Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

H36g1. The Ox distorts the message. .

When a bull (ox, cow) was told to give people certain instructions, he confused them or deliberately distorted them.

Malgashi, Sherdukpen, Khasi, Mru, Gujarati, Bondo, Sora, Parenga, Telugu, Chinese (Shaanxi, Zhejiang, Guangdong, Sichuan), (Liaoning Chinese), Ordos Mongols.

Sudan - East Africa. Malgashi (bar) [all the animals gathered and asked God to give them the elixir of immortality; God told them to wait for him, leaving the bull to keep order; but the crowd parted; then the bull ate himself elixir; the snake told God about this and he punished the bull; God told those who are sick to eat beef; when ill, bulls are sacrificed, because they hope that it contains that elixir]: Haring 1982, No. 1.5.65-66:176-177.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Sherdukpen [Ama Dakhinu answered the whistle of the Tiu-Gamosu-Sempa monkey, became pregnant, gave birth to various animals; sent an ox to Brahma for instructions; he returned saying that he should swim three times a day, eat once a day; for this mistake he was told to live with and work for people]: Pandey 1999:129-130; khasi [a heavenly deity sent an ox to people to give information that will make life pleasant and easy (live long, be wise, cook as much rice as is enough for each meal); on a hot day, the crow began to peck on the back of the ox of insects and he thanked told her all about his mission; the crow decided that if the ox gave everything he told her, there would be no leftovers for the crows to eat; so she persuaded the ox to tell people to cook a lot every time rice and donate rice to the gods during funeral rituals, so that the birds also get it; when the ox returned and confessed to not fulfilling the order, God hit him in the face, knocking out his front teeth; hit him in the side, so that there was a dent behind the ribs; drove him away, telling him to look for food himself; the ox nailed to people as their worker, and can never get enough]: Rafy 1920, No. 30:134-136; mru [having created the world, the creator sends the bull to give people important instructions; when he comes to the Bengalis, the bull gives them a book and tells them to weed and harvest three times a year; when the bull came to Mrs., he became thirsty, he he leaned down for a drink and swallowed the book; confused the instruction and ordered him to weed three times, but to harvest only one crop; for this, the creator hit the bull in the face, since then he has no front teeth; but the creator ordered tying the bull to a pole, dancing around, and then killing the bull; in remembering what happened, the bull's severed tongue must be nailed to the top of the pole; the swallowed book is still inside the bull, this is his book (ruminants' forestomach, Blättermagen)]: Oppitz 2008:13-14.

South Asia. Gujarati (recorded in Bombay; the informant is from Junagad County, Saurashtra) [Shiva sent his riding bull Nandi to tell people that they should eat once a day and swim three times; on the way, he repeated what he had said to him, but confused him: eating three times, swimming once a day; when they learned Shiva's will, the people began to follow the instructions, but they no longer had enough food; they went back to Shiva; he punished the bull by sending him to people and telling him to work for them]: Talking Myths Project; bondo [Mahaprabhu sent Ox to tell people to eat once a day; a partridge fluttered in front of the ox, he forgot the instruction, told them to eat twice a day; people said they did; for this, M. told the ox to plow the land, otherwise there would not be enough food]: Elwin 1950:143; 1954, No. 39:359-360; boy [ Mahaprabhu sent a group of gods to tell people how to live; Sinadai (her husband Ispur) followed a cow to eavesdrop; heard the gods telling them to swim once a day, eat once a week; the cow was confused, told me to wash once a week, eat three times a day; for this, M. told the cow to serve a person, otherwise there would not be enough food]: Elwin 1954, No. 45:363-364; sora (Hill Saora) [people only had hoes; Sima Rani sent an ox to tell people to make plows, harness two women each; you have to work twice, eat once, and then people ate three or four times a day; a partridge fluttered out in front of the ox, he was scared I confused it, told people to go out to work once on hot and rainy days, twice on cool days, but always eat three times a day; for this, Sima ordered oxen to be harnessed, not women]: Elwin 1954, No. 13 : 614; Telugu: Raghaviah 1962 (yanadi) [Mr. Parama Siva sent his riding bull Maha Nandi to tell people they should eat once a week and grease their heads with castor oil three times a day; the bull confused it and said the opposite; for this, the PS told the bull to work, dragging the plow to plow]: 377-378; Venkataswami 1923, No. 74-76 [God sent the dog to find out which part of the world is ready; the dog found out that half, but did not come back; then God sent a rooster; he also did not return, but shouted that "the dog is not coming back"; then the second half of the world was also ready and dawn came; then God sent an elephant to find out why the dog and rooster did not return; he liked it on earth, he did not return either, and did not expect a person who was much smaller than him would command them; then God sent a bull instructing people to bathe three times a day and eat once a week; he confused it and said that they should wash themselves once a week, and eat three times a day]: 142-143.

China - Korea. Chinese: Eberhard 1937, No. 77 (Zhejiang) [God sent a messenger to tell people to eat every three days; he said they should eat three times a day; as punishment, God made him a bull, sent him to earth]: 120; 1965, No. 3 (Guangdong) [compassionate with people, the Heavenly Emperor sent Ox (i.e. the Oxen Star) to tell them to eat once every three days; the Ox told them to eat three times a day; for this Heavenly The emperor sent Ox to earth to help people do their work]: 4; Chinese (Sichuan, Wu. Wanxian) [When Pangu separated heaven from earth, the cow could speak and was a powerful heavenly spirit. At that time, grass did not grow on the ground, and people sent their descending spirit to the Cow to ask the Jade Lord for grass seeds. The jade lord gave him seeds and ordered him to sow them one at a time every three steps, and bury the rest in the mound. But when he returned to people, the spirit confused everything and began to sow them three at a time. The following year, all the land was covered with grass, and people were afraid that it would prevent them from growing grain. Upon learning of this, the Jade Lord sent the Cow to the ground to help people plow fields and eat grass. Since then, the Cow has been helping people weed and plow fields and no longer speaks. When he fell to the ground, he hit and lost his upper teeth, so only his lower teeth are left, so he does not chew the grass thoroughly, first eats it, and then, in his spare time, chews slowly]: Zhou Yang et al. 1998b, No. 20a: 40-41; Chinese (Shaanxi, W. Wuzu) [people were ruled by the Jade Emperor (NI). He lived in luxury, but allowed people to eat liquid porridge once a day, and ordered the excess grain to be transferred to the Heavenly Palace. The god Niulian (Bull's Face), who guarded the Southern Gate of Heaven, knew about this and was indignant in his heart. Somehow people had nothing to eat during the drought. The NI sent N. to issue the command: eat once every three days, take the rest of the grain to the heavenly barn. N. felt sorry for people and instead of "eating every three days" said "eat three times a day", and instead of "taking the rest of the grain to the heavenly barn" said "store the rest of the grain at home". Nor noticed that grain was not coming to his barns, sent evil deities to figure out what was going on. Having learned how N. changed his command, NI became angry, knocked out N.'s upper teeth with a kick, and exiled people to the world. Before leaving, N. asked NI what to sleep on, what to hide on, and what to eat in the human world, and he ordered him to sleep on felt, cover himself with a blanket, and eat grass. When he came to people, N. saw that they had no bedding or blankets, so he gave them his own, and began to sleep on bare ground. He had no upper teeth left, and every time he lay down on the ground, he gave a long sigh, expressing anger at NI. The same man, having exiled N., still regretted him and ordered people to give the bull a hearty lunch every year on New Year's Eve at noon - what is popularly called "hit a thousand times, scolded ten thousand times once, but on New Year's Eve, I gave food at noon." People follow this custom and give rice and white steamed cakes to the bull on this day]: Zhou Yang et al. 1996, No. 12:14-15; (cf. Chinese (Liaoning, Kharachin-Zooi-Mongolian Autonomous University; Western 1984; illiterate peasant woman, 57 years old, village Panlonggou, city Niangniangmiao, wu. Jianchang) [In ancient times, people had a tail at birth, and it dried up three years before death. Parents, fearing that people would know about the child's life span, began to pull out their tails at birth. A man died, everyone gathered and began to cry. Hearing crying, the Jade Emperor ordered the donkey to go down to earth to find out what was going on. Then he gave the donkey (paper) with an inscription on longevity to give it to people, but the donkey hung the paper on the cypress tree. A few days later, the Jade Emperor heard sobs again, everything happened again, and the donkey hung the paper on the pine tree. Since then, pine and cypress trees have been evergreen all year round, and people have been dying as before. The jade emperor became angry and exiled the donkey to earth, allowing him to return to heaven 100 days later. On the last day, the young daughter-in-law was about to cross the river, and the turtle advised her to sit on a donkey. The donkey was stained with menstrual blood and could not return to heaven. He has become an enemy of the turtle and every time he needs to cross the river, he stops in the middle of the river and relieves himself to annoy the turtle with the smell of urine]: Liaoning 1994:306).

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. The Mongols (Ordos) ["Ordos Ardyn Ulger". Hohhot, 1992:287; Burhan Bagsh sent a crow to bring people the nectar of immortality and health; he saw a mouse dying, lowered it, spilled nectar on the caragan bush; for this, BB told him to sit on even in the cold high place and hunt for mice; sent a hare to tell people to eat once a day and wash their face three times; the hare forgot everything and came back; BB threw a whip at him, his tail fell off, became small and The tail is a black spot; BB told him to be prey for everyone, including crows; sent a bull; he confused him, told him to wash once a day and eat three times; BB told him to work for people]: Yegupova 2012:25-27.