddy river oil, take a sip; Wind Chassage, Aerial Asiyat should ask for wool back; she will ask you to scrape the rooms, they must be whitewashed, cleaned; pull out her hair, tear clothes - comb them, wash them; that's what happened; girl she put her finger into the river, it turned silver, the river let it through {apparently parted}; the same was a bloody river, the girl called it honey, her finger turned golden; C. poured golden water on her head and hair became gold; C. offered to sleep on a golden bed, wants to make the girl a daughter, hides the wool under her head; the girl pulled her out, ran; the old woman tells everyone to grab her, calls the river bloody , but they only give the girl even more; the stepmother plants her own daughter to spin her hair next to the cow; the wind blows away the hair, but the cow teaches the wrong way; the girl scolds the people she meets, gives bones to horses, hay to dogs, from the water of the muddy river, her fingers are covered with ulcers; C. tears her hair and clothes; she pours dirty liquid on her head, her face and body are covered with ulcers and boils; the cow was stabbed, her stepdaughter buried her bones; asked they have beautiful shoes and clothes to go to the wedding; one shoe swam along the river; the prince found it, he is just right for his stepdaughter, the prince took her to his wife; the stepmother and daughter also went; the bride is thirsty, stepmother gives her a drink, taking her eyes out; throws her into the well, dresses her daughter in her dress; the merchants pulled the girl out of the well, she turned into a canary; flying into the prince's garden, asks the gardener say hello to the prince, and let the tree dry up; the prince sees that many trees have dried up; the canary has been caught, the false wife ordered her to be slaughtered, a tree has grown out of blood; dates are falling on the prince, his wife is scratched by thorns; his wife orders to make a cradle for her child out of wood; the old woman's son picked up the chips, threw it behind the chest; they turned into a girl when she cries (?) , when she laughs, pearls, silver and gold horseshoes fall from under her feet; the cradle squeezed the child to death; the old woman's son fattens a lousy horse in the palace; the girl turns it into a painted horse; the king comes to see him, falls in love with a girl; girls are going to tell fairy tales, a true bride tells her own; stepmother and her daughter are tied to horses; wedding]: Khalilov 1976, No. 46:109-119; Armenians [three princes shoot arrows; if an arrow falls into a deserted place, you cannot marry; the youngest's arrow falls at a cliff, a passage opens in it, the old woman gives youngest daughter; upon return, the son finds out that his mother has died; the king wants his daughter-in-law, the vizier offers difficult tasks; 1) pay a seven-year tribute from the king of the virgins (the wife orders to take her brother's horse and sword, with with their help, the husband defeats the virgins); 2) a carpet on which the army will fit (mother-in-law gives); 3) go to the deceased mother, find out where the treasure is buried; the elder brother-in-law and the prince jump to heaven to the dead; then the prince walks alone, sees those suffering for sins (on the way back they tell us what they were punished for); the woman's breasts are sucked by puppies; the naked freezes among the scattered silks; the old man draws and drinks blood from the cauldron (next to him meat); a skinny bull in fat meadows, fat on bare ground; a man lies a bridge across the water, water washes worms off his sides, they reappear; yk in fat meadows, fat on bare ground; man lies across the water, the water washes the worms off his sides, they again rip with black, red, yellow stripes of water; the mother first offers to cross the river to her; when she finds out why he came, she gives a ring with which sealed the treasure; tells the tsar to turn into a black stone; as it happened, the prince took the throne]: Bunyatov et al. 1900, No. 5:89-101; Turks: Stebleva 1986, No. 72 [padishah forbade lighting a fire ; three orphan sisters violate the ban, they must work; if the padishah married her, the eldest would weave a carpet on which the army and all the inhabitants would sit; the middle would cook a pilava cauldron, everyone would enough; the youngest would give birth to a boy with a month and a girl with the sun in her forehead; the padishah hears this, tells them to bring sisters; the eldest two confess that they only wanted to marry, were sent to a goose stable; the youngest became the wife of a padishah, gave birth to the promised children; the sisters tell the midwife to lower the babies in the chest along the river, the mother to put puppies; the padishah tells her to bury his wife at a fork in the roads to the waist, no one cares about her in the face; the old dervish found the children; when he died, he left them a ring (in it a wishful arap), a skin and a whip (if you sit on the skin, hit them with a whip, the arap will deliver them anywhere or destroy that ordered); brother and sister are transferred to a fork in the roads in the country of the padishah; their mother's sisters find out about this, send the midwife to persuade her sister to ask her brother to bring 1) a poplar with the players leaves; the arap brings to the borders of that country, teaches him to politely treat the half-blind Balkis Khan, she sends him to the Nailans, the young man grabs the topolek, N. does not have time to turn the person who has come into stone, B. he does not detains because he was kind to her; 2) a bird from that tree (the same; you have to drink it from a source of blood and a source of pus, praise her, they do not detain the kidnapper); but the tree does not play, the bird does not sing; 3) the owner of the poplar; the young man picked up the Zumranka birds that had fallen out of the nest; their mother spat in the water he had prepared for him to die of the poison, but the chicks explained that he helped them; Z. poured water, gave 4 pen; N. gradually turns the young man into stone, but he burns feathers one by one; after the fourth he is alive again; N. returns with him by his wife; calls the padishah to visit, tells him to put gold in his pocket spoon, accuses him of stealing; just as the padishah could not steal the spoon, so the woman could not give birth to puppies; the padishah tells his wife to open and buy, return the children, execute his wife's sisters and midwife at the top of the mountain]: 293 -299; Walker, Uysal 1966, No. 5 [at the source, Bey's son's horse steps on the witch's foot, she tells the young man to fall in love with the cucumber girl (OD); the father sends him for her; at night, the young man overhears the owner explains to her daughter what to do; 1) give milk to a lion, meat to a tiger, chewing gum to a witch; 2) a source from which blood and pus flow, tell him how clean it is, drink three handfuls; 3) split off a pine tree a sliver, give it and all her gold to the giantess while the giants sleep (their eyes are open); the giantess will give three cucumbers; there are three girls inside the cucumbers; open the cucumbers where there is water, otherwise the girls will die of thirst; giants tell creatures and objects to stop the young man, they say they are grateful to him; two girls died of thirst; a third waits for the young man on the poplar for him to arrange a wedding; an ugly maid saw a reflection in the source, decided it was her own; next time she asked how OD got in; Putting eggs one on top of the other; then OD told the tree to bend down; the maid said now she is her mother; looking in her hair, she pulled out the hair of life; OD fell, sesame grew up in that place; the maid explained to the young man that she was fool from the frost and the sun; the young man attached the sesame to his hat; married a maid, she asked to throw sesame into the fire, from there two pigeons flew out; resin to the branches, the pigeons stuck, they were slaughtered, poplar grew out of blood; it was made a cradle for the maid's son; one The old woman picked up the sliver; in her absence, the sliver turns into OD, cleans the house; the old woman grabs it, adopts it; in hunger, Bey's son distributes his horses; where OD steps, green grass grows, a horse she eats; the rest of the horses starved to death; the young man comes for him, the girl speaks in riddles; he comes back, she tells everything; the maid and the child were sent to the mountains, the horse threw them into the abyss]: 64-71 .

Iran - Central Asia. The Persians (Kerman) [the wives of the vizier and king are pregnant; the king offers to marry children if they are of different sexes; the vizier has a daughter, Mer Niga (Eye of Grace), and the king has a son, a black serpent Miz Mast , or Humar (Sleepy Head); on the wedding night, H. takes off his skin, appears to be a young man; puts his skin back on in the morning; the king tells his daughter-in-law to prevent her husband from turning into a snake; the prince tells his wife that his skin can be burned in a fire made of egg shells, a broom handle, and hair from a dog's tail; in which case it will disappear and they won't see each other; MN burns the skin; prince says his wife will find him after trampling seven a pair of iron shoes and wearing out seven paper cloaks; after wearing out the last pair, MN meets a slave; she says that H. is going to marry; MN throws the ring into the jug, tells the slave to make it fell into H.'s hands along with water; after recognizing the ring, H. finds MN; she faces death if found out; MN pretends to be a slave; H. gives her his curl, tells her to burn her hair every time she needs it help; mother of the bride H. (this is his aunt) tells the imaginary maid 1) sweep with a broom to which the pearls are attached without losing a single pearl; they immediately crumble, MN calls H., he does everything; 2) bring water in a colander and sprinkle the floor (X. performs); 3) fills the box with stinging insects, says that it is full of pearls, tells you to take it where it should be; throw bones on the horse on the way, straw the dog, do not open the closed ones doors, do not close the open ones, do not go to the hole with dirt and blood; MN looked into the box, insects crawled over it; H. collected them; ordered them to do the opposite of what his aunt told him to do; MN opens and closes the doors, greets everyone, gives bones to the dog, horse straw, says that she would like to taste honey from a sweet pit; the aunt orders the door, the dog, the hole to catch the girl; they refuse; on the wedding day, the aunt tells his wife to put candles on the fingers of the slave (i.e. MN) to illuminate the path for the bride; the prince tells his wife to say goodbye to all things; after the wedding ceremony, she cuts off her head; takes away many; she forgot to say goodbye to the pound weight; the kettlebell talks about the bride's murder and escape; Aunt H. and her husband (they are divas) follow the fugitives; turning to God in Solomon's name, H. throws reeds, it turned into reeds; the needle is a grove of needles; salt is a salt marsh; sea foam is the sea with a clot of foam floating in it; aunt: how did you get there? H.: stepped on a rock in the middle of the sea (this is foam); the pursuers jumped on it, drowned; everything is fine]: Lorimer 1919, No. 6:25-32; kalashi [there are seven heavens; each has a river originating; the river of the upper sky - dairy, if it overflows, a good harvest; the river below the sixth sky is made of blood, its spills cause disease, hunger, war]: Yettmar 1986:358.

Baltoscandia. Eastern Sami [Mändash Virgo (deer woman) has a son, Mändash, a boy; asked his mother to bring him a bride; the road goes across a river of blood, there are waves from the lungs, liver stones; the eldest the old man's daughter hardly wades her; eats the grease insoles in her mother-in-law's shoes, puts hay, hits the deer on the nose; mother-in-law turns her into stone; the same with her middle sister; the youngest dries the insoles well , dries the bloody river with alder bark powder, ties red cloth into the deer's ears; once her children soaked their beds; her mother-in-law took everyone to the tundra in the guise of wild deer, wife Myandash a also became a vazhenka]: Czarnoluski 1962:84-93 (=1965:55-62); Lithuanians: Lebite 1965:101-104 [the father left each of the 9 sons a stallion, and his daughter Elenita their mother mare; E. goes to look for brothers, stallions respond to the mare's laughing; Laume appears, dressed in rags, rides in a trough pulled by a pig, reins - guts; offers to swim in the river, says that milk flows in this one, the other is blood; the bunny saved by E. tells him not to believe - blood in this river, milk in another; L. breaks his paw; so several times, L. broke all her legs, twisted the bunny's neck; while E. is swimming, L. dresses up in her dress, tells her to go in a trough; the brothers mistake L. for E., send E. to herd their horses; E. asks the Month how her deceased parents live in paradise; the Month praises their lives, L. shouts that they are not living well; the brothers hear E.'s song, take turns eavesdropping, everyone falls asleep, the youngest does not, asks him to look in his head, notices a familiar ring on E.'s finger, she talks about L.; the brothers smear the mare with tar, L . sticks with its legs, arms, body; the mare carries it wherever animals do not wander; siblings live well]; Schleicher 1857 in Espinosa 1930 [nine brothers leave home, the eldest puts it on his finger Onutte's sister has a gold ring; O. grows up, her mother lets her look for her brothers; the hare asks to take him with him, sits in her cart; laume, the name O., bathe in the sea, they say that there is a river of milk behind them, and from Wine oozes on the shore; the Hare explains that it is a river of tears, and blood is pouring from the shore; Laume stretches out the back leg of the Hare in anger; the same with the other laume, she throws the Hare off the cart; the third forces O. swim with her; turns her into a louse, herself into a flea, whoever jumps out of the water first wears beautiful clothes and the other wears old leather; puts on O.'s clothes, but O. stays with the ring; they arrive at 9 brothers, O. are sent to watch the horses; O. talks about what happened to his skate, the older brother hears it, tells O. to wash his hair, sees the ring; washes O., dresses beautifully; the brothers put in horse on the door, smeared with resin, the name is Laume, she is glued with one hand, leg, other, stomach; the horse is whipped, it takes Laumer-baby story thrown against the rock, half falls into the water, half to land; therefore, the skull]: 146-148; Latvians [the elderly couple had a hairy son in old age, Bear Jan; he asks his father three times to forge an iron staff for him; each time he throws him into the sky; takes the one who hardly bent, picked up when falling with his finger; meets, takes as companions a digging mountain (Kalnuratseis) and fishing with a rod - a mast tree; stopped in an empty castle; queues cook, every time an old woman beats the cook, takes food; when it's my turn, an old man comes up, MYA drove his beard into a block, hit the old woman with a staff; guards three nights by the bloody river; kills three- and six-headed on a silver, golden horse; when fighting a 12-headed diamond horse, help is needed; the companions are sleeping, I woke them up by throwing his staff into the castle; by this time, the water left in the vessel blushed (a sign of danger); killed a 12-headed; rolled back a stone, tells him to lower it into the abyss; there is that old man, I killed him; in silver, gold, diamond cities, three girls sew clothes out of silver and gold , diamonds; each collects its own city in an egg; the companions raised everyone; I returned the line behind the hat; the satellites began to raise, thought they let go of the rope; I fell, breaking through three worlds; in the fourth thunderstorm, he sheltered the eagles; the eagle promises to raise them to the ground - let MYA kill the monster and feed it with meat in flight; at first there was not enough meat, they returned; the second time they almost flew, I cut out the last piece from the calf of the leg; Mya married a girl from Diamond City, his companions to the other two, each living in his own city out of eggs]: Niedra 1952:92-103.

Volga - Perm. The Bashkirs [the princess gives birth to twins from the deva; the tsar will feed them, they grow up quickly; one falls asleep, the other goes to the bridge, kills five-, seven-, ten-headed deva; intending to destroy the batyr, the wife of the first turns into a house, the second into a birch tree, the third into a river; the mother of the devas turns into a boar; the father wakes up his brother, both go carrying baskets of earth; when it rains, they see the house, throw a basket at him, blood flows, rain stops; on a hot day, birch trees are beaten with a basket, blood also flows; water turns into blood along the river; when an attacking wild boar turns into a bloody river]: Barag 1988, No. 21: 144-146.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Altaians [the shaman's soul will pass by a lake of tears shed by relatives for the deceased; a lake of blood of suicides accidentally cut, etc.; then a bottomless lake with black water, over which they will throw volosyanoy bridge]: Karunovskaya 1935:177; Shors: Dyrenkova 1940, No. 97 [the soul of the deceased crosses two rivers; the remaining houses cry; tears from the right eyes form the Kanchul River, from the left eyes form the Chashchul River], 99 [ if relatives shed too many tears, rivers overflow their banks and the soul cannot cross]: 333, 335; Tuvans (western) [Erlik's country had gorges filled with human blood, lakes with the tears of those who mourned the dead]: Dyakonova 1976:278-280.

Western Siberia. The Nenets [the beginning of the world river in the south in the "seven-chamber swamp", the mouth in the north near the habitat of Kyzy and his son, the cold "sea of the dead"; in the upper reaches there is a steel dwelling of an old woman- Ylenta-kot's patroness, a village of blacksmiths - her assistants (they forge iron parts for shamanic vestments), a "sea with bloody water" and a "sky tree with buds" that connects the earth, sky and underworld]: Helim 1982:400; Nganasans [(episode of the festival of pure plague); dying Tavgians only wash their faces; because many people died in the past, the water used to wash the faces of the deceased, when gathered in one place, it forms a large deep sea, across which a shaman swims into a polar bear; together with the shaman, the souls of all Tavgians swim across the water, accumulating on brushes costume; those who will not die this year manage to swim; the rest separate from the shaman and go with the flow back; the shaman, continuing to swim, says that the soul of a person who has a mortal deer is so then suit, came back and changed its appearance so that he could not go back]: Popov 1936b: 76; northern Selkups: Pelikh 1998 [fire in the sixth underground tier instead of air; a sea of fire splashes between red-hot iron and stone shores; the shore of the bloody sea is waeson-corit; fiery lizards live there drinking bloody water]: 22; Prokofiev 1961 [yes a sea of bloody water; a shaman climbs the stairs to the rainbow in the sky; the rainbow in front of him falls apart; he enters the sky, the rainbow closes again; the shaman rides a deer]: 58.

Eastern Siberia. Western Yakuts (Vilyuisky) [shaman recalls lying at the mouth of the Bloody River with the flow back and forth]: Popov 1947:287; northeastern (Verkhoyan) Yakuts [old man Uranikan swam in a boat; on an island, a man asks for his eldest daughter; otherwise he promises to drown him; W. takes him into his boat, she turns over, the man drowns, finds himself in a world with a crooked moon, a crooked sun; there beautiful, he doesn't go to bed with her at night; they come to the bloody sea, she ties the man to the forest with an iron rhubarb, cuts, throws pieces into the sea; the same with the second man, the second woman; W. every time beats her daughters for showing themselves by seducing people; when a third man falls into the lower world, the mother scolds the woman, calls her a monster, says that pretending to be a girl, she ate two of her sons; a woman leads a man to the bloody sea, but it is dry, the forest shrunk; he grabbed the woman, slaughtered, forced her brothers to return their bones, cut the devil in half, they turned into two fish a place of death, with scales, with wings upside down; the mother gave live water, the man revived the brothers, they climbed to the ground, married W.]: Khudyakov 1890, No. 5:89-95; Baikal Evenks ( Barguzinsky) [father, elder, middle brothers leave, disappear; the younger one goes, the old man teaches how to ride a heroic foal; at the crossroads there is a stone with the inscription "The right road is black, the left is white"; on the right The young man's father went, brothers on the left, he was walking on the right; the old woman teaches him to go to Chagan-kan, around his house there is a river of blood, the banks are made of human bones; gives the pestle to throw if C.'s daughters chase; the horse transfers C. to the roof of the house, tells us to change the barrels of poisonous and eternal water; steps over one of C.'s daughters, jumps away, C.'s daughters are chasing, they can neither lift nor bypass the abandoned pestle, stop chasing; comes to that daughter C., whom he has stepped over, now she is his wife; they find the remains of the young man's father, he is revived with eternal water; the young man takes his father, wife and old woman to the stone with with an inscription, goes to look for brothers; throws a girl who threw his brothers into her, pulls out his brothers; an old man comes, asks for a knife, hides in a hole, in that knife was the soul of a young man; a young man goes down in belts, the girl shows where the knife brought by the devil, the young man takes it, changes barrels of poisonous and eternal water; the devil drinks poisonous water, dies, drinks after him, the devil's wife dies; brothers they pick up the girl and wealth, cut off the rope; the young man is injured, beats the mouse, she eats grass, recovers, he also recovers; C.'s daughter is sacrificed by a snake, the young man inserts a birch tree into his mouth, kills snake; falls asleep, throws him into the water; the girl pulls it out, revives it; the young man saves the spider's children from the fire, he gives the net to rise to the upper world; the young man appears at the brothers' wedding under the guise of an old man, takes his appearance; remains with three wives, older brothers tied to horse tails]: Poppe 1927, No. 2:18-31 (=Voskoboynikov 1958:72-79, =1973, No. 18:80-89); Evenks (Far Eastern?) [while Torganay and his brother are hunting, three-headed Kadanay carries his wife by air; the mare gives birth to a heroic horse for T.; he drives T. to a river full of human teeth and bones, teaches him to say that the river is good, the water is decreasing; the horse slips through the cliffs, crushed; T. takes not black, but white foam, lubricates the bones, the horse comes to life; brings him to the rock, turns into a berry meadow; they go down girls, T. sticks a needle to the headscarf of one of them; T. cuts down K.'s two heads; his wife orders to burn three squirrels, K. and his rock house disappear, T. returns his wife home]: Varlamova 2004, No. 5:164-174.

Amur-Sakhalin. Nanais: Sternberg 1933 [Daxsur (Xado) was born from birch, on a swing, fed by birds; the Chinese, led by Xa, cut down a tree to reach a rocking chair; all axes break; Xa sleeps by a tree; in a dream Xado tells him to go to the blood river and to the river of pus, take blood and pus from them, lubricate the trunk; after that, the tree was cut down; Xado does not grow, it is thrown to pigs, then to horses; he grows up, digs an underground passage to Xa's daughters - M'ameld'i; Xado is recognized as a son-in-law; his and M. son Z:u:lchu dies, goes first to the buni (the underworld of the dead); the father follows him; the son explains that if people do not die, the earth will overflow; returning from the boonie, Xado plugs the hole with clothes; knocks copper flowers off the tree with an arrow; closes all the holes at home, forgets two; almost everything brought has run away]: 492-493; Lopatin 1933, No. 1 [ Margo enters the forest hut, where there is a baby in the cradle; he screams and scratches; M. tells him to come to him; M.'s house is on a rock above the blood river; after M. leaves, the baby gets up and comes to M.'s house; M. tells her to go to her giant mother Maiza-mama, there is a fairly large bed; M.-M. waited for him to lie in the cradle for 30 years; after sucking her chest, the baby becomes the hero of Alhoo; M.'s wife tells A. that M. caught in the net of the giant Moohan, who roasts him over the fire; she sends A. to the giant in the iron bird; tells him not to sit on the tops of trees; A. tears the iron net, which includes two ducks; these are two shamans; A. decides to spend the night on the top of a tree, falls into the giant's net; he wants to hack him, but misses, cutting the net; A. splits his head with his iron beak; a protective spirit comes out of the fire (Juli), reproaches A. that he did not listen to M.'s wife, lost time; he himself flies in an iron bird to save M.; A. swims salmon under the ice to the giant's village, frees the aged M., kills the inhabitants; flies with a gadfly to a tree under which bones; Dergeri arrives carrying Ker-Alda's kidnapped sister; A. saves her, but D. flies away; A. arrives at the old woman's house, lies down with her, in the morning she is a young beauty; A. arrives at D.'s house, kills him and one of his three daughters; kills giant Gochenda, who fought the smaller giant Nandada and would soon kill him; marries daughter N.; flies to his rescued from Dergeri's paws to the girl Dienda, marries her; with her brother Kichalda kills two of the three giants who killed his father; the soul of the third in a special object, A.'s first wife in the form of a duck finds, brings him, A. kills a giant; A. and K. marries his daughters; kills a few more giants, takes more wives; he is now a great shaman]: 202-210; the Udege [in the worst place in the afterlife, Buniga Naongin , a red river flows, there is a black swamp and black rocks]: Arsenyev (archive) in Bereznitsky 2003:78.

(Wed. Japan. Ainu [there are 6 heavens and 6 underground worlds No. Underground worlds: in the first world there are rivers of dust, in the second from mud, in the third world there are black rivers; in the fourth world there are no gods (kamui), in the fifth world there are no water, in the sixth, there are no trees; when a person dies, he moves from one tier to the next deeper one, and then returns to earth]: Slawik 1969:197).

SV Asia. Forest

Yukaghirs [a river of blood flows in the lower world]: Nikolaeva et al. 1989 (1): 155

Subarctic. Ingalic (Anvik) [a person dies, his soul follows a wide path, from which the narrow souls of various animals leading to villages are distracted; he goes through a village of human souls, then the souls of dogs; there two dog souls guard him, this place is dangerous; he crosses the black river in a boat first out of the sweat of the dead, then through the bright one, from tears shed during mourning; he is sent back, he returns to her body and talks about what he saw]: Nelson in Vanstone 1978:55-56.

California. Pomo [Totolmatha (T.) - Morning Star, her husband Tata, is a hawk; they always swim together in Clear Lake, one day they stayed late, it was dawn, people started teasing her, they didn't love her because she from the heavenly world, where the terrible Gilluk (eagle) is an ogre and murderer; T. decided to leave, but Tata followed her; on the way rattlesnakes, she sang, they disappeared; at the end of the world, the cliffs (Swinging Gate Suns); T. sang, the rocks stopped, they passed; around G.'s house there were mountains of human bones and a lake of blood; T. shrunk her husband, hidden in a hollow branch; G. brought the murdered man for dinner; when fell asleep, T. cut off his head with her fingernail; Cheeha praised, took his grandson Tattoo out of the branch; taking the shell money and burning the village of G., T. and her husband returned; in the spring, Pomo celebrate their return Tatas are suns, i.e. hawk]: Clark, Williams 1954:11-14.

The Great Southwest. Tiva (Taos) [1) Yellow Corn gives birth to a baby, fetches water ahead of time, sorcerers kill her; her husband Magpie's Tail buries her, takes the baby, follows her; during the day, the wife turns into a rabbit; they cross four rivers; the first is water, then ash, soot, blood; the living can only drink from the first; the dead build a log bridge for those who come, their logs are sunflower stalks; at night the dead dance, turn into rabbits during the day; the crow teaches her husband to pull his wife out of the window by the hand; she becomes a rabbit, the eagle tears him to shreds; the spirits of the rain cover their shreds with a blanket; the woman revives, returns with husband to people; 2) sorcerers kill Blue Corn; her sister Yellow Corn sleeps on the grave, follows her sister; further as in (1); ash, black, red rivers; rabbit covered with a dance skirt; kachina hits there with lightning, a woman comes to life]: Parsons 1940a, No. 6:23-28.

Mesoamerica Popoluka, Nahuatl [souls of the dead must cross the river of blood on their way]: Munch 1983a: 154; quiche [see J4B motif; Hun-Hun-Ahpu and Wukub-Hun-Ahpu brothers invited to play ball in Xibalba; going down to the lower world, they cross the river of blood and the river of pus, but do not drink from them; at the crossroads of red, black, white and yellow roads, they choose black; the same episode with a journey to S. sons of XXA]: Popol-Vuh 1959:36, 59 (=Popol Vuh 1985:105-160).

Honduras - Panama. Hikake [Tomam lives in the eastern sky, where four suns and four moons shine; to get there, a shaman, accompanied by messenger T., flies east across a sea of bloody colors; the dead also go there, and younger brother T. takes care of them]: Chapman 1992:138; kuna [(fragment describing a shamanic journey through the afterlife); "I crossed the bridge over the lake of blood, fell into it, woke up on the other side; the guide said it was my wife's blood, which I was beating; the same thing when I crossed the second lake, my son's blood was there; you can't beat my wife and children"]: Chapin 1989: 144.

The Northern Andes. Mestizos in Aritama District [souls of the dead meet tears, milk, blood on the way; black, white, red dogs accordingly transport those who were kind to dogs during their lifetime]: Reichel- Dolmatoff, Reichel-Dolmatoff 1961:380.

Southern Venezuela. Yanomami (surara): Becher 1974:1 [the moon consists of two halves, between which is a river of blood flowing through three bloody lakes; on the middle shore lives Pore (male principle) /Perimbo ( feminine principle), often in the form of the large non-venomous snake Epicrates cencris L.; the bright souls of dead men live on the western half moon, and the dark souls of women live on the eastern half moon], 64, 68 and 214 [ the water on earth is the blood of the moon; on the middle lake, an anthropomorphic tree grows top to the ground (hands - branches, skin - bark, hair - leaves); when P. shakes a tree, souls rejuvenated in the lakes of blood fall down in blood rain; after passing through the clouds, blood turns to rain; women pluck their pubic hair, and the vulva symbolizes the moon lake of blood].

The Central Andes. Waquirca (dep. Ayacucho, prov. Andamarca) [the soul of the deceased travels west through the city of dogs and through Mapa Mayo ("A River of Abomination, Mud"), sometimes crossing it on the back of a black dog]: Gose 1994:125 in Bolton 2002:391-392; Sonko, prov. Paucartambo, dep. Cusco [the Yahuar Maya blood river separates our world (kai pacha) from the world of the dead; the soul is transported through it by a black, brown or motley dog; at night, the girl's head flies away; this happens with looking for sexual adventures; when the head returned, found the door closed, clung to the shoulder of a passerby; the headless body died; the girl's dog recognized the mistress's head on the man's shoulder; transported the man across the Blood River, where the head jumped on its body; the dog started drinking from the blood river, took the man to our world]: Allen 1988:61.

Chaco. Toba {less likely matako, not clear from the text} [there is a bottle tree in the lower world with sick blood flowing into its trunk through invisible rivers from all over the world; evil spirits drink it there]: Metraux 1935c: 133.