H34G. Grain porridge .11.-.14.22.-.
One grain was enough to prepare the meal.
Mkulwe [mother-in-law daughter-in-law, cosmology], safwa [mother-in-law daughter-in-law, cosmology], Nyamwezi [mother-in-law daughter-in-law, cosmology], Comorians (Mayot) [fairy tale], quaya [mother-in-law daughter-in-law, cosmology], fipa [mother-daughter cosmology], tenda [fairy tale], hausa [fairy tale], background [fairy tale], Liberia [god and his wife, cosmology], gbunde [man or woman, cosmology], songhai [fairy tale], dinka [god and woman, cosmology], bongo [god and woman, cosmology], atuot [god and woman, cosmology], joluo [fairy tale], lao [woman, cosmology], vieti [woman, cosmology], northern India, Tamils [fairy tale], Java [husband and wife, cosmology], Dayaki (West Kalimantan) [woman, cosmology], central Flores [cosmology], East Flores [cosmology], Timor [parents and boy, cosmology], Roti [ grandmother and grandchildren, cosmology], ifugao [cosmology], mangian [sky and pestle, man, no watching, cosmology], rukai [man, cosmology], paywan [woman, cosmology], bunun [heavenly wife and her earthly wife husband; apparently cosmology], kanakanabu [cosmology], Chuan Miao [heavenly wife], fox [cosmology], Chinese (Shanxi) [cosmology], Adygs [creation time], Japanese [fairy tale], Aztecs [first couple, cosmology], Totonaki [in heaven], Maya Yucatana [wife and husband, cosmology], Cuzco's Quechua [star girl and her earthly husband; the episode is not related to cosmology], chorote [god and wife's relatives, cosmology], nivacle [ god and wife's relatives, seeds multiply, cosmology], poppy [god and wife's relatives, cosmology].
Bantu-speaking Africa. Mkulve [mother-in-law tells her daughter-in-law to grind one grain, cook; she grinds a whole basket of grain; since then, it takes a lot of grain to eat, a lot of work; God: let now people are dying]: Hamberger 1909, No. 3:299; safwa [a woman had one grain of millet; she planted it, an ear grew; every day she put one seed in a pot full of porridge; she Mwari's daughter-in-law warns: put only one seed; left alone, she decided that more was needed; since then, hunger and food have been scarce, people should grow a lot of millet]: Arnold 1984: 147-148; nyamwezi [the couple cooked one grain a day, it was enough; their son got married; mother-in-law told her daughter-in-law to put only one grain, but she cooked a lot, put everything in, but There was no more food; hard work has been done since then]: Spellig 1929, No. 3:232; Comorians (Mayot) [the king keeps six daughters in the palace, each has a room, a maid and a mirror; if any the daughters will leave the palace, the mirror will darken; one day five sisters went to a party, the youngest Fatima refused; they changed her mirror, each showed her father the same clean mirror, the youngest did not She could, her father beat her and drove her out; she came to a cave in the rock; there the old woman says that the girl will see an ant carrying rice; let her take it, cook it, the pot will be full of rice; one day, the king father went on a ship, promised every daughter to bring what she wanted; the ship stops at sea; the fortuneteller says that the king has another daughter, he must ask what she wants; messenger comes to the cave; the girl replies that she wants to pray first (Swaburi n'swali), but the messenger understands these words as a wish she sends to her father; the king buys gifts for elder daughters; Swaburi n'swali turns out to be the son of another king; the king's son sends the girl a tree trunk; one day an old woman tells her to cut off a piece for firewood, gold is in the trunk; F. sends a letter to the prince; he takes her as his wife; invites her father to the wedding; he is ashamed, the five eldest daughters remain old maidens]: Haring 2007, No. 105:321-325; quaya [used to cook one grain, food it was enough for two pots; one day my mother-in-law left, my daughter-in-law put not one grain to cook, but a lot; since then, a lot of grain is needed, people must work; mother-in-law had to let me cook a lot grains to feed men]: Huber 1967:791-793; fipa [were the first man and woman; the woman had a mother, her voice was heard, she was invisible; she put a basket in the corner of the house, told me to take it only one grain every day, not to take it from the bottom; that was enough; the woman took a handful out of curiosity; the mother said that now she would have to work hard to provide food]: Janssens 1926:551-552.
West Africa. Tenda [has two wives each daughter, one wife dies, stepmother sends her stepdaughter to fetch water to a spring where dangerous spirits live; the woman at the spring tells her to rub her back, her back is covered with tips, the girl hurts her hands, but rubs; tells me to cook food from one grain, not eat everything; says that she will swallow the girl, she will find eggs in her stomach, talking clone-clock and chluf-chluf, you must take the other ones; when approaching in the village, the girl breaks eggs one by one, from which clothes, poultry, cattle, horses appear; the stepmother sends her own daughter, she is afraid to rub the woman's back, takes seven clok-clock eggs, goes out through the anus; wasps, hyenas, panthers, etc. come out of them, devour the girl; the mother finds only her hand]: Ferry 1983, No. 22:118-123; hausa [the old woman gives the king the promises of three girls; the first says that if the king She will not marry, she will give birth to twins with golden navels; the second will sweep the room with straws; the third will cook porridge from one grain, which will be enough for all the people and will remain; the king marries the first, all three fulfilled their promises; the rival threw away the children, replaced them with lizards, their mother was driven away; the woman picked up and raised the twins; they meet the king's wives by the river, accused of the crime; Griot tells the king about young men who look like him; expelled and children are restored, her rival has been strangled]: Klipple 1992:243-244; background [mother dies, father tells another wife to care about her daughter; she adjoins her; the girl broke the vessel; the stepmother sent her to fetch water where the animals would eat her; she sees two stones fighting; tells them she saw nothing; they hit her, she says it does not hurt; they miss it; the old woman takes off her head to brush her hair, the girl says she did not see anything; at the crossroads another old woman, the girl licks her ulcers with her tongue; passes between two butting buffaloes, they show the way; tohosu asks to stroke his back, she is covered with tips and knives, the girl hurts her arm, but says that everything is fine; tohosu gives water to wash her hands, the wounds disappear; he grinds and cooks one grain of millet, which is enough for everyone; tohosu tells you not to take calebasses who will ask you to take them, take seven silent people, collect water in them; these calebasses must be broken down into on the way back; people, fields, wealth arise from them, she is carried in a stretcher; the stepmother sends her own son, he replies to everyone that he has seen their strange deeds, refuses to lick ulcers, hurt his hands, cook from one grain; tohosu puts the boy in a goat pen for the night; tells him to take calebasses who ask for it; when he breaks them, the boy loses his way, the animals eat him]: Herskovits, Herskovits 1958, No. 69: 293-298; Liberia (ethnicity not specified) [one rice was enough to cook dinner; relatives came to the wife of the Great Spirit, she decided that one rice was not enough, she put a lot; The Great Spirit said it would be necessary to cook a lot of rice from now on]: Bundy 1919, No. 29:422; gbunda [1) one rice was enough for lunch; some greedy man thought it was not enough, put more, Gala said that this will be the case now; 2) Gala sent a man to earth, but also a Dog; on his orders, a bird brought her a grain of rice every day; the woman saw Dogs in the kitchen pot one rice, said it was not enough; the end was like in (1)]: Schwab 1947:320; songhai [stepmother joins Bouli's stepdaughter, the daughter of her husband's deceased wife; hit her, her nose dripped blood on Calebas; her stepmother tells her to go to the "swamp of paradise" to wash it; she comes to an old woman who is looking for lice in her head, putting them on her knees; puts her head in place, asks B. replies that it's okay, the old woman blesses her; B. sees two bulls roaring terribly; answers them that she has not seen or heard anything; they bless her; B. comes to the old woman, she gives one a grain of rice, she makes a lot of food out of it; the same canari sauce; the old woman teaches you to take only three crooked calebasses; break them only when she sees her native village (and voices will always be asked break); gold-sewn clothes, slaves, cattle come out of the calebas; B. marries the king; stepmother wounds Ada's daughter's finger to drip a drop of blood, sends her to wash the calebas; she does everything wrong She takes straight-necked calebasses, everything is bad about them; she didn't come home]: Hama 1967:255-258.
Sudan-East Africa. Dinka: Lienhardt 1961 [the sky was low, people easily climbed a rope into heaven to communicate with the deity; the deity gave the first man and woman Garanga and Abuk one millet a day, forbiding to grind more; this was enough; the woman, out of greed, began to grind (or sow) many grains at once, for this purpose she took a long pestle (or hoe), it hit the sky; then God sent cut the blue bird into the rope that connected heaven and earth; heaven (=deity) left, it became necessary to work, illness and death appeared]: 33-34; Scheub 2000:6 [Abuk is the first woman, sometimes a wife or the mother of the supreme god Deng or other deities; her husband is Garang; D. allowed A. and G. to sow only one millet seed a day; once hungry A. sowed a lot and at that time hit D. on the toe; he cut off the rope that connected heaven and earth, and people have been sick and dying ever since]; bongo [the creator of Loma used to live next to people; ordered only one grain to be taken when cooking millet; one person brought a wife from another village and she took two grains; L. retired from the people to the east and said that from now on, food would not magically increase]: Scheub 2000:128; atuot [when man was dying, the Creator picked him up, and he came to life again; one ground millet grain was enough for everyone; the woman decided to crush more and raised the pestle so high that the Creator now ordered people work hard; the bird flew by, cutting off the rope, the man died, others sprinkled ashes on themselves]: Burton 1991:83; joluo [Achieng girl always hesitates; others have gone to get tattooed, they left leaves at the fork; the boa constrictor replaced them, A. came to him; he ordered one grain to be crushed, there was enough food for both; wrapped his body around A., thus putting on a beautiful tattoo; told no one tell; the young men ask me to speak; she orders to build a solid house around her first; when they see Boa, everyone ran away, her lover remained, cut Boa to pieces; married A.]: K'Okiri, Oguda 1970:32-50.
North Africa. Morocco [three women go to buy grass for cattle but are afraid to enter the bachelor's field; one says that if he married her, she would bake a loaf of one grain, the other would cook a pot of soup made from one bean, a third would give birth to a son with a gold mark on his head; he married all three, although the first two did not fulfill their promise; the third gave birth, evil wives cut off the baby's little finger, they put the mother in her mouth, gave the child to the woman to bury her alive; the husband tells the wife who gave birth to wear the skin of a dog, live in the kitchen and then in a hut, herd camels; that woman raised a boy; peers say that he was a foundling; he made a woman tell him the truth by putting her finger in boiling oil; went to look for his father, taking a wolf, a sheep and a dog as companions; the people he met were amazed to see these animals together; he asks people they meet if they know about the mother who ate her baby; one person brings him to a woman who says she ate the baby; he explains everything by showing his mother and father gold a stain on their head; angry wives were dressed in dog skin, told to eat with dogs, then ripped apart with horses]: El Koudia 2003, No. 15:96-99.
Burma - Indochina. Lao [one grain of rice was enough to eat, rice rolled from his ears into the man's house; the widow invited her daughter to tear down the old bins and build a new one; in addition the time when the rice was ripe and rolled, the work was not finished; widow rice: can't you wait? the rice fell into a thousand grains: now let's wait in the field until people come for us and take us to the bins themselves]: Fleeson 1899:85; vieta [one grain was enough for a meal, rice flew into the house himself; the lazy wife did not clean the house when her husband returned, hit the rice that flew in, it fell apart, it became like it is now]: Landes 1886, No. 82:204; Landes 1886, No. 82 (=Coyaud 2011, No. 1A: 204) ; (cf. Cadière 1901 [During the famine, the aunt and tribesman had only one grain of rice left; it was enough to satisfy their hunger while sucking one by one; one day, the nephew swallowed a grain and turned into a big black one cuckoo (Endynamis malagana), calls her aunt ("The grain is ripe, the pumpkins are overripe, the house is in disarray, strangers are coming")]: 196).
South Asia. North India (probably Hindi) [there was no need to cultivate the land; you had to take one grain of rice, go around the ox and ask if that was enough; the ox nodded, that was enough for family food for the day; one day a guest came and the owner took two grains just in case; the ox got angry and cursed people; since then we have to work]: Crooke 1895, No. 203:85-86; Tamils [a woman has a teenage son and a daughter younger than him; she left the boy 10 fish to fry; if at least one is eaten before she returns, she will kill both; the girl cries, her brother gave her a fish, their woman drove them away; they were accepted in one house; the boy grazes the cows, the girl cooks rice, a portion of which the hostess gave them for the day; but while she dries the rice, she leaves, the chickens bite him; she catches one in a snare; the chicken tells put one grain in the pot and cook - it will be a full pot; any sauce will appear in the pan if desired; she saved a lot of rice and married her brother, although he wanted to marry her off first; the wife does not know secret; soaked a lot of rice, and in the morning the pot is empty; tells her husband that his sister probably worked part-time on the side if she fed him well; brother is furious, passed off his sister to the youngest of 7 poor brothers; the sister began to do it on the advice of the chicken; the family considered her a criminal and was going to burn her; but she ordered her brother and his wife to be called first; after that, her head burst and she was cremated]: Blackburn 2005, #53.
Malaysia-Indonesia. Java: Bezemer 1903 [a poor widow finds a baby in the forest, raises her like a son; he grows up, hunts, chases a bird, goes to a lake where heavenly maidens swim; grabs clothes for one of them; takes her as his wife; one day she tells him to look after a pot of rice on the fire but not to lift the lid; he sees only one seed in the pot; the spell has broken, and his wife has had to work hard since then, to cook; in empty, she finds her husband's hidden wings; tells them to put their little daughter on the roof, she will fly in and feed her; rose in the sky in a column of smoke from burned rice straw; husband raised daughter beautiful]: 162-169 in Lessa 196:358; 1904:46 f in Dixon 1916:208-209; (apparently another retelling of the same text in Rassers 1959 [at Kyai agng Ing-Kudus three sons, the youngest (he is from another wife) refuses to marry, becomes an ascetic in the forest; comes to a pond whose owner's daughter refuses to marry; they unite, the girl dies during childbirth; K. finds the baby, but leaves him in pursuit of a deer; the boy is picked up and raised by a woman; while hunting, he sees heavenly maidens bathing, hides the clothes of one of them, Dewi Nawang Wulan; she gives birth to a daughter; forbids her husband to lift the lid from the vessel where rice is cooked; he picks it up, there is only one rice; she has been left alone, since then she has to cook a lot of rice; DNV finds his clothes and returns to heaven; returns to feed his baby daughter; then rises to heaven again in a column of rice straw smoke]: 266-267); Knappert 1977, No. 7 [in Kembang-Lampir, a young man found a girl swimming in the woods, she became pregnant, her father drove her away, she gave birth in the forest, died, the boy was picked up by a hermit's widow; he grew up hunting, saw widadaris heavenly maidens bathing, hid the clothes of one of them named Nawang- Wulan ("moonlight"); she gave birth to his daughter Nawang-Sih ("light of love"); with more and more rice in the bins, only one grain should be put in the cauldron; contrary to the ban, my husband looked there, from then on we should cook lots of rice; when the supply ran out, HB found her clothes at the bottom of the bins, flew away, telling her husband to take her daughter to the dovecote to fly to feed her; NS married a prince]: 35-37; dayaki ( western Kalimantan) [the rice grains were the size of a coconut, they were divided into pieces; the daughter asks her mother how much rice to put in the pot each time; she replies that the piece is in a small pot, one grain in big; one day the mother left; the daughter asked; the chameleon answered their forests: one grain, two, three; rice began to pour over the edge, turned into little rice]: Bunanta 2003:69-70; central Flores : Forth 2007 (nage) [the sky was low; Dove said seven men and seven women were enough to populate the earth; Philemon (friarbird, Philemon, the honeysucker family) replied that humans would constantly dying and being born, there will be many of them, and the dead will go to the lower world; The dove wanted bamboo to have one knee above and one below, Philemon to have many knees; Dove: night one year and day one year, Philemon - night and day are transient; Dove: one grain of rice per whole vessel, Philemon - cook many grains, eat many too; Pigeon: when spinning red and black threads {incomprehensible}; Philemon - spinning will be tedious; the Dove grabbed Philemon, carried to sell it to Goa Jawa; the Sunbird bought him for the forest fruits that the Pigeon now feeds on; heavy banyan fruits he could not bear it; told both birds to find their own food until the land bore fruit and the stones bloomed; Philemon must voice at dawn, he wanted it to be a day]: 509; Forth 2007 ( keo) [Imperial Dove: It is enough to cook one grain to fill the pot; "night is a year, then a day of the year"; Friarbird: "the night passes quickly and the day too"; the more grains we cook, the more we will eat; c then the night is 12 o'clock and the day is 12 o'clock]: 509; eastern Flores (Sika) [at first, the night lasts a year and the day lasts a year; a wild pigeon teaches people on the horizon to scrape the bottom of a large water vessel, They ate scraped off, scraped the lid and drank it, then day and night would change quickly; if the night lasted a day, one grain of rice would fill the pot; people came from the horizon and taught them this way enter, only in a basket of rice in a pot of boiled]: Arndt 1932:70 in Forth 2007:510; Timor [the mother sent the child to ask the father how much work should be done; he replied that not at all; the child forgot He came back several times and asked again; the mother went by herself, leaving the boy at home; he began to cook corn, filling the entire vessel; he burst; the corn said that one cob would be enough, and now you'll have to cook a lot every time]: Wetering 1921:181-182 in Fischer 1932:225-226; tetum [reference to the same Fischer 1932 and Vroklage; the sky was close to the ground and connected to it by a vine; people They went to heaven for fire, rice; one grain was enough to cook a pot of rice; because people put a lot of rice to cook or broke the pot, this abundance ended]: Appel 1986:35-36; Roti [when she leaves, the grandmother tells her grandchildren to cook one rice; they decide to cook a whole scoop of coconut shells; rice spills over the edge, begins to fill the sea; the grandmother came running and hit her grandchildren both turned into rats, disappeared into a hole; said it was a warning not to beat grandchildren again]: Kratz 1973, No. 58:255-256.
Taiwan - Philippines. Ifugao [a handful of rice could feed the family, the rivers are full of fish, the syrup flows from the cane stalks; it started to rain; Brother Vigan and Sister Bugan escaped from the flood on two mountains; got married, gave birth to people]: Rybkin 1975, No. 31:64-64; mangian [Mahal Makanaako held a tree in his hands, it gave shade; a worm fell from the tree into his hand, his bowel movements became ground; in other worms appeared on the earth, there was more of it; MM created the brothers Malvay and Dalidali, ordered the earth to be sculpted; M. worked diligently, valleys appeared; D. was in a hurry - mountains; a grain of rice was enough for everyone feed; machete cleared the field himself; people shed their skin and became younger; men gave birth to children from calf legs; the first were born to M.; Doug's woman ("earth") felt sorry for men, told her brother that they would give birth women; stepped over his leg, the baby was in her stomach; the sky was low, preventing rice from breaking; D. hit him with the upper end of the pestle, it rose; Wild Chicken gave people eggs; D. in he ran impatiently to see, there was droppings in the basket, Wild Chicken refused to give more eggs; D. watched one rice fill the pot; the rice was ashamed to be looked at, now rice you need a lot]: Rybkin 1975, No. 1:27-28; hand (Taromaki) [one rice, one row of grains on a millet spikelet was enough to cook a pot of porridge; one person decided to cook the entire ear at once, cooked millet filled the house, crushed the inhabitants; the survivors became monkeys]: Ho 1967, No. 114:285; paywan: Mabuchi 1969 [millet used to fall from the sky; three grains were enough to fill the cauldron; the pregnant woman began to cook a lot at once; the grain was swollen and crushed her; since then, the grain has not swollen and needs a lot]: 20; Whitehorn, Earle 2003, No. 66 [woman does not went to work in the field and cooked millet by grain; one grain filled the entire pot; and if she cooked the entire panicle at once, boiled millet filled the whole house; the woman's relatives decided that it was wrong; since then, you have to cook a lot of grains]: 297; bunun [a woman came with a child, gave the man a calebass with millet, said that one grain was enough for lunch; the man married her; in her absence The child cried, the man only scolded him; the woman took the child, went to heaven, became a star, taking the magic millet]: Mabuchi 1969:21; kanakanabu [a woman was born from a rock, asked for food from a heavenly deity, got fish, animals, and rice; half of the rice was enough to fill the pot]: Mabuchi 1969:22.
China - Korea. Chuan miao [a poor orphan lives with his uncle, looks at the sky at night, asks the Lord of Heaven to help him; a (woman) star descended from heaven for one night; so three nights in a row {it is possible that every two stars descended at night - a star fell down, then another}; then the youngest, seventh, sister came down; he hides her in a pigsty; his aunt finds her, offers to kick her nephew out; the star leads him up the mountain into the forest; on the way she cooks rice, putting one grain; at her request, her brothers went down and built a house; the Star orders to invite the landowner to visit; he offers to swap wives, the Star advises to agree an orphan gets seven wives in exchange for one; a star flies to heaven, destroying a house, the landowner wakes up on bare ground, becomes poor; a star gives birth to a son in heaven, brings seven childless wives to earth orphans take him up; the boy studies, goes to look for his mother, gives the shepherds the god Ntzï a bracelet, who send him to the mountain, where six sisters lead him to bathe horses, his mother is the last, her horse as tall as a pig; Stars believe the young man that he is the youngest son, they do not kill; the father of the Stars puts the youngest with his son in m with the pig; The stars believe the young man that he is the son of the youngest, they do not kill; ace (woman) is a star; a box, throws from the sky into the river, the son takes a book and prevents them from drowning; they come home; later the Star returned to heaven; because she gave birth to an earthly son, its light is weaker than that of the other six stars of the Ursa Major ]: Graham 1954:250-252;
fox [grains of rice were the size of a human head; they should have eaten three times a month and harvested every 12 years; one woman wiped the baby with rice; the spirit of Dza-ni rice flew to heaven, people and pets were starving; the dog reached heaven, saw a pile of rice in the residence of the supreme god Vusa, rolled in it, ran back; when she sailed through Salwen, most of the rice was washed away, but she brought three to the owner and new rice was grown from them; but since then the grains are small, you have to harvest every year and eat often; On the 15th day of the second moon, they celebrate the New Rice Crop festival; dogs are given grain, vegetables and meat; depending on what they choose, more attention should be paid to growing cereals this year, vegetables or livestock raising]: Dessaint, Ngwâma 1994:233-234; Chinese (Shanxi, W. Linfen) [his parents died, the boy lived with his older sister; when he fell asleep in the cave, he heard a voice: the sky would collapse and the earth would split, he must take food and return to the cave; the boy took food and brought it with him sister; when the dust cleared, brother and sister saw a light, came to the old woman, who was knocking a thread; she put a jug of water on the fire, put half a date and a few grains of rice in it; a jug full of porridge; in the morning neither the old woman nor the hut, but next to a piece of paper with Mother Wanmu's command to marry; matchmakers will be millstones: brother must stand on the east mountain, sister on the western mountain, millstones will unite; when brother and sister got married, Mother Wangmu came down to help recreate humanity; she cooked porridge, boiled it, and the couple sculpted clay into men and women, old and young, tall and low, sitting, lying down, walking and running; once they didn't have time to hide them from the rain, some broke; that's why there are cripples]: Zhou Yang et al. 1999, No. 9a: 14-15.
Caucasus - Asia Minor. Adygi [Thagoledge, the god of fertility, says he is old, gives the sledges millet, one grain of which is enough to cook a pot of pasta; sledges hide the seeds in copper barn; Emynyzh, with the body of a dragon and the face of a giant, broke the barn, took away the seeds; Satan tells us who the thief is and how to get to E. (from sunrise across the sky to sunset); Aryksha was the first to go, did not return; Sosruko was the next; Sataney explains that E. settled in the west to devour the sun; at the gate of the fortress E. huge swords converge and disperse; S. cuts them with the sword of sledge blacksmith Tlepsh; the girl kidnapped by E. says that E. went to plow to the top of the mountain, taking a bag of seeds with him; S. jumps up on the mountain, the bag grabs, but E. on a three-legged horse easily catches up with him and takes the bag away; the girl asks E. to tell him where his soul is; he replies that it is in the door frame; S. takes the bag again, E. takes it away again; the girl gilded the frame; E. says that the soul is in the tree; again the same episodes; E. admits that his soul is in a three-legged horse, the son of a mare Tozh, she is from an old woman's herd; S. goes to her, causing frost to during his absence, E. did not have time to finish plowing; on the way he helps the wolf, falcon, fish; broke through tigers, eagles and dogs that attacked him; fell to the old woman's chest; she tells her herd to herd for 3 days; wolf, falcon, fish collect scattered horses; S. receives as a reward a foal that the mare also gave birth at sea; the foal asks to let him go to his mother so that he can drink her milk and become stronger brother; S. takes the bag, E. cannot catch up with him, foal S. tells his brother to throw E., he threw it into the abyss, E. crashed; S. returned the seeds to the sledges, gave the girl to the sledge]: Lipkin 1951:59-75.
Japan. Japanese [in the mountains, a poor man saw a crane pinched by a fallen tree; he saved her, and soon a beautiful woman came to live with him; she puts only two grains in the cauldron to cook rice; weaved an unusual fabric and ordered it to be sold for 300 gold; gave birth to a daughter; when she grew up, the wife said that she weaved the fabric, pulling out her feathers; became a crane and flew away]: Markova 1956:44-47.
Mesoamerica Aztecs (16th century) [after the Fourth Creation was destroyed by the flood, Nata ("my father") and Nene ("vulva") were sent to the ground; they were told to eat one grain of corn {a day}, but they began to fry fish; the smoke reached the sky; Titlacahuan and Tezcatlipoca went down, turned the first couple into dogs; Quetzalkoatl went to the world of the dead, brought a precious bone from there to Tamoanchan; together with his wife, they brought people to life with her help; Q. saw an ant drag a grain of corn; he had to say that the corn was in Tonacatepetl ("mountain of food"); Q. himself turned into a black ant, brought a seed; to the gods in Tamoanchan I liked the corn; Q. tied the mountain with a rope, but could not move it; the blue, white, yellow and red rain gods smashed the mountain, getting white, yellow, dark and turquoise corn, as well as beans and amaranth]: Taggart 1983:88-89; Maya Yucatana [a newly married boy goes for firewood; firewood must be collected by themselves if it hangs; a young man carries it, now everyone should carry it; young wife makes dough not from half a grain of corn, but from five pounds of grain; now it will be so]: Burns 1983:49-51; totonaki [the eagle takes people away; the rest, when they enter the field, cover themselves baskets, then the eagle only grabs the basket; the orphan Juan let himself be carried away, killed the eagle and the chicks with a knife, went back; saw the machete cutting wood itself, the bundles of firewood go away by themselves; H. follows, comes to 12 gods; they leave him at home, tell him only to tell him to have bananas, cook one grain of corn; H. asks for a lot of bananas, they crushed him; cooks a lot of grains, corn falls asleep; puts on rain the cloak, takes a lightning sword, flies away, causing a hurricane; only by putting 12 cloud cloaks over it, the gods manage to grab it; St. The virgin gave his hair to tie him, he became a chain; H. is waiting for her saint's day at the bottom of the sea, but he is not told when it will come, otherwise he will cause a flood]: Arenas 2000:99-102.
The Central Andes. Quechua (dep. Cusco) [star girls go down to steal potatoes from the field or collect edible seaweed; the young man hides his belt alone; without it she cannot return to heaven; she gives birth to a child; returns to heaven; husband goes up after her; identifies among other stars]: Itier 1996, No. 1 (Wuxi, Prov. Kispicanchis) [two girls; seaweed; gives birth to a baby; cooks corn with only one grain in the pot; mother-in-law does not believe that there will be a lot of food; the star is insulted; learns from the child where the belt is; on the condor husband and child rise to heaven; the Lord of the Stars rises the sun, burns them], 2 (Scribe, prov. Tracing paper) [one girl; potatoes; two sons; the star learns from them where the belt is; husband and sons rise to heaven; husband does not believe that a handful of quinoa can feed everyone; runs from the anger of the heavenly family at land; children turn into birds], 3 (Marangani, prov. Canchis; =Arguedas 1949:105-114; Lira 1965:133-139; 1990:1-7) [someone steals potatoes from a young man's field; he guards, falls asleep, grabs one of the star girls for the third time; first hid it in a hut next to in the field, then brought her to her parents; her clothes were hidden, another was given; the child died for an unknown reason, the wife flew to heaven; the husband rises to heaven on a condor, there is not enough llama meat along the way, the young man cuts off his own leg, feeds the condor; after swimming in the sea in the sky, he is younger; all the star girls have come to the temple to honor their parents the Sun and the Moon; the young man must identify his wife; the condor warns that she will elbow him; he lives with the star for another year; puts too much quinoa to cook; the star is afraid of the anger of his parents, the Sun and the Moon; the condor lowers the man to the ground; before flying they swam again, because they have aged a lot in a year; the young man remains single on earth]: 161-164.
Chaco. Nivakle [a girl lives with her grandmother; when she goes to get water, she is surprised at the beauty of the nasuk tree every time; she scratches it, blood drips from the trunk; the tree (it was Fitzököjič) is made a man, comes to a girl for three nights, she becomes pregnant; F. tells her grandmother that the seeds of cultivated plants do not need to be stored; puts two seeds in the sink, she fills to the brim; so multiplies pumpkin seeds, melon, watermelon seeds; magically clears the plot, throws the seeds, she goes into the ground herself; does not tell the wife to look at the plot, corn and all other plants ripen in a day; tells her to cook a seed or several grains of corn, beans, each time the pot is full; three days later, F.'s son was born and grew up; when the son grew up, F. and his son left; his wife's pots continued to be full if one was cooked seed; grandmother did not believe, did not trust; F. ordered not to look back, and the Fox woman looked back {apparently, as a result, the magic stopped}]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1987b: 156-158; chorote [eldest daughter She married the Battleship for a month, the youngest for the Fox; the month gave the eldest two grains of corn, they immediately filled the bag; the Month told the Battleship to make holes, put a grain in each; soon the corn grew, brought the cobs; the fox only pretended to plant the seeds and ate them himself; the land was covered with wild vegetation, ceased to be cultivated as before; the Fox drove away the Month, he did not want to leave, wanted to have sex with the daughter of the Month; after seeing his penis erected, others beat him to death; the fox came to life and ran away]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1985, No. 33:56-59; poppy [walking past a mighty tree for water lignum vitae, a woman scratches his bark every time (usually scratching her lover's body), wants to be a husband; the tree begins to bleed; the tree turns into a man, comes to the woman at night, stays; although not sowing time, the husband tells his wife to ask her father for the seeds of all cultivated plants; according to him, the tools work themselves, the wind clears the area, the birds scatter the seeds; the husband tells his wife not to look in the field, when corn, melons and other plants make noise when they rise from the ground; the plants grow and ripen quickly, the husband tells you to take only one fruit from each and bring home; brought home enough to give all the guests chicha drink; The fox goes to the field, picks the cob, despite the ban, watches a new one grow in its place, plucks it again, the cobs stop growing quickly, corn stalks getting shorter; wife pregnant; Lignum Vitae finds her with another man, leaves (probably to heaven); wife gives birth to his son; during the hunger season, people go looking for edible caraguata plants (Bromelia serra) ; Lignum Vitae comes down, gives her son a corn tortilla, one corn grain; it fills the bag; the boy's mother should only put one grain in the pot; since then, the boy and his mother have a lot of corn]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1991, No. 89:201-205.