H36H. Failed jump (frog and death) .
Creatures, including a frog or a toad, must get over the barrier. This doesn't happen as intended and causes people to become mortal.
Kono, Zande, Manja, Mangbetu, Pygmies Efe, Gudinaf Island, East Timor.
West Africa. Kono (Guinea) [The Man and the Snake went to the river; there the Frog and the Toad both wanted to move Man to the other side; the Toad persuaded the man to sit on it, fell into the river, the man drowned; the Frog safely jumped across the river with the Snake; so a person dies, and the snake changes its skin and respawns]: Holas 1975:127.
Sudan-East Africa. Manja [when Fi ("death") first saw the man, he was frightened; dug a hole, invited the Frog and the Toad to jump over; the Frog wanted to be the first, but the Toad insisted that she be the first to fall into the hole, F. He buried it, said that now people would die too; if the Frog jumped and jumped a hole, people would not die]: Abrahamsson 1951:8-9; mangbet [God dug a grave, offered to the Frog and Toad jump over with him on his back; they argued who to jump, the Frog gave in; the Toad fell into the grave; so people are mortal and are buried; if the Frog jumped, we would not have gone to the grave]: Abrahamsson 1951:15; zande: Abrahamsson 1951 [the old man saw the corpse of a man and the Month on it; asked the animals who would carry them across the river; the long-legged Turtle carried the Month, and the short-legged one, taking the man, drowned; so the Month is reviving and people are dying for good]: 15 (=Baumann 1936:279); Scheub 2000 [the corpses of Man and the Month were lying near the grave; they decided that the Frog and Toad should jump over the grave, carrying the corpses, they will come to life; the Frog jumped with the Month, he came to life, the Toad dropped a man into the grave; therefore man is mortal and the moon is reborn]: 145; pygmies efe: Schebesta [when people are old, God went down to rejuvenate them; asked the Frog to turn the old woman's body over; but the Toad volunteered; you had to jump over the grave, the Toad fell into it, people began to die forever] in Abrahamsson 1951:15; Schebesta , S. 25 [Muri-Muri gave the Toad a vessel of death, told him not to break; she gave it to the Frog at her request; the Frog went to jump with him, smashed it, death broke into the world] in Abrahamsson 1952:15, 43, in Millroth 1965:201 -222.
Melanesia. Goodinaf Island [The Frog and the Shrimp reached the ravine, the Shrimp invited the Frog to jump first, she refused, the Shrimp jumped; the Frog jumped, caught its foot on the bush, fell into the stream, began to sink; the Shrimp told her that because of her refusal to jump first, everyone would now be mortal; went, announcing that the Frog was to blame for death]: Janness, Ballantyne 1928, No. 2:51 (= Anell 1989:24).
Malaysia-Indonesia. East Timor [Frog, People will die like me; Snake, People will be immortal like me, will shed their skin; decided that the wish of the first to get to on the opposite bank of the stream; the frog jumped first; if the Serpent were the first, people would not die]: Anonimo 1955a: 38.