Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

H36ff. A raven betrays a person. . (.23.) .


raven (crow) or other large vulture tries to kill people and/or is responsible for the fact that a person (tiger: pets) is mortal or susceptible to illness.

Comorians, Tigres, Kabiles, Berbers of Algeria, Arabs of Tunisia, Arabs of Egypt, Murinbat, Vancho, (Maria), Armenians, Talysh, Persians, Tajiks, Bashkirs, Khakas (Sagais), Altaians, Baikal Buryats, Khalkha Mongols, Ordos Mongols, Baikal Evenks (Olekmin), Japanese (Tohoku), Amami Islands, Kuchin Islands, Tagish, Helmet, Taltan, Nunivak, Skagit, Lower Chehalis, Quinolt, Quileut, cutene, hicarilla, lipan, kiova-apache, arecuna.

Bantu-speaking Africa. Comorians [God sent the Raven to man to hang an immortality necklace around his neck; the Raven asked him to do the same, but God said he had forgotten the magic formulas and could not make a second one; The way the Raven put the necklace on himself, but that lost its power, so that no one inherited immortality; God drove the crow out of his possessions]: Hatubou 2004, No. 25:108-109.

Sudan - East Africa. Tigre [The Bat ("animal with wings") owned camels and stole them from him; he began to explain what remedies should be used to treat camel diseases; the Raven hit him and told him to be silent since he lost camels; Raven didn't want camels to recover, he wanted to eat fallen camels]: Littmann 1910, No. 54:74-75.

North Africa. The Arabs of Egypt (Delta) [Western 1970; at first there are few people, few are born; people decide to ask God for the dead to return in three days; send Kite as a messenger; halfway Crow meets him, offers to continue flying instead, tells God that people want to die irrevocably; since then, the Kite has been attacking crows]: El-Shamy 1980, No. 28:145-146; kabila [ women were smarter than men; God gave the girl two bags of money to the Kabila and two bags of fleas to Arabs and Christians; she confused everything, gave the Kabylam a bag of fleas, and the Arabs with fleas and money, Christians have money; God ordered women to stay at home from then on, and make that girl a crow, give it a black color, and even if dogs and ants do not eat his meat; they hang the patient's head around his neck the crow is only good for it]: Frobenius 1921a, No. 16:87-88; the Berbers Zuahua (Kabylia) [The raven was white; God gave him a parcel of money to give to Muslims and give a parcel of lice to Europeans; because the money was heavier, Raven gave it to the first people he met who turned out to be Europeans; Muslims received lice; God punished the Raven by making him black]: Basset 1887:11; Tunisian Arabs [ The raven was white; God gave him two messages: to attribute wealth to virtuous, to poverty to the unvirtuous; he deliberately replaced them; for this God made him black]: Ayadi 2008, No. 38:57-58.

Australia. Murinbata [The crab changed his shell, showing him how to revive; the Raven said the process was too long, pecked Crab's eyes out, died himself]: Poignant 1967:136.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Vancho [people did not die, but only metamorphosed like a caterpillar; there were so many of them that they began to take all the food from animals and birds; one man snatched the fish from the crane's beak; he cursed him, saying that he would soon die, the man hit the crane on the head, the crane went bald; then the man snatched a piece of meat from the crow's beak; the crow complained that if people remained immortal, everything birds would die; then Tatchak Namlong announced that humans would die]: Elwin 1958a, No. 15:296-297 (=1958b: 329-330).

(Wed. South Asia. Maria (Bison-Horn Maria; {diving is not described, but implied}) [rain flooded the ground; Gajabhimul put brother and sister in the pumpkin, the pumpkin stuck to the rock; Mahapurub sent the crow to look people; a banyan grew out of the rock, the crow sat on him, opened a pumpkin; the children climbed the tree, drank its juice, it ran out, they began to cry; M. sent the crow to calm them down, but she wanted to kill the children so that peck at their corpses, came back and lied that everything was fine; the same with the eagle; with the tiger; then sent a monkey; a hot rock burned her ass, arms and legs, the monkey smeared his charred hands to black face; M. sent a wild boar, ordered it to be smeared in the clay on the turtle's back; the boar shook, clods and splashes of earth formed land; smallpox was sent to brother and sister so that they would not recognize each other; after This is what they got married and had 12 sons and 12 daughters]: Elwin 1949, No. 4:30-31).

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Armenians [(song); a raven came, croaked, rummaged through the trash, received his punishment, croaking, said: - Woe to me, as I am, birds do not accept me, people drive me away, death is cursed mine! When God sent me to Adam's womb to tell him: "Adam, wear out your shroud (arm. "patan") and come out." I was a person like you, mortal, finite. But instead of saying, "Adam, wear out your shroud," I said, "Adam, wear out your tombstone (Arm. "tapan")". Poor Adam is still suffering and trying to wear it out... But the stone is not worn out at all, and it will not wear out unless God helps. For this, God turned me from a man into a crow, into a scavenger - He told me: - If you are cursed forever, you will die croaking, you will not see a grave, you will lay eggs with your throat, I forgive the sin who kills you!] : Nazarene 1878:10; Talyshi: Arakelova 2006 [(TNPS, p.20); Khidr owns living water that he wants to sprinkle people so that they become immortal; a raven entrusted with this mission, trying sprinkle yourself, spills water from its beak onto a boxwood tree, since then it has been evergreen]: 122; Asatryan 2005 [Saint Hizr gave water from a heavenly spring to the Earth's crow, ordered to sprinkle it on people's heads, so that they could find eternal life; the crow took water, flew, sat on a boxwood tree, decided to pour water on its head, but the water poured out on the boxwood, which became evergreen]: 20.

Iran - Central Asia. Persians [in the west, in the eternally dark area of Zulmát near Mount Kaf, there is a spring of living water; the soil around is hot; you can only enter it with the permission of Khawji Khizr; Alexander went there with 40 horsemen; XX. allowed me to pass, explained how not to burn his legs; A. filled the vessel; going out into the bright world, hung it on a branch; Crow flew in, drank water, knocked it over a vessel, liquid spilled onto the tree; the tree became evergreen (p.142: therefore, a cypress or pine tree is considered sacred), the Raven is immortal, and A. did not drink living water; some of A.'s companions picked up in a dark country, stones, they turned out to be gold; others decided to come back and take them too, but XX. did not meet them halfway anymore and they did not find a way]: Donaldson 1938:92; Tajiks (northern Tajikistan, everywhere) [Khudovand gave the Crow water from the Zumzum/Zamzam well in the Mecca area so that he could deliver it to a man and the man would live for a thousand years; the raven croaked, dropped it from his mouth water, drops fell on juniper, since then it has been evergreen, growing for a thousand years]: Rakhimov 2007:79-80.

Volga - Perm. The Bashkirs [The Raven is against destroying death - everyone will multiply endlessly, there will not be enough food and space, and he will not be able to peck the eyes of the dead]: Sagitov 1981:27-28.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Khakas (Sagai) [Kudai created 10 men and 9 women; of all the birds, only the Raven agreed to fly for mo γ u su (eternal water) to revive them; the way back was tempted by carrion, spilled part of the water; became black as punishment, and people lost their immortality]: Dyrenkova 1929:123; the Altaians [Ulgen created human bodies, sent Raven to Where to ask for souls for them; he gave them, the Raven carried them in his beak; flew past the corpse of a camel, a horse, when he saw the corpse of a cow, shouted, Carr, what eyes! Souls fell into the coniferous forests, which became evergreen; at this time Erlik gave the dog guard a warm fur coat, breathed his soul into people's bodies, their bodies came to life]: Anokhin 1924:18; Baikal Buryats (Alar) [The raven drinks eternal black water and is therefore durable; God sent him to take it to man; he sat on a pine tree on the way; the Owl frightened him with a cry, he spilled water; since then the pine is evergreen; from the spring must be taken in the morning before the raven can get drunk; it arrives early and gains immortality]: Potanin 1883, No. 43:210-211; Mongols: Potanin 1881, No. 25c [In ancient times, there was only water: There was no land. One llama descended from the sky and began to interfere with the ocean with his stick... Because of that interference, a ball of earth thickened from the middle of the ocean: further interference hardened the earth into a quadrangle. After that, two swans descended to that land: the llama turned the female's nail into a woman, and the male's leg into a man. In ancient times, there was a llama (the narrator thought it was the one that interfered with the ocean with a stick). He created all animals and birds, including the crow. After drawing beautiful water in a cup, he gave it to the crow and said, "Put a drop of this water on every person's head so that they are immortal." The crow flew and sat in one place on the cedar. Croaking - a precious cup fell out of my mouth, water spilled: three plants grew in that place, eternally green, always fresh, not dying: kosh, cedar, dzergen and artsa, juniper... The crow returned to the llama . He asked her, "Where is the water?" - "Spilled". Then the lama said to the crow: Well, let you have Hara-kire (Black Crow) for this name: You will have no other food but the eyes of dead people]: 166-167; 1883, No. 43c [Burkhyn-Bakshi gave the Raven his drink of immortality, arashan, ordered him to pour it on the man's head; she sat on a spruce tree, waited for a man; Owl frightened her with a scream, she spilled arashan; since then, the spruce has been evergreen]: 210; Mongols (Ordos) ["Ordos Ardyn Ulger". Hohhot, 1992:287; Burhan Bagsh sent a crow to bring people the nectar of immortality and health; he saw a mouse dying, lowered it, spilled nectar on the caragan bush; for this, BB told him to sit on even in the cold high place and hunt for mice; sent a hare to tell people to eat once a day and wash their face three times; the hare forgot everything and came back; BB threw a whip at him, his tail fell off, became small and The tail is a black spot; BB told him to be prey for everyone, including crows; sent a bull; he confused him, told him to wash once a day and eat three times; BB told him to work for people]: Yegupova 2012:25-27.

Eastern Siberia. Baikal Evenks (Olekminsky, Tungir) [God (khovoks) worked on the upper land, his elder brother Satan worked on the lower earth, and both on the middle earth; God made duck, swan, wolverine, fox, Satan - Loon, woodpecker, bear, wolf; God forbid people to eat everything Satan did; made a man and a woman, left the Raven to protect them; Satan bribed the Raven with the contents of his stomach, he allowed him to see people; God punished the Raven by telling him to eat rot and droppings]: Vasilevich 1936, No. 30:29-39.

Japan. Japanese (Tohoku, Fukushima Prefecture; 2 entries) [Buddha Shakyamuni sent a crow to deliver the medicine for immortality to man; while resting on a tree, the crow croaked and the medicine spilled on the tree root . That's why trees live for a thousand years and people die early. When people die, crows croak and apologize]: Naono Fukasawa 2015; Amami Islands [Journey and Tradition Magazine 6-5, 1933, article by Shomu Nobori; In ancient times, humans were immortal because everyone On January 1, the Chinchin bird (probably a mountain wagtail), a messenger of God, brought the water of youth; people washed their faces with it and rejuvenated themselves; one day a bird was resting in a tree, and a crow attacked it and I wanted to eat; the bird flew away and at that moment spilled water on the tree. People have been dying since then and this tree rejuvenates every year (sheds its bark)]: Naono Fukasawa 2015.

The Arctic. Nuniwak Island: Himmelsheber 1951:31-35 [The raven picked up a lump of land, fixed it on poles; the supports broke, the lump swam, and joined a piece of ice in winter to form Nuniwak Island; Mink built a mountain so that old people would get younger when riding in it; Raven, Then there will not be enough food, there are too many people; Mink, Let the snowdrifts be bacon; Raven, No, then they will get rich and bad hunters] in Meletinsky 1979:99-100; Lantis 1946, No. 26 [Norka wants people to roll down the mountain and get younger; Raven buries a crab, arranges a grave, says people should die]: 297; Ostermann 1952 [1) The raven sees a dead crab, brings it to Fr. Nunivak; Let people die too, otherwise Nunivak will overflow; shows how to bear the dead and cry for him; 2) Norka wants people to roll down the mountain and start living again; The raven wants for them to die]: 260-261, 278-279.

Subarctic. The raven hides animals to starve people and feed on their corpses. Kuchin [The raven always warns the Caribou when hunters are approaching; people starve, the old man and his wife are left; the old man pretends to die; the raven comes down to peck at his eyes, the old man catches kills him, plucks him, burns him]: McKennan 1965:98; Tagish [Yéil tells all animals not to fall into traps; wants to starve people to eat their corpses; warns animals about the approach of hunters, and eats dead people; deflects hunters' arrows from the target; one hunter hid in the snow from the Raven, shot the caribou unnoticed; asks his two wives to leave him like he's dead; the raven comes down to peck his eyes, the man grabs him, breaks his wings, burns him in hot coals]: McClelland 2007, № 73g: 366-368; helmet [two Crows drive animals away; people starve to death, Ravens peck their eyes out; Beaver pretends to be dead, grabs Ravens, burns alive; kills caribou for his wives]: Teit 1917a, No. 1:441; taltan [The Raven decides that humans must die, one generation to be replaced by another]: Teit 1919, No. 1.8:207.

The coast is the Plateau. Thompson [The Raven wants a long winter, wants people to die, otherwise the world will overflow; The Raven, the Crow, the Fly, the Larva decide to die because they want to eat corpses; the Coyote wants death was like a dream; Raven's daughter dies first; he suggests that Coyote change his mind, he says it's too late]: Teit 1917b, No. 1:1; lillouette [man: Let people die; his son dies, but the chief refuses to change his mind]: Teit 1912b, No. 43a [chief - Raven], 43b [the man whose son died is Raven]: 356; coutene [chief: humans have two lives; Raven: only one (he wants to peck out dead eyes); people kill Raven's son and daughter; now he wants people two lives; the chief refuses]: Boas 1918, No. 65:213; Sanpual: Gould in Boas 1917 [a man kills and buries his son; the man's daughter hides in the same cave where her brother is buried; the Fox, the Hawk, the Eagle try in vain to bring her back; the Vulture's daughter dies, who asks the chief to revive her; he is told that once before he demanded that people do not revive, his daughter also died forever]: 486; Ray 1933, No. 2 [the leader's son dies; the Raven refuses to make him reborn; the chief witches to kill the Raven's daughter; now he would like the dead to be reborn, but the chief refuses to change his mind], 3 [the chief's daughter is menstruating; her brother comes to her, they fall in love; the mother notices paint on her son's face, which she inflicted on her daughter's body the day before; father and mother are watching, father kills son with a bone in his heart; he is buried; parents tell their youngest daughter, who carries older food, not to talk about death brother; sister makes her tell; runs to her brother's grave; father sends Fox, Coyote, Wolf to intercept, but she manages to jump into the grave in her brother's arms (that is, obviously, into the world of the dead); the chief says that he would like his children to come back to life; the Raven and the Eagle object, the chief agrees; soon one of the four daughters of the Raven and one of the four sons of the Eagle die; the chief himself caused their death, he was a shaman; fathers would like to revive them, but the chief refuses; hence witchcraft to harm them]: 132-133, 133-135; quinalt [Eagle's son dies; Raven says he should not reborn; imitating the Eagle, the Raven uses his daughter as fish bait; the girl is drowning, the Raven would like to revive her, but the Eagle refuses to change his mind]: Farrand 1902, No. 7:111; quileut: Andrade 1931, No. 6 [The eagle wants the dead to be reborn; The Raven: Then the Earth will overflow; the Eagle tells the Raven that his own son serves as his fish bait; the Raven uses his son as the bait is drowning; now the Raven wants the dead to be reborn, the Eagle refuses to change his mind], 7 [as in (6), but Drake instead of the Eagle], 33 [as in (6), but the Eagle's son dies first]: 21-27, 99-101; Reagan, Walters 1933 [as in Andrade (6)]: 302-303; skagit [of three tricksters (Raven, Nork, Coyote) Raven is in charge; wanted death; his daughter dies, Raven wants to change his mind, but late; people say Coyote myths came to them from the Plateau]: McCormick Collins 1974:212; lower chehalis (hamptulip) [Raven and White-tailed Eagle brothers, both have sons; Raven: The dead should not reborn; The eagle tells how he catches herring: he lowers his son in the basket to the bottom and pulls it out when he stops pulling the rope; The raven believes and drowns his son; Eagle: the dead should not be reborn; five times the Raven digs the ground trying to get to his son; he cries, the snot flows, turns into white moss in the trees; so people do not revive, and there are disagreements among members of the same family]: Adamson 1934, No. 5: 305-306; quinolt [Eagle's son dies; Raven says he should not be reborn; in imitation of the Eagle, the Raven uses his daughter as fish bait; the girl is drowning, the Raven would like to revive her, but the Eagle refuses to change his mind]: Farrand 1902, No. 7:111; Quileout: Andrade 1931, No. 6 [The Eagle wants the dead to be reborn; The Raven: Then the Earth will overflow; the Eagle tells the Raven that his own son serves as fish bait for him; the Raven uses his son as bait, he drowns; now the Raven wants the dead to be reborn, the Eagle refuses to change his mind], 7 [as in (6), but Drake instead of Eagle], 33 [as in (6), but Eagle's son dies first]: 21-27, 99-101; Reagan, Walters 1933:301 [Eagle's son dies; he does not cover his body with earth so that the boy can be reborn; the Raven buries body; says otherwise the earth will overflow], 302-303 [as in Andrade (6)].

Plains. Kiowa-Apache [the world is dark; the stone monster Nistcra plays against herbivorous animal people; you have to guess who has sticks; Coyote keeps track of the score, always supports the winner; N. loses, Coyote helps throw him off a cliff; he breaks, turns into grindstones; Cuckoo = Plantain (Geococcys, Road Runner) raises its wings, dawn begins; birds choose which one they are better; they reject the Raven, choose the Eagle; the Coyote throws a wood core into the water, it pops up; so life will be eternal; the furious Raven throws a stone, he drowns - death becomes final]: McAllister 1949, No. 2:20-22.

The Great Southwest. Jicarilla: Goddard 1911, No. 2 [The raven throws a stick and a rock into the river; if both emerge, life will be eternal; the stone sinks]: 194; Opler 1938 [Coyote threw a stick to remove hair from his skin. said that if it drowned, people would die; the stick came up; but there were too many people; the Vulture (Buzzard) threw a rock, said people would die if it went down; the stone carried to the shore; then The raven threw the grain grater and chimes, they drowned; since then people hate the Raven and the Vulture; they smell carrion from a distance, even their shadow is deadly], 268 [the dead have returned after four days; the Raven and The vulture decides to find out if people will die for good; the Vulture throws a stick with a scraper to remove hair from the skin, it pops up; the raven throws the grater, it sinks, now people are mortal]: 45-46 ; Russel 1898 [The raven puts a log in the water; if it swam, the dead would come back in four days; the log sinks]: 258; lipan: Opler 1940, No. 2a [people want the dead in four days came to life; Raven: Let them die forever; I'll throw a stone, if it pops up, they'll live forever; the stone sinks; the Raven's son dies; the Raven wants to change his mind, people refuse], 2b [animal people discussing how to live; Raven, chairman, proves that you should die forever, that you should sew clothes and moccasins, not just touch them; his son dies; people refuse to change their minds] : 39-40.

Guiana. Arecuna [Kalapijéima tries to catch a frog sitting on a tall tree; she drags him to an island in the sea; leaves it under a tree where vultures nest; they stain it with theirs excrement; cold; K. asks the Morning Star to give him fire to take him to heaven; he refuses, because when K. dried manioc cakes in the sun, he dedicated the offering not to him, but to the Sun; the same the Month episode; The Sun takes K. into his boat, tells his daughters to wash it, cut it; when he wears a feather crown, a silver hat and ear jewelry made from the elytra of the beetles, it gets hot; gives K. his daughter, tells her not to cheat on her; K. leaves the house of the Sun, falls in love with the daughter of the Vultures; in the morning he becomes old and ugly; if he stayed with the daughter of the Sun, he would be forever beautiful and young; now people youth and beauty are short-lived]: Koch-Grünberg 1924, No. 13:51-53.