Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

H36F. The raven is an unsuccessful messenger.


raven has been sent to deliver an important item or send a message. He distorts the message or loses what is trusted to him.

Comorians, Zouahua Berbers (Kabylia), Tunisian Arabs, Egyptian Arabs, Italians (Venice), Burmese, Thai, Palaung, Namuzi, Tajiks, Khakas (Sagais), Altaians, Baikal Buryats, Khalha Mongols, Mongols of Ordos, Japanese (Tohoku).

Bantu-speaking Africa. Comorians [God sent the Raven to man to hang an immortality necklace around his neck; the Raven asked him to do the same, but God said he had forgotten the magic formulas and could not make a second one; The way the Raven put the necklace on himself, but that lost its power, so that no one inherited immortality; God drove the crow out of his possessions]: Hatubou 2004, No. 25:108-109.

North Africa. Berbers Zuahua (Kabylia) [The raven was white; God gave him a parcel of money to give to Muslims and a parcel of lice to Europeans; because the money was heavier, the Raven gave it to the first people he met who turned out to be Europeans; Muslims got lice; God punished the Raven by making him black]: Basset 1887:11; Tunisian Arabs [the raven was white; God gave him two messages: virtuous to attribute wealth, to poverty as unvirtuous; he deliberately replaced them; for this God made it black]: Ayadi 2008, No. 38:57-58; Arabs of Egypt (Delta) [Western 1970; at first there are few people, few is born; people decide to ask God for the dead to return in three days; send Kite as a messenger; halfway he is met by the Raven (Crow), offers to continue flying instead of him, says To God that people want to die irrevocably; since then, the Kite has been attacking crows]: El-Shamy 1980, No. 28:145-146.

Southern Europe. Italians (Venice) [when God created water bodies, all animals and birds helped him except the teal and the crow; so God allowed them to quench their thirst only with drops of rain; so if the teal screams, and the raven begins to fly, this is to the rain; the Lord sent the Raven to bring a drop of holy water, but he began to bite the carrion and did not return; then he sent the Swallow, she brought it, so the swallows are blessed and kill their sin]: Kabakova 2006, No. 75B: 133.

Burma - Indochina. The Burmese [The sun descended to the daughter of the dragon king Naga; returned to heaven, Naga gave birth to three eggs; the Naga sent the white Raven to tell the Sun that children were coming soon; the Sun let him carry the ruby to buy the kingdom for the children; on the way, the Raven and other birds began to peck leftovers at the halt of the merchant caravan, hid the burden under the bush; the merchant replaced the ruby with manure; unfolding the bundle, the princess died of grief; the Sun scorched the Raven's feathers, which turned black; the abandoned eggs floated along the river, broke; one turned into placers of rubies, the other a tiger came out, and the third was a crocodile]: Aoun 1957:99-100; Thais [the niece of heavenly king Phra In (Indra) chose a shepherd as her husband; her father sent her to earth; sent Raven to tell the Raven that the couple should meet every seven days so that his wife there was time to spin and weave; the Raven met Vulture, was frightened, lost the letter; wrote a new one, writing in it that she was told to meet on the seventh day of the seventh month; Phra In punished her that this day she is losing all her feathers; turned her lovers into stars, they meet once a year]: Vathanaprida 1994:105-108; palaung [naga princess i-ran-ti took the form of a girl, went to earth came together with the Sun; 7 days later he returned to heaven, leaving her chariot; I. laid 3 eggs; the Sun sent I. a bag of letter and a wonderful gem, giving it to the golden crow; that the carrion stopped pecking, the fisherman found the bag, replaced the treasure with a pebble; the Raven brought I.'s bag, who found a simple stone inside, threw it at the Raven; the Sun, as punishment, painted the Raven black, ordered live on the ground; I., in the guise of a naga, returned underground, throwing her hairpin and three eggs; the barrette and two eggs turned into placers of gold and precious stones; the third egg was stuck at the fork in the floating along a river of a tree; he was found by an elderly couple, raised a born boy Kok-ya; his Sun Father sent him a bow; his naga mother sent her daughter to the ground from his marriage to a naga, K. married her, she gave birth to a daughter; K. killed the cannibal bird; the naked wife forgot that she should not be completely immersed in water, became a snake again while bathing; told her daughter to make clothes striped like snakeskin, gave the clothes color snake scales when they touched it; people began to copy these patterns; K. became the ancestor and king of the Palaung]: Milne 1924:379-383 in Obayashi 1966:51-54.

China - Korea. Namuzi [three brothers cultivate the land, the land is untouched again in the morning; they find an old man turning back layers of land; although kill him; the old man says there will be a flood, working it makes no sense; tells the older brother to make a boat out of metal, the middle one out of wood, the youngest of leather; the youngest takes his younger sister into his boat, the older brothers' boats have sunk; the water has descended, the rest of the people drowned ; brother and sister see two columns of smoke; sister picks up a flute, goes one way, brother picks up a knife, goes to the other; walks into the house, there are human bones; children explain that the parents have gone to catch the brother's corpses and sisters, the rest of the corpses are taken out; the brother runs away; comes to where the sister married; she tells me to eat little, the brother does not listen; he is killed; but only he knew how to light a fire, carry water, grind grain, herding goats (crows, frogs, dragons, peacocks know, but not everyone can); therefore, the brother has to be revived; seven daughters of Father Heaven come to swim, take off their wings, the young man hides the youngest's wings; says that they were gnawed by mice; the maiden promises to marry the one who would return her wings; she found her wings, returned to heaven; he climbed after her; father-in-law and mother-in-law began to scald his hair, for people's bodies used to be covered with wool; the wife intervened, the hair remained only on the head; the father-in-law demands 1) to dig up nine fields (the wife tells each field to leave a hoe, they work themselves); 2) burn the felled vegetation (leave nine torches); 3) dig up the seeds again (same); 4) sow buckwheat (leave the seed vessels at the edge of the fields); 5) harvest the seeds again (leave the bags by the field); but three seeds not enough; they were taken away by a gorlinka, his wife tells her to shoot in the morning, he takes seeds from the goiter, brings them to his father-in-law; 6) recognize the mother-in-law in the form of an animal, bring her (the wife tells you to grab the first sheep); 7) get to know the father-in-law ( it will be yak); the young man gets a wife, cattle, they are sent to the ground; the mother-in-law tells them not to sing, the young man sang, the cattle ran away, the wife managed to cover some of them with her skirt, these animals became domestic, the rest became wild; the couple can't do anything, poor, sent Crow with nine bowls of tears to heaven to his wife's parents; Raven felt thirsty on the way, drank tears, told his father-in-law and mother-in-law that their daughter and son-in-law were rich and they prosper that they drown the hearth with pork, wipe themselves with grain; the father-in-law was angry, sent tigers and boars to the ground, they ravaged the few fields that the young had; the Bat offered to bring 9 tears to heavenly parents; but heavenly father-in-law and mother-in-law did not answer what to do to live normally on earth; the Bat said he would sleep outside, but he hid behind the bed; I heard as the mother-in-law said: don't they know that three stones should be placed on the hearth, then children will be born; put the roof of the house on poles; lead irrigation ditches to the fields; when the mother-in-law is finished, father-in-law I noticed the Bat, threw a pestle at him, and since then her nose has been flattened; the Bat brought these three news to earth, people have begun to live normally]: Lakhi 2009 (1): 67-152.

Iran - Central Asia. Tajiks (northern Tajikistan, everywhere) [Khudovand gave the Crow water from the Zumzum/Zamzam well in the Mecca region to bring it to man and the person to live thousand years; The raven croaked, dropped water from his mouth, drops fell on the juniper, since then it has been evergreen, growing for a thousand years]: Rakhimov 2007:79-80.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Khakas (Sagai) [Kudai created 10 men and 9 women; of all the birds, only the Raven agreed to fly for mo γ u su (eternal water) to revive them; the way back was tempted by carrion, spilled part of the water; became black as punishment, and people lost their immortality]: Dyrenkova 1929:123; Altaians: Anokhin 1924 [Ulgen created human bodies, sent the Raven to Kuday to ask for their souls; he gave them, the Raven carried them in his beak; flew past the corpse of a camel, a horse, when he saw the corpse of a cow, shouted, Carr, what eyes! Souls fell into the coniferous forests, which became evergreen; at this time Erlik gave the dog guard a warm fur coat, breathed his soul into people's bodies, their bodies came to life]: 18; Nikiforov 1915:241 [Ulgen via the Raven took souls from heaven for humanity, but when he saw that Yerlik had already breathed his soul into the human body, he scattered the "souls of immortality" through coniferous forests and mosses], 243 [the hunter saw a cedar, from the top of which in a stone box ran water; put dried fish in it, it began to swim]; the Baikal Buryats (Alar) [The raven drinks eternal black water and is therefore durable; God sent him to take it to man; he sat on a pine tree on the way; the owl frightened him with a scream, he spilled water; since then, the pine tree has been evergreen; you have to take water from the spring in the morning before the raven can get drunk; he arrives early and gets immortality]: Potanin 1883, No. 43:210-211; Khalkh-Mongols: Potanin 1881, No. 25c [In ancient times there was only water: there was no land. One llama descended from the sky and began to interfere with the ocean with his stick... Because of that interference, a ball of earth thickened from the middle of the ocean: further interference hardened the earth into a quadrangle. After that, two swans descended to that land: the llama turned the female's nail into a woman, and the male's leg into a man. In ancient times, there was a llama (the narrator thought it was the one that interfered with the ocean with a stick). He created all animals and birds, including the crow. After drawing beautiful water in a cup, he gave it to the crow and said, "Put a drop of this water on every person's head so that they are immortal." The crow flew and sat in one place on the cedar. Croaking - a precious cup fell out of my mouth, water spilled: three plants grew in that place, eternally green, always fresh, not dying: kosh, cedar, dzergen and artsa, juniper... The crow returned to the llama . He asked her, "Where is the water?" - "Spilled". Then the lama said to the crow: Well, let you have Hara-kire (Black Crow) for this name: You will have no other food but the eyes of dead people]: 166-167; 1883, No. 43c [Burkhyn-Bakshi gave the Raven his drink of immortality, arashan, ordered him to pour it on the man's head; she sat on a spruce tree, waited for a man; Owl frightened her with a scream, she spilled arashan; since then, the spruce has been evergreen]: 210; Mongols (Ordos) ["Ordos Ardyn Ulger". Hohhot, 1992:287; Burhan Bagsh sent a crow to bring people the nectar of immortality and health; he saw a mouse dying, lowered it, spilled nectar on the caragan bush; for this, BB told him to sit on even in the cold high place and hunt for mice; sent a hare to tell people to eat once a day and wash their face three times; the hare forgot everything and came back; BB threw a whip at him, his tail fell off, became small and The tail is a black spot; BB told him to be prey for everyone, including crows; sent a bull; he confused him, told him to wash once a day and eat three times; BB told him to work for people]: Yegupova 2012:25-27.

Japan. Japanese (Tohoku, Fukushima Prefecture; 2 entries) [Buddha Shakyamuni sent a crow to deliver the medicine for immortality to man; while resting on a tree, the crow croaked and the medicine spilled on the tree root . That's why trees live for a thousand years and people die early. When people die, crows croak and apologize]: Naono Fukasawa 2015.