Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue

Ethnicities and habitats

H24B. Souls fly away from the vessel.



character must open the vessel with the soul of the deceased when he gets to the place or after a certain time; opens before the deadline, the soul flies away. See H24 motif.

Melanesia. Guadalcanal [the wife died, the husband went to look for her, sat on a rock, cried; one of the spirits gave him a basket, said that his wife was in it, told him not to open it for five days; the husband heard his wife's voice, was surprised How could it fit in the basket, opened it, there was nothing inside, the voice was gone]: Hogbin 1937:88.

Micronesia-Polynesia. Marquise [1) Kena leaves his wife; she tries to follow him, then rushes into the abyss; he marries a cousin; she is killed; K.'s mother helps him go down to the lower world; at the entrance - interpreting rocks; companion K., holding on to the end of his loincloth, is crushed; the mistress of the lower world tells K. to wash and dress his wife, put it in the basket, not open it for 10 days; first he breaks ban; the second attempt is successful; 2) Tue-ato's wife cheated on him, he strangled her, grieves, her sisters brought her back to life; 13 days he should not touch her, violates the ban; sisters revive her again; 3) (Nukuhiva); Hahapoa descends into the afterlife for his wife Hanau; violates the ban by releasing her from the basket before the deadline]: Beckwith 1970:149.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Meitei [the merchant's son went on business; stayed with the woman and left soon; she gave birth to a daughter Songri; when she was 14 years old, her mother sent her to chase birds in the rice field; suddenly she saw a man; mother said it was her father; S. replied that then she would commit suicide by jumping into the Ningthi Turel {it is not clear why}; the mother did not take it seriously; but the daughter did not; she appeared to her mother in a dream and said that became a fish; if she wanted to return it, let her catch it and cover it with six layers of cloth; but the mother could not catch the fish; the next night her daughter said that it was in the pebbles that her mother threw on the shore; the mother picked up the stones, wrapped them in cloth, but opened the package before due time; the daughter flew away as a bird]: Oinam et al. s.a.

Coast - Plateau. The coyote hears voices from the vessel. Vasco; clackamas; clickitate; upper chehalis; kalispel; tenino; western sachaptin; ne perse; modoc [The creator descends in the lower world; spirits dance at night, turn into bones during the day; he carries them upstairs in the basket; falls twice, the spirits fly away from the basket; the third time he reports; makes bones into different tribes]: Curtin 1912:42-45 in Clark 1953:133-134.

The Midwest. Ojibwa [Bears kill the girl's parents and her younger brother; she raises him; he kills Bears, finds a phalanx of a finger and a lock of parents' hair in their belly; begins to revive them; the sister hears their voices, unfolds the bundle ahead of time, and recovery fails; therefore, the dead cannot be revived]: Désveaux 1984:60-61.

Southeast USA. The woman asks to open the vessel soon. Yuchi; chirokee; alabama; koasati.

Big Pool. Washo [The Coyote opens the vessel when he hears a noise inside].

NW Mexico. Huichol [husband beat his wife, she died; "half-bad" Kauymáli is in love with her, decides to return her to make her his wife; the gods of the sea allow her to be taken away, but tell her not to have sex with her on road; K. hits a woman with a thorn and arrow in the heel, turning her into a fly (or a mosquito?) , puts it in a hollow tube; on the way out of the world of the dead, a woman asks to open the phone, promises her love; on the fifth day, K. opens, the woman turns into a fly and flies away; the gods of the sea are nothing else can do; humans become mortal]: Zingg 1982:235-236.

Mesoamerica Tsutukhil [a poor young man turns into a hummingbird, enters the garden of the king's two daughters; one of them tells her father that she would like to use the hummingbird as a model for her fabric; going out to buy it fruit, both sisters meet the same young man as a man, fall in love, invite him to their place for the night; hearing laughter, the king sends a bug (the young man kills him), a louse (blind and does not see), a flea to scout (girls kill), firefly (sees and reports everything); one of the sisters gives birth to a son; the king tells the young man 1) to prepare the plot (zompopos work instead of him); 2) sow in a day (the young man throws red ones scarves, they turn into peppers; the whole field is sown from seeds thrown in the middle of the field); 3) peel the bag of rice (ants do this), 4) bring cachos de los animals (animal bones?) , the young man brings, it turns out that the king calls firewood; the young man and both wives run away; the king asks the angel to hit them with lightning; the young man turns his wives into dolls, hides them among cachos de ganados, but lightning incinerates both; the young man brings a vessel of ashes to his mother, tells him not to open it; in his absence, she hears a noise inside, removes the lid, two doves fly out; wives are lost forever]: Petrich 1997: 161-166.

NW Amazon. Makuna [there is a conflict between Yiba (whose relatives are land animals and birds) and Yawira (Anaconda's daughter, her relatives are aquatic creatures) (Yiba never follows instructions exactly wives and father-in-law, so the farming they teach is not so effective); from the very beginning he did not want Yawira, but her more beautiful younger sister; when he goes to get water, Yavira sees the Royal Vulture ( Sarcohamphus papa), asks him to pick her up, because Yiba does not want her; Yeba goes to Test Anaconda to ask for another daughter, who refuses, gives funds to get to the country of the Vultures; passing through villages of people- Arrow, - Weeds, -Yazv, Yiba weeds, ulcers; covered with ulcers, Yiba comes to Yavira, who does not recognize him, takes him for his father's servant who has come to recover; Yavira is surprised that he is sick strong at collecting firewood; Yiba sheds clothes from ulcers, Yavira hugs him; Vulture and his men went to get fish (actually worms; Yeba killed many animals for vultures on his way); Yavira regurgitated the red achiote juice, pretending to be sick, did not go with them; Yiba returned halfway; before fleeing, told all creatures and objects to remain silent, but one bird managed to say "Yiba"; Vulture sent soldiers in pursuit; Yiba hit almost everyone with arrows received from his father-in-law; together with Yavira climbed a tree for honey, leaving arrows on the ground; losing his weapon against the last group of enemies, Yiba he put Yavira in the hollow, she became a frog; her soul returned to her father, he placed her in a calebas; the enemies left, Yiba came to his father-in-law, who refused to give her youngest daughter, gave her calebas with Yavira's soul, telling him not open it on the way; he opened it, Yavira flew back with a bee; Yiba returned to his father-in-law, who drove him away; he pretended to be dead, covering himself with rotten leaves and putting the bench on his chest; the Vulture plunged his an arrow, it hit a bench; Yiba grabbed it, plucked it, bought it in peppery water, threw it into the trash; while his feathers were growing, birds and animals dismantled his jewelry and tools, the howler monkey took it whistle]: Århem et al. 2004:503-509; yukuna [Kanuma stole sacred flutes from ñamatu women; they left him alone, taking cultivated plants with them; he married various animals, but no wife could give him cultivated plants, he ate wild plants; his stork grandfather saw Jeechú's daughters by the river, who gave him manioc cake; K. noticed the crumbs under the hammock, forced everything tell; K. was the first to see the girl who was the owner of the animals, Inérukana; she told him to take his sisters, the owner of the fish, Mairero; M. ordered her to be put in a boat full of water and fish poison; piranhas came out of her vagina, but was left alone; when K. got together, she bit off his penis; the penis was on his stomach, the navel was a mark of him; K. sent his wife to the garden, but she saw that it was just a savannah; brought cassava from father, then yams, coca, peach palm; K. tried to plant them, but J. did not give seeds, only fruits; M. cooked a lot of wild yams for K.; he ate, his penis jumped out in the place where people had it now; M. told her husband to watch her sisters come and plant cassava; they themselves were cassava; K. heard the girls laughing that he did not have a penis; went out and they ran away; sent him to J. chew his younger brother's coca; on the way back, M. pushed him on the site, he fell and became coca; his soul became a harpy eagle that told K. not to cry - coca would always be there; coca, cassava, pineapple and others plants were also human and immediately ready for consumption, but K. did everything himself, since then he had to work; M. warned her husband that one day he would kill her; let him bury her in a small tree, covered with leaves; K. accepted his wife's brother for her lover and shot him with a bow; buried his body; she ended up with her father J. (i.e. in the afterlife); K. came for her; J. gave a rolled up hammock and told her not to open it on the way; K. opened, a bee flew out, bit him and disappeared; then K. found out that his wife was living in heaven with the vulture chief; wearing an ulcerative shirt, K. appeared there unrecognized; the fly told the vulture chief that saw a lot of fish (these are worms in the corpses); K. put a thorn, M. began to weave the basket and pricked her; the vulture chief went without it; K. took off his ulcerative shirt and took his wife; on the way they saw how bees suck honey; K.'s wife rushed there and disappeared into the hollow where the bees are]: Hammen 1992:154-157.

Central Andes. Pukio (dep. Ayacucho) [wife flies away].