Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

H33A. Throw children over the roof .

God wanted to throw his newborn child (through a fence, house, etc.) to get back on his feet and walk right away, but the woman was frightened and did not allow it. That's why babies don't go from birth. See H33 motif.

The Balkans. Bulgarians, Macedonians [at first, children walked right after birth; God took away this ability from people for disbelief and distrust of him; God used to throw away all newborns and animals through a roof, wood, fence, gate, etc.; animals retained this ability because they never sinned before God]: Belova 2004a: 248; Bulgarians [(5 versions)]: Belova 2004a, No. 549:249- 250; Macedonians [when all animals first gave birth, God would throw newborns over the hill and they immediately got back on their feet; a woman did not allow her to do the same to her baby, so women must carry children in their arms]: Ortenzio 2008, No. 18:62

Central Europe. Belarusians: Boganeva 2010 [because Maria put the baby in a nursery, children do not go from birth, and animals immediately get on their feet]: 70; Romanov 1891 (Mogilevskaya) [God throws over The "germ" (trellis fence for drying bread before threshing) of a pig, foal, calf, puppy, kitten; they all acquire the ability to run after birth; a woman refuses to test child, so people cannot go immediately after birth]: 178 to Belova 2004a, No. 549:249, to Grynblat, Gurski 1983, No. 35:52-53; Russians: Vanyakina 2002:8 in Belova 2004a, No. 549 (Vyatskaya: Old Believers of the Kirov Region) [before the Fall, people were strong, they knew how to speak and walk from birth; when Eva sinned, God deprived them of all this], 551 (Arkhangelsk, Kargopol District) [when asked by God, the cow replied that she it's enough to happen once a year; the woman said it was not enough; at first God thought (in response to someone's question?) , shouldn't children be given the ability to walk immediately after birth, and calves only a year later; changed his mind and did the opposite]: 249, 251; Ukrainians: Belova 2004a, No. 549 [Chernihiv Gubernia: God in Image The old woman came to Eve when her son was born and ordered her to throw the child through the gate; Eva felt sorry for her son, and she disobeyed her command; the old man said: "Well, run around with him"; from then on, the children until they don't go for a year (=Grinchenko 1895:83)], 550 [Transcarpathia: God told Eva to throw her newborn across the house; Eva threw the lamb, but was afraid of the child; therefore, the lamb walks immediately after birth, and A woman carries a child for three years in her arms; Galicia: God wanted children to run like chickens immediately after birth, told the woman to throw the child over the fence; she was afraid, now women wear it for a year child in her arms]: 249-250, 250-251; Evarnitsky 1888 [The Lord created a calf, threw it over the wattle fence, he ran; the same was a pig; he wanted to leave the child, but the mother stopped her in fear; the Lord told her look at a child under three years old]: 46-47; Poles (southeastern Poland) [Christ and St. Peter went into a house where a woman was feeding a newborn baby and a cow was feeding a calf; Christ threw the cow and calf over the roof, they got back on their feet; wanted to do the same to the woman and the child, but she I was scared, so women carry children in their arms for a year and six weeks]: Belova 2004a, No. 551:250.

Baltoscandia. Latvians; Lithuanians [God wanted to throw the child over the roof to make him fast; Eva did not allow]: Kerbelite 2001:91; Livs [when Cain was born, God told Adam to leave him through the roof - he will immediately start walking (Var.: God himself was going to leave the child); Adam was frightened; a calf was born, God told him to be abandoned, Adam left, the calf went; so the baby animals quickly begin walk but children don't]: Loorits 2000 (4): 189 (briefly in Loorits 1926, No. 36:84); Karelians [having created heaven, earth, etc., God told animals to copulate once a year; woman: few; God began to shorten the period ( twice, three, once a month), then allowed - as much as you wanted; God ordered the first child born to be thrown over the roof to walk right away; all the animals did so, but the woman did not dare; God: well, and feed him for a year while he doesn't walk]: Pentikäinen 1978:297.

Volga - Perm. Chuvashi [God began to give the first woman a child from heaven; he had to throw him from above so that he could stand on the ground and start walking; the mother, with pity, framed her hem (so babies do not walk )]: Rekeev 1896:2 (retelling in Salmin 1994:197).