Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

H22. Animal sense of smell .

Large commercial animals had no sense of smell. They found it and started running away from the hunters after someone smells them or gave them a strong smell. Cf. H22A motive.

Andamans, (Evenks on Podkamennaya Tunguska), central (?) Yakuts, Tanaina, Chipewayans, Shinkyon, Northern Payutes (Owens Valley), Western Shoshones, Utah, Yawapai, Western Apaches.

Malaysia-Indonesia. The Andamans: Man 1932 [wild pigs did not have nostrils or ears; they multiplied, tangled under their feet; the first woman punched holes for them; when they regained their sense of smell and hearing, the pigs scattered through the forest; then Piluga (supreme deity, thunder) taught Tomo's first man to hunt with a bow and arrow]: 96-97; Radcliffe-Brown 1933 [as in Man 1932, two options; Mita (turtle) does the nostrils - wife Tomo]: 217-218.

Eastern Siberia. Central (? the place of recording is not specified) the Yakuts [the old man and the old woman killed the only cow; the old man did not let the old woman into the house; she went into the forest, found rich cattle there; the old man loudly ruined the air, the animals ran away, the old woman managed to grab one calf by the tail, ripped off its fluffy hair; therefore, the cows have a thin tail]: Ergis 1967, No. 73:174-175; (cf. Evenks (Tychansky on Podkamennaya Tunguska) [Amaka (letters. "grandfather"; another name for the youngest of the two brothers, the good creator Savek) created deer and animals, but the Evenks could not catch them; A. urinated so that the deer would start eating (urine); when they started eating (moss and urine), people were able to catch; some of the deer ran away and became wild; A. gave lasso and halters, said: "Don't kill your deer, if you kill, I'll throw you into the lower ground; let this one will be poroz (sarah), this one will be a vazhenka (yama); if you are attacked by any illness or misfortune, I will be on the upper ground, you will sacrifice a calf, hang a calf so that I I heard"]: Vasilevich 1959:186).

Subarctic. Tanaina [the caribou had bear fangs; the raven filled his pockets with sour cranberries, the caribou bit him a couple of times and his fangs fell out; put a rolled birch bark into his nostrils; caribou found a sense of smell, ran away, with senses people ever since]: Tenenbaum 1984:103; (cf. chipewayans [caribou gather on a hill next to a woman, hunters try to drive them out; a woman ties a strap to one of the Caribou to make them come back; the hunter finds an egg Thunderbird, throws into the river; caribou are frightened by thunder, fleeing from the hill; the hunter unties the strap, rubs clay on the face, ears, and legs of the caribou; animals become shy, no longer getting closer to people]: Birket-Smith 1930:90-91).

California. Syncyon [Kyoi made deer tame; Coyote burns odorous leaves; deer have been smelling and hearing humans from a distance ever since]: Kroeber 1919, No. 2:346.

Big Pool. Northern Payutes: Marsden 1923, No. 1 [Gray Wolf has a younger brother Coyote; when he learns that the Wolf keeps animals in the cave, goes there himself, pushes back the stone, shoots deer, misses; deer, antelopes, bears and all animals go out; to make them smell, shows them their penis {is that why animals smell humans?}] : 181; Steward 1936, No. 12 (Owens Valley) [The wolf keeps the deer in the cave; the Coyote decides to release them; hits one in the nose with his penis; the deer gain their instinct and run through the mountains] s: 372-363; mono (Owens Valley) [water is everywhere; Topi's older brother (Wolf) and younger Isháa (Coyote) are swimming in the boat; they pour sand on the water, earth appears; I. asks T. to pour more, that sprinkles, the earth grows; T. goes, creates, everything on earth; I. runs to the hot springs of Coso, each time throws the loser into the fire; the fire was supported by Snipe; it became dark, it started raining; I. paid the shamans Utka and Owl, those began to sing, it began to dawn; T. kept the animals in the pen; sent I. to bring one; he put his penis in them, they smelled it, found a sense of smell, broke the fence, ran away; see motif B3A]: Curtis 1976 (15) : 123-128; Steward 1936, No. 12:372-363; Western Shoshones [Coyote lets deer escape from their original receptacle; pierces their nostrils; they now smell a hunter]: Smith 1993:91, 157; Utah [character gives deer a sense of smell by showing them his penis; deer run away]: Kroeber 1901 (Wintah), No. 3 [Coyote shows; pierces deer nostrils; deer was previously killed by singing]: 266-268; Southern Utah [god shows; deer was previously killed by naming it]: Lowie 1924, No. 7, 7a [Wolf shows]: 14-17.

The Great Southwest. Western Apaches (White Mountain): Goddard 1919 [Ganiskid owns deer; Crows (=humans) throw the puppy, G.'s son picks him up; at night he opens a hole covered with a stone, releases animals; G.'s wife touches reindeer noses with her hand she had previously touched her genitals; deer now smell humans]: 126-127; Goodwin 1994, No. 15 [people do not share meat with the Raven; he drives animals underground, hiding black-tailed deer behind a black jet door, white-tailed deer behind turquoise deer, mountain sheep behind a red stone door, antelopes behind a white beaded door made of shells; Na . ye'nez γgane turns into a puppy, the Raven's children pick him up; the raven pokes smut in the puppy's eyes, but he only squeals; after finding out where the animals are, he licks the Raven in the face, the one with disgust throws the puppy out the door; taking his form, N. leads people to open the paddocks; all the arrows of the hunters hit the prey; the Coyote screams, Wounded! , since then, game can only be struck in the heart; the raven tells his wife to touch the deer noses with a loincloth; deer regain their sense of smell and have since stayed away from people]: 86-88; (cf. hicarilla: Goddard 1911, No. 22-23 [a man's wife touches reindeer noses with a poker; deer have been smelling people from a distance ever since]: 216-220; Opler 1938, No. VC [Magpie carries giblets from the Raven quiver; so people they learn that the Raven is hunting buffalo; the Bat manages to trace its flight to the east; two young men turn into puppies, the Raven's children pick them up; the Raven tells them to make a fire in front of them; one blinks it is thrown away; the unblinked one is left; the puppy sees the Raven open the door to the rock, kills one bison; the puppy becomes human again, drives deer, bison, mountain sheep outside; Raven stands ready to shoot a thief; the last bison invites the man to hide on his hooves; under his arm; on his head; the person says he is afraid to fall, hides in the ass, so he gets out; animals were tame; poor old women made a hut out of leaf-covered bushes; animals began to eat leaves; old women burned a stick, hit the deer on the nose, told them to take a breath; this is how animals a good sense of smell has appeared]: 256-260; Russel 1898 [children find meat in the Raven's bag; the Raven flies east, only the Bat has followed his flight; people turn the boy into a puppy, the Raven's son picks it up him; the puppy sees the Raven raise a stone slab at the hearth, this is the entrance to the animal abode; the puppy boy releases animals, leads to people; the raven tells the crows to leave their eyes; the old woman touches the smut deer faces; that's why deer are afraid of people]: 259-261); Western yavapai [people wanted the dead to be resurrected after four days, Coyote to die forever; his son dies, he asks again - how many days they wanted there; he was told that the decision had already been made; people wanted mescal fruits to be eaten raw, Coyote would have to be cooked; they wanted saguaro seeds in the trunk, make a hole and fall down; Coyote: let them ripen only in summer; Puma and Wolf hunt, Coyote cooks at home; one day he watches them secretly, sees them coming up in the cave, opening the door, pulling them out, refreshing the mountain ram; Coyote goes to the cave, shows the sheep his penis, they smell and run away; there is no more game in the cave, the comrades are starving; the Raven comes, he has deer fat in his basket; while the Raven and the Puma and As a wolf in the steam room, the Coyote ate fat; the raven flew away with his basket; the Coyote followed him, found a cave where he kept the deer, released them; a shaman came and advised him to hunt deer, Wolf and Puma began to hunt]: Gifford 1933a: 412-413.