Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

H16B. Milk pond.

.13.-. (.55.) .62.

The narratives (in different contexts) mention a milk pond (river, lake, wave in the sea) that exists on earth (but not among stars). Cf. motives H16, K33F, N34.

Masai, Western Sahara, Portuguese, Basques, Sicilians, Old Testament, Harsusi, Mehri, Oman, Tibetans, Mustang, Lepcha, Condas, Ancient Greece, Romanians, Moldovans, Russians (Terek) coast, Olonetskaya? , Vologda, Kursk), Western Ukrainians, Balkarians, Ossetians, Terek Cossacks, Georgians, Persians (written tradition), Yazgulyam, Kalash, Burish, Scandinavians, Karelians, Estonians, Mari, Mordovians, Chuvash, Kazan Tatars, Bashkirs, Kyrgyz, Altaians, Tuvans, Baikal and Trans-Baikal Buryats, Oirats, Central (?) and northeastern (?) Yakuts (mestizos of Colombia), macuna, barasana.

Sudan - East Africa. Masai [a group of warriors raided for cattle; one of his sandals broke; they did not wait for him, the latter promised to leave a branch at a fork in the road; the wind carried the sign to another place; the person took the other road, met the Month, praised his appearance; he advised him to do what he would be asked to do every time; the man comes to the river of water, then to the river of milk, to the river blood; everyone asks to drink from it; he promises to do it by crossing the river, does not fulfill promises; fighting swords, axes ask them to separate, sharpen them; he promises, passes, does not fulfill; double-headed a shepherd herds two-tailed cows; a person says he does not notice anything special about him; God's wife offers a choice of fresh or stale milk, a clean or dusty place to sleep, etc.; every person once he chooses what is worse, he gets what is better; God's wife gives him herds of cattle and sends him home the other way; his brother decides to follow the same path; each time he does not they gave cattle, only a sword and an ax he brought]: Kipury 1983, No. 29:107-110.

North Africa. Western Sahara [seven brothers hope that their mother will now give birth to a daughter; a girl is born, but the maid mistakenly picked up a large spoon rather than a small one - a sign that a boy was born; brothers leave; girl Shreser Dahbú grows up, rides a camel to look for brothers; black maid Kymba walks; makes SD switch places; swims in a milk river, becomes white; tells SHD swim in the resin river, the SD becomes black; the brothers (the eldest is Ahmed) take K. for their sister, the SD is sent to cook, herd camels; A. hit her, the blood can not be washed off her clothes, the cadi explains that this is because they are blood relatives; A. offers both girls goat meat; K. eats giblets greedily, SHD takes a rib, does not eat; A. tells K. to be torn by camels, takes his sister to the river of milk, that swam, turned white; other women, out of envy, forced her to swallow a snake egg; said that she was pregnant, A. hears sounds from her stomach, believes that it is the baby moving, telling her to throw her into the well; she hides in a cave, her hair sprouts with grass; the shepherd is surprised that camels do not eat grass there, tells the owner; he digs up the SD, marries her; one of the brothers tries to penetrate her, he is an assistant snake, whom he saved from the eagle; the SD husband thinks that his lover wants to enter, tries to kill the young man, the snake protected him; the husband gathers people to kill the brothers, the SD warns them of danger, they running away]: Aris, Cladellas 1999:39-46.

Southern Europe. The Portuguese (many records) [the older brother and then the other two go on a journey (or all three go together); or the poor man goes to look for work, gets advice from the host; everyone meets an old lady (St. Virgo), should be kind to her; the owner sends everyone with instructions and instructions (written in the letter): feed the child, do not touch certain objects (do not stop), do not be surprised when strange; older brothers do not comply with the conditions, disappear, die; the younger one does everything right; crosses the bloody river (he is helped by St. Virgo); chooses a blessing rather than the owner's money; envious older brothers bury him alive; he is rewarded, receives explanations for what he has seen; rivers of blood, milk, tears: Christ's blood, milk and tears Mary; orchard - Eden; skinny sheep in fat pastures and vice versa: sinners and righteous; colliding cobblestones: tongues of evil women; man knocking mature and unripe figs off a tree: death that takes anyone; woodcutter: cooks firewood to burn souls in hell; paradise palace; man dies (stays in paradise)]: Cardigos 2006, No. 461:112-113; Basques [two witches gather in three waves sink a ship; one wave of milk, another tear, a third of blood; one witch tells another that fishermen will be able to escape only if they throw a harpoon from the middle of the last, i.e. bloody wave; the fisherman overheard this, threw the harpoon, there was a groan; at home I found my aunt dying, her daughter was terrified; they were witches]: Walter 2008:147-148; Sicilians [dying, the pious king tells his son Spadónia send bread to purgatory every morning; S. wants to know if he is doing the right thing, sends a servant to find out on this donkey; in purgatory, Jesus explains to the servant what he saw; the river of milk - Mary fed them Christ; the river of blood is the blood of sinners; skinny cows in fat meadows are self-interested; fat cows in skinny meadows are pious non-owners; the logger in the forest, slaughtering indiscriminately, Death; Jesus orders S. married a girl named Sécula; he traveled all over the world, found a poor girl with that name; the Savior and the apostles visited them; they distributed their property, their souls flew to the kingdom of heaven]: Gonzenbach 2004a [1870], No. 48:318-323

Western Asia. Ugarit [Motu tells Ba'lu to take everything he needs to the afterlife: clouds, wind and rain, as well as warriors and daughters. Explains to Ba'lu how to get to the world of the dead (same description as above when Messenger Ba'lu went to see Moth). There is a field before entering the afterlife; Ba'lu discovers a cow there. Ba'lu copulates with a cow many times, she becomes pregnant and gives birth to him a son. Copulation occurs 77 or 88 times. A lacuna. The messengers bring Il the news of Ba'lu's death: he lies dead on the field before entering the afterlife. Ilu cries for Ba'l, asks what will happen to people now, and says that since Ba'lu is dead, he will have to go down to the afterlife himself. Anat searches for Ba'la, finds his corpse on the field before entering the world of the dead, mourns Ba'la. She asks the sun goddess Shapsha to help and put her body on her shoulders; Shapsha helps, Anata drags the corpse to Mount Tsapana. Anata buries Ba'la and organizes a funeral meal. Then she goes to Ilu's home and tells Asirat that she can rejoice with her sons: Ba'lu is dead. Ilu: We must choose a new king of the gods. Asiratu suggests that it be Astara. Astara takes Ba'lu's throne, but it turns out that his legs do not reach the stand and his head does not reach the top of the seat. Then Astara renounces his tsarist status. Anat comes to Motu and demands that the deceased Ba'la be returned to her. Motu explains that he ate Ba'lu because he could not satisfy his hunger without meeting people). Then Anat stabs Mota with a knife, pierces him with a pitchfork, burns his body, grinds him with millstones, scatters ashes over the field, and birds peck him (Motu's paraphrase below says that she scattered the ashes over the sea) ]; Old Testament: Ex. 3:8 ["And the Lord said to [Moses]: I saw the suffering of My people in Egypt and heard their cry from their henchmen; I know their sorrows and I am going to save them from the hand of the Egyptians and Take him out of this land [and bring him] into a good and spacious land, where milk and honey flow, into the land of the Canaanites, Hittites, Amorites, Phereszites, [Gergeseans,] Hives and Jebusites"]; Num. 13:27-28 ["And they went and They came to Moses and Aaron and to the whole community of the children of Israel in the Faran Desert, in Kadez, and answered them and the whole community, and showed them the fruits of the land; and told him and said, We went to the land, to which you sent us; milk and honey really flow in it, and these are its fruits"]; Deut. 26:8-10, 15; 27:3; 31:20 ["And the Lord brought us out of Egypt [Himself with His great strength and] strong hand and outstretched muscle , with great horror, signs and miracles, and brought us to this place, and gave us this land, a land in which milk and honey flow; so behold, I have brought the beginnings of fruit from the land that You, Lord, gave me, [from lands where milk and honey flow]"; "look away from your holy home, from heaven, and bless your people, Israel, and the land you gave us, because You swore to our fathers [to give us] the land in which it flows milk and honey"; "and write on these [stones] all the words of this law when you cross [Jordan] to enter the land that the Lord your God gives you, into the land where milk and honey flow, as he told you The Lord God of your fathers"; "for I will bring them into the land [good], as I swore to their fathers, where milk and honey flow, and they will eat and be nourished, and become fat, and turn to other gods and serve them, and Me My covenant [which I bequeathed to them] has been rejected and broken" (Synodal translation)]; harsusi [fox, wolf, leopard, hyena, vulture and raven have gone hunting; the vulture has flown away, the fox and the raven have gone to hunt; the vulture has flown away, the fox and the raven have nothing found, the hyena found a basket of dates, the wolf stole the kid, the leopard killed the camel; they gathered around the fire to cook meat; the hyena went to bed, told her to wake her up when everything was ready; the fox ate both dates and meat, the hyena, which was intended, shoved bones and bones into her ass; in the morning she told the hyena that she had already eaten everything herself, told her to relieve herself, bones and bones were under the hyena; the fox asked for the hyena to carried her to the acacia, and then she would carry it; jumped, screamed that the hyena was tired; hyena: it was the fox tired; but others rushed to the hyena and ate it; the fox offered to jump off the cliff - so their fathers did when they were circumcised; the fox and the leopard jumped safely, and the wolf broke his leg, was eaten; the fox offers to jump off a high cliff, jumps; the leopard crashed; offers the fox start eating it; fox: will eat it when the leopard dies; after eating the leopard, the fox told the donkey that it was dying of thirst; she allowed it to get inside through the ass - she had water in her stomach; the fox drank water, ate it the donkey's insides are dead; the fox wanted dew to fall, then it would fill one wadi with blood and the other with milk; the dew fell out, the donkey's ass softened, the fox got out; says to the woman and daughter that they are called to be circumcised, and she is ready to guard their herd; the fox milked the goats with milk; slaughtered them, filling another wadi with blood; arranged the carcasses as if the goats were grazing; a woman and a girl returned without finding anyone; the girl saw goats slaughtered, shouted to her mother to hold the fox; the woman hears hard; the fox: she screams that robbers are coming, let the woman give her the necklace, she will bury it and she will hide; daughter screams again; fox: she tells you to give yourself to me; the woman is furious, the fox runs away, carrying jewelry; hangs them on a dry tree, relieves herself by throwing sand at excrement; speaks to the caravan that the tree makes jewelry; he gives his herd for the tree; warns that if he meets his need near the tree, it will not give ornaments; the caravan waits three days, catches up with the fox; they they come back, the fox picks up its excrement, says that it is the caravan who could not resist; the fox brings its camels to places where there are many others; she is told that its camels may be trampled by local camels and horses; but the fox refuses to take her own; her camels died, she received a large ransom for them]: Stroomer 2004, No. 2:5-17; Mehri: Stroomer 1999, No. 3 [a man went into the cave to drink water, poured in rain, the stone fell, blocking the exit; when the man promised to fill one wadi with blood and the other with milk, the stone rolled back; he came to a woman eating goats; said he would give necklaces for free, let her he will leave him his jewelry, he will guard them, and he will run for new ones; the man milked the goats, poured milk into the wadi, stabbed them - poured blood; left only one goat; hung the necklace on a tree, put it under He needed him; told the caravans that every week the tree makes jewelry; but it is impossible to relieve himself; the caravans gave him camels and luggage, waited; accused the man of deceiving ; he showed sprinkled crap; caravans accused each other, stabbed each other], 99 [just like Harsushi]: 7-11, 279-288; Oman {the text does not contain a "promise" motive, but so much looks like Harsushi and Mehri, which is most likely a random variation for a particular storyteller} [Abu Navas was walking through the desert and was thirsty; the leopard offered to go inside; there's a place with salt water, a place with brackish water and a place with fresh water; but let the NA not look up; after drinking, the NA wanted to eat; raised his head, saw two hanging objects and ate one; these were the internal organs of the leopard and he died, but the NA stayed inside; it rained, the leopard carcass got wet and the NA managed to get out; saw women herding goats; they went to the party, agreeing to leave the goats under the supervision of the Academy of Sciences; the Academy of Sciences has a vision: white the river and the red river; he milked the goats, creating a white river, and stabbed them, creating a river of blood; one woman came up and was horrified, called the others; they can't hear well; the NA explains: she screams so that the woman should leave all the gold jewelry for the Academy of Sciences; the women did it, the Academy of Sciences took the jewelry, hung it on the tree, and climbed it himself; explained to the caravan merchants that jewelry grows on this tree; those they gave all the camels along with their luggage for a tree with ornaments; AN took them and fled; the merchants were left waiting for new jewelry to grow on the tree, and they are still waiting]: Taibah, MacDonald 2016:47-48.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Tibetans (Lamaist pantheon of Tibet and Mongolia) [The patron of religion lived in a skull palace in the cemetery; there were four lakes in the vicinity: milk, gold, and blood lake, oil lake]: Sagalaev 1984:73; Mustang [the youngest of the three princes wants to marry only Princess Bea Rani; comes to the demon, calls him a friend; he sends a letter to his middle man, the middle one goes to his older brother; the prince brings BR in a leather box, falls asleep; the princess comes out of the box; the shoemaker's daughter throws her into the lake, puts her on her clothes, climbs into the box; BR was surrounded by a rainbow, and the prince's wife did not; the lake became milky, a lotus surrounded by a rainbow grew up in it; the older brothers told the prince about this; the older and middle brothers cannot pick the lotus, the youngest he is it is given; while the brothers are hunting, the shoemaker's daughter tore the lotus, threw it out the window, ate it by a sheep, gave birth to a lamb - golden in the front, silver in the back, pearl in the middle, a rainbow around it; the daughter of a shoemaker killed a lamb, cooked and ate meat, splashed out the broth; a milk lake spilled in this place, sandalwood to the sky on one side with a turquoise tanagra medosos (Cyanerpes bird cyaneus, türkis vogel) above, on the other there is a banyan with a parrot, other trees with birds along the banks; a parrot with a honeysucker tanagra talk, the parrot tells the whole story; the prince must crush the body honey sucker, put in silk in a gold box, open it after 7 days; prince hears it, so everything does BR revives; the shoemaker's daughter was thrown into the river]: Kretschmar 1985, No. 1:11-22; lepcha [(local version of "Geser"); see motif L15; mung (evil spirit) kidnaps his wife gye bu (GB); he takes the form of a boy, mung believes that this is the incarnation of one of his warriors, almost adopts him; the boy learns from mung that the power is in two fish in water and milk lakes; in a bird (like a rhino bird) on a tree; in beetles on the roof (wrap them in cloth, keep them above boiling water); GB killed a bird, threw hot lakes stones, water boiled, fish died; killed beetles; cuts off the head of the mung, gives flesh to ants, grinds bones; kills his wife's son from mung, cooks, puts the head of the mung on the edge of the cauldron; returns her wife divinity, it forgets what happened, they live well]: Siiger 1967, No. 1:203-214.

Ancient India. Konda [the tsar wants to marry his son to the most beautiful girl; she is nowhere to be found; the prince himself goes in search; meets and companions the son of a carpenter, the son of a blacksmith (all three when they meet they appear to be orphans); in one city, a monster has enough people at night; the prince kills him; the king gives a daughter and half a kingdom, but the prince leaves them to the carpenter; in another city, a tiger is rampant (same, The blacksmith is left); each prince leaves a green branch - if it dries up, he is in trouble; he comes to the monster's home; there is a kidnapped princess; she is the most beautiful; for the time when the monster returns, the princess turns the prince into stone, his sword into a broom, his horse into bamboo; says that the life of a monster in two doves on the sea of milk; the prince caught the doves, killed them in front of the monster and he died; the prince and the princess began to live together; one day the princess was seen by hunters, told the king; he sent the old woman; she began to say that she would die soon; in response, the princess said that her husband was alive and well as long as His sword was his; at night an old woman stole it and threw it into the fire; the prince died; the prince's friends saw that the green branches had dried up; they made a new sword, came, put it on the prince's chest, he came to life; a carpenter and a blacksmith they made a flying ship; the princess told the king who sent the old woman to her that she was waiting for him with her entire entourage; they came and saw the ship; they boarded it, he flew away and disappeared in far ocean; the blacksmith and carpenter returned to their homes, and the prince and the princess arrived at the prince's father; everything is fine, and we are unhappy poor kuvi]: Schulze 1922, No. 2:27-33.

The Balkans. Ancient Greece [Lucian Samosatsky's True Story (2nd century): 1) "After sailing about three hundred stages, we approached a small and deserted island, where we had enough water, because we have it She was gone, they shot two wild bulls with a bow and sailed on. The bulls did not have these horns on their heads, but under their eyes, as Mom wanted them to. Soon we entered the sea, which consisted not of water but milk, and in it we saw a white island covered with grapes. This island consisted of huge cheese, as we later learned after tasting it; it had twenty-five stages in circumference. The vines were covered with clusters, from which, when squeezing, we did not drink wine, but milk. A temple dedicated to Nereid Galatea the Milkmaid was built in the middle of the island, as the inscription said. As long as we stayed on this island, the land provided us with food and bread, and the drink was milk from the bunches. We learned that this island is dominated by Tyro Syrrnitsa, the daughter of Salomone, who was honored by Poseidon after her death. We stayed on this island for five days, and on the sixth we sailed further, as the wind was fair and the sea was very smooth. On the eighth day, when we were no longer sailing on the sea of milk, but on the salty and blue sea, we saw a large number of people running across the sea. They looked very much like us in body and size, but their legs were special, made of cork, which is why I think they were called "Corkkonogikh". We were surprised to see that they were not drowning, but holding on the waves and walking along them fearlessly"; 2) from the description of the Isle of the Blessed, which is ruled by the Cretan Radamant: "Their whole land is full of them with flowers and covered with shady garden trees. Grapes bear fruit twelve times a year, that is, every month; pomegranates, apple trees and other fruit trees even thirteen times a year, since in one month named after Minosa they are twice they produce crops. Instead of grains, bread grows like mushrooms on the tops of ears. Three hundred and sixty-five water sources flow around the city and the same number of rivers to honey, fifty smaller rivers flow myrrh, seven rivers flow with milk and eight wine" (trans. K.W. Trever)]: Luc. Ver. Hist. II. 3-4, 13; Romanians [one hundred of the widow's sons went to plow; damn dragons first stole the older sister, then the rest 99, making a furrow (not to the brothers' field, but) to their house; the brothers went in search; They came to the cow shepherds; they warned that the brothers would defeat the dragon if they could eat 99 roasted oxen, 99 bread ovens and drink 99 barrels of wine; they could not; the horse shepherd said they dragons will be defeated only if they tame a stallion with 99 hearts - they could not; the dragon killed them all; their mother swallowed a pea, gave birth to Veselice Pea; playing with children, he learned about the fate of his brothers and sisters; To get her mother to confess, he put {something hot on her breast? Grundbalken; on the way he ate 99 roasted oxen, 99 bread ovens, drank 99 barrels of wine, drove to death a stallion with 99 hearts; his older sister recognized him when he saw his scarves and beads; before killing him the dragon, learned from him how to revive his siblings; on the way home, the brothers tied Pea to a tree; he escaped, got home and then went to see the world; saw a man at his bedside dying sisters; he indicated where to look for the Beauty of the World; Pea forced the owl to return the stolen hearts and killed him, returned his hearts; crossed the bloody river; saw the Beauty of the World swimming in a milk lake ; he stole her clothes, but broke the advice not to look back and turned into a deer with 99 horns; with the old man hit him with a sword and he became human again; next time he did everything right, but did not give in Titicot road and he killed him]: Bîrlea 1966:404-406; Romanians [the mighty king always laughs with his right eye and cries with his left eye; he has three sons; the mighty tall Florea, the dense strong Costan and the youngest Petru is tall but girly; the older brothers refused, P. agreed to ask his father about his eyes and received a slap in the face; but he thought his left eye was crying less and his right eye laughs more; and he asked again; both eyes laughed at the father: that three sons are good, but they are unlikely to be able to protect themselves from their neighbors; therefore laughter and tears; but if you bring water from the fairy's well In the morning of Dawn, I will wet my eyes and both will laugh, for I will understand that the sons are brave; F. rode his best horse to the border of his father's possessions; there is a bridge and a three-headed dragon: one jaw in the sky, the other on earth; F . turned, but after a year, month and day he did not return home; K. went; the dragon also has three heads; also turned, but did not return home; P. went, the dragon has 7 heads; the horse stands on its hind legs, P. returned to take another horse; an old nurse: you need the horse your father rode; he replies that the horse has fallen long ago, but there are only scraps of bridle in the stall; the nurse tells you to bring such a fragment and hit the pole with it; a beautiful horse immediately appeared under the precious saddle; now there is a 12-headed dragon at the bridge; the horse tells you to cut off the main head and flies forward - one day like the wind, the other like a thought; in front of them there is a copper wall, as well as copper trees, bushes and grasses; flowers whisper, but the horse forbids them to be plucked; otherwise you will have to fight Velva; but he tore it off to see her; she has a horse's mane, deer antlers, bear face, eyes ferret, bodies of various creatures; after three days of battle, P. threw a bridle over the velva and it turned into a beautiful horse; this is the brother of P.'s horse, who was bewitched; so they galloped through the copper forest; then silver (still another Velva horse); golden (the strongest and youngest of these horses are disgraced); now they are traveling through the frozen country of Saint Sereda, and around the edges there is fire; this is the the frost that causes the calf to freeze in the womb of the cow and the rocks crumble; when they reached the house of St. Sereda, she gave a box that will show the way home and tell you who is doing what now; P. asks about his father; a box: his eldest sons have taken away his power; now they are traveling through the red-hot land of St. . Thursdays (Joi, Jupiter); rocks began to melt under their hooves; from the cool valleys, where springs and flowers, girls turn to P.; St. Thursday: Next will be the country of St. Fridays, tell her my wishes for good health; it is not cold or hot there; but darkness has descended and Tornado's daughters are in it; Tornadoes guard Friday's house; the horse tells me to throw a copper wreath, the spirits rushed behind the wreath ; a silver wreath showed Friday and she allowed her to enter; Friday is an ancient old woman; when the world arose, she was a child; asks for a mug of water from the spring of the Morning Dawn Fairy on the way back; gave the flute, the sounds of which make them fall asleep; in the morning P. fed his horses with hot coals; Friday: leave one horse here now, and enter the Fairy dismounted; she has a terrible appearance: owl eyes, fox face, claws cats; her gaze deprives her of reason; Fairy's palace where the earth touches the sky; flowers along the way; neither warm nor cold, eternal twilight; P. sedated giant watchman and seven-headed dragons with a flute; milk river not in sandy or jelly shores, but on shores made of gems and pearls, flows quickly and slowly at the same time; lions with golden skin and iron teeth; beautiful fairies sleep in flowers; P. knitted the sleeping giant woke up his fingers, told him to carry him across the river - then we will fight; but the giant hammered P. into the ground to his knees, and P. to his waist; giant P. to his chest, P. to his neck; then a half-bound giant agreed to carry P., standing with both legs on different banks of the river; on the table in front of the fairy's bed, the bread of strength and the wine of youth; he bit off bread and took a sip of wine, kissed Fairy, put a golden wreath on her, picked it up water and left; gave water to Friday; Thursday warned not to communicate with people on the way back; gave a handkerchief protecting against lightning, spears and bullets; a knowledgeable box warns: the brothers found out that P. would bring water, they want to kill him; P. does not believe him, broke the box; the brothers met him, asked him to get water from a deep well, left it there, took the Fairy's water and came to their father; the Fairy woke up and sent all the guards they did not find it; they did not find it; the Sun looked for 7 days, but P. was where its rays did not reach; the Fairy ordered darkness to come, and now only the king father, who saw the light from that water, began to see, but everyone else did not; Florea came to see the fairy, but could not say how he got that water; the Fairy blinded him; {the same with his middle brother}; The fairy told everyone to come to her so that the winds, flowers, springs, people and giants would all cry; Friday sent tornadoes to look for P.; and only one spring breeze heard P. end up in the well; now there were only bones and ashes; Thursday boiled ashes in a cauldron with the dew of life, she got an ointment, she was rubbed bones, P. came to life; tells the horse to fly fast like a curse; came to Fairy, kissed; the flowers bloomed, the sun shone, the world came to life again; P. brothers found sight to see his happiness]: Kremnitz 1882, No. 20:237 -295; Moldovans [orphaned, Ion sowed wheat; birds pecked the harvest; buckwheat beat the frost; went to work, got a foal, was eaten by wolves; for the second time he asked for millstones - he was shattered by lightning; left home, getting a rooster for his work; came with him to the king - he was driven away; the hermit ordered him to take his wife; says that three birds are flying to the milk lake- fairies, take off their wings, bathe; let Jonah hide the youngest's wings and give it back only after the third promise to become his wife; Jonah received a fairy, but the Sun saw her and carried her away; the king has a tree to heaven, who will reach the peaks are fruits, received half the kingdom; the tree is divided into three branches, into oriental apples, on southern pears, on western nuts; the Sun invited to watch the rays; the Lord of the Birds, Frost, will bring food, Wolf Iron Mouth, Serpent Golden Scales; after questioning everyone, Ion hits everyone for the destroyed wheat, buckwheat, foal, millstone; when he sees that the Sun leads down the aisle to the fairy, Ion cuts down the golden trees and throws on the way; explains to the Sun why he punished his servants and himself; the Sun returns Jonah's wife, sends them peacefully to earth; Jonah bears fruit to the king; advisers command not to cut Jonah's head, but to give impossible assignments, then take away the wife; 1) let the vineyard be around the palace to the horizon; the wife summoned her servants, the vineyard is ready; 2) get a self-playing flood (flute genus) from the bottom of the sea; wife He gives a ring, Ion comes to the sea, sighs, Oh appears, says that the devils at the bottom will floer for 7 years, you can't sleep all this time; at the bottom of the sea, Ion gives the hell tasks, while he sleeps himself; count what is more - blades of grass or leaves; Jonah brought the flood to the king, fell asleep himself; they began to dance, cannot stop the flood, died; Jonah received the kingdom and married], 293-300 [the hermit gives The childless queen has grapes, she conceives a son; the king hunts, falls into the fortress of the line; he releases the king when the king promises to give what he does not know at home; son Daphin has grown up, the hell takes him away; D. learns from he was in the language of birds; overheard the birds talking, they say that the unfortunate Arap, 180 years old, draws water from a bottomless well, where the devil of Vestra bathes; old man A. teaches D. to steal the clothes of bathing V. run without looking back; A. blesses their marriage, gets rid of the punishment, the devil disappears; hell agrees to let D. and V. go, if D. 1) will plow the field to the horizon in a day, harvest, bake bread (V. orders the demons); 2) shoot a hare in the garden a feature (this is the devil himself, V. drives him in the form of a hound, D. hits him, his wife asks to give the devil to fry, in the evening the devil is bruised); 3) identify among hundreds of girls (tears in V.'s eyes); the devil puts D. and V. in prison, they fly away in midges, the devil sends demons in pursuit, V. turns 1) himself into a garden, D. into a gardener; 2) a wheat field and a reaper; 3) a duck and a river; hell tries to drink water, bursts; D. and V. come to live with parents D.]: Botezat 1981:105-117.

Central Europe. Russians (Terek Bereg) [the tsar walked, chose a bride, overheard the three sisters talking under the window; first: if I were a queen, I would weave canvases all over the world; second: made beer; at three she would bring 9 heroes to her bellies, legs knee-deep in gold, hands up to the elbow in silver, the sun in the forehead, a month in the back of her head, small stars on the braids, the dawns close by the ears; the king married the last, left; the queen gave birth to three sons, Baba Yaga stole them; the same for the second time; the third time, the mother braided one in her braids; Baba Yaga changed letters, the queen was thrown into the sea in a barrel; the barrel was washed ashore , broke; in the morning the church, houses; the walkers passing are surprised: there were swamps, white-stone chambers and viburnum bridges became; the son became a trinket fly, flew with kaliki, heard everything; they told the king about the miracle ; queen's sister: our aunt has jelly shores, a river of milk, a red spoon; a trinket fly pecked out her eye; in the morning she and her mother have a river of milk, etc.; next time: a third bull, a bathhouse on her tail, there is a lake under her tail, a church on her horns; a third woman: our aunt has 8 fellows in the open field, legs knee-deep in gold (etc.); a trinket fly tore off a piece of her nose, flew to her mother, she explains what it is his brothers, carried away by baba yaga; gave curls; the son flew to the house in the field; there are 8 pigeons, turning well done at night; they all flew to their mother, began to live well; the Kaliki tell the king about this; he moved in with his children, left them the kingdom]: Balashov 1970, No. 46:155-160; Russians (North - Olonetskaya?) [Masha is hard-working, her sister Dasha is lazy; when leaving for the fair, her parents tell them to look after their youngest son Ivanushka; swan geese carry him away on their wings; Dasha runs after him, refuses to eat rye pie by the Stove, a sour apple by the Apple Tree, taste milk, jelly by the Milk River with jelly shores; The hedgehog indicates where Baba Yaga's hut is, Ivanushka plays with golden apples in it; Dasha grabs it, runs, The River, the Apple Tree, the Stove refuse to cover, the swan geese take Ivanushka away; Masha eats a pie, an apple, a jelly; the River, the Apple Tree, the Stove hide her, the swan geese stop the persecution]: Karnaukhova 1948:78-83; Russians (Vologodskaya) [after the death of his parents, Ivan lives with his aunt; she gives him one hundred rubles three times, he bought a dog, a cat, a snake; the snake leads to his mother, tells him to take a ring from his right hand as a reward; I. asks his aunt to marry the king's daughter Mary; the king demands a house like his, the workers from the ring perform; a crystal bridge, a milk river with jelly banks, cages on the bridge, birds in the cages, and go to the crown, apple trees to bloom; everything is done, I. received M.; M. asked about the ring, tickled I. in his nose, the ring fell out of her mouth, M. ordered I. to be taken to the swamp, and her to her father; a cat with a dog came to I. tickled M. in her nostril, she spit out the ring; the dog is swimming across the river, the cat is on the dog, dropped the ring, the fish swallowed, the fishermen caught the fish, the cat got guts, brought I.'s ring, he forgave M.]: Smirnov 1917, No. 34:187-191; Russians (Kursk) [when leaving, parents tell their daughter to take care of her brother; she played too much, swan geese took Ivashechka, her sister rushes to catch up; the stove asks to eat her pie, the apple tree is her wild apple, the milk river with jelly shores is milk and jelly; the girl replies every time that her father does not eat wheat, garden and cream; they do not show the way; they do not show the way; the hedgehog pointed out; the sister grabbed his brother, the swan geese followed; I had to taste what they offered, the river, the apple tree, the stove were hidden; the sister and brother ran home, the parents returned]: Afanasiev 1984, No. 113:185- 186; Russians (the place of recording is unknown) ["In a long time, when God's world was filled with goblins, witches and mermaids, when rivers flowed milk, the banks were jelly, and fried ones flew through the fields partridges, at that time there was a king named Pea with Queen Anastasia the Beautiful; they had three sons, princes. A considerable misfortune shook - an unclean spirit dragged the queen away"]: Afanasiev 1984 (1), No. 130:195; Western Ukrainians (Transcarpathia, Khust District, p. Gorinchevo) [in the 77th state, behind glass mountains, behind milk streams, grandfather and woman live, there are no children; the old woman asks her grandfather to make a child and a cradle out of wood; he cuts down a sycamore, combs the boy, him they call Yavorovy Ivan (YAI); makes a cradle, a woman shakes her, the child does not come to life, grows up; two years later he goes to the forest, helps his grandfather; snakes (shufflers) took three royal daughters; their savior will receive one of them and the state; YAI goes in search, meets a gypsy, becomes friends; they find a hole, wind a rope, fix them on the stove; one will take the youngest daughter, the second will take the middle daughter, the eldest will serve; YAI goes down, hears a girl singing, she is in a hut rotating on a chicken leg; girl: her husband has five heads, he has strong water; YAI drinks water; an iron club falls into the yard, YAI throws her back, snake sees that someone strong is in his yard; comes in, says he smells sinful; wife: this is my brother; they shake hands; the serpent eats melted tin dumplings, drinks water, then goes to fight; snakes He hammers JAI knee-deep into the ground, YI to the waist, the serpent to the arm, YAI to the neck; begins to beat off his heads with a club, but they come back again; the girl sprinkles ashes on them, the head cannot grow, the snake kill; the girl says that she and YAI belong to each other; YAI tells me to collect everything valuable, lock the house, wait for him; puts on a snake's clothes, takes his sword, comes to her middle sister; she also plays harmonica and sings; her husband has ten heads, drinks special wine; YAI swaps barrels of water and wine; when approaching, the snake throws a club of 12 quintals; YAI drinks wine, throws away the club; (hereinafter the same as in YAI changes his sword to the one that the stronger snake has, comes to the third hut; there is a younger princess; the snake yells at his wife who found her with her lover, breathes fire from 12 mouths; Yai hides from by the door; when the heads show up in the hut, tells her sword to cut them; the elder princess puts all the jewelry in cream, the middle princess puts them in an apple, the youngest in a walnut, Yai puts them in her pocket, sends them upstairs the royal daughters, the gypsy pulls them out and goes away with them; Yai walks along the path day and night, comes to the hut, there is a woman, she has eyelashes to the ground; she calls him a dog son, agrees to serve, tells her to take a pitchfork and raise her eyelids, otherwise she does not see him; YAI raises her eyelashes to the woman, she recognizes him as YAI: the sycamore from which he was made knows him; she will take care of the mares: herd three times and bring back, otherwise your head is down; mares are women's daughters; the woman gives YAI a sleepy cake; when YAI wakes up, there are no mares; the fox asks for a cake, tells me to go home and become in a manger: mares have become chickens, the fox begins to torture them, the chickens run into the barn, become mares, YI ties them up, reports to the woman, who hits them with an iron pitchfork for letting themselves be caught, tells them what they should do; on the second the day is still the same, the wolf promises to help if YAI treats him to bread; explains that mares have become crows; the old horse lying on the manure will say everything to do; horse: there is a twig in its tail, they need wave and say: "Stay in place"; three crows sitting in a tree fly into the barn, become mares; the woman hits them with an iron pitchfork: they probably sleep with Ivan, love him, want to destroy her; On the third day, YAI gives a cake to the bear; he advises him to go home, there is an ox on the second pile of manure, he will explain what to do; the ox tells him to take two twigs from its tail, one wave to the left, and the other on the right, until the mares appear, ask the woman for an old horse for his service; the mares turn into crayfish, swim from pool to pool, YAI hits them with twigs, turns them back into mares; the woman tears her hair, tells him to ask what YAI wants; he asks the old horse; the horse advises the woman to bow down, the woman spits after him, he has time to close the door, otherwise he would burn down; the horse asks how to go - in the wind or against winds, soars up, asks to see what's behind them; YAI sees a black cloud, it's a woman, a horse tells you to throw the comb (thickets from ground to clouds); the cloud is almost catching up, but they cross the border of the earth; woman screams terribly, falls to dust; the horse offers to go to the royal city; woman: three royal daughters have returned, the wedding is being prepared, the gypsy takes the youngest; YAI is hired by a shoemaker; princess ordered to make shoes like they had not done before; Yai takes out her younger sister's shoes out of the walnut, hangs them on a carnation; in the morning the younger princess comes and tells the shoemaker that he did not do it, but she also it is necessary to go to the tailor; YAI runs to the tailor, takes out his dress from the walnut; the princess calls the craftsmen for her wedding; YAI tells the horse to climb into his left ear, there are beautiful clothes; they fly to the palace; gypsies to the king: this is an angel going to the wedding; when she sees YAI, the bride cries for joy, but the gypsy does not confess; YAI puts plum, apple and nut on the table; the older sisters take out their wealth, and the youngest's nut is empty; she Understands everything; gypsies are executed, YAI marries a younger princess]: Lintur 1969:151-160.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Crimean Tatars [the padishah is blind; he will be cured by a handful of land from where the horse's hooves did not set foot; the eldest son reached the dairy spring in six months, took land; padishah: I reached there even before dawn and had breakfast; middle son went to the honey spring; father: I was getting there by lunchtime; the youngest son Matyuv, a simple man, did not receive a blessing and went by himself; secretly brought his father's duldull out of the cave and fattened him; by morning he reached Syut-Chashma, by noon to Bal-Chashma; when we reached the place where his father lost his sight, duldul ordered him to take the land here, but beware of the flying makhlyuk; Makhlyuk began to pour on the young man was boiling water, the dul cooled him; the young man grabbed his legs; the makhlyuk turned into a girl: I was waiting for you; they flew to the underworld, began to live there in a palace; once M. found it at the bottom of the sea sparkling feather; the horse does not tell me to take it; girl: it belongs to the girl Pamuk, she will separate us; the girl began to wither away; they decided to go somewhere else; at night, the vizier of the underground saw a glowing feather padishah; M. gave him the pen; he brought it to the padishah, said that the feather who found the feather could also get a bird, it could talk; the duldulle tells him to slaughter the horse and climb into the belly; the bird came down to peck, M . grabbed him by the legs, the dyuldul helped catch him; but the bird does not speak; the vizier: will speak in the presence of his mistress Pamuk; the padishah sends M. to get her; those who tried to approach her burned alive; but P. fell in love with M. and went with him; told him through the vizier that she was ready to marry a padishah if he became 25 years old; vizier: let M. go for a rejuvenating agent; {two pages missing}; M. came out of the cauldron younger, the padishah cooked; they came to Father M.'s possession; he had already died, bequeathing the throne to M.]: Emirsuinova et al. 2013:63-81; Balkarians (Western 1955) [the khan's son has three friends; they decided to travel; there is a forest and a mountain across the river; two disappeared during the crossing; the khan's son and a friend killed two tours, captured, the local ruler (wild animals are his cattle), threw them in prison, wants to execute them; his youngest son released them; the Khan's son's companion was shot dead while fleeing; the Khan's son himself met a girl; married; met a man who offered a job: slaughter the horse, climb into the carcass, the eagle will lift it to the rock, we must throw off the gold; the khan's son saw the bones, did not throw gold; he hardly got out of the cave; the man takes him to him; when leaving, forbids to unlock one room; the young man unlocked; there was a milk lake and a golden tree; three pigeons flew in, took off their clothes, became girls, bathed in a milk lake; the owner of the house explained that they were three daughters of the king of jinns; advises to hide clothes you like; the girl fell in love with him; when the young man asked, she transferred him to his father's kingdom; enemies attacked; the girl turned enemy warriors into gravestones; revived for a promise not to come again; the young man hid his pigeon clothes in a chest on the roof; his wife was offended that he did not trust her, easily took her clothes and flew away; the young man went in search; her father was the king of jinns ordered the young man to be delivered to him, scolded his daughter; the young man and wife returned to their homes]: Malkonduev 2017:179-218; Ossetians [the young man and stepmother remained after the pestilence; the giants could not pull out the arrow that hit the pole the young men, frightened, left; the eldest returned, conspired with his stepmother, she hides him in the chest; to get rid of the young man, the giant teaches the woman to pretend to be sick, ask 1) the liver of the wild boar from the dairy lakes (kills a wild boar); 2) giant apples; a young man kills giants, frees a girl; 3) the giant teaches his stepmother to ask where the young man's soul is; he says that he is wearing a bow string, suggests tying him with this with a bowstring; a giant hits him, the young man's eyes pop out, he is buried under a stone; his father-in-law finds him, his wife puts her eyes on him (they were in his pocket), smeared him with live water; the young man killed the giant, his stepmother dragged his hair until he had it in his hands]: Byazirov 1971, No. 32:247-256; Ossetians [a widower takes a new wife; to get rid of his first wife's daughters, he sprinkles apples over the pit, girls they fail; their tears wash the way out; Aldar finds them; the eldest promises to sew clothes for the people from a piece of cloth, the middle one promises to feed everyone with a plate of flour, the youngest to give birth to a boy with a golden tuft, a girl with silver curls; when leaving, Aldar gives his pregnant wife a bell; sisters plug his horse's ears; put puppies, leave the twins with the female on the edge of the forest; Aldar orders his wife and puppies to be sewn up in cowhide, wipe their feet on her; children grow up with a female; aunts persuade the girl to invite her brother to bring the girl from the Copper Tower; the horse carries the young man between the crushing mountains; calling the owner of the tower, the young man begins to go into the ground, but when he sees his golden crest, the hostess agrees to marry him; the tower flies over the mountains to the young man's house; the aunts offer to get a singing fur coat; the young man drinks water from sour rivers, eats sour apples, gives wheat to crows, meat to wolves, they let it pass; takes Shuba away, she asks the guards to stop the thief, they refuse; Aldar comes to his son's castle, everything is explained; wife Aldara is bathed in a milk lake, her sisters are torn apart by horses]: Britaev, Kaloev 1959:193-204; Ossetians [God became friends with the earthly man George, gave him weapons; said that in the East there are a deer, whose body is in bells, cannot be killed; George is old; his son Geor has also become a hunter; despite his father's warning, he kills a deer; his father orders that the skin be taken to the king; the royal treasurer asks George where he takes the skin and offers to buy it for a lot of money; the king orders Georg a house made of bird bones. "George gave his son 50 buckets of glue. Geor took them to the milk lake, fell asleep; three Sun chickens and birds from all over the world flew there and rushed to the glue." One of the chickens promises Georg to build a house out of bird bones and gives him a magic pen; he meets the royal treasurer again, who begs him for a pen for money; Geor builds a house for the king; the king sends for Beautiful Julata; Geor takes 7 girls and 7 boys with him; there is a snake in the tree, does not let the ship pass, Geor threw him a bull's carcass, missed the snake; then the wind from the eagle's wings prevents him from sailing, Geor throws the eagle a ram's carcass; Geor marries J.; the king sends an army, Geor asks God for help, he sends an eagle, then a snake, the wind blows the army from its wings, the serpent sinks ships; J. turns the treasurer and king into black wolf and goat; wolf eats goat, wolf killed by shepherds; Georgy and his son rule the state]: Sokayeva 2010, No. 14:73-74; Terek Cossacks (v. Naurskaya) ["In the old days, when rivers were still flowing with milk and honey, and sheep grazed with wolves, when there was quiet and smooth everywhere, and God's grace, in a certain kingdom, an old man lived in a certain state with their old woman"; the old man and the old woman live in poverty, so they decide to leave their three daughters in the forest; the old man tells them to pick berries; says he will cut firewood; ties a block of wood to the tree, which swings in the wind and makes a knock; sisters think that the father is cutting wood; after a while they go in search of him; find a block; they reach the sea on which the king and his squad are traveling; older sister: "If only I was a royal wife, I would have given birth to a hero son for the king"; middle: "If I were a royal wife, I would give birth to three daughters for him: Hope, Faith and Love"; youngest: "If I were the king's wife, I would give birth for the king three sons: elbow length in gold, knee-length in silver, month on his forehead, stars over the body"; the king marries the youngest, takes the rest of the sisters as her assistants; goes on a campaign; the queen gives birth three sons: "gold up to the elbow, silver knee-deep, a month on his forehead, stars over the body"; midwife Baba Yaga kills babies, puts three puppies instead of them; writes to the king that puppies have been born; he is angry; the queen gives birth to triplets again; BYA replaces them with puppies, tells the king; he promises to punish his wife if everything happens again; the queen gives birth to three sons, hides one of them in the folds of her dress; BYA kills the other two, puts puppies instead of them and writes to the king; he tells him to leave the puppies until his arrival; BU manages to kill one of them; when he returns, the king sees a puppy and a son who does not have a moon on her forehead, no stars on her body (the queen erased these signs when she hid it from the BU); according to the king's decision, the queen is put in a barrel with her son and puppy and allowed into the sea; the king marries the daughter of the BU; the barrel swims on at sea, the prince asks permission to turn over from one side to the other; the queen does not allow it; the barrel is stranded near the island, the prince turns, the barrel crumbles; the puppy brings bones, the prince makes them a house; elders passing by say they are going to remember the queen; the prince asks to take him with them, they refuse, agree to take the puppy; tell the king about the house on the island; the king wants it to see, but the wife dissuades: "Well, this is not a big wonder; that's a wonder: in a certain kingdom, eight falcons are sitting in a certain state, singing royal and sovereign poems"; the puppy talks about this to the prince; he brings falcons; the elders going to the wake again refuse to take him with them, but take a puppy; tell the king about the house on the island and the 8 falcons; he tells him to saddle horses, but his queen holds: "Well, this is not so wonderful; this is so marvelous: in some kingdom - in some state there is a pig - a golden bristle"; the puppy talks about what the prince heard; he brings a pig golden bristles {no details}; the elders agree to take only a puppy with them; tell the king about what they saw on the island; the wife tries to dissuade him from going there: "Well, it's not so amazing; in in some kingdom, in a distant state, there is a golden horn deer, stubborn in the sky"; the king does not give in to persuasion, goes to the island; the puppy warns the prince and the queen; she tells her son that the tsar is his father, and 8 falcons are his siblings; the prince manages to bring the deer golden horns; the king recognizes the queen as his wife and the prince as his son; 8 falcons turn into princes "elbow-deep in gold, knee-deep in silver, a month on his forehead, stars over the body"; the king returns with his family to the capital; BYA and her daughter are tied to the tails of wild horses that carry their bodies through forests and mountains; "Was feast like a mountain, I was there sometimes, I drank honey, a burner: it flowed down my mustache, but it didn't get into my mouth. The fairy tales are over for you, but I have a korets honey"]: Vostrikov 1904, No. 2:74-80; Georgians [in the next world, babies sit on the branches of a fig tree standing in the middle of a milk lake; children chirp, sing; when they I'm hungry, the branches are approaching the surface of the lake, the children are drinking milk]: Virsaladze 1973, No. 199:270.

Iran - Central Asia. Persians (a written tradition?) ["Shaddad, who wanted to become God, built a palace of gold and silver, surrounded it with the likeness of a garden of Eden, where plants were made of precious stones, land made of amber, musk and saffron, and water and river water pebbles made from milk, honey and pearls"]: Nizami 2008:295, note 887 (referring to: 'Ali Akbar Dihhuda {d. 1956}. Lugat-nama. Ed. Muhammad Mu'in and Ja'far Shahidi. Tehran, 1993-1994); Yazgulyam people [the poor man found an egg on the mountain slope, left it in the pantry, a calf appeared; the poor man and his wife died, the calf remained with the poor man's mother; fills the pantry with food; tells him to marry him the royal daughter; the king wants to hang the old woman, the vizier advises to give the calf difficult errands; 1) shady apple trees along the road; 2) a mill with compartments for grain and meat; 3) gutters on the roof, oil flows one by one, milk on the other; 4) three yards are full of gold; by morning everything is ready, the wedding, the calf turns into a person]: Grunberg, Steblin-Kamensky 1976, No. 22:241-243; kalashi [ there are seven heavens; each has a river; the river of the upper sky is milky, if it overflows, a good harvest; the river below the sixth sky is made of blood, its spills cause disease, hunger, war] : Yettmar 1986:358; the Burishi [The White Virgin (Dēu, DB) is hired by the noble king Shahzad Bahram (B.) to see him; but he does not go out to the people; DB takes the form of a vizier, advises B. go out; takes the form of a beautiful horse; when B. sits on him, takes him to heaven; calls him a son; leaves, leaving many peri in care, forbiding B. to let B. into the same garden; B. threatens to kill himself, peri they have to let him in; 7 doves fly to the milk pond, leave their clothes, swim; then Shahri Bānu arrives, BD himself is in love with her; B. hides, fumigates SB's clothes with smoke from a cow manure; returns when the SB calls him not father, uncle, son, but husband; SB puts it on but cannot take off; when DB returns, B. hides SB in the room; confesses everything; although BD is upset, he connects lovers by marriage; one day B. dreams that on earth his Pipe Keeper (HT, Pipe Bearer) has seized power, tyrannizes his (B.) ex-wife and sons; DB releases B. and SB, gives hair from their armpits to cause it in case of trouble; they settle in the poor man's house; while B. is hunting, HT comes, demands SB for himself; sends servants, at first they do not return, because they faint with the beauty of the SB; The SB promises to become HT's wife if he allows her to wear her clothes; flies to Shahr-i-Shaskin (SHSH), throwing the ground at HT's face; B. calls DB, subjects recognize B. as king, he appoints the poor man with whom he lived, to the place of HT, goes to look for SB; only one old maiden knows the way to the School; wearing an invisible hat, B. overhears the girl telling the boy that her sister SB wants to marry today, and she does not wants; B. eats food unnoticed, boy and girl fight blaming each other; B. finds SB, her mother tells them to flee, but B. first defeats the army of the king's fiancé SB (invisible, he makes warriors kill each other); SB's father recognizes B. as his son-in-law; B. and SB return home, the poor man is made a vizier]: Lorimer 1935, No. 1:3-33 (=Felmy 1986, No. 6:33-43).

Baltoscandia. Lithuanians: Lebite 1965:101-104 [the father left each of the 9 sons a stallion, and his daughter Elenite their mother mare; E. goes to look for brothers, stallions respond to the mare's laughing; appears Laume, dressed in rags, rides in a trough pulled by a pig, reins - guts; offers to swim in the river, says that milk flows in this one, blood flows into the other; the bunny saved by E. tells me not to believe - blood in this river, milk in another; L. breaks his paw; so several times, L. broke all her legs, twisted the bunny's neck; while E. is swimming, L. dresses up in her dress, tells her to go in a trough; brothers take L. for E., send E. to herd horses; E. asks the Month how her late parents live in paradise; the Month praises their lives, L. shouts that they are not living well; the brothers hear E.'s song, take turns listening, everyone falls asleep, the youngest does not, asks him to look in his head, notices a familiar ring on E.'s finger, she talks about L.; the brothers smear the mare with tar, L. sticks to his legs, arms, body; the mare takes her where animals don't wander; siblings live well]; Schleicher 1857 in Espinosa 1930 [nine brothers leave home, the elder puts a gold ring on his sister Onutte's finger; O. grows up, her mother lets her go look for brothers; the hare asks to take him with him, sits in her cart; laume, the name O., swims in the sea, they say that there is a river of milk behind them, and wine is oozing from the shore; the hare explains that this is a river of tears, and blood pours on the shore; Laume stretches out the back leg of the Hare in anger; the same with the other lauma, she throws the Hare off the cart; the third makes O. swim with her; turns her into a louse, herself into a flea, who jumps out out of the water first, he will wear beautiful clothes, and the other will wear old leather; puts on O.'s clothes, but the ring remains with O.; they come to the 9 brothers, O. sends them to watch the horses; O. talks about What happened to his skate, the older brother hears it, tells O. to wash his hair, sees the ring; washes O., dresses beautifully; the brothers put a horse in the door, smear it with resin, her name is Laume, she sticks alone, with the other hand, leg, other, stomach; the horse is whipped, it carries the Laumer-baby story against the rock, half falls into the water, half on land; therefore, the skull]: 146-148; Karelians (Kalevalsky district ) [When going to visit, the parents of a five-year-old girl tell her to watch her three-year-old brother, not to let him out of the house; the girl goes to play, the geese took the boy away; the girl runs to look for him; the goose asks to pluck he has feathers, the girl replies that she is weak and cannot; the stove asks him to eat her pies, the girl says that she has no time; the milk river - the jelly shores ask you to try milk, jelly; the girl tried it, I found myself in a hut, where my brother plays with toys that geese bring him; the girl grabs her brother and runs back; they washed milk, jelly, found themselves on the other side of the river; ate pies from the stove; the girl gathered her strength, plucked the goose; brought her brother home]: Onegin 2012, No. 28:279-281; the Veps [in the texts on the story "Wonderful Children" there are the following descriptions: "Suddenly a river appeared, and in milk and jelly flow in it" (with reference to Kettunen, Siro 1935, No. 55) and "A river has appeared, and wine, honey and milk flow in it" (IYALI KNC phono archive)]: Onegina, Zaitseva 1996:12; Veps [{not everything I see, approximate translation}; parents have three daughters; Ivan Tsarevich overheard them talking in the bathhouse; (promises to marry); one promises to give birth to 9 sons; wife gave birth to three boys, midwife replaced them with piglets; the same during the second birth; at third, the queen hid one under her breast and it was announced that she had given birth to only two piglets; she and the hidden boy were placed in a barrel and thrown into the sea; the waves carried the barrel for three years; then the son knocked down the bottom, they found themselves on the shore; the mother blesses her son every time and, at his word, a beautiful house appears, a river in which oatmeal flows and fresh milk; his 8 brothers come to the young man; they eat and drink; they say that they have neither father nor mother; then his father comes; feast]: Kettunen, Sibo 1935, No. 55:115-121 (episode with the milky jelly river in p. 119-120); Estonians [proverb: Piimajõed, pudrumäed ("rivers of milk, mountains of porridge")]: Õim 2016; Seto [God created a beautiful land where rivers of milk flowed and bread grew along the banks, bread and all kinds of food; created Adam and Eve, they finally became lazy; then God destroyed such abundance, only fruit trees remained; and people had to find food by labor; but where can they get milk now? At this time, Judas created hell; created filthy animals and birds on earth; and he had a cow; God decided to steal it; created gadflies and horseflies, and they drove the cow to one man; God told him to answer Judas, that his cow was; and in order for Judas to be convinced of this, he added horns, a tail and divided her hooves, which used to be like horses; Judas believed that the cow was a stranger and went to look for his own]: Vanahunt 2015:42; Scandinavians [Sturla Tordasson's "The Book of Land Settlement" (1214-1284): "When asked about the new land {Iceland}, Floki spoke ill of it, Heryolv spoke of both good and bad, and Torolv said that milk rivers with jelly banks flow in the country they found, for which he was nicknamed Torolv - Milk River"]: Markelova 2014:351.

Volga - Perm. Marie [sister goes to save her brother: she treats the stove, apple tree, milk river with affection; they help her escape from Vouver Kuva, her geese and carry her kidnapped brother]: Sabitov 1989, № 480A*: 30; Mordovians (Erzya) [parents tell their daughter to watch her brother; two wild geese took him away; the girl rushed to catch up; the oven asks for bread, wild apple tree - apples, dairy the river with jelly banks is jelly; the girl does as asked; the hedgehog shows the way; Yaga sleeps in the house, his brother is playing with the golden testicle; his sister grabbed him, ran back; again fulfills the river's requests etc., they hide from stalking geese]: Evseviev 1964, No. 41:288-289; Chuvash [an orphan girl was taken into the family; ordered to monitor the baby boy, he is as bright as the moon; the girl played with too much other children, the goose took the boy away; the girl ran to look for him; the oven asks to eat her cake, the girl replies that she has white rolls in her house; the apple tree is to eat her apples, the girl: we have sweeter; milky stream - drink his milk, girl: we have enough of our own; the hedgehog complains about his misfortune; he teaches what to do; the goose's mother sleeps in the hut, legs, head, stomach touches the walls and ceiling; we must grab the boy and run, do what the stream, apple tree, stove require; the girl returned safely]: Chuvash tales 1937:100-105; Chuvash [swans live by Milk Lake, fly there in the fall along Milky Lake, fly there in the fall along Milky Lake Ways]: Rodionov 1982:168; Kazan Tatars [stepmother told her husband to drive away three stepdaughters; he dug a hole in the forest under an apple tree, covered it with twigs, daughters failed, father left; they ate apples, then the youngest climbed on the shoulders of the elders, got out, came to the padishah, the girls were pulled out; the eldest promised to sew clothes for the whole army with one thread, the middle one to feed the whole army with one cake, the youngest - to give birth to a son and daughter with golden hair and silver teeth; the elders fulfilled their promise, but envy the youngest that the padishah chose her as his wife; the padishah left, the wife gave birth to children, the sisters changed the letter the message that she gave birth to two puppies; replaced the children with puppies, gave them to the witch in the forest; the padishah ordered his wife and the puppies to be placed in a hut, everyone should not care about her, took the older sisters to the palace; children grew up, the sisters brought illness to her sister, she will be cured 1) a black horse; the old man tells her to whip the horse, grab the mane; 2) get a milk lake with a golden duck; the horse brings to the lake, tells me to whistle, the lake is transferred to the young man's house; 3) get Altynchech ("gold-haired") as a friend to his sister; the horse brought, A. went out to scream, the young man brought her home; she tells him to save his mother; the children, then the padishah, crawl to a woman on her knees; she forgives her husband; sisters tied to horse tails]: Yarmukhametov 1957:95-102 (=Marchenko 1993:217-226); Bashkirs [the gray crow threatens to sink the merchant's ship; will send a mare who the merchant will be the first to leave the house, who must drive it; a young worker leaves; an old woman teaches the last of the seven white swan girls who will fly to swim in the milk lake to hide their clothes; the girl leads to his father, he was a gray crow; six swans are his own daughters, the seventh is a kidnapped earthly girl; his father-in-law orders the stallion to drink (the wife teaches him to hit him with a stick), to give six mares to drink (this is Swan daughters, you have to click on their forehead), plow the field overnight, grow bread (the wife tells the genies); the wife tells the young man to run, they turn into a sheep and a shepherd, the servants have not identified; the father-in-law chases himself, not believes that he is just an old man and an old woman in front of him; his daughter flew like a falcon, her father a falcon; a roach and a pike; the ring is in the girl's bucket, his father is a fisherman, asks to return the ring; the girl threw it away - the grain; the rooster bites, one grain from under the girl's foot goes to the golden eagle, he killed the rooster; the fugitives got home safely]: Barag 1989, No. 10:71-74.

Turkestan. Kyrgyz [poor old man and old woman; an old man is trapped by a badger; asks not to kill: he will become a son, he will take care of them; a badger drags partridges to old people, old people eat up, turn on cattle; the badger offers to move to the village; easily drives away dogs; the khan tells them to come with the badger; the khan has a daughter Ayperi; the badger speaks to her by name; a year later the badger begins to wither away, says that in love, asks to marry A.; Khan ordered the old man to break his arms and legs, tie him to a mare and sent home; the badger tells the old woman not to worry: the old man is safe again; next time the old man is broken in half; the old man came to life again; the old man was killed, burned, the badger revived him from a handful of ashes; the khan is advised to give the old man an impossible task; let him plant a Munaru tree and a plane tree before, and a lake at the roots milk and a lake of butter, let the fish jump from one lake to another; let there be only sheep in one trough, yaks in the other, horses in the third, and camels in the fourth, and even if they are innumerable; let there be a golden throne between the two trees, so that the khan can sit on it and admire the fish; at night, the badger asks the old man to slaughter and cut the mare, his ears turn into two trees, his eyes into lakes with oil and milk; cut hair from the mare's mane turns into fish, the skull into the golden throne, the blood and contents of the intestines and stomach into four species of cattle, the legs into 4 golden horseback riding; in the morning the mare stands in its place safe and sound; the khan gave his wife to the badger; her good aunt cheers A., the angry aunt mocks her; at night the badger takes off his skin, turns out to be a young man of unearthly beauty; the good aunt rejoices; in the morning, the badger puts the skin back on, tells his wife to wait; but the misfortune that the evil aunt will bring will have to endure 6 years; the next evening an evil aunt serves, throws her skin into the fire; the young man turns into a bird and flies away through the upper opening of the yurt; the evil aunt is tied to the tails of 40 horses; A. goes to look for her husband; the khan gives her iron boots and an iron stick; she has been wandering for 5 years, in his sixth year, he meets a tall white-bearded old man; he advises walking to a hut at the foot of the mountain; an old witch in a hut; we must ask to accept her as a daughter; the old man will turn in the wind, he will shake until morning hut; in the morning, the witch will get tired and lie down with her head on A.'s knees; let A. pull the witch's hair out until her eyes roll and turn white, but they should not turn red; the old man hands A. hair, tells them to run through the witch's body, when her eyes turn white, she will twist and freeze; after that A. must run; months later, the old man meets A. again, tells her to go to a hill that looks like skullcap, there will be the white yurt in which A. spent her wedding night; in the yurt there will be a gold stand (for birds of prey), A. must dig into the ground under it; her husband will arrive and circle for several days, saying, he smells like a human; saying "where does a person come from here", he will sit on a stand; the old man hands Aiperi a net and says that her husband is the son of Peri, who gave birth to a child on top of a tree near Khan's yurt, at the moment when Khansha gave birth to A.; seeing that the human child was a beautiful girl, Mother Peri spat on A.'s cheek, putting a mark; her peri husband's name is Aktilek; sitting on a stand, he will begin say "fell asleep, fell asleep", but this means that he is awake; when he starts saying "woke up, woke up", then he will fall asleep; you have to throw a net and hold it; Aktilek will fly out of the yurt and start wear A. across the sky; three pigeons will fly, also peri, talk to A.; the first will say, "Hey, long hair, short mind, are you an equal to Peri's son?!" ; the second will begin to feel sorry for A., and the third will offer help to go down to earth; Aktilek will ask A. to open his eyes, but only after the third sentence A. should open them; helping A. go down to earth, pigeons were bruised, which is why some pigeons are not white, but blue; Ayperi and Aktilek have healed happily]: Sabyr uulu 2008:555-572; Kyrgyz (Issyk-Kul Province) [Nurzhan, his daughters Aykyz, Gulkyz, Nurkyz, and son Sarytai; his wife dies, Nurzhan suffers, wants to marry again, but it feels sorry for the children; in a dream, a voice tells her daughters to be given away without dowry, someone hands Kyzyr Niyaz a ring, it fulfills wishes, if you address him by name; in the morning a ring on his right thumb; to check, Nurzhan demands good food from the ring; the family has healed for pleasure; Nurzhan announces to his son during his lifetime testament: after his death, three dervishes will appear who will wash his body and bury him, his son must give them sisters without dowry, as well as all the goods at home; let him keep only the ring, his Do not give the name to anyone; S. fulfilled his father's will and went to distant lands; he forgot that the ring makes wishes come true; he almost drowns in the river, the fish carries it ashore; in the forest he hides from predators in a tree, by morning they eat each other; S. reaches the mountains, cannot pass them, falls asleep; Perishte spirits carried him over the mountains; S. enters an area where the wind is raging, clouds of poisonous insects in the air; in some In the old courtyard, he finds an old man and an old woman, invites them to become their son; they ask them not to go outside at night; he goes out and sees two moons in the sky; one goes out in the morning, becomes darker; an old woman says that the ruler has a married daughter named Sahipzhamal, plays in the palace courtyard with her friends and is so beautiful that the radiance on her behalf is the second moon; S. falls ill from love; She notices a ring on her hand, recalls, tells her to fill the house with food; asks his adoptive parents to marry him to Sahipzhamal; the old woman comes to ask her to marry S.; the vizier advises to give an impossible task: bring 40 gems; S. orders the ring to deliver 40 camels, 40 horses, 40 mules and 40 donkeys loaded with gems; let them be accompanied by 25 beautiful people whose clothes are decorated with gem buttons, also decorate the bangs of their horses with gemstone bells; the mother should allocate a separate horse, let her clothes be luxurious, like the harness on horses; the ruler is shocked asks the groom himself to come; wedding; S. tells the ring to create a new palace on the cloud, and under it a lake of milk and a lake of butter; the vizier persuades Sahipzhamal to find out her husband's secret; S. says the name of the ring; the vizier says it, he orders the palace and Sahipzhamal to be moved to seventh heaven; S. is looking for sisters, their dervish husbands help him; the eldest's husband is guilty that he sleeps for 40 days and for 40 nights, all this happened when he slept, carries S. to his younger sister's husband, who reports that the Zymyryk bird can take him to the palace, the Zymyryk bird lays 2 eggs every year, but the dragon eats chicks, you need to kill the dragon, save the chicks and Zymyryk will help; the dervish gives the young man a one-inch sword, which, when waving, extends to 40 fathoms, and takes him to a tree with a nest Zymyryk; S. drinks from a spring at the foot of a tree and awaits sleep; he wakes up from the rain, these are the tears of chicks, sees that the dragon is preparing to swallow them; he kills the dragon, feeds its chicks with meat, himself, eating a leaf with trees, begins to understand the language of the chicks; they say that their mother will arrive soon, hide it under their wings; storm, wind, tornado, rain and hail notify the appearance of the bird Zymyryk; when they see that the chicks are intact, the bird is happy, ready to fulfill any wish of the savior; S. asks to be brought to seventh heaven; they take 40 wineskins with water and 40 with meat; the bird teaches: if you look to the right, you have to throw her a wineskin with meat, if there is a wineskin full of water to the left; supplies run out, S. gives the bird meat from his right thigh and moisture from his left eye; once at the palace, he sees through the gap how the vizier pulls Sahipzhamal to his bed, and she screams that she has a husband; after waiting for the vizier to fall asleep, S. says "Kyzyr Niyaz" and the ring is on his finger; he orders them to be transferred to Father Sahipzhamal; shows him the sleeping vizier and Sahipzhamal, the king orders the vizier to cut off his head, scolds his daughter; calls to imitate Sarytai, true to his word]: Sabyr uulu 2008:119-125.

Southern Siberia. Altaians [a boy the size of a goat named Yrystu ("Happy") lived on a mountainside, near the shore of a milk lake; answered Ak-Kaan who was passing by that his father was a mountain, his mother was lake; A. promised to adopt him, made him a slave; the old man tells him the words Pyp and Tap-Tajlan; the first makes people and animals stick to the ground and to each other, the second to disperse, run away; T. makes the khan, his wife and children stick to each other, the shaman to the ground; takes the Khan's throne, then returns to live on the mountain]: Garf, Kuchiyak 1978:89-96; Altaians (western from a baptized Altai citizen to the villages. Onguday in the river valley Ursul) [Altai-Buchi went to fight Demichi-ter; his wife Edil-Jebil and sister Edil-Kojil wrote a letter with the duck to Aranai-Charanay, Elden-Chaldan's son, that they would be better off without Ab; they gave Ab wine with sweat workers and a horse; Ab fell into a hole; AH ordered Ab's sixth horse to be tied, his thumbs cut off; three more horses, two dogs and two golden eagles Ab were also confused and taken away, but Demichi-Jeren's horse (DD) tricked them into freeing them, becoming a sparrow, took Ab's thumbs away; Ab's wife gave birth to Kan-Sorysh, DD, becoming a sparrow, carried him through the smoke hole in the yurt; the mother cut off her son's leg, but DD stole his leg; from the sky from the milk lake, where the birch tree is in bloom, brought the girl Temene-ko, she revived everyone, put the cut back, married the COP; Ab tied his wife to the tails of nine horses; went underground to fight with Aranai-Charanay; fished with a fishing rod with a bait of 6 bulls, this fish is gone; marries Kan-Jackpay's sister; goes to look for his missing son; the serpent climbs into the nest of the Kan-Gerede bird, Ab kills him; the chick replies that when his mother arrives, it will rain a little, there will be wind; the bird sends Ab to Yerlik to look for Altyn-Gerel; the wife gave needles (open it in front of two camels, have time to pass between them) one hundred eyes (let two crows and two magpies bite), threads (give two girls so that they do not tear them out), coals (give coal burners so that they do not burn themselves), iron (to blacksmiths, so as not to split themselves); a woman, a goat and a foal in front of her, she stole them from a mare and a goat during her lifetime; it is not enough for some spouses to hide 9 sheepskins, others feel good under one; children who looked sideways at their parents are hooked for eyes; the woman who killed the child is hanged by the navel; who condemned people, and freestyle himself, the soles are pinned with iron; the woman has a male bone, the man has a female bone, both freestyle; the murderers boil in sulfur; Ab beats E. with twigs that have grown out of her hands, she promises to help him; Ab made a live head go to Kutai, dead to Yerlik; (etc.); Kan-Jackpay nailed Jergenis-Boko's lower lip (boko is a strongman) to the ground, lower to the sky; Kan-Sorysh cut his stomach inside and got out]: Potanin 1916, No. 59:181-186; Tuvans [earlier, when Milk Lake was a puddle and Mount Sümber was a mound, near The old men were the son of Döng Sööshük; his father told him to sit on a white ox and bring his calves; D. did not find calves, and when he returned, there was no trace of the yurt; his ox fell, he began to burn his fat; Chylbyga appeared, put it in a bag, carried it to her children; he cut a hole, hid behind a bump; when she saw that the bag was empty, C. screamed so much that D. came out of the shelter; she hung it in the chimney, went for it with firewood; D. promised her seven children to play with them if they released him; he stabbed everyone, put their heads to bed, cooked the meat, collected blood in an empty stomach, hid behind a yurt himself; C. found meat cooked, began to call the children, found their heads; D. ran, spilled blood on the ice; C. began to lick her so that she would not spill into the water, her tongue froze, D. cut her throat; cut her stomach, came out of it his parents and all cattle are alive]: Taube 1978, No. 56:273-276; Baikal Buryats (Alar): Gomboev 1890, No. 1 [In the former glorious, prosperous, rich time, when the land became land, water became water when the Great Mount Sumbyr was hummock, and the Great Sea of Milk with a puddle, the biggest fish was fry, in the middle of the yellow steppe, near the sea, at the foot of the mountains stood like a felled rock, reaching heaven, silver palace...]: 1; Baikal Buryats: Burchina 2007, No. IV.9 (Alarsky District) ["In the old beautiful, rich and perfect times, when paper was thin, when paper was thin, when The Great Milk Sea was a stream, and Great Mount Sumer was a hillock when the original sandalwood was a young sprout, when the spotted letters. gray-haired elk was a goat..."], IV.10 ( Nukut District) ["When the high sky was a haze and steam [veil], when the spacious zambi land was a puddle, the Great Milk Sea was a stream, the Great Mount Sumer was a tubercle, white articular the grass is tender otava grass, the original sandalwood is a thin vine, the white-spotted variegated red deer is a goat, the huge Abarga fish is a fry shirt, the huge Abarga snake is a bug worm. Earlier, in blooming free times, this happened"]: 356, 370; Zabanov 1929 [Bukha-noyon-babay, turning to a dark gray porosa, holds an iron cradle under his chest; two shamans Asukhan and Husykhan makes sacrifices to him, receives a cradle, A. adopted a child, named Balagat; Harmusta is one of the Eastern Tengriyas; his daughter does not know from whom she became pregnant, went down to earth, gave birth to two She left her sons and daughter on the shore of Lake Baikal; these children come out of the water to play with B.; A. gives him food and an intoxicating drink, all four fall asleep in a nightmare; the shamanic sisters carry her, on the way one boy screams, "Take me the milky sea, my mother and the rocky mountains-father"; the waves poured ashore; the girl became a seal, swam away, one boy became a squirrel, ran away to the mountains; the rest was adopted by Khusykhan, named Ekhirit, from him Verkholensky, Olkhon, Lena Buryats came; from Bulagat - Tunkin, Alar, Balagan, Whale, Kudinsky and other Baikal regions]: 21-23; Zhambalova 2000 ["according to one of the options" ( without reference to the source; starting as in Hadahne before "or mooing"); T.'s daughter reports B. ; he mysteriously takes twins out of her womb, puts them on his back, swims across Lake Baikal; he does not recognize one of the boys as his own, puts him in the coastal gap; puts the other in an iron cradle, keeps under his chest in a specially dug hole, allowing him to suck his hair; two childless shamans Asuykhan and Husyykhan made a special sacrifice to B., received a boy, named Bulagat; there is an option according to which B. took one child out of the womb, threw it with horns to the north side of Lake Baikal; after defeating his opponent, he swam there, found the child, and raised shaman A. ; this story is complemented by another {cf. Zabanov 1929:21-23}: Bulagat, a little older, goes to play on the seashore, meets two boys and a girl who are emerging from the waters of Lake Baikal; they are the children of one of the daughters of an Eastern celestial Hormusts; she did not know who became pregnant from, she went down to earth in the form of a goat, gave birth to three children, put them on the shore of Lake Baikal; two shaman sisters learned from Bulagat about these water children, asked B. to bring them; they did not agree to go to him; the shamans put them to sleep on felt, carried them home; on the way one woke up, shouted, Take me, the Milk Sea is the mother and inaccessible rocky mountains - father; waves poured ashore, shamans almost drowned; the girl turned to a seal, went to sea, the boy into a black squirrel, ran to the mountains; the third child was adopted by shaman Husyykhan , given his name Ekhirit; according to another version, his father was burbot, his mother was a coastal gap]: 191-192; Trans-Baikal Buryats: Tugutov, Tugutov 1992, No. 35 (Bichursky District, 1964) ["When times were beautiful, /When the iris turned green, /When the land was melted,/When the wild boar was well-fed, /When the Milk Sea was a puddle,/When Sumber Mountain was a hillock,/When the Lonely Tree was a teenager/When the sika deer was a calf, /When a two-year-old black was a foal, /When the Dalai Lama walked as novices, /From the miserable Dari-Khatan/He was born hunched up/Rodless Zagar Bogdo Khan"]; № 38 (Dzhidi District, 1972) ["In beautiful early ancient times, /In the old, tender times, /At the very beginning of better times./When ancient laws were soft/When paper was thin/ When the Milk Sea it was a stream, /When Mount Sumber was a hillock, /When the Lonely Tree was a sprout, /When the mighty red deer was a calf, /the beautiful Dari-Khatan was born an orphan Zagar Bogdo Khan"]: 119, 134- 135; Oirats [epic Egil-Mergen; When the Boom Sea (One Hundred Thousand) was a puddle, /and the gray argali (argali, mountain sheep) was a calf, /when the yellow sun first fell, /when faith began to grow thousands of Buddhas of this kalpa, /when the inhabitants of this sunflower world had just begun to grow and multiply, /when the Shakyamuni faith began to spread.. /when Mount Sumeru was a small pass, /when the great The Milk Sea was a puddle, /at a time when the seventy-seven kings on the underside were young children/when Dara-eke (Mother Tara) was a goddess, /and the Dalai Lama was a novice, /at a time when The king of thirty-three celestials, Hormusta, came to the age of three]: Vladimirtsov 1923:204 in Neklyudov 205:118-119.

Eastern Siberia. Yakuts (place of registration not specified; central ones?) [widower Oboruochchun and daughter Yuryumechchi Kuo ("beautiful moth") marries an old woman whose three daughters, in addition to their usual eyes, have three, two, one on the back of her head; Yu's cow tells her to lie in the grass, become a silver bird, fly into her left ear to wash her face, eat in her right ear; the stepmother sends her daughters to watch Yu, she puts her eyes to sleep, but the five-eye follows unnoticed, spies; the cow tells me when they will stab her, take her eyes, ears, tail, hooves and skin, go east (these will include two milk lakes, the sacred Aal-Luuk mas tree with eight branches, where people's souls hide and animals, cattle, house); marry the first man she meets; Haradyiktay Mergen comes to marry her when she comes to see her father; stepmother takes away her outfits, gives her three-eyed; seeing for the first time, H., Yu flies up in the guise of a bird, swallows his saliva, which now gives birth to two boys, lives with them in his rich house (not with his stepmother); boys hide dishes and food, forcing their mother to say who is their father; they come to him, his wife pushes an old stove on them, they are buried; Yu comes, tells the truth, H. hangs a three-eye; Yu pulls out living water as a bird, revives children]: Sivtsev, Efremov 1990:210-224; northeast (?) Yakuts [in the center of the world, on a high mountain, is a sacred larch created for the happiness of all living; a stream flows out of its western branches that flows into the sea of milk; old and weak, after swimming in him, are gaining strength; a goddess living in a tree fed the heroes]: Okladnikov 1949 in Haekel 1958:67.

(Wed. The Northern Andes. {The mention of the milk river is most likely from the Spaniards. It has never been recorded in unmixed Indian groups}. Mestizos in Aritama District [the souls of the dead meet rivers of tears, milk, blood; black, white, red dogs accordingly transport those who were kind to dogs during their lifetime]: Reichel-Dolmatoff, Reichel-Dolmatoff 196:380).

NW Amazon. Makuna [Romi Kumu (Female Shaman) creates the world with the help of Mythical Male Heroes (MG, including the Sun); the Earth is her body; the Eastern Outlet is the vagina of the RK; the Earth's northern and southern outlets are her ribs; the calendar cycle is her menstrual cycle; when her vagina is closed, rivers flow to the mountains and from there to the sky, falling down in the rain; when closed, the Milk River, which has absorbed the waters of everyone the rest, pours out into the lower world (dry season); fertilized by MG-mi, RK gave birth to the first ancestors buku masa; from the vagina (Eastern Outlet), they swam upstream to the center in the form of anaconda ancestors the lands where the tribes were created then returned; the first people were Yaguars (yaia), ate each other, copulated with sisters; so the RK destroyed them by the flood and then burned them; MG stayed, created new people, other than animals]: Århem 1981:70-71; Barasana [The Milky Way is described as a reflection or as an extension of the Earth's Milk River; the Milk River is a giant river on to the east, often identified with the Amazon and Rio Negro; the sky is described as half a black-glazed pumpkin vessel often used to store coca powder; a dome on the horizon the sky joins the earth and the Milk River continues in the Milky Way]: Hugh-Jones 1982:195.