Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

H26. The mosquitoes should have been drowned. .

A vessel with stinging insects or reptiles should be thrown into the river, into the sea, and buried in a remote place. See H24B motif.

Bulgarians, Romanians, Belarusians, Ukrainians (Carpathians, Volyn, Bessarabia, Khmelnitsky, Rivne, Poltava), Russians, Poles, Czechs, Lithuanians, Latvians, Livs, Estonians, Totonaks, Tepeua, Puebla Nahuat, Veracruz Nahuatl, Mountain Grounds, Mihe, Tsotsil, Chol, Kekchi, Mopan, Lacandons, Sumo, Yaruro, Colorado, Imbabura, Napo, Kofan, Ancash, Guarazu, Camayura, Kayabi.

The Balkans. Bulgarians [God gave man a chest, ordered him to be buried on a high mountain; he opened it along the way, snakes, lizards, toads spread across the ground; God turned man into a stork, promised to return human form when he gathers all the reptiles that have crept]: Marinov 2003:149 (a brief retelling in Gura 1997:647); Romanians: Dähnhardt 1910 [God collected snakes, frogs, lizards, etc. in a bag, let the man throw it into the sea; he opened the bag, the reptiles ran away; the man turned into Fischreiher (or stork), with a bag under his beak, he collects reptiles]: 288; Shustova 1994 [God collected the harmful He gave the insects in a bag to the nosy woman, ordered her to drown her in the sea without untying it; she untied it, many insects scattered; God turned her into a woodpecker, promised to make her a woman again when he collected all the insects]: 189-190.

Central Europe. Belarusians: Agapkina 1996 (western Belarus) [when the Virgin first had regulations, she put her bloody shirt in a pot, told the maid to throw it into the river, not looking inside; she untied the pot, found her shirt, she immediately began to have regulations, now all women]: 145 (same in Belova 2004a, No. 544:244); Shane, p.390 in Azbelev 1992, No. 318 (Minsk Gubernia) [God gathered reptiles and frogs in leather fur, told man to drown them in the river, and forbid him to untie the bag; he untied the bag out of curiosity, and the reptiles crept through the swamp; God told man to collect them while will not gather everyone; to make it more convenient for him to do this, he turned him into a stork]: 459; Ukrainians (Starokonstantinovsky Pans u. Volyn Gubernia) [God, having packed all the stuff in a bag, orders a person to carry what he has collected in a bag and throw it into the pond, provided that he does not look there. A curious person, despite this prohibition, unties the bag and looks in. The bastards gathered there are released and spread around the world. As punishment, God turns a person into a stork, obliged to collect a creeping reptile]: Teodorovich 1899:264; Ukrainians (Bessarabia) [The stork was human. At the beginning of the world, God gave him a knotted bag and said, "Look, don't untie the bag or look into the bag, but take it and throw it into the water." The man couldn't stand it and untied the bag. Toads, snakes, vipers, lizards came from there, and since then those evil spirits have been in the world. Then God turned that man into a stork and told him to eat that evil spirits so that not much of them would proliferate in the world]: Levitsky 1876:70; Ukrainians: Belova 1996 (Hutsuls) [having given birth to Jesus, Mother of God asked the maid to throw a shirt with signs of postpartum cleansing into the river without untying it; she untied it, the Mother of God wished all women to menstruate (have a "shirt")]: 145 (=Belova 2004a, No. 544:244); Ukrainians: Kurilo 1928 (Khmelnitsky region, p. Piddubtsy, Antoninsky District, Shepetovskaya District) [God has a farmhand Danilo. One day, God collects all the reptiles, takes them, throws them into a bag, gives them to Danilo, and says, "Oh Danilo, throw this bag into the water. Just know, don't untie it, because it's going to be in trouble!" Danilo takes the bag and carries it to the river. Brings to the river, puts it by the water. Danilo doesn't listen to God; he takes and unties the bag to see what's in it. When he unleashes, all the bastards pop up. Danilo gets scared, throws an empty bag into the water and goes to God. God is angry with him and says, "So that you can collect for me all the bastards you let on earth. Drops it from the sky. Danilo becomes a stork on earth and collects all the reptiles he released from the bag]: 64-65; Strakhov 1979 (Rivne) [God collected thunder, lightning, hail into a bag, gave it to one grandmother, she untied from curiosities hidden diverged]: 107; Ioanid 1985 (Pereyaslavsky district of Poltava province) [woodpeckers cannot be killed because he was human; God let him guard his bag on the seashore, not look inside; he untied, reptiles came from there; God told him to collect them now, made them a woodpecker, he would collect reptiles until the end of the world]: 78-79; Poles, Belarusians, Ukrainians [God gives man ( sometimes Adam, "Apostle Anton", woman) a bag (pot) of reptiles to throw it into the sea, into the river, sometimes into the fire; he opens the bag out of curiosity, the reptiles creep; God turns man into stork (in the Ukrainian-Podolsk version - throwing it off the sky)]: Gura 1997:647; Poles (northeastern Poland): Spychalska 2009, No. 1A [God gave Wojtek a bag of reptiles, ordered him to drown him; he out of curiosity discovered, the bastards went out into the world; God told him to collect reptiles and turned him into a stork to make it easier for him to do so], 1B [Jesus gathered all the snakes and frogs, gave the man a bag, but he opened it, the reptiles crept away] , 1C [Jesus gave the Stork a bag of frogs, but he opened it, Jesus told him to collect them now]: 144, 144-145, 145; the Czechs [Stonelis is a peasant, God gave him a bag of frogs, told him to throw them into the sea; S. opened the bag out of curiosity, the frogs ran away, S. turned into a stork and began to collect them]: Dähnhardt 1910:288; Russians: Glebov 2012, No. 137 (d. Gorodtsy, Trubchevsky District, Bryansk Region, 1990) [God gathered the reptiles in a bag, ordered the man and woman to take him to the swamp and drown him, not to look into the bag themselves; the wife encouraged the man to open it, the reptiles ran away; for this, God turned a man and a woman into storks - let them gather reptiles in fields and meadows]: 128-129; Belarusians: Belova 2004a, No. 122 (archive, Dobrovolsky's record) [the first person complained to God about insects; God gathered everyone in a bag, told the angel to drown them in the river; he untied the bag, several flies flew out; the angel drowned the rest, but new ones bred from the survivors]: 197; Dobrovolsky 1901 [God gave Michael the Archangel told him to drown a bag with unknown contents, not to look along the way; he looked in, flies and mosquitoes flew into the world]: 159.

Baltoscandia. Lithuanians: Voltaire 1890, No. 4 [God gathered the reptiles in a bag, told the woman to take him to the swamp, not to look along the road; she opened the bag, the reptiles ran away; God turned her into a stork, told her collect them before doomsday]: 144-145; Dähnhardt 1910 [devil created reptiles and blood-sucking insects; God put them in a bag, let the man drown; he opened the bag out of curiosity, the reptiles ran away; God smeared his feet half with resin, turned him into a stork, ordered him to collect those who had run away; when he collected it, he would become human again]: 285-286; Lebite 1965 [at the request of people, God gathered the reptiles in a bag, ordered The stork threw him into the sea without untying it; he untied it out of curiosity, the reptiles crept away; God hit him on the back, leaving a black mark; he remembers this resentment, so he hates reptiles and eats them]: 395-396; Latvians [1) God told the Hare to drown a bag of mosquitoes in the river; he untied his bag to see, the mosquitoes scattered; the hare went to drown, the cancer grabbed his lip, the hare ran into the forest, his lip remained torn; 2) God told the man to drown the bag of reptiles; he opened it, the reptiles ran away; God smeared his feet with resin, made him a Stork, ordered him to collect reptiles; when he gathered everyone, he would become man; var.: gave the girl; black legs - skirt]: Pogodin 1895:440; Estonians [God tells the man (the Hare) to drown a bag of fleas and flies; he unties it out of curiosity, insects get out; God turns a curious person into a stork and (recorded only in Lutsi) tells you to collect Filzläuse (square, Phthirius pubis L.)]: Kippar 1986, № 281D: 172; livs [God collected mosquitoes in a bag, gave it to the Hare drown in the river, told me not to look inside; the hare untied a little, one mosquito flew out, the Hare rushed to catch him, at that time everyone flew out and began to dance; the Hare liked it so much that God called him tell us what he is laughing at; God, as punishment, made him shy, stupid, long-eared, with a split lip]: Loorits 2002 (4) :155.

Mesoamerica Totonaki [a forest witch came to the village, sucked blood and flesh from the children; if she found a woman alone, offered to look in her head, she also sucked it out; the husband came back and saw his wife's skeleton, did not show it, spoke to the witch as if it were his wife, invited her to grind the peppers for tortillas, melt the bathhouse, sent her to wash first, threw pepper there, burned it in the bathhouse; gave ash to another person throw it into the sea; another met him, asked him to open the vessel; flies that flew out bit both; the first became a toad, the second a torcaz bird; it flew up a tree, sang, dawned]: Relatos Totonacos 1994:79-81; tepeua: Williams García 1972:109-112 [the witch lived on top of a mountain that reached the sky; came to the village, offered to watch over the child while the woman went to get water, carried her away the child was eaten on her mountain; San Juan demolished the mountain, the witch stayed on the ground, she was burned in a steam bath, they wanted to take the calebass with ashes into the sea to the Lizard, but the Toad said she jumped to the shores are faster; on the shore, out of curiosity, I discovered that flies, mosquitoes, horseflies bit her, Toad's skin became pimples], 112-114 [Mount Postectitla reached the sky; a witch descended from it, suggested the woman went to wash, stayed with the child, killed him, cooked meat, offered her returning mother to eat, left herself, the mother found the child's pen; when the witch returned, she was burned in a steam bath; the vessel with ashes, they told the Lizard to be thrown into the sea, forbidden to open it; the Toad met her, offered to carry it faster, opened it on the shore, the stinging insects flew out, bit it, the toad's skin became pimple]; Sierra Norte Nahuat: Báez 2004 [Tsitsimime invited women to look for lice from them, devoured her; people called her to steam in a temazcal, locked the door, T. burned down; put the ash in a vessel, gave her throw it into the water; that man, out of curiosity, discovered that lice, nits, and fleas came out of the vessel]: 81; Reynoso Rábago 2003 [when Jesus was still living on earth, he talked to people and asked why they were suffer; people replied that where they work, there are many thorns, as well as biting ants, wasps, and bumblebees; Jesus helped collect these insects, put them in a vessel, and sent the man to throw them into the sea; On the way, man thought that the insects were already dead, and opened the vessel to look; ants, wasps, bumblebees went out and bit him; these insects would never disappear, because that man had not thrown the vessel into the sea; Jesus told him to turn into a toad and eat ants, wasps and bumblebees; now we see a toad coming to eat ants in an anthill], No. R2:126-127; Veracruz Nahuatl [see motive J25; Tamakasti lives with her grandmother; her husband offered her to eat it; T. told the bat to kill her grandfather; blood dripped from the attic, the grandmother thought it was her grandson's blood, started drinking; called her husband, found him dead; T. brought water, said that he did not kill his grandfather, because he went to get water; the grandmother wanted to cook T., he threw it into the cauldron himself; he burned the bones with his grandfather's corpse, told the Toad to throw ashes on the other side of the sea; the Toad reached to the shore, where she threw a deck with ashes, it burst, mosquitoes, flies and mosquitoes appeared from the ashes; the Lizard also only said that she had carried the deck with ashes; Skunk carried the deck overseas; T. (or someone else?) split the lizard's tongue in half; T. told his mother that he would go to his father; on the way he sat on a stone, he swallowed it; he cut the heart of the stone with a sword; T. came to his father, brought the Fox and the musicians; (hereinafter European a tale of matchmaking and marriage trials; T.'s rival - South Wind)]: Law 1957:345-355; Micah: Lipp 1991 [twin orphans brother and sister spent the night in the barn; the monster took them to the forest; there already many people, some died, some were still alive; the twins saw a monster sleeping in a tree; the sister did not hit, his brother killed him with arrows, it fell down the mountain with a crash; not go down; the brother tells his sister to write, say, I pee vines; She says, I pee bananas, moms, all fruit trees; brother wrote, vines have grown; twins tell people not to eat fruit until they, twins, go down; not the twins performed their first rituals with the twins; the twins turned them into coati, bakers, raccoons and other animals that spoil crops; the twins told the Toad to throw the ashes of the burnt monster into the river; On the shore, the Toad opened the bag, mosquitoes and other biting insects flew out; there are especially many of them along the shores of water bodies; the Toad was punished, now his body is covered with warts]: 75-76; Miller 1956, No. 3 [the girl refused young man; he turned into a bird, the girl hit it, hid it on her chest, became pregnant; went to the forest; the squirrel invited her to swing on the vine, cut the vine, the girl crashed; Vulture found it in her womb boy and girl; brother and sister came to the mother's parents; while the grandmother was gone, they killed their grandfather, stuffed the scarecrow with insects; the grandmother was fed meat; she hit his grandfather, the insects flew out; the grandmother pursues the twins, Aguthi hid them in her mouth; they threw hot stones into the snake's mouth; the beast carried them to the rock, they killed him with arrows; his brother tells her sister to write vines; she says she pees bananas; brother pees vines himself; turned people who ate bananas into forest animals; burned the beast, let the Toad throw ash into the sea; he discovered that mosquitoes flew out, turned into a toad; the appearance of the Sun and Moon as in No. 4] , 4 [Maria is spinning, the bird sits on the spinning wheel, she hit her, put it under her shirt, the bird pecked her in the chest, flew away; M. became pregnant; the squirrel invited her to swing on the vine, cut the vine, M. crashed ; The vulture took a boy and a girl out of her womb; the boy buried her mother, told Vulture to eat the corpses of animals, not humans; the twins came to the mother's parents; taking out the lice from her grandfather, they killed him, a scarecrow they stuffed her with insects, the testicles were allowed to cook and eat; the grandmother hit the scarecrow, the insects bit her; the sister wrote, the road was wet, the stalker grandmother was sliding; Aguti hid the twins at home in his mouth; the old man sheltered them, a serpent comes at night, the twins throw hot stones into his mouth; then in No. 3 (Lorenzo opened a bag of ash, turned into a toad); people are going to choose the Sun, they tell his brother that he is weak; he turns into the Sun, tells the old man to dig a well; while it is low above the ground, it is hot, only the old man has water in the well; tells his sister to run to the old man's house for the forgotten huarache; for this time rose high; sister became the moon; spots - her brother's huarache]: 79-85, 86-97; mountain poles [see J4B motif; old woman Tsitsimat saw an egg in the lake, began to catch it with a net; realized that it was reflection, and the egg is on a tree; told her husband to get it, the boy Homsuk hatched from the egg; he shoots fish and lizards with a bow; realized that the old man wanted to eat it; hid under the roof, taking a bat with him; the old man went upstairs, the bat cut off his head; the old woman drank the bleeding, thinking it was the blood of a young man; rushed after him; the man he met replied that H. had been here for a long time; the old woman burned down, H. told the Toad to throw out the ashes; she opened the bag, the ashes turned into poisonous snakes and insects]: Elson 1947:195-203; juice [flea box brought from the cave]: Baez-Jorge 1983 : 393; tsotzil: Gossen 1974, No. 157 [the woman had two cane vessels; she asked her friend to throw them in the trash and not open them; she opened it out of curiosity, fleas and lice stuck to her clothes and spread], 174 [there were many fleas and lice in the house of the god of the earth and his wife; they asked the poor couple to throw the bags of insects into the river; they looked into them, and fleas and lice spread throughout the world; man became rich because the god of the earth paid him well to let parasites on people]: 332-333, 341-342; chol [God sends a dog to drown mosquitoes and fleas, a dog unleashes on the river bank bag; god put the dog's head to the ass, turning it into a snake]: Anderson 1957, No. 2:314-316; Whittaker, Warkentin 1965, No. 9:51-54; chontal, mom [woman opens the vessel from which insects fly away]: Peñalosa 1996, No. 836F: 72; kekchi, mopan [old man T'actani has a daughter, X't'Actani; she is a weaver and a spinner; Kin killed an antelope, stuffed the scarecrow with ash and grass, every evening Sh. carried Sh. past the house; T. advised his daughter to pour water on the path; K. slipped, the scarecrow burst; then K. asked the hummingbird for his skin, giving cotton wool in return so that it would not freeze; S. asked his father Shoot the hummingbird, he stunned him; at night in S. K. became a man; asked S. to get her father's magic stone mirror and wind tube, covered the mirror with soot, poured pepper into the tube; K. did not smoke one place in the mirror, T. saw K. and S. in the boat; not was able to shoot, almost suffocated; asked his Uncle Chac (Thunder) to kill the fugitives; K. turned into a turtle, S. turned into a crab, both dived to the bottom; after being hit, K. swam out, saw S.'s blood on the water; told the fish to collect it, but they began to eat flesh and drink blood; then he told the dragonflies, they collected them in 13 wooden decks; K. left them to the woman, promising to return in 13 days; opening the decks, K. found them in them various poisonous snakes (in the 1st), non-venomous snakes (2nd and 3rd), mosquitoes (4), sand fleas (5), green hornets (6), yellow wasps (7), small black wasps (8), the same but with white wings (9), white caterpillars with with poisonous hairs (10), flies (11 and 12), S. (13); K. sent a man to throw the first 12 decks into the sea; he heard a noise, discovered it out of curiosity, the creatures escaped into the world]: Thompson 1930:126-129; lacandons [Hachäkyum collected all the mosquitoes in a bag and let the toad throw them away on the other side of the sea; when you return, I will fulfill your every wish; I forbid you to open the bag on the way; hearing the noise inside, toad halfway through, she opened the bag; the mosquitoes flew out, bit the toad, it jumped into the water; she's been covered in warts ever since]: Cook 2019:443-447.

Honduras vs Panama. Sumu [brother and sister are orphans; brother steals fruit from the garden, owner catches him, that's hell; brother brings sister, they stay to work for hell; woodpecker says hell is going to them kill, tells you to dance over a covered hole of boiling water; hell will be cooked, the corpse must be burned, the ashes should be thrown away on the other side of the sea; the Toad and the Deer volunteered to carry the calebass with ash; competed, the Toad won; the brother ordered not to open the calebass on the way; when he reached the island, the Toad heard a noise inside, opened it; all the biting and blood-sucking insects flew out from there, the Toad was the first to bite, bite marks can be seen on it until still; if the Calebas were given a Deer, there would be no insects]: Houwald, Rener 1987 (4): 22-23.

Llanos. Yaruro: Wilbert, Simoneau 1990c, No. 12 [Kumañí created a white horse, but the Indians did not dare to ride it; K. said they would not have horses during their lifetime, but they would be in paradise; Ichiaí created the land, had no parents, came out of a lump of earth; asked K. if she was alive, K. replied that she was alive; he asked where she came from, she asked who he was; K. wanted food to be easily available, I. for people to hunt; K.: let people easily go to heaven; I.: let them get sick before death; I. created mosquitoes, put them in a closed calebass; let them feed on people and animals; K. was against it, ordered a man throw a calebas into the river; he discovered calebas out of curiosity; mosquitoes stuck to him, he rushed into the river, became a capybara], 47 [Ichiae was going to throw the calebass with mosquitoes away; man insisted that he be allowed to look inside; the mosquitoes flew out, I. turned the man into capybara], 48 [Ichiae created mosquitoes, put them in calebasa, carried him to throw them away; Capybara insisted that I. showed him what was inside; I. turned him into a capybara], 49 [just like (47) and (48)], 50 [I. carried a calebasa with mosquitoes; it split, mosquitoes stuck to the man, he became a capybara, and mosquitoes became hair on it ], 51 [one ancestor collected all the annoying insects in a vessel to throw them away; someone walked by, discovered it, the insects flew out; the informant heard this in his youth]: 34-35, 76-77, 77-79, 79-80, 81, 81-82.

Ecuador. Colorado [Ilusun ate a hunter, came to his house instead, brought a liver, said it was a trapped guanta, the rest was eaten by a jaguar; when the liver is brewed, tells the kids, I'm yours father; mother sent her sons for pepper, they ran away, came to the village where it was a holiday; I. asked the wife of the victim to look for lice from him, she saw a second bloody mouth on the back of her head, he ate people for them; woman said that she would go after her sons, ran to the same village, leaving her bowel movements to be responsible for herself; I. came in the morning, he was given an intoxicating drink; the widow of what he had eaten was dressed up as a man, cutting off her hair and making penis from the cob so that I. would not recognize her; he was blown pepper into his nose, thrown into a fire pit; his wife came in his footsteps, she was also given a drink; she managed to suck the child's brain; she was told to dance around the pit with they also pushed them into the fire; the shaman collected their ashes in a rubber bag, ordered them to be thrown into the water without opening it; curious people discovered flies, horseflies and other bloodsuckers flew out on the way; now there are many of them in the summer]: Aguavil, Aguavil 1985:108-118; Imbabura: Parsons 1945:131-133 [The widower has a boy and a girl, married a widow, she also has two children; she persuaded her husband to take her children to a ravine where bears and jaguars are ; he left them, left unnoticed (Var. from Cayambe: hung the calebas on a tree, she was knocking in the wind, the children thought her father was still cutting wood); the girl carried her brother on her back, came to the house, where she was old cannibal Chipicha; she left the boy with her for the night; the girl asks why he is screaming - I wash him, he is afraid of water; the next day C. went to her potato field; the girl began to look Manuelito, found bloody bones in bed; (var. from Cangahua: old woman and her husband, both Chifichas; tell the children (both boys) that they are their father and mother; they are fattening; the fairy tells them not to listen to C. he will ask him to get the coals out of the stove; they ask him to get him out, close the stove, make a fire, run away; the old woman returned them; "these two boys freed the world from monsters"); C. asked the girl look in her head; she found a second mouth on the back of her head, meat between her teeth; C. ate the boy with this mouth when she was talking to the girl to others; when C. fell asleep, the girl collected her brother's bones and ran away; ( Var. from Cangahua: one of the boys was looking for C. in her hair and eating with both mouths; told his brother; when C. fell asleep, they set fire to the house; the brothers collected C.'s ashes in a bag, told the man to throw it into the river; he discovered on the way, various insects flew out, ate the man to the bone); the girl got to people, got married], 133-134 [a nine-year-old girl went to the house of old Chificha, whose breasts were thrown behind her back; she asked her to look in her head; told her not to touch the back of her head; C. fell asleep, the girl saw a fanged mouth on the back of her head, pieces of meat between her teeth; the girl ran to the people who were building house; C. came running, they offered to dance, gave her a drink, locked her in the house, set it on fire; C. began shouting that she would turn into lice, fleas, blackberries, hornets; people collected her ashes in a vessel, told one the man throw it into the canal; he opened it on the way, the creatures flew out, ate it; on the aymara "blackberry" phichaca].

Western Amazon. Napo: Mercier 1979 [a woman and a child heard the sound of falling trees, thought someone was her own, shouted, Grandfather, bring firewood; grandfather came, but his leg was like a grain grater; began to bother her ; she replied that she had not washed herself yet, ordered her vessels to be filled with water, water should be carried with a basket; while supay was busy, she ran to her mother; threw her husband's necklaces into the ravine, supai chased them to the noise; birds they hid the woman in a vessel; people made a fire in the pit, the supai fell through, burned down; the monkey (machin) was told to throw the ash into the river; he opened the bundle, the ashes turned into stinging insects]: 116-119; Ortí ; z de Villalba 1989, No. 53 [a forest demon killed a woman's husband, took his form, brought his wife his meat; the woman recognized the demon by her huge legs, ordered him to bring water in a vessel of unburned clay; when the vessel split, took two children, ran to the Toucans; they hid the woman, killed the demon who had come, burned the corpse; told one to throw a parcel of ash into the river; he opened it on the way, and ash strangled him, turned into mosquitoes]: 106-108; cofan [God collected mosquitoes into leaves, told the Capuchin monkey to drown the bag in the river, not open it along the way; he opened it, the mosquitoes flew out, the Capuchin became a capuchin, ran into the forest; he was an officer, and the little monkeys were his soldiers; so they also rushed into the forest; the Capuchin can pull a pierced dart out of his wound; if it weren't for him, there would be no mosquitoes]: Borman, Criollo 1990, No. 6:69-74.

The Central Andes. Dep. Ancash: Carranza 1978 [God told the chihuaco thrush (Turdus sp.) to throw a sealed golden vessel into the river; he opened it, lice, fleas, and diseases were born; God punished C.] in Tomoeda 1982:293; Souffez 1988 (Ayavinha, Ragash County, Sihuas Province) [Adam and Eve do not speak at first, they live with animals; Taita Dios sends a thrush (sorsal, aka yukuk, chihuaco; Turdus sp.) throw lice into the river; he throws them at Adam's head; at the same moment A. starts talking to Eve; people begin to multiply and die]: 45-48.

Bolivia - Guaporé. Guaraçu [ash is thrown into the river, but mosquitoes appear; the motive for an open vessel may have been omitted]: Riester 1977, No. 23:264.

Southern Amazon. Camayura [Kwat and Yaú killed their father's mother Yaguar, who killed their mother; the corpse was burned, put in calebasa, thrown into the river; the fisherman saw the Yatawatí bird, shot her, from blood-sucking insects flew her]: Münzel 1973:33; kayabi [a thin-legged man brings fish to the girl every night, does not show his face; the chief throws him into the fire; tells him to throw ash into the river, people do not listen; when angry, the chief disperses ash through the air, and mosquitoes emerge from it]: Pereira 1995, No. 12:67.