Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

H36J. A skylark betrays a person. .31.38.48.


lark is to blame for the fact that a person is mortal.

Lithuanians, Okinawa, Pomo, Nisenan, Maidu, mountain (or lowland) mivok.

Baltoscandia. Lithuanians [the swallow asks God to have more people: there would be more roofs for her; the lark wants people to die: there will be more neglected land for its nests]: Kerbelite 2001, No. 113.

Japan. Okinawa [13 records; the Moon and Sun sent a lark to bring people living water, but the lark threw water on the way and began to peck for strawberries. Meanwhile, the snake drenched in live water, began to change its skin and live forever. They poured the leftovers of water that the Skylark brought to people onto their nails, which began to grow back. The lark reported this to the Moon and the Sun, they tied him with a rope, making his body smaller and his legs thinner]: Naono Fukasawa 2015 (Tsukan, No. 487).

California. Pomo: Angulo, Freeland 1928 (Southeast Pomo) [Coyote: Let the dead come to life on the fourth day; Skylark: let them die; Lark's son is bitten by a snake launched by a Coyote; now Lark wants the dead to be resurrected, but Coyote refuses to change his mind]: 241; Barrett 1933, No. 63/III [after four days, the dead are reborn; Coyote agrees, the Skylark says they smell bad and that the earth will overflow]: 91-92, 249-250; (cf. Williams 1954 [The Coyote made his men out of canes, the Wolf made his own, they came to play ball with the Coyote's men; the Wolf ambushed the Bear; when Moonhawk rushed for the ball, she bit him. he died; the bear kept her mouth closed, but when she laughed, Coyote saw meat on her teeth; ambushed two rattlesnakes, two Wolf's people died; Coyote mixed the ashes of LA's burnt body, mixed it with water and pine juice, revived it, brought it into the house; the Lark said he smelled burnt; when he heard this, LA ran away so that others would not understand that he was the spirit of the deceased; Coyote created a geyser with its water washed the coals off the body LA]: 65-67); nisenan [the chief wants the dead to be reborn; The lark objects, because the dead have a bad smell, the Coyote agrees with him; the leader turns the branch into a snake, it Coyote's daughter bites; Coyote wants her to come back to life in four days, but the chief says the decision on human mortality is final]: Merriam 1993:55 to 56; mountain mivok: Kroeber 1907a, No. 9 [for the first time a person dies, the corpse smells bad; the Coyote wants to revive it; the Skylark objects because there would be too many people]: 203; Merriam 1993 (lower reaches of Sacramento; {means lowland mivok?}) [Falcon's wife The Grey Goose is in love with the Bald Eagle; she has two sons, a boy and a baby; the Falcon kills her; the son carries his brother to the house where the dead mother comes to breastfeed him every day; Falcon grabs it, asks her to stay; Lark says he smells dead; therefore, the dead do not respawn; bird people turn into birds]: 127-132; Maidu [Hee-kaht wants people reborn; Skylark objects, Coyote agrees with Lark; Coyote's baby is bitten by a rattlesnake, dies; because the decision is made, he can no longer be revived]: Merriam in Boas 1917:487.