H27A. A hole in the ground. . (.50.)
When creating land, a negative character asks the positive one for as much land as necessary to support a staff, a stake; he sticks a stake or (from the Kets) pulls out stuck stake Reptiles and insects crawl out of the hole, or the character falls into the hole.
Russians (Olonetskaya, Vyatka), Finns, Karelians (Olonetskaya, Eastern Finland, Northern Finland), Veps, Komi-Zyzryans, Udmurts, Chuvash, Chulym Tatars, Altaians, Teleuts, Shors, Khakas, Tofalars, Baikal Buryats, Mongols (Khalkha), Northern and Eastern Khanty, Mansi, Ket, Forest Nenets, (maricopa).
Central Europe. Russians (Olonets and Vyatka governorates) [Satan asked the God of Earth to stick a stick in; snakes, frogs, rats, mice, and harmful insects crawled out of the hole]: Kuznetsova 1998:68.
Baltoscandia. The Finns [Damn asked God for land - first a tithe, then the size of a bast, but God did not give it; he agreed to give it the size of a stake; the devil took possession of the hole, began to let out mosquitoes and flies, gadflies; God has closed the hole in the mullets; so parasites are now being destroyed by fire and smoke]: Mansikka 1909:172; Karelians: Stepanova 2000, No. 118 (northern, Tunguda District) [God created the sky, demon - thick clouds; God threw demons on the ground, those who fell into the water became water, and on the ground became goblin; they dug a hole in the ground, mosquitoes and other insects came out, God plugged the hole with a gun; therefore, mosquitoes of smoke afraid]: 216 (=Lavonen 1992:245-146); Kulikovsky 1893 (Olonetskaya) [God sent Kara (Kancho) to bring land from the bottom; he failed to hold it, the earth fell through his fingers; God himself created the earth; K. asked himself to stick a piece in a peg, reptiles climbed out of the hole while God forbid]: 189-190; Mansikka 1909 (Eastern Finland) [God does not give the Earth Line, he begs for space for himself as long as you need to stick a stake; mosquitoes and other harmful insects and reptiles come out of this hole; they almost swallowed up the whole earth; God plugged the hole with smut, so parasites are destroyed with fire and smoke]: 172; Lavonen 1992 (Belomorsky District, 1937) [God created the sky; the devils did not like it, they did their part - clouds blocking the sky; God drove the devils away, they fell to the ground; some into the water became water, some to the ground - ordinary; devils made a hole in the ground, mosquitoes flew out; God put a gun in it, since then mosquitoes have been afraid of smoke]: 246; Veps [When God created the earth and living beings, the devil is from envy prevented Him. God got angry, grabbed the devil and threw him from heaven to earth, into the swamp. A big hole formed in the swamp, where the devil fell; all "evil spirits" came out of this hole. Some went to water lakes, some to forests to forest dwellers, some climbed into clouds and clouds and so spread all over the world. This "evil spirits" would have climbed even more if God hadn't guessed to plug a hole in the swamp with a burning log]: Kolmogorov 1913:372.
Volga - Perm. Komi-Zyrians: Sidorov 1924 to Limerov 2016 [Yong sailed in a boat, spat on the water, looked around - the same man was following him; let's go together; the companion asked to turn him into a loon to get it the ground; snatched (from the bottom) a quarter of the land and began to rise, but the sea surface was frozen; breaking the ice, the loon crushed the whole earth from its mouth; the same for the second and third times; finally the loon she spit out three grains of sand from which Yong created the earth and the useful creatures that live on it, but gave his friend only a hole from hammering a stake, from which he removed every creature harmful to humans]: 15 ; Sidorov 1924 in Plesovsky 1972 [Yong (god) spat in the form of a swan, Omöl (devil) appeared from the spit in the form of a loon, which dives and brings earth; Yong creates land; there are seven in the sky tiers, odd created by E., even O.; each sky is one of the colors of the rainbow (the same on Vym, noted by G.A. Startsev); O. asks to give him as much land as he needs to score; out of the hole they come out of the hole insects, reptiles]: 42; Udmurts [after punishing people for greed, Inmar released harmful creatures from a hole from a stuck stake; according to other options, Keremet did it]: Vladykin 1994:74; Chuvash [Tour ă makes the land flat, it grows; Shuittan spits out the silt hidden in his mouth, creates mountains, ravines, or causes a storm in the ocean before the earth has time to harden; so that S. spit out the silt, T. hits him, evil spirits arose from the splashes of blood; T. begs for land, agrees to a patch to lean on his staff, makes a hole in the ground, falls into the lower world; they come out of the hole diseases, reptiles; T. drives them back; S. clumsily imitates T.; T. makes apples, a cow, a sheep, S. - potato berries, a goat, a pig; predatory and harmful animals, reptiles, fish (throwing pebbles into the water); T. made a man, went after his soul, left the dog without hair to guard; S. let in the cold, promised the dog a fur coat, spat on the man; T. turned the man inside out, ordered the dog to eat bones, be beaten]: Egorov 1995:117-118.
Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Chulym Turks [water is everywhere, loon is swimming; God: what do you eat? - Earth. - Where is it? - Underwater. - Get it, thank you. Loon brought the earth three times, it turned out to be a cake, God lay down on it; the devil grabbed his leg and threw it into the water; God was on land, a lot of land was formed; the devil grabbed the sleeping God by the legs, pulled him into the water, and the earth expands; dragged until it was dry all around; hell asked for half the earth; God refused; well, at least stick the stake; God allowed, damn stuck the stake and took out mosquitoes, midges; God plugged the hole; did dog; made a man; went after his soul, told the dog to protect the man; the devil asked to miss: I'll feed and shower it with black hair; the dog missed; the devil pierced the navel and did not care; God told the dog serve humans; since then, people have illnesses]: Lukina 2004, No. 5.1:97-98; Altaians [water is everywhere, Kudai sent fish to search for land, only Pike brought it from the bottom; K. made it lighter than other fish; K. fell asleep, his brother Erlik grabbed a handful of earth, ran; the earth continued to happen; where E. jumped, a mountain appeared, where a trough came, the ground became uneven; K. agreed to give E. an earth the size of the end of his crutch; E. fell into this hole, all the reptiles and insects came out of it]: Khokholkov 1997:21-22; Teleuts [(western missionary you. Postnikov in d. Myyuta, whose population was formed mainly from Bachat migrant teleuts - see below. Potanin 1883:130, note 2; Funk 2004:9); there was only water; Ulgen went down to create the earth; Yerlik volunteered to dive, brought earth from the bottom in his mouth; W. made the earth, it was all from turf; There was a little land left between E.'s teeth; he spit it it out, a hummocked swampy place formed; W. scolded him; he asked for as much land as the end of his stick took; he fell into that the place he asked for; the swallow brought turf in his beak; W. scattered it; made the forest and everything on earth; created the human body from earth, bones from stones; a dog without hair; went to look for a soul for the man, left the dog as a watchman; E. appeared, promised to give the dog hair and soul to the man; the dog ate E.'s excrement, overgrown with hair; E. put a pipe in the man's ass, blew, thereby reviving him; W. came I wondered whether to exterminate people; the Frog persuaded them to leave them as they are]: Potanin 1883, No. 46a: 218-220; the Shors [Ulgen created man, went to look for a soul, left the dog to guard; Erlik gave her wool, spat on a man, smeared it with mud; W. agreed that E. would make a person's soul; he blew it into the man's mouth through an angelica stem; this is the "kut" soul that E. always takes for himself; there are three more; E. asked for land to rest his staff; fell into a hole, reptiles and insects crawled out of it]: Khlopina 1978:71-72; Khakas: Katanov 1963 [=Katanov 1894:185-188; first there was a duck; making another friend, sent her to the bottom of the river for sand; she brings it three times and gives it to the first; the third time she left some of the sand in her mouth, this part became stones; the first duck scattered the sand, crushed for nine days, the land has grown; mountains have grown after the messenger duck spit stones out of her mouth; because of this, the former refuses to give her land; agrees to give land the size of a cane; the messenger pierces a hole in the ground , goes into it; the rest sends the swallow after the man's soul, telling the dog to watch and bark at Erlik Khan; E. created winter, gave the dog a fur coat, spat on man; God poured his soul on man, made him wife from the rib; ordered to eat red currants at sunrise, but not at sunset; the wife ate; the woman with the child and the mare and the foal eat grass, the woman crossed seven slides, the mare over one; God decided that if people ate grass, they would eat it all; see motive D13]: 155-156; Mindibayeva et al. 2016, No. 1 (Kachins) [a naked man lived on earth without a soul; Thin went for his soul, to a naked man He put the dog; when he left, Irlik Khan came, the dog did not let him in; he covered it with hair, she let him go to the man; Irlik Khan spat on the man; Khudai returned, could not clean the man, turned him out inside out, drooling was inside; Thin breathed soul into the man; then I. began to ask X. for land; he did not give; for I. to fall behind, H. gave land to stick the stake; I. the stake pulled out the snakes from this place crept away; so snakes and other reptile worms spread; giving a soul, H. made man a herbivore; let a mare with a foal and a woman with a child into the steppe; a mare pinched the tops of the herbs, and the woman pinched grass she ate along with the ground; H. sees: after a woman, even the grass will not grow; then H. made the man eat wheat; the ear grew from the very root; the woman baked bread, the child got dirty; she ate pancakes wiped it off; H. began to cut off his ear, but the dog howled what it would eat; H. felt sorry for her, left the tip of the ear - the dog's share; the man knew the time of death; one was supposed to die in the fall, began to do a grass hedge is enough for his life; H. decided that this way a person would drink everything, leave nothing for the children; he made sure that now man did not know about the time of his death; Irlik Khan sent a mosquito to the ground the size of a bull to find out whose blood tastes better; it turned out that a person had; the mosquito sat down to rest, the swallow asked to show her tongue, tore it off; the mosquito tried to grab it, but only tore off part of its tail, now he split; the mosquito flew underground, but could not tell Irlik Khan; he got angry, hit him, told him to become a thousand mosquitoes; this is how mosquitoes appeared]: 77-81; Butanayev 2003 (Sagai, Beltirs, Zap. author) [Ah-Khudai said that there would be no place for Irlik Khan on earth, but agreed to leave him a piece of land on which to put a staff; I. pierced the ground with his staff and went down; going down, cut off his sides, his blood splashed into the sky and earth; in the sky it turned into the Milky Way - Hyro Choli (Frost Road); in autumn, hoarfrost falls from the Milky Way and freezes the earth; from a pierced hole snakes, frogs, worms and lizards crawled out, the surface of the earth became dirty with unclean creatures; AH dawned and rose to heaven]: 112-113; Tofalars: Katanov 1891:67-68 [Purkhan went to white, Aza in a black fur coat; A. asked for the ground in which the cane was stuck; a snake crawled out from there; P. chased A., who turned into a dummy (small fish) in the sea; P. into huchen, began to eat fish; then A. became rye grains, P. became chicken, began to bite; one grain rose to heaven, became the witch of chel-pagá (Tuvinsk. Chylbygá, Kachinsk, Sagaisk. and Beltirsk. Chelbygen); hid behind the sun; the moon said this to P.; the moon eclipsed, P. began to complain; now a witch is on the moon, sometimes the moon eclipses because of her; (same in Rassadin 1996, No. 5, 6:13, 14-15)] , 89 [The devil asks God for land, gets as much as his cane took; he dug up the ground, snakes and frogs crawled out of it; God and the Devil began to chase each other, God hid behind the sun; the Devil asks the moon where God is hiding, she refuses to say; the devil turns into a witch closet pagá (= hel-bagá), swallows the moon; God hit the witch's throat, the Moon has come to will; during a lunar eclipse, people shoot up to help the moon]; Sherkhunaev 1975 [God decorated the earth, the Devil begged for a part, God agreed to give enough to rest his cane; from snakes came out holes; God chased the Devil, he became a witch, grabbed the moon, God hit him with a bell; when God chases the Devil, he climbs onto the moon, eclipsing it; people shot up to drive it away Devil]: 308-309; Baikal Buryats: Khadakhne 1926 [(b. Obusy, Osinsky District, Irkutsk Region); Ehe Burkhan (Mother Goddess) created a son named Budarga under a golden willow, from willow bark, his friend, the bird Ankhata Shubuun; at sea Abarga Zaghan created fish, created the sun from the light of fire; the demon Archang-Shothor came out of the sea foam; he did not reach the earth; the ASH bird brought a handful of clay in its claws from the bottom of the sea, EB on AZ made it earth out of his back; at night, the demon ASH began to pull the sleepers into the water, but only stretched the ground, which had become large; offered to squeeze the earth, so the mountains appeared; began to ask for a share; they agreed to give him enough to put up a cane; insects, snakes, worms, etc. crawled out of the hole; Sharakshinova 1980:24 [Esege Malan Tengriy, Oh Kharkhan and Damn Arhan Shuther decided to create the earth; Arkhan went to the outer sea, dived to the bottom, took out a mouth full of land; they created the land from it; it was smooth and even; A. began to ask for his share (a hectare, half a hectare, a quarter, etc.); just to put up a cane, they didn't give it; as a result, EM and OH gave land with a small brushwood; A. stuck brushwood into the ground, reptiles, insects and worms crawled out of the hole; EM plugged the hole with a burning log]; 25 [(according to Jamzarano, hand.) the world was created by a thousand heavenly Burkhans; in search of land, the Swan flew through the air, and the Raven was under water; they saw the Golden Turtle holding the ground in its paws; reported Huhuday Mergen, he shot the Turtle, which capsized, formed a firmament on which the earth and vegetation were created; a thousand heavenly burkhans basked on the ground - Ulgen and in the sky - Under; Arhan Shuther began to ask for a part of the land with a thin vine; stuck the vine into the ground, mosquitoes, flies, gnats and other harmful insects began to crawl out of the hole]; Mongols [( recorded by your missionary. Postnikov from Khalkhas); water was everywhere, the Ochurmans lived in the sky; decided to make land, looked for a friend, found Chagan-Shukuta; both went down to the water; the Frog that noticed them dived; O. sent ChSH find it in the water; he took out the Frog, put it belly up on the water; O. sat on it, told ChSH to dive, get the ground; he brought an armful of liquid earth from the bottom, said O., If it weren't for me, you wouldn't get it land; the earth immediately fell out of his hands, fell into the water; O. told him to dive again, take the land and carry it on his behalf; O. poured the land he had brought onto the Frog, the earth began to grow, both sat on it, fell asleep; Shulmus grabbed them to throw them into the water, but the earth grew faster than he ran to its edge; he threw them; S. asked for land for himself, received as much as at the end of his stick; stuck them in earth, worms, snakes, reptiles crawled out]: Potanin 1883, No. 46b: 220-223.
Western Siberia. Eastern Khanty (Tomsk Region): Kulemzin, Lukina 1978, No. 16 [one of the two brothers angered Torum and he made him a devil; when grass and forest grew on earth, there were a lot of people, they started on devil to hunt; damn Torum: I need a dimple in the ground to hide from people; T. poked his staff into the ground, the hell climbed there; since then, devils have been living underground]: 19; Lukina 2004, No. 1.1 [only the sea is everywhere; Torum began to pour soil and wheat on it out of a handful; hell appeared, made swamps, hummocks, holes; stuck his staff; T. fell asleep, the devil began to drag it to drown, the earth became everywhere; T. flew to heaven, and the devil began to live underground]: 13; Petrukhin, Khelimsky 1982 (eastern, N.V. Lukina's clarification, December 2016) [Kyn-lung (Kul-Otyr), taking advantage of Numi-Torum's dream, began to drag him around the earth, trying to drown; at the same time, hills, valleys, pits, hummocks, swamps appeared; K. went into his underworld through a hole from a staff stuck in the ground; bloodsucker mosquitoes rose to the ground through a hole and the spirits of diseases, but the goddess Me-Imi blocks it]: 567; Mansi [when creating the world, kul asks God to allow animals to be introduced into the world; he does not allow it, but allows him to make a hole in the ground; lizards, snakes and wolves come out of there]: Sadovszky 1995:161; chum salmon [there was only water; You dived, grabbed the ground (mud) in your mouth, put it by the cheeks; emerged, blew - the earth turned out; Damn it spins, does nothing; E. dived again, grabbed mud by the cheeks, blew - deciduous, cedar forest grew; E. collected what was crawling, dug a hole, lowered them there, dug a pole so as not to get out; C. sees a pole, decided pull it out - everything crawling scattered across the ground]: Alekseenko 1976:72; Forest Nenets [at first there is water everywhere; Num sent swans and geese to look for land; they returned, saying that there is no land anywhere; sent Loon to dive; she came back on the sixth day, said that there was something at the bottom, but she did not have enough strength; the Lury bird dived, and on the seventh day it came up with the ground and a stalk of grass in its beak; made a nest for herself; he was driven by the wind from one bank to the other; N. told the Lury to dive again, she returned seven days later; N. squeezed the ground, making it large enough to build a dwelling; the old man came and asked him to be let in, N. reluctantly agreed; in the morning they saw that the old man was washing his face at the edge of the earth, but was really trying to destroy the earth; N. drove him away; made the earth even bigger; gave to appear to various peoples, animals, trees, rivers, etc.; the old man returned, asked for at least enough land to stick a stick; N. agreed, the old man went into the hole, said that he had deceived N., now will steal people from him]: Lehtisalo 1998:8-9.
(Wed. The Great Southwest. Maricopa [water floods the world; Cucumat and Isasipas (hereinafter also Sipas) sink to the bottom; I. pops up first, answers K., that he kept his eyes open; K. goes blind from salt water; both swim on a log, gradually the water descends, but around the swamp; one of them digs a hole, pulls out sand, scatters it, the earth dries up; I. rolls his hair into a ball, puts it in the eastern sky, making the sun; making the moon out of the nail; placing it on different sides of the world, it slides off; when it remains in the sky to the west; throwing sand into the sky, creates stars; I. and K. make people out of clay, K. webbed fingers; I. and K. argue whose creations are better; K. falls into the ground in anger, breaks what he has created, throws fragments into the sea, from which ducks, beavers and other creatures emerge with webbed legs; falling through, I. pulled the sky with him; left a hole in the ground, blood (i.e. diseases) flowed from it; I. covered the hole with his foot, but left a small stream so that people do not become too numerous; now they sometimes get sick; then see motive B1]: Spier 1937:345-352).