Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

H20. Released fish.


All fish or (rarely) mollusks were concentrated in one place. A character lets her escape or intentionally releases her into rivers or the sea. {In some cases, it is difficult to separate the distribution of fish concentrated in a small container from the distribution of water. Either way, there is neither one nor the other in Africa}.

Australia. Lower Murray [Ngurunderi swims down the Murray stream, chasing huge cod; wagging its tail, the cod expands the channel, the stream turns into a river; his wife's brother Nepele helps him harpoon cod; N. less often throws it into small pieces into the water, turning it into fish of different species; the tail turns into cod]: Berndt, Berndt 1964:203.

Melanesia. Nghaimbom [Lupuabisa's son is the best hunter; others killed him out of envy; L. found her son's corpse, he became small, she carried him, asking permission to bury him; no one wanted to; in the village Ngaimba Liwowo took a woman, she buried her son, asked him not to cover the grave with earth; the worms in the corpse became fish, there was salt water in the pit; Liwowo eats delicious fish, and his younger brother Monumbo tasteless without salt; begged Liwowo to reveal the secret; he ordered not to hit the biggest fish; M. pierced the biggest fish with a spear, it broke through the walls of the pond, the stream flowed into the mountains; L. told his son to flow in the other direction, the river filled the sea; it was clear and smooth at first; when mud was poured, it turned dark; they threw a snake - waves like snakes; cockatoo - on the waves of lambs]: Höltker 1965, No. 1:97-98; tangu [a lonely woman left a little daughter, a stranger killed and buried her; in a dream she found out where the grave was, dug her body, carried her from village to village, found a place to bury, married the youngest of two brothers, and gave birth to him two sons; found that salt water was flowing from her daughter's grave and fish in it; she gave this fish to her son to eat, he immediately became an adult; her husband's brother is jealous, wants the same for his son, grabs the biggest fish, water poured out of the grave, formed the sea, dividing the brothers; they sent messages to each other on leaves; the younger brother invented everything Europeans have]: Burridge 1960:84-85; combo [widow cut off her deceased husband's penis and scrotum, placed in a fenced area, there was a salty sea full of fish; she feeds fish to two sons; the youngest spies on her, the sons shoot fish while the mother is in field; when they tried to pull out a very large fish, the dam collapsed, the stream rushed for the brothers wherever they ran; the sea formed]: Wagner 1963, No. 6:126-127; Maevo [Tagaro kept the fish in salt pond behind his house; when leaving, he forbade two sons to go there; they went, shot the fish alone, grabbed it, moved the stone, the water poured in, formed the sea; the old woman tried to stop stream, turned into rock on Maewo near Rags]: Codrington 1891, No. 6:370.

Micronesia-Polynesia. Hawaii [Iwa gives Waka a Makalei tree; it is planted in the Paliula Garden; with it two other trees, one attracting fish, the other providing plant food; trees are carried to a wedding in Oahu; a tree plant food - into the valley; when fish raise a tree, little people in the valley start screaming in fear; the tree falls, the fish are scattered throughout the island]: Beckwith 1970:286-287.

Western Siberia. Nganasans (Awam and other informants did not know the story, considered it a shamanic fairy tale; Western 1961) [Suruny-NGO ("Orphan Boy") goes to look for the soul of his deceased father; his mother tried to hold him for 7 days, could not; she meets the giant Bydy-Nguo (bydy - "water"), who keeps all the fish in the sea, at the request of S. lets her go into the rivers, goes with him; another giant, Babi Nguo (babi, "wild deer"), holds the deer, at S.'s request, releases them into the tundra, goes with him; the giant Moo-nguo (mou - "land") throws stones the earth trembles, S. says that people will not be able to live on the shaking ground, M. goes with him; their strength is running out, the spruce is coming; S. kills an iron loon with a stone, the companions could not; they come into the house; in turn cook; half-skeleton old woman Kamynkuo-nguo (kamynkuo means "blood") picks up food every time, hits the cook; S. grabs it, she promises him three daughters, says that her husband (Plague) chews on his father's head; that she in fact, Syrada-nyama ("mother of underground ice"), hides; S. tells his companions to make a rope out of grass, pushes the stone, under it the move down, S. goes down; sends three daughters of Syrad upstairs- yams, when he climbs himself, the companions cut off the rope, he falls to the lower ground; comes to the plague of the Mother Bird; next to him the one who gnawed Father S.'s head; agrees to send him to earth on a bird, S. must feed her with his meat; the bird brought S. to the ground, but his eyes and spine were left; the bird regurgitates, S.'s body is recovering; S. cut off three nguos in the ear, sent it away, took three for himself girls]: Simchenko 1996 (1): 39-53.

Subarctic. Koyukon [the fish disappears, people give the "grandfather" (Raven) clothes and food, he agrees to go upstream; there the Brown Bear blocked the river, takes all the fish; the Raven makes two resin spears, they appear obsidian; picks up fish that has fallen asleep, smears the whole boat with scales as if it had a lot of fish; tells the Bear that he is so tired of cleaning the fish; exchanges the Bear's spear for his own resinous; makes the bear cub fall on him, breaks the bear cub against a stone in anger; the bear and his wife rush at the Raven, their spears bend, the Raven kills the Bears, breaks the dam, in the fall returns to people, sees they have a lot of fish]: Attla 1989:117-131; upper chuskoquim [the fish goes missing; the raven goes downstream, sees that the Grizzly has built a dam; people beg the Raven help; he tells Chaika that the Eagle scolded her, promised to beat her; tells Eagle that the Seagull scolded him and was going to beat him; the Seagull and the Eagle are fighting; after the Seagull regurgitated enough fish scales, their Raven reconciled; scaled himself and the boat, sailed to the Grizzly, said that people had a lot of fish in the upper reaches; furious that his dam was useless, the Grizzly destroyed it; the fish went up the river]: Deaphon et al. s.a.: 19-20; Tanana: De Laguna 1995, No. 3 [The Brown Bear blocks the river, takes all the fish for himself; the raven lies as if there are a lot of fish above the dam; pretends to be looking for a hole in the dam, himself He makes it; now people have fish]: 89-90; Rooth 1971 [The Brown Bear blocks the river, takes all the fish for himself; the raven makes a knife and spear out of resin, draws scales inside his boat with fish; says to the Bear that he also has a lot of fish; the bear examines his boat, believes; changes spears and knives with him; The raven breaks the dam; the bear wants to kill him, but the resin weapon is useless; people can now catch fish; Raven sails away in a boat; where the paddle is immersed in water, an island forms]: 191-192; Kuchin: McGary 1984:224-230 [the fish disappears, the Raven is asked for help; he makes a shiny resin knife, swims downstream, where the Bear blocked the river; on the opposite bank lives the Bear's daughter with two children; the Raven calls the Bear an uncle, who tells his daughter to feed his nephew; the Raven gives the Bear a resin knife, gets a Bear knife in return; the bear cub stained the Raven, who killed him by hitting a pole; the Bear rushes at the Raven, who kills him and his daughter with a knife; therefore, bears do not have knives; Raven destroys the dam, people get salmon], 268-275 [The bear made a dam, the salmon don't go up the river; the raven offered her a resin knife, got a real bone knife in exchange; the bear cub stained the Raven, he killed him by hitting a log; the bear rushed, her resin knife broke, the Raven killed her with a bone; ate the bear's meat, released the fish]; McKennan 1965 [The bear covers the entire river; the raven He sails to him, makes a knife out of resin on the way; tells the Bear that he has come to protect him from enemies, gives him his supposedly obsidian knife, receives a Bear knife in exchange; the bear cub is dirty for the Raven, who throws him against a rock; the Bear rushes at the Raven, his resin knife bends, the Raven kills the Bear and his family with the Bear knife; breaks the top, people can now fish]: 94.

NW Coast. The Tlingits [a house swims in the sea; all the fish are in it; from there you can hear songs singing during the fishing season; the monster wields a spear; the raven marries his daughter, gets a spear; harpoons their house, drags them to the shore; opens the door, sends fish to all rivers]: Swanton 1909, No. 31:93-94; haida [Grandma causes ebbs and flows, lying on her back and raising and lowering her legs; in She kept all the fish in her house in boxes; the Raven tells the Chaika that the Crane calls her largermouth and loud; tells the Crane that the Seagull calls him long-billed; the Crane hits the Seagull in the stomach, that regurgitates the candlefish, the Raven picks it up, rubs the scales into his hat, comes to Grandma; she believes that the fish exists besides it, opens the box out of grief; since then, the fish has been swimming in the sea]: Webber 1936:25; Tsimshian [The raven deliberately quarrels with the Seagull; knocks her on his back, she regurgitates the candlefish; he stains his boat with fish caviar, sails to the owner of the candlefish; he believes that people are already have access to fish, orders the fish tank to be opened; they blur]: Boas 1916:654; Quakiutl: Boas 1895, No. 1 (Nakomgylisala, Fr. Vancouver) [Our Father sends his two sons, Kanigiylak and Nemokois, to earth; an Olachen woman (candlefish) gives birth to them on earth; she keeps all the fish in her blanket; K. asks for them blanket; they sail in a boat, wet the blanket in the sea; the sea and rivers have been full of fish ever since]: 194 (=2002:417-418); 1916, No. 189 [The raven arrives at Chief Salmon; he kills his two sons; they become salmon; when the bones are thrown into the water, the boys are reborn; The deer hides one bone from his chest, one of the boys lacks the pin with which his cape was fastened; the raven and animals take the children away- salmon in a boat moving with a magic paddle; Salmon catch up with them, Deer kills them; Raven distributes salmon across rivers]: 579; (cf. Nootka [a woman scolds her two daughters, they leave home; there are two houses side by side in the forest; the youngest enters one, has a wooden figure of a woman; a man comes, throws a figure into the fire, marries a a girl; her sister entered another house, where Puma and Raccoon, they kill those who come; she manages to escape, she also marries the first man; both give birth to him a child, the youngest a son, the eldest a daughter; a father teaches her a song that attracts game; Puma hears her singing, makes the girl teach him a song, kills him, pulls her heart out; the father kills the Puma, finds his daughter's heart inside him, revives her; both sisters they go to their native village, but it is empty; they create trout, let them into the river, and all trouts come from it]: Boas 1895, No. 8:112-113 (=2002:265-267; retelling in 1916, No. 17:745-746).

The coast is the Plateau. Shuswap [The Coyote covers the children's eyes with resin; their Partridge mothers take off, scaring him, he falls into the river; turns into a piece of wood, swims to the top with which the two sisters blocked the river; they they pick up a piece of wood, make a dish out of it; it swallows all the food, the sisters throw it away; the coyote turns into a baby, the sisters adopt him; at night he copulates with them; when they carry it on back, he slides lower and lower, copulates again; breaks the top, leads salmon up the Thompson and Fraser rivers]: Teit 1909a: 629-630; Thompson [at the beginning of time, Coyote makes a son out of clay; that bathes, dissolves in water; from resin - melts in the sun; from white stone - lives, his name is Nlixentem; Loon and Duck give him daughters as wives, one dark-skinned, the other is light; Coyote turns his excrement in eagle chicks, asks his son to climb a tree for them, tells the tree to become tall, comes to his wives in clothes and in the form of a son, takes a bright one, drives away a dark-skinned one; N. walks through heaven plain, pulls out large edible rhizomes, the wind blows out of the holes, these rhizomes are stars; he goes into an empty dugout, takes the basket, the baskets attack it; he puts the basket back, tells baskets to become servants of people; the same episode in a dugout of mats; awls; ridges, birch bark vessels; N. comes to two blind old women; they eat rotten wood, pass food to each other, N. intercepts her, old women quarrel, accusing each other; they feel a man, say that he smells bad; N. turns them into two types of hazel grouses; comes to the spider spouses, they call themselves his grandfather and grandmother, they let them down to the ground in a basket; N. finds a faithful wife and son; Coyote's people are starving, Raven finds N. returning, gets meat for his children; people force him to confess where the meat comes from; they return to N. they celebrate, ask him to take his second wife back; N. sends the Coyote for the carcass of a dead deer, the Coyote falls into the river, swims to the dam, followed by two sisters holding salmon; turns into a wooden plate; eats food, throws a plate into the fire, the Coyote turns into a baby, the sisters adopt him; in their absence, he breaks the dam, releasing salmon into rivers; goes downstream; asks three or four girls, do they want salmon, the youngest answers, Yes; he sends his penis to her across the river, the end stays in the vagina, the girl gets sick; the Coyote carries salmon across the rivers; a group of girls answers that they want mountain sheep meat, not salmon; in this place, the Coyote creates rapids; under the guise of a shaman, he comes to the sick person, asks everyone to sing loudly, leave him with the girl in the steam room, copulates, removes the end of the penis, the girl recovers; Coyote creates fake berries on the bushes, negotiates with the Grizzly to eat her supplies first, then him; runs away, the berries dry up]: Teit 1898, No. 2:21-29; lillouette [like Thompson; women's brother finds a bowl]: Teit 1912b, No. 7:303-304; snohomish [Fox and Norka went traveling; Norka said he would go see what was ahead; wrote into the water turned urine into salmon, gave it to Fox; he fried and ate; got sick; asks the two little girls in it (probably their excrement), they laugh, the Fox became pregnant; gave birth to a boy, he quickly grew up, married Butterfly (?) and the bird, he loves the first, the second does not; the fox wants to take possession of his son's wives; asks the "counselors", who tell them to turn them into white birds; the son Fox undressed, climbed a tree, it is higher and higher, to the sky; "birds" returned to Fox; he put on his son's clothes, came to his wives, said that his father was dead; B. understood what was going on, the bird wife believed; the fox took the bird, B. did not agree with him; in heaven, Fox's son came to the gray-haired man the old man; this is the Spider; he said that the country where the young man came from was the third below; began to let him down; when it was warm, the young man realized that he was on earth; in gratitude he gave the spider 4 dressed reindeer skins; bald; caught up with his faithful wife, she touched his head, his hair grew again; first she carried her husband in her basket; then he told Fox and his bird-wife to bring the deer he had killed; bewitched the strap, that constantly eager; the fox and his wife rushed to catch up, his wife was carried away by the river, the Fox hardly swam out; his advisers said that there are two women down the river, they have a dam with a salmon trap; the fox turned into a wooden dish, swam into a trap; the women picked it up, she devours all the meat they put in it; they threw the bowl on the floor, it turned into a baby; when the women are not there, the fox goes to the dam and takes salmon from there; counselors tell you to break the dam; the head and back must be covered with baskets - these are the only vulnerabilities on the body; the women rushed to the Fox with the jails, but they are stuck in the baskets; the Fox led fish up the river; came to a woman with her daughter, married her daughter, speaks a miraculous language as if he were a mountain leader; salmon ran out; wife gave birth to a girl, left her Lisa and left; she grew up in a few days , married Mountain Sheep's son; the fox went to visit them; the baby, whom the daughter gave birth to, had fat diapers, the Fox ate them; when the Fox stole the stone hammer, his daughter kicked him out; the fox began to play, throwing them up his eyes, the Raven took them away; Magpie suspects that the Fox is blind; he says he sees a star that Magpie does not see; when she came, he pulled out her eyes and put her in; the fox came to the fat old woman- illnesses; she says that her two granddaughters went to a place where Raven shows Fox's eyes to everyone and the audience is dancing around; the fox asks the old woman in detail about her usual behavior, wants to kill; she claims that you can't kill her with a stone, a club, water, fire, a magic root; Fox's excrement is advised to beat her with nettles; she dies, the Fox put on her skin; counselors: spots under the eyes, tell your granddaughters that you are hurt; the granddaughters carried the imaginary old woman, the Fox copulated with both; the fox began to sing, everyone liked it, he called his eyes, they returned to his eye sockets, he ran away, the pursuer showed his penis, everything was enveloped By the fog, the Fox escaped]: Haeberlin 1924, No. 20:399-411; Puget Sound: Ballard 1929:144-147 [Coyote's son has 4 wives - 2 Gorlinka sisters and 2 Duck sisters; the eldest Gorlinka has a baby son; Coyote asks his two sisters for advice; these are berries in his stomach; on the advice of the "sisters", the Coyote makes an eagle out of his excrement; asks his son to take off his clothes, get the eagle off the cliff; takes his form, puts on his clothes, takes his Duck Wife; Gorlinka wives do not believe in her husband's death, leave food for him; the Spider lets the hero down, his son recognizes him; he becomes small, the Gorlinka wives carry him in their luggage; Coyote returns his son's clothes, she stinks; the young man causes rain, the Duck Wives are in the water, turn into ducks; the Coyote swims down the river to the dam, behind which five women (birds- carriers, Sandpipers) keep salmon; Coyote turns into a baby; five sisters (birds Carriers) keep salmon behind a pond; Coyote turns into a baby, women pick him up; he breaks dam, releasing salmon into the river; cooking salmon, falling asleep; 5 wolf brothers smear fat on his lips, eating salmon, leaving], 147-148 [Coyote's son has 4 wives - 2 Gorlinka sisters and 2 Salmon Milks; Coyote I like them because they are white; he makes a nest and eagles out of his crap, puts them on a rock, asks his son to climb with his clothes off; the rock grows, the birds turn back into crap; the Coyote takes the Milk Wife, Turtledot wives live separately, leave their husband baked tubers; the Spider lets the hero down, his son recognizes him; he becomes small, the turtle wives carry him in their luggage; the young man causes rain, the Coyote swims away down the river to the dam, behind which five women (these are carrier birds) keep salmon; the Coyote's "sisters" advise him to become a baby; women pick him up; he breaks the dam by releasing salmon into the river; follows them, cooks them, falls asleep; 5 wolf brothers smear fat on his lips, eat salmon, leave; Coyote does the same to the Wolves; arranges a waterfall above which salmon do not rise]; lower chehalis (winuchi) [an old woman builds a dam at the mouth of the river, people have no fish; Shwane breaks the dam]: Adamson 1934:393; coulitz [see motif K1; The coyote carries the river, he grabs trees; punishes many, rewards an oak tree because it helped him get ashore; turns into a wooden spoon; a woman picks it up, takes food with it, the food disappears; the same episode with a bowl, a horn spoon, potty; five girls hold fish behind the pond; K. turns into a baby, one of his sisters picks him up; he breaks the dam; shouts: Down, my people; wanted to say: Up; because of this big fish don't go up the river]: Adamson 1934:245-247; vasco [Coyote makes eagle chicks out of his giblets; sends his grandson Eagle to get feathers; makes the rock tall; takes shape grandson, puts on his clothes, sleeps with his two wives Mouse and Woodpecker; Thunder splits the rock, the Eagle descends, catches up with the family, his wives welcome him; the Coyote is washed away by the rain into the river, he turns into a piece of wood; two sisters pick her up; he turns into a baby; when they're not there, he takes on their true form, eats their fish; destroys the dam, releasing salmon into rivers; showers his sisters with ash, turning them into birds]: Curtin 1909b, No. 5:264-267; vasco [two sisters hold the salmon behind the dam; the Coyote turns into an alder log, swims, the youngest picks it up, the eldest tells them to throw it away; turns into a baby in a cradle, the youngest picks up; while sisters dig roots, he breaks the dam for five days, turns back into a baby at night; releases salmon up Colombia, sisters turn into birds (like swallows); in the neighborhood Vancouver's Coyote met people without mouths, they talked food, sniffed, threw them away; he cut their mouths; the chief offered him a daughter as his wife, he refused (I take women whenever I want! )]: Hines 1996, No. 5A: 51-53; Vishram: Hines 1998, No. 5A [the young man killed a deer, tied the carcass with his intestines, asked the Coyote to bring it; the guts are tearing, it's raining, the river has carried the Coyote away; he turned into a baby in the cradle; five sisters keep all the fish in the dam; found a baby, the youngest suspects it was a Coyote; while the sisters are digging the roots, the Coyote digs a canal; puts five horn spoons over his head; y One of the sisters broke their digger, they ran, started hitting the Coyote, each smashed a spoon, but his head was intact, he released the salmon; screams, the little fish into the river, the big fish into the sea; then I recovered, but I can't fix it; turned my sisters into swallows, they fly in front of the salmon; told the fish to jump ashore, but the salmon slide back; asked the sisters, they said they should be beaten with a stick; became bake salmon, fell asleep; 5 Wolves ate everything, greased Coyote's hands and lips; his sisters talked about Wolves; Coyote put them to sleep when they baked eggs, smeared their mouths with eggs; next pp.50-55: The Coyote is coming, setting norms (where to fish, what different places along the river look like. Colombia)], 5B [=Sapir, p.3-7], 5C [roughly like A; Coyote wears five wooden hats; Wolves episode on pp.61-65; determines fishing spots: 65-66]: 44-55, 55-57, 58-66; clackamas [two Grizzly women keep all the fish in the pond; Coyote steals food from their house; they hit him; he makes them new digging sticks, they're happy; pretending the house was on fire, releasing fish; putting five on their heads wooden bowls; women beat him, break bowls, get tired, let him go]: Jacobs 1958, No. 22:23-31; Kalapuya: Erdoes, Ortiz 1984 [all the water from the frogs, behind the dam; Coyote pays with shells dentium, drinks; says he won't get drunk, but quietly digs a hole in the dam, all the water pours out]: 355-356; Gatschet et al. 1945 [five frog women hold all the water, sell for perks from dentalia shells; Coyote makes fake ones, pays, drinks, quietly destroys the dam with his hand; water rushes to freedom; with it salmon and other fish; Coyote turns Frogs into frogs]: 236-237; Jacobs 1945, No. 1 [Frogs hold all the water, sell for dentalia shell penetrations; Coyote pays, drinks, quietly destroys the dam with his hand; water rushes to freedom]: 135-136; ne perse [cf. motive K1; Coyote's son sends him to bring meat, separates him from the camp by deep gorges; Coyote sails down the river on a raft in the form of a baby; the eldest of the five Swallow Sisters picks it up; he breaks them fish dam, releasing salmon into rivers]: Phinney 1934:380-381; Western sachaptines: Farrand, Mayer 1917, No. 2:139-140 [Coyote turns into a baby, swims down the river on a pile of reeds; picked up by five sisters; grows up, breaks their dam, releases salmon, runs away; bakes fish, falls asleep; Fox, Wolf, Raccoon and others eat fish, bake bird eggs, fall asleep; Coyote finds them, eats eggs, yolks; laughs], 140-142 [Coyote swims down the Snake River to a dam where five Swallow sisters hold salmon; turns into a baby, adopted by an older sister; youngest suspects it's a Coyote; he sleeps out of bed with his foster mother; consistently touches all parts of her body, asking what it is; - My head; - My mother's head; - My hair ; - My mother's hair; about the genitals, the woman says it's for men; - My mother's "men"; this is how they reach his feet; he asks for a drink, drinks all the water, he is told himself go to the river and get drunk; he breaks the dam by releasing fish into the river; running away screams what his sisters should name the children they will give birth to; asks his poop how to fish; hits salmon with a club, bakes, falls asleep; Wolves and Fox stole fish, took out Coyote's gut, cooked it for him; he eats it; the bird yells to him what happened; he finds the holy Wolves and the Fox, eats the bird's eggs they baked, paints them with charcoal and yolk], 142-144 [as on p. 140-142 without episodes listing body parts and pregnancy; Beaver advises Coyote to beat salmon with a stick]; upper colitz: Jacobs 1934, No. 2 [ Coyote's son Eagle is married to two mouse sisters and two turtle sisters; when the Coyote puts sparkling wood into the fire, the women throw off their clothes, he sees that the Mice have white vulvas and the Turtles are black, prefers white ones; makes eagles from his excrement, puts them on a rock, sends the Eagle to get the chicks; he takes off his clothes, climbs a rock, finds excrement there; the Coyote makes the rock smooth, puts it on the son's clothes, takes his form, tells his wives to migrate, takes Mice; the old spider lowers the Eagle to the ground; the son recognizes him; he kills a deer, tells Coyote to carry it, causes rain, the Coyote is carried away by the river; The coyote asks the trees for help, predicts the usefulness of those who give him their branches; turns into a dead deer, swims up to the boy; the boy's grandmother knows it's a Coyote, runs to beat him, he swims away ; in the form of a baby in a basket, Coyote comes to five virgin sisters; they raise him, the youngest does not love him, because lying on their knees he always puts his hands between their legs; they have a pond with fish; In the absence of the girls, the Coyote gets up from the cradle, digs a ditch; the sisters come running, hit him, but he manages to let the salmon out; first he screams, Down the river, then catches up, screams, Up ; so there are few salmon in the upper reaches], 7 []: 103-107, 191-202; clickitat [Luca's wife turns into a Grizzly, kills people, stalks son and daughter; they run away, marry each other, they have a boy is born; a Grizzly meets and kills a son, comes to her daughter; she pushes her into a ravine, she dies; a Coyote appears, a woman throws her things into the fire, then burns herself; Coyote brings up a boy; this is an Eagle, he grows up, marries three Mice, Gorlinka, Cricket; Coyote puts willow branches in the fire, the flame flashes, the women lift their legs; the Coyote sees that the Mice are white, the other two den black genitals; he likes white genitals; he turns his excrement into eagles; sends the Eagle to the rock to get feathers; makes the rock tall; takes the form of a son, puts on his clothes, takes his wives Mice, mistreats Cricket and Gorlinka; the Spider lowers the Eagle off the cliff; Gorlinka's son recognizes his father; the Eagle kills the deer, tells Coyote to carry it, it rains, the Coyote is washed into the river, swims downstream, turns into a dead deer; a girl picks him up; her grandmother knows it's a Coyote, wants to hit, he swims on, turns into an old man, stays with five unmarried Duck Sisters; they own a lake full of salmon; he makes them digging sticks, digs runoff from the lake himself; his sisters hit him, breaking five bone spoons with which he covered his head, but he releases water and fish; he catches fish in the river, bakes, falls asleep, Wolves eat it; Wolves fall asleep, Coyote steals bird eggs from them; makes rapids on the river that salmon should not rise above]: Jacobs 1934, No. 31:79-91 (retelling in Lévi-Strauss 1971, no. 606a: 233-234); yakima: Hines 1992, No. 44 [Coyote's son is married to three sisters, the youngest Coyote wants himself; asks his son to climb a tree for eagle feathers, advises to take off his clothes; leans against a smooth a tree with branches; then he cleans up, puts on his son's clothes, migrates with his wives; two days later the son goes down; the youngest wife hides him in her bag; he kills the Coyote with a truncheon, throws him into the river; The coyote becomes a baby, swims to the dam, behind which five sisters hold salmon; while they are away, he breaks the dam with five wooden scoops; the sisters break the scoops, but not the head of the Coyote; the Coyote threatens his "sisters" with rain if they don't teach him how to catch salmon; where he gets wives, he makes good fishing spots, where they don't give him bad], 45 [Coyote's son has two swan wives from the coast, two Turtles; he loves Gorlinka, Coyote likes Swans; he makes artificial eagles, invites his son to climb the rock for them, taking off his clothes, makes the rock smooth, puts on his son's clothes, says that The coyote stays on the cliff; sleeps with the Swans; the Gorlinki know that it is not their husband, they leave food for him in the parking lots; five days later, the Spider lowers the young man off the cliff; he kills the deer, tells Coyote to bring it, He is carried away by the river; the Coyote turns into a baby, picked up by five swallow sisters who held the fish behind the pond; breaks the dam with wooden shields over his head; the sisters break them, but the Coyote is intact]: 121- 126, 126-131; Okanagon: Teit 1917c, No. 3a [The Coyote sails down Colombia in the form of a small inverted boat; at the mouth of the river, two sisters blocked it with a pond, preventing the salmon from going up; they find the boat at the top, use it as a trough; the fish put in it disappears; they hit the trough, it turns into a boy; it grows rapidly; while the sisters are away, it breaks the dam, frees the fish; He turns sisters into sandstone birds; leads salmon up the river; lets him where he is given wives, blocks the channel with rapids where they don't give]: 67-70; Hill-Tout 1911 [once in a hurricane, Coyote wants to make it even stronger, thrown into the river by the wind, swims in the form of a wooden bowl to a fish dam owned by two sisters (birds); they pick up a bowl, put salmon meat in it, in their absence the meat is eaten; the youngest throws the bowl into the fire, it turns into a baby, the youngest decides to raise him; when the sisters leave, the Coyote gets out of the cradle, breaks the dam; the sisters rush to beat him with sticks- with digs, but he put a bone spoon over his head; leads salmon up Colombia, marries Wolverine's daughter, puts rapids in this place so that the fish do not go higher; leads salmon through the tributaries of Colombia; people- Mountain Sheep on the Simulkameen River abandoned salmon, now there are no fish there]: 146-147; curdalen: Reichard 1947, No. 8 [the chief sends his daughters, the eldest Squirrel and the youngest Chipmunk, to the Crane; that is a good hunter; returning to her father, each carries a baby, and the Crane carries her own belt of meat; it seems that when she unties it, it is enough for all the inhabitants of the village; the Crane organizes the hunt, the Coyote is all He does bad things; decides to swim down the river; there's a dam, it has four cannibal girls, they're birds; Coyote's advisers turn him into a baby in a cradle that swims on a log; the girls pick him up he grows fast; he is told to go drinking himself; as soon as he hides from their eyes, becomes a Coyote, digs a hole in the dam; when he is away for a particularly long time, girls come and see him break a dam, they hit him, but he is protected by a helmet and a shell; the dam collapses, the salmon rush up the river; the Coyote catches one, bakes, falls asleep; four Wolves and the Fox steal salmon, the Fox smears the sleeping Coyote's mouth grease and hot smut marks around the eyes; next time the Fox and Wolves sleep with eggs to bake; Coyote puts his excrement instead of eggs; where Coyote was refused to give a wife, he does not go to that river lets salmon; received in the country of ne perse]: 98-105; Teit 1917e, No. 5 [four women blocked Colombia with a dam, preventing salmon from climbing up the river; Coyote turns into a piece of wood, swims to platinum, becomes a baby; women pick him up, he grows; asks permission to go to the dam for a drink; breaks it, salmon rush up Colombia]: 121; sanpual [four sisters hold salmon in the pond; the Coyote turns first into a wooden bowl, then into a baby; his sisters pick him up, the youngest suspects fraud; he becomes a man again, breaks the dam]: Clark 1953:91-95; coutene : Boas 1918, No. 60 [The Coyote swims down the river; turns into a wooden bowl; the girls Kozoda and Snipe pick it up; the meat left in it overnight disappears; in the morning they find a bowl in their in bed; they throw her away, she turns into a little boy; while the girls are picking berries, the Coyote releases the salmon and deer they held behind the pond and in the pen; both give birth to a child]: 165-171; Linderman 1997, No. 8 [an old woman tells hungry children that their Uncle Kingfisher has a lot of food; Coyote hears this, runs to Kingfisher himself (same beginning with Moose, Puma); he pulls fish out of the ice-hole, the Coyote crashes on ice, his wife revives it; The elk bakes the roots, they turn into brain bones; cuts off his wife's nose, feeds the Coyote, the wife sprinkles ash on us; since then, moose have such a nose; Coyote has injured the Dog Wife since then dogs have a short nose; Coyote takes meat from Puma while he is not there, sends his wife; Puma beats her; Coyote kills him with a magic arrow, lives in his house; kills not two deer at once, as his wife tells him, but many; Deer stones roll at him; he turns into a board, swims along the river to the top; it is owned by three women; one picks up a board; in her house, the Coyote turns into a baby; left alone, breaks the top, releasing into the rivers salmon]: 73-89.

Northeast. Mikmak: Leland 1968 [a giant blocks the river with a dam; a man asks for water, gets only a drop; Gluscap pierces the giant's belly with a spear, from there water flows; a giant turns into a bull frog with wrinkled skin, living in the same village as it - leeches, crabs, fish and other aquatic creatures]: 114-119; Parsons 1925 [The bull frog swallows all the water, gives only in exchange on wives; two brothers kill him, hole him, water spills out]: 57-58; Speck 1915b [the woman has a 6-year-old son, she is pregnant again; the husband tells his father to kill her; the old man tells the woman to bend down, burns her heart with a stick, throws her insides into the water, takes her body to eat; the boy tries to catch his little brother in the water; finally brings her home; when his grandfather appears, he every time returns to the water; the old man catches him, gives him blue jay feathers; the older brother tells how their father told their grandfather to kill their mother; they burn their father in the house; found in the intestines (NC) pushes his bones, they turn into mosquitoes; brothers pour boiling fat on their grandfather, let his grandmother fry his heart, kill her with an ax; go to kill other giants; Grandma Marten says that the Ox Frog took all the water, gives for the girl; NC sends Marten, he brings dirty water; NK goes by himself, kills the Frog with an ax, sends girls home, breaks blood vessels, the rivers fill up again; the brothers come to the Porcupine breeds hot fire; brother dies, NC complains about the cold, Porcupine dies from the heat, NC revives his brother; interpreting rocks crush passers, NC breaks them with an oar; on the lake, geese are Gluscap's guards; NC tells them keep silent; NK and G. both have time to smoke a pipe; NK withstands the cold and wind; G. gives an inexhaustible piece of fur, NK's brother becomes a fur merchant; NK marries; his mother-in-law takes him to the island to collect seagull eggs, throws him there; seagulls bring him back; at night his mother-in-law lies down with him, tries to poison him with her gases; he made a hole in the blanket with a knife; threw it into the hole, at the bottom of her turtle always devours her sons-in-law; NK got out, kill him]: 61-64; Whitehead 1988 [a woman marries her son Kukwes (an ogre giant); for her and her son, he hunts animals, for himself and her parents, people; does not tell you to touch a bear's stomach; son hits the stomach with an arrow, liquid drips, K.'s strength melts; he allows his father to eat his wife; the old man heats his iron staff, pierces his daughter-in-law, gutts, throws the baby from her womb into the river; The turtle brings him up, he goes out to play with his brother; he asks his father to make two bows, two arrows, etc.; they make a mess in the house, the family is forced to confess to his father; the father makes jewelry from bird tails; Domashny grabs in Rechnoy's house, keeps him, father comes running; first Rechnoy throws his tails into the fire, then smiles; the father fell asleep, the brothers burned him in the house; the bones collided, they turned into flies, mosquitoes, sand fleas; because they were pushed on the doorstep, insects enter the house through the entrance; The river beats the birch tree with a spruce paw, since then there are traces on the bark; brothers put their grandfather to sleep, looking for insects from him, stick to him fat, burn it, let his wife eat the liver, kill her with an ax; the bull frog hides all the water in his house in birch bark buckets, gives it in exchange for women; the River kills the Frog, breaks blood vessels, water fills rivers; brothers sail in a boat, River kills giants; Porcupine drowns so hot that Domashny dies; Riverboat wraps himself in a blanket, Porcupine dies herself, River revives her brother; house Kluskap is guarded by geese, River tells them to remain silent; K. causes frost, Domashny dies, revives him in the river morning; Domashny receives a growing beaver skin from K., becomes a merchant; River marries Skunsiha's daughter; she takes him to collect bird eggs, leaves him on the island; seagulls bring him home; his mother-in-law tells her to sleep with her, tries to strangle him with her gases, he makes a hole in the blanket; she throws into a hole, at the bottom, the Turtle devours his sons-in-law; the river gets out; meets a man walking on bent legs, kills him, makes a door out of him, brings the corpse to his relatives; snakes and frogs fall from their faces; both Brothers return to the island, turn into two stones]: 140-154; Malesite: Stamp 1915 [Frog widower keeps water; Raccoon sends Nork to ask for water; young man kills Frog, marries his daughter, discovers water sources]: 246-247; (cf. Mechling 1914 [Aquelabem gives water in exchange for girls, tortures them; Gluscap sends an old woman to ask for water; smashes Aquelabem's head with a club; water returns to the springs], No. 1 : 6-7); penobscot [Gluskabe tells the fish that the sea will dry out; only those who swim into the river where he set the top will escape; tells his grandmother Marmota monax that now they always have there will be fish; she asks to release fish so that people do not starve to death; G. agrees]: Speck 1935b, No. 2:39-40.

California. Yurok: Kroeber 1976 [two sisters keep salmon in a vessel, acorns in a basket; Vohpekumeu sleeps in their house, overturns vessels; fish appear in rivers, oaks on the ground], No. A15, C2, E1 [V. makes salmon from alder bark; women think he owns fish too, he won't steal their salmon]: 108-110, 218-219, 266; Kroeber, Gifford 1949, No. 6 [Coyote quietly picked up acorn shells, so that two girls who owned acorns and salmon would think that he also had it all; when the girls pulled salmon out of the depths of the dugout, Coyote took out the alder bark as if he also had dried salmon; coming out of dugouts, threw a stone into the oak tree, the acorns fell down, spread across the country; dismantled the dam, the salmon went up the river; the girls turned into two white rocks (one at a distance, because she went for a forgotten knife) ]: 123-124; Villote: Kroeber 1909, No. 5 [Gudatrigakwitl ("the old man above") created the world; a woman (or possibly a man) keeps all the fish in a hole in the rock; Gatsokwire brings berries that look like salmon caviar; Gudatrigakwitl thinks the fish has already spread around the world anyway and doesn't mind releasing it more; Gatsokwire releases fish]: 97; Reichard 1925, No. 8 [someone keeps all the fish in the recess of the rock, the other releases it]: 153-155; Teeter 1964, No. 12 [he {who?} picked red berries; they were mistaken for salmon caviar; all the salmon in the pond; someone is slowly taking them from there; he destroyed the dam, the water poured in, with salmon]: 145-147; Karok: Bancroft 1875 [Chareya created salmon, put them in the sea, made a dam at the mouth of the Klamath River, gave the key to two old women; the Karok is starving; the Coyote comes to the old women, asks for permission to warm up, pretends to fall asleep; in the morning alone the old women go to open the dam, the Coyote pushes her, takes the key, releases the fish up the Klamath River]: 137-138; Kroeber, Gifford 1949, No. 6 [Coyote came to two girls who had acorns and salmon; put show the oak bark in his quiver that he also has acorns; hit the oak tree, the acorns fell down, then spread throughout the country; when they took the salmon out of the hole in the edge of the dugout, the Coyote took out alder bark, it's red like dried salmon; began to chew like he had salmon; the girls resisted, but he released the salmon into the river; the girls turned into two white rocks, their dog into another one]: 116-117; 1980, No. II9 [like yuroks; Coyote makes fish bones out of bark; shows them to sisters so that they think he doesn't need their fish]: 156-157; Powell 1877 [Kareya created fish, but it lived in the sea, and the entrance to The Klamath River was stopped by a dam; K. gave the keys to it to two old women; people were starving; the coyote tore off a piece of alder bark, came to the old women and pretended to chew it; alder bark, if torn off, turns red, and the old women believed that the coyote also had salmon; they stopped being afraid that he would try to steal their salmon; waiting for the old woman to put the key where they could grab it, the coyote pushed her, grabbed the key and opened the dam; the salmon went up the river]: 37-38; chupa [woman Flycatcher keeps salmon in the pond; when he comes to her, the hero leaves his flute in the steam room to play his flute, himself digs runoff into water; fish spreads around the world]: Goddard 1904, No. 1:124-125; pomo [see motive B7; after a global fire, Coyote descends from the sky; thirsty; the frog does not give him water; he drinks somewhere in the Big Valley; pierces his stomach with an awl, the spilled water forms a lake. Clear; all the fish that people now catch comes out with the water]: Barrett 1933, No. 19/2-3:121-122; screw: Curtin 1898 [all the water and fish were in the pond; The creator breaks off a piece of the sky, cuts through it with it riverbeds, taking them out of the pond]: 30-31; Dubois, Demetracopoulou 1931, No. 69 [the old woman warns her grandson not to pick up the basket; he picks it up; the abalone mollusk jumps out from under it, rushes into the sea; since then Since abalones live in the sea, not in Pit River]: 394.

Big Pool. Northern Payute [over the mountain in the stone house of Coyote and Wolf; a woman invited Coyote to have sex but ran to her house on the island; Coyote put his penis where she urinated; did a dry passage in the lake; the girl's mother is in the house, she has a toothy bosom; on the walls there are quivers of those who have bitten off their penis; in the evening, the daughter brought swans from the hunt; the old woman closed the door to prevent Coyote from leaving, only on the roof a hole in the finger; the old woman fell asleep, the Coyote put his finger in her daughter's vagina, she bit him; the Coyote got out through the hole in the roof, brought a penis-sized stone, put it in the girl's vagina, his teeth fell out, he took it out them with a stick; the same with an old woman; copulated with a girl; went hunting with her, killed swans, and the girl can no longer hunt (she used to bite off the swans' necks with her vagina); the old woman put a vessel for water between the heads of her daughter and the Coyote; there are children in it; told Coyote and his wife to go home, not to open the vessel on the way; Coyote opened, most of the children ran away, there was a little paviotso (= northern payutes) left; Coyote's wife created trout for her children in the lake, took it as needed; when she went to get firewood, Coyote dug the lake's edge, the water and the fish flowed out - let people fish in the rivers! A woman came back, cried, died; if it weren't for Coyote, she would have created lakes like this everywhere]: Lowie 1924, No. 2:209-212; Northern Shoshones: Clark 1966 [Coyote turns Mother Earth's fish basket upside down ; the basket turns into a lake. Yellowstone, from which the Snake and Yellowstone rivers flow out; big fish were carried into the sea, only small fish remained above the rapids]: 175-177; Lowie 1909b, No. 23i [The Coyote turns into a baby, lies down in a boat, swims to the dam that prevents salmon from climbing the river; five women find him, the eldest feeds him; in their absence, he breaks the dam; calls salmon, catches, roasts; falls asleep; Wolves stole salmon, Coyote stretched out his nose; Coyote found the Wolves sleeping, stretched out his noses and them; married; another man stole his wife; since then people have been taking their wives away from each other], 23m [old woman sitting on a salmon basket; cooking one for the Coyote; he turns the basket over; the salmon rush down; the Coyote builds a dam, the water breaks through it; in spring, salmon go up the river]: 275-276, 278.

Mesoamerica Totonaki (Chicotepec) [the man played the violin; the Groms sent a messenger to him to appear; let him say who allowed him to play, they don't like it; he was asked to sit in a chair, and then race; at a distance he saw pajaro de primavera lying upside down; not wanting to step on him, the man hesitated and lost the contest; he was killed and buried; his wife stayed pregnant; The thunders called her and, under threat of death, forced her to miscarry, the baby was buried in the yard of the house from where they managed the village (town hall); 8 days later, a corn shoot grew on this place, on it The cob was ripe; the thunders called the woman and told him to pick it up; she ground the grain, cooked the tamale; it turned out to be bitter and she threw it into the river; downstream the old woman heard crying and picked up the baby; brought it home, her husband is also happy; the boy grew up quickly, calls the couple parents; asks where the father goes; old woman: take care of animals {I mean fish, but it is more often referred to as animals }; these animals lay motionless; the kingfisher and other birds eating fish came to eat them; the young man asked for permission to go with his father; started shooting at kingfishers and killing them; promised that now fish ("animals") will multiply; next time he went alone, started shooting fish in the head, they had fins, a tail in their backs; tomorrow or the day after tomorrow God's children {i.e. people} will appear, they need there will be animals {i.e. there must be a lot of fish and it should not be concentrated in one place}; the fish has moved {i.e. blurred}; the next day the young man came back with his father; that: how now to catch; then the young man gave his father a net; people would appear - they would need it; the young man came to the crocodile, who wanted to eat it; the young man asked him to open his mouth to climb into it, cut off his tongue and said that now he will be called a crocodile; when the lightning flashes, they will honor you {that is, the crocodile's tongue is made of lightning}; the young man told the old woman he knew he had a real mother and his real mother The father was killed; the young man came when his mother sadly hummed and made clay pots; hiding in a tree, he broke the pot with arrows; she began to swear; he went out to her, told her not to swear, and called himself a son; sat on her lap and spoiled her; told the whole story of her father's death and his appearance; he was a corncob; he assured her that he would not be killed; he opened his father's house and all the violins and guitars were there, drums and flutes; he started playing the violin, the Thunders heard it, sent messengers for him; he volunteered to go; when {people} come, you will be called rain/storm clouds, for tomorrow- the day after tomorrow God will increase the number of his children {i.e. people}; and they have agreed to be under his control, to be clouds, not who they were; they were given their horses, white clouds, and given their machetes; and they will make lightning, screaming (thunder} and pouring water; in the morning, clouds appeared in the east, rained, a thunderstorm began; while running, he did not look at the person lying down and ran first; second test: eat a lot of corn porridge; he arranged with Agouti to gnaw a hole in the bottom of the porridge vessel; the porridge flowed out, and the Thunders believed that the young man had eaten everything; then he took his father out of the grave, to revive; but he should not be afraid; but when he heard the rustle of a fallen leaf, my father got scared and turned into a deer; now people will eat you, hunters will kill you; this young man is Wonder Man]: Aschmann 1977 ; kekchi, mopan [after freeing the waters from the underground tank, Mom lets fish into rivers]: Thompson 1930:144.

The Antilles. Central Cuba [Amao is the first man, son of Huion 'a, a Sun man; Guanaroca is the first woman to be the daughter of Maroya (Moon); Amao is the son of A. and G.; A. the child in the mountains, he dies; A. hides the corpse in the fruit of the Guira, hangs it on a tree; G. finds the fruit, drops it, water gushes from it, floods the ground; fish and turtles appear; fish make the rivers of the Jagua region, from turtles - Majagua isthmus, from Guanaroca's salty tears - lake of the same name]: Borodatova 1992:158; Feijoo 1986:13-15; mestizos Oriente [a man kills his son, hides a guira in the fruit, hangs on tree; fruit falls, breaks, water flows out of it, fish in it; rivers form]: Borodatova 1992:158; Taino: Fouchard 1972 [retelling, mainly Pane]: 87-92; Anghiera 1912 (1), dec.1, vol.9 [ Chief Haya puts his son's corpse in the calabass; when he returns, he sees whales and marine animals inside, tells others that there is a sea in the calabass; four brothers, whose mother died during childbirth, decide to take possession of a pumpkin for fish; H. takes them by surprise; they drop calebas in fear, water floods the world, only islands remain; brothers run, even though they ask one person for manioc cakes; he spits at the first person who comes in, He develops an abscess; when an abscess is opened, a woman comes out, becomes the wife of brothers, gives birth to sons and daughters]: 170-171; Pane 1932 [Giaiael wants to kill his father Giaya; he sends him out of the house, then kills him; puts his bones in a calebass, hangs him from the roof of the house; later turns him over, fish jump out; Itaba-Tahuuana dies during childbirth, four brothers the twins are taken out of her womb; the eldest is Dimivan Caracarakol; only he dares to take Calebasa Giaya and get fish out of her; Giaya returns, the brothers hang the calebass in a hurry into place, she falls, water floods the ground, fish in it; DK asks Ayamahuaco for cakes; he throws a bag of powdered tobacco at his shoulder; a female turtle comes out of the inflamed abscess; they care about her]: 190-191.

The Northern Andes. Guajiro [Pelicaniha keeps the sea in an egg because he wants to eat fish alone; a man breaks an egg, the sea spills widely]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1986 (1), No. 23:51-52.

Llanos. Sicuani: Wilbert, Simoneau 1992, No. 10 [Kuwei was trapped by Kwemeini (it's a snake); became a turtle; Kv. carried it, it falls out all the time; told his daughter to bring the loot; Ku. became a young man, then with a tick, the daughter hid it in her genitals; when Kv's wife. Tsikiririwa eats with her mouth, food goes down when her vagina goes up; seagulls brought a vessel of fish food, Kv. eats at night; Tsamani people threw what was left into the river, so the fish appeared; his wife killed Brother Ku., who came in the form of agouti; a piece of Dali Kv., who made him male and female eagles; began to train; created leaf cutters to lure Kv. out of the cave, the eagles took him flat rock so that he would not eat people anymore], 63 [only the Kuemási electric stingray lived, there was no other fish; began to tease Purnamináli ("uncombed"); he fatally wounded him with a hook; the grandson of the murdered Seagull said P. (he is the brother of wife P.), who is flying to plant yams, and he found his grandfather's bones on Kudíido Rock at the edge of the world, carried the bag of bones back; P. put the door to the sky, forcing Chaika to go down; offered to bury his bones with him; to prevent the hole from being deep, he placed a wide stone in the soil that prevented him from digging; when the Seagull left, P. moved the bones to the forest, ground them into flour, took cassava from his wife to eat it; Hummingbird (husband another sister P.) peeked, also began to eat flour; P. poured the rest of the flour into a mortar, filled it with water, the mortar turned into a fish pond; the hummingbird forced P.'s youngest son to tell me where the pond was; contrary to the ban, shot a big fish, which swallowed the boy, the fish broke the dam, went into the rivers; trying to stop the fish that swallowed his son, P. created rapids on Vichada; consistently puts four guards harpoon that fish; but they only catch small fish, turned into 4 types of herons; the fifth was Osprey, who caught and threw P. big fish, who named them; finally killed that fish, P. took out and revived his son; Seagull made the dead master], 64 [the children cried because they ate only pepper; old man Inójobonë told them to kill himself, turned into a big valentón fish; two became seagulls, carried a vessel of fish food; Tsikirrírri ("very hungry") said that he also did not want to live, ordered him to be buried face outside with the vessel; left alone, he got out, opened the vessel, hid it in the forest; asking his sister for cassava, said that goes to the forest to eat ants; his sister's husband traced, hid the vessel; poured into the lake, the contents turned into fish; T. forced his sister's husband's son to tell me where his father was fishing; harpooned the largest one, the dam broke through, the fish went into the rivers], 65 [Kuamasi's sons teased Furnaminali's sons; F. found the hook, killed K.; Seagulls and corbateros, K.'s sons fried their father's flesh, threw pieces into the water, they turned into fish; Matsuludani told them to bury K.'s remains in his house; discovered it, threw them into the water, they turned into fish; Astro forced M.'s son to take him to where M. kept the fish; said he needed a lot fish, shot at the stingray, staggered, the dam broke, the fish went into the river; M. tried to stop the fish, now there are rapids in these places], 66 [the seagull brought the man a vessel of fish food; he hid it in in the forest, each time asked the sisters to give him cassava as a seasoning for grasshoppers; Kuwaiti peeked, hid the vessel, fenced off the pond with a dam, threw the contents of the vessel there, it turned into fish; people peeked, began to beat big fish, it broke the dam, went into the rivers], 67 [valentón jumps out of the water, shouts that Furná does not have a navel; F. catches it on the hook, cooks it, puts the pieces in the dug to do this, creating a lot of small fish; The otter spied, dug a hole, the fish went into the river; F. creates larger fish - the same; F. turns the Otter into an otter; since then, fish in rivers], 68 [Furnaminali makes a boat to spread the fish he keeps in the trap; Tsikirrirri lies to the child that if he does not eat fish, he will starve to death, makes him say where the fish is; uses a stick to drive it out of the hole in Orinoco; tries to catch by building dams, but in vain; F. turns the chips obtained during the construction of the boat into important commercial freshwater fish]: 61-63, 251-258, 259-263, 254-266, 267-268, 269-270, 271; Yépez 1984 [the sky was low; Kuwait caught Kwepi, entangled in the sky, he fell off the hook; three types of Ducks heal him, but he dies; the body was fried, crushed, and the flour was put in a vessel to populate the rivers with fish; Sikirii lies to the Seagulls that he is K.'s brother, asks him to be buried next to the vessel with his head out; eats flour; does not give his sister, she complains to Tsamani; he arrives in an image Hummingbirds throw flour into the water, produce all kinds of fish; corn grows from flour poured into a hole in the ground; Kahuyali takes a vessel of fish into a boat to populate all rivers with fish; S. tells his son show where the father's harpoon is, otherwise it will eat him; harpoons the biggest fish; it breaks the vessel, jumps into the Orinoco; they try to detain it (the origin of the rapids); the fish is now unevenly distributed]: 13-16 .

Guiana. Warrau [the ogre gives man a bundle of endless fish; people open it, fish rush into rivers; different types of fish appear]: Wilbert 1970, No. 5:49; vapishana [ Tuminicare plants a Huizhan tree; all cultivated plants are on its branches; a young girl finds W., picks the fruit, tells her four brothers; when they arrive, the tree is already very tall; they chop it down to get the fruit; there is fresh water and fish in the trunk; they close the stump with a stopper; the younger brother wants more fish, takes out the cork; water floods the ground; after the flood, T. creates new people and animals; Mount Roraima is called the Mother of Fresh Water]: Wirth 1950:173-174.

Western Amazon. Cofan: Calífano, Gonzalo 1995, No. 112 [the shaman owns a tree with fish; Parrots cut it, the felling overgrows by morning; then they cut it down all night, the little Parrot has the best ax (beak), in the morning the trunk is cut; the tree is suspended from the sky by the vine; the squirrel cuts the vine, killed by a falling tree; chips and leaves fall into rivers, turn into fish; where they fall, there are more fish; the remains of the tree are rocks], 113 [The old man owns a tree with fish, does not let his son and grandchildren; they send birds to peck out his eyes; ask him what he is afraid of; Not jaguars, not anacondas, big birds; boys pretend to be birds they fly in, throw the old man into the water; he turns into a stone that produces thunder; (cutting a tree like in (112)]: 165-166, 167-170; napo [the fish were among the leaves of the tree; the twins knock him down; because it fell on east, there are more fish in the lower reaches of the river than in the upper reaches]: Foletti Castegnaro 1985:70

NW Amazon. Piapoko [God cuts wood, chips turn into fish; he keeps them in a basket; man makes God's little son tell me where he hides fish; kills too many fish at once, fish they rush into the river; as punishment, God turns the last sliver into piranha]: Cardozo 1968:32-33; tarian [birds, especially parrots, are going to make a home for their grandmother Emoamahsō; called O'ã ; -khë help, gave him their feathers to fly to E.'s house, told him not to shake off his feathers or eat cassava; they shook him off themselves to cover E.'s house; O. also began to shake off, all his feathers fell out; tried cassava, E. realized that someone was a stranger with the birds; the birds flew away, O. stayed; E. warned that she had poisonous spiders in her vagina, etc., should be washed, but O. did not listen, got together with her, his penis became long; he went home, got lost, went to the dam, behind which all kinds of fish; the fish gave him medicine, his penis became normal, for which he destroyed the dam, the fish blurred; the owner of the Ahõbëhkë dam promised to kill him, but O. left]: Moreira, Moreira 1994:34-38; ufaina [four brothers came to her aunt; in the morning she gave some water to wash, told her to take care of it, said she was collecting dew from the leaves; Before dawn, she went to her four ponds, swam, caught fish, cooked and ate it, gave her brothers only manioc soup; Imarika Kayafiki found fish bone in the ash; followed her aunt, becoming chimbe, she guessed it; in the morning the brothers took the axes, went the other way, returned to the ponds; the aunt told me to lay the log before breaking the pond, then a river would form; but the river did not form; The pond was all fish, but there were no rays or anacondas; IF wanted to lower another pond, but noticed that there were only bad creatures; the same in the third; in the latter, both creatures and fish; cut down a tree, it was also a snake; a river formed, it winds like a snake]: Hildebrand 1975, No. IV: 337-339; the macuna [the water was owned by Rômikmu (a female shaman), the water was inside the tree; four Ayawa brothers decided it cut down; at night, R. put chips back to the trunk, the tree remained intact; then they began to cut down day and night; the water that spilled out of the core of the trunk formed rivers; fish came out of the same tree; R. tied the top of the tree to the sky; two of A. turned into squirrels, cut off the vine; the tree fell, one managed to descend, the other remained in the sky]: Århem et al. 2004:454; kabiyari [all the water from the fish was in the hollow of the Itshuna tree, owned by old Kamatana; she swam and fished, then plugged the hole; the youngest of the Mujnuyi brothers (he is a shaman) became a hummingbird, spied; the brothers did not have manioc flour, and K. took it out of her husband Mapitare's body (he is a white worm) when copulating (this is his sperm; var: he copulated with a clay pot, K. took sperm from there); the brothers refused it eat; they burned coca leaves over the worm's mink, he died; they met a howler monkey; he told them to dye black, come to the Jejechu jaguar's maloka, where the holiday is; daughter J. hid one of Muhnuya at themselves in their mouths; the brothers began to cut down the tree of old woman K., but the felling overgrown; they began to carry the chips away; the chips flying from him were drizzling rain; the chips fell on Mukhnuya's head, since then people have a headache; the tree fell along with the Kumaka vine, from which the river formed; from the branches - channels, lakes; the root - the mouth of the Apaporis River; the ant woman (is she K.?) locked her brothers in an anthill; they turned into mosquitoes, five days later, when the exit was open, they flew away; they came to Thunder while he was sleeping, replaced his lightning with feathers from the parrot's tail (they became parrots Thunder's daughter let them in); they came back to K., asked them to cook fish; while K. was collecting fuel, one of Muhnuya stole coal; on a Cayman boat he sailed across the river, Cayman went under water, took the fire; Muhnuyi turned into a frog, lures Cayman ashore; his brothers cut his belly, the Wasp finds fire inside; masks have been made from his vertebrae and intestines - they're like fire]: Correa 1989:43-50; yukuna: Hammen 1992:87-88 [Karipulakena (four orphan brothers) lived with their aunt Amerú; there was no water, A. gave them little by little; younger Lamuchí watched A. pull water and fish out of the trunk wood; when asked A. where the water came from, she replied that she was collecting dew at night; K. decided to cut down the tree; A. ordered a balsa platform to be placed so that the tree would not fall into the lower world; but it broke through the platform, turning into a huge river in the lower world with clear water and fish; A. brought cultivated plants from the lower world; K. realized that A. had deceived them; found other trees; water in one, but without fish; in the other only snakes; in the third, all species of fish; K. made a platform out of solid wood; the wei river flowed from the fallen tree; the underground and heavenly rivers form the same system along which the Sun floats in the boat], 89 [Karipulakena's four orphans lived with their grandfather Jeechú; he is trying to destroy them; tells them to swim to become strong; tells them to cut down the vegetation on the site, ignoring that there is a huge tree; his Mananiyo's daughter laughs at K. - they won't be able to knock down a tree; K.: when we cut down, you'll wet yourself out of fear; at night M. puts chips back and the felling overgrows; when Lamuchí finds out what's going on, he threw the chips into the water, they became piranhas; then J. tied the tree to the sky with vines; L. became a little squirrel, got up, cut the vines; the tree leaned east, then west, and fell, turning into the Apaporis River; J. wowed herself in fear and a tree with sticky (pegajosos) leaves grew on this site]; (cf. tarian [the widow and the boy began to dig worms in the garden for fishing, heard the sound of water, there was a stream with the best fish; the person tells me to take fish as needed and in no case more than 10 at once ; people wonder why a widow has good fish; one person asks to leave the boy with him, makes him show the source of the fish; people come, catch a lot of fish; the owner of the fish tells the widow and the boy stop far from the village; people who ate fish got drunk and fell asleep soundly; then the village fell into the ground without a trace]: Aikhenvald 1999, No. 9:157-168).

The Central Andes. Uarochiri (dep. Lima) [Kahui Lyaka rejects suitors; eats the fruit into which Cooney Raya Vira Kocha, taking the form of a bird, injected his seed; KL gathers male first ancestors to find out who the father of her child is ; Kuniraya comes in the guise of a beggar; a boy crawls towards him; Cavillaca considers himself disgraced, runs to the sea; KR puts on his golden robe, runs after him, but she does not look back; KL turns into a rock into the sea; the Kyrgyz Republic asks Condor, Skunsiha, Puma, Fox, Falcon, Parrots and other oncoming birds and animals (not named) how long has KL passed by; Condor, Puma, Falcon answer that he will soon catch up with her; Skunciha, Fox, Parrots - what is not; KR gives a good share to the first, evil to the second (the condor will always find food, they will not kill him; if Puma or Falcon is killed, their heads will be worn in time hat dancing; the falcon who killed the falcon will sacrifice a llama; the skunk will hunt only at night, smell bad; the fox will be despised if killed, it will be thrown away; parrots will be driven away with contempt fields like thieves; the Kyrgyz Republic came to where Pacha Kamaka's two daughters protected by a snake lived; their mother Urpay Huachak just went far to sea to meet in KL; KR seduced (or raped) the eldest daughter; tried to sleep with the youngest, she flew away as a dove; so the name UU means Dove Born; all the fish were at the UU in the pond; the Kyrgyz Republic released her into the sea, saying, Why did she go to KL, a marine woman depths? Ooh chased him, looked him in his head; was about to push him into the abyss; KR said she would go to ease and ran away; continued to deceive local wakas]: Salomon, Urioste 1991, ch. 2:46 -50.

Chaco. Ayoreo: Wilbert, Simoneau 1989b, No. 309 [people find a tree with water and fish in the trunk; women take fish from the hole as needed; the worse ones are given to Lisa-Dibe; she pretends to have her thorn in her leg comes back, opens the hole, the water pours out, forming a river with fish; fearing punishment, D. turns into a fox; Iguana married her, but then kicked her out; she grabbed him, but in hers only skin remains in her teeth; so the iguanas shed every year; D. grabbed the Chougoupedate fishing bird by the legs, began to pluck; it escaped, flew; D. attached her feathers, took off, then fell; people wanted to kill her, but she already had children because she slept with several people; so now animals give birth to many young at once, and women give birth to one child; D.'s children were fed honey, and now they feed the children of the deceased mother], 310 [the Lizard had all the fish; the fox tried to steal one fish, but released them all; for this, the Lizard left it on top of the tree; regretted it, spat, but the Fox only on the second once he decided to go down the Lizard's saliva; found Vulture smoking tobacco; asked for tobacco, Vulture scolded him], 311 [bird people took fish out of the tree trunk; they don't let the Fox Widow; she pretends who stabbed her leg returns to the tree, releases all the fish; the Iguana raises the Fox to the top of the tree; offers to go down his saliva; she goes down], 312 [all the fish were in a large container; Lisa's people they gave only leftovers; the fox pretended to stab her leg, returned to the container, released the fish; since then, the fish has been available to everyone], 313 [The fox released the fish inside the bottle tree; Vulture was sent to find and kill her; another Vulture saw Liu sleeping, raised her to the top of the tree; the little Battleship climbed there and met the Fox; all the birds have done the same; since then since sex is known; the Battleship made a rope out of his saliva, the Fox descended it; At night, Vulture began to smoke a pipe; the fox woke up, he agreed to let her smoke, but told her not to speak to others; she said, ran away to escape; attacked the Heron, she flew away; the fox took off her feathers, flew up, fell; the fox tried to steal meat; lived alone], 428 [dammed river]: 370-371, 372-373, 373-374, 375, 375-378, 490-492; Chamacoco: Wilbert, Simoneau 1987a, No. 47 [throwing his rod, the young man loses and the rod disappears; he finds him pierced into a tree with water and fish in its trunk; tribesmen carefully take fish from there; Lisa (single, she has children from different fathers) releases fish, water floods the forest; the fox flees to the tree; the Hawk carries it on his back, she says he is bald head; he throws it into the fire; people killed her children, except her son and daughter, who are foxes], 48 [throwing his rod, the young man hits the target, but the rod disappears; he finds it pierced into a tree, in a trunk whose water and fish; mother-in-law notices that he eats eels; he gives her a gift of fish for permission to go with it; people take fish, Lisa only gives little ones; she takes out the plug; water floods the forest; Hawk carries the Fox, throws it off; people kill its children], 49 [a man who appears with the moon and the sun throws his rod, he pierces a tree with water and fish; the fox spies on how they take fish, releases fish and water, climbs a tree; an eagle carries it, throws it into the fire; it revives], 50 [a rod thrown by a young man pierces a tree with water and fish; mother-in-law asks for eels, for which he gives himself; Fox finds big eels, but people always turn them into small ones; the fox takes out the plug, releasing water and fish; people kill her daughters; the Vulture carries it on her back, she says his head disgusting; he throws her into the fire; she runs away, carrying fire into the savannah; her daughters are reborn as foxes]: 158-165, 166-169, 169-171, 172-173; poppies: Wilbert, Simoneau 1991a, No. 28 [lonely a man conceives a son in a vessel; tells women who come for water to be called a mother; only the latter recognizes him as a son; the boy began to live with her; while hunting, he hit a tree with an arrow karaguata, there was a fish in its trunk; the fox followed, ate all the fish, then pulled out the main one; a stream of water with fish carried away the Fox, he turned into a calebass, swam], 29 [starting as in (28); a boy with his adopted mother they find an arrow he fired in a caraguat tree, they take fish out of the trunk; the woman did not call other women to the tree who rejected the boy; the boy called the men; the fox decided to go by himself and began to shoot at the tree, the fish is over and did not appear again]: 92-93, 94-95; Chorote: Wilbert, Simoneau 1985, No. 39 [the large battleship Aseta (aka Kixwet) digs a way under a sitting beauty, inserts its penis into her, she does not feels it; the boy born sees A., calls him father; shows others a tree with water and fish], 42 [Kíxwet fertilizes his clenched palm, the next day a boy is born, three days later is already walking; K. leaves him on a platform from which he is fishing, he cries; four girls come successively, trying to hold the boy in his arms; K. marries the one whose boy stops crying; gives people fish by catching it from bottle trees, fish did not know before; K. takes the form of a Lignum vitae tree; every girl passing by dreams of this tree becoming her husband; at night she comes to one of them, in the guise of a man, promises to create a river if she accepts him; takes her as a wife; the Fox (Wóiki) becomes a companion, learns the secret of the fish tree; left alone, tries to fish, but forgets to close the lid; the stream rushes out, the Fox sinks; K. puts the water back with his rod; decides not to keep the fish in the tree anymore; creates the Pilcomayo River, which follows him, behind his rod; the river is filled with fish, the population is increasing], 44 [there was a wooden vessel in the center of the world for making beer; the young man found it, lifted the lid, fish swam in the vessel; at first everyone was afraid to eat fish, but they agreed when they saw that the young man had recovered from such food; the fox peeked, removed the whole lid, the water poured in, he climbed onto the palm tree, spit down to find out, it was dry below, but there was only water around; he jumped, drowned, the owner of the container found the corpse, the Fox came to life; there were lakes left since then, but there were no rivers at that time], 45 [the young Pasá owns a lake with frogs and eels; the fox lifts the lid, the water pours out, the Fox sinks; P. revives it, fills the lake again], 46 [the lake owner catches frogs in it, roasts it; the fox releases frogs and water, sinks; the owner revives it], 47 [battleship Setá Lisa warns not to go to the lake; he tries to catch fish, releases water, sinks, S. revives it], 48 [the owner of the fish takes it out of the well one by one; the fox opens the lid, takes a lot of fish, releases it water, sinks], 49 [the owner of a bottled tree keeps water and fish in it; the fox releases them, sinks]: 67-69, 75-79, 81-83, 84-86, 87-88, 89, 90-91, 92; pilaga [(Metraux 1946e: 130-131); the old woman did a child who was born in a pot; two months later he was already bringing fish to his mother; the old woman did not give it to others; the fox saw that the boy had a magic arrow; took an arrow from the boy's cache, shot three fish, he could no longer; showed the fish in the village, said that he owned a magic arrow, would make the same to others; everyone guessed that the Fox had stolen the arrow; not finding the arrow, the boy cried; the grandmother told the birds , the animals disappeared; the next day the hunters returned empty-handed, everyone cursed the Fox; he had to return the arrow; people shot the fish; the boy fired his arrow into the sky, it disappeared; he ordered do not shoot big fish, otherwise the storm would destroy everyone; ordered the water to swallow whoever would shoot; the fox did not find the boy's arrow in the cache, began shooting from the fish tree with his arrows; when he shot at big, she waved her tail, thunder fell from the sky, the Fox fell, died]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1982b, No. 126:244-246; toba (western toba) [all the fish were inside the bottle tree; the fox says to man that he is not going to shoot fish with a bow: he will only fish with his hands; the man warned not to touch the large predatory dorado fish (Salminus brasiliensis); but the fox shot at the dorado, the tree burst, the stream of water he rushed with fish to where he was directing the dorado; when the fox died, his hair turned into mosquitoes; and he himself came to life a couple of days later]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1989a, No. 303:390-391; matako: Alvarsson 1984: 92-97; Calífano 1974:38-39; Wilbert, Simoneau 1982a, No. 68-76, 78 [Sipilah owned a bottle tree full of fish; did not tell Tokhuah to shoot fish; he shot at the dorado, the tree split; S. ordered T . take the water away; stick a stick in the ground for the night, the water will stop, he will be able to sleep; told him not to look back; T. looked around, saw a water monster, drowned; before that he offered Iguana anal sex; he said that T.'s penis is too big, but he didn't say he had two penises himself; T. ate mistol fruits, they fell out of his ass; he plugged it with grass; T. eats baby nanda, who drive him into a hole, leave their feathers at the entrance, he thinks they are still here; he escapes as a hummingbird; in an empty village, he asks a mortar where its owners are; she is silent, he throws it against a tree, she bounces into his head; asks the needle, she says pin-pin, he steps on it, she pierces his leg; the excrement answers, Thlapapapa, he kicks him, covered in crap; thinks frogs they croak in the water, dive, and there are cacti; the white bird advises to dig into hot ash to turn white; T. is burnt; asks the chakha birds to give him feathers, they wax them, he takes off, the wax melts in the sun , T. falls, screams, I am a mortar, falls with a mortar, becomes human; The hawk stands on a branch on one leg, helps T. cut off his leg, shows that he has two; The spider attaches his leg back, he calls her redmouth and fat dog, his leg falls off again; another Spider heals him again; the red-eyed Pigeon advises rubbing red pepper into his eyes, T. temporarily goes blind; the bird with With a white face and a long beak, he advises him to smear clay and put sticks in his nose; he does this]: 143-160, 165-167.