Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

H24D. It still collects what has been released .

The animal character who released the contents (darkness, insects, reptiles) from the vessel is still trying to collect everything back (the etiology of behavior of a particular animal species).

West Africa. Kone (Sierra Leone) [eternal light first; God sent the Bat to carry a basket of darkness to the Moon without telling me what was inside; along the way, the Bat left the basket, left; others opened it thinking that there's food inside; it's night; The Bat still sleeps during the day and rushes around at night trying to put the darkness back in the basket]: Parrinder 1967:28 (=Scheub 2000:268).

The Balkans. Bulgarians [God gave man a chest, ordered him to be buried on a high mountain; he opened it along the way, snakes, lizards, toads spread across the ground; God turned man into a stork, promised to return human form when he gathers all the reptiles that have crept away]: Marinov 2003:149 (brief retelling in Gura 1997:647); Stoynev 2006 [God let man carry the chest, forbid opening it, that one out of curiosity discovered, snakes, lizards, and toads came out; God turned man into a stork, promised to make him human again when he gathered the dead creatures]: 357; Romanians: Dähnhardt 1910 [God gathered snakes , frogs, lizards, etc. into a bag, let the man throw them into the sea; he opened the bag, the reptiles ran away; the man turned into a Fischreiher (or stork), with a bag under his beak, he collects reptiles]: 288; Shustova 1994 [God collected the harmful insects in a bag, gave her to the nosy woman, ordered her to drown her in the sea without untying it; she untied it, many insects ran away; God turned her into a woodpecker, promised to do it again a woman when she gathers all the insects]: 189-190.

Central Europe. Russians (d. Gorodtsy, Trubchevsky District, Bryansk Region, 1990) [God gathered the reptiles in a bag, ordered the man and woman to take him to the swamp and drown him, not to look into the bag themselves; the wife encouraged the man to open it, the reptiles ran away; for this, God turned a man and a woman into storks - let them gather reptiles in fields and meadows]: Glebov 2012, No. 137:128-129; Belarusians (Minsk Gubernia) [God gathered reptiles and frogs in leather fur, told man to drown them in the river, and forbid him to untie the bag; he untied the bag out of curiosity, and the reptiles crept through the swamp; God told man to collect them while will not gather everyone; to make it more convenient for him to do this, he turned him into a stork]: Shane, p.390 in Azbelev 1992, No. 318:459; Ukrainians (Starokonstantinovsky Pans y. Volyn Gubernia) [God, having packed all the stuff in a bag, orders a person to carry what he has collected in a bag and throw it into the pond, provided that he does not look there. A curious person, despite this prohibition, unties the bag and looks in. The bastards gathered there are released and spread around the world. As punishment, God turns a person into a stork, obliged to collect a creeping mess]: Teodorovich 1899:264; Ukrainians (Polesie) [God still walks on earth, comes to a peasant. The man on the rubble begins to complain about frogs and snakes that litter rivers and forests. There are still very few snakes and frogs in other places at that time; they are only found in that village. God tells a man to come to the appointed place at night for a very important task. The man is. God gives him a bag filled and tied with something, tells him to take him to a deserted place, start a fire, throw it there and return home without looking back. He forbade being curious and looking into the bag. The man takes the bag over his shoulders and, far from the village, thinks about what it might contain that he should not know. He takes off his bag, but as soon as the tie falls, a darkness of frogs and snakes falls out of the bag. When a man wakes up, you can't see a single bastard in the bag or near the bag, you can only hear croaking and hissing in the distance. With his head down, he returns home and confesses to God his crime. As punishment, God turns him into a stork and condemns him to catch reptiles forever, giving him hope, when he gathers all the reptiles again in one bag, to return him to his former image. That is why it is considered a terrible sin to kill a stork]: Trusevich 1865a: 202; Ukrainians (Bessarabia) [The stork was human. At the beginning of the world, God gave him a knotted bag and said, "Look, don't untie the bag or look into the bag, but take it and throw it into the water." The man couldn't stand it and untied the bag. Toads, snakes, vipers, lizards came from there, and since then those evil spirits have been in the world. Then God turned that man into a stork and told him to eat that evil spirits so that they did not multiply very much in the world]: Levitsky 1876:70; Ukrainians (Khmelnitsky region, p. Piddubtsy, Antoninsky District, Shepetovskaya District) [God has a farmhand Danilo. One day, God collects all the reptiles, takes them, throws them into a bag, gives them to Danilo, and says, "Oh Danilo, throw this bag into the water. Just know, don't untie it, because it's going to be in trouble!" Danilo takes the bag and carries it to the river. Brings to the river, puts it by the water. Danilo doesn't listen to God; he takes and unties the bag to see what's in it. When he unleashes, all the bastards pop up. Danilo gets scared, throws an empty bag into the water and goes to God. God is angry with him and says, "So that you can collect for me all the bastards you let on earth. Drops it from the sky. Danilo becomes a stork on earth and collects all the reptiles he released from the bag]: Smoked 1928:64-65; Ukrainians (Volyn) [God collected all the reptiles in a bag, told the man to throw them into the sea ; he unleashed to see, snakes and worms crept away; God turned man into a Stork, ordered to collect reptiles]: Chubinsky 1872:62-63; Ukrainians (p. Shamovka, Kherson Province) [The Lord walks on earth, a great sinner comes to the Lord, repents and cries. With mercy, the Lord forgives her, makes all her sins reptiles, frogs, vipers, and tells her to pack them in a bag and take them to the river. A neighbor meets her, asks her to tell her what she is carrying. She is silent, as the Lord told her to. A curious neighbor sneaks after the sinner when she pours the reptiles out of her bag, rushes there, thinking it's some kind of good. The Lord is angry with women's curiosity, makes her a stork, she still eats various marsh vipers and jumps on long legs]: Hawks 1894:18; Poles, Belarusians, Ukrainians [ God gives a person (sometimes Adam, "Apostle Anton", a woman) a bag (pot) of reptiles to throw it into the sea, into the river, sometimes into the fire; he opens the bag out of curiosity, the reptiles creep away; God turns a person into a stork (in the Ukrainian-Podolsk version, by throwing him out of the sky)]: Gura 1997:647; Poles: Dähnhardt 1910 [God collected the reptiles in a bag, gave him to Wojtek, ordered them to drown them in the sea; the one Curiosity discovered, reptiles spread; God turned Wojtek into a stork]: 285; Spychalska 2009 (northeastern Poland), No. 1A [God gave Wojtek a bag of reptiles, ordered him to drown; he discovered out of curiosity, the bastards came out into the world; God told him to collect reptiles and, to make it easier for him to do so, turned him into a stork, told him to collect them before the end of the world], 1B [Jesus gathered all the snakes and frogs, gave the man a bag, but he opened it, reptiles crept away], 1C [Jesus gave the Stork a bag of frogs, but he opened it, Jesus told him to collect them now]: 144, 144-145, 145; the Czechs [Stonelis is a peasant, God gave him a bag of frogs, told him throw into the sea; S. opened the bag out of curiosity, the frogs ran away, S. turned into a stork, began to collect them]: Dähnhardt 1910:288.

Baltoscandia. Lithuanians: Voltaire 1890, No. 4 [God gathered the reptiles in a bag, told the woman to take him to the swamp, not to look along the road; she opened the bag, the reptiles ran away; God turned her into a stork, told her collect them before doomsday]: 144-145; Dähnhardt 1910 [devil created reptiles and blood-sucking insects; God put them in a bag, let the man drown; he opened the bag out of curiosity, the reptiles ran away; God he smeared his feet half with resin, turned him into a stork, ordered him to gather those who had run away; when he collected it, he would become human again]: 285-286; Latvians [1) God told the Hare to drown a bag of mosquitoes in the river; he untied the bag to see, the mosquitoes scattered; the hare went to drown, the cancer grabbed his lip, the Hare ran into the forest, his lip was torn; 2) God told the man to drown the bag of reptiles; he opened it, bastards ran away; God smeared his feet with resin, made him a Stork, ordered him to collect reptiles; when he gathered everyone, he would become human; var.: gave him to the girl; black legs a skirt]: Pogodin 1895:440; Estonians [God commands a person (Hare) drown a bag of fleas and flies; he unties it out of curiosity, insects get out; God turns the curious into a stork and (one entry in Lutsi) tells him to collect Filzläuse (square, Phthirius pubis L.)]: Kippar 1986, No. 281D: 172.