Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

H1C. A trampled grave.


People stop reviving (or no longer come alive) after the deceased is buried in the ground for the first time, or someone tramples the ground on a fresh grave, prevents the deceased rise from the grave.

Congo, Yei, Lala, Nyamwezi, Sukuma, Buheba, Igbo, Ijo, Bura, Arusha, Nyimang, Nubians, Aranda, Kaitish, (Gazelle Peninsula), Loyalti Islands, Mishmi Islands, Mansi Islands, Northern Selkups, Kets, Nanais , Seminoles, Yana, Aparai, Ramkokamekra, Kayapo (Shikrin), Mashakali, Matako.

Bantu-speaking Africa. Congo [Nzambi told the first couple that if their child dies, they should leave the body under a pile of brushwood; but when the father and mother smelled dead, they buried the deceased; N. said that now all people will die; look at the moon - I revive it every month!] : Knappert 1997:51; yeyi [Urezhwa created people out of clay, breathed his soul; first lived with people, married a woman; she fell ill; he went by boat to buy medicine, forbiding them to throw away the body, If the wife died; she died, the corpse began to smell, it was buried; when he returned, W. said that he would not be able to revive this woman now, and if she hadn't been buried, the other dead would revive; W. left people]: St. Lys 1916:129; lala [Lesa is the supreme god, chief in heaven, thunder; married to his sister Mushili, she is associated with earth; both born to be the first woman to have one breast; once L. was gone, M. died, she was buried; L. said she should not have, and now all people will die; those who could revive M. refused to do so]: Munday 1942:48-49 (retelling in Scheub 2000:119) ; nyamwezi [old people revived, changing their skin like snakes; one man, contrary to custom, took two wives; one died, the husband watered the grave; left; the head of the deceased rose from the grave, the other wife cut it off with a hoe, people have been mortal ever since]: Abrahamsson 1951:63-64; sukuma {it says "nyamwezi, sukuma", but this option is slightly different from the nyamwezi version} [Kilya Matunda is the creator, he has Nabashindi and Nashingo wives; Embankment wove the basket, Ours blinded the vessel, KM must decide whose job is more skillful; he threw the basket and vessel on the floor, the vessel crashed, Nab. became his beloved wife; died; he buried she was in the house, watered her grave, a plant grew; while KM left to bring firewood, Nasha came in, tore off the plant with a hoe, blood flowed]: Scheub 2000:126-127; buheba [Biba-Biba gave birth to Lula and Sanana; The Mbankura lizard asked the brothers if they wanted to live or die; they chose to die, then changed their minds; Lula told S. not to dig a grave if someone died in his absence; S.'s son died, he was buried; S. killed Wooby's bat; L. said that he killed his nephew; so he left; saw the elephant killed by S., said that now the Buheb would kill elephants, give tusks to children]: Zhukov, Kotlyar 1976, No. 21:64- 65; yao [The chameleon is sent to say that the dead will be resurrected; later Salamander is sent to say they should be buried; when the Chameleon comes, the dead are already buried]: Abrahamsson 1951:20-21.

West Africa. Igbo [God sends a dog to say that the deceased should be sprinkled with ash, he will be reborn; the dog satisfied his hunger, stayed; God sent a sheep, she also did not come immediately, confused everything, said that the dead must be buried; when the dog that came running gave God's words correctly, they did not believe it]: Abrahamsson 1951:7; ijo (kalabari) [people did not die, one fell ill and died, others sent the Dog ask God what to do; she kept not coming back, people sent the Sheep, she came back to say that the deceased should be buried; the dog came, told him to put hot ash on the dead's stomach, he would come to life; but it was late, so dogs are treated badly]: J. of the African Soc. 18:194 (1906) in Frazer 1926:192-193 (=Abrahamsson 1951:7); margie [people sent a chameleon to ask Iju why they are dying; that sent him back to say that if you put the baked porridge on the corpse, the person would come to life; seeing that the chameleon did not return for a long time, people sent a lizard after him; I. was angry that he was being asked again, told him say that the dead should be buried; Var.: I. sends the old news, the lizard distorts it]: Abrahamsson 1951:8 (=Beier 1966:57); borax (bura-pubir) [man died for the first time, people sent the Worm ask the sky what to do; The sky told me to hang the corpse on the tree and throw porridge at it until it came to life; the lizard listened, ran before the Worm, said that Heaven told me to bury the corpse; so now people are mortal]: Scheub 2000:70.

Sudan - East Africa. Arusha [the little woman's child died; she gave it to the big woman Naiterukop to bury him with the words, Man die and be reborn, Moon die and stay (dead); N. said the opposite; in the morning the ground above the grave began to rise, but she trampled it and told her again that Man should die and the Moon should be reborn; then her own child N. died; she buried him, saying what the little woman wanted at first, but it was useless]: Abrahamsson 1951:57; nyimang (ama) [when the man died, God said he just fell asleep, told him to leave the body overnight, and in the morning man will come to life; but the Rabbit came to people before God and ordered the dead to be buried, otherwise God would destroy everyone; when God learned what had happened, God said that they should die, since they listened to the Rabbit]: Scheub 2000:5- 6; the Nubians [man died; God ordered to leave the body until morning, the deceased was reborn; one day the Hare came, ordered the dead to be buried, saying, otherwise God would be angry; God scattered that people listened to the Hare, made death final]: Parrinder 1967:34.

Australia. Aranda (northern) [first woodcock women come out of the crack in the rock, then men; the first man is killed by others who envy his closeness to women; buried; begins rise from the grave; he is pierced with a spear, trampled into the ground; so the dead do not return]: Strehlow 1947:44-45 (retelling in Waterman 1987, no. 3105:87); kaitish [buried first got up and came to life; the old curlew stopped the Wallaby man who were burying his own and decided to make death final; they promised to wait three days; Kulik came back, kicked the body with his foot, it fell into the grave was never reborn; Kulik died and established a totem center]: Spencer, Gillen 1968:513-514 in Waterman 1987, No. 3095:86-87.

Melanesia. Loyalty Islands (Lifou) [the husband went to pay tribute to the chief, died on the way; the wife came to cry; when she began to return, the husband followed her, asking her to wait; at home he tickled his wife and father to death; fell asleep; people buried him and have been burying the dead ever since so they wouldn't go and disturb the living]: Hadfield 1920, No. 18:265-268; Gazelle Peninsula (New Britain) [a good old woman buried herself, telling the boy to make a fire; she will rise from the grave, warm up, start living again; but the boy did not listen to her, people began to die forever]: Meier 1909, No. 3:107; quail in Hambruch 1921, No. 15:50).

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Mishmi [when he learned that his son was dead, his father magically revived him; however, his wife refused to deal with her husband because it smelled earthworms; the father asked God Ephatho to remove the smell, but he he just ate the young man; the father removed the remains from E.'s womb, but they looked miserable and the smell was worse than before; then his father buried his son, although he was still alive, covered the grave with stones; since then they have been doing so]: Borgohain, Roy Chaudhury 1975:97-100

Western Siberia. Muncie [zap. BUT. Cannisto in 1906 on the river. Pelymka; the winged Paster and the legged Paster began to wither away; asked the wives to tell people to make a linden tree coffin for them, put them on the ground; the wives told people that their husbands told them to bury the coffin to the depth three arshins; seven years later, KP and NP came to life; NP suffocated; KP found people, but he fascinated people to die for good from now on; S. 385 note: the narrator explained that if the coffins were placed on the ground, in seven years, those buried would be resurrected and people would also die for only seven years; but wives were tired of carrying their husbands' prey home, they decided to get rid of them forever]: Kannisto 1951, No. 9:26-27 (translated in Lukina 1990, No. 115:301); Northern Selkups: Pelikh 1998:39 [the first man died; Pari-num sent Kahn to the ground to order the corpse to be hung on a tree, not to bury it; Kahn said on the contrary, the man did not live] ; Tuchkova 2004:142 (western 1941 on Baikha) [the dog lived in heaven; God sent it to earth to tell people that when a person dies, he should be put on a platform; the dog ordered the dead to be buried in the ground, and God told God that she told them to be put on a platform; God threw the dog on the ground, told them to eat bones]; Stepanova 2018, No. 13 [they took a man, he said: "Bury me above"; people used to die and they were resurrected a week later and lived first; and this one was buried in a different way: buried in the ground; mosquitoes appeared from this man]: 10; Kets: Anuchin 1914 [when a man died for the first time, some old man, people thought he was sleeping, but when they couldn't wake him up, they got scared and started crying; You sent them a dog (which people had not seen before) and told them not to be afraid, but the old man would be wrapped in herbs and hung from a tree so that he would live again in seven days. The dog deceived people by telling them to bury the old man in the ground. People have been dying ever since. As punishment, Yes ordered the dog to live on earth and eat human bowel movements]: 11-12; Davletshin, Duvakin 2009 [Marya Maksimovna Irikova, August 2009; a man died; I heard you in heaven crying, sent my son to tell the deceased to be put in the storage shed, in 7 days he would come to life; he ordered the deceased to be made a coffin, buried; Yes turned his son into a dog for this]: personal message; Nikolaeva 2006 (pos. Kellogg) [there was no death; then people fainted; You sent the Dog to tell him that the fainted would come to life; the dog confused, ordered the fainted to be buried in the ground; You gave the Dog to ketam slavery, ordered to feed only three times a day]: 81; Porotova 1982 [God heard crying from the ground, sent his son to find out what was going on; he returned, said that man had died for the first time; God ordered him to pass on The deceased was put in a storage shed, he would come to life on the seventh day; God's son told him to be buried in the ground; God turned him into a dog for this, ordered him to live in front of people]: 59-60.

Amur - Sakhalin. The Nanais [when dying, the shaman orders not to bury the grave, promises to come to life; his wife demands to be buried, converges with her lover; on the seventh day, people open the grave, see that the shaman has turned over back to stomach]: Bereznitsky 2003, No. 83:279.

Southeast USA. Seminoles [people trample on grasshoppers; those who die on the third day are reborn; grasshoppers decide to trample graves by the end of the third day; since then, people have not revived and it is easier for grasshoppers to survive]: Gallagher 1994:73.

California. Yana [Coyote, Rabbit, Squirrel, Lizard in a sweating house discuss people's fate; only Coyote wants them to die; one person dies; the ground on his grave moves, but the Coyote ramps hers; the snake bites Coyote's son; he would now like to change his mind, but the Lizard doesn't agree]: Sapir 1910, No. 6:91-93.

Guiana. Aparai [humans changed their skin like spiders, the deceased returned five days later with new skin; one evil spirit rammed a fresh grave, the dead did not return, death was final]: Rauschert 1967, No. 5:180

(Cf. Western Amazon. Shuar [when a man was first killed, Ayumpum ordered his body to be vigilant until the deceased came to life; he began to show signs of life, people went to drink beer; at which time Amárat plunged him into the heart stung, became a big wasp, flew away; A. said that now people will die irrevocably]: Pelizzaro 1990:174-175).

Eastern Brazil. Crocker MS; The sun ate the fruits of the buriti palm (Maurutua flexuosa), its bowel movements turned red; the sun said that the flowers were eaten by the pau d'arco tree (Tabebuia inpetiginosa, ant tree); The month ate them, but its bowel movements contain whole flowers; in the end, the Sun admitted that it ate, but made the fruits of the ant tree that the Month ate unripe on one side; The month hit the tree, it has become high since then; the Sun and the Month are diving, pulling girls and boys out of the water; the people of the Month are ugly, the Sun is beautiful; the Sun has thrown a stick of wood into the water Mauritian palm tree; said that let the dead revive like a stick that pops up; the Month threw a stone, said they should die like a drowned stone; the Sun told axes and machetes to work by themselves; the Month heard sounds, began to look; the guns stopped and no longer worked on their own; the Sun asked the Woodpecker to throw off his shining fiery headdress; threw it from hand to hand until he did cooled down; put it on his head; The Month wanted the same dress, dropped it, the ground caught fire; the Sun hid in a wasp house made of clay, and the Month in a hollow made of straw; then in a hollow, in a battleship's hole; a little bit did not burn; left without a hat; The sun found two capybaras who died in the fire, the Month chose a fat male, but when brought home, the Sun spat, the female was fat; they changed again, but The sun spat again; poured hot fat on the belly of the sleeping Month, said it was by accident; sent it to cool into the river, told him not to touch the turtle at the bottom; He touched the month, the stream carried it away, he hardly clung to tree; the Sun and the Month agreed that when their children (i.e. people) die, they should be buried; the Sun killed the Month, put it at the foot of the tree; the Month came to life, the Sun said that it would be the same with people; Month killed the Sun, buried them in the grave; the Sun got out, but with difficulty; The Month said that the dead should be buried in the ground so that the Earth could eat and satiate them; the Sun agreed; both rose to heaven, leaving people with axes and machete]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1984a, No. 1:17-30; kayapo (shikrin) [Vidal 1977:209; the dead were buried before, but they got up and reborn; the woman became angry with the Month because she was afraid of him; when she died son, Month rammed the grave with his hands and the spirit of the deceased did not come out again]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1984a, No. 181:520.

SE Brazil. Mashakali [the mother of the Sun died, he buried her in a shallow grave; she was reborn; when she died again, the Sun asked its brother Months to bury her; the Month trampled the grave, said that this time the woman really died and won't get up again; the Sun is angry for a Month]: Popovich 1971:29-59.

(Wed. Chaco. Chamacoco [the dead used to be wrapped in funeral clothes, left lying on the ground; after a while, the man got up young; Carancho walked, plunged into the ground at the abandoned sites spear; once plunged not where there were residential huts, but on the site of a ritual site; the ground opened and a path from the ritual site and grave to the land of the dead was discovered; since then, the dead have been buried in grave, the corpse decomposes; one day, after being burned, Toucan looked like a bird; he was the chief of the Chamacoco, wanted to arrange the return of the dead; Carancho drove him away and he made death final]: Cordeu 1984, No. 7: 23-29).

Chaco. Matako [Nilatáj ordered not to cover the grave with earth, but only to cover it with branches; died an old man and returned in the morning as a young man; Takjwáj also died and returned; died again and returned; he was tired; when a person died, T. ordered that the grave be covered with earth, so the dead no longer return]: Calífano 1974:56.