Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

H34H. The firewood was going home .

Firewood and firewood came by themselves, flew into the house, they did not need to be specially harvested and delivered.

Moroccan Kabiles, Berbers, Basques, Chuang, Serbs, Macedonians, Altaians, Shors, Chipewayans, Totonaks, Mayans of Yucatan.

North Africa. Kabila [the first mother of the world taught people; a man collected a pile of stones, stood on it, ordered it to be carried to his yard, and ended up in the yard with the stones; the woman collected a pile of firewood, she stood on it, told her to carry herself, went to her yard with the firewood; only water could not be delivered like this; the mother of the world became angry at people, decided to leave them; preparing for the holiday in July, women had to go for firewood; the mother of peace went, a lot of firewood set in motion, the mother of peace blew the winds, thereby insulting the firewood; had to be carried on her back; after that, people quarreled, ceased to understand each other, different languages arose]: Frobenius 1921a, No. 9:76-78 (briefly in Arezki 2010:147-148); the Berbers of Morocco (Marmouche) [first, the firewood themselves bound in bundles, went home; one woman decided do it all by yourself; firewood loved it and haven't been doing anything themselves ever since]: Thay Thay 2001, No. 37:42.

Southern Europe. The Basques [used to come into the house by themselves; one day an oak branch tore an old woman's skirt; she told her in her hearts that the firewood should not move on its own, so now people must look for it themselves].

Burma - Indochina. Chuang (Vietnam) [grasses and trees could talk, walk, and fly; if they had to cook, people called brushwood, which would fly to the hearth; on the third day of the third lunar month (in China) now it's a holiday when you can't cook, you have to eat everything cold) the woman awkwardly put a container of rice to steam it, the brushwood knocked her over; the woman went to complain to Dao; he ordered plants stay in place head down, feet up, people get firewood themselves]: Nguyên Xuân Hiên et al. 2004:136.

The Balkans. The Serbs [used to go from the forest to the house themselves; the woman baked bread and waited for firewood to come; but they were all gone; she threw her hands: Oh God, where is the firewood? When they finally got into the yard, a woman went out, sat on them and they brought her into the house; God: This time they brought you wood, but you'll be carrying it from now on]: Eschker 1992, No. 69:246-247; Macedonians [firewood used to come home from the forest themselves; one woman went to meet and sat on horseback to carry it; God ordered people to carry firewood from now on]: Ortenzio 2008, No. 2:183.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Altaians (Shebalinsky District) [firewood came to people themselves; the woman sewed a fur coat, neighbors came; there was a noise; the woman thought that her beloved husband, which was firewood, had come, told them to dry on the mountainside; Kudai: if you are tired of ready-made firewood, harvest it yourself"]: Oinotkinova et al. 2011, No. 64:175; Shors ("Kuznetsk foreigners") [at first, the snow itself turned into flour, the firewood cut itself; woman murmured that when kneading the dough, her hands freeze; since then, the work has not been done by herself, snow is not flour]: Shtygashev 1894:10.

Subarctic. Chipewayan [people send firewood home; one log scratched the child badly when entering the house; his mother began to break the log; since then, the firewood has not been walking by itself]: Lowie 1912:188.

Mesoamerica Totonaki: Arenas 2000:99-102 [the eagle takes people away; the rest, when they enter the field, cover themselves with baskets, then the eagle only grabs the basket; the orphan Juan let himself be carried away, killed the eagle and the chicks with a knife, went back; saw a machete cutting wood on its own, bundles of firewood leaving by themselves; H. followed, came to the 12 gods; they left him at home, telling him only to say that there should be bananas, cook one grain of corn; H. asks for a lot of bananas, they crushed him; cooks a lot of grains, corn falls asleep; puts on a raincoat, takes a zipper sword, flies away, causing a hurricane; only by putting 12 cloud cloaks on him, the gods succeed grab him; St. The virgin gave his hair to tie him, he became a chain; H. is waiting for her saint's day at the bottom of the sea, but he is not told when it will come, otherwise he will cause a flood], 106-108 [the orphan Aktzin (San Juan) asks his grandmother a basket of tortillas for the whole day; does not work on the site, but weaves a cage from vines, sits in it; the cage with the young man is carried away by a seven-headed eagle; the young man kills the chicks first, then the eagle itself; cuts him off wings, descends on them to the foot of the cliff; in the forest he sees how the firewood is cut down, tied, a bunch comes to the Gromov house; they leave it, tell him to cook one bean; the orphan cooks a lot, a pile of beans crushed him; the same with a grain of corn; on the third day, an orphan puts on Gromov's clothes, flies; the Thunders remove him from the tree; for the fourth time he wears clothes that will cause the end of the world; St. The Virgin of Guadalupe tells the Thunders to provoke A. to break a rock by the sea; he gets stuck in it because the rock was a cloud; St. The maiden washed her hair, gave the Thunders hair, they tied A., left it at the bottom of the sea; but they could not take away his cloak], 113-117 [people cover themselves with wicker baskets or mats so that they would not be carried away by the eagle; he takes them away Juan, a drunkard sleeping on the ground; he wakes up, cut off the eagle's head with a knife; descends from the nest, goes to the knock of an ax, the ax works by himself; the axe asks H., who shows the eagle's head cut off, proving the veracity of the story; the firewood binds themselves, moves, the Axe sends X. to the Thunders; San Miguel leaves X. to cook; he does not cook 12 beans, but a lot, they swell, crush H. to death, SM revives him; the next day the same with bananas; on the third, H. opens the chests, puts on his cloak, takes a sword, releases water and clouds, breaks into a tree, SM catches it; H. promises not to be ugly anymore; one day causes a monstrous storm again; sees a girl washing her hair in the sea, asking for her hair; this is Maria, she throws hair at H., he turns into a chain; SM puts X. on the bottom of the sea, tells him not to tell him that today is his holy day, otherwise H. will escape]; Maya Yucatana [a newly married young man goes for firewood; firewood must be collected by himself if it hangs; the young man carries it, now everyone must carry it; young the wife makes the dough not from half a corn kernel, but from five pounds of grain; now it will be so]: Burns 1983:49-51.