Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

H1A. Wishing someone else to die is in mourning.


The character decides that people should die. His or her child, mother, or a creature whose life is dear to him dies. Now the decision maker agrees to make people immortal, but it is impossible to change the decision.

Kabilas, Berbers (?) Morocco, von, ila, masai, arusha, louis, (subia), mbala, suthau, thompson, lillouette, coutenay, sanpual, quinolt, quileout, alsea, cous, kalapuya, takelma, modoc, blacklegs, hidatsa, kiowa, chirokee, villeot, shasta, vintu, patvin, pomo, shinkyon, coastal yuki, yana, achomavi, mountain and coastal miwok, nisenan, maidu, tubatulabal, northern payut, western shoshoni, goshiyute, utah, yavapai, western apache, lipan, kaduveo.

Bantu-speaking Africa. Louis [Nyambe's dog died, his wife Nasilele told her to be thrown away; then Nasilele's mother died; she asked for her back, but Nyambe refused because she did not want the dog back; they sent A chameleon to tell people that they will come to life, and a Hare (var. Lizard) say they will die forever; The Hare (Lizard) came first]: Werner 1933:32-33 (=Abrahamsson 1951:33-34, 65; =Baumann 1936:288), =Scheub 2000:185); (cf. subia [the man's dog died, his wife did not want him to revive it; when her mother died, her husband first refused to revive it, but then agreed, leaving it in the hut, not allowing his wife to open it the door; the wife opened, the mother died again, her husband did not revive her again, ordered her to be buried, said that now all people would die]: Jacottet 1901:109f in Frazer 1926:176-177); sila [man He came down from above to the ground with his mother, wife, mother-in-law, cattle; mother-in-law died; the wife wanted her back, but the husband said that she would be reborn herself; later her husband's dog died; he wanted her back, but the wife refused because her husband did not bring her mother back to life; her husband's mother died, the wife refused again; people have since died]: Smith, Dale 1920:104-105 (quoted in Abrahamsson 1951:65; Janssens 1926:561-562); mbala [y Leza wife, mother, mother-in-law, three sons, two daughters; mother died, wife did not want her to come to life because she ate her beans; mother-in-law died, now L. did not agree to revival; wife also decided - let it be death, and L. gave the "elixir of birth" to prevent people from becoming extinct]: Smith, Dale 1920:102 (quoted in Abrahamsson 1951:65; Janssens 1926:562); sutho [Khutswane's creator's dog died; his parents and sister they did not want her to come to life because dogs could be eaten; then his sister died, others wanted her to come to life, but H. said that if a dog died, his sister would not live; left the ground]: Abrahamsson 1951 : 65 (=Baumann 1936:289); (cf. nyoro [at first, only animals died forever, and people returned; sister's dog died; brother asks her sister to dress well and go meet the resurrected ones; she replies that she will not go if her dog does not resurrect; Ruhanga is angry, says that now people will not be reborn either]: Roscoe 1923a: 337; Nyamwezi [Shida Matunda created everything; he has two wives, his beloved has died; he locked her indoors began to water the grave, a flower grew on it; CMM went to buy firewood, at which time the second wife entered the house, cut down the plant, blood flooded the room; CMM said that she killed the one who had begun to resurrect; now all humans, animals and plants will die]: Spellig 1929, No. 1:231-232, =Beier 1966:62, =Scheub 2000:227; sukuma {says "nyamwezi, sukuma" but this variant is slightly different from the variant nyamwezi} [Kilya Matunda is the creator, he has wives Nabashindi and Nashingo; Nab. wove the basket, Ours blinded the vessel, KM must decide whose job is more skillful; he threw the basket and vessel on the floor, the vessel crashed, Nab. became a beloved wife; she died; he buried her in the house, watered the grave, the plant grew; while KM left to bring firewood, Ours came in, tore off the plant with a hoe, blood flowed]: Scheub 2000:126-127).

West Africa. Background [Mawu put an empty calebass on the water; As the calebasa stays on the water, so will humans live on earth forever; The spider threw a rock; As the rock goes to the bottom, so will humans die forever; Spider's mother died, he asked M. to revive her and make people immortal; M. refused; if Spider hadn't made M. angry before, people would come to life after death as a month that dies every morning and returns in the evening]: Müller 1907:277 (quoted in Abrahamsson 1951:5; Feldman 1963, No. 35 in Zhukov, Kotlyar 1986, No. 18:62); (cf. baule [husband died on the road from sunstroke; one wife drove away flies, the other ran into the forest, the spirit gave her a means to revive her, but it is only effective if no fly sits on the deceased; the husband came to life, but the wives argued whose role in reviving him was more important; people decided not to revive the dead]: Himmelheber 1951b: 105-107, translated in Himmelheber 1960:146-148).

Sudan - East Africa. Maasai [Naitery-kop placed the first man Leeyio on earth; ordered at the funeral to say "The man dies and returns, the moon dies and remains (dead"; the neighbor's child is dead; L. confused said the opposite; then L.'s own child died; this time he was right, but N. replied that it was too late, death was final after the death of the neighbor's child]: Hollis 1905:271-272 (=Kipury 1983, No. 1:27; retelling in Abrahamsson 1951:57); Arusha [the little woman's child died; she gave it to the big woman Naiterukop to bury him with the words, Man - die and be reborn, Moon - die and stay (dead); N. said the opposite; in the morning the earth above the grave began to rise, but she trampled it and again told the Man to die and the Moon to be reborn; then her N.'s own child; she buried him, saying what the little woman wanted at first, but it turned out to be useless]: Abrahamsson 1951:57.

North Africa. Kabila [first the soul of people who were tired of life left their bodies and then came back; God asked the woman if she wanted her newborn to die forever or return; she replied that Let people die forever, but that she wants to see her child soon; God said her child would die forever; she objected that she meant something else, but God refused to change his mind]: Abrahamsson 1951:54-55; (cf. Lacoste-Dujardin 2005 [a young woman's child died; the First Mother (a mythological character) agreed to revive him on the condition that all other people will now die for good]: 249); Berbers (?) Morocco [at first, people lost consciousness for a while and returned to life; when her rival's child died, the Prophet's daughter Lalla Fatima Zohra told her father that the dead should not be reborn; the Prophet asked for This is God; when her own sons Hassan and Hussein were killed, she asked her father if her decision could be changed; he refused]: Abrahamsson 1951:55.

The coast is the Plateau. Thompson: Teit 1917b, No. 1 [The raven wants a long winter, wants people to die, otherwise the world will overflow; the Raven, the Crow, the Fly, the Larva decide in favor of death because they want to feed on corpses; The Coyote wants death to be like a dream; the Raven's daughter dies first; he suggests that Coyote change his mind, he says it's too late]: 1; Teit in Boas 1917 [The spider says the Ant will cut itself and die; Ant: I'll be alive in ten days; the Spider wants to make people mortal, otherwise the world will overflow; Mucha hopes that her children will feed on corpses, supports the Spider; the Spider's child dies, that regrets the decision]: 486; lillouette [man: Let people die; his son dies, but the chief refuses to change his mind]: Teit 1912b, No. 43a [chief - Raven], 43b [man whose son died - Raven]: 356; coutene [chief: humans have two lives; Raven: only one (he wants to peck out the eyes of the dead); people kill Raven's son and daughter; now he wants people two lives; the chief refuses ]: Boas 1918, No. 65:213; Sanpual: Gould in Boas 1917 [a man kills and buries his son; a man's daughter hides in the same cave where her brother is buried; Fox, Hawk, Eagle try in vain take her back; Vulture's daughter dies, who asks the chief to revive her; he is told that once before he demanded that people not be reborn, his daughter also died forever]: 486; Ray 1933, No. 2 [the chief's son dies; the Raven refuses to make him reborn; the chief witches to have the Raven's daughter die; now he wants the dead to be reborn, but the chief refuses to change his mind], 3 [for the daughter the chief is monthly; her brother comes to her, they fall in love with each other; the mother notices the paint on her son's face that she put on her daughter's body the day before; the father and mother are watching, the father kills his son by stabbing him in the heart bone; he is buried; parents tell the youngest daughter, who carries older food, not to talk about her brother's death; the sister makes her tell; runs to her brother's grave; the father sends the Fox, the Coyote, the Wolf intercepted, but she manages to jump into the grave in her brother's arms (that is, obviously, into the world of the dead); the chief says he would like his children to come back to life; the Raven and the Eagle object, the chief agrees with them ; soon one of the four daughters of the Raven and one of the four sons of the Eagle die; the chief himself caused their death, he was a shaman; the fathers would like to revive them, but the chief refuses; hence the witchcraft with to harm]: 132-133, 133-135; quinalt [Eagle: around quinolt prairie, where edible roots grow, the river flows in both directions, salmon milk is fat, the dead are reborn; Raven: behind the roots you have to go far, rivers only flow down, milk is of little use; the Eagle's son dies; the Raven says he should not be reborn; the Eagle catches salmon using his young son as bait; in imitating Eagle, Raven uses his daughter; the girl is drowning, the Raven would like to revive her, but the Eagle refuses to change his mind]: Farrand 1902, No. 7:111 (roughly the same in Clark 1953:87); quileout: Andrade 1931, No. 6 [The eagle wants the dead to be reborn; The Raven: Then the Earth will overflow; the Eagle tells the Raven that his own son serves as his fish bait; the Raven uses his son as the bait is drowning; now the Raven wants the dead to be reborn, the Eagle refuses to change his mind], 7 [as in (6), but Drake instead of the Eagle], 33 [as in (6), but the Eagle's son dies first]: 21-27, 99-101; Reagan, Walters 1933 [as in Andrade (6)]: 302-303; skagit [of three tricksters (Raven, Nork, Coyote) Raven is in charge; wanted death; his daughter dies, Raven wants to change his mind, but late; people say Coyote myths came to them from the Plateau]: McCormick Collins 1974:212; lower chehalis (hamptulip) [Raven and White-tailed Eagle brothers, both have a son; Raven: the dead should not reborn; The eagle tells how he catches herring: he lowers his son in the basket to the bottom and pulls it out when he stops pulling the rope; The raven believes and drowns his son; Eagle: the dead should not be reborn; five times the Raven digs the ground trying to get to his son; he cries, the snot flows, turns into white moss in the trees; so people do not revive, and there are disagreements among members of the same family]: Adamson 1934, No. 5: 305-306; alsea [a man's son dies; he wants him to be reborn on the fifth day; another disagrees; when his son dies he would change his mind, but now his opponent disagrees]: Frachtenberg 1920, No. 8:117; cous: Frachtenberg 1913, No. 5 [two relatives, each with a boy; one child died, his father suggested that people be reborn five days later; the relative refused; then his child died and the first father refused to make people revive]: 43-45 (=1914, No. 7:41-43); Jacobs 1940, No. 2, 29 [The Trickster accepts the proposal to make people immortal after the death of his son; but the Water Meter says that his legs are long and people, if there are many of them, will step on them; so people must die forever]: 135-136, 200; upper coquill [at Coyote and his son companion; the companion's child dies; on the fifth day, the father comes to Coyote with a proposal that the dead be reborn on the fifth day; Coyote objects, says that the earth will overflow; now his child dies; Coyote offers a change of mind, but the satellite refuses]: Jacobs 2007:234-235; Kalapuya: Jacobs 1945, No. 3 [Coyote has a brother, Wild Cat (or Wolf); that child dies, he offers Coyote that the dead return on the fifth day; the Coyote replies that the earth will overflow; now the Coyote child dies; he would like to return to his brother's proposal, but he refuses to change solution]: 137-138; Gatschet et al. 1945, No. 4 [Puma's daughter dies; he asks his brother Coyote if she will come back to life; he replies that the earth will then overflow; Coyote's daughter dies; he wants to change his mind, Puma refuses]: 226-227; takelma [Beetle's son ("The Roast Dead") is dead; Coyote refuses to lend Beetle a blanket that would revive his son, and says that if the dead they will come back, there will be no place for people; Coyote's son dies, now he goes to ask Beetle for a blanket, but he reminds him of his words, does not give him a blanket; so people die completely]: Sapir 1909, No. 9 : 99-101; modoc [The bear wants to live where it is cold, the Deer wants to live where it is warm; Kumokums decides that they will live in the cold for six and a half months and the other six and a half months in the cold; people they multiply; Porcupine suggests that they should die, K. agrees; his daughter dies, K. follows her to the master of the dead; he hands him the skeleton of his daughter, tells him not to look back along the way; K. feels like The skeleton becomes flesh; at the last moment she looks around, the girl turns into a pile of bones]: Marriott, Rachlin 1968:190-193.

Plains. Blacklegs [Old Man: I'll throw bison manure into the water; if it comes out, the dead will be resurrected on the fifth day; Old Woman: I'll throw a stone, if she drowns, death is final; the Old Woman's daughter dies, she wanted would change his mind, but the Old Man refuses to do so]: Josselin de Jong 1914 (piegan): 29; Wissler, Duvall 1908, No. 3, 4 (northern piegan) [The old man throws manure but the Old Woman turns it into stone]: 20- 21; hidatsa [A lonely man walks on sandy ground to the water; a plant tells him that it is his mother, a bison cake that she is his father; PTS meets a second person, they argue who is older; Let's lie down, whoever gets up first is younger; PTS leaves a rod for himself (as in p. 7-9); sand everywhere; on the lake, female and male Dives bring land from the bottom, they create animals; Frog grandmother suggests creating death; they hit her on the back with a stone; the Frog's child died first; she and people ask for a change of mind, the creators refuse; PTS made the earth flat, the First Creator made rocks, hills; PTS made the north, PS is the southern half of the Earth]: Beckwith 1938:13-15 (the Frog episode at p.14); Kiowa: Marriott, Rachlin 1968 [Sainday wants the dead to be reborn; Ant says then earth will overflow; her son dies crushed by a bison's hoof; she tries to cut himself in half; S. stops her; says that grieving women will cut themselves, but not to death]: 188-189; Parsons 1929a, No. 22 [Sendeh wants the dead to return four days later; Ant: Let them die forever; his child is dead, Ant would like to change his mind, S. refuses]: 42- 43.

Southeast USA. Chirokee [the creators wanted to make man immortal; the Sun, looking at the earth, decided that there were too many people and should die; the daughter of the Sun was bitten by a snake, she died; the Sun agreed that people must live forever, gave people a box to bring their daughter's soul into it, not open it on the way; they opened it, the soul disappeared, people remained mortal]: Mooney 1900, note 5:436.

California. Villot: Kroeber 1906a, No. 10 [Frog's son is dead; Cricket: let; when his child dies, he wants to change his sentence, Frog disagrees]: 96, 99; Reichard 1925, No. 24 [as in Kroeber]: 183-185; shasta [Spider's son (Cricket) dies; Coyote: Let him not return or there won't be enough space for people on earth; Coyote's son dies; Coyote wants, Spider (Cricket) refuses to change solution]: Dixon 1910a, No. 6 [when the waters came down, the Eagle sent (to earth) a son and daughter; they married, gave birth to people; one boy died; people wanted him to move on, but Coyote objected, let them cry for the dead; then people wanted the Coyote child to die; Coyote followed him into the world of the dead, brought him; it was said that for 10 years the boy should not be scolded; after 5 years, Coyote scolded him, he again died; the dead cannot be brought back since then], 7 [Cricket's son]: 18-19, 19-20; Farrand 1915, No. 1 [Spider's son]: 209; Holsinger 1982 [=Dixon]: 15; Voegelin, No. 2 1947 [as in Dixon]: 55; (cf. Gifford in Edmonds, Clark 1989 [An eagle sent a boy and a girl to earth, they gave birth to people, the land overflowed; Coyote said people should die; others arranged for his child to die; Coyote went to the land of spirits for him, lit parsnip grass, the perfume can't stand his smell, gave Coyote a child; on the way back, Coyote promised his son not to scold him for 10 years; five years later, the Coyote scolded him, the boy returned to the spirits; the Coyote came for him again, the spirits told him to come the day after tomorrow; the Coyote returned home joyfully, died, came back to the spirits, they welcomed him merrily; everyone who went to the country dead, he will soon die himself]: 140-141); synkyon [Kyoi: let the dead come back in five days; Coyote: there will be too many people; two sons of Coyote are dying; now he agrees to return, but Kyoi doesn't]: Kroeber 1919, No. 1:346; coastal yuki [Puma's son dies; Puma wants him to be reborn, Coyote is against; now Coyote's son dies; Puma refuses to change solution]: Gifford 1937, No. 5:119; screw: Demetracopoulou, Dubois 1932, No. 12-14 [as in Dubois, Demetracopoulou, (10)], 42-43 [The vulture builds a ladder to the sky for old people to go up and came back young; Coyote wants them to die; Coyote's child dies; Coyote agrees Vulture would build a ladder, but he refuses]: 415-416, 473-474, 482; Dubois, Demetracopoulou 1931, No. 10 [Mucha's son is sick; Coyote: let him die; Coyote's son is ill, Mucha refuses to change his mind]: 299-300; patvin [Falcon wants people to grow younger by swimming; Coyote says the world will overflow; Coyote's son is bitten by a rattlesnake, he dies; Coyote wants to return to Falcon's plan, he refuses]: Kroeber 1932a, No. 12:308; Pomo: Angulo, Freeland 1928 (Southeast Pomo) [Coyote: Let those who died on the fourth day come to life; Skylark: let them die; Lark's son is bitten by a snake launched by a Coyote; now Skylark wants the dead to be resurrected, but Coyote refuses to change his mind]: 241; Barrett 1933, No. 12 [The Coyote invites the Chief's daughter to dance by the rattlesnake's mink; the girl is bitten, dies; the Chief wants the dead to be resurrected, the Coyote says the earth will overflow; the Chief poisoned Coyote's daughter; now he wants to resurrect her, Chief disagrees], 63/III [four days later, the dead are reborn; Coyote agrees, Skylark says they smell bad and that the earth will overflow]: 91-92, 249-250; yana [Coyote, Rabbit, Squirrel, Lizard in a sweating house discuss people's fate; only Coyote wants them to die; one person dies; the earth on his grave moves, but the Coyote compacts it; the snake bites Coyote's son; now he would like to change his mind, but the Lizard does not agree]: Sapir 1910, No. 6:91-93; achomavi [The fox wants people to be reborn, the Coyote wants to die for good; fulfilled Coyote's wish]: Angulo 1928 [Coyote's son dies first (probably like Yang's)]: 585; Powers in Boas 1917:487; Nisenan: Merriam 1993 [chief wants the dead to be reborn; Skylark objects because the dead smell bad, the Coyote agrees with him; the chief turns the branch into a snake, it bites Coyote's daughter; Coyote wants her to come to life in four days, but the chief says that the decision to kill people finally]: 55-56; Powers in Boas 1917 [The month wants the dead to be reborn like him; Coyote wants to cremate the dead; the Month creates a rattlesnake that kills Coyote's son; because the decision has been made, the child cannot be revived]: 487-488; Voegelin 1942 [The Lizard, the Month and the Sun want the dead to be reborn in 4 days; Coyote wants people to celebrate funeral ceremonies; someone broke off a branch, it became rattlesnake, bitten by Coyote's daughter, she died; Coyote asked for a change of mind, Sun and Month refused; rose to heaven; The month revives in 4 days, but people did not]: 236; mountainous mivok: Dixon 1902 [The creator wants people to be reborn, the Coyote wants to die forever; the snake bites Coyote's son, he dies; the Coyote wants to change his mind; The Creator or Kuksa (first man, then master of the dead) disagrees], No. 1, 2:43-44, 47; Kroeber 1907a, No. 9 [for the first time a person dies, the corpse smells bad; the Coyote wants to revive it; the Skylark objects, because there would be too many people many]: 203; coastal mivoks [people didn't die at first; Coyote wanted to hear them cry for the dead; then the informant did not remember]: Kelly 1978, No. 6:30; Maidu: Dixon 1912, No. 2 [Coyote wants, for people to be mortal, the Creator of the Earth to last forever; as punishment, he puts the Coyote inside the tree; the Woodpecker makes a hole; the Coyote asks to expand it, the Woodpecker is frightened, flies away; Gopher advises Coyote to go out in fog, he does so (tree episode: 27-39); rain, flood; NW agrees to give Coyote a woman if he does not move at night; puts two flutes on its sides; at night, the Coyote copulates with women, they disappear in the morning; NW wants a person to name a boy or girl and eat and walk in the morning; to make childbirth easy, women copulate only after marriage, put in water the dead to come to life again; Coyote wants childbirth to be difficult, for some children to die, so that the dead cannot be revived; tells his son to bring water, he was bitten by a rattlesnake, he died; Coyote asks change the decision, NW refuses (discussing people's fate: 51-55)]: 51-55; Merriam in Boas 1917 [Hee-Kaht wants people to be reborn; Skylark objects, Coyote agrees with Lark; Coyote's child is bitten by a rattlesnake, dies; because the decision has been made, he will no longer be revived]: 487; tubatulabal [Fox's son dies; Coyote does not agree that the boy should return in three days; dies Coyote's son; it's no longer possible to change the mind]: Voegelin 1935, No. 9:209.

Big Pool. Northern Payutes: Curtis 1976 (15) [The Coyote smelled pignons from the east; went there, but the chief crushed the nuts so finely that, taking them in his mouth, the Coyote swallowed everything (wanted to bring them to home); then everyone went there, the Sanáki bird remained at home; The louse found nuts in the bow wrap, the Woodpecker punched a hole, they were hidden in the wound on Blackbird's leg; the owners caught up, killed everyone, but not the lame touched; built an ice wall; The wolf came to life, revived the others, broke the wall, everyone returned home; the Wolf wanted nuts to be like acorns; Coyote: no, in cones; they began to discuss how many months a year there were; The coyote put his hands to his forehead - that much; everyone is silent; he was sent to buy tobacco, decided that there would be three months in each season; Wolf: people are eternal; Coyote: getting old, dying; his son is sick, dead; Wolf refused to change the decision]: 148-149; Steward 1936, No. 6 (Owens Valley) [Coyote would like to change his mind after his son's death, but Wolf now disagrees], 7 [as in (6)]: 368-369; Western Shoshones : Steward 1943 [as in Owens Valley]: 290; Smith 1993 [if a man grabs a woman's hand at a party, she will have a child conceived in her finger; shakes his hand, the baby will be born, stands right away; Coyote: the way women give birth between their legs; Wolf: a man is born and dies twice; Coyote: only once; Coyote's son fell ill and died, Coyote asked Wolf to change his mind, he refused]: 145; gosiute [Wolf: let the dead be reborn in two days; his brother Coyote: let them die altogether; The Wolf wished Magpie, the son of Coyote, to die; the Coyote asked the Wolf to revive the deceased after two days; the Wolf refused, ordered Cut the coyote's hair, burn his clothes (as a sign of mourning); the Coyote lay down on the ground, wanted a crow to sit on him, tore it to pieces out of anger]: Smith 1993:3; Utah: Lowie 1924 (Southern Utah), No. 2 [Sü ; nā'wavi wants the dead to be resurrected the next morning; Coyote wants the dead to mourn; his son dies; Coyote wants to return to S.'s proposal, but he doesn't agree to change his mind]: 2-4; Powell 1881 (group unspecified) [the youngest of the two Wolf Brothers wants plant-based food to always be abundant, for the dead to be resurrected in the morning; the elder wants people to work, to die once for all; the youngest kills the eldest son; now he can't be revived]: 44; Smith 1992 (White River) [Coyote]: 53

The Great Southwest. Western Apaches (Mojave Apaches) [those who died first came to life on the fourth day; Coyote said it would not happen again; the sorcerer poisoned his daughter; Coyote asked people what they seemed to want to do people are immortal; they refused to change their minds and revive his daughter]: Gould 1921:320; Lipan: Opler 1940, No. 2a [people want the dead to come to life in four days; Raven: Let them die forever; I'll throw a stone, if it pops up, they'll live forever; the stone sinks; the Raven's son dies; the Raven wants to change his mind, people refuse], 2b [animal people discuss how to live; Raven - chairman, argues that you have to die forever, that you should sew clothes and moccasins, not make them just by touching your hand; his son dies; people refuse to change their minds]: 39-40; yavapai [people : Let the dead be reborn; Coyote: Let them die; his daughter is dead; he wants to revive her, people refuse to change their minds]: Gifford 1932:246; 1933a: 412-413 [people wanted after four days, the dead were resurrected, the Coyote to die forever; his son dies, he asks again how many days they wanted; he is told that the decision has already been made; people wanted mescal fruits you could eat raw, Coyote would have to be cooked; they wanted saguaro seeds in the trunk, make a hole and fall down; Coyote: let them ripen only in summer; Puma and Wolf hunt, Coyote cook at home; one day he watches them secretly, sees them coming up in the cave, opening the door, getting a mountain ram fresh; Coyote goes into the cave, shows the sheep his penis, they smell and run away; There is no more game in the cave, his comrades are starving; the Raven comes, he has reindeer fat in his basket; while the Raven with the Puma and the Wolf are in the steam room, the Coyote ate the fat; the Raven flew away with his basket; the Coyote followed him, I found a cave where he kept the deer, released them; a shaman came and advised me to hunt deer, and Wolf and Puma began hunting].

Chaco. Kaduveo: Wilbert, Simoneau 1990a, No. 1 [No-iakailádio-degé has a lake with fish, at night someone muddies the water, steals fish; N. tells the owl to guard, she falls asleep, although N. caught it grasshoppers; the same anchima bird (Anhima cornuta, horned palamedea); then the carão bird; she said that people were coming to the lake; N. sent dogs, they found a hole in the ground; N. consistently pulls Europeans, Brazilians, tereno, tells everyone how to live and what to do; N.'s friend, A-li-ginigo says that N. forgot to pull out the caduveo; N. pulls out four, tells them to kidnap foreigners to grow in number; N.: Let food appear, if you name it; let food be cooked if you put three stones together; A.: It's too easy for people to work, support fire; A.: Let men have menstruation; a hunter who has a period misses; N. and A. decide to transfer menstruation to women; N.: The dead can be pulled out of the ground, they will come to life; A.: No, the earth will overflow; A.'s mother dies, he wants to change his mind, N. disagrees; A. cries, N. tells him to take a twig to revive his mother; the twig breaks, the mother does not come to life], 15 [people come to life on the second the day after death; the Caracara falcon wants death to be final; Gô-noêno-Hôdi agrees; Caracara's mother dies; G. refuses to change his mind]: 15-17, 36-37.