Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue

Ethnicities and habitats

H3. Funeral games end in death. (.26.66.) .70.

Death is sent to people as punishment for excessive sympathy for a dead animal or for playing funeral games during which they bury an animal, tree, etc.

Serer, eve, nuba, kachin, miji, duffla, meitei (chin), toda, (fox, kashibo), shavante.

West Africa. Serer [the dog died first; it was buried in a termite nest at the foot of the baobab; the dead dog was wrapped in clothes, men shot guns, women cried; Koch saw it and was angry; people began to die]: Tastevin 1934:85 in Abrahamsson 1951:100 (=Kotlyar 2009, No. 485:248); eve [Mawu created people immortal; the old woman sat down to rest at the termite mound, heard crying; brought her husband, they found a mouse mourning a mouse; they gave the mouse to the elder, who ordered them to make a coffin, arrange a funeral with shooting and mourning; M. ordered people to die now, since they were happy to die]: Abrahamsson 1951:100 (=Kotlyar 2009, No. 486:248-249; =Olderogge 1959:162).

Sudan - East Africa. Nuba (corongo) [people did not die; they arranged a fake funeral, carrying a tree trunk and burying it with all the ceremonies; God sent sickness and death as punishment]: Abrahamsson 1951:101 (=Kotlyar 2009, NO. 484:248).

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Kachin: Elwin 1958a, No. 13 (jinpo) [people did not die, the old people were all decrepit; the kite killed the squirrel, the man picked it up, wrapped it in a shroud, called the Month and the Stars to mourn, telling them that a man had died ; they were angry when they saw that it was an animal; the man replied that people would also like to die; the Month and the Stars split the squirrel into pieces, told all people to eat this meat; people became mortal]: 294-295 (similar story in Scott 1918:264-265); miji (Dhammai) [at first people did not die, and the children of the Sun and Month died every time; the Sunwoman asked the Month to cover their faces every day more, and she will cry as if he were dying; on earth, a man wrapped the dog in a shroud, began to cry as if someone had died; the Sun sent a bird, a chicken, a pig, a bee, but only a hornet pierced the shroud and found out that there was a dog under him; when another child of the Sun died, she threw his body to the ground, it became the carcass of a deer; people ate it and became mortal]: Elwin 1958a, No. 3:284-285; dafla [all knew that there would be a storm, tried to protect themselves; the bird lost all its eggs and began to lament the dead; Abo Tani heard it, liked it, came to listen; he was advised not to walk, but he did not listened; the bird explained that it would be better if he hadn't come here, but AT replied that he had come to share her grief; Pung {who is this?} knew about the danger and did not want to mourn with AT; but then T. also began to grieve; when AT returned, everyone began to reproach him for bringing death to people; the spirit of the land of Chitun realized that his end was near, began Curse everyone, causing various causes of death; ordered him to be buried in the ground and everyone else will be buried like this; since then, the dead have been buried]: Bora 1995, No. 2:1-2; Meitei (ranks) [y Haorok Konthoujam (HC) is the daughter of Chinghuron Nahuinu (CHN); she was half-beaten by the god of heaven Sorarel; on the appointed day he descended on his double-headed elephant and took her to his palace; for this, XE S. promised immortality and prosperity; one day HC went hunting, his dog was bitten by a snake and died; HC cremated the dog, performing all those funeral rituals that had not been performed for a long time because people did not die; Seeing the smoke of the funeral fire, ChN complained to her husband that he had broken his promise; S. explained that this was not the case, but ChN still asked for permission to go to land with her parents; S. made her promise not to touch the food and drinks she would be offered; when she met her parents, HC realized that everything was set up for her to go down; relatives persuaded her to eat and drink with them; S. forbade she returned to heaven; he later accepted her back, and members of her family began to honor her; {the fact that people became mortals is not directly said, but obviously out of context}]: Singh 1985:367.

South Asia. Toda [originally people on earth and the inhabitants of the world of the dead, Amu-no-r, walked freely together; one day Kwa-töw and Po-nï-ta-n went to the lower world; there they quarreled over something; K. returned and lied to P.'s relatives that P. decided not to return, but ordered to sacrifice 30 heifers and a buffalo ïn-mo-n and perform a memorial ceremony over a cane; crying and weeping, relatives performed a ceremony and sent buffaloes to P.; on the way they met P., who was returning to earth; P. and buffalo Ï. began to cry, their tears formed Lake Marlimund, and from the snot a wild olive grew; then P., along with the sacrificed cattle, went to the world of the dead forever; since then, the dead have not returned and the living do not visit them]: Emeneau 1984:244f at Walker 2018:398-399 .

(Wed. China - Korea. Lisa [husband went to the station with his children; shot a monkey on the way, returned, gave it to his wife; when he saw a human hand, the wife yelled that her children were dead; Vousa sent a bat to say that a person will not die until his fallen teeth fill three large baskets; but the bat said that everyone, including babies, should die; for this, V. flattened the bat's face and tore it apart mouth to ear; and people have been dying ever since]: Dessaint, Ngwâma 1994:201-202).

(Wed. Montagna - Jurua. Kashibo [first, the soul went to heaven for a while after death, then returned to the body, the man came to life; the dog died first; the kashibo waited two days at the corpse, but the dog did not come to life; since then people have not been resurrected and they do not like dogs; people of one family call the dog by the same name as Month (Month is the husband of Noköyo, the supreme female deity of the Sun)]: Tessmann 1930:143).

Eastern Brazil. Xavante [Giaccaria, Heide 1975:281-286; a man caught a little owl; she died; he began to mourn her like a deceased relative; before that, people did not get sick or die, it all started with owls; this time all memorial rituals were performed for the first time]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1984a, No. 56:187-190.