Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

H1B. The death of someone else's child. 11.-.

The character acts that lead to death because he does not care or wants the death of a child or woman loved by another character. See H1A motive.

Bantu-speaking Africa. Louis; ilah; suto; chagga [the child is dead, the mother asked another woman to take him to the bush, saying, Go and come back like the Moon; the other, out of jealousy for the first, said Go missing and don't come back and let the Moon come back; since then, the moon has been reborn, people are dying]: Gutmann 1909:156 in Abrahamsson 1951:57 (retelling in Kotlyar 2009, no. 461:239); Rwanda [people reborn after death; one of the two wives died; the other, out of jealousy, did not allow her to be reborn, since then people have been mortal]: Abrahamsson 1951:62; Rundi [people were reborn after death; child the man died, began to rise from the grave; the man's wife (apparently different, not the child's mother) hit him on the head, told him to stay in the grave; death was final]: Baumann 1936:290; shi [The man took two wives for the first time; one died leaving a baby; got up from the grave, asked the other to let her cowhide cover herself to feed the child; the other told her to return to the grave. the returning husband scolded his second wife, said people would now die forever]: Abrahamsson 1951:63; Nyamwezi: Abrahamsson 1951:63 [the creator of Shida Matunda created two women, took them to wife; beloved died, he buried her, began to water her, a plant grew; another wife cut down the sprout with a hoe out of jealousy; blood gushed, filled the house; SM said that death would now be final], 63- 64 [old people were reborn, changing their skin like snakes; one man, contrary to custom, took two wives; one died, the husband watered the grave; left; the head of the deceased rose from the grave, the other wife cut her off with a hoe, with people have been mortal since then]; sukuma {indicated "nyamwezi, sukuma", but this option is slightly different from Nyamwezi} [Kilya Matunda is the creator, he has wives Nabashindi and Nashingo; Nab. wove the basket, Ours blinded the vessel, the CM must decide whose job is more skillful; he threw the basket and vessel on the floor, the vessel broke, Nab. became his beloved wife; died; he buried her in the house, watered the grave, the plant grew; while KM left to bring firewood, Ours came in, tore off the plant with a hoe, blood flowed]: Scheub 2000:126-127.

West Africa. Background.

Sudan - East Africa. Masai; arusha.

North Africa. Kabila; Berbers (?) Morocco.

The coast is the Plateau. Sanpual; quinolt; quileout; skagit (?) ; lower chehalis; alsea; cous; upper coquil; kalapuya; takelma.

Plains. Blacklegs; hidatsa; kiowa.

Southeast USA. Chirokee.

California. Vilyot; shasta; shinkion; vintu; pomo; yana; tubatulabal.