Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

H34A. A dispute about the fate of people. 10.-.13.18.-.


The character suggests what the world should be like, and in particular believes that people should live easily (without suffering, not die); the interlocutor rejects these proposals.

Bushmen, hottentots (naron), gogo, safwa, conde, bafia, nyoro, bamum, pygmies efe, dinka, banna, sandave, mbai, bibbulmum, votjobaluk, vurageri, kulin, tiwi, dugum-dani, daribi, Ambrym, Pentecost, Efate, Palau, Carolina (Merir, Mortlock, Lamutrek), Samoa, Society Islands, Maori, Tibetans (Amdo), Toraja, Central Flores, Meo Vietnam, Sami, Lithuanians, Mari, Nenets, Northern Khanty, Eastern Khanty (?) , Kets, Evens, Asian Eskimos, Fr. Nuniwak, Polar Eskimos, West Greenland, Hyda, Quakiutl, Quinolt, Thompson, Puget Sound, Skagit, Winnebago, Hurons, Mohawks, Onondaga, Oneida, Malesit, Penobscot, Sarsi, Blackfoot, Crowe, Vintu, atsugevi, achomavi, yana, maidu, oloni, cahuilla, washo, northern payut, western and northern shoshoni, goshiute, utah (White River, south), chemeuevi, walapai, yavapai, lipan, hopi, kora, yaruro, cuzco, ramkokamekra, caduveo, yagans.

SW Africa. Bushmen: Kotlyar 1983, No. 12 [The hare scorched her caros, threw it in the face of the Moon; Moon: people should not die, Hare: must; the moon broke the Hare's mouth with an ax], 13 [~12; Hare cursed the Moon , said she must die], 14 [~12; Carossa left dark spots on the moon; Hare: a polygamum man must be killed; Moon: this man should not die, let every woman have children], 15 [Moon: Let the dead come back to life soon; Hare: the dead smells bad, let him not rise again; Moon: and you? Hare: me too; The moon hit the Hare's upper lip with a sandal; it became the moon, the Hare became a hare], 16 [Moon: let people like me die and be reborn; Hare: the dead smells bad, let him die forever; Moon split the Hare's lip with an ax, the Hare scratched her face, traces remained], 17 [~16], 18 [The month-old man died; the women persuaded the Hare to pick unripe white berries; when she saw what she had collected, the Hare went collect again, the women left their urine responsible for themselves, left; the hare saw the grave from which the Month was getting out; he dragged it to him, told them to go to people to tell them that the dead should be reborn; The hare tells people that they will die forever, decompose and smell bad; during this Month, she cut her lip with an ax; the hare took off her caros, got dirty in soot, covered the face of the Month, the stains remained] 19 [the Hare's mother is dead; the Moon said she would be reborn; the hare did not agree, the Moon cut his lip with her fist, cursing him, telling him to be a hare]: 32, 32, 33, 33-34, 34-35, 35-39, 39-40; Bushmen ( naron, Namibia) [The moon wanted people to die and be reborn like her, Bunny to die forever; the moon cut Hare's lip with an ax, and she set fire to her caros, threw it in the face, since then spots on the moon; the moon wanted a man with many women to be killed; the Moon wanted every woman to have many children]: Scheub 2000:68; (cf. Bushmen! ko (western Botswana) [The Thousand told the Moon that humans should die for good; Luna agreed]: Heinz 1975:32).

Bantu-speaking Africa. Safwa [The sheep wanted people to be reborn, the Dog to die for good; whoever reaches man will be the first to be; the Sheep won the first time, but the Dog insisted on the second tried, threw salt in the Sheep's way, ran until the Sheep licked salt]: Abrahamsson 1951:21; gogo [man argues with Hyena, says he wants to live forever; Hyena says people should die, then she will be able to eat corpses; this is how death appeared]: Baumann 1936:278; conde [those who wanted immortality sent the Sheep to God, and those who wanted to die forever sent the Dog; the dog ran first, handed it over request]: Fülleborn 1906:331 in Frazer 1926:192, in Abrahamsson 1951:21; bafia [Mubei created mountains, rocks, sun, moon; two human couples came out of the vine; the Messe man asked Mubei to give he taught him how to carve and preserve it; when Mass died, Mubei ordered him to be placed at the roots of the tree so that he could become a child again and continue to live; but Messe's wife Guife said that she should be better pregnant and will have children, and the dead do not revive; therefore, there are many people, otherwise there would be only four - the first two couples]: Tessmann 1934a: 177-178; nyoro [Ruhanga created the sun from stone; clouds, to burn less; the moon; the sky was low, leaned on a tree, a pole and an iron beam; Ruhanga's brother Nkya complained that it was hot, he created trees; then sent animals and everything Nkia needed to the ground; N.'s three sons became the ancestors of servants, pastoralists, leaders; the fourth Kantu did not receive a share, became Death; R. called N. to his heaven, pushing him back and bringing down his supports; the iron beam broke into small pieces, from they are made by guns; grandson N. Baba asked R. to eliminate hunger; after that, people stopped working; R. then sent death; the boy died first; R. took pity, wanted to make death temporary, but N. persuaded him to die final; Baba cursed the country but Kinta took him away (i.e. he died)]: Belcher 2005:170-173.

West Africa. Bamum [Frog: Humans must be reborn; Chameleon: die forever; whoever reaches the drum first, by the way, will be; the Chameleon put stones in the Frog's way, ran first; chameleons are killed, and a frog that enters the house is considered to bear children]: Abrahamsson 1951:9.

Sudan-East Africa. Pygmies efe [Month: People Will Die and Be Reborn; Sun: Will Die Forever]: Schebesta in Abrahamsson 1951:15; Dinka [Creator sculpted little man Garang and the woman Abuk, put them under the pot, they grew up, G. had a penis, A. had a breast; the creator said that their child would die, but would be reborn in 15 days; G. objected that then the earth would overflow, let them die forever]: Lienhardt 196:36; banna [the first man and first woman began to argue whether people should die or live forever; the man took the yellow fruit (Solanum), threw it into the water, he surfaced; a woman said there was not enough space for people on earth, threw a ball of clay, he drowned; so people are mortal]: Jensen 1959:334; sandave [Sheep to Dog: people must die and then be reborn ; Dog: no, die forever; Dog offers to run to Sixafumbo; Sheep came first, demanded; Dog offered to try again; sprinkled salt on Sheep's road; that stopped licking salt, the dog ran to Sixafumbo at that time, asked people to die forever; when the Sheep came running and asked them to revive, it was refused; the Sheep offered run again, but the Dog refused; therefore, the sheep is man's friend and the dog is a curse (more precisely, a "club")]: Arnold 1984:156-157; mbai [Sou and Loa lived together; L.: let the cereal fields cover everything land; S.: but then there will be no place to relieve themselves; let people dig graves for the dead; this is how S. made people mortal; L. wanted people to die and be reborn; the lizard quickly ran to L. and said people would die forever; the chameleon walked slowly and came later; said people would die and be reborn; L. replied he was late]: Fortier 1967:123-125.

Australia. Votzhobaluk [when animals were human, the Month spoke, Get up, and the dead came to life; the old man said, Let them stay dead; only one Month has been resurrected since then]: Waterman 1987 , No. 2830:84; Vurageri [when the aged and sick first appeared, the Month announced that they would be resurrected three days later; the Turkey ordered them to die forever (he wanted to take possession of their women); Month climbed into the sky from a small hill - the home of the creator of Baime]: Waterman 1987, No. 2855:84; kulin [He lived on earth for a month, decided to give old people a sip of water that could bring back the dead to life; Dove did not agree, Month was angry with him]: Waterman 1987, No. 2860 (1): 84; Tiwi [The month offered Purakapali to bring his child back to life; but he killed the Month because he was his wife's lover and the indirect culprit of death; P. went backwards to the seashore and said that now everyone would die for good; a month later he came to life]: Waterman 1987, No. 2880:84; bibbulmum (+ unidentified group) [The month told the Marsupial Cat that people would respawn after death like him, the Month; The cat disagreed and ran away; The month asked the Kangaroo what would happen after death ; The kangaroo shirked the answer until the Month tickled him; then said that people would die forever; the Month replied that he himself would be resurrected, but people would not]: Waterman 1987, No. 2885 (1): 84.

Melanesia. Dougum dani [the snake said that after death and cremation, a person should come to life; this is called "my skin is your skin"; the little songbird objected that the dead should stay dead, and she, a bird, will be smeared with clay as a sign of mourning; Nakmatugi's first man said he doesn't like snakes, so the bird won an argument; other tribute groups have a bird and a snake racing; a snake symbolizes immortality because it sheds old skin]: Heider 1970:144; Daribi [like dougum tribute, snake and bird]: Wagner 1967:40 in Heider 1970:144; Ambrym (New Hebrides) [god Light Barkokol and the god of darkness Bugliam discuss the fate of created man; the former wants aged people to be removed from their wrinkled skin like an eel and reborn like snakes; the second wants to be born like snakes the dead were buried in the ground; this is what happened]: Suas 1911:907 in Dixon 1916:118, in Fischer 1932:242, in Anell 1989:21; Pentecost (New Hebrides) [man and Rat argue about people's fate; Rat wants them to be mortals like her, she has the last word]: Codrington 1892:286-287 in Anell 1989:22; Efate (New Hebrides) [beasts and birds discuss people's fate; Man tangisi bird suggests that people rejuvenate by changing their skin like snakes, the Pilake bird to die, but multiply, giving birth to children; the first one is so upset that its eyes turn red forever (it has red peppers under eyes)]: Anell 1989:25; Frazer 1939 [more than Anell 1989]: 220-221.

Micronesia-Polynesia. Merir (SW Carolina) [The Rat and the Month decide to create man; the Month wants him to be immortal like himself, the Rat wants him to die; the Rat brings the dog, threatening that if the Month insists , he himself will become mortal; the month is gone, man becomes mortal]: Anell 1964:20; Fr. Mortlock (Truk County) [God Luk wanted man to grow old, die, and be reborn; asked the Rat, who replied that humans should die forever, and only gods should be immortal]: Anell 1964:20; Palau [Obagat wanted to put stone in people's breasts to make them strong and not in need of food; however, Tariit (water shepherdess aka coot, Rallus pectoralis) advised better give people breath, but O. did not agree; sent his son to water the man and make him immortal; T. arranged that the Hibiscus populneus tree quietly pierced the leaf vessel with a knot tarot containing water; the woman lost her immortality, and the hibiscus became tenacious, any branch, if planted, grows; O. hit T. on the head with a stick, now it is red striped with blood]: Kubary 1873:222-223 (apparently the same text but from a different edition of Anell 1964:21, in Frazer 1924:259-260, in Grey 1966 (2): 118-119); Lamutrek (Yap County) [Aliuelang god wants people to be immortal; god Ligedjegedj wants them to die; God Aluelap supported him, for immortal people will interfere in the affairs of the gods]: Anell 1989:20; Maori: Best 1899 [copulating with the goddess of the dark World Hine, Maui tried to make people immortal; he said: "Let death be short and man die and resurrect just as a month dies and revives"; Hine refused: "Let death die and be reborn"; Hine refused: "Let death will be eternal. Crying and moaning will be heard all over the world at all times" {Maui Hine's interlocutor and month (Te Marama) are described in this article as two different characters}]: 96; J.White, The Ancient History of the Maori, v.1 [Maui wants people to be reborn soon after death as his mother Luna-Hina; he wants people to die for good and their loved ones to grieve; M. suggests that people die and be reborn like her, Luna; H. says people must die and become like earth to never be reborn again; that's what happened]: 142 in Briffault 1927 (2): 657, in Dixon 1916:54; Samoa [meeting in Malae, gods argue about people's fate; one suggests that their lives be like a torch of coconut leaves - wave, it lights up again; god Supa (Paralysis) wants, like a torch made of candle-nut palm leaves, which cannot be kindled again; it rained, everyone rushed to cover, S. has the last word]: Turner 1884:8-9; Anell 1989:22; Society Islands [Hina (Moon) asked Fatu (Earth) to the dead were reborn; she refused, saying that the earth, vegetation, and the sun should also die; Hina had to agree, but she promised to revive what she owned was the moon that belonged to Hina revives regularly, Fatou's own, including humans, dies for good]: Moerenhout 1837 (1): 428 in Williamson 1933 (2): 148-149 (German translation in Sydow 1926:165-166); Society Islands [Tangaroa created the first man Ti'i (Tiki) and his wife Hina; wars broke out between gods and people; Tangaroa and his assistant Tu cursed the creation, but softened Hina's curse each time; 1) let the stars twinkle - but they continue to shine; 2) the moon ages, disappears - but revives; 3) rivers go into the sand - but the water flows again from the springs; 4) the leaves on the trees turn yellow, the fruiting season is over - but New leaves and fruits are emerging; Hina would make people revive, but Tiki told them to die; he died himself (about the same for London missionaries)]: Henry (JPS 10:52) in Williamson 1933 (2): 149.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Tibetans (Amdo): Tshe dbang rdo rje et al. 2007 [the king's son suggests shooting down a crow in a tree with an arrow, whoever does not shoot down will pay 1000 coins; the rich man's son agrees, both go to get bows and arrows; son the poor man does not know what to do; the crow turns into a llama, teaches him to get a spirit whose top is golden, the bottom is silver; all the spirits will ask them to take them, and this one will ask not to take them; in the presence of the spirit, you must be silent; on the way, the spirit says something, the young man asks again, the spirit disappears; the next time the young man brings the spirit, says he is tired; the spirit begins to disappear, but the llama manages to cut off his hair on which something is written; reads: let the world be beautiful, even, without rich and poor, beautiful and ugly; the young man reads: let the world be unfair, on the land of valleys and mountains, there are poor and rich, beautiful and ugly]: 186; (cf. Potanin 1893, No. 82 [the goddess Ane-Goma-jamu gave the goddess Njigma the hem of the earth, ordering the land to be flat and people equal; to say, Where should the mountains be, so that there are no mountains, where the rich ( poor) to be, so that there are no rich, poor; she was in a hurry and confused, saying, Where to be mountains, be mountains, who should be rich (poor), let it be]: 315).

Malaysia-Indonesia. Western Toraja [1) The toad asks the Creator to reduce the number of people, otherwise they will trample toads; Creator, Let people die like the moon for a month and then be reborn (Ik zal de menschen als de maan een maand laten doodgaan en dan weer doen herleven); Toad, Let them die forever; the Toad has the last word; 2) Oriolus galbula: Live like a stone; Toad: Live like a banana; i.e. old people must die, children must come to their place; 3) people are children of Mother Earth from the god of Heaven; mother wants them to live forever, father to die, father argues; 3) they argue two brothers; 4) two sisters are arguing; Ralindoe bathes her child, saying that he will have to revive like the moon; To'olo bathes her, saying that he should die forever; she succeeded argue sister; 5) the timid tomoemboe bird wants people to have stone breath and revive; assertive tangkaoemboe wants people to breathe like flowing water and for them to die]: Kruyt 1938, No. 8:434-435, 437); Eastern Toraja [1) the grandmother wants people to live like a stone; the grandson objects, says they must live like a banana whose trunk dies, and the root shoots a new shoot; everyone repeats their words, but in the morning the old woman dozed off, confused the words; so people die after giving birth to children; 2) grandmother and grandson argue about what to take; grandmother wants a stone the grandson is a banana; the grandson ran faster, grabbed a banana, the dispute was resolved in his favor]: Adriani, Kruyt 1951, No. 7:11, 11-12; mountain toraja (To Bada) [Ala Tala sent a messenger to the people to say that the dead should be resurrected immediately; To'olo (mountain, forest spirit, echo) immediately began shouting that they should die forever; the messenger argued]: Woensdregt, 572-573 in Fischer 1932:241); central Flores (nage) [the sky was low; the Dove said seven men and seven women were enough to populate the earth; Philemon (friarbird, Philemon) replied that people would constantly die and be born, There will be many of them, and the dead will go to the lower world; The dove wanted bamboo to have one knee above and one below, Philemon to have many knees; Dove: night one year and day one year, Philemon night and the day is transient; Pigeon: one grain of rice per whole vessel, Philemon - cook a lot of grains, eat a lot too; Pigeon: when spinning, red and black threads {incomprehensible}; Philemon - spinning will be tiring; the Pigeon grabbed Philemon, carried him to sell to Goa Jawa; the Sunbird bought him for the forest fruits that the Pigeon now feeds on; the banyan could not bear heavy fruits; ordered both birds find their own food until the land bears fruit and the stones bloom; Philemon should give his voice at dawn, he wanted it to be a day]: Forth 2007:509; central Flores (riung): Arndt 1935:345f in Forth 2007:509-510 [During the time of the first ancestors of Ndival and Lobak, the bird Ciko Cako (Koa Kezok) was arguing with the Girgemk bird; G. wanted people not to die or wear clothes, fed on one grain of corn a day; KK said that people should have children and die, must work, starve, eat; KK has the last word; there is a saying: bamboo has knees and jumpers, man lives and dies], 510 [if Girgemk had won the dispute, the night would be seven times longer, day and night would be long, but friarbird (Philemon) objects: night is one moment, and day is one moment; this is what happened; G. wanted water and fuel to be harvested once in a lifetime, for people to work in the fields once in a lifetime, eat, give birth to one child so that they would not die; Friarbird objected on all counts, with the last word].

China - Korea. Meo (Vietnam) [poor spouses tell four sons to marry the daughters of the Heavenly Lord; the same have gone to four sides of the world, the Heavenly Lord has appointed them to manage people's affairs; they decided that 1) people live 120 years, 2) give birth to men, 3) a baby learns to speak and walk by the age of 30; the daughter of the Heavenly Lord descended to earth to marry a young man; she did not like the local order, asked father to do as it is now; since then people have been dissatisfied that they die early]: Nikulin 1990:13-15.

Baltoscandia. The Sami (Sweden) [after creating the world, God called Perkel for advice; he suggested making the {core} of trees from bone marrow (alle Bäume aus Mark), and lakes from milk so that everyone the plants were (edible) berries; but the evil spirit disagreed]: Dähnhardt 1907:133; Eastern Sami [God consulted Perkel on how to make peace; wanted all trees to be from the core {? apparently, like the Swedish Sami}, lakes of milk, berries on all herbs and flowers; P. resisted, so the world is as it is]: Kharuzin 1890:194-195; Lithuanians [the swallow asks God to be more people: there would be more roofs for her; the lark wants people to die: there would be more neglected land for its nests]: Kerbelite 2001, no. 113.

Volga - Perm. Marie [woman gave birth, hears a voice, This baby will walk right away; she is silent; Will walk in a year; is silent; In three years; voice wanted to make a body a person covered entirely with nails; We will leave our nails only on our fingers, we will wear clothes, change clothes all the time; here the woman answered]: Aktsorin 1991, No. 3:31.

Western Siberia. Nenets: Golovnev 1995 [one of the two women wants rivers to flow in both directions so that the land is flat; the other wants people to swim more difficult, to go uphill and downhill]: 309 (= 2004:98); Osharov 1936a (no recording) [God wants people not to die; land owner Ja-Muzarem objects but then agrees; Nibia's spider asks for a change of mind, for then he won't be able to make yourself a web, because he pulls the hair of the dead, making them thin; without them, his children will starve to death; World Cup, and then God, agree]: 210-211; northern Khanty [Moses ne and Pore ne quarrel about how people who descended from them should live; M.: the Son River should flow on both sides; the brain runs inside the firewood, then everyone will be full; let's prepare food for all people; everything grows in the forest, edible; people don't die; P: rivers flow down to be full, you have to work; let people take care of themselves; if everything is edible, supplies will run out quickly; immortals will not fit on land (western 1989)]: Perevalova 2004:131-132; Khanty (group not specified - Eastern?) : Kulemzin 2000 [Por-ne counteracts nöți mermaids; they wanted to make mushrooms edible, make one half of the river flow towards the mouth and the other to the origins to hunt without oars, and rowing; Por-ne disagreed; (204: Por-ne is most likely from Fratria Por; 200: the ancestor of Fratria por is considered to be a bear, and moś is a hare or goose)]: 203; Karjalainen 1922 [living on on the banks of rivers and lakes, the demon nöi wanted to add an edible core to trees, make tree sponges (one type of mushroom is still called nöți-sänex today), to make rivers flow downstream on one bank and against the current on the other; these attempts thwarted parnī; river whirlpools remind of his efforts]: 384 (Karjalainen translation 1995:279); Kets [ Hun and Calbesam went hunting; H., When we go down the river, let the water flow down; K., No, let the water flow on the contrary, let us shovel, pull something up; H. wanted game to fall at the hunter's feet on his orders, K. requires difficult hunting, making bows and arrows]: Alekseenko 1976:72-73; 2001, No. 37:90.

Eastern Siberia. Evenks [there was a fire on the ground, then it was flooded; deer and people gathered on the high mountain also drowned when the mountain went under water; Mikola asked the loon to dive, she brought some in her beak clay; clay slipped out of the beak, the hell stole it, M. spat at it, the devil fell underground; M. began to sing: a river, a lake, a mountain appear; M.: let there be no mosquitoes; hell: let mosquitoes stay so that people do not were proud and that there were fewer of them]: Robbeck 2005:209-210.

The Arctic. Asian Eskimos [Spider wants old people to get younger; Beetle wants children to die because they scream, adults because they eat a lot, old people want to grumble; since then people have been killing bugs]: Sergeeva in Kozlov 1956:194-195; Nuniwak Island: Himmelheber 1951 [The raven picked up a lump of land, fortified it on poles; the supports broke, the lump swam, and joined a piece of ice in winter to form Nunivak Island; Mink put a mountain so that when riding in it, the old people would get younger; Raven, Then there will not be enough food, there are too many people; Mink, Let the snowdrifts be bacon; Raven, No, then get rich there will also be bad hunters; the Raven left his Cormorant Wife, married Crabs; but when they were on land, they died; the raven mourned them; hit Norka, who broke up into many minks, people will hunt them] : 31-35 (translated to Meletinsky 1979:99-100); Lantis 1946, No. 26 [Norka wants people to roll down the mountain and get younger; the raven buries the crab, arranges a grave, says people should die]: 297; Ostermann 1952 [Mink: Let people slide down the mountain and don't die after that; Raven: Let them die, what a village without a cemetery; Raven showed how to mourn and do everything related to rituals for the dead]: 261; polar Eskimos [the earth, along with all the mountains and rocks, fell from the sky; then people grew out of the soil; people did not die, lived in darkness, burned water in fat; multiplied after during the flood, their number decreased; two old women began to argue; one wanted it to continue to be dark and people not to die, the other wanted light and death to appear; this is how the sun, the moon of the stars appeared, and the dead go up to heaven and get flashed]: Rasmussen 1921:28-29, 1925 (3): 47 in MacDonald 1998:27; West Greenland [two people were arguing; one wanted eternal night and immortality for humans, the other alternating night and day and death; the second won]: Birket-Smith 1924:442.

NW Coast. Kaigani [Having created humans, the Raven tells them to be immortal; the wren objects, because he lives under graves, he will have no place to nest; the Raven agrees]: Swanton 1905 (Contributions to the Ethnology of Haida): 238 Boas 1916:664 (here with the deaf reference Ri 5.214 {ethnicity is not clear}: Nōaqaua and Masmasalā'nix want to be immortal, but the bird wants to nest in their graves; they agree to die if they are resurrected after four days; the bird insists they agree not to be resurrected; after death they go to heaven; people mourn them, they return with drops of blood that women breathe in and give birth again]; quakiutl [SW The wind blows continuously; Omeal (raven) with birds and animals sails in a boat to fight him; Wren flies into the Wind's anus, makes fire inside by friction, flies back; The wind offers one quiet day a year; Omean: not enough! The wind offers eternal summer; Omeal: Too much; winter is also needed for people to starve]: Boas 1910, No. 18:227-229.

The coast is the Plateau. Quinalt [Eagle: Around the quinolt prairie, where edible roots grow, the river flows in both directions, salmon milk is fat, the dead are reborn; Raven: Roots have to go far, rivers flow only down, milk is of little use; the Eagle's son dies; the Raven says he should not be reborn; the Eagle catches salmon using his young son as bait; to imitate the Eagle, the Raven uses his daughter; the girl is drowning, the Raven would like to revive her, but the Eagle refuses to change his mind]: Farrand 1902, No. 7:111 (about the same in Clark 1953:87); Thompson [The Raven wants a long winter, wants for people to die, otherwise the world will overflow; the Raven, the Crow, the Fly, the Larva decide in favor of death because they want to feed on corpses; the Coyote wants death to be like a dream; the Raven's daughter dies first; he suggests that Coyote change his mind, he says it's too late]: Teit 1917b, No. 1:1; Puget Sound East (or rather, ethnicity is not a decree.) [Eagle and others: rivers flow both ways; Raven: one way, otherwise the salmon will return before they sweep their eggs]: Clark 1953:86-87 skagit [Raven, Norka, Coyote help the Creator build the world; abandon the plan to make each river flow in two directions at once]: Clark 1953:139; Haeberlin 1924, No. 17:396;.

The Midwest. Winnebago [The hare wants people to live forever; his grandmother says the earth will overflow; the hare is crying]: Radin 1956, no. 23:90

Northeast. Hurons [good brother wants to make rivers flow in both directions; evil: Too good for people, let them work; rejects other proposals to make people's lives easier (without details)]: Hale 1888-1891:182; mohawks [corn does not need to be ground; when Maple Shoot roasts it, fat oozes out of the grains; his grandmother sprinkles ash on the grains to prevent fat from oozing; demands to make people's lives heavier, let them grind the grain]: Hewitt 1903:313-314; onondaga [like mohawks; grandmother: it takes a lot of work to cook corn]: Hewitt 1903:191-193; oneida [brother and sister live on sky; sister gets pregnant, people believe it's from a brother; he uproots a tree with glowing flowers, pushing his sister into the hole; water below; the turtle agrees to support the ground; The mink dives, pops up dead with the ground on her legs and muzzle; Loon puts the ground on the Turtle, the earth grows; a woman gives birth to a daughter; a stranger takes her as his wife; puts two arrows crosswise on her stomach - blunt and with with a sharp end; disappears; two boys quarrel in the womb; Talohiavago wants to go out normally, Daviesgal wants to go out through her mother's side; as a result, she dies; the grandmother kills her grandchildren, throws them into the lake; in the morning they come back; they race to her; T. would have won, but his grandmother does not love him, let D. grab herself; their mother would have risen from the grave ten days later, but D. broke her head with an ax; the old man gives E. corn, T. exchanges flint from his brother for it; T. sees D. picking up a stone, killing a bear coming out of the ground; T. releases game, scatters it on the ground; D. replies that he is most afraid tree buds; he says he is afraid of deer antlers; T. makes the river flow in two directions, D. spoils creation; brothers fight as long as they have only bones left; T. promises to return at the end of time]: Waugh in Elm, Antone 2000:42-43, 164-168 (details the bidirectional of a two-way river also in the 1973 record); malesite [Gluscap wants rivers flowing both ways; his brother Mikumwezi: Too Good for Humans]: Mechling 1914, No. 1:3; Penobscot [Kechi Niveskwe creates land and sea; wants rivers to flow in both directions, the sea is always calm, the fire does not go out; Gluskabe: let the rivers flow in one direction, the sea will have ebb and flow, the fire goes out]: Alger in Speck 1935b: 9, note 43.

Plains. Sarsi [The old man drew rivers to the south, his wife to the north, the Old Man was smoother; his wife decorated her lands with lakes and forests; the old man sculpted people without fingers and replied that they were like chips emerge, so people will be reborn after death; the wife replied that then the earth will overflow, let them die for good, like a stone going to the bottom; and let there be fingers; the Old Man did bison so that they kill people; the wife objected: let the bison serve people as food; the old man taught people to hunt buffalo, shoot at the stain on the shoulder blade, where the skin is thin and the meat is soft; so this the stain is called "human flesh"; the old man went south and his wife went north; the old man lay down to rest, the dent on the ground is still visible; the bird shot him in the side, he jumped up, ran where he lay down, there blood stains that became ocher deposits; both rose to heaven, the Old Man became the sun, his wife the Moon]: Dzana-gu 1921, No. 1:3-4; blacklegs [Old man: it's easy to process skins, eyes and mouths on faces on one line, ten fingers on each hand, genitals on navels, childbirth is light, those who die on the fifth day are resurrected; Old woman: it is difficult to process skins, eyes and mouth are not on the same line, four on the arms finger plus thumb, pubic genitals, childbirth is difficult, death is final; both agree that matters should be decided by men, not women]: Clark 1966:238-241; Wissler, Duvall 1908, #3:19-21; Crowe [Red Woman: Bison skins are ready right away, their fat can be used immediately, the fire burns forever, people live for at least forty years, those who die on the fourth day are resurrected, it is eternal summer; Old Man's wife- The Coyote rejects all this; Red Woman: no air is needed, let only one river flow, grass grows everywhere, all people are the same height; Old Coyote's wife: you need air to breathe, you need many rivers, people let them be different, the plants are also different, with flowers and fruits; both women agree to place the crowe in the very center, in the middle of the rest of the tribes]: Lowie 1918:28-30.

California. Vintu [Vulture: old men go up to heaven and come back young; no sexual intercourse; acorns don't have shells; snow has salmon caviar; Coyote: death is final; people marry and give birth to babies; babies work cleaning acorns; snow will be cold]: Curtin 1898:163-174; DubOis, Demetracopoulou 1931, No. 9 [people have decided to build a ladder to heaven; Vulture Chief: old people will go up to heaven and rejuvenate; Coyote: it will be good if people die and cry at funerals; Vulture: acorns ripen without peel; Coyote: let the boy and girls clean their acorns; it's cold, people got angry and destroyed the stairs; Var.: Hawk instead of Vulture, made a ladder alone, climbed upstairs; Coyote: Come back! The coyote made his wings out of sunflower leaves, they withered, he fell]: 299; atsugevi [Coyote: ten months of winter; making soup out of mud; sex is necessary to conceive children; Silver Fox: two months winters; boys emerge from dentalia shells, girls from disc-shaped beads]: Dixon 1908, No. 11:171; achomavi: Angulo 1928 [Fox: eternal summer, let people not die; Coyote: winter is longer than summer, people must die]: 585; Merriam 1992 [Silver Fox gathered people in a community house to set rules and give names to trees and herbs while the Coyote is gone; wants to keep trees low so women nuts, berries and fruits were easy to get; a woman kills a bear or deer with her hand pointing at him; knives made of pine chips; each family has two girls and two boys from white sea shells; Coyote (apparently he managed to come): only men hunt, women can't do it; trees are tall, men must climb them; obsidian knives; some families have many children, others have few; another time Silver The fox suggested that winter be four months, summer eight; Coyote: winter ten, summer two; Fox told him to go to Mount Shasta, where winter is ten months; there Coyote began to die of cold and hunger; the Fox quit he had a big grasshopper; when Coyote began to bake him, he turned into many little ones; Coyote ate, went down, asked who he was; Just a Coyote; he got angry, promised to tear corpses out of the graves]: 145-148; Powell 1877 [The Coyote scraped the ground out of nothing, but the Eagle said there were no mountains he could sit on; the Coyote made hills, but they were low for the Eagle; he began to scrape the ground himself, made high peaks; when he flew, his feathers fell, trees and bushes arose from them; Coyote and Fox began to argue about what people should be; Coyote: must die forever; Fox: let them be reborn; Coyote won; The fire was in the west, the Coyote ran there, brought fire in his ears]: 273; Yana [Silver Fox: two months of winter; if you reach out your hand, the deer falls dead; Coyote: five months; let the widows They cry from hunger, hunting will be difficult]: Sapir 1910, No. 2:210-213; Maidu: Dixon 1902 [creator: people bathe and rejuvenate; baskets are always full of food; no diseases; children are born without difficulty; Coyote: people will work, get sick, die; childbirth is difficult], No. 1, 2:43, 46; 1912, No. 2 [Coyote wants people to be mortal, Creator of Earth wants eternal; puts a Coyote inside a tree as punishment; Woodpecker makes a hole; Coyote asks to expand it, Woodpecker gets scared, flies away; Gopher advises Coyote to go out in the fog, he does so (tree episode: 27-39); rain, flood; NW agrees to give Coyote a woman if that night will not move; puts two flutes on its sides; at night, the Coyote copulates with women, they disappear in the morning; the NW wants a person to name a boy or girl, and in the morning they are already eating and walk; to make childbirth easy, women copulate only after marriage, put the dead in the water to come back to life; Coyote wants childbirth to be difficult, some children die, so that there are dead cannot be revived; tells his son to bring water, he was bitten by a rattlesnake, he died; Coyote asks for a change of mind, NW refuses (discussion of people's fate: 51-55); NW wanders, killing evil; Urine woman kills passers-by with his urine, NW is unharmed; Raven and his younger brother sharpen knives to kill NW; he asks for let me see whose knife is better; killed them, came to their grandmother, put their bodies in the fire to bake, pulling out their penises , he lay down by the stove with a log; she is on the log with a knife, but he is gone, only appearance; he trapped her, killed her; killed a Grizzly woman; everything burns; he asks everyone if they will protect them from the heat; the water will boil, the stone is hot, the tree is burning, the spurge is when the fire goes away, I will stay standing; he hid under the milkweed; the NW made the sugar pine tree low, and the Coyote wrote it became tall]: 27-69; oloni [during The Eagle, Hummingbird, and Coyote climbed to the top of Pico Blanco; when the water reached there, the Eagle carried the Hummingbird with the Coyote to Sierra de Gabilan; the water descended and the Eagle sent the Coyote to see if the earth was dry; he came back and said she was dry; The eagle tells Coyote to marry a girl; the Coyote asks how to conceive children; consistently suggests (inserting the penis) under the knee, under the elbow, into the eyebrow, into the back of the head; Eagle disagrees every time; Hummingbird points to a place in the lower abdomen; Coyote wants to kill Hummingbird, but he hid under Eagle's wing and Coyote did not find him; Coyote came to the girl, asked him to look for it in his head; she finds a tick, throws it away in fear; the Coyote tells her to see it, swallow it; she swallows it, becomes pregnant; runs in fear; the Coyote creates a good road for her, but she runs through the bush; Coyote creates flowers along the edges of the road so she can stop picking them; she doesn't want to; he almost grabs her, but she runs to the sea, rushes into the waves; turns into a shrimp or a sand flea]: Kroeber 1907a, No. 1:199-200 (=Margolin 1978:134-135); cahuilla [see full summaries of texts in motif B1]: Hooper 1920 [Mukat and Tumayowit (Tamaioit) arose from primary darkness; they quarrel who first heard the noise emanating from the Darkness; M. makes the earth strong; creates dark and T. bright people; T. people have faces in front and back, their feet are directed in both directions, women's breasts on their chest and back, on fingers; M. says he worked in a hurry; M. creates normal people; T. wants people to live forever or be resurrected the next day, M. objects because the earth will overflow; both agree that the harvest will ripen not in 40 months, but in 4 months; T. finally quarrels with M. and falls into the ground, taking the people he created]: 317-321; Strong 1929 [inside the cluster of darkness - masculine and feminine; gave birth to Temaīyauit and Mūkat; they got outside, began to argue which of them was older; making a person, M. worked slowly and diligently; and T. turned out to be a man with a belly and face front and back, with eyes everywhere, hands like dog paws; T. managed to make three times more such freaks than M. made humans; M. created the moon; T. and M. argue; T. wants people not to die, or they came back, cleared of the mortal smell; there is not enough food, let them eat the land, if necessary, we will expand it; M. objects every time: let people die forever, otherwise the earth will overflow; offended T. decided to go underground, taking his creations]: 130-141 (translated to Zolotarev 1964:156-160).

Big Pool. Wolf (unless otherwise): women will conceive hands in the pulp; give birth without pain; the dead will revive; there will be no winter; Coyote: childbirth is painful, death is final, part of the year is cold. Washo [Wolf and Coyote brothers discuss what to do with yours when they arrive; Wolf suggests digging a well at the top of the mountain; old people will bathe and rejuvenate in it; Coyote does not agree: he does not knows how to kill animals and feeds on carrion; if there are no corpses, he will die; the Wolf offers to hunt small animals, but Coyote insists that dead people are the most delicious]: Lowie 1939, No. 1:33; northern payutes [The Coyote smelled pignons from the east; went there, but the chief crushed the nuts so finely that Coyote swallowed everything (wanted to bring them home); then everyone went there The Sanáki bird stayed at home; The louse found nuts in the bow wrap, the Woodpecker punched a hole, they were hidden in the wound on Blackbird's leg; the owners caught up, killed everyone, but did not touch the lame; built an ice the wall; The wolf came to life, revived the others, broke the wall, everyone returned home; The wolf wanted nuts to be like acorns; Coyote: no, in cones; they began to discuss how many months a year there were; the Coyote held his hands to his forehead - that much; everyone is silent; he was sent to buy tobacco, decided that there would be three months in each season; Wolf: people are eternal; Coyote: getting old, dying; his son is sick, dead; Wolf refused to change his mind]: Curtis 1976 (15): 148-149; Western shoshones [Wolf: To give birth, a woman only needs to click her thumb against her index finger; to sew clothes and shoes, it is enough to attach one piece to the other; Coyote: No! ; winter is ten months long; Wolf: No!] : Smith 1993:109; northern shoshones [Wolf: 1) all the game in the pen, people take it as needed; 2) humans are immortal; 3) no periods; 4) people give birth from the finger, no sex is needed; Coyote: 1) releases game , now we have to hunt; 3) blood splashes on her daughter, she goes to the menstrual hut; 4) people should make love, women should give birth]: Lowie 1909b, No. 2b: 239; gossiyute [Wolf: let the dead reborn in two days; his brother Coyote: let them die altogether; Wolf wished Magpie, son of Coyote, to die; Coyote asked Wolf to revive the deceased after two days; Wolf refused, told Coyote to circumcise hair, burn clothes (as a sign of mourning); Wolf: let women conceive children in the flesh of their hands; shake their hands - the baby is already on its feet; there is always enough food; eternal summer; Coyote: women must give birth, suffering; people must work; it will be winter and snow]: Smith 1993:3-4; White River Utah [Wolf: Will women conceive in their hand and give birth painlessly; bury the dead in anthills? they will be reborn the next day); eternal summer; Coyote: women bear children in the womb, experience labor pain; let families mourn the dead; it will be cold in winter]: Smith 1992:53; southern Utah: Lowie 1924, No. 2 [Sünā'wavi wants the dead to be resurrected the next morning; Coyote wants the dead to mourn; his son dies; Coyote wants to return to S.'s proposal, but he does not agree to change. solution], 2a [Wolf: If someone is killed, they will come to life the next morning; Fox: If someone is killed, they will remain dead; their relatives will cut the tails of horses as a sign of mourning]: 2-4, 5; utah (group not specified) [ the youngest of the two Wolf Brothers wants plant food to always be abundant, for the dead to be resurrected in the morning; the oldest wants people to work, die once for all; the youngest kills his son the elder; it can't be revived now]: Powell 1881:44; 1971, No. 37 [as in 1881]: 80-81; chemewevi [Wolf and Coyote are arguing about how humans will have offspring; Wolf suggests that the embryo formed and developed in a small recess on the back of a woman's wrist; Coyote says it will be too easy and not fun; puts the vagina where it is now]: Laird 1976:151-152.

The Great Southwest. Valapai: Kroeber 1935:249-250 [Matavil'a is ill, asks Coyote if people should be alive in four days; Coyote: No; M. died, people sent a Coyote to bring fire from a man far to the south Kwataugaba; then asked the fly to light a fire, it started it with a fire drill; people put the body of the deceased on the fire, surrounded him; the Wild Cat and Badger were short; the Coyote returned jumped over them and took his heart away, only a small piece was left; Coyote was chased, he first hid in a pile of stones, then ran on; people saw only a stump], 250-252 [Wolf: First Ancestors (separately about each species - snakes, lizards, mice, rats, rabbits, deer, mountain sheep, antiopes) will remain human; there will be only one type of snake; wild berries, nuts, etc. are easy to pick, you can eat raw; Coyote: the first ancestors will become animals, there will be many species of snakes; wild berries, nuts, etc. must be tirelessly harvested and then cooked for a long time; partridge, wild cat, porcupine, fox, bear will remain human; Coyote: they will turn into animals]; yavapai [first ancestors argue with Coyote]: Gifford 1932 [first ancestors: the dead are reborn, flowers bloom all year round, gatherings are edible raw, first ancestors remain human; Coyote: death is final, flowers at certain times of the year, food must be cooked, first ancestors will become animals]: 246; 1933a: 349-364 (SV yavapai) [people lived underground at the bottom deep failure; there was a pine tree ("dog-tail tree") wrapped in a vine; people climbed it to the ground, their leader was Hanyiko' (Frog); his shaman daughter made him sick; before he died he ordered him to be burned and watched for the stars; when two stars appear in the east before sunrise, these are feathers that adorn his head; in 2 months, 5 stars will appear, this is his right hand; in 3 months it will it's cold, his whole body will be visible; the red star will celebrate 4 months; corn will grow on his grave; when the corpse is burned, everyone surrounds the fire, but the Coyote jumps over the short Badger, enough takes away, eats the heart; before that, people said that the deceased would be reborn in four days; Coyote: let him die forever; H. died forever; Coyote agreed; his daughter died, people refused to change solution; snow fell; people: mountains covered with cornmeal; Coyote: snow; therefore snow does not consist of cornmeal; when it rained, the dry tree did not get wet; Coyote: let it get wet; because The coyote took possession of H.'s heart, water poured out of the hole from which people came to the ground; people placed all kinds of seeds and the girl in the hollowed out pine tree trunk, sealed it; after the flood, the girl went out, the rest died; she lay down so that water dripped into her vagina, the sun was shining on her; she conceived and gave birth to a girl; she grew up, her mother placed her in the same place, but the Water and Sun did not want to converge with her daughter; then the mother covered her with her body and the daughter became pregnant; her son Skatakaamcha; his mother took the eagle and fed it to the chicks; he interrupted the partridge's leg; when he repaired it, she spoke about the fate of his mother; S. decided kill a monstrous bull (bison?) ; The badger dug an underground passage under him, S. plunged a hot knife into the monster, killed him; put on a stomach filled with crumbs; the eagle brought it to the nest; the eagles say that the prey is alive, the eagle does not believe; the eagle flew away, the eagle flew in, S. killed her with a hatchet; told the eagles to remain silent; killed the eagle when it returned; threw the eagles out of the nest; made the rock half as low, but no more; The Bat lowered it into basket; he opened his eyes, they fell, the Bat was injured, S. cured her; came to his grandmother, who was crying; he threw eagle feathers at her, said he killed both eagles; married; The Wind stole his wife; Spider warns that Wind offers to compete, kills losers; S. beat him in a ball and ring game; won a competition whose hair is longer; Wind stabbed S. 4 times without causing harm; S. killed him with a knife; threw one hand to the east, the other to the south, one leg to the west, the other to the north: let the wind blow from different directions; S. brought his wife back; grandmother: there is a bad Chewasistesikkaamcha; S. came to him into the house, slowly throws food away for fear of being poisoned; killed C. with a knife; Bear's arrow reeds; S. invites him to marry his grandmother; he gave reeds; believes that the best tips are coal ; S. killed him with flint; the tree for the ends of the arrows at the Owl; S. and offered him his grandmother as his wife; she found the heart of the Owl, it was on the sole; S. shot there, killed the Owl; an bow tree in the canyon with converging and diverging walls; S. put a deer horn between them; went east to his father the Sun; the Sun's wife warns that the Sun will try to kill S. in the steam room; but S. is not afraid of the heat; the Sun recognized his son, let him choose a horse; a man at the cliff pushes passers-by with his foot; he grew up with his back to the rock; S. lets a chanterelle first, it dodges; then a rattlesnake, the man is afraid of it; S. disconnected him with an ax from the cliff, threw it into the abyss; below 6-7 women devour the fallen; S. threw that man's stomach into the fire, he burst into the eyes of the women, S. hacked them; there was a boy, he ran to the cave, S. did not I could get it, left the snakes to guard, but they fell asleep; the boy left, creating new ones like him; grandma: you can't handle them], 412-413 (Western wayapai) [people wanted after four days the dead were resurrected, the Coyote to die forever; his son dies, he asks again how many days they wanted there; he is told that the decision has already been made; people wanted mescal fruits to be eaten raw, Coyote - will have to be cooked; wanted saguaro seeds in the trunk, make a hole and fall down; Coyote: let them ripen only in summer; Puma and Wolf hunt, Coyote cook at home; once watches them secretly, sees them come up in the cave, open the door, get a mountain ram fresh; the Coyote goes into the cave, shows the sheep his penis, they smell it and run away; there is no more game in the cave comrades are starving; the Raven comes, he has reindeer fat in his basket; while the Raven with the Puma and the Wolf are in the steam room, the Coyote ate the fat; the Raven flew away with his basket; the Coyote followed him, found the cave where he kept deer, released them; a shaman came and advised them to hunt deer, Wolf and Puma began to hunt]; hopi [people were in the form of ants underground; when they penetrated elsewhere, they turned into other creatures; in another way they became human, but had tails; women refused to marry men, men went across the river; in the first year, both women and men had a rich harvest, but women had it with everyone the year was getting shorter, on the fourth they asked men to give them corn, etc., but they refused; the flood began to approach; women began to build a tower believing that they were smarter than men, but the tower fell; The men planted a pine tree, it grew to the sky, but did not break through it; then the reeds, it grew up and pierced; Badger was the first to climb, returned, saying that it was dark and nothing could be seen; the Magpie flew to the ground, I saw a light in the distance, Masauwü was sitting there, before he could put on his mask; people began to go out; two young men placed the Pleiades, Orion, and the Big Dipper in the sky; the Coyote decided that they would never finish their work, threw the rest of the stars at random; two young men created the moon from the wedding veil, then the sun from the skin of a fox, a parrot's tail; but the sun did not move; Coyote said the sun needed to move the death of a man; a girl died, the sun reached the top of the sky, stopped; the chief's son died, it went down; in the morning, at noon and in the evening every day someone must die; the girl, then the woman died, they returned on the fourth day; Coyote said that they must die forever, otherwise people would be afraid of death; he died and was not reborn, followed by others; after the flood, the earth was soft; the Middle people made lightning canyons for water drainage]: Parsons 1939:236; lipan [animal people discuss how to live; Raven, chairman, proves that you should die forever, that you should sew clothes and moccasins, not make them, just touching his hand; his son dies; people refuse to change their mind]: Opler 1940, No. 2b: 39-40.

NW Mexico. Cora [Father Sun asks the first ancestors what should happen to people (when they are old); one suggests that people go to heaven, others to dive into living water in the West, others - that people should not disappear; some want people to turn into mountains; the Lizard replies that people should die, be buried in the ground; the Earth should feed on people and produce crops]: Preuβ 1912, No. 2:144-145.

Llanos. Yaruro [water master Ichiaí objects to the creator goddess Kumañí]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1990c, No. 2 [Kuma first appeared, followed by Itsiai, Puana, Kiberoch; Kuma wants her thumb pregnant; P. says she will give birth to too many creatures in that case; she gets pregnant normally, gives birth to Hatchava], 12 [Kumañ í created a white horse, but the Indians did not dare to ride it; K. said that they would not have horses during their lifetime, but would be in paradise; Ichiaí created land, had no parents, arose from a lump of earth; asked K. if she was alive, K. said she was alive; he asked where she came from, she asked who he was; K. wanted food to be easily available, I. wanted people to hunt; K.: let people go easily to heaven; I.: let them get sick before death; I. created mosquitoes, put them in a closed calebass; let them feed on people and animals; K. was against it, told the man to throw the calebass into the river; he out of curiosity discovered the calebas; mosquitoes stuck to him, he rushed into the river, became a capybara], 18 [fields are cultivated only once, not every year; houses are built themselves, you just have to throw an armful of straw on the frame], 19 [easy childbirth; availability of shamanic knowledge], 20 [Ichiaí's mother was the earth itself; argues with her aunt Kumañí; she wants 1) children to walk immediately after birth; I., A year later; 2) people found food and immediately eat it; I., Let them cultivate the land; 3) birds be killed with their eyes; I., Let people hunt; 4) palm fibers from the eye would be made with ropes; I., Let people weave ropes; 5) people would only die for a short time; I., Let them die forever], 28 [Kumañi tells howler monkeys to become monkeys; says women should conceive children in big finger; another ancestor, Aetanerea, objects, says that in the stomach, in order not to suffocate, you cannot take a deep breath with your thumb; arguing, K. agreed; if they did not argue, people would be now howler monkeys], 29 [when humans were howler monkeys, the first ancestors argued; one said {or "one said"} that women should conceive in their thumb; Ichiae insists to be in the uterus; so people can breathe, inhale yopo and gain knowledge]: 20-21, 34-35, 42, 43, 44-45, 46, 52, 53.

The Central Andes. Dep. Cuzco [God wants all crops to grow on the same tree; Pachamama (Mother Earth) says they should be grown in different areas]: Tomoeda 1982:291.

Eastern Brazil. Ramkokamecra [The month objects to the Sun: eternal life; clearing the forest and working in general]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1984a, No. 1:20-21.

Chaco. Caduveo [Caracara's hawk objects to the Creator]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1990a, No. 1 [No-Iacailbadio Dege pulls Europeans, Brazilians, tereno out of a hole in the ground; his opponent A li- the ginigo says he forgot to pull out the caduveo; N. pulls out four, tells them to kidnap foreigners to grow in number; N.: Let food appear, if you name it; let the food be cooked if put three stones together; A.: It's too easy for people, let them work, keep the fire; A.: Let men have periods; a hunter who has a period misses; N. and A. decide pass on menstruation to women; N.: The dead can be pulled out of the ground, they will come to life; A.: No, the earth will overflow; mother A. dies, he wants to change his mind, N. does not agree; A. cries, N. tells he takes a twig to revive his mother; the twig breaks, his mother does not come to life], 3 [starting as in (1); Onoenrgodi: I will cook food for the caduveo; Caracara: Let them hunt and collect honey themselves; O.: Let cotton fabric grows on trees; K. advises to pick it off, scatter it over the bushes (the origin of cotton); K.: Let people spin and weave; O. is afraid of K., because that cannibal], 16 [clothes are always new and clean; cotton and honey are readily available; cassava and banana crops ripen immediately after planting]: 15-17, 23-24, 37-38.

The Southern Cone. Yagans [younger brother objects to elder]: Gusinde 1937:1160-1161 [eternal flame], 1161-1162 [birds were killed by sight], 1162-1163 [harpoons and other guns never broke], 1165-1166 [sea whale oil]; Wilbert 1977, No. 11 and 12 [light hunting, hunting weapons are always ready], 15 [any food is easily obtained], 20a [Yoálox brothers' mother has grown old, stopped moving and breathing; the older brother looked at her closely, she started moving again; the younger one said that the old woman should die, looked at her, she stopped moving; that's why all people die], 20b [Yo&# brothers 225; lox buried her mother, cried; the elder heard her come to life, the youngest did not tell her to get up from the grave, the dead no longer come to life]: 32-35, 40-41, 58, 60-61.