H3. Funeral games end in death. (.26.66.) .70.
Death is sent to people as punishment for excessive sympathy for a dead animal or for playing funeral games during which they bury an animal, tree, etc.
Serer, eve, nuba, kachin, miji, duffla, meitei (chin), toda, (fox, kashibo), shavante.
West Africa. Serer [the dog died first; it was buried in a termite nest at the foot of the baobab; the dead dog was wrapped in clothes, men shot guns, women cried; Koch saw it and was angry; people began to die]: Tastevin 1934:85 in Abrahamsson 1951:100 (=Kotlyar 2009, No. 485:248); eve [Mawu created people immortal; the old woman sat down to rest at the termite mound, heard crying; brought her husband, they found a mouse mourning a mouse; they gave the mouse to the elder, who ordered them to make a coffin, arrange a funeral with shooting and mourning; M. ordered people to die now, since they were happy to die]: Abrahamsson 1951:100 (=Kotlyar 2009, No. 486:248-249; =Olderogge 1959:162).
Sudan - East Africa. Nuba (corongo) [people did not die; they arranged a fake funeral, carrying a tree trunk and burying it with all the ceremonies; God sent sickness and death as punishment]: Abrahamsson 1951:101 (=Kotlyar 2009, NO. 484:248).
Tibet is the Northeast of India. Kachin: Elwin 1958a, No. 13 (jinpo) [people did not die, the old people were all decrepit; the kite killed the squirrel, the man picked it up, wrapped it in a shroud, called the Month and the Stars to mourn, telling them that a man had died ; they were angry when they saw that it was an animal; the man replied that people would also like to die; the Month and the Stars split the squirrel into pieces, told all people to eat this meat; people became mortal]: 294-295 (similar story in Scott 1918:264-265); miji (Dhammai) [at first people did not die, and the children of the Sun and Month died every time; the Sunwoman asked the Month to cover their faces every day more, and she will cry as if he were dying; on earth, a man wrapped the dog in a shroud, began to cry as if someone had died; the Sun sent a bird, a chicken, a pig, a bee, but only a hornet pierced the shroud and found out that there was a dog under him; when another child of the Sun died, she threw his body to the ground, it became the carcass of a deer; people ate it and became mortal]: Elwin 1958a, No. 3:284-285; dafla [all knew that there would be a storm, tried to protect themselves; the bird lost all its eggs and began to lament the dead; Abo Tani heard it, liked it, came to listen; he was advised not to walk, but he did not listened; the bird explained that it would be better if he hadn't come here, but AT replied that he had come to share her grief; Pung {who is this?} knew about the danger and did not want to mourn with AT; but then T. also began to grieve; when AT returned, everyone began to reproach him for bringing death to people; the spirit of the land of Chitun realized that his end was near, began Curse everyone, causing various causes of death; ordered him to be buried in the ground and everyone else will be buried like this; since then, the dead have been buried]: Bora 1995, No. 2:1-2; Meitei (ranks) [y Haorok Konthoujam (HC) is the daughter of Chinghuron Nahuinu (CHN); she was half-beaten by the god of heaven Sorarel; on the appointed day he descended on his double-headed elephant and took her to his palace; for this, XE S. promised immortality and prosperity; one day HC went hunting, his dog was bitten by a snake and died; HC cremated the dog, performing all those funeral rituals that had not been performed for a long time because people did not die; Seeing the smoke of the funeral fire, ChN complained to her husband that he had broken his promise; S. explained that this was not the case, but ChN still asked for permission to go to land with her parents; S. made her promise not to touch the food and drinks she would be offered; when she met her parents, HC realized that everything was set up for her to go down; relatives persuaded her to eat and drink with them; S. forbade she returned to heaven; he later accepted her back, and members of her family began to honor her; {the fact that people became mortals is not directly said, but obviously out of context}]: Singh 1985:367.
South Asia. Toda [originally people on earth and the inhabitants of the world of the dead, Amu-no-r, walked freely together; one day Kwa-töw and Po-nï-ta-n went to the lower world; there they quarreled over something; K. returned and lied to P.'s relatives that P. decided not to return, but ordered to sacrifice 30 heifers and a buffalo ïn-mo-n and perform a memorial ceremony over a cane; crying and weeping, relatives performed a ceremony and sent buffaloes to P.; on the way they met P., who was returning to earth; P. and buffalo Ï. began to cry, their tears formed Lake Marlimund, and from the snot a wild olive grew; then P., along with the sacrificed cattle, went to the world of the dead forever; since then, the dead have not returned and the living do not visit them]: Emeneau 1984:244f at Walker 2018:398-399 .
(Wed. China - Korea. Lisa [husband went to the station with his children; shot a monkey on the way, returned, gave it to his wife; when he saw a human hand, the wife yelled that her children were dead; Vousa sent a bat to say that a person will not die until his fallen teeth fill three large baskets; but the bat said that everyone, including babies, should die; for this, V. flattened the bat's face and tore it apart mouth to ear; and people have been dying ever since]: Dessaint, Ngwâma 1994:201-202).
(Wed. Montagna - Jurua. Kashibo [first, the soul went to heaven for a while after death, then returned to the body, the man came to life; the dog died first; the kashibo waited two days at the corpse, but the dog did not come to life; since then people have not been resurrected and they do not like dogs; people of one family call the dog by the same name as Month (Month is the husband of Noköyo, the supreme female deity of the Sun)]: Tessmann 1930:143).
Eastern Brazil. Xavante [Giaccaria, Heide 1975:281-286; a man caught a little owl; she died; he began to mourn her like a deceased relative; before that, people did not get sick or die, it all started with owls; this time all memorial rituals were performed for the first time]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1984a, No. 56:187-190.