Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

H21A. Don't touch big fish .


fish is concentrated in a small container, from which the owner takes as much as necessary. Another character opens the receptacle, breaking the rules, and the fish breaks out of it.

Nghaimbom, tangu, komba, shikuani, wapishana, carijona, ayoreo, chamococo, maca, chorote, pilaga, matako.

Melanesia. Nghaimbom [Lupuabisa's son is the best hunter; others killed him out of envy; L. found her son's corpse, he became small, she carried him, asking permission to bury him; no one wanted to; in the village Ngaimba Liwowo took a woman, she buried her son, asked him not to cover the grave with earth; the worms in the corpse became fish, there was salt water in the pit; Liwowo eats delicious fish, and his younger brother Monumbo tasteless without salt; begged Liwowo to reveal the secret; he ordered not to hit the biggest fish; M. pierced the biggest fish with a spear, it broke through the walls of the pond, the stream flowed down the mountain; L. told his son to flow in the other direction, the river filled the sea; it was clear and smooth at first; when mud was poured, it turned dark; they threw a snake - waves like snakes; cockatoo - on the waves of lambs]: Höltker 1965, No. 1:97-98; tangu [single woman went to fish, left her little daughter in the village, a stranger killed and buried her; in a dream, the woman found out where the grave was, dug her body, carried her from village to village, found a place for burial, took the youngest as her husband of two brothers, gave birth to him two sons; found that salt water was flowing from her daughter's grave and fish in it; gave this fish to her son to eat, he immediately became an adult; her husband's brother is jealous, wants the same for his son, grabs the biggest fish, water poured out of the grave, formed a sea, separating brothers; they sent messages to each other on leaves; younger brother invented everything Europeans have]: Burridge 1960:84 -85 (=197:34-36); comba [the widow cut off her deceased husband's penis and scrotum, placed it in a fenced area, where the salty sea full of fish splashed; she feeds fish to two sons; the youngest spies on her; while her mother is in the field, the brothers shoot fish; when they tried to pull out a very large fish, the dam collapsed, the stream followed the brothers wherever they ran; formed the sea]: Wagner 1963 , NO. 6:126-127.

Llanos. Sicuani: Wilbert, Simoneau 1992, No. 63 [only the Kuemási electric stingray lived, there was no other fish; he teased Purnamináli ("uncombed"); he fatally wounded him with a hook; grandson The murdered Chaika told P. (he is the brother of wife P.), who is flying to plant yams, and he himself found his grandfather's bones on Kudíido Rock at the edge of the world, carried the bag of bones back; P. put the door to the sky, forcing Chaika to go down; offered to bury his bones with him; to prevent the hole from being deep, he placed a wide stone in the soil that prevented him from digging; when the Seagull left, P. moved the bones to the forest, ground them into flour, took cassava from his wife to eat it; Hummingbird (husband another sister P.) peeked, also began to eat flour; P. poured the rest of the flour into a mortar, filled it with water, the mortar turned into a fish pond; the hummingbird forced P.'s youngest son to tell me where the pond was; contrary to the ban, shot a big fish, it swallowed the boy, the fish broke the dam, went into the rivers; trying to stop the fish that swallowed his son, P. created rapids on Vichada; consistently puts four guards harpoon that fish; but they only catch small fish, turned into 4 types of herons; the fifth was Osprey, who caught and threw P. big fish, who named them; finally killed that fish, P. took out and revived his son; Seagull made the dead master]: 251-258; Yépez 1984 [the sky was low; Kuwait caught Cwepi, entangled in the sky, he fell off the hook; Kwepi had the flesh of all fish in his body; three types of ducks heal him, but he dies; the body was fried, crushed, the flour was put in a vessel to populate the rivers with fish; Sikiriri lies to the Seagulls that he is K.'s brother, asks him to be buried next to the vessel in which his brother's ashes, but leave his head outside; eats flour; does not give her sister, so the sister complained to Tsamani; he flew in the form of a hummingbird, threw flour into the water, all kinds of fish appeared; corn grew from flour poured into a hole in the ground; Kajuyali takes a vessel of fish in a boat to populate all rivers with fish; S. tells his son to show where his father's harpoon is, otherwise he will eat him; harpoons the biggest fish; she breaks the vessel, jumps into Orinoco; they try to delay (the origin of the rapids); fish are now unevenly distributed]: 13-16.

Guiana. Vapishana [Tuminicare plants a Huizhan tree; all cultivated plants are on its branches; a young girl finds W., picks the fruit, tells her four brothers; when they arrive, the tree is already very tall; they cut it down to get the fruit; there is fresh water and fish in the trunk; they close the stump with a cork; the younger brother wants more fish, takes out the cork; water floods the ground; after the flood T. creates new people and animals; Mount Roraima is called the Mother of Fresh Water]: Wirth 1950:173-174.

NW Amazon. Carijona [Tukučimobi (The Sun) spilled water to make a lake; balsa wood carved two catfish (or whales); chips turned into all types of fish; grew a Hura crepitans tree, during the dry season, fish feed on its fruits; he turned into a fruit himself, let the fish swallow itself, went out through the gills; so he caught five; his brother Month tries to repeat the trick, swallowed by sabalo fish; T. rips open the bellies of many fish, finds and revives his brother; he decides to harpoon the two largest fish; T. tells the tench to be tied to a mighty tree; the month binds it to the common; the fish tear out the tree, swim to form the Caqueta River; the male swam along one coast, the female along the other, so there are many islands; T. throws stones trying to detain fish; this is how the rapids turned out; the fish dragged the Month into the sea, his swallowed by a sea turtle; T. catches the leg bone of the Month with a net; other bones scattered across the sky, became stars; both brothers went to heaven]: Schindler 1979, No. 1:48-54.

Chaco. Ayoreo: Wilbert, Simoneau 1989b, No. 309 [people find a tree with water and fish in the trunk; women take fish from the hole as needed; the worse ones are given to Lisa-Dibe; she pretends to have her thorn in her leg comes back, opens the hole, the water pours out, forming a river with fish; fearing punishment, D. turns into a fox; Iguana married her, but then kicked her out; she grabbed him, but in hers only skin remains in her teeth; so the iguanas shed every year; D. grabbed the Chougoupedate fishing bird by the legs, began to pluck; it escaped, flew; D. attached her feathers, took off, then fell; people wanted to kill her, but she had already given birth to children because she slept with several people; so now animals give birth to many young at once, and women give birth to one child; D.'s children were fed honey, and now they feed the children of the deceased mother], 310 [the Lizard had all the fish; the fox tried to steal one fish, but released them all; for this, the Lizard left it on top of the tree; regretted it, spat, but the Fox only on the second once he decided to go down the Lizard's saliva; found Vulture smoking tobacco; asked for tobacco, Vulture scolded him], 311 [bird people took fish out of the tree trunk; they don't let the Fox Widow; she pretends who stabbed her leg returns to the tree, releases all the fish; the Iguana lifts the Fox to the top of the tree; offers to go down his saliva; she goes down], 312 [all the fish were in a large container; Lisa's people they gave only leftovers; the fox pretended to stab her leg, returned to the container, released the fish; since then, the fish has been available to everyone], 313 [The fox released the fish inside the bottle tree; Vulture was sent to find and kill her; another Vulture saw Liu sleeping, raised her to the top of the tree; the little Battleship climbed there and met the Fox; all the birds have done the same; since then since sex is known; the Battleship made a rope out of his saliva, the Fox descended it; At night, Vulture began to smoke a pipe; the fox woke up, he agreed to let her smoke, but told her not to speak to others; she said, ran away to escape; attacked the Heron, she flew away; the fox took off her feathers, flew up, fell; the fox tried to steal meat; lived alone], 428 [dammed river]: 370-371, 372-373, 373-374, 375, 375-378, 490-492; Chamacoco: Wilbert, Simoneau 1987a, No. 47 [throwing his rod, the young man loses and the rod disappears; he finds him pierced into a tree with water and fish in its trunk; tribesmen carefully take fish from there; Lisa (single, she has children from different fathers) releases fish, water floods the forest; the fox flees to the tree; the Hawk carries it on his back, she says he is bald head; he throws it into the fire; people killed her children, except her son and daughter, who are foxes], 48 [throwing his rod, the young man hits the target, but the rod disappears; he finds it pierced into a tree, in a trunk whose water and fish; mother-in-law notices that he eats eels; he gives her a gift of fish for permission to go with it; people take fish, Lisa only gives little ones; she takes out the plug; water floods the forest; Hawk carries the Fox, throws it off; people kill its children], 49 [a man who appears with the moon and the sun throws his rod, he pierces a tree with water and fish; the fox spies on how they take fish, releases fish and water, climbs a tree; an eagle carries it, throws it into the fire; it revives], 50 [a rod thrown by a young man pierces a tree with water and fish; mother-in-law asks for eels, for which he gives himself; Fox finds big eels, but people always turn them into small ones; the fox takes out the plug, releasing water and fish; people kill her daughters; the Vulture carries it on her back, she says his head disgusting; he throws her into the fire; she runs away, carrying fire into the savannah; her daughters are reborn as foxes]: 158-165, 166-169, 169-171, 172-173; poppies: Wilbert, Simoneau 1991a, No. 28 [lonely a man conceives a son in a vessel; tells women who come for water to be called a mother; only the latter recognizes him as a son; the boy began to live with her; while hunting, he hit a tree with an arrow karaguata, there was a fish in its trunk; the fox followed, ate all the fish, then pulled out the main one; a stream of water with fish carried away the Fox, he turned into a calebass, swam], 29 [starting as in (28); a boy with his adopted mother they find an arrow he fired in a caraguat tree, they take fish out of the trunk; the woman did not call other women to the tree who rejected the boy; the boy called the men; the fox decided to go by himself and began to shoot at the tree, the fish is over and did not appear again]: 92-93, 94-95; Chorote: Wilbert, Simoneau 1985, No. 39 [the large battleship Aseta (aka Kixwet) digs a way under a sitting beauty, inserts its penis into her, she does not feels it; the boy born sees A., calls him father; shows others a tree with water and fish], 42 [Kíxwet fertilizes his clenched palm, the next day a boy is born, three days later is already walking; K. leaves him on a platform from which he is fishing, he cries; four girls come successively, trying to hold the boy in his arms; K. marries the one whose boy stops crying; gives people fish by catching it from bottle trees, fish did not know before; K. takes the form of a Lignum vitae tree; every girl passing by dreams of this tree becoming her husband; at night she comes to one of them, in the guise of a man, promises to create a river if she accepts him; takes her as a wife; the Fox (Wóiki) becomes a companion, learns the secret of the fish tree; left alone, tries to fish, but forgets to close the lid; the stream rushes out, the Fox sinks; K. puts the water back with his rod; decides not to keep the fish in the tree anymore; creates the Pilcomayo River, which follows him, behind his rod; the river is filled with fish, the population is increasing], 44 [there was a wooden vessel in the center of the world for making beer; the young man found it, lifted the lid, fish swam in the vessel; at first everyone was afraid to eat fish, but they agreed when they saw that the young man had recovered from such food; the fox peeked, removed the whole lid, the water poured in, he climbed onto the palm tree, spit down to find out, it was dry below, but there was only water around; he jumped, drowned, the owner of the container found the corpse, the Fox came to life; there were lakes left since then, but there were no rivers at that time], 45 [the young Pasá owns a lake with frogs and eels; the fox lifts the lid, the water pours out, the Fox sinks; P. revives it, fills the lake again], 46 [the lake owner catches frogs in it, roasts it; the fox releases frogs and water, sinks; the owner revives it], 47 [battleship Setá Lisa warns not to go to the lake; he tries to catch fish, releases water, sinks, S. revives it], 48 [the owner of the fish takes it out of the well one by one; the fox opens the lid, takes a lot of fish, releases it water, sinks], 49 [the owner of a bottled tree keeps water and fish in it; the fox releases them, sinks]: 67-69, 75-79, 81-83, 84-86, 87-88, 89, 90-91, 92; pilaga [(Metraux 1946e: 130-131); the old woman did a child who was born in a pot; two months later he was already bringing fish to his mother; the old woman did not give it to others; the fox saw that the boy had a magic arrow; took an arrow from the boy's cache, shot three fish, he could no longer; showed the fish in the village, said that he owned a magic arrow, would make the same to others; everyone guessed that the Fox had stolen the arrow; not finding the arrow, the boy cried; the grandmother told the birds , the animals disappeared; the next day the hunters returned empty-handed, everyone cursed the Fox; he had to return the arrow; people shot the fish; the boy fired his arrow into the sky, it disappeared; he ordered do not shoot big fish, otherwise the storm would destroy everyone; ordered the water to swallow whoever would shoot; the fox did not find the boy's arrow in the cache, began shooting from the fish tree with his arrows; when he shot at big, she waved her tail, thunder fell from the sky, the Fox fell, died]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1982b, No. 126:244-246; matako: Alvarsson 1984:92-97; Calífano 1974:38-39; Wilbert, Simoneau 1982a, No. 68-76, 78 [Sipilah owned a bottle tree full of fish; did not tell Tokhuah to shoot fish; he shot at the dorado, the tree split; S. told T. to take the water away; stick a stick in the ground for the night, water he would stop, he would be able to sleep; told him not to look back; T. looked around, saw a water monster, drowned; he had previously offered Iguana anal sex; he said that T.'s penis was too big, but did not say that he himself has two penises; T. began to eat mistol fruits, they fell out of his ass; he covered him with grass; T. eats baby nanda, they drive him into a hole, leave their feathers at the entrance, he thinks they still here; escapes, becoming a hummingbird; in an empty village, asks a mortar where its owners are; she is silent, he throws her against a tree, she bounces into his head; asks a needle, she says pin-pin, he steps on her, she pierces his leg; the excrement answers, Thlapapapa, he gives him his foot, covered in crap; thinks frogs are croaking in the water, diving, and there are cacti; white bird advises to dig into hot ash to turn white; T. is burned; asks the chakha birds to give him feathers, they wax them, he takes off, the wax melts in the sun, T. falls, screams, I'm a mortar, falls with a mortar, becomes human; The hawk stands on a branch on one leg, helps T. cut off his leg, shows that he has two; the Spider puts his leg back, he calls it redmouth and fat dog, his leg falls off again; another Spider heals him again; the red-eyed Pigeon advises rubbing red pepper into his eyes, T. temporarily goes blind; a bird with a white face and a long beak advises him smear with clay and stick sticks into your nose; he does it]: 143-160, 165-167.